范文一:出行方式 改变 英语作文
Changes in the way of travel
As we can see from the above table, the ways of travel had changed a lot in the period from 1990 to 2003. The great changes imply that our citizens becomed more and more wealthy, and witness the procee of our country developing to an industrial country.
There are four kinds of traveling modes listing in the chart. Form the statistics, it’s easy to tell that the plane had been widely uesed in our travel, which had rised to 25% in 2003 while it only shred 8% in 1990. It’s the same when it comes to traveling by car, this mode of travel had increased the most in the period that rising from 10% to 32%.
Contray to the above two means, the bike and train had shared less and less in this market. But beacuse of their cheap price and enviroment-friendly advantage, these modes sill attracted a lof people. What’s more, the train were always travellers’ firsr choice even in 2003 that 35% of travellers used it while 58% in 1990.
Since last week, our city have always been the foggy weather. Some measures must be taken to cut down the atmospheric pollution. If no control measure came into effect, we all will die in the way of developing. Scanning the date above, we can find there were 24% traveller by bike in 1990. Enter 21 centuries, only 8% of traveller went trip by bike in 2003, let alone recent years, cars couldn’t be crowd any more. Even the secondary students drive the electro-bike, there is no hope for an improved invironment.
From the table, we can see the trend of the changes in our citizens’ travel. It is also widely agreed that we should travel in a environment-friendly way. As you can see, some things have been done. For example,there is a public bicycle plot before our school gate, but it’s expensive to apply for an IC card. And there are a lot of things that we can still do to change the current terrible environment conditions.
Science and technology change our life
With the rapid development of science and technology, our daily life has been changed a lot. New technological inventions begin to play an essential role, for example, the robot can help us clean up and finish much homework. As a result of that, we can spare more time to be dedicated to our job, and we are able to be fully exposed to our hobbies. Always have some time to hope that their cell phone is
Respite of that, some disadvantages of technological inventions may appear. The excessive use of high technology can also make our life be passive. The majorities of us will become lazier men, and they are unwilling to explore minds any longer.
All in all, the improvement of science and technology can smoothly increase the standards of people's life. On the other hand, it may lead to the laziness of people's behavior and mind.
a sched?ule of my life at schoo?l a sched?ule of my life at schoo?l
6:00! it is time to get up!it costs? me thirt?y minut?es to fold up my quilt?,wash my face and brush? my teeth?.when i get on my coat,i am ready? for the new day.take my back pack and walk on the way to the schoo?l.it is 7:00 when i arriv?e an the schoo?l.i will recit?e textb?ook and prepa?re lesso?ns befor?e class?.at 8:00,the teach?er will come into the class?room to begin? the class?. after? eight? class?es ,i am not allow?ed to leave? schoo?l until?l 5:10 pm.it is a day u maybe? feel borin?g ,but in my opini?on,i learn?ed new knowl?edge and got along? with my frien?dly class?mates? and teach?ers, which? is a happy? and signi?fican?t thing? for me.when i am on the way home,i sing the song with a good mood!
I am Sally? . Every?day
I am very busy. I have too many rules? in my house?. I?have?to?get?up?at?six?o’clock? every?
morni?ng. I must have my break?fast at 7:00 o’clock? . I?can’t?meet?my?frien?ds after? schoo?l becau?se I have to walk my dog.(.溜狗) I?can’t?watch? TV on schoo?l night?s. And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock?. On weeke?nds, I have
to make my bed and clean? my room. Then I have to wash the dishe?s. Later? I have to go to the Child?ren’s?Palac?e to learn? the guita?r. I love music?. But?I?can’t?liste?n to music? at home .I never? have any fun. My life is so borin?g. What can I do ?
morni?ng. He?can’t?watch? TV or play Tom has many rules?. He has to get up at 6:30 every?
compu?ter games? on schoo?l night?. He has to finis?h his homew?ork every? day. He must be in bed by ten?o’clock? . He?can’t?eat?outsi?de. He has to be back home by 6:00 in the after?noon.
On weekd?ays,Jim gets up at 6:30.Jim has break?fast at 7:00 and then he goes to schoo ?l.
He usual?ly goes to schoo?l by bike.He gets to schoo?l at about? 7:30 every?
day.He doesn?’t?like?to?be?late.
Class?es begin? at 8:00.He has lunch? at noon.In the after?noon,class?es are over at 3:30,and he gets home at about? 4:00.
But somet?imes he doesn?’t?leave? schoo?l so early? becau?se he plays? baske?tball? there?.Then he gets home at 5:40.He has suppe?r at about? 6:00.
In the evern?ing he does his homew?ork.He often? watch?es TV,but somet?imes he likes? to do some readi?ng.He goes to bed at about? 10:00.
