*******110千伏线路工程是经四川省发展和改革委员会以***文号和四川省电力公司以川电基建(2012)199号文件正式批复立项建设的工程项目,工程计划投资****万元,线路全长**千米,杆塔总数****基。该工程建成投运后,一方面,可有效增加我县110千伏供电容量5万千伏安,使110千伏总容量达到13万千伏安,有助于缓解我县one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
加快电力电网建设,是解决我县经济发展中“瓶颈”制约的迫切要求。基础产业发展滞后是制约我县经济发展重要因素之一,电力作为基础产业的重要组成部分,虽然近年来,我县加大建设力度,取得了较好的成绩,但随着我县经济社会的发展,电力产业中的一些矛盾和问题已逐步暴露,主要是电网结构落后,变电站布点过少,配电网不完善,难于适应当前用电负荷快速增长的要求。如果不迅速改变目前的供电状况,势必阻碍我县经济的快速发展,在新一轮发展大潮中将会处于落后位置。所以说,电力电网建设不仅是供电部门自己的事,更是兴隆经济发展全局的大事,各级各部门责无旁贷,一定要从全县经济社会发展的大局出发,进一步把思想统一到树立科学发展观和正one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
一是加强领导,明确责任。为确保工程建设的顺利进行,县政府one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
项目部要对建设过程占用土地、砍伐林木等标准,并结合我市相关项目建设补偿标准,制定细致的、合理的补偿标准,确保不因补偿问题发生群众纠纷。同时,要加强与各相关单位的沟通联系,确保项one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
同志们,搞好*******110KV线路工程的建设,任务重,责任大,希望各有关部门、镇、村各司其职,密切配合,协调联动,积极做好各项分管工作,为输变电工程的顺利施工创造良好的环境和条件,确保********110千伏线路工程如期竣工,顺利投入运行。 谢谢大家。
one good, one not. (B) in order to tailor aid measures. After identification of the poor, to tailor aid measures of poverty for poverty alleviation. Focus on "five to the village to" infrastructure to the village to households and industry support to the household, education and training to the village to the village families, renovate rural village households, twinning support to village households. Through villages, analytical grasp of poverty causes door-to-door implementation support responsible, supporting projects and help to fund. According to deficiency what fill what principles, "should be agricultural is agricultural, and should be workers is workers, and should be tour is tour, and should be business is business", developed more precision of poverty programme, put "sent dish door" into let masses "see single order", ensure a households a this Taiwan account, and a households a poverty plans, and a households a helping measures, put poverty funds, and project, and material, implementation to specific village, and specific households, and specific people, real helped points Shang, and help to root Shang. File in the County, 11 out of poverty is presented here, some form of further stressed. In industry poverty aspects, to relies on I County of fruits and vegetables canned and honeysuckle two big industry, play agricultural processing enterprise in funds, and technology, and sales, and employment, aspects of advantage, through "enterprise + base + poor", mode, guide poverty village, and poor development quality forest fruit, and Chinese herbal medicines, and mushroom, and facilities vegetables, and flower seedlings, features industry, absorb poverty labor employment increase, effective increased poor business sex income and workers income,
