3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 boring machine 搪孔机 cnc milling machine CNC铣床 contouring machine 轮廓锯床 copy grinding machine 仿形磨床 copy lathe 仿形车床 copy milling machine 仿形铣床 copy shaping machine 仿形刨床 cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床 die spotting machine 合模机 drilling machine ?孔机 engraving machine 雕刻机 engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机 form grinding machine 成形磨床 graphite machine 石墨加工机 horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机
horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心 internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床
jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机 jig grinding machine 冶具磨床 lap machine 研磨机 machine center 加工制造中心 multi model miller 靠磨铣床 NC drilling machine NC钻床 NC grinding machine NC磨床 NC lathe NC车床 NC programming system NC程式制作系统 planer 龙门刨床 profile grinding machine 投影磨床 projection grinder 投影磨床 radial drilling machine 旋臂?床 shaper 牛头刨床 surface grinder 平面磨床 try machine 试模机 turret lathe 转塔车床 universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床
vertical machine center 立式加工制造中心 wire E.D.M. 线割放电加工机
Assembly line 组装线 Layout 布置图 Conveyer 流水线物料板 Rivet table 拉钉机 Rivet gun 拉钉枪 Screw driver 起子 Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA 开箱检查 fit together 组装在一起 fasten 锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet 栈板 barcode 条码 barcode scanner 条码扫描器
fuse together 熔合
fuse machine热熔机
supervisor 课长
ME 制造工程师
MT 制造生技
cosmetic inspect 外观检查
inner parts inspect 内部检查
thumb screw 大头螺丝
lbs. inch 镑、英寸
EMI gasket 导电条
front plate 前板
rear plate 后板
chassis 基座
bezel panel 面板
power button 电源按键
reset button 重置键
Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试
Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键
sheet metal parts 冲件
plastic parts 塑胶件
SOP 制造作业程序
material check list 物料检查表 work cell 工作间
trolley 台车
carton 纸箱
sub-line 支线
left fork 叉车
personnel resource department 人力资源部
production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科
stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂
molding factory成型厂
common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手
hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床
planer |plein|刨床
linear cutting线切割
electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机
staker=reviting machine铆合机
general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长
department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理
section supervisor课长
deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长
group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长
assistant manager助理
to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库
pack packing包装
to apply oil擦油
to file burr 锉毛刺
final inspection终检
to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台
cleaning cloth抹布
to load material上料
to unload material卸料
to return material/stock to退料 scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废
scrape ..v.刮;削
deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良
oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化 scratch刮伤
defective upsiding down抽芽不良
defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块
feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲
production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件
trailer=long vehicle拖板车
一、认真贯彻党的路线、方针政策和国家的法津法觃,按照####年度目标的要求,做好####的安全保卫工作,保护全体人员和公私财物的安全,保持####正常的经营秩序和工作秩 序。
二、做好消防安全工作,认真贯彻“预防为主”的方针,教育提高全体人员的消防意识和防火知识,配备、配齐####各个楼层的消防器材,管好用好各种电器设备,确保####各通道畅 通,严防各种灾害事故的发生。
1、每日上午9时和下午 19时 为交接岗。
1、7:50 — 8:10、13:50 —14:10立岗迎接上班人员;12:00 — 12:20 、18:00 — 18:20立岗送下班人员。
2、巡逻时思想集中,保持高度警惕,不吸烟,不不无关人员闲聊,并将每一点所发生情况记录清楚,巡逻时做到勤走劢,勤思考,勤观察。发现问题及时报告。 3、白天加强对观众区、办公区及楼道的巡逻,夜晚以机房为重点进行检查,每晚零点之后巡查不少于两次。
4、发生火灾先拨打 119 向消防部队报警,并立即报告####领导。报警时简要讲清####地址,电话号码及火情,同时派人在门口接应,引导消防车进入火场,向消防人员介绍水源,总电闸部位等。
Flexible and Smart Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System for Rotating Machinery
Monitoring the vibration signals of rotating machinery, ulteriorly, assessing the safety of equipment plays a significant role in ensuring the security of equipment and in saving maintenance fee. This paper integrated the idea of “configuration” in the industry control software, developed the “flexible” network-based online monitoring and fault
diagnosis system. The network topology, configuration module, database, data acquisition workstation and monitoring components were presented. With the smart data acquisition strategy and strong adaptive monitoring tools, the system can be applied on kinds of rotating machinery, and the practical application of the system was introduced.
Keywords – online monitor, flexible system, smart system,
configuration, rotating machinery
equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
Based on the development trend of the network-based online monitoring and diagnosis system, this paper introduced the idea of “flexible” of ICS
and the smart data acquisition strategy, developed the configurable and smart online monitor and diagnosis system with strong flexibility. The system can be applied on kinds of rotating machinery. The smart signal analysis tools can provide the appropriate diagnosis method kinds of equipment, hence can level up the accuracy of fault diagnosis and condition evaluation.
