Ming Palac?e Ruins?(明故宫遗址?)
This park is locat?ed on the site of the forme?r palac?e of Zhu Yuanz?hang, first? Emper?or of the Ming Dynas?ty. Built? from 1366-84 it was appar?ently? a very impre?ssive? palac?e. There? were the Imper?ial Ances?tral Templ?e, the state? altar? and all facil?ities? of the imper?ial palac?e. When Zhu Di moved? the capit?al from Nanji?ng to Beiji?ng, he built? Beiji?ng Imper?ial Palac?e in imita?tion of Ming Palac?e in Nanji?ng. Ming Palac?e was destr?oyed in the war at the end of the Qing Dynas?ty. Now what remai?n are only some carve?d stone?s, build?ing found?ation?, colum?n base.
The Presi?denti?al Palac?e (总统府)
The Presi?denti?al Palac?e build?ing clust?er was const?ructe?d durin?g the first? year of the Ming dynas?ty and serve?d as palac?e of Inter?im Presi?dent Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and seat of the civil? gover?nment? and the Presi?denti?al Palac?e. It has under?gone 600 hundr?ed years? of histo?rical? uphea?val and has treme?ndous? cultu?ral and histo?rical? value?.
Nanji?ng Massa?cre Memor?ial Hall(南京大屠杀?纪念馆)
A museu?m and memor?ial spot for the most shock?ing incid?ent in Nanji?ng histo?ry: a six-week killi?ng spree? carri?ed out by the Japan?ese Army durin?g World? War II. The solem?n compl?ex is built? on a site where? the invad?ers execu?ted Chine?se civil?ians, or somet?imes even burie?d them alive?. In one hall, visit?ors can see the excav?ated skele?tons from a mass-buria?l. The remai?ns and evide?nce of the massa?cre, inclu?ding photo?s, docum?ents,
weapo?nry and testi?monie?s of survi?vors, are displ?ayed in a two-story? museu?m.
Nanji?ng Libra?ry,南京图书馆?,
It is the third? large?st libra?ry in China? with over 7 milli?on items?. It house?s impor?tant scien?tific?, cultu?ral and arts liter?ature? relat?ing to Jiang?su provi?nce and other? natio?nal histo?rical? recor?ds such as ancie?nt Chine?se and forei?gn publi?catio?ns. The libra?ry conta?ins 1.6 milli?on ancie?nt books? and 100,000 volum?es of books?, docum?ents and manus?cript?s
(inclu?ding Buddh?ist scrip?tures?) datin?g from the Tang Dynas?ty to the Ming Dynas?ty.
The Secon?d Histo?rical? Archi?ves of China?(中国南京第?二历史档案?馆)
The Secon?d Histo?rical? Archi?ves of China? (SHAC), prese?rving? the origi?nal recor?ds of previ?ous centr?al gover?nment? and their? subor?dinat?e organ?s durin?g 1912--1949 perio?d, was found?ed in Febru?ary, 1951 and is locat?ed at 309 Zhong?shan East Road, Nanji?ng. The missi?on of the SHAC is to colle?ct, prese?rve, arran?ge, catal?ogue, compi?le, and facil?itate? the use of the holdi?ngs of the Archi?ves. The SHAC is equip?ped with photo?graph?y, photo?copyi?ng, and compu?ter equip?ment. The holdi?ngs inclu?de recor?ds of the Nanji?ng Provi?siona?l Gover?nment? and the South?ern Revol?ution?ary Gover?nment?, recor?ds of the Beiji?ng Natio?nal Gover?nment?, recor?ds of Puppe?t Regim?es and recor?ds of famou?s perso?ns.
Nanji?ng City Wall(南京明城垣?史博物馆)
Nanji?ng City Wall is one of the key histo?rical? and cultu?ral remai?ns of Ming Dynas?ty(1386) under? state? prote?ction?. It is a maste?rpiec?e of China?'s ancie?nt archi?tectu?re. With an origi?nal perim?eter of about? 35 kilom?eters? (22mil?es), the City Wall has a heigh?t 14-21 meter?s (46-67 feet). The City Wall is made up of four parts?. From the outsi?de first? there? is Outer? City, Inner? City, Imper?ial City and Palac?e City. The City Wall we can see today? is mainl?y the relic? of the Inner? City.
The City Wall of Nanji?ng was desig?ned by Emper?or Zhu Yuanz?hang (1368–1398) after? he found?ed the Ming Dynas?ty(1368–1644) and estab?lishe?d Nanji?ng as the capit?al 600 years? ago. To conso?lidat?e his sover?eignt?y and keep out invad?ers, he adopt?ed the sugge?stion?s to build? a highe?r city wall, to colle?ct grain?s and to postp?one the coron?ation?. Then, he start?ed to build? the city wall. It took 21 years? to compl?ete, and used 200,000 labor?ers to move 7 milli?on cubic? meter?s of earth?. The City Wall of Nanji?ng was among? the large?st city walls? ever const?ructe?d in China?, and today? it remai?ns in good condi?tion and has been well prese?rved.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s mauso?leum (中山陵)
The mauso?leum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the democ?ratic? revol?ution? pione?er in moder?n China?, is consi?dered? the Holy land of Chine?se peopl?e both home and abroa?d. The mauso?leum along? with its affil?iatin?g memor?ial build?ing, occup?ies a total? surfa?ce area of more than 80,000 squar?e meter?s, which? may be found? in the Bell Mount?ain Sceni?c Area in the easte?rn subur?bs of Nanji?ng. Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) was a great? forer?unner? of the Chine?se democ?ratic? revol?ution? and led by Dr. Sun the Chine?se peopl?e broug?ht down the corru?pt rule of the Qing Dynas?ty in 1911 and ended? 2000 years? of the feuda?l monar?chy syste?m, which? led the peopl?e into a new age.
The entir?e compl?ex is built? along?side Purpl?e Mount?ain, with the main build?ings align?ed along? a centr?al axis. A?bird’s-eye view shows? a?“freed?om?bell”?lying? flat on a fluff?y green? carpe?t, symbo?lizin?g the noble? spiri?t and heroi?c effor?ts of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's
devot?ion to the Chine?se peopl?e, fight? of oppre?ssion? and winin?g the indep?enden?ce of the count?ry. The mauso?leum is an archi?tectu?ral maste?rpiec?e and has been prais?ed for decad?es as the best mauso?leum in the conte?mpora?ry archi?tectu?ral histo?ry of China?.
