范文一:初三英语写作技巧 写作技巧
初三英语写作技巧 写作技巧
写作技巧相关内容:写作技巧的涵义与方法集锦 一、含义写作技巧就是表现的技巧、方法,是作者为表情达意而采取有效艺术手段。写作技巧受限于作者的世界观、艺术观,同时又作用于他的写作实践,为写作活动服务。二、特点有四个特点:1、稳定性。是指技巧的成熟和稳固。2、互渗性。...
提高写作技巧具有极其重要的作用 第一,写作技巧是实现作者写作意图的重要条件。一般来说,作者的写作活动都具有一定的写作意图。所谓的写作意图,就是指作者打算在或作品中表达
行政机关写作知识 ,即公务文书,是指党政机关,企事业单位和一切社会团体在处理公务过程中形成的有现行功用和特定格式的文字材料。行政机关(以下简称)是行政机关在行政管理过程中形成的具有法定效力和规范体式的文书,通俗的讲,就是我们平...
写作技巧 近日相继有考生来电询问,的情况,我们从相关单位获悉的相关消息。的含义??就是公务文书。指机关、团体、企事业单位在处理各种事务中形成的体式完整、内容系统的各种书面材料,或称文件。的特征一、有鲜明的政治性。
写作技巧与心得117条 1;养成对事事都探求其隐藏着的真理的习惯。2;人物冲突是指意见、兴趣等各方面的碰撞或分歧,尤其是指由于不可调和的愿望、目的等所引起的思想和道德上的斗争。3;勤奋、仔细修改。4;创造人物冲突。5;创造有张力(刺激)的情节。
15条技巧提高你的写作技巧 想成为下一个海明威吗,或许只是想在校刊有自己的豆腐块,让自己的博客富有动人文字,那么,你需要先把自己的文笔犀利起来。而且成为一位优秀的作家并不是一件容易的事情。你需要艰苦卓绝的努力,但是这些支出的努力是值得的。
英语写作中的技巧指导 导读:主题句是对全文的概括,是的主旨。它能在中起到画龙点睛的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇的
2012年考研英语作文写作技巧 导读:考试时要特别注意语法,此语,语气,标点符号等,为了避免太多单词拼写错误,语法错误,不要为了追求词语的华丽而堆积一些自己也没把握的单词,不要刻意追求长句而写一些自己不知对错的有多个从句组成的长句。
范文二:初三英语写作技巧 培养写作技巧
初三英语写作技巧 培养写作技巧
培养写作技巧 一、勤读、多背好句和范文
瞬间接受信息,快速理解信息,迅速表达信息,提高实际应用和应试能力。这一步是关键,也是学生的难关。这样做必须使学生明白高考书面表达题既不是汉译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求的是将所规定的材料内容经整理后,展开思维,考查学生运用所学英语知识准确地表达意思的能力。必须要求学生在写作过程中牢牢记住以下口诀:“先读提示,要点与格式要弄清;时态语态要当心,前后呼应要一致;结构搭配,莫违背;写好细检查,点滴小错别忽视”。学生明确目的,并掌握要领后,要严格在规定时间内完成作业。训练的初级阶段,教师把时间放宽一点。随着学生写作能力增强,时间相应缩短,逐步做到30分钟内完成任务,不能养成拖拉的习惯。培养写作技巧相关内容:命令的写作方法 1(命令(令)的概念命令(令)是国家政权中特定机关发布的有强制性、领导性、指挥性的下行。主要适用于依照有关法律规定发布行政法规和规章,宣布施行重大强制性行政措施,奖惩有关人员,撤销下级机关不适当的决定等。...