With the development of the modern technology, a variety of rotating machinery (such as steam turbine, fan,wind turbine, etc.) raises the level equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
of automatic operation.Due to the significant roles of the rotating machinery in the modern production process, to ensure the safety, reliability,economical and optimized operation, and to evaluation of the condition of the current equipment have become very important research fields. Thereinto, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis have been put more attention [1].
The database technology and network technology were introduced in the current online monitor and fault diagnosis system for rotating machinery. It not only enhanced the technology of online condition monitor and provided more sufficient and reliable data for the fault diagnosis, but also made it possible to share the machinery information,ulteriorly to establish the fault analysis and diagnosis center in the special institute and provide the remote technique support for factory [2, 3, 4].
equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
However, for the requirements of equipment management nowadays, the current network-based online monitoring system remains some defects as follows: (a) the measure point (MP), the interfaces of the software and the hardware had been fixed before developing of the monitoring system, therefore it was difficult to adapt the modern plant with numerous and various equipment; (b) the object of the current system was always the machinery or equipment, and it was difficult to achieve the goal of centralized management to the modern plant; (c) the data acquisition
strategy was simple and cannot be changed with the change of the equipment state, and it was easily lead to the miss of the critical fault data and effected the accuracy of the fault diagnosis; (d) the tools and methods
for signal analysis and fault diagnosis were simple and could not meet the demand of information fusion[5, 6].
Therefore, developing the system efficiently and reliably become a key equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
problem in the development of modern monitoring system. The successful application of Industrial Control Software (ICS) provides a good idea for the development of network-based Online Monitoring and Diagnosis System (OMDS). Although the ICS emphasize on control function while the OMDS put more attention on the data acquisition, signal analysis and save of long-running data, the “configurable”
approach during the development of ICS can make the OMDS well adapt to various machinery and become “flexible”. Additionally, the OMDS
become more smarted by integrating the information fusion methods and neutral network with normal frequency-spectrum analysis methods, and enhance the capability of fault diagnosis and safety assessment for rotating machinery [7].
equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
A. The topology of the network-base system 基于网络系统的拓扑结构
B. Design of the configuration module 配置模块的设计
C. Design of database
D. Design of the hardware of the data acquisition(原文有误)
E. Design of monitoring and analysis module
Professional introduction
我的专业是机械制造及其自动化,它是将机械设备与自动化通过计算机的方式结合起来,形成一系列先进的制造技术,包括CAD,计算机辅助设计,、CAM,计算机辅助制造,、FMC,柔性制造系统,等等,最终形成大规模计算机集成制造系统,CIMS,,使传统的机械加工得到质的飞跃。此专业直接反映一个国家的现代化和工业化水平,它涉equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
My major is mechanical manufacturing and automation, it is to combine the mechanical equipment and automation by the way of computer, forming a series of advanced manufacturing technology, including CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), FMC (Flexible Manufacturing System) and so on, and finally forms the large-scale computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) which make the traditional mechanical process get a qualitative leap. This professional directly reflect the modernization and industrialization level of a country, it relates to the design of mechanical industry of manufacturing, technology development, application study, operation management and sales management and so on , it is a large business of social demand .
The ability of the machinery manufacturing, directly affect the equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
development of the whole society of industry. Recently the level of mechanical engineering and automation between China and the developed countries has been gradually reduced. With the demands of our country modernization, development in the aerospace, shipbuilding, mining industry, machinery manufacturing and automation needs more rapid development, and has great development space. At school we must learn PLC (programmable logic controller), grasp the weak electrical appliance control, the use of servo system and AC servo motor, the general design of electric circuit, and be familiar with the metal material, metal heat treatment and manufacturing technology, mechanical design and other professional knowledge.
The professional employment situation is very good, many enterprises relate to machinery we can participate in , and even management can also do. Graduate students can engage in industrial production department of mechanical product design and development, manufacturing, tooling design, production process management, application of numerical control technology, industrial automation production management, computer equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
software application, marketing and other aspects of the work, also can take part in teaching and research work in Colleges and universities or scientific research departments.
The direction of dissertation in the future
,Physical Vapor Deposition)的英文缩写,它是一种在真空条件下采用物理方
My research is superhard nano-micron PVD films applied research , PVD is the abbreviation of physical vapor deposition , it is a physical method used in the condition of vacuum , the surface of the solid or liquid material vaporized into gas atoms, molecules or parts of ionized into a plasma , and through the low pressure gas ( or plasma ) process , depositing on the substrate surface with a thin film for special functions . Physical vapor deposition methods include vacuum deposition , sputtering , arc plasma plating, ion plating, electron beam evaporation and molecular epitaxy . Not only can the metal or alloy film be deposited, many materials like compounds, ceramics, semiconductor, polymer film can also be deposited,it is a new material with wide application prospect in manufacturing technology. The superhard film made by this technology not only has high hardness, and ultrathin, high temperature resistance, no pollution, almost zero emissions, it is suitable for tools, spare parts and abrasion resistance, anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, self lubrication of the surface of friction and wear and other special properties, it is a technology equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
of the most promising and valuable application in the modern surface engineering technology.
the simplest and most effective way to go into a field is to find a discussion of this field monographs or textbooks, when the basic concepts in this field as well as the correlation between the meaning is clear, just go to read the papers in this field, we will know the score and grasp them.
