出国留学申请个人陈述书写步骤二、Reflection (反思)
出国留学个人陈述书写步骤三、Positioning (定位)
出国留学申请个人陈述书写步骤四、Choosing a theme(确立文章的主题)
象文学作品写作一样,个人陈述(PS)写作的主题应该准确鲜明,切忌主题不清,东一榔头西一棒子的瞎侃。这样的结果只会让读者如坠雾中,不知所云。目前我国许多准备出国留学生活的申请者的写作常常是没有主题。正如前面所说,他们误以为写自述都应该遵照一个套路。即第一段是写自己的学习情况,第二段是写自己的课外生活,第三段则写自己如何要为建设祖国奋斗云云,几个部分之间没有一个有机的联系。很多申请者把各个部分都用黑体字,大标题分开。这些标题也通常是那种令人苦笑不得的豪言壮语,而且千篇一律。常见的有To rise where you have fallen (在哪跌倒就在哪爬起来),Believe in yourself。You can do it。(相信自己,申请者能做到)。
Law Personal Statement I wish to pursue a career in the legal profession because the Law holds a particular fascination for me and I consider it to have an elite professional standing. My interest in the law has been long-standing, and I am particularly interested in the fairness and justice involved within a society. I have a hard-working attitude, together with a desire to succeed, that would serve me well to successfully complete a course in Law Law has many facets, and it is the variety of topics offered in the course that make the study of Law exceptionally attractive. I also find the history of the legal system interesting because of the way it has influenced and is being experienced by modern society. Recently I sat in the public galleries at Luton and St. Alban&aposs Crown Courts to watch and gain knowledge of the way in which the legal process works This I found intriguing and exciting to witness. I am in the process of arranging to &aposshadow&apos a Barrister in the summer of next year I chose to study Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A Level because of my interest in science. I feel these subjects will enhance my interest and learning ability in Law by encouraging me to think logically, analytically and with reason. Through chemistry I have become practised in evaluating evidence and drawing conclusions; physics and maths have developed my problem solving abilities In June 2000 my work experience placement was at Rothamsted Experimental Station. I regularly read &aposChemistry Review&apos magazine and have taken part in various Physics seminars (including a &aposWomen into Science and Engineering&apos course at Imperial College, London - July 2002) as independent studying skills. Despite my participation in these science courses which I enjoyed, my desire to study Law is not diminished in any way I am currently working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Silver award, taking part in a Young Enterprise company as Finance Director, to learn about the importance of teamwork as well as accountancy skills A further part entailed helping GCSE students learn German (I took part in a student exchange to Germany); I developed my skills in recognising and addressing other peoples needs which I found a very rewarding task. I believe that these skills are particularly useful in the practising of Law. In July/August 2003 I am going on a World Challenge expedition to Mongolia, exploring the country and doing charity work. I hope to gain insight into another culture and way of life, using it especially as a self-building activity. To finance this I am working in the Health Records Department at my local hospital The work involves patient confidentiality and enables me to meet and work with people of all ages and race, thus helping me to develop good interpersonal and communication skills; all of which are essential for the study of Law. One of the many social activities I enjoy is singing in the Gospel Choir at school, regularly participating in school concerts. I have an interest in sport, I go to yoga classes, swim regularly and play tennis with friends. I especially enjoy going to the theatre and reading books At AS Level I gained a grade C in Chemistry (being two marks off a grade B) which does not reflect my true ability and willingness to do well in the subject. Therefore I will retake one module if my application for remarking is unsuccessful I have given a lot of consideration in choosing a degree course. I am looking forward to the challenge and stimulation of university life and the career benefits that a good degree in Law would bring.