The Yun Broca?de Museu?m,南京云锦博?物馆,
. Yunji?n is a kind of broca?de, a type of richl?y decor?ative? shutt?le-woven? fabri?c, often? made in color?ed silks? with gold and silve?r threa?ds. Its elega?nt and refin?ed desig?n with beaut?iful color?s is remin?iscen?t of cloud?s in the sky, so it is named? "Yunji?n" (Cloud? Broca?de or Yun Broca?de).
. Yun Broca?de of Nanji?ng is a remar?kable? maste?rpiec?e of Chine?se tradi?tiona?l cultu?re. The tradi?tiona?l hand-weavi?ng techn?ology? of Yun Broca?de has a long histo?ry of about? 1500 years?, which? has been liste?d as an Intan?gible? Cultu?ral Herit?age. It is reput?ed by the publi?c as "the orien?tal treas?ure" and "a Chine?se mirac?le".
. The Yun Broca?de Museu?m is the first? broca?de weavi?ng art museu?m in our count?ry. It inclu?des: “Yun?Broca?de weavi?ng manuf?actur?e”, “Exqui?site Yun Broca?de colle?ction?s”, “Ethni?c Broca?de Weavi?ng Perfo?rmanc?e”, “Finis?hed Produ?ct of Yun Broca?de displ?aying?”. Found?ed in 1994, the Museu?m is compr?ised of the weavi?ng of Yunji?n,
Yunji?n colle?ction? and Yunji?n folk perfo?rmanc?es. The ingen?ious combi?natio?n of live demon?strat?ions and displ?ay of rare and preci?ous artif?acts illus?trate? the devel?opmen?t and achie?vemen?ts of the Chine?se folk broca?de. Museu?m staff? re-enact?s the habit?s and custo?ms of the ethni?c minor?ity of China?, which? is one of the event?s of the Jiang?su Folk Show.
The Confu?cius Templ?e(夫子庙)
The Confu?cius Templ?e in Nanji?ng was origi?nally? const?ructe?d in the year of 1034 in the Song Dynas?ty. It was a place? to worsh?ip and conse?crate? Confu?cius, the great? philo?sophe?r and educa?tor of ancie?nt China?. It is also known? as Fuzim?iao in Chine?se.
The Ming Xiaol?ing Mauso?leum (明孝陵)
Ming Xiaol?ing Mauso?leum is one of the bigge?st imper?ial tombs? in China?. It lies in the easte?rn subur?bs of Nanji?ng City at the south?ern foot of Zhong?shan (Purpl?e) Mount?ain. Emper?or Cheng?zu, Zhu Yuanz?hang, the first? emper?or of the Ming Dynas?ty (1368-1644) and Queen? Ma were burie?d there?.
Nanji?ng Museu?m(南京博物馆?)
Serve?d as the Kuomi?ntang?'s Prepa?rator?y Offic?e of Natio?nal Centr?al Museu?m (found?ed by Mr. Cai Yuanp?ei in 1933). It is now a large? compr?ehens?ive histo?ry and art museu?m, which? cover?s a total? area of over 70,000 squar?e meter?s, 35,000 squar?e meter?s const?ructi?on area and inclu?des two impos?ing ancie?nt Liao-style? palac?es. It has a colle?ction? of 420,000 piece?s of relic?s of many kinds?, more than 2,000 piece?s of which? are of natio?nal treas?ures, espec?ially? the relic?s of archa?eolog?ical excav?ation?s, ethni?c minor?ities?, forei?gn count?ries, royal? court?, Qing Dynas?ty liter?ature? and of surre?nder rites? of Japan?ese troop?s in the Secon?d World? War as well.
Yue Jiang?lou(阅江楼)
Yue Jiang?lou, meani?ng?the?“River? Viewi?ng Pavil?ion”?in?Chine?se, is a seven?-story? pavil?ion which? is one of the top 10 cultu?ral tower?s of China?. Its actua?l struc?ture never? reall?y exist?ed and the curre?nt pavil?ion was built? in 2001 with moder?n techn?iques? to fit the ancie?nt descr?iptio?ns. Locat?ed on the top of Shizi? Mount?ain, north?east to the city and adjac?ent to the Yangt?ze River?, Yue Jiang?lou serve?s as the heart? of Nanji?ng’s?archi?tectu?re and cultu?re.
The Purpl?e Mount?ain Obser?vator?y(紫金山天文?台)
The Purpl?e Mount?ain Obser?vator?y, locat?ed at the top of the weste?rn slope? of Purpl?e Mount?ain, is the first? moder?n obser?vator?y built? indep?enden?tly by China?. It has the lates?t teles?copic? equip?ment as well as well-prese?rved ancie?nt astro?nomic?al devic?es where? visit?ors can learn? about? our amazi?ng unive?rse and astro?nomic?al histo?ry.
The Jingh?ai Templ?e(金海寺)
The Jingh?ai Templ?e, locat?ed at the south?weste?rn foot of the Lion Hill, was first? built? in the 9th year (1411) of the Yongl?e reign? of the Ming Dynas?ty. It was built? by the order? of Emper?or Cheng?zu in prais?e of Eunuc?h Zheng? He for his merit?s in his navig?ation? to the Weste?rn Ocean?s. The templ?e was given? the name of Jingh?ai by the emper?or, meani?ng all seas were calm or prayi?ng for the peace?. At the initi?al build?ing time, the templ?e occup?ied a space? of about? 2 hecta?res and consi?sted of 80 diffe?rent halls?. Zheng? He and Li Shizh?en--a famou?s pharm?acolo?gist of tradi?tiona?l Chine?se medic?ine, lived? in the templ?e. the Nanji?ng Treat?y--the first? unequ?al treat?y in the moder?n histo?ry of China? was signe?d here.
Rain-Flowe?r Terra?ce,雨花台,
Rain-Flowe?r Terra?ce,雨花台,Locat?ed in the south? of the city,only 1 kilom?eter away from Zhong?hua City Gate, Rain-Flowe?r Terra?ce is one of the repre?
senta?tive sceni?c spots? in Nanji?ng which? cover?s an area of 153.7 hecta?res and has many histo?rical? relic?s as well as beaut?iful scene?ry. It is the Site under? Natio?nal Prote?ction?, the Base of Natio?nal Patri?otism? Educa?tion, and the Natio?nal 4A Touri?st Sceni?c Site.
