1、 标书的分类
(1) 按招标的范围可分为国际招标书和国内的招标书,国际招标书要求两种版本,按国际惯例以英文版本为准。考虑到我国企业的外文水平,标书中常常特别说明,当中英文版本产生差异时以中文为准。
(2)按招标的标的物划分,又可分为三大类;货物、工程、服务。 根据具体标的物的不同还可以进一步细分。如工程类进一步可分施工工程、装饰工程、水利工程、道路工程、化学工程……每一种具体工程的标书内容差异非常大。货物标书也一样,简单货物如粮食、石油、复杂的货物如机床、计算机网络标书的差异也非常大。
2、 编制标书的四项原则
求 工程招标文件 范例 中英文版
胶带输送机、胶带输送机电控设备、胶带(ST3150阻燃抗静电) 招标采购公告 加入日期: 2005-09-27 公告分类:招标公告 招标代理:山西嘉盛招标代理有限公司 业主单位:石港煤业有限责任公司 报名截止: 2005-10-09 所属地区:山西 所属行业:电工电子电器,机械设备 公告内容:根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、国家及地方招标投标管理办法,受业主委托,由山西嘉盛招标代理有限公司对以下货物采购进行国内公开竞争性招标。
现将有关事宜公告如下:一、招标项目简介 招标人:石港煤业有限责任公司 地址:山西左权县寒王乡 项目名称:石港煤业有限责任公司改扩建工程 二、招标内容:1、胶带输送机1台;2、胶带(ST3150阻燃抗静电)1条;3、胶带输送机电控设备1套。
三、主要技术参数(具体要求详见招标文件):1、输送能力:430t/h2、机长:975米3、提升高度:410米4、倾角:25°5、带速:2.5m/s6、带宽:120mm7、电动机:型号:防爆型;功率:2*500kw;电压:6000V 四、要求:具备下列条件的企业报名参加投标1、具有独立法人资格的企业;2、具有生产许可证和适当经验的企业;3、承认并履行招标文件的各项规定;五、有意参加本项目投标的企业,于2005年9月28日8时至2005年10月9日18时前携带以下资料原件(或传真以下资料)到阳煤集团社保大楼六层报名。
1.企业法人授权委托书(原件);2.资质证书及营业执照副本;3.生产许可证(原件或影印件)4.近三年同类产品供货业绩 六、合格投标人的选定 招标人将从报名的企业中选取合格投标人,并于2005年10月10日18时前通知合格投标人,凡未被选中的企业不再另行通知。
招标人:石港煤业有限责任公司 联系人:刘志刚 电话:0354-8981515(13703537885) 招标代理机构:山西嘉盛招标代理有限公司 地址:山西省阳泉市北大西街五号社保大楼六层 联系人:刘泽时 电话:0353-7080640(13935318182) 传真:0353-7080041 Belt conveyor, belt conveyor electrical control equipment, tape (ST3150 flame-retardant and antistatic) Procurement tender notice Added: 2005-09-27 Notice Category: Tender Notice Tender agent: Shanxi Jiasheng tender Agency Ltd. Owners units: coal-Hong Kong limited liability company Application Deadline: 2005-10-09 Their districts: Shanxi Industry: electrical and electronic appliances, machinery and equipment Notice: According to the "People's Republic of China Public Bidding Law," state and local bidding management approach, the owners commissioned by the Acting Company in Shanxi Jiasheng tender for the procurement of goods following domestic public competitive bidding. Notice now the matter is as follows: A tender project profiles Tender: Coal-Hong Kong limited liability company Address: County of Shanxi Zuo-Quan Wang Han Heung Yee Project Name: Coal-Hong Kong limited liability company Extension Second, the tender: 1, 1-belt conveyor; 2, Belt (ST3150 flame-retardant and antistatic) 1; 3, belt conveyor and one set of electrical control equipment. Third, the main technical parameters (see specific requirements of the tender documents): 1, the power transmission capacity: 430 t / h 2, the captain: 975 m 3, upgrade Height: 410 m 4, Inclination: 25 ° 5, belt speed: 2.5 m / s 6, bandwidth: 120 mm 7, motors: Model: Explosion-proof; Power: 2 * 500kw; voltage: 6000 V 4. Requirements: meet the following conditions for enterprises to participate in tender 1, which has an independent legal personality of the enterprise; 2, a production license and appropriate experience in enterprise; 3, recognition and implementation of the provisions of the tender documents; 5, interested bidders to participate in this project business, at 8:00 on September 28, 2005 and at 18:00 on October 9, 2005 with the following information before the (original or fax the following information) to the Social Security Building, Yangquan Coal Group for six. 1. Corporate enterprises authorized instructions (Original); 2. Certifications and copy of the business licence; 3. Production license (originals or photocopies) 4. Nearly three years performance of similar products Availability 6, the selection of qualified bidders Tender for the business people will choose qualified bidders, and at 18:00 on October 10, 2005 notice of qualified bidders, Any selected enterprises without notice. Qualified bidders agency in accordance with the tender notice requirements, access to the tender documents. Any time of the acquisition, will be handled by automatic abstained. Tender Fee: 300 yuan / 1 package (sale and no rebate). Tender: Coal-Hong Kong limited liability company Contact: Liu Zhigang Tel :0354-...
英语阅读报告 题目:从书中你学到了怎么 应该写怎么 例如学会了更多...
可参看、下载以下几个链接的英文招标文件:http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inimr-ri.nsf/en/gr120373e.htmlhttp://www.mfa.gov.hu/NR/rdonlyres/ED8EDFD1-5CF1-4E61-A9F1-2DA3D1670F5E/0/050218_helsinkifelhivas_iroda_EN.pdf这里是有关招标的一个FAQ:http://www.justice.ie/80256E010039C5AF/vWeb/flJUSQ68UMJT-en/$File/TenderFAQUpdate.pdf这里是有关招标的一个通知:http://www.south-asia.com/Embassy-India/business_opprtunity/18%20May%20Tender-13.doc这里的招标是“Tender Invitation for Compiling Chinese Language Teaching Materials for German Students” :http://english.hanban.edu.cn/market/HanBanE/412087.htm
英文用 tender documents 或 bidding documents 均可。
如果非要把二者区分开,建议译为:招标文件:advancecopy of tender/bidding documents投标文件:completed tender/bidding documents