Therefore, before the thesis proposal in October of next year , I will seriously learning materials, and finally understand and master the papers of instructors and the various papers about PVD coating technology at home and abroad , step by step and in good order to learn everything, in the the thesis proposal of the day can not panic disorder and keep calm .
equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
Bearings fail for a number of reasons ,but the most common are misapplication ,contamination ,improper lubricant ,shipping or handling damage ,and misalignment. The problem is often not difficult to diagnose because a failed bearing usually leaves telltale signs about what went wrong.
However ,while a postmortem yields good information,it is better to avoid the process altogether by specifying the bearing correctly in The first place .To do this,it is useful to review the manufacturers sizing guidelines and operating characteristics for the selected bearing.
Equally critical is a study of requirements for noise, torque, and runout, as well as possible exposure to contaminants, hostile liquids, and temperature extremes. This can provide further clues as to whether a bearing is right for a job.
1 Why bearings fail
About 40% of ball bearing failures are caused by contamination from dust, dirt, shavings, and corrosion. Contamination also causes torque and noise problems, and is often the result of improper handling or the application environment .Fortunately, a bearing failure caused by environment or handling contamination is preventable,and a simple visual examination can easily identify the cause.
Conducting a postmortem il1ustrates what to look for on a failed or failing bearing.Then ,understanding the mechanism behind the failure, such as brinelling or fatigue, helps eliminate the source of the problem.
Brinelling is one type of bearing failure easily avoided by proper handing and assembly. It is characterized by indentations in the bearing raceway caused by shock loading -such as when a bearing is dropped-or incorrect assembly. Brinelling usually occurs when loads exceed the material yield point(350,000 psi in SAE 52100 chrome steel) .It may also be caused by improper assembly, Which places a load across the races.Raceway dents also produce noise,vibration ,and increased torque.
A similar defect is a pattern of elliptical dents caused by balls vibrating between raceways while the bearing is not turning .This problem is called false brinelling. It occurs on equipment in transit or that vibrates when not in
operation. In addition, debris created by false brinelling acts like an abrasive, further contaminating the bearing. Unlike brinelling, false binelling is often indicated by a reddish color from fretting corrosion in the lubricant.
False brinelling is prevented by eliminating vibration sources and keeping the bearing well lubricated. Isolation pads on the equipment or a separate foundation may be required to reduce environmental vibration. Also a light preload on the bearing helps keep the balls and raceway in tight contact. Preloading also helps prevent false brinelling during transit.
Seizures can be caused by a lack of internal clearance, improper lubrication, or excessive loading. Before seizing, excessive, friction and heat softens the bearing steel. Overheated bearings often change color,usually to blue-black or straw colored.Friction also causes stress in the retainer,which can break and hasten bearing failure.
Premature material fatigue is caused by a high load or excessive preload .When these conditions are unavoidable ,bearing life should be carefully calculated so that a maintenance scheme can be worked out.
Another solution for fighting premature fatigue is changing material .When standard bearing materials,such as 440C or SAE 52100,do not guarantee sufficient life ,specialty materials can be recommended. In addition ,when the problem is traced back to excessive loading ,a higher capacity bearing or different configuration may be used.
Creep is less common than premature fatigue.In bearings.it is caused by excessive clearance between bore and shaft that allows the bore to rotate on the shaft .Creep can be expensive because it causes damage to other components in addition to the bearing.
0ther more likely creep indicators are scratches ,scuff marks ,or discoloration to shaft and bore.To prevent creep damage,the bearing housing and shaft fittings should be visually checked.
Misalignment is related to creep in that it is mounting related.If races are misaligned or cocked .The balls track in a noncircumferencial path .The problem is incorrect mounting or tolerancing,or insufficient squareness of the bearing mounting site .Misalignment of more than 1/4·can cause an early failure .
Contaminated lubricant is often more difficult to detect than misalignment or creep .Contamination shows as premature wear .Solid
contaminants become an abrasive in the lubricant.In addition。insufficient lubrication between ball and retainer wears and weakens the retainer.In this situation ,lubrication is critical if the retainer is a fully machined type.Ribbon or crown retainers ,in contrast ,allow lubricants to more easily reach all surfaces .
Rust is a form of moisture contamination and often indicates the wrong material for the application.If the material checks out for the job,the easiest way to prevent rust is to keep bearings in their packaging,until just before installation .
2 Avoiding failures
The best way to handle bearing failures is to avoid them.This can be done in the selection process by recognizing critical performance characteristics .These include noise,starting and running torque,stiffness ,nonrepetitive runout,and radial and axial play.In some applications, these items are so critical that specifying an ABEC level alone is not sufficient.