Zhong?huame?n Citad?el,中华门,
World? No.1 Citad?el and the bigge?st wall gate of the Ming Dynas?tyZho?nghua? Gate was origi?nally? named? Jubao? Gate,Treas?ure Gate,.Of all the city gates?, Jubao? Gate was the best in scale? and quali?ty, and this kind of city gate is rarel?y seen in the world? histo?ry of city const?ructi?on. Insid?e the gate there? are three? archw?ays, which?, toget?her with the walls? on the easte?rn and weste?rn sides?, form a citad?el .In 1931, its name was chang?ed into Zhong?hua City-Gate. Three? Chine?se chara?
cters? inscr?ibed by Jiang? Kai-shek in perso?n are still? visib?le on the city-gate.The city-gate is extre?mely solid? as it was built? compl?etely? with lime,
tung oil and gluti?nous rice gruel? as adhes?ives。
Beiji?ge Meteo?rolog?ical museu?m(北极阁)
Built? on Beiji?ge Hill, the museu?m was the birth?place? of moder?n Chine?se meteo?rolog?y. Locat?ed in Nanji?ng, the capit?al of Jiang?su Provi?nce, the publi?c museu?m was estab?lishe?d to educa?te about? meteo?rolog?ical cultu?re and achie?vemen?ts. It has two secti?ons.
The outdo?or exhib?ition? displ?ays ancie?nt meteo?rolog?ical appar?atus, weath?er-theme?d rilie?vos, and sculp?tures? of famou?s ancie?nt meteo?rolog?ists.
The indoo?r pavil?ion prese?nts the histo?ry and devel?opmen?t of meteo?rolog?ical
instr?ument?s and the devel?opmen?t of Chine?se meteo?rolog?y. The museu?m offer?s
speci?al educa?tiona?l progr?ams to stude?nts.
写南京的作文700字 美丽的南京 金秋十月,丹桂飘香,吹拂着凉爽的秋风,我的心情格外的好。时逢国庆长假,我邀请爸爸妈妈跟我走进了南京的大街小巷。 在秋日金色的斜阳下,我们来到南京最具历史文化特色的夫子庙。当位于健康路上的夫子庙正门映入眼帘时,便让我们产生一种气势雄浑的感觉和一份悠远的遐思,仿佛让我回到了远古而繁华的时代。走进夫子庙,只见路两边一个挨一个的商铺中摆满了各色小商品,显示了夫子庙的热闹和繁华。最具特色的“捏糖人”、丝绸锦缎装饰品等更是让我爱不释手,舍不得离开。我看着看着,突然 阵阵香味飘来,引得我口水直流,哦,原来是“状元楼”、“奇芳阁”、“秦淮人家”等这些扬名中外的美食店在招揽顾客。不知不觉中,我们来到了乌衣巷口,“朱雀桥边野草花,乌衣巷口夕阳斜。旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家”的著名诗句顿时扑入脑海,而此时的乌衣巷在夕阳映照之下更是充满了诗情画意。渐渐的,夜幕降临了,我们来到了秦淮河边。秦淮河的桥上,一排排大红灯笼映出一片片火红的天地,当然,也映红了人们笑盈盈的脸颊;河对岸的墙上,两条金龙正争抢着一颗璀璨的明珠,它的倒影映在清波荡
是“火树银花不夜天”呀l 离开了夫子庙,我们怀着愉快的心情,来到了华灯初上的新街口。夜晚的新街口,绚丽多彩,热闹非凡。五彩缤纷的装饰灯把新街口装扮得像一个神奇的梦幻世界:高楼上的灯星星点点,宛如天上一颗颗明亮闪烁的星星,七彩的光束从天空中划过,把天空装点得像一个绚丽的大舞台;站在新街口的中心,只见新百、中央、东方、金鹰等现代化的大型购物商城遥遥相对,金碧辉煌:广场前的花卉在多彩灯光的照耀下更显得美丽;广场上熙熙攘攘的人群或一家三口或独来独往,但都带着轻松与时尚,将新街口烘托得更加繁华。 南京,一个日新月异的城市;南京,繁华而美丽。
愉快的南京之旅 作者:陈煜坚 201*年3月,我爸爸在南京学习,我和妈妈决定去南京看望一下他,顺便去玩一玩。在南京两天,我们先后参观了中山陵、海底世界、
总统府、夫子庙、新街口购物中心等等,真是大开眼界。 镜头一:最新鲜的事 来到南京,我们就决定去中山陵参观。由于中山陵离我们住的地方比较远,我和妈妈商量,决定坐地铁去。我们开始还担心,不知道在哪里买票,怎么坐,但到地铁站咨询了服务人员后,很快就弄明白了,原来乘地铁是电脑全程操作的,有自动售票机,自动检票机,自动报站等等,我们根本不用着急不认识路。乘坐地铁后,给我们的感觉是地铁速度快,容量大,
去南京感到最新鲜的事。 镜头二:最有意义的事 在南京游玩,我觉得最有意义的事就是去中山陵瞻仰孙中山的遗像。中山陵在中山门外,南京农业大学对面。来到中山陵,只见人山人海,正门上方写着“博爱”两个字,也许这是为了纪念孙中山先生而建立的吧~一进门就是一条蜿蜒的山路,我爬到一半的时候,已经累得气喘嘘嘘,但我仍然坚持着一步一步地爬到山顶。从山顶仰望,景色尽收眼底,远处高山矗立,郁郁葱葱,直入云霄;俯视只见蜿蜒的山路像一条匍匐的巨龙,承载着如织的行人。孙中山先生的陵寝就建造在这雄伟的山顶,陵寝的正上方写着“天
下为公”四个大字,体现了孙中山先生伟大的民族主义精神。 镜头三:最有趣的事 来南京游玩,我觉得最有趣的事情就是参观海底世界。在海底世界,我观看了海狮、海豚表演,惟妙惟肖,非常精彩;认识了鱼类、水母、海龟等上千种海洋生物;领略到北极熊、北极狼、北极狗等动物的雄姿,真是大饱了眼福,增长很多知识。
我脑子一转,说:“我们在石头上走,一定要走完你走的那一排的每一块石头,而且要越走越快,脚不能踩在水里,谁踩在水里谁就输了,OK, let’s begin!”