演讲观点表达的几种方式 只有创造之花才有永开不败的美丽,观点表述的创新是演讲生命力的源泉。掌握创新思维的方法,提出新颖而富有吸引力的观点,是演讲者水平和实力的真正体现。
写好会议经验交流材料的诀窍 会议上的经验交流材料,一是不宜抄,否则,几个单位都上去发言,之前又多不会互相看看,万一抄了同一篇,那笑话可就闹大了;二是比较急,比如后天开会,必须当晚拿出初稿,第二天层层报送领导审阅,晚上定稿印
校核工作的三点心得体会 党委机关处理质量的好坏,决定着权威性的大小,直接关系到党委机关的对外形象。校核是处理过程中的一个重要环节,把好校核关,事关的质量与效用,责任重大、马虎不得。
求职信标准格式 尊敬的领导:我是江西建设职业技术学院学计算机专业的一名毕业生,我性格内向,是一个不善于言谈表达的人,在面向人才竞争的社会中,我深知会吃亏,也正因如此,我才有更多的利用别人说话的时间来做也每一件事情,久而久之,也便养成了脚...
演讲中如何使用手势 一个演讲技巧的专家会经常告诉你很多有关手势的校园理论。“伸出手掌,”“握紧拳头来表示强调,”等等。我的有效的公众演讲的观点在这方面正好截然相反。我想不是让你的手势有所保留,而是让你的动作更加地无意识。不要遵照什么模式。
常见病文解析 一、行文方面的问题(一)党政不分1、纯属行政主抓的工作错误地由党委包揽行文;2、党的机关主送行政部门或单位;3、行政机关主送党组织;4、非党政机关联合行文而党政混杂一并主送。
升华演讲主题的技巧 演讲应有正确鲜明的主题,演讲的主题最能体现演讲的思想价值和审美品位,使演讲具有深刻感人的艺术魅力。然而,表现演讲主题又不能流于空洞的说教、现象的罗
培养写作技巧相关内容:命令的写作方法 1(命令(令)的概念命令(令)是国家政权中特定机关发布的有强制性、领导性、指挥性的下行。主要适用于依照有关法律规定发布行政法规和规章,宣布施行重大强制性行政措施,奖惩有关人员,撤销下级机关不适当的决定等。...
演讲观点表达的几种方式 只有创造之花才有永开不败的美丽,观点表述的创新是演讲生命力的源泉。掌握创新思维的方法,提出新颖而富有吸引力的观点,是演讲者水平和实力的真正体现。
写好会议经验交流材料的诀窍 会议上的经验交流材料,一是不宜抄,否则,几个单位都上去发言,之前又多不会互相看看,万一抄了同一篇,那笑话可就闹大了;二是比较急,比如后天开
校核工作的三点心得体会 党委机关处理质量的好坏,决定着权威性的大小,直接关系到党委机关的对外形象。校核是处理过程中的一个重要环节,把好校核关,事关的质量与效用,责任重大、马虎不得。
求职信标准格式 尊敬的领导:我是江西建设职业技术学院学计算机专业的一名毕业生,我性格内向,是一个不善于言谈表达的人,在面向人才竞争的社会中,我深知会吃亏,也正因如此,我才有更多的利用别人说话的时间来做也每一件事情,久而久之,也便养成了脚...
演讲中如何使用手势 一个演讲技巧的专家会经常告诉你很多有关手势的校园理论。“伸出手掌,”“握紧拳头来表示强调,”等等。我的有效的公众演讲的观点在这方面正好截然相反。我想不是让你的手势有所保留,而是让你的动作更加地无意识。不要遵照什么模式。
常见病文解析 一、行文方面的问题(一)党政不分1、纯属行政主抓的工作错误地由党委包揽行文;2、党的机关主送行政部门或单位;3、行政机关主送党组织;4、非党政机关联合行文而党政混杂一并主送。
升华演讲主题的技巧 演讲应有正确鲜明的主题,演讲的主题最能体现演讲的思想价值和审美品位,使演讲具有深刻感人的艺
1、仔细审题,看清要求。在写话前,仔细阅读题目和要求,一般给予中英文提示。例2002中考作文题:根据英文提示,以“我的心爱之物”为题写话,不少于50个词,内容必须包括英文提示中的3项要求,标点符号不占格。 Make sure you:introduce what the thing(s) is (are). say when and/or where,and how you got it(them). explain why you like it(them) and why it is(they are) special to you.
