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相关辩论手机利弊陈词 手机是联系亲朋好友的重要工具之一~是在外读书的莘莘学子们和家人沟通、传递思恋的重要工具~关于手机利弊的辩论素材。手机给我们带来的弊端是考试传递答案~上课玩游戏。但是~他给我们带来…[阅读]
手机的危害作文1000字 随着社会的发展~手机进入了千家万户。从最开始的?“大哥大”到现在的“iphone6s”~只经历了几十年的时间。然而~手机在给人带来方便的同时~也引起了思考:如何才能让它真正物有所值?因为~现…[阅读]
减肥药的危害有关事例 警惕减肥药的危害症状1:晚上睡不着白天不瞌睡在服用减肥药的过程中~出现这种症状:“我原来是个瞌睡虫~可这减肥药刚吃了两天~我就发现每天晚上我都特别兴奋~不想睡觉~躺在床上也睡不着~…[阅读]
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关于朋友圈利弊的作文 过年的气氛还没消失~旁边点手机的声音不绝于耳~走到各处~几乎都在问:“你红包抢了多少?”“我朋友又在朋友圈中瞎显摆”……但朋友圈代表你的全部吗~我承认~他确实充斥着我们的生活~给我…[阅读]
本身没有利弊对错手机 随着科技的迅猛发展~越来越多的高科技产物为人们的生活带来了方便——手机~就是其中一个。但在此同时~类似于手机这样的高科技产品也在不知不觉中为人类带来了一系列负面影响~手机听多了对耳…[阅读]
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? ? ? ?手机的议论?文
使?用手机的利?于弊 议论?文 中英对?照 手机已?经成为越来?越受欢迎,?现如今,越?来越多的中?学生开始使?用手机。我?认为,学生?在学校应该?使用手机。?众所周知,?21世纪是?一个信息化?时代,各种?各样的信息?满天飞,手?机是一种时?尚和有用的?发明,所以?我们应当使?用它。在中?国这些天。?无论你去哪?里,你可以?看到人们使?用手机。许?多大学生,?甚高中学生?,甚至初中?生乃至于小?学生都有手?机。
? 手机是?一种对于我?们有利有弊?的东西,它?不仅可以让?我们了解更?多的事情与?外面的新闻?丰富我们的?知识比电脑?还要方便还?要快捷,手?机作为高科?技产物,确?实可以给我?们带来许多?生活上的方?便,学生可?以通过手机?及时与家长?联系,也可?以向老师汇?报学习等。?与以前同学?多交流,可?以保持原有?的友谊;与?现在同学多?交流,可以?增进友谊,?遇到疑难问?题时,可以?用手机进行?讨论。
? 一些?手机的拍摄?功能,可以?随时拍下一?些有意义有?价值的东西?。
? 里面的闹?钟装置,可?以随时使用?. 通话记?录功能,手?机不像家里?的电话一样?不在家的时?候别人打电?话来不知道?,在手机里?是有记录的?。方便查阅?。
? 手机的本?身小儿玲珑?,占很小的?面积可以随?身携带。 ?
其次?,我们重要的事的?时候,为人?们不必亲自?长途跋涉赶?回家省下了?许多时间和?金钱.只需?要花上一毛?或几毛钱就?能够通过手?机发送短信?到对方的手?机上,如今?科技的飞速?发展让我们?能用手机做?更多的事。?如果他们想?要得到一些?信息来自互?联网,他们?可以很容易?地实现他们?的梦想通过?手机太多。?此外,如果?有人有心脏?病或交通事?故的,打电?话给医院或?紧急报警可?以迅速把他?的帮助。 ?
但?万事万物都?怕一个“但?”字,手机?可以玩游戏?,额外增加?父母负担。?在学校进行?的抽样调查?显示,学生?购买手机的?资金全部直?接或间接来?自于父母,?另外,还有?每月几十元?到上百元不?等的话费也?需要家长掏?腰包。以一?年计算,家?长花在孩子?手机上的费?用至少要5?00元。影?响校园治安?。手机是贵?重物品,若?有不良行为?的学生会发?生偷盗现象?。据反映,?我校有个别?班级出现钱?、钱包被盗?,手机若不?随身携带,?也会被盗。?在一些发达?国家,学校?的管理者比?我们更早地?遇到了这一?问题,手机?所带来的恶?劣影响也更?为突出,已?经引发了中?学生的犯罪?,有手机的?中学生也成?为一些犯罪?分子欺骗和?抢劫的对象?。对于经济?条件并不宽?裕的家庭来?说,给孩子?买手机等于?是给家长增?添了新的负?担。上网聊?天还可能结?交不良之友?,并在网络?上查阅到一?些不健康的?东西,最严?重的是电波?辐射被认为?是对用户的?大脑,考试?中用来作弊?,互相攀比?,浪费金钱?,荒废学业?,伤害身体?以至于走上?违法犯罪的?道路上来。?另一个问题?是,当人们?正在开会或?上课或音乐?会等,环手?机可能会打?断别人。所?以我认为人?们应尽量少?用手机,将?其关闭时,?参加重要会?议或上课。?总而言之手?机利大于弊?,我们不能?否定手机给?我们带来的?好处与便利?,让我们摆?脱了电脑的?固定束缚,?但我们中的?一些人会不?好好利用它?以至于让好?的事务成为?了不好的事?务,走上不?归路,让人?通断肝肠追?悔莫及,引?人深思。 ?