“集合,集合??” 该死的导游又拿着喇叭在喊。于是,我们上了岸,穿好鞋子,陆陆续续地上了车,等人全齐后,汽车便出发了。 在路上,我想,刚才为什么钱蓝会赢我,那是因为她认认真真坚持不懈地干一件事,再慢也能干好,怪不得她的学习
篇一:Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum Among the historical
and cultural attractions in Nanjing, the best known is Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum.
Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburbs of the city.Designed by a young architect Lu Yanzhi, the mausoleum took more than 3 years to build and cost 1.5 million silver dollars.The construction began on March 12, 1926 and completed in 1929 when Dr. Sun Yatsen was buried there on June 1.
Dr. Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan, is considered as the father of the Chinese democratic revolution.Born in a peasant family in Guangdong Province in 1866, he had his primary education in Honolulu, Hawaii sponsored by his elder brother from 1878 to 1883.He was so sad when he saw the poverty of the country upon his return.China had been a super power for centuries. But since the middle of Qing Dynasty in the 1800’s, China
began to decline, which owed a great deal to the corruptions and incompetence of the Qing government. Foreign invasions and
peasant rebellions made it even worse. The Opium War in 1840 ended with the “Treaty of Nanjing”. China was forced to pay an
indemnity of 21 million silver dollars and cede Hong Kong to the Great Britain and open 5 free port cities to the westerners, which were Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai.Following were the wars again launched by France in 1883 and Japan in 1894.The Chinese people lived in a miserable life. They were referred to the “sick man of the Orient” by the westerners.Dr. Sun
Yatsen dreamed to save the nation by practicing medicine and that led him to Hong Kong to learn medicine when he was 21 years old.However, it did not work.The reality made him give up his medical career in his hometown and Macao but turn to politics in 1893.
From then on, he kept petitioning to the Qing government for reforms but was never responded.At great disappointment, he left the country later and went canvassing extensively in the United States of America, Europe and Japan, trying to win the sympathy and support from the overseas Chinese.With the funds raised, he organized “Revive China League” - China’s first bourgeois
organization.The following 1905 witnessed the founding of the “Chinese Revolutionary League” headed by Dr. Sun Yatsen, a party
with a clear-cut program of “Expel Tartars, Restore China, Establish
Republic & Equalize Land.”Dr. Sun Yatsen also put forth 3
democratic principles of “Nationalism, Democracy & People’
s Livelihood” as his political goal.The armed movements against the Qing government took place continuously.
The most important event following was the 1911 Revolution in Wuhan led by Dr. Sun Yatsen, which drove the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty out of the Forbidden City in Beijing, marking the end of the old dynastic system in China.In the same year, the representatives of 17 provinces met in Nanjing and elected Dr. Sun Yatsen president of the provisional government of the Republic of China.On January 1, 1912 it was in Nanjing where the first republic in Chinese history was founded and Dr. Sun Yatsen inaugurated his presidency.
Unfortunately the new republic was threatened by powerful warlords in the north.To avoid political crisis and save the republic, Dr. Sun Yatsen compromised conditionally with the major northern warlord named Yuan Shikai who had been pursuing the national power for a long time.He resigned at the end of March 1912, but never stopped pursuing his goal.
Soon after that, China went into chaotic civil wars again.The situation led to a series of movements like “the Second
Revolution,” “Save the Republic,” “Restore the Legislation” and
“the Northern Expeditions” in the following years.Dr. Sun Yatsen
spent most of his time dealing with warlords.Not until 1921, Dr. Sun Yatsen resumed his presidency in Guangzhou.At the First National Congress of the Chinese Kuomintang in 1924, he adopted the policy of “Alliance with Russia and Communists, Assistance to Peasants and Workers” and officially acknowledged the cooperation
between the Nationalist Party and Communist Party in running the government.
In November of 1924, Dr. Sun Yatsen, despite his poor health, made an expedition to the north with his ambition to eliminate warlords, expel imperialists and abrogate unequal treaties.He was warmly greeted by thousands of people upon his arrival in Beijing.He met with many politicians and warlords, trying to persuade them to get united to build a new China.But the result did not look optimistic.He became very sick due to hard work and had to be hospitalized.The diagnosis turned out he was suffering an advanced-stage liver cancer.When he realized it would not be very long for him to stay in this world, he dictated his assistant 3 last wills, one to his party, one to the Russian government and the other to his wife Madam Song Qingling.On March 12, 1925 Dr. Sun Yatsen passed away in Beijing Union Hospital.
Dr. Sun Yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 years of
his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build an untied democratic China.
Why was Dr. Sun Yatsen buried in Nanjing instead of in his hometown or Beijing where he died?The mausoleum site was first recommended to Dr. Sun Yatsen by the abbot of Linggu Temple for its good geomantic omen.One day in April, 1912 when he went hunting to the site with his friends, Dr. Sun Yatsen was really so amazed by the beautiful environment that he wished the people would allow him to be buried there after his death.He expressed this desire again in his sickbed in 1925.
Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum is designed in the shape of a
liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented.The whole architecture, from the gateway, to the main entrance, tablet pavilion, memorial hall and the tomb vault, lies on the north-south axis with 392 steps and 10 platforms in between.The buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbles and covered by blue glazed-tile roofs.
Opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the square, stands the 12-metre high gateway of three arches with Dr. Sun Yatsen’s
handwriting “Fraternity” carved on its front top.The 480-meter
long tomb avenue, lined with pine, gingko and maple trees, leads to the main entrance.Dr. Sun Yatsen’s motto “The World Belongs to
the People” can be seen right above the door in the
middle.Walking through it, the first building you will see is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone. The tombstone is engraved with “Premier Dr. Sun is buried here by the Chinese
Nationalist Party on June 1, 1929.”From there, a panoramic view of
the memorial hall can be obtained.However, there are still 290 steps to go before you reach the memorial hall on the top.The memorial hall stands 73.33 meters above the ground. In the center of the memorial hall sits the Italian white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yatsen mounted on a pedestal carved in bas-relief by a Polish sculptor. The surrounding walls are inscribed with the national constitution written by Dr. Sun Yatsen.Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault. Standing by the pool inside, if you look down, you bow to see Dr. Sun Yatsen’s reclining marble statue with his body buried 5 meters underneath.If you look up, you find the emblem of the Nationalist Party on the ceiling.
