针对大功率功放推小功率音箱,为了防止过大的功率造成音箱损坏,需要调小前级设备的输出增益(比如处理器或者分频器)从而降低信号电平。 比如200W 的功放推100W 的音箱,处理器输出增益值设置在-3dB ,1000W 的功放推100W 的音箱,增益值为-10dB 。
计算方法:电脑上点:开始-程序-附件-计算器,“查看”菜单里选择“科学型”,输入 音箱与功放的功率比值数据(比如1000W 的功放,100W 的音箱,比值为0.1),然后按log 键,得出的数值再乘10,就得出你要设置的增益值了。
限幅电平的计算公式:限幅电平=20lg(使用的功放的输入灵敏度电压÷0.775)-10lg (功放的输出功率÷音箱的功率)。
比如你的功放是1000W 灵敏度电压是1.1V ,音箱是100W ,按此公式计算得出限幅电平值为:
20lg(1.1÷0.775)-10lg(1000÷100)=3-10=-7dB,即把处理器或压限器输出的最大电平值设置为-7dB ,超过此电平值的信号就会被压缩到你设定的电平值再输出出去。
按此数据设置处理器里的限幅器或者单独的压限器,你的功放,不管前级给多大的信号,输出功率就会限制在100W ,就不会让音箱因为输入功率过大而损坏了。
另外,如果单配一般的压限器,只要把压缩比RATIO 设置为无穷大,压缩限幅器就转换为纯粹的限幅器了。做系统保护,使用限幅即可。
版权信息:本文来源于4567软件园 , 网址:http://www.4567.cn
在“老烧友”中流传这样一个看法:听音乐,三分器材,七分环境。很多朋友也许觉得此话 说得有些过火, 然而, 每每听说某网友在 10平方米的小屋里购置了 12英寸的低音炮, 准备 用 200瓦的功率享受排山倒海、撕扯裤脚的低音效果, 就不禁心头发紧, 倒吸一口凉气, 此 时,回想到“三分器材七分环境”这句话,深感其中蕴含的苦心。
要听到动听感人的效果,就要摆正人、音箱、环境三者的关系。而这其中,房间的大小和音 箱的功率匹配则是我们最容易忽视的问题。
第一步, 测试房间大小对音箱的影响。 把音箱搬到洗手间里放一首加州旅馆, 听听水帘洞式 的音响效果。 第二步, 测试房间的空旷程度对音箱的影响。 把音箱搬到没有放置家具的空屋 子里放一首蔡琴的“你的眼神” ,听一下什么叫做挥之不去。第三步,把音箱搬到平原地带 放一首周杰伦的“爱在西元前” ,听听他细细的嗓子里还有多少色彩。
那么,听音乐的房间多大才合适呢?按照现在的居室条件, 10平方米也许是个下限, 20平 方米则是一个上限, 10平方米,特别是 5平方米以下,根据声学原理,用户几乎不可能获 得良好的低音,这时,中低频段挤作一团,声音混浊沉闷。因此,对于这一条件下的朋友, 不建议在多媒体音箱上投资,还是改用耳机吧。 25平方米,尤其是 25平方米以上,多媒体 音箱大多支撑不住,因为它们的实际功率不够。
杂乱的屋子对听音有利。 东西杂乱往往能够吸收多余的音波反射, 使房间接近正确的混响指 数。 同样, 在墙壁上适当地悬挂一些壁毯之类的毛制品是有效的, 通过家具的摆设让屋角变 得不规则,也有立竿见影的效果。
屋顶高一些是福气, 主观听感上音场的立体感和纵深更好, 可惜房地产商并不注意这些, 为 了节约成本,小区建筑层高在 2.6米左右,举手几乎可以触顶,猥琐得让人心寒。解决问题 的办法是想办法把屋顶也变得不规则,例如用比较复杂样式的吊灯(小心碰头) ,另外,悬 挂各种稀奇古怪的吊饰一定是年轻人的拿手活, 为了追求好听的声音, 你有勇气把自己的居 室变成小礼品展卖店吗?
讨论了房间的大小,下个问题自然而然就落在功率上,多大的功率才能够满足我们的需要 呢?
