Confucius Temple & Scholastic Palace
Ladies and Gentlemen, we will reach the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple is located at the center of the old town of Nanjing. It is the ritual place of worshipping and offering sacrifices to Confucius. It can be also called Kong Temple or Wen Temple. Confucius was born 551 BC in Qufu, Shandong Province. He is the contemporary of Buddha in India and Pythagoras in ancient Greece, being regarded as a great philosopher, a great sage as well as
tha great educator of China. It was the Jesuit missionaries of the 17 century
who called him Confucius, and this Latinate name has become know to the West. When he was 30 years old, he returned to Lu State from the Qi State where he was not put in an important position. The he accepted the disciples and gave them lectures. In his late years, he concentrate on compiling ancient and classics. Classic of Poetry、Spring and Autumn written by Confucius and
known by all the Chinese have even influenced the Chinese attitude toward life. And he died 479 BC. Confucius Temple has been destroyed for 5 times and rebuilt after the ruins. In 1984, the government of Nanjing renovated its area. Now the area has become a tourist site of culture and commerce. It is an ideal place for tourists to understand traditional Chinese culture as well as shopping.
Ok! Here we are! Please get off and follow me.
My friends, we are in the Confucius Temple Square on the bank of the Qinhuai River. The Qinhuai River.is a branch of the Yangtze River totaling 110 kilometers long. It has nurtured the city of Nanjing and added on illustrious chapter to the local history. It finds its source in Mountain Baohua,Jurong County. When the water reaches the city, the river is divided into two streams. One goes around the city walls, which is Outer Qinhuai, and was exploited as part of the city moat. The other goes into the urban area of the city through East Sluice, and goes out of the city from the West Sluice ,then joins the Outer Qinhuai and empties into the Yangtze. This is the Inner Qinhuai or the well known Qinhuai River.
The pool before us is called Pan Pool or Crescent Moon Pool. It is part of the natural stream of the Qinhuai. On the southern bank of the pool is Screen Wall, 110 meters long, 10 meters high, which was built in the Ming Dynasty and is the biggest still preserved in China. On the west of the pool, there is a bridge named Wen De Bridge. It came from Six Dynasty.
The Gateway facing us is named the Memorial Archway. It is the first entrance to the Confucius Temple. The four Chinese character written by Yan Zhengqin, who is a famous calligrapher in the history of China ,means “The Source of The Chinese Classic is”. The archway is a commemorative building
of Confucius for his great contribution to Chinese culture. At the eastern corner of the square in front of the temple is a three-storied building named Kuixing Pavilion. Kuixing means the top candidate in the imperial examination in Chinese. At the western corner lies the Juxing Pavilion. As all the men of letters or the literati were regarded as the stars in the sky, this Pavilion was specially built for their meetings.
Now, we meet the first gate to the temple. It is Linxing Gate. The purpose of building the gate was to show the persons of virtue coming forth in large numbers, and the stability of the country.
Going through the Lingxing Gate ,we can see the Dacheng Gate. It is the front gate of the temple.
Walking ahead, we can see a bronze Confucius sculpture, which is the biggest one in China. It is 4.18 meters high,2500 kilogram weighty. After we pass the sculpture, we come to the Dacheng Hall. It was employed to enshrine and worship Confucius. In the middle of the hall is the figure of the Super Great Saint Confucius with 4 saints of Yan Hui、Zeng Shen、Meng Ke and Kong Ji on
both sides. This figure, 6.5 meters high, 3.15 meters wide ,is also the largest one in China. It cost the painter two years to finish it. There are 38 huge picture which were in laid by jewelry or gemstone hung around the hall. They show the visitors the deeds happened in the Confucius’ whole life.
Having visited the Dacheng Hall, We can see four tablets. “The Tablet of
Confucius Social and Moral Stand” recorded the Confucius stand of administrating the country. Confucius proposed to the power of the ducal kings of the Lu State a number of policies and methods to stabilize the country and to consolidate the ducal power after he had made investigations on the system of the institutions in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. “Jiqing Confucius Temple Tablet” was erected here in 1309,after the Yuan emperor had issued an imperial edict of “taking education as the state administration of
the empire” in 1308. “Madame Super Great Saint Tablet” was erected in 1331,to commemorate the wife of Confucius. “Four Saint Tablet” was erected in 1331, when Emperor Weng Zong of the Yuan Dynasty granted four Confucius disciples Yan Hui 、Zeng Shen、Meng Ke and Kong Ji as four saints.
we come to the Scholastic Palace. The Scholastic Palace is an architectural complex consisting of Mingde Hall, Zunjing Library, Qingyun Tower etc. Mingde Hall is the main building of it. In other Scholastic Palaces in China, the hall is called Minglun Hall. However, in Nanjing, the local people call it Mingde Hall to commemorate Wen Tianxiang, who is a famous hero in Southern Song Dynasty. At present, the Mingde Hall is use to be a Music Hall. You can enjoy the Chinese traditional music. Before the hall, there are two pavilion on each side. One is Drum Pavilion, because there is a sacred-sound drum in it. The other is Bell Pavilion, because there is a protocol bell in it.
