汽车变速器外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译 )
我们知道, 汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态, 此时发出的功率 比较大, 燃油经济性也比较好。 因此, 我们希望发动机总是在最好的状态下工作。 但是,汽车在使用的时候需要有不同的速度,这样就产生了矛盾。这个矛盾要通 过变速器来解决。
汽车变速器的作用用一句话概括, 就叫做变速变扭, 即增速减扭或减速增扭。 为什么减速可以增扭,而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变,功率可以 表示为 N = w T ,其中 w 是转动的角速度, T 是扭距。当 N 固定的时候, w 与 T 是 成反比的。所以增速必减扭,减速必增扭。汽车变速器齿轮传动就根据变速变扭 的原理,分成各个档位对应不同的传动比,以适应不同的运行状况。
一般的手动变速器内设置输入轴、中间轴和输出轴,又称三轴式,另外还有 倒档轴。三轴式是变速器的主体结构,输入轴的转速也就是发动机的转速,输出 轴转速则是中间轴与输出轴之间不同齿轮啮合所产生的转速。不同的齿轮啮合就 有不同的传动比,也就有了不同的转速。例如郑州日产 ZN6481W2G 型 SUV 车手动 变速器,它的传动比分别是:1档 3.704:1; 2档 2.202:1; 3档 1.414:1; 4档 1:1; 5档(超速档) 0.802:1。
当汽车启动司机选择 1档时,拨叉将 1/2档同步器向后接合 1档齿轮并将它 锁定输出轴上,动力经输入轴、中间轴和输出轴上的 1档齿轮, 1档齿轮带动输 出轴,输出轴将动力传递到传动轴上(红色箭头)。典型 1档变速齿轮传动比是 3:1,也就是说输入轴转 3圈,输出轴转 1圈。
当汽车增速司机选择 2档时,拨叉将 1/2档同步器与 1档分离后接合 2档齿 轮并锁定输出轴上,动力传递路线相似,所不同的是输出轴上的 1档齿轮换成 2档齿轮带动输出轴。典型 2档变速齿轮传动比是 2.2:1,输入轴转 2.2圈,输出轴 转 1圈,比 1档转速增加,扭矩降低。
当汽车加油增速司机选择 3档时,拨叉使 1/2档同步器回到空档位置,又使 3/4档同步器移动直至将 3档齿轮锁定在输出轴上,使动力可以从轴入轴—中间 轴—输出轴上的 3档变速齿轮,通过 3档变速齿轮带动输出轴。典型 3档传动比 是 1.7:1,输入轴转 1.7圈,输出轴转 1圈,是进一步的增速。
当汽车加油增速司机选择 4档时,拨叉将 3/4档同步器脱离 3档齿轮直接与 输入轴主动齿轮接合,动力直接从输入轴传递到输出轴,此时传动比 1:1,即输 出轴与输入轴转速一样。由于动力不经中间轴,又称直接档,该档传动比的传动 效率最高。汽车多数运行时间都用直接档以达到最好的燃油经济性。
换档时要先进入空档,变速器处于空档时变速齿轮没有锁定在输出轴上,它 们不能带动输出轴转动,没有动力输出。
一般汽车手动变速器传动比主要分上述 1-4档, 通常设计者首先确定最低 (1档)与最高(4档)传动比后,中间各档传动比一般按等比级数分配。另外,还 有倒档和超速档,超速档又称为 5档。
当汽车要加速超过同向汽车时司机选择 5档,典型 5档传动比是 0.87:1,也 就是用大齿轮带动小齿轮,当主动齿轮转 0.87圈时,被动齿轮已经转完 1圈了。
倒档时输出轴要向相反方向旋转。如果一对齿轮啮合时大家反向旋转,中间 加上一个齿轮就会变成同向旋转。利用这个原理,倒档就要添加一个齿轮做“媒 介”,将轴的转动方向调转,因此就有了一根倒档轴。倒档轴独立装在变速器壳 内,与中间轴平行,当轴上齿轮分别与中间轴齿轮和输出轴齿轮啮合时,输出轴 转向会相反。
通常倒档用的同步器也控制 5档的接合, 所以 5档与倒档位置是在同一侧的。 由于有中间齿轮,一般变速器倒档传动比大于 1档传动比,增扭大,有些汽车遇 到陡坡用前进档上不去就用倒档开上去。
从驾驶平顺性考虑,变速器档位越多越好,档位多相邻档间的传动比的比值 变化小,换档容易而且平顺。但档位多的缺点就是变速器构造复杂,体积大,现 在轻型汽车变速器一般是 4-5档。 同时, 变速器传动比都不是整数, 而是都带小 数点的,这是因为啮合齿轮的齿数不是整倍数所致,两齿轮齿数是整倍数就会导 致两齿轮啮合面磨损不均匀,使得轮齿表面质量产生较大的差异。
手动变速器是最常见的变速器,简称 MT 。它的基本构造用一句话概括,就是 两轴一中轴,即指输入轴、轴出轴和中间轴,它们构成了变速器的主体,当然还 有一根倒档轴。 手动变速器又称手动齿轮式变速器, 含有可以在轴向滑动的齿轮, 通过不同齿轮的啮合达到变速变扭目的。典型的手动变速器结构及原理如下。
输入轴也称第一轴,它的前端花键直接与离合器从动盘的花键套配合,从而 传递由发动机过来的扭矩。第一轴上的齿轮与中间轴齿轮常啮合,只要轴入轴一 转,中间轴及其上的齿轮也随之转动。中间轴也称副轴,轴上固连多个大小不等 的齿轮。输出轴又称第二轴,轴上套有各前进档齿轮,可随时在操纵装置的作用 下与中间轴的对应齿轮啮合,从而改变本身的转速及扭矩。输出轴的尾端有花键 与传动轴相联,通过传动轴将扭矩传送到驱动桥减速器。
由此可知,变速器前进档位的驱动路径是:输入轴常啮齿轮-中间轴常啮齿 轮-中间轴对应齿轮-第二轴对应齿轮。 倒车轴上的齿轮也可以由操纵装置拨动, 在轴上移动,与中间轴齿轮和输出轴齿轮啮合 , 以相反的旋转方向输出。
多数汽车都有 5个前进档和一个倒档,每个档位有一定的传动比,多数档位 传动比大于 1, 第 4档传动比为 1, 称为直接档, 而传动比小于 1的第 5档称为加 速档。空档时输出轴的齿轮处于非啮合位置,无法接受动力传输。
由于变速器输入轴与输出轴以各自的速度旋转, 变换档位时合存在一个
目前全同步式变速器上采用的是惯性同步器,它主要由接合套、同步锁环等 组成,它的特点是依靠摩擦作用实现同步。接合套、同步锁环和待接合齿轮的齿 圈上均有倒角(锁止角),同步锁环的内锥面与待接合齿轮齿圈外锥面接触产生 摩擦。锁止角与锥面在设计时已作了适当选择,锥面摩擦使得待啮合的齿套与齿 圈迅速同步,同时又会产生一种锁止作用,防止齿轮在同步前进行啮合。当同步 锁环内锥面与待接合齿轮齿圈外锥面接触后,在摩擦力矩的作用下齿轮转速迅速 降低(或升高)到与同步锁环转速相等,两者同步旋转,齿轮相对于同步锁环的
转速为零,因而惯性力矩也同时消失,这时在作用力的推动下,接合套不受阻碍 地与同步锁环齿圈接合,并进一步与待接合齿轮的齿圈接合而完成换档过程
自动变速器的选挡杆相当于手动变速器的变速杆, 一般有以下几个挡位:P(停 车 ) 、 R(倒挡 ) 、 N(空挡 ) 、 D(前进 ) 、 S(or2,即为 2速挡 ) 、 L(or1,即为 1速挡 ) 。 这几个挡位的正确使用对于驾驶自动变速器汽车的人来说尤其重要,下面就让我 们一起来熟悉一下自动变速器各挡位的使用要领。
● P(停车挡 ) 的使用
发动机运转时只要选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车就很容易地行走。 而停放时,选挡杆必须扳入 P 位,从而通过变速器内部的停车制动装置将输出轴 锁住,并拉紧手制动,防止汽车移动。
● R(倒挡 ) 的使用
R 位为倒挡,使用中要切记,自动变速器汽车不像手动变速器汽车那样能够 使用半联动,故在倒车时要特别注意加速踏板的控制。
● N(空挡 ) 的使用
N 位相当于空挡,可在起动时或拖车时使用。在等待信号或堵车时常常将选 挡杆保持在 D 位,同时踩下制动。若时间很短,这样做是允许的,但若停止时间 长时最好换入 N 位,并拉紧手制动。因为选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车 一般都有微弱的行驶趋势,长时间踩住制动等于强行制止这种趋势,使得变速器 油温升高,油液容易变质。尤其在空调器工作、发动机怠速较高的情况下更为不 利。有些驾驶员为了节油,在高速行驶或下坡时将选挡杆扳到 N 位滑行,这很容 易烧坏变速器,因为这时变速器输出轴转速很高,而发动机却在怠速运转,油泵 供油不足,润滑状况恶化,易烧坏变速器。
● D(前进挡 ) 的使用
正常行驶时将选挡杆放在 D 位,汽车可在 1~4挡 (或 3挡 ) 之间自动换挡。 D 位是最常用的行驶位置。需要掌握的是:由于自动变速器是根据油门大小与车速 高低来确定挡位的,所以加速踏板操作方法不同,换挡时的车速也不相同。如果 起步时迅速将加速踏板踩下,升挡晚,加速能力强,到一定车速后,再将加速踏 板很快松开,汽车就能立即升挡,这样发动机噪声小,舒适性好。
D 位的另一个特点是强制低挡,便于高速时超车,在 D 位行驶中迅速将加速 踏板踩到底,接通强制低挡开关就能自动减挡,汽车很快加速,超车之后松开加 速踏板又可自动升挡。
● S 、 L 位低挡的使用
自动变速器在 S 位或 L 位上处于低挡范围,可以在坡道等情况下使用。下坡 时换入 S 位或 L 位能充分利用发动机制动,避免车轮制动器过热,导致制动效能 下降。但是从 D 位换入 S 位或 L 位时,车速不能高于相应的升挡车速,否则发动 机会强烈振动,使变速器油温急剧上升,甚至会损坏变速器。
另外在雨雾天气时,若路面附着条件差,可以换入 S 位或 L 位,固定在某一 低挡行驶,不要使用能自动换挡的位置,以免汽车打滑。同时必须牢记,打滑时 可将选挡杆推入 N 位,切断发动机的动力,以保证行车安全。
Transmission design
As we all know,automobile engine to a certain speed can be achieved under the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the engine is always in the best of conditions to work under. However, the use of
motor vehicles need to have different speeds, thus creating a conflict. Transmission through this conflict to resolve.
