程序流程图 1. 程序流程图的作用程序流程图是人们对解决问题的方法、思路或算法的一种描述。
2. 流程图采用的符号 (1)起始框 (2)终止框 (3)执行框 (4)判别框 例如: 详细资料 http://www.ahzk.net/wlzx/%BA%CF%B9%A4%B4%F3/%BB%E3%B1%E0%D3%EF%D1%D4%B3%CC%D0%F2%C9%E8%BC%C6/huibian/chapter42.htm
流程图 1.首段常用句子 The following diagraph shows the structure of…… The picture illustrates…… The whole procedure can be divided into…stages. It mainly consists of…… It works as follows. It always involves following steps. 2.描述流程/过程的常用过渡性词语 题目 1:玻璃的回收流程【单图】 范文 1: This diagram illustrates the recycling process of glass bottles. The whole process is a cycle which can be divided into three main stages. In the first stage, used bottles are collected at a recycling point ready to be transported by a truck. The second stage starts in a cleaning plant, where these recycled bottles are sorted by color into green, brown and clear ones and washed by high-pressurized water. When the cleaning is done, the bottles are conveyed to a glass factory where they are cut into glass pieces which are then poured into a furnace. After being heated in the furnace, the broken glasses are melted into liquid, which flows into a glass mold. Here glass liquid from other sources is added and the molding process takes place. In the final stage, new, empty bottles are filled with liquid, then packed and dispatched to the supermarket ready to be picked by consumers. At this point, a cycle has been completed and a new cycle will begin.
1. 图中器具类(crusher, mixer, rotating heater, grinder, bags)都是可数名词。
0) I like apple.(误,可数名词不能单独出现)1) I like the apple.(正,the apple指苹果这一类事物)2) I like apples.(正)3) I like the apples.(正)4) I like an apple.(正)2. 图中材料类(limestone, clay, power, cement, water, sand, gravel)都是不可数名词(加了-s都是错的)。
crusher-->crushmixer-->mixheater-->heatgrinder-->grind(都是名词变成动词;没有这些动词,作文无法写)时态通常情况下,流程图都是用一般现在时来写(注意be动词应该用is还是are,注意实意动词是否应该加-s)范文:The first flow chat shows how cement is produced and what materials and equipment are required in the process.The production of cement can be divided into 4 steps and limestone and clay are the raw materials required. They are first crushed into powder by two crushers. The powder is mixed in a mixer before being heated in a cylindrical rotating heater. What comes out of the heater is then ground into the desired cement, which is later packaged in individual bags.The second chart illustrates that cement can be used to produce concrete and that the concrete-producing process is much simpler than that of cement alone. The procedure consists only of combining cement, sand, gravel and water in a concrete mixer, and the proportions of each ingredient need to be 15%, 25%, 50% and 10% respectively.Even though concrete is an essential ingredient in the production of cement, concrete mainly consists of gravel.
谁会做人事系统数据流程图 ,给个例子我啦,谢谢··
流程图1.首段常用句子The following diagraph shows the structure of……The picture illustrates……The whole procedure can be divided into…stages.It mainly consists of……It works as follows.It always involves following steps.2.描述流程/过程的常用过渡性词语题目 1:玻璃的回收流程【单图】范文 1:This diagram illustrates the recycling process of glass bottles. The whole process is a cycle which can be divided into three main stages.In the first stage, used bottles are collected at a recycling point ready to be transported by a truck. The second stage starts in a cleaning plant, where these recycled bottles are sorted by color into green, brown and clear ones and washed by high-pressurized water. When the cleaning is done, the bottles are conveyed to a glass factory where they are cut into glass pieces which are then poured into a furnace. After being heated in the furnace, the broken glasses are melted into liquid, which flows into a glass mold. Here glass liquid from other sources is added and the molding process takes place. In the final stage, new, empty bottles are filled with liquid, then packed and dispatched to the supermarket ready to be picked by consumers. At this point, a cycle has been completed and a new cycle will begin.
步骤1 看清本公司的强势和弱势明确区分本公司的强势和弱势摸透本公司的经营能力步骤2 探求改革的主题非暂时性治疗方式而是长期性地推进思考三个革新主题决定六大革新的矢量步骤3 捕捉市场动向和行业动向通过公开的数据和同领域调查来把握本行业的动向通过现场调查来捕捉市场动向以四种模式来考虑事业展开的方向性制作市场和本公司技术的矩阵表步骤4 根据经营能力确定事业理念根据不同的模式制定经营能力分析表要时常研讨如何去适应变化步骤5 察看事业的盈利性预测销售额考虑从第几期开始盈利运行事业计划的经费要计入到哪一步为止制定损益计划的同时,制定“计划流程图”步骤6 考虑事业计划书制定的方法牢记事业计划书编写方法的重点 步骤1 确定计划的方向性确定要编写的计划的适用范围把握本公司的情况,从四大模式中探索出一个适当的模式步骤2 收集有关事业化的想法、构思收集构思、想法的情报源步骤3 提炼实际的构思以六个步骤来提炼构想找出本公司的优势,评价优点步骤4 通过调查验证计划的可行性决定进行怎样的调查调查的推进方法步骤5 确定所需人员的人数和工作日程表算出在计划阶段必需的人员制定实施阶段的人员计划预测实施时期,制定日程表 步骤1 决定计划书的格式决定内容的展开方式做成综合型计划书还是单表格形式的计划书选定纸张的大小,确定布局步骤2 决定计划书的文本格式以文章型的格式来写综合型计划书编写浅显易懂的计划书设计计划书步骤3 制定事业计划书明确地说明计划的目的和主旨抓住构成要素制定向金融机构提交的计划书 步骤1 制定利润计划表预测利润把握利润计划表制定的程序损益计划表的制定程序步骤2 控制现金流量固定资产折旧费的摊销方法计算现金流量的两种方法从收益和支出算出现金流量的方法由损益计算表和资产负债表计算现金流量步骤3 求出损益平衡点由损益平衡点制作成本核算计划表制作损益平衡点图表步骤4 制作成本核算计划表由初期投资和运营费来制定成本核算计划通过投资回收周期进行成本核算制定安全经营的成本核算计划 实例1 [单表格式计划书]期待市场扩大的技术革新型事业计划实例2 [单表格式计划书]以提高销售额为目标的技术改善型事业计划实例3 [单表格式计划书]重视服务的扩大销售型事业计划实例4 [综合计划书]扩大主营业务的新市场转移型事业计划
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