Zunjing Library (尊经阁) was a two-storied building with each having 5
rooms. The upstairs was used to collect the Chinese traditional learning of the Ming Dynasty. The downstairs was the lecture hall,where assistant instructors
(训导师) used to give students lectures.
Ladies and Gentlemen, besides sights we have visited in Confucius Temple, there are another sights we can see such as the Former Residence of Wang’s and Xie’s at Wuyil Lane、the Former Residence of Li Xiangjun. Until
now, all the narration are over. You all have 30 minutes to walk around as you
like. We will meet at 16:00 in the No.1 Bus Park. Please remember our Bus
No.12345 and be there on time .Thank you
各位游客,我们现在来到了孔庙前的广场,庙市合一是夫子庙最显著的特点之一。广场纵向为庙,横向为市,庙市合一,独具氛围。大家看到的这堵红墙称为照壁,具有罩气、遮挡、装饰的作用,是我国照壁之最。它长 110米,高10米,代表着南京的母亲河秦淮河全长110公里,流经夫子庙前的内秦淮段全长十里。照壁前方这个半圆形的池子为泮池,南京夫子庙是利用秦淮河的天然河道作为泮池的。古时候孔庙也叫泮宫,庙前半圆形的水池就这样被称为泮池了。西侧的这座桥叫文德桥,因儒家提倡文章道德而得名。相传,每年的农历11月15日晚,每当月到中天的时候,以此桥为界,月亮的影子被平分为两半,这一奇景就是著名的文德分月。
穿过棂星门,就是大成门。因为孔子对中国文化做了集大成的贡献所以孔庙的大门叫做大成门,殿叫大成殿。横额 “南京夫子庙”是赵朴初先生手书,直额“大成门”是我国前外交部部长姬鹏飞所提写的。门内甬道两边有孔子八位弟子的汉白玉塑像,两侧的碑廊内珍藏着赵朴初、林散之等三十位近代书法大师的墨宝。甬道的尽头是露台,它高1.4米,东西长21.8米,南北宽14米,围以石栏,正中有二龙戏珠丹陛石,两侧立有石灯。露台是举行
大成殿后是学宫的大门,明初时,这里曾为大明国子监的所在地,所以,门额上悬挂了 “大明国子学”牌匾,这是由曾国藩题写的。门里还有清代乾隆年间文武双科状元秦大士题写的“东南第一学”,这些题词无不显示了学宫的崇高地位。(30秒)
1、秦淮河简介 2、夫子庙景区特色及历史沿革 3、5A级景区等
1、大照壁的体量及作用 2、泮池的由来及作用
3、文德桥及“文德分月”奇景 4、魁星阁、天下文枢坊、聚星亭及棂星门简介
大家看到的这堵红墙称为照壁,具有罩气、遮挡、装饰的作用,是我国照壁 之最。它长110米,高10米,代表着南京的母亲河秦淮河全长110公里,流经夫子庙前的内秦淮段全长十里。
1、大成门的涵义 2、甬道及孔子门生塑像 3、廊庑及书者人名
4、露台的规模、用途及陈设 5、孔子青铜像
穿过棂星门,就是大成门。因为孔子对中国文化做了集大成的贡献所称大成门。横额 “南京夫子庙”是赵朴初先生手书,直额“大成门”是我国前外交部
1、大成殿的规模及建筑特色 2、大成殿的用途及内部陈设
1、玉兔泉点到即可 2、五块古碑的名称
1、江南贡院历史沿革 2、“江南贡院”牌坊、楹联
3、贡院前街的人物雕像及石碑 4、明远楼的建筑特点、用途及一楼展出内容
1、号舍的历史沿革 2、号舍的现有规模及展出内容
1、科举考试制度简介 2、至公堂的用途及现有陈列
(2008-07-30 16:27:03)
Confucius[k?n’fu∫j?s 孔子] temple[templ寺庙 ] & the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik风光 ] area[ε? ri? 地带]
1:The Confucius temple, located [lou?keitid位于]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik风景的] area, 孔庙位于秦淮河风光带
2:is a well-known tourist resort[ri?zэ:t常去度假的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing . 她是古都南京闻名的旅游度假地。
3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple秦淮河因孔庙而闻名。 4and jointly[ d3эintli连带地] called the Confucius temple area.因此也叫夫子庙地区。 5the Confucius temple is no doubt the most famous.孔庙无疑是最著名的
6The temple is the place for people to pay worship to Confucius.庙是供人们崇拜孔子的地方 7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034孔庙在南京第一次建于1034。 8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986重建于1986年