Automotive Transmission role sum up in one sentence, called variable speed twisting, twisting or slow down the growth rate by increasing torsional. Why can slow down by twisting, and the growth rate but also by twisting? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = wT, where w is the angular velocity of rotation, and T Niuju. When N fixed, w and T is inversely proportional to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twisting, twisting slowdown will increase. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of different transmission ratio corresponding to adapt to different operational conditions.
General to set up a manual gearbox input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main transmission structure, input shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing between different from the speed. Different gears are different transmission ratio, and will have a different speed. For example Zhengzhourichan ZN6481W2G manual transmission car-SUV, its transmission ratio are: 1 File 3.704:1; stalls 2.202:1; stalls 1.414:1; stalls 1:1 5 stalls (speeding file) 0.802: 1.
When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2
file synchronization engagement with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft gear of
a stall, a stall the output shaft gear driven, and the output shaft power will
be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Biansuchilun transmission ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle.
When the growth rate of car drivers choose two stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2-file synchronization and file a joint separation after 2 stall and lock the output shaft gear, power transmission line similar, the difference is that the output shaft gear of a stall 2 stall replaced by the output shaft gear driven. 2 stall Biansuchilun typical transmission ratio is 2.2:1, 2.2 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle than a stall speed increase, lower torque.
When refueling vehicle drivers growth stalls option 3, Plectrum to 1 / 2 back to the free file-synchronization position, and also allows the 3 / 4 file synchronization Mobile stall until 3 in the output shaft gear lock, power can be into the shaft axis - intermediate shaft - the output shaft of the three stalls Biansuchilun, led through three stalls Biansuchilun output shaft. 3 stalls typical transmission ratio is 1.7:1, 1.7 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle is further growth.
When car drivers Option 4 refueling growth stalls, Plectrum will be 3 / 4 from the 3-file synchronization stall gear directly with the input
shaft gear joint initiative, and power transmission directly from the input shaft to the output shaft, the transmission ratio at 1:1, that the input shaft and output shaft speed the same. The driving force without intermediate shaft, also known as direct file, the file transmission than the maximum transmission efficiency. Most cars run-time files are used directly to achieve the best fuel economy.
Shift into the first interval when, in a free transmission when Biansuchilun output shaft is not locked in, they can not rotate the output shaft driven, not power output.
General automotive manual transmission than the main 1-4 stalls, usually the first designers to determine the minimum (one stall) and maximum (4 files) transmission ratio, the middle stall drive by geometric progression than the general distribution. In addition, there are stalls Daodang and speeding, speeding file is also known as the five stalls.
When the car to accelerate to more than car drivers with the choice of five stalls, and a typical five-transmission ratio is 0.87:1, which is driven by a pinion gear, the gear when the initiative to 0.87 zone, passive gear have been transferred to a circle of the End.
Dao Dang, the opposite direction to the output shaft rotation. If one pair of meshing gears when we reverse rotation, with a middle gear, it will become the same to the rotation. Use of this principle, we should
add a gear Daodang the
Daodang usually used for the synchronization control also joins five stalls, stalls and Daodang 5 position in the same side. As a middle gear, the general transmission Daodang transmission ratio greater than 1 file transmission ratio, by twisting, steep slope with some vehicles encountered on the progress stalls falters with a Daodang boost.
Ride from the driver of the considerations, better transmission stall, stall adjacent stall more than the transmission changes the ratio of small, and easy to shift smoothly. However, the shortcomings of the stalls is more transmission structure is complicated, bulky, light vehicle transmission is generally 4-5 stalls. At the same time, transmission ratio is not integral, but with all of the decimal point, it is because of the gear teeth meshing is not caused by the whole multiples of two gear teeth can lead to the whole multiples of two meshing gears of uneven wear, making the tooth surface quality have a greater difference.
Manual transmission and synchronizer
Manual transmission is the most common transmission, or MT. Its basic structure sum up in one sentence, is a two-axle shaft, where input
范文二:汽车变速器有关外文文献(A Short Course on Automatic Transmission)
A Short Course on Automatic Transmiss ions by Charles Ofria
The modern automatic transmission is by far, the most complicated mechanical component in today's automobile. Automatic transmissions contain mechanical systems, hydraulic systems, electrical systems and computer controls, all working together in perfect harmony which goes virtually unnoticed until there is a problem. This article will help you understand the concepts behind what goes on inside these technological marvels and what goes into repairing them when they fail.
This article is broken down into five sections:
?What is a transmission breaks down in the simplest terms what the purpose of a transmission is.
?Transmission Components describes the general principals behind each system in simple terms to help you understand how an automatic transmission works.
?Spotting problems before they get worse shows what to look for to prevent a minor problem from becoming major.
?Maintenance talks about preventative maintenance that everyone should know about.
?describes the types of repairs that are typically performed on from minor adjustments to complete overhauls.
What is a transmission?
The transmission is a device
that is connected to the back
of the engine and sends the
power from the engine to the
drive wheels. An automobile
engine runs at its best at a
certain RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) range and it is the transmission's job to make sure that the power is delivered to the wheels while keeping the engine within that range. It does this through various gear combinations. In first gear, the engine turns much faster in relation to the drive wheels, while in high gear the engine is loafing even though the car may be going in excess of 70 MPH. In addition to the various forward gears, a transmission also has a neutral position which disconnects the engine from the drive wheels, and reverse, which causes the drive wheels to turn in the opposite direction allowing you to back up. Finally, there is the Park position. In this position, a latch mechanism (not unlike a deadbolt lock on a door) is inserted into a slot in the output shaft to lock the drive wheels and keep them from turning, thereby preventing the vehicle from rolling.
There are two basic types of automatic transmissions based on whether the vehicle is rear wheel drive or front wheel drive.
On a rear wheel drive car, the transmission is usually mounted to the back of the engine and is located under the hump in the center of the floorboard alongside the gas pedal position. A drive shaft connects the rear of the transmission to the final drive which is located in the rear axle and is used to send power to the rear wheels. Power flow on this system is simple and straight forward going from the engine , through the torque converter, then through the transmission and drive shaft until it reaches the final drive where it is split and sent to the two rear wheels.
On a front wheel drive car,
the transmission is usually
combined with the final drive to
form what is called a transaxle.
The engine on a front wheel
drive car is usually mounted
sideways in the car with the
transaxle tucked under it on
the side of the engine
the rear of the . Front axles are connected directly to the transaxle and provide power to the front wheels. In this example, power flows from the engine, through the torque converter to a large chain that sends the power through a 180 degree turn to the transmission that is along side the engine. From there, the power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles.
There are a number of other arrangements including front drive vehicles where the engine is mounted front to back instead of sideways and there are other systems that drive all four wheels but the two systems described here are by far the most popular. A much less popular rear drive arrangement has the transmission mounted directly to the final drive at the rear and is connected by a drive shaft to the torque converter which is still mounted on the engine. This system is found on the new Corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling. Another rear drive system mounts everything, the engine, transmission and final drive in the rear. This rear engine arrangement is popular on the Porsche .
Transmission Components
The modern automatic transmission consists of many components and systems that are designed to work together in a symphony of clever mechanical, hydraulic and electrical technology that has evolved over the years into what many mechanically inclined individuals consider to be an art form. We try to use simple, generic explanations where possible to describe these systems but, due to the complexity of some of these components, you may have to use some mental gymnastics to visualize their operation.
The main components that make up an automatic transmission include:
? which are the mechanical systems that provides the various forward gear ratios as well as reverse.
?The which uses a special transmission fluid sent under pressure by an through the to control the and the in order to control the planetary gear sets.
? are used to keep the oil where it is supposed to be and prevent it from leaking out.
?The which acts like a clutch to allow the vehicle to come to a stop in gear while the engine is still running.
?The or
order to determine when to shift.
?On newer vehicles, shift points are controlled by which directs electrical solenoids to
shift oil flow to the appropriate component at the right instant.
Planetary Gear Sets
Automatic transmissions contain many gears in various combinations. In a manual transmission, gears slide along shafts as you move the shift lever from one position to another, engaging various sized gears as required in order to provide the correct gear ratio. In an automatic transmission, however, the gears are never physically moved and are always engaged to the same gears. This is accomplished through the use of planetary gear sets.
The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear, a ring gear and two or more planet gears, all remaining in constant mesh. The planet gears are connected to each other through a common carrier which allows the gears to spin on shafts called
One example of a way that this system can be used is by connecting the ring gear to the input shaft coming from the engine, connecting the planet carrier to the output shaft, and locking the sun gear so that it can't move. In this scenario, when we turn the ring gear, the planets will
If we unlock the sun gear and lock any two elements together, this will cause all three elements to turn at the same speed so that the output shaft will turn at the same rate of speed as the input shaft. This is like a car that is in third or high gear. Another way that we can use a Planetary gear set is by locking the planet carrier from moving, then applying power to the ring gear which will cause the sun gear to turn in the opposite direction giving us reverse gear.
The illustration on the right shows how the simple system described above would look in an actual transmission. The input shaft is connected to the ring gear (Blue ), The Output shaft is connected to the planet carrier (Green ) which is also connected to a
The clutch pack is used, in this instance, to lock the planet carrier with the sun gear forcing both to turn at the same speed. If both the clutch pack and the band were released, the system would be in neutral. Turning the input shaft would turn the planet gears against the sun gear, but since nothing is holding the sun gear, it will just spin free and have no effect on the output shaft. To place the unit in first gear, the band is applied to hold the sun gear from moving. To shift from first to high gear, the band is released and the clutch is applied causing the output shaft to turn at the same speed as the input shaft.
Many more combinations are possible using two or more planetary sets connected in various ways to provide the different forward speeds and reverse that are found in modern automatic transmissions.
Some of the clever gear arrangements found in four and now, five, six and even seven and eight-speed automatics are complex enough to make a technically astute lay person's head spin trying to understand the flow of power through the transmission as it shifts from first gear through top gear while the vehicle accelerates to highway speed. On modern vehicles (mid '80s to the present), the vehicle's computer monitors and controls these shifts so that they are almost imperceptible.