2、注意选词造句,单词拼写,句子结构等。单词构成句,句构成文,两者是文章的基本元素,遣词准确与否直接影响表达。例:I watch TV.不能说I see TV.句子通顺与否也关系文章好坏。掌握英语句法,学会运用基本句型和结构,在写作时会使你感到如鱼得水。你可在学习某种句型后根据它替换造句。例:It takes me twenty minutes togoto school.It takes him three days to finish work.另外,还要避免中文式的英语。如:它是我哥哥送给我的。Itismy brother send me.3、要注意时态。文章中时态运用正确与否也是关键。例2001年中考要求写日记,记录2001年5月1日发生的事,而写作时间在2001年的7月,显然叙述那天发生的事应用过去时。
December 21st, on my way to the cinema, at 9:00,
meet a foreign visitor, go over, get to the post office, look worried,
thank you, be late for the film, be glad, talk with, in English
December 21st , Sunday Fine
When I was on my way to the cinema at 9:00. I met a foreign visitor. He didn't
know how to get to the post office. He looked worried. So I went over and told him
the way. He said "Thank you" to me. I was late for the film, but I didn't mind. I'm glad
that I can talk with a foreigner in English.
4(是否有大小写、拼写、标点错误,注意卷面整洁要提高写作水平,最根本是要大量实践,必须多读多写,注意博览和精读相结合,甚至可以适当背诵一些名句名篇。另外,还可选些范文,悉心领悟,多加模仿,以逐步达到运用自如。 英语写作是一种创作性的学习过程。启动知识信息储存,构思立意,谋篇布局,遣词造句,对语言表达的正确性和准确性、思维的逻辑性和文章的条理性都比口语要求更高。
们对这些 ?简介:英语角成立于三年前,许多中学生参加,还有大学生和外国朋
友。 ?地点:家附近的公园。内容:练口语,谈感兴趣的事,交流学习英语的
?词汇:English corner, found, college students, foreigners, take part in, activity, experience, chance
exchange, widely, talk about, improve
?句型: which/ that + clause; It is ? since?;as well as; practice doing;I think?,?
after?;try one’s best to do?;be + done 范文1
?15th, April Fine
? This morning I went to the English corner which is in the park near my home. It is three years since it was founded. Many middle school students as well as college students and foreigners take part in the activity. People there practice speaking English by talking about something interesting. People also exchange the experience in English Learning. I think it is a good chance for me to use what I have learnt in my English class. I felt very cool after I got back home. I’ll try my best to learn English
better, for it is so widely used in the world. ?范文2.
?April, 15 Fine
? How interesting! I went to an English corner in a park near my home this morning. There were many students and foreign friends in the English corner. The English corner was founded three years ago. I think we can not only practice speaking English but also make a lot of foreign friends. We talked about interesting things and exchanged the experience of learning English with each other. I have improved my English since I became a member of the English corner.
3.The favorite subject
?词汇:subject, among, language, foreign culture, sound, improve, host, the Olympic Games, useful, top,
?句型:like? best,? because?;
not only? but also?
?how to do?,sound +adj
be different from,with one’s help
?It’s known?,must be?,make up mind to do sth.
I am a middle school student. I study many subjects at school. There are Chinese, maths, English, PE and so on. Among them, I like English best, because in class I can
not only learn how to use the language but also know some foreign culture. Sometimes they sound interesting, for they are quite different from ours. With the
?词汇:Junior Three, do sports, morning exercises, take exercise, health, healthy, relax, strong, necessary, kinds of
?句型:such as, so on, I think?, Doing?;so that?;become? and ?;It’s adj. for sb. to do
sth.;? because?
范文1. As a Grade 3 student, we have sports every day, such as doing some exercise, playing basketball and so on. We do sports because it can not only make us strong and but also keep us healthy. It can also make us have a good rest and study better. So I will keep doing sports every day from now on.
范文2. As a middle school student of Junior Three, I do sports one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. I think it is very helpful to me. Taking exercise makes me healthier so that I won’t be ill very often. What’s more, I also get myself relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then I do the better job in my study in high spirit. By doing physical exercise, I’m becoming stronger and more confident than before. I think it is necessary for everyone to spend some time on sports every day
because people’s health is essential in modern life.
?今天(4月15日)上午你去参加了英语角活动。请根据提示写一篇日记。 ?