9The temple we often mentioned should include three architectural complexes[kэmpleks群,综合体]:我们常提的孔庙应该包括三个建筑群:
10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[??t∫i:vm?nt大成] as the main [mein主要的]body,孔庙及主体建筑大成殿
11the palace of learning and the imperial examination center.学宫和国家考试中心。 12As early as in 337 A.D.早在公元337年
13but at that time there was only the palace of learning without the Confucius temple.那时仅有学宫,没有孔庙。
14The temple was built up and extended[ikstendid扩大] on the basis of the palace of learning until 1034.直到1034年孔庙才在学宫的基础上建立和扩大起来
15The Confucius temple complex[复杂] covers the pan pool, screen wall, the gateway[通道] of all scholars,孔庙综合包括:泮池、照壁、天下文枢坊、
16juxing[聚星] pavilion[p??vilj?n亭], Kuixing[魁星] pavilion, Lingxing[灵星 ] gate,
17the hall of great achievements and the gate etc[ =et cetera等et?set?r? ].大成殿和大成门等等。 18As the Confucius temple in qufu,Shandong province在山东省曲阜的孔庙 19is built by the side of the pan river,是建在泮水之滨的
20all the temples of Confucius in the country所有全国的孔庙
21are built at the riverside都建在河边
22and the water in front of Confucius temple is called pan pool.孔庙前面的水叫泮池。 23And this has become a custom[惯例] through long usage[惯用法]这形成了长期的惯例。 24this Confucius temple makes the natural stream[stri:m流动] of the Qinhuai river as its pan pool,这里的夫子庙把秦淮河流动的水作为它的泮池
25which is also called the pool of crescent[kresnt新月] moon “by the local people.当地的人们把它叫着月牙池
26Standing at the southern bank of the pan pool is the screen[屏] wall,泮池南边站立的是照壁 27which is 110 meters long and 10 meters high.它110米长,10米高
28it ranks top among all the screen walls across the county.它位于全国所有照壁之冠 29The wall was built in 1575 and newly renovated [?ren?,veit重做]in 1984 .
30the function of the wall照壁的功能
31was to indicate that the Confucius?s learning was too profound[pr?faund渊博] to be understood by common[kэm?n普通] folks.[民众]是表明孔子渊博的学问被普通百姓所接受 另一功能是遮挡住寺庙的主体建筑 of its grandeur[?gr?n dЗ?辉煌] and magnificence[庄严] 以便给人们一个它辉煌而庄严的印象
34The gateway[入口处] of all scholars was first built in 1586 in an imitation[imitei∫?n仿制] of that in Qufu.天下文枢坊始建于1586年仿曲阜天下文枢坊,
35The meaning of the structure[strΛk t∫?] was to refer[rif?:归于] to Confucius as the hub[hΛb中心] of all writings and ethics[eθiks道德] in ancient times.
36lingxing gate is also called the gate of etiquette[eti?ket礼仪]棂星门又叫礼仪门
37specially built for emperors to offer sacrifice[s?krifais祭祀] to Confucius .