主 持 人:夏海涛
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今天~我们共聚在这里举行农村断头公路 路 改造工程开工建设动员大会。参加今天开工动员大会的有区级有关部门、企事业单位的分管领导、沿线乡镇行政负责人及分管领导和农村断头公路建设推进组全体人员。
路 改造工程是全区的一件大事~也是 路 沿线涉及 镇、 镇、 镇、 镇、 镇、 乡、 镇等7个乡镇约20余万人盼望已久一件好事~这项工程是体现政府以人为本、关注民柴生执政理念的一项德政工程、民生工程~迈该条道路的改造将在全区乃至全市交通路拒网规划建设中具有十分重大的现实意义。鲨
区委、区政府决定从 年 月15日锉开始动工整治~建设工期为半年~希望大嘻家在区委、区政府的坚强领导下~统一思抱想认识~加强领导~密切配合~强化工作酢措施~狠抓责任落实~确保 路 改造工程建设任务按进度保质保量完成。下
要全佥力做好公路建设的宣传动员工作~&nb拥sp; 、 、 等相关乡镇及相关部门转要广泛宣传 路 改造工程的重要意义~ 提高群众认识~增强群众大局观念~为公廓路建设营造良好的社会舆论氛围。一是及 时召开沿线企事业单位、村组及住户
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区级相关职能部门要通力协作~在政策、腱权限允许的范围内~本着“特事特办、急措事急办、好事快办”的原则~全力配合 镧路改造建设工作。一是区交警大队要明确氙1名领导~2名干警专门负责沿线交通保展障~第一时间处理交通障碍。区公安分局猪要落实专门领导牵头~乡镇派出所所长具孔体负责的工作机构~切实维护改造期间沿位线乡镇社会治安秩序~特别是要严厉打击沟偷盗施工材料、物资等违法犯罪行为。区猾广电分局、区电信公司、区供电分局的杆怡管线等设施设备需要搬迁或改变线路时~碌相关单位必须安排专业队伍~第一时间内萱处理完毕~确保改造工程顺利实施。区农睹林局、区水务局涉及树木砍伐、水渠沟道蝾挖填等相关工作时~要精简程序~简化手媲续~全力予以支持~必要时可以采取先实瞥施后办理手续的办法。川西南矿区要在供均气管道设施上全力予以支持配合。其他相菔关职能部门在需要支持配合时~要全力予川以支持配合~严禁因配合不力~支持不够昌导致改造工程停工或推进缓慢等情况的发腴生。区推进组负责对 路 改造工程的统顿一协调、监督管理、督查督办~特别是要踉做好施工队伍的信息沟
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通及推进过程中的组织工作~确保进场、开工、建设通畅无 罅阻。二是明确责任人员。原则上今天各单〉位参会人员作为 路 改造工程中专门负责人~凡事工程推进中涉及的相关工作人 表员~区推进组及乡镇将直接与今天参会的便各单位负责人对接联系。
公安、乡镇要加强沿线矛盾纠何纷的排查、化解及秩序维护~特别是要妥善处理公路建设中的各种矛盾纠纷~采取 有效措施~尽最大努力~把矛盾纠纷化解瘩在萌芽状态。对无理取闹、阻工等行为要悍坚决予以打击~同时~乡镇还要签定安全缗维稳目标责任书~对具体工作要求做出明蛏确~希望严格遵照执行。
 馒;路 改造工程将纳入今年参会单位的党犄政目标任
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同志们~ 路 整治工莽程开工在即~希望大家发扬大干快上、顽议强拼搏的精神~以只争朝夕的工作干劲~坤克服困难~扎实工作~确保该项“民生”ń工程今年如期完成。
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?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??改造工?程?开工?建设?动?员会发??言提纲
?? 今天,??我们共?聚?在这?里举?行?农村断??头公路 ??路 改?造?工程?开工?建?设动员??大会。参??加今天?开?工动?员大?会?的有区??级有关部??门、企?事?业单?位的?分?管领导??、沿线乡??镇行政?负?责人?及分?管?领导和??农村断头??公路建?设?推进?组全?体?人员。??路 改造??工程是?全?区的?一件?大?事,也??是 路 ??沿线涉?及? 镇?、 ?镇?、 镇??、 镇、?? 镇、? ?乡、? 镇?等?7个乡??镇约20??余万人?盼?望已?久一?件?好事,??这项工程??是体现?政?府以?人为?本?、关注??民生执政??理念的?一?项德?政工?程?、民生??工程,该??条道路?的?改造?将在?全?区乃至??全市交通??路网规?划?建设?中具?有?十分重??大的现实??意义。?区?委、?区政?府?决定从?? 年 月??15日?开?始动?工整?治?,建设??工期为半??年,希?望?大家?在区?委?、区政??府的坚强??领导下?,?统一?思想?认?识,加??强领导,??密切配?合?,强?化工?作?措施,??狠抓责任??落实,?确?保 ?路 ?改?造工程??建设任务??按进度?保?质保?量完?成?。下面??,为确保??改造工?程?的顺?利推?进?,我提??几点工作??要求:?
? ?