Clutch Packs
A clutch pack consists of alternating disks that fit
inside a clutch drum. Half of the disks are steel
and have splines that fit into groves on the inside
of the drum. The other half have a friction
material bonded to their surface and have splines
on the inside edge that fit groves on the outer
surface of the adjoining hub. There is a piston
inside the drum that is activated by oil pressure at
the appropriate time to squeeze the clutch pack
together so that the two components become locked and turn as one.
One-Way Clutch
A one-way clutch
(also known as a
device that will allow
a component such as
ring gear to turn
freely in one direction but not in the other. This effect is just like that of a bicycle, where the pedals will turn the wheel when pedaling forward, but will spin free when pedaling backward.
A common place where a one-way clutch is used is in first gear when the shifter is in the drive position. When you begin to accelerate from a stop, the transmission starts out in first gear. But have you ever noticed what happens if you release the gas while it is still in first gear? The vehicle continues to coast as if you were in neutral. Now, shift into Low gear instead of Drive. When you let go of the gas in this case, you will feel the engine slow you down just like a standard shift car. The reason for this is that in Drive, a one-way clutch is used whereas in Low, a clutch pack or a band is used.
A band is a steel strap with friction material bonded to the inside surface. One end of the band is anchored against the transmission case while the other end is connected to a servo. At the appropriate time hydraulic oil is sent to the servo under pressure to tighten the band around the drum to stop the drum from turning.
Torque Converter
On automatic transmissions, the torque converter takes the place of the clutch found
on standard shift vehicles. It is there to allow the engine to continue running when
the vehicle comes to a stop. The principle behind a torque converter is like taking a
fan that is plugged into the wall and blowing air into another fan which is
unplugged. If you grab the blade on the unplugged fan, you are able to hold it from
turning but as soon as you let go, it will begin to speed up until it comes close to the
speed of the powered fan. The difference with a
torque converter is that instead of using air, it
uses oil or transmission fluid, to be more precise.
A torque converter is a large doughnut shaped
device (10
between the engine and the transmission. It
consists of three internal elements that work
together to transmit power to the
transmission. The three elements of the torque
converter are the Pump, the Turbine, and the
Stator. The pump is mounted directly to the
converter housing which in turn is bolted directly
to the engine's crankshaft and turns at engine speed. The turbine is inside the housing and is connected directly to the input shaft of the transmission providing power to move the vehicle. The stator is mounted to a one-way clutch so that it can spin freely in one direction but not in the other. Each of the three elements have fins mounted in them to precisely direct the flow of oil through the converter
With the engine running, transmission fluid is pulled into the pump section and is pushed outward by centrifugal force until it reaches the turbine section which starts it turning. The fluid continues in a circular motion back towards the center of the turbine where it enters the stator. If the turbine is moving considerably slower than the pump, the fluid will make contact with the front of the stator fins which push the stator into the one way clutch and prevent it from turning. With the stator stopped, the fluid is directed by the stator fins to re-enter the pump at a
Since the '80s, in order to improve fuel economy, torque converters have been equipped with a lockup clutch (not shown) which locks the turbine to the pump as the vehicle speed reaches approximately 45 - 50 MPH. This lockup is controlled by computer and usually won't engage unless the transmission is in
3rd or 4th gear.
Hydraulic System
The Hydraulic system is a complex maze of passages and tubes that sends transmission fluid under pressure to all parts of the transmission and torque converter. The diagram at left is a simple one from a 3-speed automatic from the '60s. The newer systems are much more complex and are combined with computerized electrical components. Transmission fluid serves a number of purposes including: shift control, general lubrication and transmission cooling. Unlike the engine, which uses oil primarily for lubrication, every aspect of a transmission's functions is dependant on a constant supply of fluid under pressure. This is not unlike the human circulatory system (the fluid is even red) where even a few minutes of operation when there is a lack of pressure can be harmful or even fatal to the life of the transmission. In order to keep the transmission at normal operating temperature, a portion of the fluid is sent through one of two steel tubes to a special chamber that is submerged in anti-freeze in the radiator. Fluid passing through this chamber is cooled and then returned to the transmission through the other steel tube. A typical transmission has an average of ten quarts of fluid between the transmission, torque converter, and cooler tank. In fact, most of the components of a transmission are constantly submerged in fluid including the clutch packs and bands. The friction surfaces on these parts are designed to operate properly only when they are submerged in oil.
Oil Pump
The transmission oil pump (not to be confused with the pump element inside the torque converter) is responsible for producing all the oil pressure that is required in the transmission. The oil pump is mounted to the front of the transmission case and is directly connected to a flange on the torque converter housing. Since the torque converter housing is directly connected to the engine crankshaft, the pump will produce pressure whenever the engine is running as long as there is a sufficient amount of transmission fluid available. The oil enters the pump through a filter that is located at the bottom of the transmission oil pan and travels up a pickup tube directly to the oil pump. The oil is then sent, under pressure to the pressure regulator, the valve body and the rest of the components, as required.
Valve Body
The valve body is
the control center of
the automatic
It contains a maze of
channels and
passages that direct
hydraulic fluid to the
numerous valves
which then activate
the appropriate
clutch pack or band
servo to smoothly shift to the
appropriate gear for each driving
situation. Each of the many valves in
the valve body has a specific purpose
and is named for that function. For
example the 2-3 shift valve activates
the 2nd gear to 3rd gear up-shift or the
3-2 shift timing valve which determines
when a downshift should occur.
The most important valve, and the one
that you have direct control over is the
manual valve. The manual valve is directly connected to the gear shift handle and covers and uncovers various passages depending on what position the gear shift is placed in. When you place the gear shift in Drive, for instance, the manual valve directs fluid to the clutch pack(s) that activates 1st gear. It also sets up to monitor vehicle speed and throttle position so that it can determine the optimal time and the force for the 1 - 2 shift. On computer controlled transmissions, you will also have electrical solenoids that are mounted in the valve body to direct fluid to the appropriate clutch packs or bands under computer control to more precisely control shift points.
Computer Controls
The computer uses sensors on the engine and transmission to detect such things as throttle position, vehicle speed, engine speed, engine load, brake pedal position, etc. to control exact shift points as well as how soft or firm the shift should be. Once the computer receives this information, it then sends signals to a solenoid pack inside the transmission. The solenoid pack contains several electrically controlled solenoids that redirect the fluid to the appropriate clutch pack or servo in order to
shifting. Computerized transmissions even learn your driving style and constantly adapt to it so that every shift is timed precisely when you would need it.
Because of computer controls, sports models are coming out with the ability to take manual control of the transmission as though it were a stick shift, allowing the driver to select gears manually. This is accomplished on some cars by passing the shift lever through a special gate, then tapping it in one direction or the other in order to up-shift or down-shift at will. The computer monitors this activity to make sure that the driver does not select a gear that could over speed the engine and damage it.
Another advantage to these
Governor, Vacuum Modulator, Throttle Cable
These three components are important in the non-computerized transmissions. They provide the inputs that tell the transmission when to shift. The Governor is connected to the output shaft and regulates hydraulic pressure based on vehicle speed. It accomplishes this using centrifugal force to spin a pair of hinged weights against pull-back springs. As the weights pull further out against the springs, more oil pressure is allowed past the governor to act on the shift valves that are in the valve body which then signal the appropriate shifts.
Of course, vehicle speed is not the only thing that controls when a transmission should shift, the load that the engine is under is also important. The more loads you place on the engine, the longer the transmission will hold a gear before shifting to the next one.
There are two types of devices that serve the purpose of monitoring the engine load: the Throttle Cable and the Vacuum Modulator. A transmission will use one or the other but generally not both of these devices. Each works in a different way to monitor engine load.
The Throttle Cable simply monitors the position of the gas pedal through a cable that runs from the gas pedal to the throttle valve in the valve body.
The Vacuum Modulator monitors engine vacuum by a rubber vacuum hose which is connected to the engine. Engine vacuum reacts very accurately to engine load with high vacuum produced when the engine is under light load and diminishing down to zero vacuums when the engine is under a heavy load. The modulator is attached to the outside of the transmission case and has a shaft which passes through the case and attaches to the throttle valve in the valve body. When an engine is under a light load or no load, high vacuum acts on the modulator which moves the throttle valve in one direction to allow the transmission to shift early and soft. As the engine load increases, vacuum is diminished which moves the valve in the other direction causing the transmission to shift later and more firmly.
Seals and Gaskets
An automatic transmission has many seals and gaskets to control the flow of hydraulic fluid and to keep it from leaking out. There are two main external seals: the front seal and the rear seal. The front seal seals the point where the torque converter mounts to the transmission case. This seal allows fluid to freely move from the converter to the transmission but keeps the fluid from leaking out. The rear seal keeps fluid from leaking past the output shaft.
A seal is usually made of rubber (similar to the rubber in a windshield wiper blade) and is used to keep oil from leaking past a moving part such as a spinning shaft. In some cases, the rubber is assisted by a spring that holds the rubber in close contact with the spinning shaft.
A gasket is a type of seal used to seal two stationary parts that are fastened together. Some common gasket materials are: paper, cork, rubber, silicone and soft metal.
Aside from the main seals, there are also a number of other seals and gaskets that vary from transmission to transmission. A common example is the rubber O-ring that seals the shaft for the shift control lever. This is the shaft that you move when you manipulate the gear shifter. Another example that is common to most transmissions is the oil pan gasket. In fact, seals are required anywhere that a device needs to pass through the transmission case with each one being a potential source for leaks.