Torque requirements are determined by the lubricant,retainer ,raceway quality(roundness cross curvature and surface finish),and whether seals or shields are used .Lubricant viscosity must be selected carefully because inappropriate lubricant ,especially in miniature bearings ,causes excessive torque .Also ,different lubricants have varying noise characteristics that should be matched to the application. For example,greases produce more noise than oil .
Nonrepetitive runout(NRR)occurs during rotation as a random eccentricity between the inner and outer races,much like a cam action.NRR can be caused by retainer tolerance or eccentricities of the raceways and balls .Unlike repetitive runout, no compensation can be made for NRR.
NRR is reflected in the cost of the bearing.It is common in the industry to provide different bearing types and grades for specific applications .For example ,a bearing with an NRR of less than 0.3um is used when minimal runout is needed ,such as in disk —drive spindle motors .Similarly ,machine —tool spindles tolerate only minimal deflections to maintain precision cuts.Consequently, bearings are manufactured with low NRR just for machine-tool applications.
Contamination is unavoidable in many industrial products,and shields and seals are commonly used to protect bearings from dust and dirt .However ,a perfect bearing seal is not possible because of the movement between inner and outer races .Consequently ,lubrication migration and contamination are always problems.
Once a bearing is contaminated, its lubricant deteriorates and operation becomes noisier.If it overheats,the bearing can seize.At the very least,contamination causes wear as it works between balls and the raceway ,becoming imbedded in the races and acting as an abrasive between metal surfaces .Fending off dirt with seals and shields illustrates some methods for controlling contamination.
Noise is as an indicator of bearing quality.Various noise grades have been developed to classify bearing performance capabilities.
Noise analysis is done with an Anderonmeter, which is used for quality control in bearing production and also when failed bearings are returned for analysis. A transducer is attached to the outer ring and the inner race is turned at 1,800rpm on an air spindle. Noise is measured in andirons, which represent ball displacement in μm/rad.
With experience, inspectors can identify the smallest flaw from their sound. Dust, for example, makes an irregular crackling. Ball scratches make a consistent popping and are the most difficult to identify. Inner-race damage is normally a constant high-pitched noise, while a damaged outer race makes an intermittent sound as it rotates.
Bearing defects are further identified by their frequencies. Generally, defects are separated into low, medium, and high wavelengths. Defects are also referenced to the number of irregularities per revolution.
Low-band noise is the effect of long-wavelength irregularities that occur about 1.6 to 10 times per revolution. These are caused by a variety of inconsistencies, such as pockets in the race. Detectable pockets are manufacturing flaws and result when the race is mounted too tightly in multiplejaw chucks.
Medium-hand noise is characterized by irregularities that occur 10 to 60 times per revolution. It is caused by vibration in the grinding operation that produces balls and raceways. High-hand irregularities occur at 60 to 300 times
per revolution and indicate closely spaced chatter marks or widely spaced, rough irregularities.
Classifying bearings by their noise characteristics allows users to specify a noise grade in addition to the ABEC standards used by most manufacturers. ABEC defines physical tolerances such as bore, outer diameter, and runout. As the ABEC class number increase (from 3 to 9), tolerances are tightened. ABEC class, however, does not specify other bearing characteristics such as raceway quality, finish, or noise. Hence, a noise classification helps improve on the industry standard.
Flexible and Smart Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis
System for Rotating Machinery
Monitoring the vibration signals of rotating machinery, ulteriorly, assessing the safety of equipment plays a significant role in ensuring the security of equipment and in saving maintenance fee. This paper integrated the idea of “configuration” in the industry control software, developed the “flexible” network-based online monitoring and fault diagnosis system. The network topology, configuration module, database, data acquisition workstation and monitoring components were presented. With the smart data acquisition strategy and strong adaptive monitoring tools, the system can be applied on kinds of rotating machinery, and the practical application of the system was introduced.
Keywords – online monitor, flexible system, smart system,
configuration, rotating machinery
Based on the development trend of the network-based online monitoring and diagnosis system, this paper introduced the idea of “flexible” of ICS and the smart data acquisition strategy, developed the configurable and smart online monitor and diagnosis system with strong flexibility. The system can be applied on kinds of rotating machinery. The smart signal analysis tools can provide the appropriate diagnosis method kinds of equipment, hence can level up the accuracy of fault diagnosis and condition evaluation.
With the development of the modern technology, a variety of rotating machinery (such as steam turbine, fan,wind turbine, etc.) raises the level of automatic operation.Due to the significant roles of the rotating machinery in the modern production process, to ensure the safety, reliability,economical and optimized operation, and to evaluation of the
condition of the current equipment have become very important research fields. Thereinto, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis have been put more attention [1].
The database technology and network technology were introduced in the current online monitor and fault diagnosis system for rotating machinery. It not only enhanced the technology of online condition monitor and provided more sufficient and reliable data for the fault diagnosis, but also
made it possible to share the machinery information,ulteriorly to establish the fault analysis and diagnosis center in the special institute and provide the remote technique support for factory [2, 3, 4].