个人陈述样本一: 个人陈述 申请人:********* 申请学校及专业:************* 尊敬的学校领导,您好,我很高兴能写这样一篇文章向您描述我的个人背景,以及对贵校和想学专业的一些见解。
我了解到,Polimoda时尚学院是全世界最为著名的时尚专业院校之一,有着优厚的师资力量,是国际时尚奢侈品业备受推崇的专业院校,坐落在国际时尚创意设计与奢侈品管理教育之都、世界历史文化名城意大利佛罗伦萨 ,在实习和就业方面都有着巨大的优势,如果能在这样一所优秀的学校学习,会是我一生都为之自豪的事情。
我认为,一个好的时尚买手,需要非常高的时尚敏感度,眼光要非常好,具有优秀的判断力和服装品位,必须是既理性又具有创造力,熟知服装的面料、流行,服装的设计要点、加工工艺及流程、周期 ,了解消费者以及市场,同时对报表、财务也非常熟知,懂得如何平衡成本和预算。
我不是因为向往国外的生活而留学,而是因为去文化底蕴丰厚的意大利求学是我一直以来的梦想,希望Polimoda能够给我这次机会,让我去贵校学习专业的知识,接受文化的熏陶,我一定会努力学习! 个人陈述样本二: 个人陈述调查表 姓名:**** 毕业(在读)院校:郑州轻工业学院轻工职业学院 专业:电脑艺术设计 【为什么选择马兰欧尼学院?】 意大利是一个拥有美丽的自然风光和为数众多人类文化遗产的地中海美丽的国家。
【学校为什么选择我?】 从小我就很喜欢画画,在小学时参加学校的各种画画比赛,小时候也有受到妈妈的影响,经常见到妈妈踩着缝纫机制作衣服的情景,那一件一件精美的衣服穿在自己的身上是无比的欢喜,想着在我们这里也就只有我妈妈有这样的手艺。
我希望通过在马兰欧尼学院的 学习是自己的能力有所提高,并把自己所学到的知识传播给更多的人,是他们对马兰欧尼学院有更多的认识,也使他们对意大利文化有更深入的了解。
【我具备什么?】---此部分偏重于专业技术方面 我从小学习美术,有扎实的美术功底。
【我的人生规划是什么?】--在马兰欧尼学院就读,你对哪方面的学术内容有特别的兴趣?学习目标是什么?毕业后要如何发展自己的事业? 通过这些都为我的专业知识储备了大量的信息以及资源。
美国留学个人陈述英文范文--艺术设计 “Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one” Stella Adler. Where the line of normalcy is shaped differently in the eyes of artists, as everything is relative, there exists the freedom that only artists can create – the space, colour and texture on which that line of normalcy lies, in order to make it one at all. To extent my egomania is an honest tool of my style, it is in need of elaboration and solidifying within the disciplines and professionalisms in studying art at college. As an AS Psychology student, I learnt that the perception of stress is relative “ where I find the paranoia of my reality stressful, it is much of my escape that I share with many others to spend time doing Art & Design (currently at A2) in free-periods and after school to produce more research, drawings, developed experiments and final pieces, from my C at GCSE to an A for AS. I am also predicted an A for A2. This drive came from a particular experience, which I'd rather not speak of. More relevantly, I am experienced in etching and print-press, collagraph, photography, life sketches, multi-media and Photoshop. I have used a range of materials in previous artworks: works on canvas, and acrylic, installations, multi-media works and film editing, of which I am able to use iMovie and Cyberlink Power Director and have competent use of, as I take a personal interest in film-making. I have also voluntarily produced and edited advertisement films for 2 competing business studies classes where I was able to help creatively and equally, providing that it was their own equipment and concept. In studying English (Lit./Lang.) the analytical aspects have helped aquired the appropriate information behind concept. As an aspiring poet, I have contributed poems of my own to the school's English Literature Magazine (of students works) and have written for the 6th Form monthly Newsletter, 'Rant N Rave, for which I have written poetry and articles. I have also dispersed these creative energies in Music Technology. At the Dubai 92.0 FM Radio Station, I was able to take a glimpse into the radio industry, as well as accompany the radio-jockey 'Catboy' on air. As there were 2 other students, we organized play lists; part of the job was to understand the business aspect of airtime. In May 07, I was given the opportunity to work-shadow a General Planning Manager, involving the planning of layouts and structures of building shopping malls for Majid Al Futtaim, Dubai. This helped me realize the importance of relation between physical demands of construction and planning. I have obtained certificates and commendation letters, project certificates, best advertisement for Shakespeare's 12 Night Play (playing one of the main characters roles as 'Maria'), intermediate snowboarding, skiing, and have achieved the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze. As I have lived in and travelled countries from Malaysia to Switzerland, France to Saudi Arabia, I have more cause to find a universal message that not only makes us appreciate diversity, but unifies us as human beings. From a Marxist perspective, I deliberately refuse to accept the pyramid of our society. This is simply one constant idea and philosophy that even disturbs my sleep. Fully aware of the competition that goes on in the media industry, with my competitive and somewhat cynical characteristic; I am able to critically self-evaluate which forces me to better myself constantly improving my skills and techniques, adhering to the business aspects as well. Taking first year studies or foundation art would help me explore more skill which I am capable in a more professional and disciplined manner as well as improve specified research work. My aspirations are based on my persistency, enabling me to work adaptively in the art business. I may work towards the Visual Communication, Painting, Intermedia art or Illustration, not sufficed to say the least, and followed entry into Second Year Studies to define my Specialism.
嘿~我已经写好寄出去了~着重你的优点写,多写写你参加过什么课外活动啊,得过奖啥,还可以写你的家庭环境或者是什么什么人对你的影响,为什么选择这个专业,为什么选这个学校.另外:不要引用名人名言 !~!!!不要强调自己专业的重要 !!!!!不要介绍自己的生辰八字和诞生地 !!!!不要强调自己的聪明和勤奋!!!!要回顾自己的整个人生经历或者学习生涯,比如从小学、高中直到现在),自己有哪些与众不同之处。
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