变速箱通常不得不在舒适性和效率之间做出选择,但一种新型的“犬牙啮合 式”变速箱可以同时改善这两种性能。
随着排放法规的日趋严格,汽车制造商为降低排放的努力已不再局限于改善 燃烧过程和后期处理。许多公司认为,现代发动机技术已经发展到这样一个阶段:与投入巨额开发成本相比,技术进步带来的收效却很小。
因此为了改善排放 , 最重要的是要着眼于整车的性能。作为车上第二昂贵的部 件,变速箱理所当然地成为第二步改善的目标。
所有变速箱技术中, 手动变速箱的效率最高, 输出功率可达输入功率的 96%。 但并不是所有人都能驾驭手动变速箱,也不是所有人都愿意用它。因为用手动变 速箱需要踩离合器,这在交通繁忙的时候很不舒服。驾驶员容易疲劳。而由扭矩 中断导致的“点头”效应也会使乘客很难受。
由于驾驶员操纵离合器而产生的扭矩中断是手动变速箱的主要缺点。在换档 加速时,每升高一档,驾驶员都必须通过松开油门并踩下离合器来使扭矩暂时中 断。完成整个过程大概只需一秒钟,但在这段时间里车辆会暂时停止加速,速度 也会降低。
与此截然相反的是传统的自动变速箱。由于采用了变矩器,这种变速箱的换 档质量不错但效率相对较差 —— 即使最近有所改进。因此,最近进行了许多研究, 试图发现传统自动变速箱的有效替代方案。
主要的技术仍是无级变速 (CVT ) 、 双离合器变速 (DCT ) 和手自一体 (AMT ) 变速器。它们在不同的方面优于传统的行星齿轮式自动变速器。
无级变速器采用带链或锥盘滚轮来产生无限多种变速比。与传统自动变速器 相比,其效率和成本都有所改善。之所以有这些优点,是因为它结构简单。这种 变速器的零部件很少,通常只有一根橡胶或金属传动带、一个液压作用的驱动带 轮、一个机械扭矩感应式驱动带轮、一些微处理器和传感器等。
这种变速器的工作原理是改变两个带轮表面之间的距离。带轮上挂传动带的 地方开了 V 形的槽。一侧的带轮沿轴向固定,另一侧的带轮可在液压的作用下移 动。
在驱动后,液压缸可增加或减少带轮两侧之间的距离。这样会使传动带在带 轮侧壁上的位置上下变动,变动的方式取决于驾驶情况。这样会使变速比发生变 化。锥盘滚轮型变速箱的工作原理与此类似但用的是驱动盘和动力滚轮。
CVT 变速器 “ 无级 ” 的特点对技术人员最有吸引力。因为没有档位, CVT 可以 使发动机保持在最佳的功率范围内,这样可以使效率提高并在相同的油耗下增加 行驶里程。 CVT 可将发动机工作曲线上的每一点转换为其本身工作曲线上相应的 点。
这种变速器最受日本汽车制造商的青睐,并且日本变速器生产商 JATCO 是主 要的生产者。但在欧美国家,情况有所不同。尽管奥迪和其他一些制造商在一些 车型上推出了 CVT ,但在这方面他们追赶的步伐仍然很缓慢。
DCT 实际上是将两台手动变速箱合在一起。换档过程是通过在两台变速箱的 离合器之间相互切换实现的。这种变速器的换档质量和传统自动变速箱相同,但 由于系统会发生滑动、流体阻力和液压损失,其效率和加速性能只比传统行星齿 轮自动变速器稍有提高。开发控制系统的成本也很高。
“ 最近在传统自动变速器技术上取得的进展,使开发和生产 CVT 或 DCT 的呼 声有所降低。 ” 变速箱生产企业 Zeroshift 公司的执行总裁 Bill Martin 说。 “ 由于成 本过高,有些汽车厂已经取消了 DCT 项目。 ”
AMT 是成本最低的自动变速器技术。 AMT 用执行器来代替传统的离合器跳 板和换档杆。这种变速器保留了手动变速器的高效率和加速性能,但某些型号的 变速器的换档质量不高。扭矩中断和 “ 点头 ” 效应仍是主要的缺点。
那么什么是最好的替代方案?变速器方面的新技术是曾出不穷的, 但 Zeroshift 公司声称其变速器的效率优于手动变速器,能提高市区驾驶的燃油经济性。同时, 其换档效率可以和改进后的自动变速器相媲美。
Zerosift 公司采用的是一种改进版的 AMT 技术。这种技术用先进的犬牙啮合 (dog engagement)系统代替同步器。
犬牙啮合技术许多年前就已在赛车运动中采用,目的是为了加快换档速度。 传统的犬牙式变速箱并不适合用在公路上,因为驱动环或犬牙之间的空间很大, 会产生后坐 —— 由扭矩突然变向而产生的一种不舒适的窜动。
Zeroshift 公司通过增加第二套驱动犬牙来解决这一问题。 这种技术还使每组犬 牙只能传递两种相反方向扭矩中的一种。 “ 通过对两套犬牙的啮合和分离,可在上
一个档位没有分离的情况下换入新的档位。 ”Martin 说。 “ 换档质量超过采用现代化 的 6档变速器的豪华轿车。 ”
换档可在瞬间完成,而扭矩不会发生中断。而且这种方法既可用于升档也可 用于降档。
“ 在使用传统的 AMT 变速器时,由于需要关闭并重新打开油门,换档过程中 排放会达到高峰, 而通过这种无过渡的换档方式则可以消除这种现象。 ”Martin 说, “ 这样还能降低燃油消耗。 ”
尽管该技术在变速器领域还比较新,但该公司称已经引起了欧美各大汽车制 造商的注意。最大的吸引力在于其成本比 DCT 低, Martin 说。
由于可以保留大部分手动变速箱的结构,这种变速箱的成本和复杂性都不会 高于传统的 AMT 变速箱。 控制系统的开发成本也会大大降低。 这对试图减少排放 和削减成本的工程师来说是个好消息。
“ 大部分汽车制造商都来参观过。 ”Martin 说。 “ 有些公司马上就和我们签合同, 另一些未作决定,拒绝的一个都没有。 ” 这再清楚不过地表明了汽车制造商现在正 在将动力系统开发的重点转移到变速箱上。
Zeroshift 变速系统的工作原理
硬件部分包括两套犬牙,安装在两个独立的犬牙环上并受其驱动。两套犬牙 有一个共同的毂盖,毂盖和一个带花键的轴相连。
每个犬牙具有特殊的轮廓。在一侧是用于啮合的直角面。这些直角面是沿对 角线相对的,这样犬牙在对某一个档位具有驱动功能的同时,对另一个档位具有 超越传动(overrun) 功能。啮合面有轻微的后向锥度,以保证犬牙能在加载时锁定 在啮合的齿轮上。
相对角上有一个斜坡,可在新档位接合后将犬牙从前一个档位上推离。 在空档时,两个犬牙环处于变速比的中间位置。选一档时,犬牙会发生移动 并和犬牙啮合面发生啮合。犬牙通过与换档执行器相边的换档拔叉驱动。
驱动犬牙将一档齿轮与输出轴锁定在一起,将扭矩从齿轮传递到输出轴。一 档的超越传动犬牙也会移动并将齿轮以相反的方向和输出轴锁定。这样可在油门 关闭且发动机倒拖时将扭矩从齿轮传递到输出轴。这样就消除了犬牙啮合式变速 箱常见的后坐现象。
如果犬牙之间不能完全啮合,即实现两个犬牙面之间的啮合,由于相对速度 差的存在,二档啮合会打开一个啮合缺口。在犬牙抵住犬牙啮合面后,在拨叉和 执行器的共同作用下,储存的能量会将犬牙送入缺口内。
此时一档超载传动犬牙成为二档的驱动犬牙。在换入二档后,一档的驱动犬 牙随即卸载。这时候,这些犬牙不再受其固定面的固定,可以被执行器或犬牙上 的斜面推离档位。
然后一档齿轮的驱动犬牙会移动到和二档齿轮发生啮合的位置。在二档时, 犬牙的作用正好相反。
奥迪 Roadjet
在 2006年 1月的底特律车展上首次亮相的 Roadjet 概念车向我们展示了奥迪 公司下一年的技术方向。该公司把重点放在内饰设计、动力系统、底盘、电子系 统和安全系统方面的技术创新上。
这些新的发展方向将进一步巩固奥迪公司在准豪华车市场的地位。为了在美 国市场吸引新的消费者,奥迪公司采取了两种市场战术。一方面,该公司正在努 力进入运动型多用途车辆(SUV )和紧凑型多用途车辆(CUV )的市场。
另一方面,该公司在美国市场引进了新的豪华车和生活用车,以巩固其在美 国 的 市 场 地 位 。 目 前 , 该 公 司 在 美 国 的 销售 额 仍 落 后 于 BMW 、 Lexus 和 Mercedes-Benz ;不久前刚推出的豪华型越野车 Q7也未能赶上 SUV 潮流。
在欧洲,奥迪公司在铝制车身、四轮驱动和新型动力系统方面的技术创新相 当成功。然而,如果它想要在美国增加市场份额,就必须在美国顾客所重视的领 域有所创新,那就是:舒适性、豪华性和实用性。
奥迪公司的设计师在进行内饰设计时对这些方面予以了重视。他们发明了新 型环绕式仪表板来代替现有车型偏于功能化的设计。他们对用于巡航控制、悬挂、 环境控制和娱乐设施设定的多媒体界面(MMI )控制系统进行了改进,使乘客和 驾驶员可以分别进行控制。将这种技术与改进的环境控制系统相结合,乘员可以 各自进行个性化的设定。
Roadjet 采用柔和的暖色调--土黄色作为内饰的基色,以制造一种舒适的氛 围。该概念车采用了优质的功能性材料;内饰采用优质的真皮,地板则采用氯丁
橡胶材料。 后座之间可安装各种行装设备:比如参展车上附带的 “espresso” 咖啡机, 或更实际一些的储藏箱、婴儿摇篮等。
为了增加实用性,后座椅的前后移动是斜向的,这样可以增加肩部、腰部、 腿部的空间和后部的载货空间。当后排座椅被推至最前方位置时,就可以使用斜 放在后面的婴儿座椅。
Roadjet 的货箱带有电动伸缩的货箱板, 使装载更方便、 上面还有许多系结点, 可用来固定行李。这种滑动的座椅和可伸出的货箱板很可能将在奥迪 Q5和 A4车 上采用。
为了增加豪华感,该概念车上还采用了昂贵的 14喇叭 Bang&Olufsen音响系 统,功率高达 1000W 。音响系统还加入了 “ 数字语音支持 ” 功能,即用麦克风和车 上的扬声器记录并放大乘客的说话声,以保证即使是在高速行驶时也能清楚地进 行交谈。
为了改善道路安全性、便利性和交通管理,汽车制造商正在制定统一的标准, 以开发新型的、能与其它车辆和路边的本地无线通信网络建立联系的车内系统。 这种车辆能在发生交通堵塞、或遭遇恶劣天气和事故等情况时向紧急服务部门、 其它车辆或交通电脑发出信号。在 Roadjet 概念车上,你可以看到这种先进系统的 雏形。
各种新电子设备和豪华装备的增加使车体重量不断增大,再加上顾客对功率 的要求不断增加,这些都给豪华车排放和燃油消耗控制带来了负面的影响。奥迪 正在研究更先进的技术,以实现豪华性和排放性的平衡。
Roadjet 车的 3.2升汽油直喷发动机基本上沿用了已有的寻机,不过为了增加 功率输出,采用了新型的、带整体式真空罐的固定进气歧管。这种进气管设计结 合了两级凸轮作用的可变气门升程技术,增大了发动机的功率。
尽管具有运动型轿车的性能, Roadjet 的总体燃油消耗比现有的 A4 Quattro车 上的 3.2升 FSI 发动机略低一些,这种将于 2006年下半年投入生产的气门机构技 术能使发动机在正常驾驶情况下满足省油和平顺性的要求,并能按照驾驶员的要 求自动切换为高反应速度和大功率状态。
Roadjet 概念车是第一款安装了受车速控制的可变转向比动态转向系统。该系 统既可实现高速公路驾驶的平顺性,又能增加在野外弯道行驶时的操纵性。电子 控制的可变弹性减震器可自动将转向系统由柔软舒适型转变为运动型,以增加安
奥迪的工程师将所有这些系统通过电子技术连接在一起,为驾驶员提供了 3种可选择的模式:动态、舒适和运动。每种模式都对减震器、转向系、变速箱和 发动机的电子装置进行调整,以提供不同的驾驶体验。
Roadjet 车的车身造型体现了奥迪公司新的设计方向。 这款高 1.55米、 轴距 4.7米、宽 2.85米的概念车的车内空间相当宽敞。该公司采用棱角分明的轮廓线和精 心设计的下陷的车门来掩盖车身的高度。概念车上标志性的 LED 尾灯很可能会保 持原样,而 LED 大灯可能在正式生产时换成可旋转的氙气放电灯。
大约在 2007年底,奥迪公司将在下一代 A4平台的基础上推出 Q5型 CUV 。 该车比 Q7更轻更小, 在利润很高的美国 CUV 市场上将很有竞争力。 Roadjet 体现 了该车的一些内饰和外部造型方面的特点。
Q5必须更为结实,以符合 CUV 类车的室外生活方式的形象。同时,对于欧 洲市场, Roadjet 醒目的造型为下一代 A4系列车型提供了样板,该系列将于 2007年推出一款新的两箱轿车, 以加入传统轿车和 Avant 车系的市场。 仪表板和其它内 饰方面的改进将在 24个月内推广到奥迪公司的其它车型系列。
Transmissions have to compromise on either ride comfort or efficiency, but a new approach to the dog engagement gearbox could improve both.