However, for the requirements of equipment management nowadays, the current network-based online monitoring system remains some defects as follows: (a) the measure point (MP), the interfaces of the software and the hardware had been fixed before developing of the monitoring system, therefore it was difficult to adapt the modern plant with numerous and various equipment; (b) the object of the current system was always the machinery or equipment, and it was difficult to achieve the goal of centralized management to the modern plant; (c) the data acquisition strategy was simple and cannot be changed with the change of the equipment state, and it was easily lead to the miss of the critical fault data and effected the accuracy of the fault diagnosis; (d) the tools and methods for signal analysis and fault diagnosis were simple and could not meet
the demand of information fusion[5, 6].
Therefore, developing the system efficiently and reliably become a key problem in the development of modern monitoring system. The successful application of Industrial Control Software (ICS) provides a good idea for the
development of network-based Online Monitoring and Diagnosis System (OMDS). Although the ICS emphasize on control function while the OMDS put more attention on the data acquisition, signal analysis and save of long-running data, the “configurable” approach during the development of ICS can make the OMDS well adapt to various machinery and become “flexible”. Additionally, the OMDS become more smarted by integrating the information fusion methods and neutral network with normal frequency-spectrum analysis methods, and enhance the capability of fault diagnosis and safety assessment for rotating machinery [7].
The direction of dissertation in the future
Professional introduction
My major is mechanical manufacturing and automation, it is to combine the mechanical equipment and automation by the way of computer, forming a series of advanced manufacturing technology, including CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), FMC (Flexible Manufacturing System) and so on, and finally forms the large-scale computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) which make the traditional mechanical process get a qualitative leap. This professional directly reflect the modernization and industrialization level of a country, it relates to the design of mechanical industry of manufacturing, technology development, application study, operation management and sales management and so on , it is a large business of social demand .
The ability of the machinery manufacturing, directly affect the development of the whole society of industry. Recently the level of mechanical engineering and automation between China and the developed countries has been gradually reduced. With the demands of our country modernization, development in the aerospace, shipbuilding, mining industry, machinery manufacturing and automation needs more rapid development, and has great development space. At school we must learn PLC (programmable logic controller), grasp the weak electrical appliance control, the use of servo system and AC servo motor, the general design of electric circuit, and be
familiar with the metal material, metal heat treatment and manufacturing technology, mechanical design and other professional knowledge.
The professional employment situation is very good, many enterprises relate to machinery we can participate in , and even management can also do. Graduate students can engage in industrial production department of mechanical product design and development, manufacturing, tooling design, production process management, application of numerical control technology, industrial automation production management, computer software application, marketing and other aspects of the work, also can take part in teaching and research work in Colleges and universities or scientific research departments.
My research is superhard nano-micron PVD films applied research , PVD is the abbreviation of physical vapor deposition , it is a physical method used in the condition of vacuum , the surface of the solid or liquid material vaporized into gas atoms, molecules or parts of ionized into a plasma , and through the low pressure gas ( or plasma ) process , depositing on the substrate surface with a thin film for special functions . Physical vapor deposition methods include vacuum deposition , sputtering , arc plasma plating, ion plating, electron beam evaporation and molecular epitaxy . Not only can the metal or alloy film be deposited, many materials like compounds, ceramics, semiconductor, polymer film can also be deposited,it is a new material with wide application prospect in manufacturing technology. The superhard film made by this technology not only has high hardness, and ultrathin, high temperature resistance, no pollution, almost zero emissions, it is suitable for tools, spare parts and abrasion resistance, anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, self lubrication of the surface of friction and wear and other special properties, it is a technology of the most promising and valuable application in the modern surface engineering technology.
the simplest and most effective way to go into a field is to find a discussion of this field monographs or textbooks, when the basic concepts in this field as well as the correlation between the meaning is clear, just go to read the papers in this field, we will know the score and grasp them. Therefore, before the thesis proposal in October of next year , I will seriously learning materials, and finally understand and master the papers of instructors and the various papers about PVD coating technology at home and abroad , step by step and in good order to learn everything, in the the thesis proposal of the day can not panic disorder and keep calm .