? 一是亲人?赠送,
? 二是自己?零用钱买。?亲人赠送手?机的目的
? 一是有?的同学家长?经商,有时?会长期不在?家,孩子有?手机方便联?系,且可以?了解孩子目?前的情况;?
? 三是
? ?去接补?习的孩子走?岔路。有些?老师的家地?方偏僻,家?长有时会找?不到路,为?了及时接孩?子回家,家?长愿意给孩?子买手机。?自己买手机?的目的
? 一是与同?学联系,增?进友谊,把?烦恼和同学?讲,减轻压?力;学习上?交流,共同?进步;
? 二是与家?长联系,有?时家长在外?,学生遇到?困难,可及?时向家人反?映,寻求帮?助;
? 方案一:?
? 方案二:?
? 方案?三:
引导学生?正确使用手?机,手机并?非拿来招摇?过市,用来?炫耀。告诉?学生应以怎?样 ?
的方式使?用手机。 ?
? 借鉴其?他地区的做?法 我国一?部分地区的?做法 杭州?一中:
? 不准带?手机进校 ?龙岩一中:?
? 浙江台?州一中:
? 学生?用手机需先?与学校签合?同 宁波:?
禁?止学生带手?机违者扣分? 国外的做?法:
? 芬兰:?
禁?止向青少年?推销手机 ?芬兰市场法?院近日决定?,禁止芬兰?无线通讯公?司直接向青?少年推销手?机入网等移?动通信服务?。如果违反?这一禁令,?将被处以1?0万欧元的?罚款。
? 美国?:
?为校园手机?立法 大约?在10年前?,美国各州?的学区纷纷?制定规则(?有些是州议?会或地方政?府立法),?完全取缔在?校学生使用?传呼机和手?机。
? 德国:?
欲?禁止手机在?学校使用 ?德国已开始?就禁止在学?校使用手机?问题展开了?公开讨论。?
? 手机?作为科技进?步带给人类?的新工具,?是新事物,?是符合社会?发展规律和?人民根本利?益的。本身?并无利弊对?错。进入校?园后出现的?负面影响,?进一步暴露?了学生规则?意识缺乏等?学校德育的?“老问题”?。学校一纸?禁令其实只?能在表面上?掩盖问题。?对
? Mob?ile p?hone ?has b?ee mo?re an?d mor?e pop?ular,? and ?now, ?more ?and m?ore s?tuden?ts be?gin t?o use? mobi?le ph?one.I? thin?k, st?udent?s in ?the s?chool? shou?ld us?e mob?ile p?hone.?As ev?eryon?e kno?ws, t?wenty?-firs?t Cen?tury ?is an? info?rmati?on ag?e, in?forma?tion ?of al?l kin?ds ex?ist
e?veryw?here,? the ?mobil?e pho?ne is? a st?ylish? and ?usefu?l inv?entio?n, so? we o?ught ?to us?e it.?In Ch?ina t?hese ?days.?No ma?tter ?where? you ?go, y?ou ca?n see? peop?le us?ing m?obile? phon?e.Man?y col?lege ?stude?nts, ?even ?high ?schoo?l stu?dents?, and? juni?or mi?ddle ?schoo?l stu?dents? and ?pupil?s hav?e mob?ile p?hone.? Mobi?le ph?one i?s a f?or us? ther?e are? both? adva?ntage?s and?
disa?dvant?ages.? Thin?gs, i?t can? not ?only ?make ?us le?arn m?ore t?hings? from? the ?outsi?de ne?ws ei?ch ou?r kno?wledg?e is ?also ?conve?nient? and ?fast ?puter?, mob?ile p?hone ?as a ?high-?tech ?produ?cts, ?it ca?n bri?ng us? many? conv?enien?ces, ?the s?tuden?t can? pass? a mo?bile ?phone? to c?ontac?t wit?h par?ents,? can ?also ?be re?porte?d to ?the t?eache?r lea?rning?.More? than? the ?previ?ous e?xchan?ge st?udent?s, ca?n mai?ntain? thei?r fri?endsh?ip; a?nd no?w mor?e tha?n the? exch?ange ?of st?udent?s, ca?n enh?ance ?frien?dship?, pro?blems? enco?unter?ed, c?an be? disc?ussed? usin?g a m?obile? phon?e.Som?e mob?ile p?hone ?photo?graph?ing f?uncti?on, c?an al?ways ?take ?some ?meani?ngful?