简介:英语角成立于三年前,许多中学生参加,还有大学生和外国朋友。 ?
地点:家附近的公园。 范文1
?15th, April Fine
? This morning I went to the English corner which is in the park near my home. It is three years since it was founded. Many middle school students as well as college students and foreigners take part in the activity. People there practice speaking English by talking about something interesting. People also exchange the experience in English Learning. I think it is a good chance for me to use what I have learnt in my English class. I felt very cool after I got back home. I’ll try my best to learn English
better, for it is so widely used in the world. ?范文2.
?April, 15 Fine
? How interesting! I went to an English corner in a park near my home this morning. There were many students and foreign friends in the English corner. The English corner was founded three years ago. I think we can not only practice speaking English but also make a lot of foreign friends. We talked about interesting things and
exchanged the
experience of learning English with each other. I have improved my English since I became a member of the English corner.
3.The favorite subject
?词汇:subject, among, language, foreign culture, sound, improve, host, the Olympic Games, useful, top,
?句型:like? best,? because?;
not only? but also?
?how to do?,sound +adj
be different from,with one’s help
?It’s known?,must be?,make up mind to do sth.
I am a middle school student. I study many subjects at school. There are Chinese, maths, English, PE and so on. Among them, I like English best, because in class I can not only learn how to use the language but also know some foreign culture. Sometimes they sound interesting, for they are quite different from ours. With the teachers’ help, my English has improved a lot. It’s known that Beijing is going to
host the 2008 Olympic Games. At that time, English must be the most useful language in our city. I have made up my mind to learn English well and be the top student in English learning.王可
?We can learn many subjects in our school, such as Chinese, English, physics, history and so on. Even though I like all the subjects, my favourite is history. History is so interesting that I will never forget it. It usually takes me a lot of time to read the books on history. From the books I have learnt about the development of human beings. I think history is the best of all the subjects.(肖宇)
4.The hobby groups
?词汇:hobby groups, computer group, photograph group, calligraphy group, dancing group, join, member, start, interesting, knowledge, ?句型:There are many
?in our school, such as?
? I’m a member of?,I join ? because
? I’m interested in;not only? but also?
? I hope that?; I have made up my mind?
There are a lot of hobby groups in our school. I am a member of the science group. Last year, the teacher asked me to grow some flowers and watch them. Then I should write a report about these flowers. I felt very excited about it. During that time, I was so busy with my flowers that I even forgot the time. I have become more and more
interested in science, so I hope to be a scientist when I grow up.
Our school has many hobby groups. I am a member of photograph group. We often go to the hills or lakes to take good photos. Last summer holiday, we went to the Great Wall. All of us took a lot of beautiful photos. We enjoyed ourselves there. I hope that we can go to Mount Emei next time ?5. my friend
?词汇: ?每个人都有自己的朋友,请把你最要好或最特殊的朋友介绍给大家。
?1. N. Friends, parents, teachers, classmates, family, school, relatives , happiness, sadness, generation gap, feelings, friendship, communication, teamwork
?2. V. make friends, understand encourage take good care of,expect, get on well with, play together, smile, trouble, talk with, quarrel with, help each other, discuss, argue, do well in enjoy oneself
?3. Adj. Happy, sad, important, lonely , helpful, necessary ?句式:
?1. I hope we can understand each other.
?2. It’s necessary to understand each other.
?3. No one can be successful only by himself.
?4. There are some sayings, “friendship is sunlight in the dark.” “If there
were no friendships in a city, it would become a desert.”
?5. Although we sometimes quarrel with each other, yet we get on well later.
?6. We should get on well with everyone around us.
?7. The more friends you get, the happier you will be.
?8. A friend can not only help you, but also bring you happiness. ?9. Everybody needs friends to talk with and get confidence from. ?10. Don’t argue, but discuss.
?11. People who refuse to consider others have few friends. ?12. We need to learn how to take care of other people.
?13. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
? My best friend
? I have not only a lot of common friends, but also a special friend. He is my father. My father isn’t tall but he is very kind and lovely. He usually helps me with my maths and physics in the evening. At weekends he plays chess, cards with me. When I am in trouble. He always help me in time. I prefer my father to any other friend. I think he is not only a good father, but also one of my best friends. I love my father very much.