With tightening emissions regulations, carmakers are not just confining their efforts to improving combustion and after-treatment. Many are finding that modern engines are so advanced that the benefits of some engine technologies are small compared to the huge development costs involved.
It's important to look at the whole vehicle in order to improve emissions. As the second most expensive piece of kit in the car, the transmission is the logical next place to look.
Of all transmission technologies, the manual gearbox is the most efficient; around 96percent of the energy that is put in comes out of the other end. But not everyone can drive one or wants to. Because you have to dip the clutch pedal, it's less comfortable to drive in heavy traffic. It makes the driver tired and the torque interruptions' head-nod effect on passengers can be wearing.
The driver's clutch control and corresponding torque interruptions are also the manual's weak point. When accelerating up through the gearbox, each up-shift requires the driver to cut the torque momentarily by lifting the gas pedal and dipping the clutch. It may just take a second to complete the operation, but during this time the
vehicle is losing speed and acceleration.
At the opposite and of the spectrum is the traditional automatic. Its shift quality is good thanks to its torque converter, but efficiency is relatively poor despite recent advances. Because of this ,a lot of the current research is trying to find an efficient alternative to the conventional automatic.
The main technologies are continuously variable transmissions (CVTs); dual clutch transmissions(DCTs) and automated manual transmissions(AMTs).They all offer different benefits over the conventional planetary automatic.
The CVT uses a belt chain or toroidal shaped dish drive to vary an infinite number of gear ratios. It has improved efficiency and cost when compared to conventional automatics.Its advantage comes from its simplicitu. It consists of very few components; usually a rubber or metal-link belt; a hydraulically operated driving pulley, a mechanical torque-sensing driving pulley, microprocessors and some sensors.
The transmissions works by varying the distance between the faces of the two main pulleys.The pulleys have V-shaped grooves in which the connecting belt rides. One side of the pulley is fixed axially; the other side moves, actuated by hydraulics.
When actuatec, the cylinder can increase or reduce the amount of space between the two sides of the pulley. This allows the belt to ride lower or higher along the walls of the pulley, depending on driving conditions. This changes the gear ratio. A torodial-type design works in a similar way but runs on discs and power-rollers.
The transmission is most popular with Japanese carmakers and Japanese supplier JATCO is a major producer. But in the US and Europe driving styles are different. Uptake has been slow despite Audi and other manufacturers having offered CVT otions on their ranges.
The DCT is, in effect, two manual gearboxes coupled together. Gear shifts are made by switching from one clutch on one gearbox to another clutch on the other. The shift quality is equal to a conventional automatic, but slip, fluid drag and lydraulic losses in the system result in only slightly improved efficiency and acceleration over the conventional planetary automatic. Developing the control strategy is costly too.
The cheapest way to build an automatic is with an AMT. AMTs use actuators to replace the clutch pedal and gear stick of a conventional manual. They keep the high efficiency and acceleration of a manual gearbox, but the shift quality on some models is lacking. Torque interruptions and the head-nod effect are the most common complaint. so what is the alternative? There are always new ideas in transmissions, but Zeroshift says that its technology has efficiency benefits over a manual, delivering fuel economy improvements to city driving. Shift quality can also be equal to that of a
refined automatic.
Zeroshift's approach is an upgrade to the AMT. The synchromesh is replaced with an advanced dog enqaqement system.
Dog engagement has been used for many years in motor sport to allow fast shifts. Conventional dog boxes are unsuitable for road use as the large spaces between the drive lugs or
Zeroshift's technology solves this problem by adding a second set of drive dogs. It has also made each of the two sets of dogs only capable of transmitting torque in one or other opposing directions.
The shift is instant and the torque is not interrupted.This philosophy is used for both up and down shifts.
It is a relative newcomer to the transmission sector, but the firm says that it is already attracting the attention of major European and US carmakers. The big draw is as a low-cost alternative to DCT, says Martin.
Because the manual gearbox architecture is largely maintained, production costs and complexity are not greater than for a conventional AMT. Development of the controls side is also considerably cheaper. Music to the ears of engineers trying to cut emissions and costs.
The hardware consists of two sets of bullets. mounted and actuated on two independent bullet rings. both sets of bullets run on the common hub, which is attached to the shaft with splines.
Each bullet has a special profile. On one side they have an angled face for engagement. These are diagonally opposed, allowing the bullet to have a drive function for one gear and an overrun function for the other gear. The engagement faces taper backwards slightly to ensure the bullet latches onto the engaged gear under load. the opposite corners have a ramp, which pushes the bullet out of the previous gear once the new gear has been engaged.
In neutral both bullet rings are positioned midway between the ratios. To select first
gear, the bullets are moved into mesh with the engagement dogs.The bullets are actuated via shift forks conected to the shift actuators.
The driving bullets lock first gear to the output shaft and transfer torque from the gearwheel onto the output shaft. The first gear overrun bullets are also moved into gear to lock the wheel to the output shaft in the opposite direction. This transfrs torque from the gearwheel onto the output shaft when the throttle closes and the engine overruns. This eliminates the backlash you'd expect from a dog engagement gearbox.
To shift up with an open throttle, first gear's overrun bullets are unloaded and move in to engage second gear. This is followed by the previous driving ring which becomes unloaded when second gear is taken up.
If the bullet is stopped from engaging fully-dog-face to dog-face-the second gear wheel opens an engagement window due to the relative speed difference. With the bullet pushed against the engagement dog compliance between the fork and actuator allows the stored energy
to fire the bullet into the window.
The first gear overrun bullets have now become the second gear drive bullets. As second gear takes over, the load is removed from the first gear drive bullets. These bullets are now no longer held by their retention angie and can be either moved out of gear by actuators or pushed out of gear by contact with the ramp face of the bullet. The first gear drive bullets then move across into engagement with second gear. In second gear, the roles of the bullets are reversed.
Audi Roadjet
Audi plans to add comfort, luxury and practicality without increasing emissions The Roadjet concept, first shown at Detroit in January 2006,indicates a number of technical directions that Audi going to take in the coming year. The firm is focusing on interior design, powertrain, chassis, electronics and safety innovations.
These new directions will help Audi strengthen its position in the sub-luxury market that it previously had to itself. Audi has two main tactics to attract new customers in the US. It is breaking into the sports utility vehicle(SUV)and compact utility vehicle(CUV)markets.
It also introduces new luxury and lifestyle features to strengthen its position in the US; sales there still lag behind those of BMW, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz. The recently launched Q7 off-road luxury vehicle is a late bid to capitalise on the SUV boom. In Europe, the carmaker's technical innovations such as aluminium construction, four-wheel-drive, and novel powertrain technologies have been successful. But if Audi wants to increase its US market share, it needs to innovate in those areas valued by American customers: comfort, luxury and practicality.
Audi's designers have focused on this in the interior. They have devised a new wrap-around instrument panel shape to replace the more functional design in existing models. They have expanded the vehicle's multi-media interface (MMI)control system, used for cruise control, suspension, climate and entertainment separate controls. Combined with an upgraded climate system, occupants can set their own individual
climate settings.
Soft, warm, earthy colours are used in the Roadjet to create a feeling of well-being. The concept uses high quality functional materials: the upholstery is fine leather; the floor is neoprene. The space between the rear seats can house a range of optional equipment: the show car featured an espresso coffee machine. Storage boxes and baby carriers are more realistic alternatives.
To enhance practicality, the rear seats slide backwards and forwards diagonally to increase shoulder and leg-room or rear load space. When the rear seats are in their most forward position, an oblique-facing child seat can be used behind the seats.