我们每天都要面对商家“ 800瓦” 、 “ 1000瓦”的轰炸,连一对小小的塑料喇叭也可以打上 180瓦的标签。其实这只是一个小小的概念把戏——峰值功率或称音乐功率, 800、 1000之 类的数字标示的是音箱在瞬间能够承受的最大功率, 它和音箱的常规输出功率之间的关系应 该以 10:1来换算,甚至可能达到 16:1。
什么是峰值功率, 看看举重运动员就知道了, 他们可以爆发性地举起几百斤重的杠铃, 却只 能支撑短短的几秒钟而已。而扬声器连几秒钟都支撑不了。
按照真实的功率,我们的房间大约需要多少就够了呢?还是那句话,做个实验吧,漫步者 1900T2的标称功率是 15W ×2, 惠威 M200的标称功率是 20W ×2, 在 15平方米左右的房间 里聆听, 足矣。 如果嫌声压不够, 那么想办法购买美国杰士吧, 2.1音箱实实在在达到 260W , 5.1音箱则达到 500W 。在一般居室的客厅里, “地动山摇”不成问题。而在最近涌现出来的 新秀多媒体中,世代 V300和朝露 A100标注 50W ×2的输出功率,但是它们应付 20平米以 上的房间还是程度不同地有些力不从心。 实际上, 功率增加一倍, 声压只增加三分贝, 因此, 50W ×2的功率和 20W ×2的功率在大多数情况下,声压的区别不会太大。
第一, 2.1音箱在 15平方米以下的环境里占有优势,尤其是 10平方米以下,市面上可供选 择的小功率 2.1音箱很多,其中不乏音质不错的良品。尤其是在 10平方米以下的房间,选 购 2.1也许是听到低音(质量不会太好)的唯一选择, 5.1则会拥挤得无法摆放。另外,由 于批量大, 2.1相对于 2.0来说成本更低,因此,出于性价比的考虑,推荐读者朋友在 2.1中作考虑。
第二,在 15平方米以上的房间里,我们有可能布置一个比较适合的听音环境,由此,音乐 爱好者可以摆脱那些人声或高音明显有缺陷的 2.1,转而选择一些功率较大的中型和大型的 2.0多媒体音箱。它们大多价格较高,设计精良,功率留出足够的余量,因而失真较小,有 较好的音乐表现力。在这个尺度的房间里,功率较大的 5.1可以营造出一个不逊色于家庭影 院器材的环绕声环境。一些中档的 2.1音箱由于设计得当,音乐表现力也有了长足的进步, 对不少游戏音乐双重发烧友来说似乎更加实用。在 15~25平方米这一范围内玩家可挑选的 余地是最大的。
第三,在 25平方米以上的大型和特大型房间里,能够适用的多媒体音箱则寥寥无几,价格 也逐步超出常规消费尺度, 毕竟多媒体音箱本来就是为中小房间设计的。 国外品牌在电路设 计和单元素质方面的优势显现出来, 一个体积很小的 2.1音箱就可以达到 260瓦的输出功率, 5.1音箱则可以达到 500W ,其在技术上确实表现出很大的优势。另外,国内 HIFI 名厂惠威 的产品也表现出了很好的适应性,其顶级多媒体产品 T200A 是这一范围内极少数可以考虑 的多媒体 2.0产品之一。
最后, 需要说明的是, 决定音箱声压的并非只和功率有关, 音箱的灵敏度也是一个决定因素, 正常情况下, 音箱的灵敏度下降三个分贝, 则功率要提高一倍才能达到同样的声压, 而多媒 体厂家一般并不标注这一关键参数。因此,在选购音箱的时候,仅仅看功率参数是不够的。 所谓耳听为实, 在挑选音箱的时候, 务必要带上一张高电平的 DISCO 去测试音箱最大的可聆
听功率。 在一张高电平 DISCO 的轰炸下, 把音量旋钮拧到最大还能声音不发破的音箱极其少 见。从正常音量逐渐增大,在没有破音的最高点, 就是音箱能够达到的最大聆听音量。 做这 样的试验, 很胡乱标注功率指标的音箱就难免露出马脚来, 读者朋友也就可能挑选到功率货 真价实的多媒体音箱了。
High Power Class D Audio Power Amplifier using IR2011S
使用 IR2001S 的大功率 D 类功放
Features 功能特色
-Complete Analog Input Class D Audio Power Amplifier 完整的模拟信号输入 D 类音频功放 -500W + 500W Peak Stereo (2CH) Output 最大立体声输出 -THD+N=0.008% @1kHz, 100W, 4?
-High Efficiency 93% @350W, 1kHz, 4? 高效率
-Simple Self Oscillating Half-Bridge Topology 简易自激式半桥结构
-Includes all Local House-keeping Power Supplies 功放包含了产生本电路需要的一些附加电源 - Protection Functions 具有保护功能
-Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range ±25 ~ 60V 宽工作电压范围 -Immune to Power Supply Fluctuations 对电源纹波有免疫功能
Description 总述
The IRAUDAMP1 is an example of a simple complete class D audio power amplifier design using the IR2011S, high speed high voltage gate driver IC. The design contains protection functions and house keeping power supplies for ease of use. This reference design is intended to demonstrate how to use the IR2011S, implement protection circuits, and design an optimum PCB layout. IRAUDAMP1是使用 IR2011S 设计的一个简单完备的 D 类音 频功放, IR2011S 是一款高速高压的栅极电路驱动 IC 。这个 设计方案包含了保护电路及产生一些辅助电源,以方便使 用。这个参考的设计方案是有意为怎样使用 IR2011S 作一示 范,同时示范了执行保护电路及合适的 PCB 布局。
Specifications 技术指标
±Vcc=±50V, RL = 4? unless otherwise noted. 除非另有说明
Output Stage Half Bridge 半桥 Topology
Modulator Self Oscillating, 2nd order 自激式,
Sigma-Delta Modulation, 二次西格玛-得塔调制,
Analog Input 模拟信号输入 IR Devices Used IR2011S Gate Driver
Switching Frequency 400kHz (Adjustable) No signal 开关频率 Rated Output Power 250W + 250W 350W + 350W 1kHz, THD=1.0% 1kHz, THD=10%
370W + 370W (Peak Power) 1kHz, THD=1.0%, ±60V 500W + 500W (Peak Power) 1kHz, THD=10%, ±60V THD+N 0.008% 1kHz, 100W,
AES-17 LPF Efficiency 93% 1kHz, 350W, Class D stage S/N 115dB IHF-A Weighted,
BW=20kHz Damping Factor 200 阻尼系数 8? , 1KHz Frequency Response 3Hz ~ 40kHz (-3dB) 幅频响应 Channel Separation 100dB 通道分隔 100Hz
Minimum Load Impedance4?