6.my pets
?1.N. pet, dog, cat, fish, feather, nose, fur, playmate, friend ?2. V. bark, keep pets, take time, cost money, bring troubles, bring a lot of fun, run, feed on, relax, play with sb
?3. Adj. Lovely, nuaghty, small, white, funny
?1. Today more and more people have kept animals for pets. ?2. Even though keeping a pet takes time and costs money, I think pets will bring us a lot of fun.
3.It is true to say dogs are man’s best friends
?4. His two eyes are just like two big lamps both big and bright ?5. His noses are like a button next to the eyes.
?6. What a lovely dog!
?.7.It is necessary for a child to have a pet to play with because they are lonely sometimes.
?8.I like to play with my pet after I finish my homework ?9. I often take a walk with my pet after supper.
?10.When I am unhappy, I like to talk with my dags
?Today more and more people keep animals for pets, like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, and so on. Some people think that animals often make rooms dirty and smelly. Even though keeping a pet takes time and costs money. I think pets will bring us a lot of fun.
?Three years ago my uncle gave me a dog, a naughty dog. I liked it very much. The dog was about one year old. I called him TaoTao. His two eyes are just like big lamps, both big and bright. He has long and white hair which makes him look like a white ball. His nose is like a button next to the eyes. He has a cute look. When we have meal he looks at us and barks at us. He seems to say:” why don’t you give me
something to eat?”
?What a lovely dog! I like it very much!
?N. a foreign language, a second language, an international language, spoken English, English-speaking countries, Olympic games, opening up polity ability, a good future, income, salary, entry into WTO, future study, information age, one of the subjects, in the modern world,
opportunities, required courses, a large number of, volunteer, success, ?V. make a
contribution to, be used by, speck to, talk with, secure, study hard, understand, encourage sb. to do, try one’s best, go abroad, graduate from, learn from, put one’s
heard into, give up, be interested in, communicate, practice speaking, come true, catch up with, get ready for,
?Adj. important, difficult, useful, interesting, widely, easy, hard, popular, necessary, popular,
?1 There’s nothing difficult if you put your heart into it
?2 I think it is important and necessary for everyone to learn english. ?3 The better English you speak the more chances you will get
?4. More and more people prefer to learn English rather than learn the other
?5. China’s entry into WTO encourages more people to learn? ?6. learning English well is good for our future
?7. if you are good at English you can make a contribution to ?. 8.They want to learn English well so that they can go to a good high school. ?9. There are more and more people learning English.
There are a lot of people learning English in china. Why do people learn English in china? Because they think it is very useful. Beijing’s successful bid for the 2008
Olympic Games encourages more people to learn English. How can we learn English well? At first, I try to speak as much as I can. I speak English with my classmates and teachers in school. Secondly, I listen to English as often as possible in and out of class and write down the important things the teacher teaches in class. Thirdly, at night I like to listen to the English songs at home. At last, I go over my lessons and do a lot of practice after class. Fourthly, it is also important to remember the English words .I think if we do like this, we can learn English well. In fact, there is no good and easy way to learn English well. But there is nothing difficult if we put our heart into it. ?8. one child policy
子女的政策使每个家庭更重视孩子的健康和教育。学会与他人交流很必要? ?
?family, child, policy, brothers and sisters, population, solve, problem, large, allow,
slow down, feel lonely, challenge, necessary, traffic, water problem, chance, take care of, basic, save, energy, improve, economy, food, advantage, carry out, education, environment, society, develop, sooner or later, the standard of living, competition, spoil, comfortable, get on well with
?1. Friends are important to a person who is the only child of his family, for he has no brothers or sisters.
?2. China has the largest population in the world.
?3. We will have smaller families with fewer, but healthier children. ?4. One Child Policy has made a contribution to improving the people’s quality.
?5. We should find out the best way to solve the population problem. ?6. What can be done to slow down the population of China?
?7. Other are worrying about “one child” don’t know how to get on well with others.
?8. We feel lonely because we have no brothers or sisters to talk with at home.