Roadjet's load bay features an eletrically extending load floor to ease loading, offering unmerous lashing points to secure luggage items. The sliding seats and extending load floor are very likely to enter production on Audi's Q5 and A4 models. To heighten the sense of luxury, the concept uses a costly 1,000W Bang & Olufsen sound system with 14-speakers.This incorporates a
In a bid to improve road safety, convenience and traffic management, carmakers are working to common standards to develop a new in-car system to talk to other cars and roadside wireless olcal area networks. In traffic jams, bad weather or accident situations, cars send information to emergency services, other cars and traffic computers. The Roadjet concept featres previews such a system.
The weight of all the new electronics and luxury equipment in this segment, combined with customers' growing demand for power is having a negative effect on exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. Audi is looking at sophisticated technical solutions to balance the equation.
Roadjet's 3.2-litre gasoline direct injection engine is based on an existing engine but features a new fixed intake manifold with an integral vacuum reservoir to increase its output. This is combined with a two-stage cam operated variable valve lit technology to increase output.
Despite the sports car performance, the Roadjet's overall fuel consumption is slightly lower than the current A4 Quattro 3.2FSI.The valve train technology, due to enter production later in 2006,lets the engine perform economically and smoothly during normal driving, switching automatically to more responsive, more powerful characteristics when the driver demands.
Roadjet also has the first Audi application of speeddependent variable ratio dynamic steering for a stable highspeed motorway ride but with enhanced control on twisty country roads. Electronically-controlled variable rate dampers automatically adjust from soft and comfortable to firm and sporty to enhance safety and handling. Audi's engineers have electronically linked all of these systems to create three driver-selectable programmes: dynamic, comfort and sport. Each programme adjusts the dampers, steering, gearbox and engine eletronics to give different driving experiences. Roadjet's body styling marks a new direction for the carmaker.At 1.55m high with a wheelbase 4.7m long and 2.85m wide, the concept is roomy. The firm has used a combination of sharp feature lines and careully-sculpted concave-section doors to
disguise the height. While the trademark LED tail lights are likely to enter production unchanged, steerable xenon gas discharge lights will replace the LEDs in the headlamps.
Around the end of 2007 Audi will launch the Q5 CUV , based on the next A4 platform. Smaller and lighter than the Q7,it will be well placed to compete in the profitable CUV segment in the US. The Roadjet previews elements of the interior and exterior styling of this model.
The Q5 will need to be more rugged to match the outdoor lifestyle image of the CUV
segment. At the same time, for the European market, the Roadjet's sharp style previews the next A4 model range, which may produce a new hatchback body in 2007 to join the conventional saloon and Avant estate. The dashboard and other new interior refinements are likely to spread across the rest of the Audi range over the next 24 months.
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本科毕业设计(论文) 英文资料翻译
作 者 :周 杰
指导教师 :孙飞豹(副教授) 学科、专业:车辆工程
沈阳理工大学应用技术学院 2011年 12月 20日
transmission used in automobiles
A standard transmission or manual transmission is the traditional type of transmission used in automobiles. The manual or standard transmission consists of a series of gears, synchros, roller bearings, shafts and gear selectors. The main clutch assembly is used to engage and disengage the engine from the transmission. Heliacal cut gears are used to select the ratio desired the sector fork move gears from one to another by using the gearshift knob. Synchros are used to slow the gear to a stop before it is engaged to avoid gear grinding, the counter shaft hold the gears in place and against the main input and output shaft. A stick shift transmission has no torque converter so there is no need for a transmission cooler. A stick shift transmission needs a simple fluid change for proper service. (there is no transmission filter in a
stick shift transmission).
Transmission Shifter
Most manual transmissions have one reverse gear and four to six forward gears. Some cars also have eight forward gears while thirteen to twenty-four gears are present in semi trucks. To differentiate among the available standard transmissions, they are addressed by the number of forward gears. For example, if the standard transmission has five gears, it will be referred to as 5-speed
standard transmission or 5-speed standard.
Typical Standard Transmission Configuration
Inside the transmission shafts contain all forward and reverse gears. Most transmissions contain three shafts: input shaft, output shaft and counter or lay shaft. Other than standard transmission, there are other transmissions like continuously variable transmission, automatic transmission and semi-automatic transmission. In the manual transmission, a pair of gears inside the transmission selects the gear ratios. Whereas, in an automatic transmission, combination of brake bands and clutch packs control the planetary gear which selects the gear ratio.
If there is a provision to select a gear ratio manually in automatic transmissions, the system is called a semi-automatic transmission. The driver can select from any of the gears at any point
of time. In some automobiles like racing cars and motorcycles that have standard transmissions, the driver can select the preceding or the following gear ratio with no clutch operation needed. This type of standard transmission is known as sequential transmission. In
this transmission the clutch is still used for initial take off.
Clutch and Flywheel Assembly
The main clutch plays the role of a coupling device which separates the transmission and the engine. If the clutch is absent and the car comes to a stop the engine will stall. In automobiles, the clutch can be operated with the help of a pedal located on the floor of the vehicle. In an automatic transmission instead of a clutch, a torque converter is used to separate the transmission and engine.
Typical Stick Shift Patterns
A desired gear can be selected by a lever which is usually located on the floor in between the driver and passenger seat. This selector lever is called the gear lever or gear selector or gear shift or shifter. This gear stick can be made to move in right, left, forward and backward direction. When the gear is placed on the N position or neutral position, no gear will be selected. To move the car in the backward direction, the R gear or reverse gear should be selected.
Standard transmissions are more efficient and less expensive to produce than automatic transmissions. A Standard transmission is about 15% more efficient compared to an automatic transmission. Standard transmissions are generally stronger than automatic transmissions and off road vehicles take advantage of a direct gear selection so they can withstand rough conditions. Less active cooling is also required in manual transmission system because less power is wasted.
