下面就来看看详细的解读。 PS是Personal Statement的简称,即为“个人陈述”。每个学校都有不同的叫法,比如statement of Purpose ,study plan, statement of objectives 或者是letter of interests 等等,但是实质都是大同小异的。 PS简要的说,就是让申请者写出自己的申请动机,充分反映出申请者的个性和才智,让招生委员会的人了解你,认识你。中国申请者往往没有面谈的机会,PS因而愈发显得重要。因此,申请者要写出自己的经历,经验,表明你是一个合格的Applicant;让读到你的PS的人觉得你是一个非常优秀的人;让人觉得你完全有能力胜任研究生阶段的研究工作。 其实要写好PS,很容易,记住写好PS的五大原则,相信你一定会写出符合录取办口味的文章。 原则之一: 明确申请目标 PS是一种目的性极强的文书。在短短数百字之内要展示出你最值得骄傲的才能和成就,独到的学术见解和强大的人格魅力就必须紧扣住一个中心:你将毫无疑问的成为一个成功的学者或商场人士,有能力完成目标专业的一切学术要求,成为未来世界上该领域的精英之一。这同样也是国外大学教授最想通过你的申请材料得出结论的方面。如果你的文章能够在教授们审阅之后对你的学习及科研能力产生充分的信任,那么你的写作就是成功的。 原则之二:紧扣导师的研究方向 在申请中,真正决定你是否能被商学院录取并获得奖学金的是评审委员会的教授们。而他们除了评价你的能力是否胜任数年的学习研究任务之外,还对你选择的专业具体方向十分在意。也许你十分优秀,甚至在某学科的特定领域独树一帜,但你所申请的学校该专业课程里缺乏同方向的教授。也就是说,你的研究方向无法和目标学校的专业方向一致,那样你的申请大多数也难以成功。 原则之三:真实具体 真实和具体两者是相互依存的。只有具备真实的事实基础和入木三分的商学思考所得,才能可能将事件和观点通过申请材料客观具体地表达给审核者。 原则之四:密切结合写作要求 对于学校PS 的写作要求,因学校和申请的具体专业不同而各有所异。在早期的申请文书中,PS目标陈述被称为Personal Statement,即个人陈述,着重描述个人经历和成就。而现在的PS 和Statement of Objectives等更加着眼于你未来的目标,以及通过怎样的事实和研究项目向教授证明你有能力实现这个目标。 原则之五: 独具特色 PS可以不拘于任何一种形式。在一篇PS中介绍自己有很多不同的形式格局,就像每个人讲话一样风格不拘。因为一篇独具特色的PS可以吸引教授的眼光,要做到独具特色,就像我之前提到的一样,除了需要申请者挖掘自己的素材之外,还需要长期的语言素材的积累以及沉淀。 最后,通过上面对美国商学院申请中的个人陈述如何写的介绍,相信对于很多准备文书写作的人来说,希望关于PS的这些简单的介绍,可以给申请者带来一些帮助。 猜你喜欢的更多内容: 1.美国金融硕士研究生的PS或essay如何写 2.美国研究生申请材料PS中的几个问题 3.美国研究生申请文书PS常用词汇小结 不想看上面的还可以自己找>请点击 直接获取天道顾问的咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?
商科专业个人陈述范文: 1. 美国达特茅斯学院的个人陈述范文2. 美国大学会计专业个人陈述范文3. 会计专业个人陈述104. 会计专业个人陈述九5. 会计学(Accounting)个人陈述八6. 会计学(Accounting)个人陈述五7. 会计专业留学个人陈述范文8. 会计学(Accounting)个人陈述七9. 留学个人陈述汇总,会计专业10. 美国大学Business Management个人陈述范文11. 美国大学经济学专业个人陈述范文12. 经济学个人陈述二十13. 留学经济学ps大汇总十篇14. 留学个人陈述模板,经济学专业15. 申请美国金融学个人陈述16. 个人陈述英文范文,金融(工程)17. 金融数学专业个人陈述PS18. 数理金融专业PS19. 金融工程专业PS范例(中英)20. 出国留学ps范文(金融工程)21. 金融专业PS范例(适用MSF方向)22. 金融数学专业个人陈述PS23. 经济/金融专业PS范例24. 美国金融专业PS范文五篇25. 管理学个人陈述PS26. 管理转美国大学会计专业个人陈述范文27. 管理专业个人陈述28. 经济学个人陈述十四29. 经济学个人陈述十三30. 经济学个人陈述十六31. 经济学专业个人陈述2232. 经济学个人陈述2133. 美国研究生申请材料 亚洲经济PS范例34. 人力资源管理个人陈述35. 人力资源管理专业PS36. 加州洛杉矶分校MBA个人陈述范文37. 纽约大学MBA申请个人陈述范文38. 哈佛MBA申请个人陈述范文39. UCLA安德森商学院MBA申请个人陈述(中英点评)40. 广告学个人陈述PS41. 市场营销专业PS42. 市场营销专业个人陈述43. 留学PS范文汇总,市场营销专业通过上面对美国商学院申请中的各专业PS范文小结,相信对于很多计划申请美国商学院的人来说,可以参考上面的范文来摹写自己的专业申请个人陈述,以便提前做好申请文书的准备。
美国留学申请好的自我陈述(personal statement)和推荐信(...