Power Supply ±50V, (operational ±25V ~
Quiescent Current +75mA, -125mA 静态电流
Dimensions 4.0”(W) x 5.5”(D) x 1.5”(H)
Note: Specifications are typical and not guaranteed. 这些技术指标是典型值,不作保证。
Instructions 用法说明
Connection Diagram A typical test setup is shown in Fig.1. 连接图 A
Fig.1 Test Setup Pin Description 图 1测试和设置的脚位描述
J1 CH-1 IN Analog input for CH-1
J2 CH-2 IN Analog input for CH-2
J3 POWER Positive and negative supply
J5 CH-1 OUT Output for CH-1
J6 CH-2 OUT Output for CH-2
Power-on Procedure 开机顺序
1. Apply ±50V at the same time 先启动 ±50V供电
2. Apply audio signal 再加入音频信号
Note: Improper power on procedure could result start up failure. 注:不正确的启动顺序可能导致启动失败。
Power-off Procedure 关机顺序 (与开机相反)
1. 1. Remove audio input signal
2. 2. Turn off ±50V at the same time
Resetting Protection 机器保护后重新开机
1. 1. Turn off ±50V at the same time 关掉 ±50V
2. 2. Wait until supply voltage drops to less than 5V 等它降到 5V 以下
3. 3. Apply ±50V at the same time 启动 ±50V供电
4. 4. Apply audio signal 加入音频信号
Power Supply 电源
The IRAUDAMP1 requires a pair of symmetric dual power supplies ranging from ±25V to ±60V. A regulated power supply is preferable for performance measurements, but not always necessary. The bus capacitor, C38-41 on the board along with high frequency bypass C31, C32, C35, and C36; are designed to take care only of the high frequency ripple current components from the switching action. A set of bus capacitors having enough capacitance to handle the audio ripple current must be placed outside the board if an unregulated power supply is used.
IRAUDAMP1需要范围从 ±25V至 ±60V的一对对称电源。使用稳压电源,能取得更完美的测量值,但不是必须的。供电线路电容 C38-41和线路板上的高 频旁路电容 C31, C32, C35, and C36,是为当心切换动作时的高频纹波电流成份而设计的。如果使用非稳压电源,必须在线路板周围安放一些供电线路 电容,并需要有足够的容量以控制音频纹波电流。
Bus Pumping “供电线路能量倒灌”
Since the IRAUDAMP1 is a half bridge configuration, the bus pumping phenomenon occurs when the amplifier outputs low frequency signal is below 100Hz. The bus pumping phenomenon is unavoidable; significant bus voltage fluctuations caused by a reverse energy flow coming back to the power supply from the class D amplifier. This might cause an unacceptable instability condition in the feedback system of a power supply. The bus pumping
becomes worse in the following conditions.
从 IRAUDAMP1设计成半桥结构开始,当功放输出 100 Hz以下的低频信号时总会出现“供电线路能量倒灌”现象,该现象是不能避免的;供电线路电压 波动的重要的原因是, D 类功放的能量倒流回功放的电源。在有反馈的供电中可能不能接受这种不稳定的情况。供电线路抽吸现象在以下条件下显得更 恶劣:
-lower the output frequency 很低的输出频率 -lower the load impedance 很低的负载阻抗 -higher the output voltage 很高的输出电压
-smaller the bus capacitance in bus capacitors 供电线路电容的容量很小
If the bus voltage become too high or too low, the IRAUDAMP1 will shutdown the switching operation, and remain in the off condition until resetting the protection using the method described above. One of the easiest countermeasures is to drive both of the channels out of phase so that the reverse energy from one channel is consumed by the other, and does not return to the power supply.
当供电线路电压太低或太高, IRAUDAMP1将关闭开关工作,保持关闭状态直到重启,就象前述进入保护后重启方法一样。一个简易的办法是,同时驱 动两个通道,令它们的相位相反,这样,倒灌的能量就进入了另一通道,不再返回电源了。
Input Audio Signal 输入音频信号
A proper input signal is an analog signal below 20kHz, up to 5Vrms, having a source impedance of less than 600 ? . A 30-60KHz input signal can cause LC resonance in the output LPF, resulting in an abnormally large amount of reactive current flowing through the switching stage. The
IRAUDAMP1 has a C-R network to dump the resonant energy and protect the board in such a condition. However, these sub-sonic input frequencies should be avoided.
正确的输入信号必须是:低于 20kHz ,大于 5V 有效值,小于 600? 的源阻抗。输入信号在 30-60KHz 时将引起输出端的 LPF (低通滤波器)产生 LC 谐振, 导致一个大能量的无功电流流过开关部分。 IRAUDAMP1有个 C -R (电容-电阻)网络,用于泄放谐振能量,并保护了线路板在 30-60KHz 条件下产生 的问题。然而,这个频带的输入频率应该消除。
Load Impedance 负载阻抗
The IRAUDAMP1 is designed for a load impedance of 4? and larger. The frequency response will have a small peak at the corner frequency of the output LC LPF if the loading impedance is higher than 4? . The IRAUDAMP1 is stable with capacitive loading, however, it should be realized that the frequency response will be degraded by a heavy capacitive loading of more than 0.1μF.
IRAUDAMP1是设计作推动 4? 或更大阻抗的负载的。当负载大于 4? 时,在输出端的 LC LPF的转折频率点,频率响应会有个小峰。 IRAUDAMP1能稳定 地带容性负载,然而在大于 0.1μF的很重的负载下,将令频带值下降。
Adjustments of DC offset and Switching Frequency 直流偏移和开关频率的调节器
Component Number
Adjustment R10 DC offset for CH-1
R26 Switching Frequency for CH-1 R22 DC offset for CH-2
Switching Frequency for CH-2
Adjustments have to be done at an idling condition with no signal input. 调节器必须在没有输入信号的空闲条件下进行。
Note: The PWM switching frequency in this type of self oscillating scheme greatly impacts the audio performances, especially in the case where two or more channels are in close proximity.