●Popular Problem Checks
Car will not go into gear
Clutch disc is broken completely
Internal transmission damage
Failed clutch master cylinder
Seized clutch slave cylinder
Broken clutch fork pivot
Broken clutch cable
Car goes into gear but it fades out or is slipping
Clutch is worn out and needs replacement
Clutch is oil soaked from a external engine oil leak
Car makes grinding noise while operating or shifting gears
One of the roller or thrust bearings has failed
The gear synchro is worn out not forcing the gear stop before it is engaged causing a grinding gear.
A counter or main shaft bearing has failed causing misalignment of the gears
●Troubleshooting Noise and Problems
If the vehicle is running and a whirring sound is heard, then it goes away when the clutch is depressed, the transmission input bearing has failed.
If the transmission is quiet in neutral but when you depress the clutch a squeaking noise is observed, a clutch throw out bearing has failed.
Tips:Never let little noises go unattended; a small noise can cause a large noise and transmission operation failure. Never overload a vehicle or tow beyond the capacity this can cause premature transmission failure.
汽车传统变速器是那种标准的手动变速器。标准手动变速器由一系列 的齿轮、同步器、轴承、轴和换档拨叉组成。主离合器总成是用来启动和 切断传动系与发动机。齿轮组用来选择理想的传动比,通过换档杆带动拨 叉把齿轮从一个位置移到另一个位置来实现。同步器是用来在齿轮传动装 置啮合以前使齿轮减速,避免齿轮磨损。中间轴控制齿轮组在合适的位置 并且使输出轴与主动输入在反向。手动变速器没有变矩器,所以也没有不 要配冷却系统,正确保养手动变速器只需要更换变速器油即可(手动档变 速器没有自动变速器润滑油过滤器)。
绝大多数手动变速器油一个倒档齿轮组和 4到 6个前进档齿轮组。一 些汽车也有 8个前进档齿轮组,然而 13到 24齿轮组的只在半挂货车上使 用。区分手动变速器的有效途径是他们确切的前进档齿轮组数。例如,如 果一个手动变速器有 5个前进档齿轮组,它会叫 5速度标准变速器,或标 准 5档。
在变速器里面的传动轴上,有全部的前进档齿轮组和倒档齿轮组。大 多数的手动变速器都是三轴变速器:输入轴、输出轴和中间轴或副轴。除 了标准手动变速器,还有其他变速器像无级变速器、自动变速器和半自动 变速器。就手动变速器,靠,变速器内的齿轮副选择传动比。然而,在自 动变速器里,靠组合制动器、离合器群控制行星齿轮组来选择传动比。 如果有一款能手动选择传动比的自动变速器,那么这个系统叫做半自 动变速器。驾驶员可以在任何时候选择传动比。在一些车辆上,像赛车和 摩托车上安装标准变速器,驾驶员能够选择上一个或下一个档位而不需要 离合器。这种类型的变速器以能连续变数著称。在这种传动装置中离合器 依然会用于起步。
主离合器的主要功能是结合和断开发动机和传动系。 如果没有离合器, 汽车刹车的时候发动机就会熄火。在汽车上,通过车厢地板上的离合器踏 板来操作离合器。在自动变速器上用液力变矩器来取代离合器来断开发动 机和传动系统。
选择档位的变速杆通常位于车厢里驾驶和副驾驶座位之间的地板上。 这种变速杆被称为变速杆或齿轮选择器或换档或移位器。这个变速杆能够 被前后左右的移到。当变速杆处于 N 档或空档时没有传动比。要倒车, R 档传动齿轮或倒档齿轮应该被选定。
标准手动变速器比自动变速器效率高并且制造成本低。手动变速器的 传动效率要比自动变速器高 15%。手动变速器比自动变速器结实耐用,在 越野车上采用手动变速器更有优势,能够在恶劣的环境下使用。手动变速 器没有主动冷却系统,这样也减少了能量大浪费。
中间轴或主轴轴承错位 。
如果汽车在行驶中离合器断开听到呼呼声,然后消失,变速器输入轴 轴承损坏。
如果正常时传动系统没有异响,当踩下离合器踏板时有吱吱的响声, 离合器分离轴承坏了。
注意:不要忽视小的异响,一点小噪声可引起大噪声和变速器损坏。 不要超载或带档被拖拽,这样会减少变速器的使用寿命。
中 国 地 质 大 学 长 城 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计 外 文 翻 译
系 别 工程技术系
姓 名 邓 哲
专 业 机 械 设 计 制 造 及 其 自 动 化 学 号 05211614
2015年 4 月 5 日
我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功 率比较大, 燃油经济性也比较好。 因此, 我们希望发动机总是在最好的状态下工 作。但是,汽车在使用的时候需要有不同的速度,这样就产生了矛盾。这个矛盾 要通过变速器来解决。
汽车变速器的作用用一句话概括, 就叫做变速变扭, 即增速减扭或减速增扭。 为什么减速可以增扭, 而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变, 功率可以 表示为 N = wT,其中 w 是转动的角速度, T 是扭距。当 N 固定的时候, w 与 T 是成反比的。 所以增速必减扭, 减速必增扭。 汽车变速器齿轮传动就根据变速变 扭的原理,分成各个档位对应不同的传动比,以适应不同的运行状况。
一般的手动变速器内设置输入轴、中间轴和输出轴,又称三轴式,另外还有 倒档轴。 三轴式是变速器的主体结构, 输入轴的转速也就是发动机的转速, 输出 轴转速则是中间轴与输出轴之间不同齿轮啮合所产生的转速。 不同的齿轮啮合就 有不同的传动比,也就有了不同的转速。例如郑州日产 ZN6481W2G 型 SUV 车 手动变速器,它的传动比分别是:1档 3.704:1; 2档 2.202:1; 3档 1.414:1; 4档 1:1; 5档(超速档) 0.802:1。
当汽车启动司机选择 1档时,拨叉将 1/2档同步器向后接合 1档齿轮并将它 锁定输出轴上,动力经输入轴、中间轴和输出轴上的 1档齿轮, 1档齿轮带动输 出轴,输出轴将动力传递到传动轴上(红色箭头)。典型 1档变速齿轮传动比是 3:1,也就是说输入轴转 3圈,输出轴转 1圈。
当汽车增速司机选择 2档时,拨叉将 1/2档同步器与 1档分离后接合 2档齿 轮并锁定输出轴上,动力传递路线相似,所不同的是输出轴上的 1档齿轮换成 2档齿轮带动输出轴。 典型 2档变速齿轮传动比是 2.2:1, 输入轴转 2.2圈, 输出轴 转 1圈,比 1档转速增加,扭矩降低。
当汽车加油增速司机选择 3档时,拨叉使 1/2档同步器回到空档位置,又使 3/4档同步器移动直至将 3档齿轮锁定在输出轴上,使动力可以从轴入轴 — 中间 轴 — 输出轴上的 3档变速齿轮, 通过 3档变速齿轮带动输出轴。 典型 3档传动比 是 1.7:1,输入轴转 1.7圈,输出轴转 1圈,是进一步的增速。
当汽车加油增速司机选择 4档时,拨叉将 3/4档同步器脱离 3档齿轮直接与 输入轴主动齿轮接合,动力直接从输入轴传递到输出轴,此时传动比 1:1,即输 出轴与输入轴转速一样。 由于动力不经中间轴, 又称直接档, 该档传动比的传动 效率最高。汽车多数运行时间都用直接档以达到最好的燃油经济性。
换档时要先进入空档,变速器处于空档时变速齿轮没有锁定在输出轴上,它 们不能带动输出轴转动,没有动力输出。
一般汽车手动变速器传动比主要分上述 1-4档, 通常设计者首先确定最低 (1档)与最高(4档)传动比后,中间各档传动比一般按等比级数分配。另外,还 有倒档和超速档,超速档又称为 5档。
当汽车要加速超过同向汽车时司机选择 5档,典型 5档传动比是 0.87:1,也 就是用大齿轮带动小齿轮,当主动齿轮转 0.87圈时,被动齿轮已经转完 1圈了。 倒档时输出轴要向相反方向旋转。 如果一对齿轮啮合时大家反向旋转, 中间加上 一个齿轮就会变成同向旋转。利用这个原理,倒档就要添加一个齿轮做 “ 媒介 ” , 将轴的转动方向调转, 因此就有了一根倒档轴。 倒档轴独立装在变速器壳内, 与 中间轴平行, 当轴上齿轮分别与中间轴齿轮和输出轴齿轮啮合时, 输出轴转向会 相反。
通常倒档用的同步器也控制 5档的接合, 所以 5档与倒档位置是在同一侧的。 由于有中间齿轮, 一般变速器倒档传动比大于 1档传动比, 增扭大, 有些汽车遇 到陡坡用前进档上不去就用倒档开上去。
从驾驶平顺性考虑,变速器档位越多越好,档位多相邻档间的传动比的比值 变化小,换档容易而且平顺。但档位多的缺点就是变速器构造复杂,体积大,现 在轻型汽车变速器一般是 4-5档。同时,变速器传动比都不是整数,而是都带 小数点的, 这是因为啮合齿轮的齿数不是整倍数所致, 两齿轮齿数是整倍数就会 导致两齿轮啮合面磨损不均匀,使得轮齿表面质量产生较大的差异。
手动变速器是最常见的变速器,简称 MT 。它的基本构造用一句话概括,就 是两轴一中轴,即指输入轴、轴出轴和中间轴,它们构成了变速器的主体,当然 还有一根倒档轴。 手动变速器又称手动齿轮式变速器, 含有可以在轴向滑动的齿 轮, 通过不同齿轮的啮合达到变速变扭目的。 典型的手动变速器结构及原理如下。 输入轴也称第一轴,它的前端花键直接与离合器从动盘的花键套配合,从而 传递由发动机过来的扭矩。 第一轴上的齿轮与中间轴齿轮常啮合, 只要轴入轴一 转, 中间轴及其上的齿轮也随之转动。 中间轴也称副轴, 轴上固连多个大小不等 的齿轮。 输出轴又称第二轴, 轴上套有各前进档齿轮, 可随时在操纵装置的作用 下与中间轴的对应齿轮啮合, 从而改变本身的转速及扭矩。 输出轴的尾端有花键 与传动轴相联,通过传动轴将扭矩传送到驱动桥减速器。
由此可知,变速器前进档位的驱动路径是:输入轴常啮齿轮-中间轴常啮齿 轮-中间轴对应齿轮-第二轴对应齿轮。倒车轴上的齿轮也可以由操纵装置拨 动,在轴上移动,与中间轴齿轮和输出轴齿轮啮合 , 以相反的旋转方向输出。 多数汽车都有 5个前进档和一个倒档,每个档位有一定的传动比,多数档位 传动比大于 1,第 4档传动比为 1,称为直接档,而传动比小于 1的第 5档称为 加速档。空档时输出轴的齿轮处于非啮合位置,无法接受动力传输。
由于变速器输入轴与输出轴以各自的速度旋转, 变换档位时合存在一个
档要在空档位置加油门, 以减少齿轮的转速差。 但这个操作比较复杂, 难以掌握 精确。因此设计师创造出
目前全同步式变速器上采用的是惯性同步器,它主要由接合套、同步锁环等 组成, 它的特点是依靠摩擦作用实现同步。 接合套、 同步锁环和待接合齿轮的齿 圈上均有倒角 (锁止角) , 同步锁环的内锥面与待接合齿轮齿圈外锥面接触产生 摩擦。 锁止角与锥面在设计时已作了适当选择, 锥面摩擦使得待啮合的齿套与齿 圈迅速同步, 同时又会产生一种锁止作用, 防止齿轮在同步前进行啮合。 当同步 锁环内锥面与待接合齿轮齿圈外锥面接触后, 在摩擦力矩的作用下齿轮转速迅速 降低(或升高)到与同步锁环转速相等,两者同步旋转,齿轮相对于同步锁环的 转速为零, 因而惯性力矩也同时消失, 这时在作用力的推动下, 接合套不受阻碍 地与同步锁环齿圈接合,并进一步与待接合齿轮的齿圈接合而完成换档过程 自动变速器
自动变速器的选挡杆相当于手动变速器的变速杆, 一般有以下几个挡位:P(停 车 ) 、 R(倒挡 ) 、 N(空挡 ) 、 D(前进 ) 、 S(or2,即为 2速挡 ) 、 L(or1,即为 1速挡 ) 。 这几个挡位的正确使用对于驾驶自动变速器汽车的人来说尤其重要, 下面就让我 们一起来熟悉一下自动变速器各挡位的使用要领。
●P(停车挡 ) 的使用
发动机运转时只要选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车就很容易地行走。 而停放时, 选挡杆必须扳入 P 位, 从而通过变速器内部的停车制动装置将输出轴 锁住,并拉紧手制动,防止汽车移动。
●R(倒挡 ) 的使用
R 位为倒挡,使用中要切记,自动变速器汽车不像手动变速器汽车那样能够 使用半联动,故在倒车时要特别注意加速踏板的控制。
●N(空挡 ) 的使用
N 位相当于空挡,可在起动时或拖车时使用。在等待信号或堵车时常常将选 挡杆保持在 D 位,同时踩下制动。若时间很短,这样做是允许的,但若停止时 间长时最好换入 N 位,并拉紧手制动。因为选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器 汽车一般都有微弱的行驶趋势, 长时间踩住制动等于强行制止这种趋势, 使得变 速器油温升高, 油液容易变质。 尤其在空调器工作、 发动机怠速较高的情况下更 为不利。有些驾驶员为了节油,在高速行驶或下坡时将选挡杆扳到 N 位滑行, 这很容易烧坏变速器, 因为这时变速器输出轴转速很高, 而发动机却在怠速运转, 油泵供油不足,润滑状况恶化,易烧坏变速器。
●D(前进挡 ) 的使用
正常行驶时将选挡杆放在 D 位,汽车可在 1~4挡 (或 3挡 ) 之间自动换挡。 D 位是最常用的行驶位置。 需要掌握的是:由于自动变速器是根据油门大小与车速 高低来确定挡位的, 所以加速踏板操作方法不同, 换挡时的车速也不相同。 如果
起步时迅速将加速踏板踩下,升挡晚,加速能力强,到一定车速后,再将加速踏 板很快松开,汽车就能立即升挡,这样发动机噪声小,舒适性好。
D 位的另一个特点是强制低挡,便于高速时超车,在 D 位行驶中迅速将加速 踏板踩到底, 接通强制低挡开关就能自动减挡, 汽车很快加速, 超车之后松开加 速踏板又可自动升挡。
●S 、 L 位低挡的使用
自动变速器在 S 位或 L 位上处于低挡范围,可以在坡道等情况下使用。下坡 时换入 S 位或 L 位能充分利用发动机制动,避免车轮制动器过热,导致制动效 能下降。但是从 D 位换入 S 位或 L 位时,车速不能高于相应的升挡车速,否则 发动机会强烈振动,使变速器油温急剧上升,甚至会损坏变速器。
另外在雨雾天气时,若路面附着条件差,可以换入 S 位或 L 位,固定在某一 低挡行驶,不要使用能自动换挡的位置,以免汽车打滑。同时必须牢记,打滑时 可将选挡杆推入 N 位,切断发动机的动力,以保证行车安全。
Transmission design
As we all know,automobile engine to a certain speed can be achieved under the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the engine is always in the best of conditions to work under. However, the use of motor vehicles need to have different speeds, thus creating a conflict. Transmission through this conflict to resolve.