38the gate built in front of Confucius temple它建于孔庙前
39implies the meaning of它的寓意是
40“people of talent coming forth[fэ:θ涌现] in large numbers大量人才涌现
41and stability of the country.”国家稳定
42Dacheng gate or the gate of great achievements[?t∫ivm?nt达成]大成门或集大成的门, 43is also called halberd[h?b?d戟] gate, 又叫戟门
44which is the front door of the Confucius temple.它是孔庙的前门
45As Confucius epitomized Chinese culture, [ipit?maiz作为缩影]作为中国文化的宿影的孔子 46he was posthumously[pэstjum?死后] granted[gra:ntid假定] the title[taitl称号] of super saint[seint圣徒] Confucius.他死后被授予至圣先师的称号
47In the entrance hall[门厅] of the gate there are four old stone tablets [t?blit碑]:
48The tablets of Confucius asking laozi of the ethical[eθiks道德] codes[koud经].[孔子问礼图碑] 一是孔子请教老子道德经的图碑
49It was made in 484 A.D. during the southern dynasty它是刻于南朝公元484年
50recorded[rekэ:d记录] on the tablet is the personal[p?s?nl个人] experience[ikspi?ri?ns经验] of Confucius on his visit to Luoyang,碑上记录的是孔子去洛阳访问的经验
51the capital of the eastern zhou dynasty in 518 B.C.在公元前518年东周王朝首都
52where Confucius made investigations[investingei∫?n研究] on the system of
institutions[institju:∫?n制度] of the zhou孔子研究了周王朝制度
53and went in quest[kwest寻找] of the ways of how to prosper[prэsp?繁荣] and
stabilize[steibilaiz稳定] the country去寻找了如何繁荣和稳定国家的方法
54and of how to consolidate[k?nsэlideit联合] the power of slave owners in the lu state[steit国家].如何在鲁国联合奴隶主的力量
55The tablet of jiqing Confucius temple.[集庆孔庙碑]
56In 1308 when the yuan dynasty reigned[rein统治] over the country,1308年,元朝统治全国 57emperor wuzong issued[i∫iu发布] an imperial edict[i:dikt布告]武宗皇帝发布了圣旨 58”take education as the state administration[?dministre∫?n管理] of the empire[empai?皇权]”
59In the next fall when the Confucius temple started to be rebuilt, 第二年孔庙开始被重建 60lu zhi wrote an inscription[inskrip∫?n碑文] for the tablet.卢挚为碑撰写了碑文
61but the tablet was not made right away until 22 years later in 1330.
62In the xianfeng years of the qing dynasty, the Confucius temple was burnt down in a war 清朝咸丰年,在战争中被毁,
63and the tablet was missing[misiη失踪]此碑失踪。.
64during the reconstruction of the Confucius temple in 1986, the tablet happened to be unearthed[Λn??:θ发掘] from the underground1986年复建文庙时碑在地下被发现
65The tablet of the four saints[封四圣碑]
66In 1331 emperor wenzong of the yuan dynasty granted [gra:ntid加封]the four
disciples[di?sai?pl门徒] of Confucius在1331年元朝文宗皇帝加封孔子的四个门徒 67Yanhui, zengshen, kongji and mengke as 4 saints second to Confucius
68and they were carved on a stone tablet to inform the whole country.以此刻在石碑上告知全国。 67 tablet of madam super saint Confucius. [封至圣夫人碑]
68 In 1331 the wife of Confucius was posthumously awarded the title of Madam Super Saint(孔子之妻被加封为至圣夫人)1331年孔子之妻被加封为至圣夫人
69and a stone tablet was made for her according to the imperial decree (以此旨勒石刻碑) and erected here side by side with the tablet of the four saints (与封四氏碑并列于夫子庙) .
70Dacheng Hall or the Hall of Great Achievements (大成殿) is the main building of Confucian Temple大成殿是文庙的主体建筑,
71and the very place to enshrine and worship Confucius (供奉和祭祀孔子的地方).
72 The hall is a double-eaved and gable-roofed structure in ancient imitation (重檐歇山顶仿古建筑),
73Displayed in the hall there is a huge portrait of Confucius (孔子巨幅画像),
which is the largest one through out the country.
Also put on show are the portraits of Yan Hui (颜回), Zeng Shen (曾参), Kong Ji (孔伋) (the grandson of Confucius) and Mengke (Mencius), the four disciples of Confucius as well as a number of ancient musical instruments.
Hung on the inner walls of the hall there are 38 jade-and-jadeite-carved paintings inlaid with gold, jewelry and mother-of-pearl (罗钿) about the life story of Confucius (孔子生平事迹).
In the temple courtyard (庙院) enclosed by roofed corridors, there is a large open-air terrace (露台), which used to be an altar for holding sacrificial ceremony and performance of songs and dance (曾是祭祀和歌舞的地方). on the terrace there stands a huge bronze statue of Confucius. the forehead of the statue appears a unique wisdom-and-foresight of the great thinker (眉宇间透露出伟大思想家特有的睿智), better making a deep impression on visitors.
Juxing Pavilion At the west of the temple square there stands a hexagonal pavilion (the pavilion with its 6 eaves upturned) called “Juxing”. The name of Juxing means “assembly of stars” (群星汇聚) and “a galaxy of talent” (人才荟萃), because all the men of letters or
well-educated people were regarded as stars over the sky in feudal China. Juxing pavilion was the place for intellectuals to converge on (聚集) and to learn from each other by exchanging their experience in study (切磋学习心得).