注:PWM 开关频率在这种自激方案中十分影响音频性能,尤其是在两个或多个通道很靠近时。 Thermal Considerations 散热考虑
The IRAUDAMP1 unitizes a relatively thick aluminum block heat sink for peak power output handling capabilities. It can handle continuous 1/8 of the rated power, which is generally considered to be a normal operating condition in safety standards, for a considerable length of time such as one hour. The size of the heat sink, however, is not sufficient to handle continuous rated power. Fig.2 shows the relationship between total power dissipation and temperature rise at equilibrium. If testing requires running conditions with continuous power a higher than 1/8 of the rated power, then, attach extensions to the top of the heat sink using three M4 screw taps prepared for this purpose. Please note that the heat sink is electrically connected to the GND pin.
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Total Power (W)
IRAUDAMP1融合了一个相关厚铝块散热器,保证输出峰值功率储 备散热。它能处理连续的 1/8有效功率,考虑了在安全标准要求下 能正常工作, 例如在大于一小时以上的长时间里。 然而它不能保证 长期在额定功率下工作。 图 2示意了总功耗与温升之间的关系。 如 果测试需要的运行条件是输出功率大于 1/8有效功率, 则需将散热 器延长, 通过在原散热器的顶部使用 3颗 M4的螺丝固定来满足这 个应用。请记住,散热器须电气连接到地脚。 ???
Fig.2?Heatsink ?Thermal ?Characteristic ?at ?Equilibrium ?图 2散热器的静态热特性 ?
Functional Description 功能描述
Fig. 3 Simplified Block Diagram of Amplifier图 3功放简易方块图
Self Oscillating PWM modulator 自激 PWM 调制器
The IRAUDAMP1 class D audio power amplifier is based on a self oscillating type PWM modulator for the lowest component count and a robust design. This topology is basically an analog version of a 2nd order sigma delta modulation having a class D switching stage inside the loop. The benefit of the sigma delta modulation in comparison to the carrier signal based modulator is that all the error in the audible frequency range is shifted away into the inaudible upper frequency range by nature of its operation, and it can apply a sufficient amount of correction. Another important benefit of the self-oscillating modulator is that it will cease operation if something interrupts the oscillating sequences. This is generally beneficial in a class D application because it makes the amplifier more robust.
IRAUDAMP1基于最少元件数量和充分设计的一个自激 PWM 调制器,拓朴结构是由含有一个 D 类开关输出级的的 2阶西格玛-得塔调制的内部环路组成。西格 玛-得塔调制的优点是,相比基于载波信号的模块来讲,在可听音频范围的误差被它的本身特性移到了听不见的高频段,并能得到充分的修正数值。它的另 一重要优点是,在某些条件下中断了振荡,它将停止作业,这通常会有益于 D 类功放,因为它使功放更健壮。
Looking at CH-1 as an example, OP amp U1 forms a front end 2 nd
order integrator with C17 & C18. This integrator receives a rectangular waveform from
the class D switching stage and outputs a quadratic oscillatory waveform as a carrier signal. To create the modulated PWM, the input signal shifts the average value of this quadratic waveform, through R10, so that the duty varies according to the instantaneous value of the analog input signal. The level shift transistor Q1 converts the carrier signal from a voltage form into a current form and sends it to the logic gates sitting on the negative DC bus via the level shift resistor R44, which converts the signal back into a voltage form. The signal is then quantized by the threshold of the CMOS inverter gate U2. The PWM signal out of the inverter is split into two signals, with opposite polarity, one for high side MOSFET drive signal, the other for the low side MOSFET drive signal. The dual AND gates of U4 are used to implement the shutdown function, a high shutdown signal will ensure the outputs of the AND gates are low which in turn ensures the inputs to the gate driver are low.
Under normal conditions the SD signal is low and the drive signal are passed directly through the AND gates to the IR2011S gate driver. The IR2011 drives two IRFB23N15D MOSFETs in the power stage to provide the amplified Digital PWM waveform. The amplified analog output is recreated by
demodulating the amplified PWM . This is done by means of the LC Low Pass Filter formed by L1 and C51, which filters out the class D switching signal . 看示例中的通道一,运放 U1与电容 C17和 C18形成前端两阶积分器,它接收由 D 类输出级送来的方波,并输出一个像载波一样的二次摆动波(三角波?)。为 产生调制的 PWM ,模拟输入信号通过 R10移动二次摆动波的平均值,故而占空比按照模拟输入信号的瞬时值变化。电平移位三极管 Q1将载波电压转换成电流 形式,又通过电平移位电阻 R44转换成电压形式,发送给以负直流电压为参照电平的逻辑门电路。然后信号通过 CMOS 反相器 U2的阀值比较而量化。 PWM 信 号通过反相器输出成为两个极性相反的信号,一个作为高侧的 MOSFET 驱动信号,另一个给低侧。 U4双与门实现关闭功能,一个高的关闭信号能确保两个与 门的输出为低 … (译注:通过原理图来看,关闭控制信号 SD 应为低时才能使两个与门的输出为低!下面按这个逻辑来翻译。)
一般情况下, SD 关闭控制信号为高, 驱动信号直接通过与门传给 IR2011S 栅极驱动器, IR2011S 驱动两个输出级的 IRFB23N15D 场效应管提供放大的数字 PWM 波形。通过对放大的 PWM 解调,就得到了放大的模拟信号输出,它是依靠 L1和 C5组成 LC 低通滤波器实现的。
Switching Frequency 开关频率
The self oscillating frequency is determined by the total delay time inside the loop. The following parameters affect the frequency.