the ?devic?e, ca?n be ?used ?at an?y tim?e. Ca?ll re?cordi?ng fu?nctio?n, valu?e.Ala?rm cl?ock i?nside?
mo?bile ?phone? like? home? tele?phone? was ?not a?t hom?e whe?n som?eone ?calls? do n?ot kn?ow, i?n the? mobi?le ph?one i?s rec?orded?.Easy? acce?ss.Mo?bile ?phone? itse?lf pe?diatr?ic Li?nglon?g, oc?cupie?s a v?ery s?mall ?area ?can c?arry.?When ?the s?tuden?ts go? out ?to pl?ay or? at r?isk i?n oth?er pl?aces ?can b?e a t?imely? mann?er to? pare?nts, ?teach?ers o?r the? poli?ce fo?r hel?p.But? most? impo?rtant?ly, t?hey a?re ea?sily.?Mobil?e pho?ne ha?s bee? one ?of th?e imp?ortan?t way? to c?ontac?t eac?h oth?er. I?n par?ticul?ar, h?ave v?ery i?mport?ant t?hings?, peo?ple d?on t ?need ?to tr?avel ?long ?dista?nces ?to ru?sh ho?me to? save? a lo?t of ?time ?and m?oney.? Seco?ndly,? we o?nly n?eed t?o tak?e a h?air o?r a f?ew ce?nts c?an pa?ss th?rough? the ?mobil?e pho?ne to? send? text? mess?ages ?to ea?ch ot?her o?n the? mobi?le ph?one, ?today? scie?nce a?nd te?chnol?ogy d?evelo?pment? so t?hat w?e can? use ?mobil?e pho?ne to? do m?ore.I?f the?y wan?t to ?get s?ome i?nform?ation? from? the ?Inter?net, ?they ?can e?asily? real?ize t?heir ?dream?s thr?ough ?mobil?e pho?ne to?o muc?h.In ?addit?ion, ?if th?ere a?re pe?ople ?who h?ave h?eart ?disea?se or? acci?dent,? call? the ?hospi?tal o?r eme?rgenc?y ala?rm ca?n be ?quick?ly pu?t his? help?. But? all ?thing?s are? afra?id of? a bu?t wor?d, mo?bile ?phone? can ?play ?the g?ame, ?the a?dditi?onal ?burde?n of ?paren?ts.In? the ?schoo?l sam?ple s?urvey?, stu?dents? to b?uy a ?mobil?e pho?ne of? all ?funds? dire?ctly ?or in?direc?tly f?rom t?he pa?rents?, in ?addit?ion, ?there? are ?month?ly do?zens ?to hu?ndred?s of ?Yuan ?Yuan ?calls? also? need? pare?nts p?ocket?.In a? year?, par?ents ?spend? on c?hildr?en mo?bile ?phone? cost?s at ?least? 500 ?yuan.?Influ?ence ?of ca?mpus ?secur?ity.M?obile? phon?e is ?a val?uable?, if ?bad b?ehavi?or of? stud?ents ?steal? phen?omeno?n occ?urred?.Acco?rding? to r?eflec?t, my? scho?ol cl?asses? ther?e mon?ey st?olen ?walle?t, mo?bile ?phone?, if ?not c?arry,? also? be s?tolen?.In s?ome d?evelo?ped c?ountr?ies, ?schoo?l adm?inist?rator?s ear?lier ?than ?we ha?ve en?count?ered ?this ?probl?em, m?obile? phon?e the? adve?rse e?ffect?s bro?ught ?about? by m?ore p?romin?ent, ?has t?rigge?red a? seco?ndary? crim?e, a ?mobil?e pho?ne fo?r mid?dle s?chool? stud?ents ?has b?ee a ?crimi?nal f?raud ?and r?obber?y obj?ects.?The e?conom?ic co?nditi?ons a?re no?t wel?l-off? fami?ly, c?hildr?en ca?n buy? amob?ile p?hone ?is is? up t?o par?ents ?to ad?d new? burd?en.Ch?attin?g onl?ine m?ay al?so ma?ke ba?d fri?ends,?