?9. It’s very difficult to find a job now.
?10. China is still a developing country.
?11. More energy will be saved if there is fewer people.
?12. There are so many people in China, so we have to work harder and harder, or we will have no chance.
?The population of China is 1.3 billion now. The large population has made many bad results, for example, the environment is becoming worse and worse. So to reduce the population is urgent. In China almost every family has only one child, in this way-China’s One Child Policy, the government has controlled the growth of the population.
?In a family of three-mother, father and the child, the child is usually brought up patiently. The parents let him have good education and want him to be a useful person to the society when he grows up. As the child has no brothers or sisters, he must be trained to get on well with other people, such as his classmates, teachers, other family members etc. He has to get used to communicating with others. Usually, I think it is hard to us -“One Child”, yet I never give up.
?Most of the developed countries have a small population each. I am sure the One
Child Policy will bring many advantages to China.
9. travelling
词汇:holiday travel mobilephone Go outings happy
1.I like ? very much.
2.Last summer, I went to ?with whom
3.we went to? by bus ( train, car,bike..)
4.We set off at (place)? at (time)?
5.It took sb. Some time to get there
6.We took a lot of pictures there
7.We had a good time there( enjoyed ourselves very much)
8.It’s such an exciting? that I will never forget it.
? Last week I went to mount Emei in Sichuan province with my family. Early in the morning, we took a taxi to Beijing West Railway Station. The station was very lively.
? Half an hour later, we got on the train. On the train, we had a lot of fun. After 26
hours, we reached Sichuan. There, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the Beijing. Even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.
2009 初三英语复习之写作篇作文训练 2009 初三英语复习之写作篇--作文训练 作文训
练集中营(题目) 俗话说,熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟,英语写作也是如此。命题者为
了让考生有话可写,必然会涉及中学生身边熟悉的生活,包括人物和事件。只要 我们对这些
内容的写作都能熟练掌握,相信在考场作文的时候必然会得心应手。 1.体育锻练(sports) 作
为一名初三的学生,我们每天进行体育锻炼,如做操、打篮球?因为运 动能增强体质, 减
少疾病。 运动使大脑休息, 使复习效果更好。 通过体育锻炼我? 在今后我要? 词汇:
Junior Three, do sports, morning exercises, take exercise, health, healthy, relax, strong, necessary, kinds of 句型:such as, so on, I think?, Doing?;so
that?;become? and ?;It’s adj. for sb. to do sth.;? because? 范文 1. As a Grade
3 student, we have sports every day, such as doing some exercise, playing basketball and so on. We do sports because it can not only make us strong and but also keep us healthy. It can also make us have a good rest and study better. So I will keep doing sports every day from now on. 范文 2. As a middle school student of Junior Three,
I do sports one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. I think it is very helpful to me. Taking exercise makes me healthier so that I won’t be ill very often. What’s more, I also get myself
relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then I do the better job in my study in high spirit. By doing physical exercise, I’m becoming stronger and more confident
than before. I think it is necessary for everyone to spend some time on sports every day because people’s health is essential in modern life. 2.日记 今天(4 月 15 日)
上午你去参加了英语角活动。请根据提示写一篇日记。 简介:英语角成立于三年前,许多中
学生参加,还有大学生和外国朋友。 地点:家附近的公园。内容:练口语,谈感兴趣的事,
交流学习英语的经 验。 感想:很?下决心?
词汇:English corner, found, college students, foreigners, take part in, activity, experience, chance exchange, widely, talk about, improve 句型: which/ that + clause;
It is ? since?;as well as; practice doing;I think?,? after?;try one’s best
to do?;be + done 范文 1 15th, April Fine
This morning I went to the English corner which is in the park near my home. It is three years since it was founded. Many middle school students as well as college students and foreigners take part in the activity. People there practice speaking English by talking about something interesting. People also exchange the experience in English Learning. I think it is a good chance for me to use what I have learnt in my English class. I felt very cool after I got back home. I’ll try my best to
learn English better, for it is so widely used in the world. 范文 2. April, 15 Fine
How interesting! I went to an English corner in a park near my home this morning. There were many students and foreign friends in the English corner. The English corner was founded three years ago. I think we can not only practice speaking English but also make a lot of foreign friends. We talked about interesting things and exchanged the experience of learning English with each other. I have improved my English since I became a member of the English corner. 3.The favorite subject 我们在学校学习很
多课程,如数学、语文、英语、体育?在这些课程当中 我最喜欢?因为?在这门课中我学会
了? 词汇:subject, among, language, foreign culture, sound, improve, host, the
Olympic Games, useful, top, 句型:like? best,? because?; not only? but also?