-Delay time in logic circuits逻辑电路的延时
-The gate driver propagation delay 栅极驱动器传输延迟
-MOSFET switching speed MOS 管的开关速度
-Integration time constant in the front end integrator, e.g. R1, R23, R26, C17, and C18 for CH-1. 积分时间恒量,例如 …
-Supply Voltages 电源电压
Gate Driver 栅极驱动器
The IRAUDAMP1 uses the IR2011S gate driver IC which is suitable for high speed, high speed switching applications up to 200V. In this design, the difference between ton and toff is used to generate a dead-time (a blanking time in between the on state of the two MOSFETs). Because of this, there is no gate timing adjustment on the board.
IRAUDAMP1使用适于高速工作的 IR2011S 栅极驱动器,高速开关应用至 200V 。本设计中(指 IR2011S ),在 t on (开通时间)和 t off (关闭时间)的时间差里 一般会产生一个“死区”时间(两个输出功率管轮流导通之间插入一个空闲时间),故而在线路板上没有栅极导通时间的调整器。
MOSFET Gate Resistor输出功率管的栅极电阻
In order to add a little more dead-time and compensate for the finite switching transient time in the MOSFET, a schottky diode is added in parallel with the gate resistor. The gate resistor (R31 and R50 in CH-1) adds about 10nS of delay time at turn on by limiting the gate charging current to the IRFB23N15D. The schottky diode bypasses the gate resistor in the gate discharge path, so that there is no falling edge delay. The delay at the rising edge adds dead time. 为了增加更多的死区时间,补偿功率管的切换瞬间短暂延时,增加了一个肖特基二极管,与栅极电阻 (通道一的 R31和 R50) 并联。 栅极电阻通过限制给打开 IRFB23N15D 的栅极充电电流,增加了大约 10nS 延时。 放电通道则由肖特基二极管绕过栅极电阻器形成,因此没有下跳的边缘延迟。上跳边缘的延迟增加了 死区时间。
Startup Circuit 启动电路
A self oscillating scheme contains class D switching stage that requires a start-up triggering signal to charge the high side bootstrap capacitor . The starter circuits, Q9 and Q10, detect the rising edge of –Vcc and turn the low side MOSFETs on for about 200mS to charge the bootstrap capacitors C23 and C24, then release the loop allowing the oscillation to start.
图 5 启动时序 ?
蓝色:开关信号;红色:音频输出信号 ??
含有 D 类开关输出级的自激式功放,需要一个启动触发信号,充电给高边的自举电容。启动电路 Q9和 Q10检测负供电电压的(负)上升沿,令低侧功率管导通 大约 200毫秒,进而给启动电容 C23和 C24充电,然后释放环路,允许振荡开始。
Housekeeping Voltage Regulators 附加稳压器
The IRAUDAMP1 contains following regulators to accommodate all the necessary functions on the board. IRAUDAMP1包含下列稳压值,供电给线路板上所有需要的功能区。
Regulator Component # Usage 用途
+5V Q18 OP Amps in the modulator 运放组件
-5V Q17 OP Amps in the modulator, Startup circuit 运放组件,启动回路 -Vcc+5V U13, U14 Logic ICs 逻辑电路
Gate driver IC, Protection circuits 栅极电路,保护电路
The IRAUDAMP1 includes protection features for overvoltage (OVP), over current
(OCP), and DC current protection. All of the protection uses OR logic so that any of the protection features when activated will disengage the output relay to cut off the load and protect the speakers. OCP and OVP functions are latched, DC
protection is unlatched. To reset the protection, the bus voltage has to be reset to zero volts before re-applying power. The protection circuitry will also shutdown. IRAUDAMP1包含了过压保护(OVP )、过流保护(OCP )和直流保护。全部保护功 能使用“或”逻辑,故而任意一路保护功能激活都会令输出继电器脱离,切断负载而 保护扬声器。 OVP 和 OCP 功能是带“锁”的,直流保护不带“锁”。为了复位保护功 能,需要关电重启功放。(供电线路电压回到零才能重新上电。)
DC protection
DC voltage output protection is provided to protect the speakers from DC current. This abnormal condition occurs only when the power amplifier fails and one of the MOSFETs remains in the ON state. DC protection is activated if the output has more than ±3V DC offset. DC protection is unltached, and the amplifier will resume normal operation about 2 seconds after a fault condition has been removed.
直流保护功能是当功放有直流输出时给扬声器提供保护。 这种反常情况只发生在功放 损坏和只有一边功率管导通的情况下。当功放输出大于
±3V偏移直流后保护激活。直 流保护不带“锁”,故障解除 2秒后功放会自动恢复工作。
Over Current Protection 过流保护
Over Current Protection will activate and shut down the entire amplifier if the amount of current sensed at the positive power supply in either channel exceeds the preset value. If an over current condition occurs, the voltage generated across a shunt resistor turns on the OCP detection transistors, Q2 and Q4 to send a signal to the protection logic.
不论感应哪个通道的正电源的电流量超过预设值,过流保护将激活并关闭全部功放输出。倘若过流情况发生,在过流电阻上将产生一个电压,打开 OCP 检测三 极管 Q2和 Q4,送出一个信号给保护逻辑电路。
Over Voltage Protection 过压保护
Over Voltage Protection shuts down the amplifier if the bus voltage between –V cc and +Vcc exceeds 126V, the threshold is determined by the sum of the zener voltages of Z1, Z2, and Z3. OVP protects the board from the bus pumping phenomena which occurs at very low audio signal frequencies by shutting down the amplifier.