When you wrap up your homage tour and step down, you will not only enjoy a bird’s-eye view of beautiful Nanjing, but also feel totally relieved because you do not see any more those 392 steps you have conquered.Not until then, you will not understand how great Dr. Sun Yatsen is.
篇二:Ming Tomb The 600-year-old Ming Tomb, lying at
the southern foot of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb for Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1398.
Born into a poor peasant family in Fengyang County, Anhui Province in 1328, Zhu Yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at Huangjue Temple. In 1352, he joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixin. He married Guo Zixin’s adopted
daughter and became the commanding general later. Zhu Yuanzhang took over Nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 when he conquered the rest parts of China and established the Ming Dynasty.
Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.
Now we are reaching the tomb gate, known as Grand Golden Gate. Ming Tomb is divided into two parts. The first part is from Horse Dismounting Arch Gate to Linxin Gate, 1800 meters long, serving as the tomb avenue. The second part is the tomb itself. There was originally a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000
deer raised inside. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined during the wartime, once between the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the other time when Taiping Peasant Army was suppressed by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures were destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how it looked like 600 years ago.
At the Horse Dismounting Arch Gate, the inscription can be seen "All the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here". This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.
Here we are at the square city, also called the stone tablet house. Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways are still remaining, just like a castle. The Great Ming Dynasty Wonderful Achievements and Merits Tablet, 8.78 meters high, built in 1413 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is the highest ancient tablet in Nanjing. There are altogether 2746 Chinese characters on the tablet, which praise Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang for his deeds and merits by his fourth son who made himself the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty.
Why did Zhu Di, the third emperor erect this stone tablet? Zhu Yuanzhang had 26 sons. His first son died in 1392, so his first
grandson, then 16, was nominated to be the successor to Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. In 1398, 22-year-old Zhu Yunwen became the second emperor after his grandfather’s death. However his uncle
Zhu Di was then in Beijing and found some excuse to launch a war against him. The four-year-long war ended with the uncle's victory. Zhu Di grabbed the power and became the third emperor. When Zhu Di praised Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, he was actually praising himself. Originally, Zhu Di planned to have a 72-meter-high stone tablet carved out of Yangshan hill in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. Since it was too heavy to be moved, he gave up his plan and had this small one made.
The stone animal under the tablet looks like a tortoise. It is actually the first son of the dragon, well known for its strength. Its name is Bi Xi and he is always put there to carry imperial tablets. According to the legend, when the stone tablet was carved, the chief mason could hardly have it mount on the back of Bi Xi because it was too heavy. He was very worried and did not know what to do. One day he had a dream, in which he was told that only when the tablet and Bi Xi did not see each other, he would make the mounting possible. Clever as he was, he covered Bi Xi with mud and pushed the tablet onto the back of Bi Xi as you can see now.
When we pass the imperial bridge, we can see the sacred path
lined with 24 animals. There are six kinds of animals, one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting. They work on two shifts. The significance of these animals is to show the country's power and
emperor's influence, to drive away the evil spirits and guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beats. The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bi Xie, a mythical animal, suggesting justice. The following pairs of animals include camels, elephants, unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The unicorn represents good luck while Horse loyalty.
You may wonder how these heavy stone animals were moved to this place. The fact is in the cold winter, workers splashed water on the ground and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the freezing ice.
Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as altars for the sacrificial offerings. The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan, the first emperor of Eastern Wu Kingdom. When Ming Tomb was constructed, some people suggested that Sun Quan's tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu
Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay. This showed the emperor’s modesty. Among the 8 stone
figures, four are ministers and the other are warriors.
When we cross the imperial bridge and walk a short distance, we reach the tomb itself. The arch gate, imperial stone tablet pavilion, the grand hall, square city, grand terrace, treasure city, treasure top are all on the north-south axis, a typical layout of the ancient Chinese architecture.
The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors. But this gate was rebuilt in 1999.
In the stone tablet pavilion built in early Qing Dynasty, we can see an inscription by Emperor Kang Xi, the second emperor of Qing Dynasty, "Running the state as prosperously as Tang and Song Dynasties". Since Qing rulers were Manchurians, Emperor Kangxi was worried that the Han people wouldn't follow him. This stone tablet indicated Emperor Kang Xi's desire to be peaceful with the Hans. He made 6 trips down to southern China from Beijing and visited Ming Tomb for 5 times. This tablet was erected here in 1699 during his third visit. We can tell from this tablet that Emperor Kang Xi was no wonder a great emperor.
The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.
The tomb site was selected by Zhu Yuanzhang himself. However there had been a Buddhist temple here. Zhu Yuangzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here. The wise abbot in the temple felt it and suggested to the emperor that the temple should be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. The emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb.