My Day
Today? is Monda?y. I get up at 6:00. I have my break?fast at about? 6:30.Then I clean? my room, wash my face and brush? my teeth?. I have noodl?es for break?fast. I go to schoo?l at 7:00. I do morni?ng exerc?ises at 7:50.We have four class?es in morni?ng. At 11:30, I’m very
hungr?y. I have lunch? at schoo?l. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three? class?es in the after?noon. I have compu?ter class? and art class?es. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homew?ork after? schoo?l. My siste?r、broth?er and I watch? TV at 8:00 in the eveni?ng. Then I wash my face and brush? my teeth?. I go to bed at 10:00.
I’m happy? today?!
近几年,网购是消费者的?新宠? ,消费者只需在电脑前 或手机上动动手指就能买到小到食品、洗发水、衣服,大到 家具、家电等一系列商品。而且,不仅选择多,价格也更加 优惠。
?只要能收到包裹, 我就感到开心。 要是哪天没有收到 包裹,总感觉少了点什么。 ? ?网购达人?冯丹告诉记者。 5年前,她还是一个很喜欢逛街的人,每逢休息日,她都要拉 上三五好友在马道街、中山路逛上一整天。可是这几年,她 越来越喜欢网购了。 ?相对于逛街,网上购物更方便。只要 有时间, 打开电脑或者手机随时都能 ‘逛’ 。 更吸引我的是, 网购时常能淘到一些价格比实体店便宜很多的东西。 ?冯丹 这样告诉记者。
几年前, ?网购? 一词还是极少数站在潮流最前沿的年轻 人口中的?神话? ,如今却?飞入寻常百姓家? 。各大购物网 站上,家具厨具、洗护产品、家用电器、服饰鞋帽、母婴用 品、食品饮料等商品一应俱全,消费者不再为去哪里购物或 者哪里的东西便宜发愁,购物过程时尚又便捷。
网络不仅改变了人们的购物方式,更改变了人们的生活 方式。 ?现在,哪有不网购的人?我的同学、朋友、家人都 网购。 ?市民刘洋告诉记者。最初,她常网购衣服、饰品、
鞋子等,后来发展到网购家电、家具等大物件。孩子还没有 出生前, 她就在网上把孩子可能用到的东西准备齐了。 现在, 她通过淘宝从国外直邮奶粉。 ?通过搜索、筛选、看买家评 价,我确定了一位信誉较好的代购卖家。一个月后,孩子就 可以喝到从澳大利亚直邮过来的奶粉了。 ?刘洋高兴地说。 鄢超是一名建筑设计师,他喜欢在网上采购各种生活用 品。其实,鄢超家门口就有便利店,而且 10多分钟的车程 就能到达超市,可是,他还是喜欢网购。 ?只要轻点鼠标, 过两天就有快递员送货上门,而且还可以货到付款,挺好。 现在,网上商城的商品越来越丰富,柴、米、油、盐等应有 尽有,家里的日常用品基本靠网购。 ?鄢超说。他还说,以 前他每周都要去一次超市集中购物,现在一两个月还不去一 次呢。
洪昭光教授是研究心脑血管疾病的专家,有着极其丰富的临床经验。70年代,他通过" 优选法" 研制的治疗高血压药品" 降压0号" ,一举结束了中国人治疗高血压完全依靠进口药的历史。这些年他著书立说,向人们宣传健康的生活方式,他的理论和讲课内容一时间风靡全国。
洪昭光向人们推荐健康的四大基石:合理膳食,适量运动,戒烟限酒, 按此去做,能使高血压和糖尿病减少一半, 脑卒中减少75%, 瘤 减 少1/3, 并使人群平均寿命延长10年。 高血压病意味着终生改变一些饮食和生活习惯。
起的心肌梗死和中风; 2 可见除了药物以外,还应该改变日常不良的生活习惯来配合治疗。控制 减少盐的摄入, 建议每人每日不超过6g :WHO 不超过6g 。我国膳食中约80%盐首先要减少烹调用盐及含盐高的调料,少食各种咸菜及盐腌食品。 应增加含钾、钙高的食物,如绿叶菜,鲜奶,豆类制品等; 多吃水果,水果中的钾离子、镁离子有利于降压。
■有氧运动 有氧运动同减肥一样可以降低血压,散步,骑自行车和游泳(不宜冬泳)都是有氧运动。 运动强度指标:运动时最大心率+年龄=170或180
情绪在高血压病情演变中起着重要作用,有时甚至可以成为导致死亡的直接原因。 ■通过上述的饮食和行为治疗,去医院检查,看看您是否达标:
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