and ?in th?e net?work ?acces?s to ?some ?of th?e unh?ealth?y thi?ngs, ?the m?ost s?eriou?s is ?the w?ave r?adiat?ion a?re co?nside?red f?or th?e use?r s b?rain,? the ?exam ?to ch?eatin?g, vi?e eac?h oth?er, a? wast?e of ?money?, aba?ndone?d the?ir st?udies?, phy?sical? inju?ry to? emba?rk on? the ?path ?of cr?ime.A?nothe?r pro?blem ?is th?at, w?hen p?eople? are ?havin?g a m?eetin?g or ?in cl?ass o?r in ?conce?rt, l?oop m?obile? phon?e may? inte?rrupt? othe?rs.So? I th?ink p?eople? shou?ld mi?nimiz?e the? use ?of mo?bile ?phone?, tur?n it ?off, ?to at?tend ?an im?porta?nt me?eting? or c?lass.?To ma?ke a ?long ?story?
shor?t mob?ile p?hone ?outwe?igh t?he co?sts, ?we ca?n not? deny? the ?mobil?e pho?ne br?ings ?us be?nefit?s and? conv?enien?ce, l?et us? get ?rid o?f the? pute?r fix?ed bo?ndage?, but? some? of u?s wil?l not? make? good? use ?of it? so t?hat t?he go?od th?ings ?bee b?ad af?fairs?, rea?ched ?the p?oint ?of no? retu?rn, l?et a ?perso?n on-?off e?ntero?hepat?ic to?o lat?e to ?regre?t, fe?tchin?g pon?der. ?The s?tuden?ts is? how ?to ge?t the? mobi?le ph?one?A? fami?ly gi?ft, t?wo is? thei?r poc?ket m?oney ?to bu?y.Fam?ily g?ift m?obile? phon?e one? purp?ose s?ome s?tuden?ts pa?rents? in b?usine?ss, s?ometi?mes n?ot at? home?, chi?ldren? have? a mo?bile ?phone? conv?enien?t con?necti?on, a?nd ca?n und?ersta?nd th?e cur?rent ?situa?tion ?of ch?ildre?n; tw?o are? some? pare?nts b?uy mo?bile ?phone? as k?ids b?irthd?ay gi?ft, e?ncour?age t?he ch?ild t?o stu?dy ha?rd.So?me pa?rents? shou?ld be? aske?d to ?buy m?obile? phon?e, pr?ogres?s as ?a rew?ard; ?three? is t?he pi?ck wi?th ch?ildre?n on ?the r?oad.S?ome t?eache?rs lo?cal r?emote?, par?ents ?somet?imes ?can t? find? the ?way, ?in or?der t?o pic?k up ?the k?ids, ?paren?ts ar?e wil?ling ?to gi?ve th?eir c?hildr?en to? buy ?mobil?e pho?ne.Th?e obj?ectiv?e is ?to bu?y the?ir ow?n mob?ile p?hone ?with ?class?mates?, fri?endsh?ip, h?er tr?ouble?s and? stud?ents ?speak?ing, ?reduc?e str?ess; ?learn?ing e?xchan?ges, ?mon p?rogre?ss; t?wo co?ntact? with? pare?nts, ?somet?imes ?paren?ts, s?tuden?ts me?et wi?th di?fficu?lties?, can? time?ly re?flect? to t?he fa?mily,? to s?eek h?elp; ?three? is t?o tea?cher ?repor?t lea?rning? situ?ation?, pro?blems? the ?probl?em ca?n als?o be ?looki?ng fo?r the? teac?her f?or ad?vice ?in tr?ouble? at s?chool?, but? also? with? the ?teach?er re?flect?ion. ?Plan ?a: al?l stu?dents? take? thei?r mob?ile p?hone,? all ?paren?ts si?gn a ?name,? to t?he te?acher?s, th?at is? to c?ontac?t and? muni?catio?n bet?ween ?paren?t and? chil?d.Sch?eme t?wo: i?f the? band? mobi?le ph?one j?ust t?o con?tact ?a tim?ely m?anner?, it ?is su?ggest?ed th?at pa?rents? buy ?not t?extin?g PHS?, stu?dent ?in th?e cla?ss ca?n onl?y be ?shut ?down,? call?ed al?so da?re no?t ans?wer.S?cheme? thre?e: gu?ide t?he st?udent?s to ?corre?ctly ?use t?he mo?bile ?phone?, mob?ile p?hone ?is no?t use?d for? show?ing o?ff sw?agger? thro?ugh t?he st?reets?.Tell? the ?stude?nts w?hat s? the ?way t?o use? mobi?le ph?one.M?ethod? four?: ref?erenc?e to ?other? area?s of ?pract?ice p?art o?f our? area?s of ?pract?ice i?n Han?gzhou?: are? not ?allow?ed to? brin?g mob?ile p?hone ?to sc?hool ?one i?n Lon?gyan:? with? mobi?le ph?one i?nto t?he ex?am ro?om, w?hethe?r use?d for? chea?ting,? the ?subje?cts a?re to? 0 po?ints.?Zheji?ang T?aizho?u: st?udent?s use? mobi?le ph?one t?o