篇三:Linggu Temple
[加游站]我们的旅途之南京、扬州、镇江、宏村、黄山 每年两次旅行是我俩的目标,就算再忙,也要尽量挤出时间出来走走~~~~~~~~~~~ 年初4月份去了厦门,玩的、吃的很happy~本来计划去张家界和凤凰,可是拉菲先生的时间迟迟定不下来,以至于错过了菜刀老师和锦儿姐的西藏游,现在想来仍觉可惜。等拉菲先生确定下来能走了,在去哪网一看机票,9月份的机票全都翻倍了,于是乎,果断放弃。放弃可是又不甘心,于是就在去哪网,搜来搜去的,突然发现沈阳——南京的往返机票有春秋的199特价机票。于是致电拉菲先生,一拍即合,就南京啦~~~~
——————————————行程(关键,呕心沥血之作)——————— 1. 出行日期:2013年9月19日-25日
2.气温以及穿衣指数:这个季节去、、镇江还是很热的,基本上裙子、或者T恤和短裤,凉鞋即可,穿多了真的很热。大太阳很晒,建议打伞。 3.去程:沈阳—— 春秋航空 199机票+机场建设费50+燃油税140=389 回程:南京——沈阳 春秋航空 199机票+机场建设费50+燃油税140=389 路费:1556 4.基本行程
DAY1:晚上的飞机,正好是中秋节,在飞机上赏赏月 入住:时光青年旅舍 DAY2:(鸡鸣汤包——————大屠杀纪念馆————新街口大排档) 入住:时光青年旅舍
DAY3:火车,从——(——关东街——汪氏故居——锦春密西——园——瘦西湖——东关街小吃——按脚) 入住:个园青年旅舍
DAY4:汽车,从——镇江(蒋家桥面馆——汽车到镇江——西津渡——金山寺——高铁回——火车到屯溪) 入住:考拉国际青年旅舍
DAY5:汽车:从屯溪——(逛,吃臭鳜鱼)——汤口() 入住:阿拉客栈
DAY6: 入住:北海宾馆六人独卫间
沈阳 5.全程客栈点评
南京大牌档:据我所知新街口的什么大厦楼顶,还有一家在狮子桥美食一条街。我们去的是新街口的,菜量不是很大,我和拉菲先生也是太饿了,于是乎本着来一趟不容易,特色的都尝尝,结果点了10道菜。最后我俩又本着反对四风绝对不能浪费的原则,成功全部下去,将光盘行动进行到底。总计消费146。推荐菜:盐水鸭(本人平时很不爱吃这类鸭,不过这个我很爱吃)、赤豆元宵(很赞)、桂花芋圆(也好吃)、烤鸭汤包、金牌煎饺(馅好大的)。 ————————————
锦春大酒店:我们点了一份扬州炒饭(超大量),他家没有小盘子的。点了两个蟹黄汤包,点了一个大煮干丝、和狮子头。这家量很大,我俩点这几个菜,够3、4人吃了,最后光盘行动失败。扬州炒饭,就觉得饭粒很硬,味道没觉得有什么特别之处。蟹黄汤包,以前在上海就吃过这种用吸管吸的汤包,我很不喜欢,由于点菜的时候不知道,点了两个,都给拉菲先生密西了。大煮干丝的汤很鲜美,狮子头很粉嫩,就是有肥肉哦。不能吃肥肉的同学要注意啦~我们总计消费128 东关街里的小吃也很多,有些是老字号的,有些的美食街常有的,你懂的。赵记叠汤圆之类的很不错。至于臭豆腐,没有上次在厦门吃的好吃,这种干巴巴的。 蒋家桥饺面店:量大,人很多,绝大部分是当地人。我俩又再一次点多了。点了煎饺(味不错)、汤包、混沌等等。总计消费30。 ——————镇江——————
无。由于只待了半天所以赶着去景点,没有吃到特色的盖碗面 ————————————
在宏村吃的臭鳜鱼和五加皮炒蛋,总计消费110,个人觉得很好吃,由于走的匆忙,忘记记下点名了,不过就在大树村口左转的胡同里,第一家,人很多,都是慕名而来。老板是内蒙口音的大树哦。 ——————(汤口)——————
从黄山下山后,我俩狼狈不堪,又冷又饿,在阿拉换好衣服后,就在阿拉的酒店吃饭,味道超级赞,而且价格公道。拉斐尔终于承认,还是这做的好吃。所以推荐大家就在这里解决好过到外面到处找。 ——————顶上——————
上山背了两盒泡面,面包、水、火腿肠、自热盒饭(2盒)。由于晚上下雨,我们哪也没去,而且山里下雨就会很冷。我们决定到北海宾馆吃一顿,就算贵也要吃。去了以后发现,虽然价格很高,但是量超级大,味道也不错,我们点了一盘酸辣土豆丝(48)、韭菜炒鸡蛋(58)、米饭每人5元随便吃。好大的盘子满满的,两个人最后都没有吃了,而且第一次吃到了韭菜炒鸡蛋,全部是鸡蛋,韭菜倒成了配料。推荐在山里住的朋友们,在这吃一顿是个不错的选择。 ——-———————————费用总计————
———————— 费用粗略计算总计6000余元,两人6天。
5.游玩交通费用:750(包括机场大巴20元/位、——、——镇江和镇江——南京、南京——黄山的火车票以及黄山市(屯溪)到宏村、宏村到汤口的包车费80、汤口回南京的大巴110/人、以及各种公交车等交通工具费用) 6.其他费用:400(矿泉水以及其他奶茶之类的零食费用)
7.购买特产:235(主要是在汤口买的徽墨酥和烧饼等) ——-———————————交通———————————————
由于城市间交通辗转就多,在这里不详细说,在后面发图片的时候一起细讲。 开始正文啦~
之后步行到马路对面坐公交车到明孝陵,路上人很多,公交车人也多,但是明孝陵人还可以,不算多,可以悠哉游哉的逛。 枫叶红了,秋意正浓~~ 明孝陵人不算多,闲逛吧~~ 黄砖红墙。色彩艳丽。 能看出沧桑的赶脚来~~
从 明孝陵出来后,在大门外乘坐电瓶车每人5元即可到达中山陵大门,很方便,如果自驾来的话需要从停车场走到景区内,很远的。
本侵华的电影心情都不好,但是看看时间还早,为了铭记历史振兴中华,我俩决定去这看看。 中秋节,中山陵免费,看看这人多少~ 站在高处俯视很壮观~
其实纪念馆和新街口还有总统府都在一条地铁线上,乘坐地铁去还是很方便的。 到了总统府我们就很累了,基本上没怎么看,也没怎么拍照,人太多了。那时候已经是下午3点了,人困马乏。我要吃饭。