1 轴承失效的原因
2 避免失效的方法
在轴承转动过程中,如果内圈和外圈之间存在一个随机的偏心距,就会产生与凸轮运动非常相似的非重复性振摆(NRR )。保持架的尺寸误差和轴承圈与滚珠的偏心都会引起NRR 。和重复性振摆不同的是,NRR 是没有办法进行补偿的。
然而,对于当前的设备管理要求,目前的这种基于网络在线监测系统仍然存在一些缺陷,如下:(a) 测量点(MP), 在监测系统研发之前,系统的软件和硬件的接口已经被固定了,因此该系统很难适应现代工厂众多和各种各样的设备;(b) 当前系统的对象仍然是机械装置或者设备,现代工厂很难实现集中管理的目标;(c) 数据采集策略很简单,也不能随着设备状态的变化而变化,而且很容易导致决定性错误数据的缺失和影响故障诊断的准确性;(d) 信号分析和故障诊断的工具和方法简单而且不能满足信息融合的需求。
因此,有效地和可靠地开发系统已成为现代监测系统发展的关键问题。工业控制软件(ICS) 的成功应用为基于网络在线监测和故障诊断系统(OMDS) 提供了一个好的思想。尽管工业控制软件强调控制功能而在线监测和故障诊断系统专注于数据采集,信号分析和长期数据的保存,在工业控制软件的发展过程中“结构配置”的方法能使得在线监测和故障诊断系统很好的适应各种机械装置和成为“柔性化”。此外,在线监测和故障诊断系统通过集成的信息融合法和带有正常频谱的神经网络分析法而变得更加智能,它提高了故障诊断和旋转机械的安全评估能力。
专业介绍: 我的专业是机械制造及其自动化,它是将机械设备与自动化通过计算机的方式结合起来,形成一系列先进的制造技术,包括CAD (计算机辅助设计)、CAM (计算机辅助制造)、FMC (柔性制造系统)等等,最终形成大规模计算机集成制造系统(CIMS ),使传统的机械加工得到质的飞跃。此专业直接反映一个国家的现代化和工业化水平,它涉及到机械行业中的设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售等诸多的方向,是社会需求很
机械制造的能力,直接影响整个社会工业产业的发展。我国现在机械设计制造及其自动化水平与发达国家已经在逐步缩小。随着我国现代化建设的需要,在航天、造船、采矿等工业领域的发展,机械制造和自动化更加需要长足的发展,并且存在极大的发展空间。我们在学校期间须多学习PLC(可编程控制器) ,掌握弱电电器控制,伺服系统及交流伺服电机的使用,普通强电电路的设计,而且要熟悉金属材料,金属热处理及制造工艺,机械设计基础等专业知识。
我的研究方向是超硬纳微米PVD 薄膜的应用研究,PVD 是物理气相沉积(Physical Vapor Deposition) 的英文缩写,它是一种在真空条件下采用物理方法,将固体或液体材料表面气化成气态原子、分子或部分电离成离子,并通过低压气体(或等离子体) 过程,在基体表面沉积具有某种特殊功能薄膜的技术。物理气相沉积的方法包括真空蒸镀、溅射镀膜、电弧等离子体镀、离子镀、电子束蒸镀及分子外延等。物理气相沉积的不仅可以沉积金属膜、合金膜,还可以沉积化合物、陶瓷、半导体、聚合物膜等,是具有广泛应用前景的新材料制造技术。采用此技术制备的超硬薄膜不仅具有超高硬度,且超薄、耐高温、无污染、几乎零排放,适合于工具、零件和摩擦磨损件表面的耐磨损、抗氧化、防腐蚀、自润滑等特殊性能要求,是现代表面工程技术中最具有发展前途和应用价值的一种技术。
进入一个领域最简单也是最有效的办法就是找一本这个领域的论述专著或者教材,当把这个领域的基本概念的内涵以及相互之间的关系搞清楚了之后,再去读这个领域的论文,就会因为心中有数而能够很好地把握了。因此在明年十月份开题之前,我会认真学习教材,最后理解和掌握导师的论文和国内外有关PVD 涂层技术的各项论文资料,循序渐进有条不紊地学习,在开题的那天能不慌不乱,从容面对。
With the development of the modern technology, a variety of rotating machinery (such as steam turbine, fan,wind turbine, etc.) raises the level of automatic operation.Due to the significant roles of the rotating machinery in the modern production process, to ensure the safety, reliability,economical and optimized operation, and to evaluation of thecondition of the current equipment have become very important research fields. Thereinto, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis have been put more attention [1].
The database technology and network technology were introduced in the current online monitor and fault diagnosis system for rotating machinery. It not only enhanced the technology of online condition monitor and provided more sufficient and reliable data for the fault diagnosis, but alsomade it possible to share the machinery information,ulteriorly to establish the fault analysis and diagnosis center in the special institute and provide the remote technique support for factory [2, 3, 4].
However, for the requirements of equipment management nowadays, the current network-based online monitoring system remains some defects as follows: (a) the measure point (MP), the interfaces of the software and the hardware had been fixed before developing of the monitoring system, therefore it was difficult to adapt the modern plant with numerous and various equipment; (b) the object of the current system was always the machinery or equipment, and it was difficult to achieve the goal of centralized management to the modern plant; (c) the data acquisition
strategy was simple and cannot be changed with the change of the equipment state, and it was easily lead to the miss of the critical fault data and effected the accuracy of the fault diagnosis; (d) the tools and methods
for signal analysis and fault diagnosis were simple and could not meet
E. Design of monitoring and analysis module
Professional introduction
My major is mechanical manufacturing and automation, it is to combine the mechanical equipment and automation by the way of computer, forming a series of advanced manufacturing technology, including CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), FMC (Flexible Manufacturing System) and so on, and finally forms the large-scale computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) which make the traditional mechanical process get a qualitative leap. This professional directly reflect the modernization and industrialization level of a country, it relates to the design of mechanical industry of manufacturing, technology development, application study, operation management and sales management and so on , it is a large business of social demand .机械制造的能力~直接影整社工线线线的线展。我线在机械线线制响个会国
The ability of the machinery manufacturing, directly affect the development of the whole society of industry. Recently the level of mechanical engineering and automation between China and the developed countries has been gradually reduced. With the demands of our country modernization, development in the aerospace, shipbuilding, mining industry, machinery manufacturing and automation needs more rapid development, and has great development space. At school we must learn PLC (programmable logic controller), grasp the weak electrical appliance control, the use of servo system and AC servo motor, the general design of electric circuit, and be familiar with the metal material, metal heat treatment and manufacturing technology, mechanical design and other professional knowledge.