con?tract? with? the ?schoo?l of ?Ningb?o: pr?ohibi?t stu?dents? with? mobi?le ph?one o?n poi?nts f?oreig?n pra?ctice?s: Fi?nland?: for?bidde?n to ?sell ?mobil?e pho?ne ma?rket ?in Fi?nland? juve?nile ?court? deci?ded r?ecent?ly, b?anned? the ?Finla?nd wi?reles?s mun?icati?ons p?any d?irect?ly to? adol?escen?ts to? prom?ote h?and m?achin?e net?work ?and o?ther ?mobil?e mun?icati?ons s?ervic?es.If? the ?viola?tion ?of th?e ban?, wil?l be ?punis?hable? by a? fine? of 1?00000? euro?s.The? Unit?ed St?ates ?of Am?erica?: cam?pus m?obile? phon?e leg?islat?ion a?bout ?10 ye?ars a?go, t?he Un?ited ?State?s sta?te sc?hool ?distr?icts ?have ?set r?ules ?(some? stat?e par?liame?nt or? loca?l gov?ernme?nt le?gisla?tion)?, ple?tely ?banne?d stu?dents? usin?g the? page?r and? mobi?le ph?one.G?erman?y: to? proh?ibit ?the m?obile? phon?e use? in s?chool? has ?been ?banne?d in ?Germa?ny us?e the? mobi?le ph?one i?n the? scho?ol is?sues ?a pub?lic d?iscus?sion.? I th?ink: ?mobil?e pho?ne as? the ?progr?ess o?f sci?ence ?and t?echno?logy ?bring?s the? new ?tools?, new? thin?gs, i?s con?siste?nt wi?th th?e law? of d?evelo?pment? of s?ociet?y and? peop?le s ?funda?menta?l int?erest?s.Adv?antag?es an?d dis?advan?tages? of i?tself? is n?ot
wr?ong.A?fter ?enter?ing t?he ne?gativ?e inf?luenc?e on ?campu?s, fu?rther? expo?sing ?the s?tuden?ts
la?ck of? cons?cious?ness ?of ru?les o?f sch?ool m?oral ?educa?tion ?old .?The s?chool? is a? ban ?on th?e sur?face ?cover?ed in? fact? only?.On t?he mi?ddle ?schoo?l stu?dents? have? mobi?le ph?one s?hould? look? one ?divid?es in?to tw?o.Now?adays?, in ?the i?nform?ation? age ?of th?e stu?dents? is n?o lon?ger t?wo ea?rs do? not ?hear ?out o?f the? wind?ow,wh?olehe?arted?ly re?ad-on?ly sa?ge bo?ok ne?rd.Th?erefo?re, a? majo?r mun?icati?on to?ol of? mode?rn so?ciety? s mo?bile ?phone?, is ?socia?l pro?gress? inev?itabl?e.Wit?h the? impr?oveme?nt of? livi?ng st?andar?ds, p?rovid?e stu?dents? with? a mo?bile ?phone? for ?many ?paren?ts ha?ve no?t too? much? to b?ear, ?a mob?ile p?hone,? pare?nts c?an be?tter ?regul?ation? of c?hildr?en.Of? cour?se, a?lso c?an no?t ign?ore t?he mo?bile ?phone? into? the ?campu?s bri?ngs n?ew pr?oblem?s, to? achi?eve b?enefi?t , t?he mo?st es?senti?al is? to e?nhanc?e the? over?all l?evel ?of sc?hool ?moral? educ?ation?, mak?e stu?dents? poss?ess s?elf-
d?iscip?line ?consc?iousn?ess, ?with ?a hea?lthy ?attit?ude u?sing ?mobil?e pho?ne.篇二?:
?关于去学校?带手机问题?的英语议论?文 要点 ?上课不能玩?手机 To? faci?litat?e
mun?icati?on wi?th pa?rents? 手机游戏?能带来一些?乐趣 Mo?bile ?games? can ?bring? some? fun ?上课时玩手?机干扰教学? Play? phon?e int?erfer?ence ?teach?ing i?n cla?ss 手机?会分散注意?力,导致听?课效率下降?,影响学习?成绩 Th?e pho?ne wi?ll be? dist?racte?d, re?sulti?ng in? decr?eased? effi?cienc?y lec?tures?, aff?ectin?g aca?demic? perf?orman?ce 手机?聊天发短信?费时费钱 ?Phone? chat? text?ing c?ostly? and ?time ?consu?ming ?便于和父母?沟通 Cl?ass c?an no?t pla?y pho?ne 范文? 最近我们?班有大约中?学生是否去?学校带手机?了热烈的讨?论,我们的?意见如
下 ?Recen?tly o?urcla?ss ha?d a h?eated? disc?ussio?n abo?ut we?ther ?middl?e sch?ool s?tuden?ts go? to s?chool? with? mobi?le ph?ones,?Our o?pinio?ns ar?e as ?follo?ws: 我?认为带手机?便于与父母?沟通,而且?在课余时手?机游戏能带?来一些乐趣?。
? I th?ink w?ith a? cell? phon?e to ?facil?itate? muni?catio?n wit?h the?ir pa?rents?, and? in t?heir ?spare? time? to b?ring ?some ?fun m?obile? game?s. 但是?我不认为上?课玩手机会?对我们有益?,因为上课?玩手机会干?扰教学,降?低听课效率?,影响学习?成绩导致下?降。
? 从经济?上说,用手?机聊天发短?信费时费钱?,不利于我?们的成长。?
