8. 从本书有何收获;
9. 引用本书或其它书籍的内容,或日常用语。
一. 读书报告有没有一定的格式
二. 写读书报告的第一步
三. 不止读一本书
1. 作者的传记;
2. 作者其他作品;
3. 别人对这本书的研究;
4. 其他作者的回顾或有关著作
四. 赞与弹
五. 点与面
六. 不要引用太多
读书报告的内容可包括: 作者简介、内容概要; 本书在表达(如用一问一答的形式)、处理等方面的特别之处;书中叫人深刻难忘的部分; 作者在书中传递的讯息; 个人最喜爱的部分; 对本书的评价和观感(如是否值得向其它读者推介);读后感:书中情节引起的联想 书中内容引起的疑问 本书令你有何提醒、启发及反思 本书引起的思想上的转变 本书令你引发的期望 8. 从本书有何收获; 9. 引用本书或其它书籍的内容,或日常用语。
扩展资料: 读书报告是一种非常有用的实用体裁,它可以帮助我们记录复习学过的知识并提高我们的概括能力、 综合能力、分析能力和评判能力。
读书报告的写法如下: 首先先按下面的提纲做一些简单的笔记: 1.书名:书名及其出版年月 2.种类:如小说、传记、学习辅导、专著等 3.作者:姓名、国籍、出生年月 4.背景:时间、地点 5.主要人物:姓名 6.内容:主要情节、论述要点 7.简评:对此书的印象及评论 做好笔记之后,再根据自己的需要删繁就简写成一篇连贯性的短文。
一. 读书报告有没有一定的格式 对初写读书报告的同学来说,学校会有一般的格式要求,让其有所遵循。
一般地,只要有书名、有作 者,其一的作用是,让别人知道你看过这本书。
二. 写读书报告的第一步 写读书报告的第一步是一面看书一面写,不论有甚么感想、疑问和见解,都随即把它们写下来。
三. 不止读一本书 要把一本书的读书报告写好,除了对这本书要有较透彻的了解之外,还要对作者、对作者所处的时 代,对这本书写作的背景有所了解。
如果有条件的话,最好能同时找到其他有关的书来看,包括: 1. 作者的传记; 2. 作者其他作品; 3. 别人对这本书的研究; 4. 其他作者的回顾或有关著作 当然不是每一个人有条件或需要这样做,但能够这样做,写出来的读书报告一定扎实得多,丰厚得多。
四. 赞与弹 初学写读书报告,大多拜倒在作品之前,大大夸奖一番。
赞与弹都需要见地,公式化的赞美之词:内 容丰富,描写细腻,刻画入微,感人肺腑,文章...全是废话。
弹当然比赞更难,因为写读书报告的人学养往往逊于作者,要能指出一本书的缺点,而又能言之成 理,使人信服,实在并非易事。
但不容易并不表示不可以这样做,如果做得到,这篇既指出优点又指 出缺点,当然是持手的做法,可是很容易变成一种公式,四平八稳的结果是不汤不水。
因此赞不容 易,弹更难,又赞又弹也不简单。
五. 点与面 读书报告可以对一本书全面论述,全面的结果很容易流于浮面,样样都谈到了,但只是泛泛之论,倒 不如抓住你最有感受、最有心得的几点来谈。
因为你谈得集中、深入,自然能给读者比较深刻的印 象。
六. 不要引用太多 好的读书报告应以写报告人自己的意见为主要内容,原文可以作为举例加以引述,但不宜太多。
引述 其他人对这本书的看法也要适可而止,不要连篇累牍的抄。
否则看过之后,只觉得大部分是别人的唾 余。
参考资料: 百度百科-读书报告
急急急!!!求英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的书写格式
1. Introductory Paragraph The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name. The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher. The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.) The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be:o You like the author. o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.). o Someone recommended the book to you. o It was on a required reading list. o You liked the cover. These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author. An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information.o Was the book a best seller? o Are there X million copies in print? o Did it win any major awards? 2. Main Character(s) Paragraph The first sentence of this paragraph should state who the main character or characters of the book are, and why they are important. Refer to this person or these persons as the Main Character or Main Characters. You will need at least a complex sentence for this, and probably more than one sentence. 3. Other Characters Paragraph You should compose at least one sentence for each of the other prominent or important characters in the book. State the name of each of the other important characters, and the key role that each one plays in the book Most books have five or six prominent characters besides the main character, so simply listing each one and stating their role in the book will give you a good sized paragraph. 4. Plot Summary Paragraph This is perhaps the hardest paragraph to write in five sentences or so. If you have to write a bit more don't worry. Here are the main points to cover: o State the type of book (Mystery, Western, etc.). o What place or country was the book set in? o What time period was the book set in? (19th century, the present, ancient Rome, the 23rd century). o Other physical locations which are important, like: ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings. o Other notable attributes of the book. (Was it violent, scary, fast paced, etc.). o What is the main character trying to do? o What is the outcome of the book? o etc. Make sure you cover all of the major parts of the plot. You might have to go back through the book, chapter by chapter, and make a few notes. 5. Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph Simply talk about what you liked or did not like about the book. Use this paragraph as your conclusion. It should summarize your overall impressions of the book and bring the report to a close. o Start with a sentence that states that you are now writing a conclusion. (For example: "My final thoughts on 'A Fine Balance' are that it is a fascinating book but I am not entirely sure if I completely understood the thematic message of the book." o Restate your reasons why you liked and/or disliked the book using different words. o Write two sentences that talk about the books good points and weak points. o Write a sentence or two about what you learned from the book. o Close with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book to others. Don't be afraid to give your own honest impressions