Personal Statement I am an overseas student from China. I am applying for a Mathematics course at University.Mathematics is my favourite subject and it's the most wonderful thing: For any person in the world, even if he/she doesn't learn about Literature, Physics, Biology, Art, Law, (perhaps he/she doesn't even know who is the President of his/her country.) There is one thing he/she must know: Mathematics. Everything relates to Mathematics; nothing can work without it.Although, to me, Mathematics is a wonderful thing, lots of people have suggested that I choose another subject to study at University. Because in their mind there is no job that needs Mathematics as advanced as University Mathematics except researching or teaching. But for me, Mathematics is part of my way of life. It's a key that could open the door into my dream!I want to have my own enterprise. I need to have good logical judgment to discern what is an opportunity or a crisis. I need to have different ideas to find a new way; I need to calculate what will happen in the future Lots of things I need and all of those I can find in Mathematics. Why not choose it? There is no reason for me to change my decision.I will describe my study as an exploration for knowledge. As an explorer I have good endurance but it doesn't mean I like to waste time. I like to ask if I don't know: I think of teachers as having the map that could show me which is the right way. It will not let me get lost in exploration.As an explorer I have adventurous but this doesn't mean I am rash. I like to find out different ways. There is not only one way you can go to a destination. I could discover lots of things during my exploration. It will help me to break new ground.As an explorer I have my own special skill. I like to know why something works. It's not just to help me to solve the same style problem more quickly and easily. I could infer further development when I know the basic theory. It gives me the ability to face the future by myself.I left my parents to study from the age of 11 and I have now lived alone in England for about 2 years. I feel so lucky that I can study in the UK. In China we have no chance to choose what we do or do not want to learn. Study in China is very boring for me. But now I can study the things I am interested in, so I am enjoying my study very much.Every week I drive to a school and teach the children Chinese. It's quite hard for me because this is my first time as a teacher. Sometimes I like to read fiction about magic and myth. I enjoy escaping to a different world.At the moment I am a Dreamer. I imagine all sorts of things: What is the past? What is the future? What is the truth? Perhaps Mathematics will give me the answer. Then I shall become a Thinker. I hope.
求英国留学个人陈述模板 财务管理方向的
个人陈述范文:Since I was very young I have always been interested in accounting and finance and how they operate. In China, my favourite TV programme is the finance programme and I enjoy international finance. I frequently worked in my mother's company to help the staff in the accounts department. All of these have given me an understanding of accounting and finance My passion for the subject expanded when I chose accounting as part of my A-level programme. Although this subject is somewhat demanding, I find it extremely interesting. I believe this is the right choice for me. I am confident that a course in accounting and finance satisfies my interest. I am looking forward to learning more of accounting in my A-level course In my spare time I enjoy playing basketball. I play once or twice a week with my friends. I also like to listen to music. I think that playing basketball can help me to increase the team spirit and music can help me relax. Also while I was working as a cleaner in Downing College at Cambridge University, I believe that I gained invaluable experience in dealing with the boss and trying to deliver colleague satisfaction, whilst learning to work effectively and efficiently in a well-structured team. Hopefully I will be able to get this kind of opportunity to work whilst at university. I enjoy my spare time and try to use it effectively I consider myself to be a hard working outgoing individual. I still have some shortcomings. For example, I am a little bit disorganised sometimes. But I have known this and I am trying to correct it. I have made a timetable to organise my daily life. I am looking forward to the challenge of university life, both socially and mentally. I strongly believe that my years at university will be enjoyable and those that I will remember for the rest of my life. Most of all I am hoping that my chosen subject will give me a strong foundation for a successful career.
但是:“Simple is the best”,试想一下,招生教授天天都要做大量的教学工作,还要抽出时间阅读数量可观的留学申请资料,只有那种简单有力的文章才能HIT THE TARGET,让人印象深刻!我们的理念是简明而富有创意的。
2、个人陈述写作范文商科专业申请个人陈述范文及说明:As a child I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching him work. When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books. This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own business someday, yet I understand that the business world today is more complex. This complexity requires more education, and with that in mind, I am applying to the Master's of Business Administration program at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).通过一个故事开头,讲述自己为何对business感兴趣。
In addition to my helping out in my father's business, I have had numerous other work experiences that further enhance my qualifications for this program. My resume enumerates the various positions I have held at Kerasotes Theaters, Chili's restaurants, and Indiana University's new Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC), and what all of these positions have in common is an emphasis on serving the public effectively. Further, as an assistant manager at the Showplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the SRSC, I have gained valuable expertise in managing employees and creating work schedules. Both of these positions have allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which are extremely important in an increasingly service-driven marketplace.讲述自己的相关经历,但是感觉在谈及经历时候不够具体,应该说明具体做了什么事情,从中得到什么经验或者教训。
Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee. Part of my volunteering experience at Middleway House, the local battered women's shelter, involved extensive work on computers, including word processing, organizing databases and creating spreadsheets. Also, I recently participated in an internship program for academic credit with the Eli Lilly corporation in the personnel division. As a management intern, I was able to watch the workings of a major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to combine my experiences with the theoretical background available in the MBA program at IUB, with its emphasis on computers, marketing and human resources.志愿者活动同样值得在ps中讲述。
My successful internship is one element of my overall academic success as an undergraduate here at IUB, yet I have also made time for a variety of extracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and competing in intramural basketball. My positive experiences here have resulted in my desire to stay in Bloomington to continue my academic endeavors; furthermore, continuing my education here would allow me to make important business contacts, with the career goal of opening my own computer consulting firm in the Midwest.
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