?But I? do n?ot th?ink t?hat w?ould ?be go?od fo?r us ?to pl?ay ph?one i?n cla?ss, b?ecaus?e the? clas?s pla?y pho?ne ca?n int?erfer?e wit?h tea?ching? and ?reduc?e the? effi?cienc?y of ?lectu?res, ?lead ?to a ?decli?ne af?fect ?acade?mic p?erfor?mance?. Eco?nomic?ally,? said? by p?hone ?chat ?texti?ng co?stly ?and t?ime c?onsum?ing, ?is no?t con?duciv?e to ?our g?rowth?. 所以我?认为去学校?不应该带手?机 So ?I thi?nk it? shou?ld no?t bri?ng ce?ll ph?ones ?to sc?hool ?_____?_____?作者—李顺?镒 201?7.15篇?三:
? 关于手机?的话题作文? 关于手机?的话题作文? 关于手机?的话题作文?
? 保姆 不?敢想象,如?果没有了手?机,我的生?活会乱成什?么样。
? 从认?识老公的那?一天起,就?这么一直两?地分居着。?刚结婚那会?还好。
? 久别?胜新婚 ,?虽然难免相?思之苦却也?别有一番滋?味在心头。?
? 今年?,孩子参加?暑期夏令营?,带着手机?随时给我播?报行程动态?,还拍了一?些活
? 现在,女?儿经常抱着?手机说,那?是她的 机?器妈妈 .? 你说,还?有比它更好?的 保姆 ?么, 关于?手机的话题?作文
? 争宠? 我是爸爸?妈妈的独生?女,可是最?近却因为争?宠失败而闷?闷不乐。 ?
?清晨,躺在?床上刷早间?新闻的老爸?,头也不抬?地让我自己?下楼去买早?点吃。以前?那个颠着勺?围着大围裙?向我和妈妈?炫耀 徐氏?蛋炒饭 的?老爸去哪里?了, 10?分钟,20?分钟,25?分钟,28?分钟了……?我现在发现?,带手机上?厕所的老爸?无比讨厌~? 爸爸
开始启动撒?娇模式。 ?
哎?呀~我正看?手机呢,你?和你妈下去?散步一样的? 老爸不耐?烦地打断我?的话。 ? 我就?想跟你一起?散步吗, ?不放弃就是?成功。
? 唉,?外面空气不?好~你就在?家看书就行?啦, 撒娇?失败。
? 爸?爸,我今天?又练了一首?新钢琴曲,?你听听好不?好听, 我?努力地展现?自己,希望?老爸的视线?能离开手机?。终于弹完?了,可是老?爸的视线和?注意力完全?在那不停闪?烁的巴掌大?的显视屏上?,没有离开?半秒钟~ ?爸爸我弹的?好不好听,? 嗯嗯,好?听 漫
? 手机啊手?机,求求你?快点离开吧?,请把我的?爸爸还给我?~篇四:
? 手机?的利弊作文? 手机,通?讯时代的代?言词,潮流?的代养人,?现如今,全?国约有2.?4亿人在使?用手机,这?看起来似乎?很帅。但是?,孰不知任?何事物都有?两面性,手?机亦是如此?,他也有阴?阳两面。对?于手机的利?弊也是众说?纷纭,li?uxue8?6本人为大?家搜集整理?出多篇关于?手机利弊的?英语作文,?供大家参考?借鉴。
? 【手?机的利弊作?文篇一
? 】 M?y Opi?nion ?on Ce?ll Ph?ones ?Cell ?phone?s do ?play ?an im?porta?nt ro?le in? peop?le?s ?daily? life?, but? ever?y coi?n has? its ?two s?ides.? To s?tart ?with,? as a? wire?less ?mobil?e pho?ne, i?t?s c?onven?ient ?for t?he us?er at? any ?time ?to co?ntact? othe?rs. S?econd?ly, i?t?s a? help?ful p?anion?. Wit?h a m?ultif?uncti?onal ?cell ?phone? in h?and, ?one c?an ea?sily ?surf ?the n?et, d?ownlo?ading? what? he n?eeds.? Howe?ver, ?the c?ell p?hone ?has m?any d?isadv?antag?es. F?or on?e thi?ng, t?he ma?chine? itse?lf is? very? expe?nsive? and ?its l?ocal ?servi?ce is? very? cost?ly, n?ot to? ment?ion i?ts gl?obal ?servi?ce. F?or an?other?, the? radi?ation? tran?smitt?ed fr?om th?e mob?ile p?hones? migh?t do ?harm ?to th?e use?r?s h?ealth?. In ?my op?inion?, wit?h its? expe?nses ?being? redu?ced s?harpl?y, it?s dev?elopm?ent w?ill h?ave a? brig?hter ?futur?e. Th?erefo?re it?s adv?antag?es wi?ll fa?r out?weigh? its ?disad?vanta?ges. ?【手机的
利?弊作文篇二?】 Now?adays?, wit?h the? rapi?d dev?elopm?ent o?f IT,? cell? phon?es pl?ay a ?more ?and m?ore i?mport?ant r?ole i?n peo?ple?s? life?. But?, lik?e eve?rythi?ng el?se, t?hey h?ave b?oth f?avora?ble a?nd un?favor?able ?aspec?ts. F?irst ?,it?s? usef?ul. A?s a w?irele?ss mo?bile ?telep?hone ?,it?s? easy? and ?handy? to c?arry ?it wh?ereve?r one? goes? and ?call ?the c?allee? howe?ver f?ar aw?ay he? is. ?There?fore,? it g?reatl?y fac?ilita?tes p?eople??s li?fe. S?econd?, it??s con?venie?nt. W?henev?er on?e mee?ts tr?ouble? or s?ometh?ing u?rgent?, one? can ?make ?a cal?l imm?ediat?ely. ?Most ?impor?tant ?of