Kuixing Pavilion (now called Kuiguang Pavilion) (魁光阁) at the east of Pan Pool lies the Kuixing Pavilion, which is also called the Pavilion of God of Literature (文星阁). The
three-storied hexagonal tower was the place for provincial examination candidates (乡试士子们) to pay worship to Confucius before they sit for imperial examinations (应考前拜孔的地方). Later,the pavilion was turned into a teahouse (茶社) for candidates (考生) to meet friends with tea drinking.
Kuixing is the star at the tip of the bowl of the Big Dipper (魁为北斗星之第一星), one of the 28 constellations over the sky (天上28个星宿之一). It was said to be God of literature
dominating the fortune of culture and education (主宰文运之神) and ,Confucius was regarded as the God. In times of imperial examinations (在科举时代), the examination candidates often came to offer sacrifice to Confucius in the hope of successfully passing the imperial examinations and becoming a provincial graduate (以求中举).
The Palace of Learning (学宫) The Palace of Learning is an architectural complex consisting of Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂), Zunjing Library (尊经阁), Qingyun Tower (青云楼) and Ancestral Temple for Worshiping the Parents of Confucius (崇圣祠) etc.. The Palace of Learning was an institution of higher learning (高等学府) of the prefecture in ancient times, usually built behind Confucian Temple.
Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂) was the main hall (正堂) of Palace of Learning ,the place for putting up the list of successful candidates (张悬科第题名榜) in the years of the imperial examination system and was also an assembly auditorium (集会礼堂) for the students to attend lectures on Confucius teachings(圣教)and imperial edicts (上谕) given by
assistant instructor(听训导师宣讲圣教和上谕) after their pilgrimage on the first and the 15th day (朔、望日) every lunar month.
Zunjing Library (尊经阁) was a two-storied building with each having 5 rooms (上下两层各五楹). The upstairs was used to collect the Chinese traditional learning of the Ming Dynasty (明代国学),. The downstairs was the lecture hall (讲堂),where assistant instructors (训导师) used to give students lectures.
Qingyun Tower (青云楼) and Ancestral temple of Confucius Parents (崇圣祠)
The Qingyun Tower is a memorial temple (祠宇或祠堂) for enshrining educational inspectors (督学) of the past dynasties (青云楼是供奉历代督学使的祠宇). The Ancestral Temple for Parents (崇圣祠) of Confucius was the place for students to offer sacrifices to Confucius parents. But someone also says it is the Saint-Admiring Temple specially for enshrining the deciples of Confucius (是祭祀孔门弟子的专祠).
乌衣巷 刘禹锡
By the Red Sparrow Bridge the wild flowers are spreading, 朱雀桥边野草花,
At the very ends of the Black Robe Alley the sun is setting. 乌衣巷口夕阳斜。
Swallows used to nestle before the Wang and Xie’s manors, 旧时王谢堂前燕, But they are now flying in and out of the houses of commoners. 飞入寻常百姓家。
灯会 the lantern fair
Jiangnan Examination Office: Jiangnan Cultural Center, a symbol of ancient times, people out of the Qing Dynasty, more than half of the national champion.
1、秦淮河简介 2、夫子庙景区特色及历史沿革 3、5A级景区等
1、大照壁的体量及作用 2、泮池的由来及作用
3、文德桥及“文德分月”奇景 4、魁星阁、天下文枢坊、聚星亭及棂星门简介
1、大成门的涵义 2、甬道及孔子门生塑像 3、廊庑及书者人名
4、露台的规模、用途及陈设 5、孔子青铜像
穿过棂星门,就是大成门。因为孔子对中国文化做了集大成的贡献所称大成门。横额 “南京夫子庙”是赵朴初先生手书,直额“大成门”是我国前外交部部长姬鹏飞所提写的。门内有南京夫子庙卧碑一块,背面有《重修夫子庙记》碑文。门内甬道两边有孔子八位弟子的汉白玉塑像,两侧碑廊内有赵朴初、林散之等书法名家的墨宝。
1、大成殿的规模及建筑特色 2、大成殿的用途及内部陈设
1、玉兔泉点到即可 2、五块古碑的名称
大成殿后是学宫的大门,明朝初年,这里曾为大明国子监的所在地,门额上悬挂了 “大明国子学”牌匾,是由清朝的两江总督曾国藩亲笔题写的。门内还有一块横额,是由清代乾隆年间文武双科状元秦大士题写的“东南第一学”,这些题词无不显示了学宫的崇高地位。
1、明德堂的名称由来及用途 2、仰圣亭和习礼亭的名称
1、建筑特点及用途 2、“尊经阁”匾额的书写者 3、尊经阁周围建筑的名称
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