当 +Vcc 和 –V cc 之间的电压超越了 126V ,过压保护将关闭功放。阀值由 Z1、 Z2和 Z3的和决定。 当输入音频信号的频率很低以至发生 “供电线路能量倒灌”现象时,过压保护电路通过关闭 全部功放输出来保护线路板。
Power On/Off Sequence Timing 开电、关电的时序
The IRAUDAMP1 is a robust design that can handle any power up/down sequence.
However, symmetrical power up is recommended to properly initiate the self oscillation. In order for the unit to startup correctly, the negative power supply has to be initialized from zero volts. Fig.5 shows a preferred power up sequence. At start-up, a DC output voltage appears at the output of the LPF due to the charging of the bootstrap capacitors. To avoid this unwanted DC output signal being to fed to the load, the output relay RLY1 engages approximately 2 seconds after the startup condition is completed. Fig 5 below shows the start-up timing with the audio output not being activated until approximately 2 seconds after the power supplies are stable and the amplifier has reached steady state operation. IRAUDAMP1在操纵任意电源打开和关闭顺序方面有健壮的设计。 然而仍建议使用对称的电源, 以保证自激振荡能正确启动。为了设备正确启动,负电源必须从零电压开始。图 5示意了首选 的上电时序。启动之初,由于要给启动电容充电,会有直流电压在 LPF 输出端出现。为避免这 个不必要的直流送到负载上,输出继电器在启动过程完成 2秒后闭合。图 5下部示意了音频信号 输出在电源启动 2秒内都没激活,之后功放才达到稳恒工作状态。
Fig.4 Functional Block Diagram of Protection
图 4 保护功能模块示意图
Typical Performance典型性能
±Vcc=±50V, RL = 4? unless otherwise noted.… 除非另外声明。
Fig.13 Switching Waveform at Output Node (TP5)
Fig.14 Distortion Waveform
Qty Vender Distr P/N Manufacturer Manuf. Part# Designator Part Type Description
IR2011S U6,U7 IR2011S High and Low Side Driver
IRFB23N15D Q6,Q5,Q8,Q7 IRFB23N15D N-Channel MOSFET MURS120DICT-ND D14,D16,D21 MURS120DICT fast recovery diode custom
IRDAMP-01-103 Heatsink Heatsink
custom made NPT0104 L2,L1 18uH
inductor, T-106-2, t=37, AWG18
Digikey 160-1169-1-ND Lite-On
Trading USA,
Digikey 1N4148WDICT-ND Diodes Inc. 1N4148W-7 D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D17,D20,D23,D24,D25,D22 1N4148WDICT-ND DIODE
Digikey 277-1271-ND Phoenix
Contact 1714971
J6,J5 MKDS5/2-9.5 terminal 2P
Digikey 277-1272-ND Phoenix
Contact 1714984
J3 MKDS5/3-9.5 terminal 3P
Digikey 2SB0789A0LCT-ND Panasonic 2SB0789A0L Q17 2SB789A 2SB789A, SMD Digikey 2SD0968A0LCT-ND Panasonic 2SD0968A0L Q18,Q19 2SD968A 2SD968A, SMD Digikey BZT52C24-7DICT-ND Diodes Inc. BZT52C24-7 Z5,Z1 24V zener diode, SMD Digikey BZT52C51-7DICT-ND Diodes Inc. BZT52C51-7 D15,Z3,Z2 51V zener diode Digikey Diodes Inc. BZT52C5V6-7 D19,Z6,D18,Z4 5.6V zener diode, SMD Digikey CP-1418-ND CUI Inc RCJ-041 J1,J2 CP-1418-ND CONN_RCA JACK
Digikey H244-ND Building
Fasteners INT LWZ 008
washer lock int tooth #8 zinc
Digikey H346-ND Building
Fasteners PMS 440 0050 PH
Screw, 4-40 Philips, L=0.5
Digikey H354-ND Building
Fasteners PMS 632 0025 PH
Screw 6-32 x 1/4, Philips
Digikey H749-ND Building
Fasteners MPMS 004 0012 PH
Screw, M4 Philips, L=12mm
Digikey LM2594HVM-ADJ-ND National
Semiconductor LM2594HVM-ADJ
Step-Down Voltage Regulator
Digikey LT1220CS8-ND Linear
Technology LT1220CS8
U12,U1 LT1220CS8 OP AMP
Digikey M9715CT-ND J W Miller
Magnetics PM3316-331M
L3 330uH inductor, SMD
Digikey MA2YD2300LCT-ND Panasonic MA2YD2300L D9,D6,D7,D8,D26 MA2YD23 DIODE Digikey MMBT3904DICT-ND Diodes Inc. MMBT3904-7 Q10,Q9,Q16 MMBT3904DICT-ND 2N3904, SMD Digikey MMBT5401DICT-ND Diodes Inc. MMBT5401 Q14,Q15,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q1 MMBT5401DICT-ND 2N5401, SMD Digikey MMBT5551DICT-ND Diodes Inc. MMBT5551DICT-ND Q12 MMBT5551DICT-ND 2N5551, SMD
Digikey NJM78L05UA-ND NJR NJM78L05UA U13,U14 NJM78L05UA-ND Positive Voltage Regulator
Digikey NJM78M09FA-ND NJR NJM78M09FA U10 NJM78M09FA-ND Positive Voltage Regulator