how to do?,sound +adj
be different from,with one’s help It’s known?,must be?,make up mind to
do sth. 范文 1. I am a middle school student. I study many subjects at school. There are Chinese, maths, English, PE and so on. Among them, I like English best, because in class I can not only learn how to use the language but also know some foreign culture. Sometimes they sound interesting, for they are quite different from ours. With the 作文训练集中营(题目) 俗话说,熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟,英语写作也是如此。命
题者 为了让考生有话可写,必然会涉及中学生身边熟悉的生活,包括人物和事件。 只要我
们对这些内容的写作都能熟练掌握, 相信在考场作文的时候必然会得心 应手。 1.体育锻练
(sports) 作为一名初三的学生,我们每天进行体育锻炼,如做操、打篮球?因为 运动能增
强体质,减少疾病。运动使大脑休息,使复习效果更好。通过体育锻 炼我?在今后我要? 词
汇:Junior Three, do sports, morning exercises, take exercise, health, healthy, relax, strong, necessary, kinds of 句型:such as, so on, I think?, Doing?;so
that?;become? and ?;It’s adj. for sb. to do sth.;? because? 范文 1. As a Grade
3 student, we have sports every day, such as doing some exercise, playing basketball and so on. We do sports because it can not only make us strong and but also keep us healthy. It can also make us have a good rest and study better. So I will keep doing sports every day from now on. 范文 2. As a middle school student of Junior Three,
I do sports one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. I think it is very helpful to me. Taking exercise makes me healthier so that I won’t be ill very often. What’s more, I also get myself
relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then I do the better job in my study in high spirit. By doing physical exercise, I’m becoming stronger and more confident
than bcan learn many subjects in our school, such as Chinese, English, physics, history and so on. Even though I like all the subjects, my favourite is history. History is so interesting that I will never forget it. It usually takes me a lot of time to read the books on history. From the books I have learnt about the development of human beings. I think history is the best of all the subjects.(肖宇) 4.The hobby
groups 你们学校有很多兴趣小组活动,你参加的是什么小组,请记叙一次你参加 的小组活
词汇:hobby groups, computer group, photograph group, calligraphy group, dancing group, join, member, start, interesting, knowledge, 句型:There are many ?in our
school, such as? I’m a member of?,I join ? because I’m interested in;not only?
but also? I hope that?; I have made up my mind? 范文 1. There are a lot of hobby
groups in our school. I am a member of the science group. Last year, the teacher asked me to grow some flowers and watch them. Then I should write a report about these flowers. I felt very excited about it. During that time, I was so busy with my flowers that I even forgot the time. I have become more and more interested in science, so I hope to be a scientist when I grow up. 范文 2. Our school has many hobby groups. I am a
member of photograph group. We often go to the hills or lakes to take good photos. Last summer holiday, we went to the Great Wall. All of us took a lot of beautiful photos. We enjoyed ourselves there. I hope that we can go to Mount Emei next time 5. my friend 每个人都有自己的朋友,请把你最要好或最特殊的朋友介绍给大家。 词汇: 1.
N. Friends, parents, teachers, classmates, family, school, relatives , happiness, sadness, generation gap, feelings, friendship, communication, teamwork 2. V. make friends, understand encourage take good care of,expect, get on well with, play together, smile, trouble, talk with, quarrel with, help each other, discuss, argue, do well in enjoy oneself 3. Adj. Happy, sad, important, lonely , helpful, necessary 句式: 1. I hope we can understand each other.