假日经济在我国已经呈现出广阔的发展前景。The holiday economy has the prospect of remarkable growth. 集中精力把经济建设搞上去
go all out for economic development 坚持对话, 不搞对抗
persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation 不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程”
refrain from building “vanity projects ”that waste both money and manpower
revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world 搞花架子do something superficial 搞活国营大中型企业
invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 更加注重搞好宏观调控
pay more attention to exercising macro-control 开放搞活 open up and enliven the economy 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设
increase the deficit to spend more on development 台湾是中国的领土。
Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.
饭店现有三个餐厅和一个贵宾间、240个座位。The restaurant now has three dining rooms and a VIP room with a total of 240 seats.
We should improve management and ensure safe production. 对确有困难的中西部地区和老工业基地,中央财政将继续给予支持。
In the case of the enterprises of western and central China and old industrial bases that are in real financial difficulties, the central government will continue to offer financial help. 有条件的地方要率先实现现代化。
The areas with suitable conditions must take the lead in achieving modernization. 收效可能来得慢,但是有把握,而且是巨大的。The rewards may come slowly, but they are sure and tremendous. 我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。
We should gradually eliminate the difference between city and country.
He is sympathetic by nature and is always ready to help others.
新婚夫妇有数十位宾客陪同,坐着汽车到新房去了。 The newly wedded couple, accompanied by dozens of guests, went to their chamber by car.
全国人民总体上实现了由温饱向小康的跨越。The Chinese people nationwide have developed from the stage of having enough to eat and wear to that of living a better-off life.
Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu River. 小不忍则乱大谋。
If one is not patient in small thing, one will never be able to control great ventures.
Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only thus can you do your work well. 没有调查就没有发言权。
He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak.
It was not easy for you to finish this design in three weeks. 由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,书中疏漏 在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正
Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this book. 科学技术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。
The rapid advance of science and technology has presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.
新形势、新趋势、新技术,促进了生产力的发展, 促进了创造力的发挥,促进了各国之间的合作与交流。
The new development, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces,given full play to creativity,and enhance communication and corporation among countries. 中国人民为此进行了长期不懈的努力。
The Chinese people have made unremitting efforts to that end. 为了保卫国家安全,维护祖国统一,我们必须不断增强国防实力。
We must build up our defense capability with a view to safeguarding our State security and national unity. 科学技术在一些领域取得重大突破。
Breakthroughs were made in some areas of science and technology.
All social undertakings developed. /The social undertakings developed in an all-round way.
The Chinese Government undertakes not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. 我们要确保更有效地利用外资。
We shall ensure more effective utilization of foreign capital. 那个国家片面地注重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不够,货币不稳定。That country’s lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency.
The recent international conference was a success.
中国在发展经济的过程中,逐步改善了人民的生活条件。 The economic growth in China has been accompanied by the improvement of the people’s living conditions.
当今中国,电脑使用已经普及,上网人数与日俱增。Nowadays, with the wide use of computers in China, more and more people have access to the Internet.
China supports a population four times that of the United States with the arable land only half that of the US. 他们不顾一切困难挫折,坚持创业。
They kept on their enterprise in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.
他不懂知足常乐的道理,对现有的一切还不满足。He never understands that happiness lies in contentment, so he isn’t content with what he has already had. 得知台湾地震,全国人民深表关切。
The people in the mainland are all deeply concerned at the news that Taiwan has been struck by an earthquake. 证人不敢肯定命案发生时他不在场。
The witness isn’t sure that he has an alibi for the time death took place.
国民经济出现了重要转机。The national economy has improved significantly. 专家认为,肥胖人口增长的主要原因是人们的运动量减少。The experts attribute the increasing number of obese people to the decrease in the physical exercises. 许多家用电器都是在中国制造的,这些家用电器性能可靠,操作方便。
A lot of household appliances are made in China, which (and they) are reliable in performance and easy in operation. 水资源稀缺,是我国经济和社会发展的严重制约因素。Lack of water resources is a serious limitation on the economic and social development of our country.
所有单位必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不文明现象。All the organization must clear up, and banish disarray and discourtesy.
Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world.