a mu?ltifu?nctio?n cel?l pho?ne in? hand?, one? cane?asily? al?l, it??s a ?very ?helpf?ul pa?nion.? With?
get ?on th?e net?, bro?wsing? the ?usefu?l inf?ormat?ion, ?condu?cting? e-me?rce a?nd do?ing w?hatev?er on?e can? do v?ia In?terne?t. Ho?wever?, jus?t as ?every?thing? has ?two s?ides,? the ?cell ?phone? also? has ?many ?disad?vanta?ges,.? To b?egin ?with,? it?s? expe?nsive? to b?uy an?d cos?tly t?o pay? the ?bills?, esp?. tha?t of ?globa?l ser?vice.? To m?ake m?atter? wors?e, it??s al?so ea?sy to? lose? and ?costl?y to ?get i?t rep?aired?. Wor?st of? all,? it?s? not ?as cl?ear a?s a f?amily? tele?phone? and ?somet?imes ?the n?umber? dial?ed is? ofte?n not? avai?lable?. Las?t but? not ?least?, it??s all?eged ?the m?icro-?waves? in i?t mig?ht do? harm? to p?eople??s he?alth.? In m?y opi?nion,? with? its ?expen?ses g?reatl?y red?uced ?after? Chin?a?s e?ntry ?into ?the W?TO,. ?Somed?ay mo?st of? them? will? be d?evelo?ped i?nto n?ew In?terne?t-ena?bled ?mobil?e pho?nes, ?which? will? be a?s use?ful a?s poc?ket p?uters?. And? I be?lieve? its ?advan?tages? will? not ?only ?offse?t its? disa?dvant?ages,? but ?also ?far o?utwei?gh th?em. 【?手机的利弊?作文篇三】? Ther?e are? alar?ms th?at mo?bile-?phone? use ?is ki?lling? chil?dren,? alth?ough ??very? slow?ly?. ?The q?uesti?on is? that?, if ?cell ?phone?s are? not ?safe ?to us?e, th?en wh?y adu?lts s?hould? be a?llowe?d to ?use t?hem a?nd wh?y kid?s sho?uld b?e oth?erwis?e? No?w tha?t an ?incre?asing? numb?er of? medi?cal e?xpert?s are? poin?ting ?their? fing?ers a?t the? effe?cts o?f rad?iatio?n, pa?rents? have? to w?eigh ?the o?bviou?s ben?efits? agai?nst t?he po?tenti?al he?alth ?risks? rega?rding? thei?r kid?s car?rying? hand?sets.? Many? pare?nts t?hink ?that ?child?ren s?hould? be a?llowe?d to ?use m?obile? phon?es as? well?, if ?only ?when ?absol?utely? nece?ssary?. So,? dism?issed? are ?claim?s tha?t mob?ile p?hones? are ?entir?ely h?armfu?l. To? begi?n wit?h, ha?rmful? or n?ot, i?t is ?not d?iffic?ult t?o rec?ogniz?e sev?eral ?advan?tages?. On ?the o?ne ha?nd, w?orkin?g or ?trave?lling? pare?nts c?ould ?find ?it ea?sier ?to ke?ep in? touc?h wit?h the?ir ch?ildre?n. On? the ?other? hand?, chi?ldren? coul?d mun?icate? with? thei?r fam?ilies?, esp?ecial?ly in? emer?genci?es. B?eside?s, a ?smart? phon?e has? actu?ally ?bee a? popu?lar t?oy fe?aturi?ng a ?varie?ty of? fun ?rangi?ng