of the book. After all, if you've read the book thoroughly, you are entitled to your own interpretation of it. Typically, your book report should not exceed two double-spaced pages, and it should be somewhere between 600 and 800 words in length. Research AssistanceThis site, which claims to be the best single research source online, maintains an inventory of more than 25,000 research reports on thousands of subjects; many of which are book summaries. Most are available for immediate download. If your subject isn't already in their archives, they will do custom research and writing for you. You can download existing papers and/or order custom research papers 24 Hours a Day!
急急急!!!求英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的书写格式
1. Introductory Paragraph The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name. The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher. The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.) The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be:o You like the author. o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.). o Someone recommended the book to you. o It was on a required reading list. o You liked the cover. These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author. An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information.o Was the book a best seller? o Are there X million copies in print? o Did it win any major awards? 2. Main Character(s) Paragraph The first sentence of this paragraph should state who the main character or characters of the book are, and why they are important. Refer to this person or these persons as the Main Character or Main Characters. You will need at least a complex sentence for this, and probably more than one sentence. 3. Other Characters Paragraph You should compose at least one sentence for each of the other prominent or important characters in the book. State the name of each of the other important characters, and the key role that each one plays in the book Most books have five or six prominent characters besides the main character, so simply listing each one and stating their role in the book will give you a good sized paragraph. 4. Plot Summary Paragraph This is perhaps the hardest paragraph to write in five sentences or so. If you have to write a bit more don't worry. Here are the main points to cover: o State the type of book (Mystery, Western, etc.). o What place or country was the book set in? o What time period was the book set in? (19th century, the present, ancient Rome, the 23rd century). o Other physical locations which are important, like: ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings. o Other notable attributes of the book. (Was it violent, scary, fast paced, etc.). o What is the main character trying to do? o What is the outcome of the book? o etc. Make sure you cover all of the major parts of the plot. You might have to go back through the book, chapter by chapter, and make a few notes. 5. Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph Simply talk about what you liked or did not like about the book. Use this paragraph as your conclusion. It should summarize your overall impressions of the book and bring the report to a close. o Start with a sentence that states that you are now writing a conclusion. (For example: "My final thoughts on 'A Fine Balance' are that it is a fascinating book but I am not entirely sure if I completely understood the thematic message of the book." o Restate your reasons why you liked and/or disliked the book using different words. o Write two sentences that talk about the books good points and weak points. o Write a sentence or two about what you learned from the book. o Close with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book to others. Don't be afraid to give your own honest impressions of the book. After all, if you've read the book thoroughly, you are entitled to your own interpretation of it. Typically, your book report should not exceed two double-spaced pages, and it should be somewhere between 600 and 800 words in length. Research Assistance This site, which claims to be the best single research source online, maintains an inventory of more than 25,000 research reports on thousands of subjects; many of which are book summaries. Most are available for immediate download. If your subject isn't already in their archives, they will do custom research and writing for you. You can download existing papers and/or order custom research papers 24 Hours a Day!