? ? 一、??及时宣传??发动要?全?力做?好公?路?建设的??宣传动员??工作,? ?、 ?、 ?等?相关乡??镇及相关??部门要?广?泛宣?传 ?路? 改造??工程的重??要意义?,?提高?群众?认?识,增??强群众大??局观念?,?为公?路建?设?营造良??好的社会??舆论氛?围?。
? ?一?是及时??召开沿线??企事业?单?位、?村组?及?住户村??民代表大??会,提?高?群众?知晓?度?。
?? 二是广??泛张贴?宣?传标?语。?
? 三??是立即成??立以乡?镇?长为?负责?人?,分管??乡镇长为??具体责?任?人,?专门?工?作人员??为经办人??的专门?工?作机?构。?名?单报推??进组办公??室。
? ? 二?、部?门?全力配??合区级相??关职能?部?门要?通力?协?作,在??政策、权??限允许?的?范围?内,?本?着“特??事特办、??急事急?办?、好?事快?办?”的原??则,全力??配合 ?路?改造?建设?工?作。 ?? 一是??区交警?大?队要?明确?1?名领导??,2名干??警专门?负?责沿?线交?通?保障,??第一时间??处理交?通?障碍?。区?公?安分局??要落实专??门领导?牵?头,?乡镇?派?出所所??长具体负??责的工?作?机构?,切?实?维护改??造期间沿??线乡镇?社?会治?安秩?序?,特别??是要严厉??打击偷?盗?施工?材料?、?物资等??违法犯罪??行为。?区?广电?分局?、?区电信??公司、区??供电分?局?的杆?管线?等?设施设??备需要搬??迁或改?变?线路?时,?相?关单位??必须安排??专业队?伍?,第?一时?间?内处理??完毕,确??保改造?工?程顺?利实?施?。区农??林局、区??水务局?涉?及树?木砍?伐?、水渠??沟道挖填??等相关?工?作时?,要?精?简程序??,简化手??续,全?力?予以?支持?,?必要时??可以采取??先实施?后?办理?手续?的?办法。??川西南矿??区要在?供?气管?道设?施?上全力??予以支持??配合。?其?他相?关职?能?部门在??需要支持??配合时?,?要全?力予?以?支持配??合,严禁??因配合?不?力,?支持?不?够导致??改造工程??停工或?推?进缓?慢等?情?况的发??生。区推??进组负?责?对 ?路 ?改?造工程??的统一协??调、监?督?管理?、督?查?督办,??特别是要??做好施?工?队伍?的信?息?沟通及??推进过程??中的组?织?工作?,确?保?进场、??开工、建??设通畅?无?阻。?
? ?二是明??确责任人??员。原?则?上今?天各?单?位参会??人员作为?? 路 ?改?造工?程中?专?门负责??人,凡事??工程推?进?中涉?及的?相?关工作??人员,区??推进组?及?乡镇?将直?接?与今天??参会的各??单位负?责?人对?接联?系?。
?? 三、确??保安全?稳?定公?安、?乡?镇要加??强沿线矛??盾纠纷?的?排查?、化?解?及秩序??维护,特??别是要?妥?善处?理公?路?建设中??的各种矛??盾纠纷?,?采取?有效?措?施,尽??最大努力??,把矛?盾?纠纷?化解?在?萌芽状??态。对无??理取闹?、?阻工?等行?为?要坚决??予以打击??,同时?,?乡镇?还要?签?定安全??维稳目标??责任书?,?对具?体工?作?要求做??出明确,??希望严?格?遵照?执行?。?四、强??
? ?五、?严格?考?核逗硬??路 改造??工程将?纳?入今?年参?会?单位的??党政目标??任务,?分?值为?5分?,?凡是因??领导不力??、措施?不?力、?推诿?扯?皮等原??因导致工??期延误?的?相关?责任?单?位,区??委、区政??府将严?格?逗硬?惩处?。?同志们??, 路 ??整治工?程?开工?在即?,?希望大??家发扬大??干快上?、?顽强?拼搏?的?精神,??以只争朝??夕的工?作?干劲?,克?服?困难,??扎实工作??,确保?该?项“?民生?”?工程今??年如期完??成。谢?谢?大家?~