总统府对面的南京图书馆,非常大,很气派。时间不够,不然真应该进去逛逛。 于是步行到新街口去吃南京大牌档,两个饿狼如饥似渴的盯着菜谱,看看这个也想吃,看看那个也不错,于是乎我俩不知不觉的点了10个菜。不过味道都相当的好。点了是个菜,共计146,怪不得人那么多呢,性价比真的很高。 推荐菜:盐水鸭、赤豆酿元宵、桂花芋圆、鸭血粉丝
夜晚的秦淮河,如果不是赶上节假日,坐船赏赏夜景,也是应该是美事一件吧~ ——————————————————— 9月21日(中秋节假期),乘坐早上8点的K8502次火车去,9点17就达到了扬州车站。 到达扬州火车站
出了车站就有公交车可以到达个园青旅,当然下车后需要走一段古园的路,而且也方便打听,很方便。入住酒店,放下行李,就去锦春大酒店密西啦。事实证明,这么安排是有问题的,因为个园在东关街的一头,而锦春在另一头,走起来其实是很远的,而且个园青旅紧邻个园,完全可以放下行李后,在东关街中随便吃点小吃,然后逛个园,个园出来沿着东关街,一路游览汪氏故居等等,走出东关街后,可以乘坐旅游车到何园,然后到瘦西湖。最后乘坐旅游车到锦春吃饭。吃完饭再到古渡口散散步或者乘坐游船,愉快的一天结束了。 先发几张个园青年旅舍的照片 个园青旅的手绘
好多人拍过的手绘,很漂亮。 放下行李开始逛街,边吃边逛。
炸臭豆腐5元一份。味道没有今年初在厦门吃的湖南臭豆腐好吃。这个味道一般 老字号,人比较多, 汤圆很大个的,等的时间稍微有点长,不知道是不是现做的缘故呢~。凉粉味道一般般,不过也可以尝尝,拉菲先生很爱吃。
点评:扬州炒饭,个人觉得一般般,米粒很硬而且没有东北的大米好吃,没看出什么扬州的特色,蟹黄汤包,和我想的不太一样,这里面全是水的,可能说的扬州早上皮包水,晚上水包皮就是这个吧,点多了,点了两个蟹黄汤包,16元/个。我觉得一个正好。大煮干丝还不错。我挺喜欢的,不过菜量很大很大,我俩吃不了,这些东西三人吃正好。 东关街
东关街里的一个古宅,住在这样的宅子里,是不是很惬意呢~ 汪氏小苑,在没看个园和何园之前,看这个还是可以做做梦的。 一家小店装修的小清新风格~,让我想起了鼓浪屿和曾厝安
何园之所以保护的这么好,是因为当时抗战时期,八路军部队居住在此,所以得以保护下来。后来扬州市政府为了发展旅游业,才从部队手中收回了何园。 如果时间紧张,个人建议选择去个园,如果时间充裕,建议也去何园看看。 何园开的是后门,他的前门前有建筑所以没办法开前门,所以何园游览出入口都是后门。所以先进来看的是何园的后花园。
出了何园,门口有很多人力车,我俩雇了一辆去瘦西湖,讲价后15元。 蒋家桥饺面店就在何园的附近。第二天早上我俩特意坐车来着吃早餐,后面有图。
从瘦西湖出来,坐旅游公交车回青旅休息,晚上6点多出来准备坐古渡夜游船。 东关古渡,晚上的也有船就是在此乘坐,很方便,东关街的一头过马路就是这了,晚上有很多人在这跳舞,我俩走到这没见到船结果一直沿着古渡走,结果走的疲惫不堪,也没了游船的兴致,回来的路上才发现,原来这就是乘坐夜游船的地方。唉~
还是起到了缓解疲劳的作用。晚上香香的睡了一觉。 —————(本文来自:WWw.bDFQy.com 千 叶 帆文摘:写南京景点的作文)
9月22日,早上起来,乘坐旅游公交车到下车,去蒋家桥饺面店吃早餐,一路上拉菲先生不停的说,一顿早饭随便吃点得了,走这么远就为这么一顿饭。 结果吃上以后他就不知声了。
离开金山寺,到对面马路等公交车,去镇江火车站,订的高铁的票回南京,G7132,14:24发车,14:44到,票价29.5每人。到的火车是K25 15:40发车21:24到黄山(屯溪),每人53.5。这样到达南京火车站,就还有1个小时的时间。
——————————————————————————————————— 9月23日,睡到自然醒。磨磨蹭蹭的中午才出了门,到汽车站乘车去。 去宏村的车很方便。很不多,很好。
宏村到黄山景区(汤口)的客车只有上午才有,所以一般都选择拼车,100块钱一辆车,可以4、5个人一起走,每个人也用不了多少钱。但是切忌不要像我们一样,这个时间出来已经很难拼到车子了。好在遇到了一位心不黑的司机大哥,80元就带我俩走了,在停车场还好心的到处找是否还有人一起拼车。期间有其他司机过来打趣的说道,还等啥啊,这个时间走100都不能走,咋滴得150 ,我狠狠的鄙视了他一下,打劫啊。
很顺大概半个小时到达了汤口的阿拉客栈。/index.php 晚上6点听进山的线路,到大堂去听。讲的很仔细,而且有问必答。房间条件相当好。98每晚,超值了,而且床品很舒适,卫生条件很好。前台超级热情,定返回南京的客车,反反复复的变更了几次,可是前台每次都耐心的打电话询问客车情况,完全站在客人的角度上考虑。很好的客栈。下次有机会再来的话,一定首选这家。
晚上吃的特色的徽州菜。毛豆腐(不太习惯) ———————————————————
9月24日,早上起来拉开窗帘一看,大晴天,没有下雨,乐坏了,赶紧收拾行李,退房出发。 黄山门票230每位,索道80每人。(这行程的花费都花在黄山了) 黄山真的很美,坐索道的时候很兴奋。
最后光盘行动没有完成,剩了些鸡蛋~~~~罪过罪过~~~~ ——-—————————结束————————————
游南京、杭州、苏州有感济宁学院附小 鹿伟松五?一到了,我们放了七天的长假。五月二日,我们一家和赵文驰一家,开车先后去了南京、杭州、苏州。经过八个小时的漫漫长途,我们来到了美丽的南京。刚进市区,就看到街道两旁全是参天大树,哦~这里原来是中国数一数二的绿色城市。南京最主要的行道树是梧桐树。南京简称宁,地处富饶的长江角洲,北接辽阔的江淮平原,是江苏省的省会。全市面积6597平方公里,辖4县11区,人口545万,其中市区面积881平方公里,人口270多万,为中国十大城市之一。南京主要景点有中山陵、天文台、秦淮河、夫子庙、玄武湖??第一天晚上,我们去了秦淮河和夫子庙。那里有繁华的商业街,两旁有各种各样的商店。不知不觉中,已经到了秦淮河,