一、 调查报告写作特点1、概念与特点 调查报告是对某项工作、某个事件、某个问题,经过深入细致的调查后,将调查中收集到的材料加以系统整理,分析研究,以书面形式向组织和领导汇报调查情况的一种文书。
调查报告有以下几个特点: (1)写实性。
2、分类 调查报告的种类主要有以下几种: (1)情况调查报告。
二、调查报告写法(一) 怎样写研究调查报告? 一旦你开始撰写研究报告,那就意味着你的研究工作已接近尾声。
实际上,这个工作只是你的一篇带有研究性质的作文而已,只要你牢记这样一个 宗旨:中心突出、简洁明了,那么无论你撰写哪一类型的研究报告,你都会成功。
在高中阶段,你们所进行的各种类型的研究大致有以下几种: 科学实验类型 科学实验类型的研究报告,实际上是一种实验报告。
读书报告类型 中学生的读书报告类型的研究报告不应该受到太多的限制。
社会调查研究类型 社会调查的范围很广,任何一种社会现象都可以作为我们研究性学习的内容。
设计类型 设计类型的研究多种多样,其研究的程度也各有差异。
三、调查报告写法(二) 调查报告的写法,包括标题、署名、正文。
1、标 题: 三种写法。
① 标题是文章标题的写法(如:《西部企业生态立旗“一石三鸟”》,《某某市蔬菜的品种结构问题》,《兴“母亲水窖”工程 摆脱缺水窘境》)。
② 标题是类似于公文标题的写法(如:《某钢厂技术供应处实行经济责任制调查》,《关于农村信用社业绩的调查报告》,《对内蒙古生态移民面临问题的调查》)。
③ 正副标题写法,一般是正题揭示主题,副题写出调查的事件或范围。
(如:《 振兴经济要靠科学技术——包头市依靠科技人员发展工业的调查》。
) 2、署 名: 标题下面要署名,即写姓名、年级、班级。
3、 正 文: 由两个部分构成,即前言、调查报告的主体。
1.3.1 前 言:扼要说明 调查的目的、时间、地点;对象或范围;做了哪些调查;本文所要报告的主要内容是什么。
1.3.2 调查报告的主体:主要是对事实的叙述和议论。
1、题目 2、班级、姓名(如果是课题组,那么按照贡献大小排列,先大后小,一般不要超过5个) 3、内容摘要 4、关键词 5、开题报告中的前面几部分内容:问题的缘起、选题理由、研究内容、目的、意义、核心概念界定、国内外研究综述 6、正文: (1)研究对象、研究方法 (2)研究内容、研究假设 (3)研究步骤、过程如何 (4)研究结果分析和讨论 7、结论 8、参考文献 ●给你一个范文参考:(这个范文并没有完全按照格式来写,但基本套路是一样的,并且内容质量更重要,这是比格式或形式更重要的东西) XX中学学生买零食情况的调查报告 一、 研究背景: 由于现在的初中生,几乎都是独生子女,家长都比较疼爱,对于孩子提出来的要求,基本上都答应,造成孩子偏爱零食,再加上我校是寄宿制学校,同学们买零食情况普遍存在,为此,我们小组在这方面进行了调查研究。
二、研究目的: 通过调查了解学生们买零食基本情况以及买零食的原因,针对部分同学偏爱零食的不良习惯,提出整改措施。
三、研究方法: 观察法、问卷法。
四、研究时间:9月25日至11月20日 五、小组分工: 组长:付爱仙(负责撰写报告及汇报) 组员:付万英、朱建军、张苏杭(负责观察及问卷调查)吴倩倩、付子姣、金莹莹(负责总结材料) 曹铮、张靓、张晶(负责课件的制作) 六、研究问题: 1.同学们每月的零食的消费数目的调查; 2.导致同学们买零食的原因是什么? 3.如何改掉偏爱零食不良习惯? 七、研究过程: 1.实地察看; 2.问卷调查。
通过问卷得出同学买零食的原因有以下几方面: (1)零食的味道好,就像上瘾一般,无法离开它; (2)有人请客,不吃白不吃; (3)看到别人在吃,当然自己忍受不住; (4)由于部分同学存在着偏食的习惯,不喜欢有些饭菜,没有吃饱,到小店买零食填肚子; (5)买零食可以边走边吃,节省时间,又美味可口,实在一举两得; (6)零食的外面包装,很有吸引力,不得不买来尝尝。
八、调查后我们小组提供如下建议: 1.提倡节约,反对浪费,发倡议书; 节约型校园倡议书: 无论大海多么广阔,也是由每一滴水汇集而成。
让我们同心协力,积少成多,聚沙成塔,做勤俭节约风尚的传播者、实践者、示范者,让“节约光荣,浪费可耻”的理念在后中校园蔚然成风,让我们行动起来!为创建节约型社会而努力! 2.多吃饭菜,因为零食没有营养,矫正偏食的坏习惯; 3.平时父母零用钱少给一点,把零用钱转移到精神消费上来; 4.建议学校食堂,在早上10点钟左右供应营养餐,因为吃早餐与午餐之间间隔时间过长,吃中饭时,我们肚子早就饿了,第五节课上课效率很低。
感想与体会: 1.部分偏爱零食造成早餐和中餐都不吃的同学,应及时改正饮食习惯; 2.针对班级里买零食开销大的同学,我们将做同学之间的思想工作。