Digikey P1.0KACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ102V R7 1K resistor, 0805 Digikey P100ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ101V R17,R25,R23,R24,R80 100 resistor, 0805 Digikey P100KACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ104V R43,R41,R42 100K resistor, 0805 Digikey P10ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ100V R47,R19,R66,R48,R64,R66,R81 10 resistor, 0805 Digikey P10KACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ103V R70,R43,R18,R20,R12,R14,R13,R65,R83,R82,R63,R67 10K resistor, 0805 Digikey P22KACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ223V R68,R69,R30,R29,R28 22K resistor, 0805 Digikey P330KACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ334V R8,R9 330K resistor, 0805 Digikey P4.7ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ4R7V R49,R51 4.7 resistor, 0805 Digikey P470ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ471V R35,R36 470 resistor, 0805 Digikey P47KACT Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ473V R71,R77,R78 47K resistor, 0805 Digikey P680ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ681V R46 680 resistor, 0805 P560ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ561V R84,R85 560 resistor, 0805
Digikey P9.1ACT-ND Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ9R1V I RAUDAMP1_REV3.9_BOMR32,R31,R50,R52 9.1 resistor, 0805 Digikey PCC103BNCT-ND Panasonic ECJ-2VB1H103K C27,C25,C14,C15,C12,C13,C54,C53,C63 0.01uF, 50V capacitor, 0805
Digikey PCC1828CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-2VB1E104K C57,C10,C8 0.1uF, 25V capacitor, 0805 Digikey PCC1882CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-3YB1C105K C16,C45,C44 1uF, 16V capacitor, 1206 Digikey PCC1889CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-3VB1E334K C24,C23 0.33uF, 25V capacitor, 1206 Digikey PCC1966CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-2VC2A221J C1,C2 220pF, 100V capacitor, 0805 Digikey PCC1970CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-2VC2A102J C20,C21,C17,C18 1000pF, 100V capacitor, 0805 Digikey PCC2239CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-3YB2A104K C28,C26 0.1uF, 100V capacitor, 1206 Digikey PCC2249CT-ND Panasonic ECJ-2FB1C105K C11,C9 1uF, 16V capacitor, 0805 Digikey PCC272BNCT-ND Panasonic ECJ-2VB1H272K C84 2.7nF, 50V Capacitor, 50v, 0805 Digikey PCE3061CT-ND Panasonic ECE-V1CS100SR C59,C60,C29,C43,C42 10uF, 16V aluminum cap, SMD Digikey PCE3182CT-ND Panasonic ECE-V1CA101WP C56,C58,C55 100uF, 16V aluminum cap, SMD Digikey PCE3185CT-ND Panasonic ECE-V1EA470UP C62,C48,C61 47uF, 25V aluminum cap, SMD Digikey PCF1238CT-ND Panasonic ECW-U1224KC9 C31,C36,C32,C35 0.22uF, 100V capacitor, 2820 Digikey PT10KXCT Panasonic ERJ-1TYJ103U R34,R74,R33 10K, 1W resistor, 2512 Digikey PT10XCT Panasonic ERJ-1TYJ100U R61,R62,R76 10, 1W resistor, 2512 Digikey PT220XCT Panasonic ERJ-1TYJ221U R73,R72 220, 1W resistor, 2512
Digikey ST32TB102CT-ND BC Components ST32TB102 R26,R27 1K POTENTIOMETER Digikey ST32TB502CT-ND BC Components ST32TB502 R22,R21 5K POTENTIOMETER Digikey TC7WH04FUTCT Toshiba TC7WH04FU(TE12L) U3,U2 TC7WH04FU TRIPLE INVERTER
Digikey XN0431400LCT-ND Panasonic XN0431400L Q13 XN04314 NPN-PNP
Digikey Z963-ND Omron Electronics, Inc
G4W-2214PUSHP-DC12 RLY1 SP Relay
Digikey ZXMN2A01FCT-ND Zetex Inc. ZXMN2A01FTA Q11 ZXMN2A01 MOSFET, Nch
McMaster 98370A009 McMaster 98370A009 Flat Washer flat washer for heat sink spacer
Newark 01H0485 Vishay / Dale CRCW20104642F100 R1,R2 46.4K, 1W resistor, 2010 Newark 01H0495 Vishay / Dale CRCW20105621F100 R10,R15 5.62K, 1%, 1W resistor, 2010 Newark 03B2235 United Chemi-Con SMG50VB10RM5X11LL C46,C47 10uF, 50V cap Newark 03B2235 United Chemi-Con SMG50VB10RM5X11LL C3,C4,C5 10uF, 50V cap
Newark 13F4038 TYCO
Newark 20C1977 Vishay / Dale WSR-2 .05< 1%="" r38,r37,r75,r79="" 50mohm,="" 2w="" power="" resistor,="" 2w="" newark="" 31f2160="" spc="" technology="" wls-04-017-sz="" lock="" washer="" lock="" washer,="" #4="" newark="" 33c9527="" avx="" bf074e0224j="" c33,c37="" 0.22uf,="" 100v="" capacitor,="" box="" newark="" 33c9531="" avx="" bf074e0474j="" c51,c52="" 0.47uf,="" 100v="" capacitor,="">