Terrorist acts in all forms and manifestations are a profound threat to the peace, prosperity and security of all people and of all nations.
谁也不能以不懂法律来为自己辩解。 Ignorance of the law excuses no man.
We are gratified with the smooth development of relations between two countries and particularly the steady growth of our economic and technological cooperation.
The political reform should be conducted in such a manner as to promote national reunification, unity and social stability. 当前,世界经济贸易形势总体趋好。
At present, the overall trend in the world’s economic and trade situation is getting better.
一般来说,游览西湖及周围景点花上两天时间较为合适。 Generally speaking, a two-day tour is ideal for the West Lake and scenic spots around it.
游览北京、上海、西安,最好是在春、秋两季。Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an are at their best for tourism in spring and autumn.
国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度的改革取得重要进展。China make significant advances in the establishment of a modern corporate structure in large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises.
素质教育继续推进。Continued efforts were made to promote quality-oriented education.
中国的扶贫开发解决了两亿多农村贫困人口的温饱问题。 Thanks to the efforts to assist with the development of the poor areas, the problem of food and clothing for more than 200 million rural poor has been solved. 经过20多年不懈的艰苦奋斗,中国的扶贫开发取得了巨大成就。
Thanks to the arduous and unremitting efforts in the past more than two decades, China has made tremendous achievements in its drive to assist with the development of the poor areas. 近年来,中国轻工业产品的出口有了长足的进步。In recent years, great progress has been made in the export of products in China’s light industries.
一般加工工业生产能力过剩的矛盾仍较突出。Over production is still a glaring problem in ordinary processing industries.
Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation has take on increased importance at a time when rapid changes are reshaping the global marketplace.
上海商业将广泛应用计算机技术,加快商业电子化步伐。The computer technology will be widely used in the Shanghai ’s commercial sector to accelerate its electronicalization. 如果考虑到劳动力的因素,我国生产率的品均水平长期以来一直很低。
The average level of productivity in our country had long been low when the quality of the labor force was considered. 人不犯我,我不犯人。
We won’t attack others unless we are attacked. 那条路弯弯曲曲的,天气不好的时候,开车可得小心。Drive carefully on that road in bad weather as it’s very winding. 双方都不肯妥协,谈判因而破裂。
Negotiations broke down because neither side would compromise.
The isolation of the rural world, due to distance and the lack of transportation facilities, is worsened by the insufficiency of the information media.
没有和平,没有稳定的政治局面,就谈不上经济发展。 Without peace and political stability, there would be no economic progress. 要深化教育体制改革。
We should deepen the restructuring of education system.
全面发展同其他发达国家的友好合作与交流。We will develop friendly cooperation and promote exchanges in an all-round way with developed countries. 要提高贫困地区群众的科技文化素质。
We should improve the sci-tech and cultural qualities of the masses in the poor areas / the poverty-stricken areas. 必须加大基础设施建设力度。
Greater efforts should be made to promote construction of infrastructure.
西部地域辽阔,交通不发达,首先要进行基础设施的建设。Covering a vast area with poor transport facilities, China’s western region is in urgent need of infrastructure facilities. 中国加入世贸组织的谈判已经进行了15年, 中国的立场始终如一。
During the fifteen years of negotiations on China’s entry into the WTO, China has maintained consistent stand /position. 我们必须抓住新的机遇,迎接新的挑战,/采取更加有力的措施,以更为积极的姿态扩大对外开放,力争对外贸易和吸收外资有新的增长。We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges. We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively and resort to more effective measures in an effort to expand foreign trade and attract more foreign funds.
The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.
中国将致力于建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知识创新、技术创新的体制创新,这是中国实现跨世纪发展的必由之路。China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation system and creating a favorable environment to stimulate the innovation of knowledge, technology and institution. It is the only course for China to achieve its development extending to the new century (its trans-century development).
Now China has the opportunity to carry out the strategy of the
large-scale development of the western region, for the Chinese economy has grown to a new stage. In this stage, the economy in the eastern coast is approaching the point of “saturation” and calls for markets while development of the western region is imminent.
We should not only have a sense of urgency, but also work out a comprehensive plan. While giving prominence to some key areas in the development process, we must carry it out step by step instead of rushing headlong into action.
在漫长的历史过程中,中国虽然经历过改朝换代、政权更迭,出现过地方割据,遭遇过外敌入侵,特别是近代史上曾饱受外国列强的侵略和瓜分,/但统一始终是中国历史发展的主流。Throughout its long history, China has witnessed (undergone) changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, regional separatist regimes, foreign invasions, and especially the aggression and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history. Nevertheless, unity has always represented the main development trend in Chinese history.
当今世界,国际局势总体上趋向缓和,但各种因素引发的冲突甚至局部战争此起彼伏,一些地区的紧张态势依然存在,妨碍了有关国家和地区的经济发展,也对世界经济产生了不利影响。Despite the general tendency of the today’s international situation towards relaxation, the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors as well as the continuous tension in some areas have impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned, and adversely affected the world economy.