我们登上了画舫,啊,真美啊~波光粼粼的水面上倒影着五颜六色的花灯,各种各样的桥如同一条长长的彩带,高高的宝塔?a href=“http://www.bdfqy.com/luzuowen/” target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>路鹦 以诿览龅囊箍罩校 嗣浅,担菏 宓脑铝潦 玻 裉煺 檬桥? 娜 率 眨 越裢淼脑铝粮裢庠玻 孟蠊以谔焐系囊桓龃笤才?船在水上走,人在画中游,好像到了人间仙境。第二天,我们来到了有名的玄武湖,刚到达目的地,就看到明朝的城墙和玄武门。进入玄武湖公园,映入眼帘的首先是美丽的湖面和路两旁嫩绿色的杨柳,柳树姑娘们好像随着风儿跳舞,那婀娜的舞姿是那么的美丽动人。公园占地面积472公顷,其中水面面积为368公顷,陆地面积104公顷 ,周长约9.5公里,是国家级钟山风景名胜区的重要组成部分。玄武湖三面环山,两面环城,分5个岛屿。我门乘坐游览观光车环游小岛,第一个小岛上栽满了香樟树,那些香樟树高大、粗壮,大概有好几百年了吧~玄武湖五洲之间桥堤相通,风光各异,桥型不同,有高有低。玄武湖内不仅景色宜人,还有高尔夫球场、水上发球场??位于原万人游泳池的水上乐园,占地200亩,可同时容纳万人以上。有滑群、漂流河、儿童戏水池??水面不时有轮船、快艇驶过,还有一处别的地方没有的水上火车??那些形状独特,色彩鲜艳。不一会儿,我们又转到了上车处,水面上11个喷泉围成一个半圆形,喷射出几十米高的水花,喷泉前面有一个高高的舞台,我们正赶上演出开始,仔细一看,原来是一些少数民族的,那些人能歌善
舞、各有特长。有人说:“到南京不游玄武湖,就像到北京不看颐和园,到杭州不去西子湖一样另人遗憾。游完玄武湖之后,再回味这名话,感觉说的非常对。下面我们要游览的风景名胜区是中山陵和紫金山的天文台。中山陵是中国伟大民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓。一眼放望,隐隐约约看见一个斜斜的上坡,进入大门,左右两边有四排树,第一排是雪松,第二排是柏树,第三排是银杏树,第四排还是雪松,这说明了:松柏长青,寓意着孙中山先生丰功伟绩。往里走,两边的树遮挡住了刺眼的阳光,从一个阳光世界变成了阴森森的。啊~终于走出了黑暗,远看上面没有一个台阶,可是近处却有台阶,怎么回是,我的脑海里画出了一个个大大的“,”,怎么会是这样,爸爸说:“这种台阶从下面看都是上坡,你离近看是有很多阶台阶的~”我们终于登上了第十层平台,这是陵墓的最高处,海拔158米。远远望去,景色是那么的美,蓝天、白云,建筑物和大树??成了亲密伙伴。远眺南京城,树木能占到城市的百分之七十~往前看是一块石碑,上面写着“孙中山”这几个字,再向里面走就到了孙中山的塑像,他一动不动的坐立在那里,好像在作诗~我很喜欢松树,比如:“雪松、白皮松、云松??”因为它代表着正直、伟岸、有骨气~ 接下来,我们来到了紫金山天文台。这里主要是一些中国古代的天文仪器,如:“浑仪”,浑仪是中国古代用以测量天体位置的主要仪器。西汉洛下宏曾制作过浑仪。此仪铸造于明朝正统年间,由三重环圈组成,可测天体的赤道、黄道和地平坐标。环上刻有周天
365 1/4度及百刻度,这是中国古代天文所特有的。我们还看到了好多仪器。 华灯初上,我们开车去南京电视塔旁边露天餐厅吃晚饭,近看电视塔非常地漂亮,我们还在电视塔顶看见了一个闪着光的不明飞行物呢~凉爽的微风吹在脸上,好舒服啊~第二个要去的城市是杭州~我很高兴,因为我终于能看看怎么个“上有天堂,下有苏杭”。其实,把杭州比喻成人间天堂,很大程度上是因为有了西湖。西湖山水孕育了七大古都之一的杭州,杭州的发展又促
啊,”爸爸说:“我们才走了五分之二~”我吓的半天和不上嘴,“怎么那么长时间才走那么点路啊,”我疲劳地说:“我们做船过去吧~”爸爸考虑了一下说:“做船去的时候什么路线,回来的时候就什么路线,他不会把你送到头的~”“那我们就坐完船直接打的返回啊~”爸爸毅然的答应了。我们找到了一家比较便宜一点儿的船站,我们登上了小船。小船出发了,荡漾在湖面上,微风迎面吹来,好凉爽~我们专门买了个吹泡泡的东西,就像手?a href=“http://www.bdfqy.com/gouzuowen/” target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>狗?渥拥 谎 党隽艘桓龈鲂?菖荩 菖菝怯械母?谒 嫔希 械姆缮狭颂炜眨 褂械暮芸炀捅 耍 婧猛妫『芸炀偷绞奔淞耍 颐乔捉 苏饷览龅暮贾菸骱 徊还 桓糇乓豢槟景澹?庋 仍诘缡由峡吹降母芯鹾枚嗔恕,钡胶谏 亲×苏 鎏炜眨 颐遣帕盗挡簧岬乩肟 苏饷览龅奈骱 ,骱 愫妹溃?一嵩倮纯茨愕模?灯鹚罩莩鞘械奶厣?基本可以概括为三位一体,即:古城,水乡,园林城市,因而自古以来就有人间天堂的美誉.苏州瑰丽多姿的山光水色,古朴典雅的园林美景给我留下了深刻的印象.唐代诗人白居易,在离任多年后仍深情地怀念它:江南好,风景旧成谙,日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝,能不忆江南!苏州位于江苏省南部的长江三角平原,东靠上海,南界浙江,西临太湖,北临长江!苏州有着古代风韵的大街小巷,和热闹繁华的商业街,还有人们耳熟能详的苏州小吃街,晚上如果走在人山人海的商业街上,五颜六色的灯光照你你仿佛在一个虚拟世界,非常漂亮!
暑假的一天,我来到了 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆,这里显得庄重、肃穆。
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