Newark 46F4081 Aavid Thermalloy 4880 To-220
mounting kit
To-220 mounting kit, Type4880
Newark 66F9123 Vishay / Dale CRCW20101001F100 R5,R3 1K, 1W, 1% resistor, 2010
Newark 67F4119 HH Smith 8423 Standoff standoff, HEX threaded, L=0.5
Newark 95C2482 Vishay / Dale TNPW08051001BT9 R4,R6 1K, 0.1% resistor, 0805 Newark 95C2483 Vishay / Dale TNPW08051002BT9 R16,R11 10K, 0.1% resistor, 0805 Newark 95C2488 Vishay / Dale TNPW08051101BT9 R86 1.10K resistor, 1%, 0806 Newark 95C2485 Vishay / Dale TNPW08051022BT9 R87 10.2K resistor, 1%, 0805 Digikey P6.8KACT-ND Vishay / Dale ERJ-6GEYJ682V R45,R44 6.8K resistor, 0805 Newark 95F4579 United Chemi-Con SME63VB471M12X25LL C39,C40,C38,C41 470uF, 63V aluminum cap
PWB Printed Wiring Board
Soldermask 15x15 Top/Bottom Stencil
unstuffed unstuffed R40,R39,R53,R54,R55,R57,R58,R59,R56,R60,C50,C49,C 30,C34,C22,C19,C7,C6,D10,D11,D13,D12
Inductor Spec 电感规格
Part number: NPT0104 部件编号
Inductance: 18uH 电感量
Rated Current: 10A 有效电流
Core: T106-2, Micro metals 核心(微晶)
Wire: AWG18, magnet wire 电线:(磁铁线圈)
# of Turns: 37 旋转圈数
Finish: Varnished 最后工序:浸漆
Mechanical Dimensions: 机械尺寸
PCB layout PCB 布局图
Functional Allocation 功能分配 Mechanical Drawings 机械图纸
A. OCP Trip Level A. 过流保护的翻转电平
The trip level for CH-1 is given by 通道一的翻转电平由正式给出:
where VBE =550mV for Ta=25 oC (在 … 条件下测试)
In order to provide a flexible trip level, 50m? of Rs is chosen. This is sensitive enough to sense a low trip level of 11A peak with R84 removed. As an initial setting, R35 and R84 are set to provide a trip level of 20A peak, which is large enough to have a loading of 370W (THD=1%) into 4? or 500W (THD=10%). The peak current does not increase as power goes higher when THD hits 1%. This is because only the rms value can increase as the peak value is limited by the DC bus voltage. Peak load current IPEAK for the given output power Pout is
B. Voltage Gain B. 电压增益
The voltage gain is set to be 18dB, which requires 3.4Vrms input to obtain 100W into 8 ohm. The voltage gain can be changed by modifying the value of R10 (CH-1) and R15(CH-2). One thing that should be noted when these resistance values are changed is that the lower corner frequency formed by the input coupling capacitors C3 and C4 are also changed. C3 and C4 may have to be increased when the gain is increased in order to maintain the low end frequency characteristic. The corner frequency is given by
Please also note that the gain can be lowered if the source impedance is not negligibly low compared to R10 / R15.
广州市迪士普音响科技有限公司 王齐祥(译) 二〇〇八年元月
为提供一个灵活的翻转电平, R s 选择 了 50毫欧(R37)。如果没有 R84, 它是灵敏的,足以感应到 11A 的最大 电流。 R35和 R84的设置,是将翻转 电平设为 20A , 那样就能使负载在 4??时足够达到 370W ?(THD=1%)或 ?500W ?(THD=10%)。当输出功率很大,以至 THD=1%后, 最大电流不会再上升。 故 而只有有效值能上升(当最大值受直 流供电电压限制)。 ?
最大负载电流 I PEAK 与输出功率之间的 关系由下式给出:?
电压增益设为 18分贝, 那样需要 3.4V 输 入 电 压 就 能 在 8ohm 载 上 得 到 100W 功 率 。 修 改 R10?(CH‐ 1) ?和 R15(CH‐ 2) 能改变电压增益。 必须记住 一件事:当改变这些电阻值后,低频 转折频率同时被耦合电容 C3和 C4改 变,为保持低频特性不变, C3和 C4需要跟着电压增益增加而增加。 ?低频转折频率由下式给出:????
另外请记住,当信号源的阻抗与 R10和 R15相比低到不可忽略时,电压增 益可能会下降。 ?
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:王真 朱山立
摘 要:数字功率放大器,即D 类音频功率放大器,与A 类、B 类不同的是其功率管工作在开关状态,是一种脉宽调制型功率放大器。用脉宽调制信号驱动高速功率开关管,因而使得其功率管输出效率得到大大的提升,基于其高效率特点,所以被广泛应用于手机、笔记本内部音箱等其他便携式电子产品当中。
本文设计了一种由前级由小功率数字功放IC 组成后级采用大功率对管进行扩流输出的功放电路,可进一步解决功放IC 本身提供的功率有限这一缺点。
关键词:D 类功率放大器;TA2020;电路设计
中图分类号:TN722 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7712 (2013) 16-0000-01
D类功率放大器的高效率是A 类B 类功放难以赶上的,它的整合度高,外围电路也简单,音质好。TA2020功放芯片其内部是经过脉宽调制(PWM )的音频数字信号变成PWM 数字音频,再经过后级开关推挽输出再经过无源低通滤波器滤除高频杂波成分,将音频信号给还原出来。TA2020功放集成块由于本身功耗小,散热结构可不做很大的要求,因此整个机身电路也可设计得很小。芯片的的供电范围宽,单电源电压在8.5—15V ,在没有散热片的情况下仍可工作。
TA2020的功放电路采用大功率线性稳压电源供电,基于其能够给功放提供瞬态大电流的特点,可以让功放的低音动态信号得到良好的响应。输入的音频信号经过内部前级放大后与三角波发生器提供的信号一起经比较器进行调制,再经过波形整形后变成PWM 编码信号驱动桥式开关推挽电路产生大功率动态数字音频信号,经过电感、电容组成的低通滤波器滤波后再驱动扬声器发声。
图1为TA2020前级数字功放电原理图。在此TA2020主要将输入的音频信号进行功率放大成PWM 信号,推动后级大功率开关管进行扩流输出。
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