Automotive Transmission role sum up in one sentence, called variable speed twisting, twisting or slow down the growth rate by increasing torsional. Why can slow down by twisting, and the growth rate but also by twisting? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = wT, where w is the angular velocity of rotation, and T Niuju. When N fixed, w and T is inversely proportional to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twisting, twisting slowdown will increase. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of different transmission ratio corresponding to adapt to different operational conditions.
General to set up a manual gearbox input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main transmission structure, input shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing between different from the speed. Different gears are different transmission ratio, and will have a different speed. For example Zhengzhourichan ZN6481W2G manual transmission car-SUV, its transmission ratio are: 1 File 3.704:1; stalls 2.202:1; stalls 1.414:1; stalls 1:1 5 stalls (speeding file) 0.802: 1.
When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2 file synchronization engagement with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft gear of a stall, a stall the output shaft gear driven, and the output shaft power will be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Biansuchilun transmission ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle.
When the growth rate of car drivers choose two stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2-file synchronization and file a joint separation after 2 stall and lock the output shaft gear, power transmission line similar, the difference is that the output shaft gear of a stall 2 stall replaced by the output shaft gear driven. 2 stall Biansuchilun typical transmission ratio is 2.2:1, 2.2 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle than a stall speed increase, lower torque.
When refueling vehicle drivers growth stalls option 3, Plectrum to 1 / 2 back to the free file-synchronization position, and also allows the 3 / 4 file synchronization Mobile stall until 3 in the output shaft gear lock, power can be into the shaft axis - intermediate shaft - the output shaft of the three stalls Biansuchilun, led through three stalls Biansuchilun output shaft. 3 stalls typical transmission ratio is 1.7:1, 1.7 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle is further growth.
When car drivers Option 4 refueling growth stalls, Plectrum will be 3 / 4 from the 3-file synchronization stall gear directly with the input shaft gear joint initiative, and power transmission directly from the input shaft to the output shaft, the transmission ratio at 1:1, that the input shaft and output shaft speed the same. The driving force without intermediate shaft, also known as direct file, the file transmission than the maximum transmission efficiency. Most cars run-time files are used directly to achieve the best fuel economy.
Shift into the first interval when, in a free transmission when Biansuchilun output shaft is not locked in, they can not rotate the output shaft driven, not power output. General automotive manual transmission than the main 1-4 stalls, usually the first designers to determine the minimum (one stall) and maximum (4 files) transmission ratio, the middle stall drive by geometric progression than the general distribution. In addition, there are stalls Daodang and speeding, speeding file is also known as the five stalls.
When the car to accelerate to more than car drivers with the choice of five stalls, and a typical five-transmission ratio is 0.87:1, which is driven by a pinion gear, the gear when the initiative to 0.87 zone, passive gear have been transferred to a circle of the End.
Dao Dang, the opposite direction to the output shaft rotation. If one pair of meshing gears when we reverse rotation, with a middle gear, it will become the same to the rotation. Use of this principle, we should add a gear Daodang the
Daodang usually used for the synchronization control also joins five stalls, stalls and Daodang 5 position in the same side. As a middle gear, the general transmission Daodang transmission ratio greater than 1 file transmission ratio, by twisting, steep slope with some vehicles encountered on the progress stalls falters with a Daodang boost.
Ride from the driver of the considerations, better transmission stall, stall adjacent stall more than the transmission changes the ratio of small, and easy to shift smoothly.
However, the shortcomings of the stalls is more transmission structure is complicated, bulky, light vehicle transmission is generally 4-5 stalls. At the same time, transmission ratio is not integral, but with all of the decimal point, it is because of the gear teeth meshing is not caused by the whole multiples of two gear teeth can lead to the whole multiples of two meshing gears of uneven wear, making the tooth surface quality have a greater difference.
Manual transmission and synchronizer manual transmission is the most common transmission, or MT. Its basic structure sum up in one sentence, is a two-axle shaft, where input shaft, the shaft axis and intermediate shaft, which constitute the main body of the transmission and, of course, a Daodang axis. Manual transmission known as manual gear transmission, which can be in the axial sliding gears, the gears meshing different variable speed reached twisting purpose. Typical manual transmission structure and principles are as follows.
Input shaft also said that the first axis, and its front-end Spline driven directly with the clutch disc sets with the Spline, by the transfer of torque from the engine. The first axis of the intermediate shaft and gears meshing gears often, as long as the shaft axis to a turn, the intermediate shaft and gear also will be rotating. Vice also said intermediate shaft axis, the axis-even more than the size gear. Also known as the second output shaft axis, the axis of various sets of gear stall progress can be manipulated at any time in the role of the device and the corresponding intermediate shaft gear meshing, thus changing its speed and torque. With the end of the output shaft spline associated with the drive shaft through the drive shaft torque transmitted to the drive axle reducer.
Thus, progress stalls drive transmission path is: input shaft gear often rodents - often rodents intermediate shaft gear - corresponding intermediate shaft gear - the second axis corresponding gear. Reversing the gear shaft can be manipulated by the device pick in the axis movement, and the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, to the contrary to the direction of rotation output.
Most cars have five stalls and a Daodang forward, a certain degree of each stall transmission ratio, the majority of stalls transmission ratio greater than 1, 4 file transmission ratio of 1, known as direct stalls, and transmission ratio is less than 1 No. 5 stall called accelerated stall. Free at the output shaft gear in a position of
non-engagement, unacceptable power transmission.
The transmission input shaft and output shaft rotational speed to their own, Transform a stall when there is a
Differential gear. However, this operation is relatively more complicated and difficult to grasp accurate. So designers create a
At present Synchronous Transmission is based on the synchronization of inertia, mainly from joint sets, synchronous lock ring, and so on, it is characterized by friction on the role of synchronization. Splice sets Genlock engagement ring gear and the ring gear when it had Chamfer (Lock angle), Genlock within the cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear contact friction. Lock and cone angle has been made in the design of an appropriate choice to be made friction cone of the teeth meshing with the ring gear quickly sets pace at the same time will have a Lock role and to prevent the gears meshing in sync before. When synchronization lock cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear after contact in the effects of friction torque gear speed quickly lower (or higher) with the same speed synchronous lock ring, the two synchronous rotation of the gear Genlock Central zero speed, thus moment of inertia also disappear, then in force under the impetus of engagement sets unhindered and synchronization lock ring gear
Engagement, and further engagement with the question of gear engagement and the completion Gear Shift Process.
The automatic gearbox
The automatic gearbox chooses to block the pole the equal to moving the
stick shift of the gearbox, having generally below several blocks:P( parking), R( pour to block), N( get empty to block), D( go forward), S( or2, namely for 2 block soon), L.( or1, namely for 1 block soon)This several an usage for blocking a right usages coming driver the automatic gearbox is automotive of person to say particularly important, underneath let us very much familiar with once automatic gearbox eachly blockings main theme.
The usage of the P ( the parking blocks)
The launches the luck turns as long as choose to block the pole in driving the position, automatic gearbox car run about very easily.But park, choose to block the pole must pull into of P, from but pass the internal parking system in gearbox moves the device will output the stalk lock lives, combining to tense the hand system move, preventing the car ambulation.
The usage of the R( pour to block)
R a control for is pouring blocking, using inside wanting slicing recording, automatic gearbox car unlike moving gearbox car so can using half moving, so while reversing the car wanting special attention accelerating pedal.
The usage of the N( get empty to block)
The N is equal to get empty to block, can while starting or hour of trailer
usage.At wait for the signal or block up the car will often often choose to block the pole keeps in the of D, trampling at the same time the next system move.If time is very short, do like this is an admission of, but if stop the time long time had better change into of N, combine to tense the hand system moves.Because choose to block the pole in driving the position, the automatic gearbox car has generally and all to drive the trend faintly, long hours trample the system move same as a deterrent this kind of trend, make gearbox oil gone up, the oil liquid changes in character easily.Particularly in the air condition machine work, launch the soon higher circumstance in machine bottom more disadvantageous.Some pilots for the sake of stanza oil, at made good time or go down slope will choose to block the pole pull the of N skids, this burn the bad gearbox very easily, launching the machine to revolves soon in the however because the gearbox outputs at this time the stalk turns soon very high,, the oil pump provides the oil shortage, lubricating the condition worsen, burn the bad gearbox easily.
The usage of the D( go forward to block)
Will choose to block when is normal to drive the pole put in the of D, car can at 1 ~4 block( or 3 block) its change to block automatically.The of D drives the position most in common usely.What demand control is:Because the automatic gearbox is soon high and low with car to come to make sure to block according to the accelerator size a, so accelerate the pedal operation method is different, changing to block the hour of the car is soon too not same alike.If start hour quick accelerate the pedal tramples the bottom, rising to block the night, accelerating the ability is strong, arriving certain car soon behind, then will accelerate the pedal loosen to open very quickly, car can rise to block immediately, launch like this the machine voice is small, comfortable good.
The another characteristics of the D is a compulsory low blocking, easy to high speed the hour overtakes a car, will accelerate quickly in of D drove the pedal trample after all, connect the compulsory low fend off the pass and then can reduce to block automatically, the car accelerates very quickly, after overtaking a car loosen to open the pedal of acceleration to can rise to block automatically again.
The usage of the S, of L low the usage that block
The automatic gearbox in in is placed in the low blocking the scope on of S or of Ls, can usage under an etc. circumstance.It change to can make use of to launch well into of S or of Ls the mechanism move, avoiding the car wheel system move the machine over hot, cause the system move the effect descent while going down slope.But change into from the of D of S or of L, car soon can't higher than rise to
block the car homologously soon, otherwise strong vibration in opportunity to launch, make gearbox oil hoicked, even will damage the gearbox.
The is another at rain fog weather hour, if the road adheres to the term bad, can change into a position for or of L, fixing at somely first lowly blocking driving,doing not use can automatically changing blocking, in order to prevent the car beats slippery.Must keep firmly in mind at the same time, beat the slippery hour can will choose to block the pole pushes into a motive for, cutting off launching machine, toing guarantee a car the safety.
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