2. It’s necessary to understand each other. 3. No one can be successful only by himself. 4. There are some sayings, “friendship is sunlight in the dark.” “If
there were no friendships in a city, it would become a desert.” 5. Although we
sometimes quarrel with each other, yet we get on well later. 6. We should get on well with everyone around us. 7. The more friends you get, the happier you will be. 8. A friend can not only help you, but also bring you happiness. 9. Everybody needs friends to talk with and get confidence from. 10. Don’t argue, but discuss. 11. People
who refuse to consider others have few friends. 12. We need to learn how to take care of other people. 13. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” 范文 My best friend
I have not only a lot of common friends, but also a special friend. He is my father. My father isn’t tall but he is very kind and lovely. He usually helps me with my maths and physics in the evening. At weekends he plays chess, cards with me. When I am in trouble. He always help me in time. I prefer my father to any other friend. I think he is not only a good father, but also one of my best friends. I love my father very much. 6.my pets 现在,越来越多的人拥有宠物,比如,狗,猫,兔子,鱼等,动物已
经成 了我们的好朋友,他们为人们带来了很多的乐趣,你们家有宠物吗,谈谈你的看 法 词
1.N. pet, dog, cat, fish, feather, nose, fur, playmate, friend 2. V. bark, keep pets, take time, cost money, bring troubles, bring a lot of fun, run, feed on, relax, play with sb 3. Adj. Lovely, nuaghty, small, white, funny 句式: 1. Today more and
more people have kept animals for pets. 2. Even though keeping a pet takes time and costs money, I think pets will bring us a lot of fun. 3.It is true to say dogs are man’s best friends 4. His two eyes are just like two big lamps both big and bright 5. His noses are like a button next to the eyes. 6. What a lovely dog! .7.It is necessary for a child to have a pet to play with because they are lonely sometimes. 8.I like to play with my pet after I finish my homework 9. I often take a walk with my pet after supper. 10.When I am unhappy, I like to talk with my dags 范文 Today more and
more people keep animals for pets, like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, and so on. Some people think that animals often make rooms dirty and smelly. Even though keeping a pet takes time and costs money. I think pets will bring us a lot of fun. Three years ago my uncle gave me a dog, a naughty dog. I liked it very much. The dog was about one year old. I called him TaoTao. His two eyes are just like big lamps, both big and bright. He has long and white hair which makes him look like a white ball. His nose is like a button next to the eyes. He has a cute look. When we have meal he looks at us and barks at us. He seems to say:” why don’t you give me something to eat?”
What a lovely dog! I like it very much! 7.学英语 现在有很多人都在学习英语,因
为人们认为英文很重要。你认为学好应为的 方法是什么,你是怎样学习英文的, 词汇: N.
a foreign language, a second language, an international language, spoken English,
English-speaking countries, Olympic games, opening up polity ability, a good future, income, salary, entry into WTO, future study, information age, one of the subjects, in the modern world, opportunities, required courses, a large number of, volund out the best way to solve the population problem. 6. What can be done to slow down the population of China? 7. Other are worrying about “one child” don’t know how to
get on well with others.
8. We feel lonely because we have no brothers or sisters to talk with at home. 9. It’s very difficult to find a job now. 10. China is still a developing country. 11. More energy will be saved if there is fewer people. 12. There are so many people in China, so we have to work harder and harder, or we will have no chance. 范文 The
population of China is 1.3 billion now. The large population has made many bad results, for example, the environment is becoming worse and worse. So to reduce the population is urgent. In China almost every family has only one child, in this way-China’s One
Child Policy, the government has controlled the growth of the population. In a family of three-mother, father and the child, the child is usually brought up patiently. The parents let him have good education and want him to be a useful person to the society when he grows up. As the child has no brothers or sisters, he must be trained to get on well with other people, such as his classmates, teachers, other family members etc. He has to get used to communicating with others. Usually, I think it is hard to us -“One Child”, yet I never give up. Most of the developed countries
have a small population each. I am sure the One Child Policy will bring many advantages to China. 9. travelling 你喜欢旅游吗,你的上一次旅游去了哪里,都看到了什么,你们
玩得愉快 吗,请谈谈你的想法。 词汇:holiday travel mobilephone Go outings happy
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