fr?om MP?3 to ?camer?a to ?the I?ntern?et. I?n add?ition?, the?se da?ys a ?mobil?e pho?ne is? not ?expen?sive ?to bu?y whi?le ca?lling? plan?s hav?e bee? more? affo?rdabl?e.Nev?erthe?less,? warn?ings ?about? the ?effec?ts of? radi?ation? are ?getti?ng ev?er lo?uder.? Crit?ics b?egin ?to ar?gue t?hat p?ossib?le un?known? heal?th ri?sks r?elate?d to ?the p?hone ?consu?mptio?n cou?ld ap?pear ?in mu?ch la?ter l?ife a?mong ?child?ren. ?Accor?ding ?to re?cent ?repor?ts, s?uch r?adiat?ion i?s lik?ely t?o cau?se DN?A dam?age b?ecaus?e you?ng ch?ildre?n are? supp?osed ?to be? less? defe?nsive?. For? that? matt?er, i?t is ?proba?ble t?hat r?adiat?ion c?ould ?penet?rate ?child?ren s? thin?ner a?nd so?fter ?skull?s wit?h mor?e fac?ility?. Spe?cific?ally,? cons?tant ?expos?ure c?ould ?affec?t men?tal f?uncti?on an?d inc?rease? chan?ces o?f bra?in ca?ncer ?and e?ar tu?mor. ?In sh?ort, ?belie?ve it? or n?ot, y?oung ?child?ren n?ow be?ing a?ddict?ed to? this? mode?rn mu?nicat?ion d?evice? migh?t fal?l vic?tims ?to da?ngero?us di?sease?s in ?30 ye?ars o?r les?s. Ev?entua?lly, ?the d?ebate? seem?s to ?focus? on t?he im?porta?nce o?f par?ental? cont?rol r?egard?ing t?o wha?t ext?ent y?oung ?child?ren s?hould? be a?llowe?d to ?use m?obile? phon?es fo?r the?ir ow?n ben?efits? and ?at th?eir o?wn ri?sks. ?At th?is po?int, ?every?body ?might? know? that? mobi?le ph?ones ?could? be k?illin?g slo?wly a?nd ca?using? deat?h in ?the l?ong r?un, a?nd so? what?? It ?seems?, how?ever,? that? nobo?dy is? in s?uch a? hurr?y to ?that ?fate.? 【手机的?利弊作文篇?四】 As? is s?hown ?in th?e car?toon ?given? abov?e, th?ough ?sitti?ng to?gethe?r for? dinn?er, p?eople? do n?ot ch?at wi?th ea?ch ot?her b?ut us?e the?ir mo?bile ?phone?s to ?do va?rious? kind?s of ?thing?s, su?ch as?
call?ing, ?texti?ng, t?aking? pict?ures ?and p?layin?g gam?es. I?t see?ms th?at pe?ople ?depen?d on ?their? mobi?le ph?ones ?so mu?ch th?at th?eir f?ace t?o fac?e mun?icati?on wi?th ea?ch ot?her i?s get?ting ?less ?and l?ess, ?which? has ?bee a? prob?lem t?hat s?hould? not ?be ig?nored?. Eve?ry co?in ha?s two? side?s. Wh?ile w?e aff?irm a?nd en?joy t?he co?nveni?ence ?and a?musem?ent t?hat m?obile? phon?es br?ing u?s, we? cann?ot de?ny th?at de?pende?nce o?n the?m als?o res?ult i?n som?e inc?onven?ience?. On ?one h?and, ?depen?ding ?on mo?biles? make?s peo?ple m?ore i?ndiff?erent?.
On ?the o?ther ?hand,? if w?e bee? too ?relia?nt on? cell? phon?es, o?ur fa?ce to? face? muni?cativ?e ski?lls m?ay de?cline?. Mor?eover?, cel?l pho?ne de?pende?nce h?arbor?s oth?er di?sadva?ntage?s. Fo?r exa?mple,? the ?radia?tion ?phone?s emi?t is ?hazar?dous ?to ou?r hea?lth i?f we ?use t?hem t?oo mu?ch.To? solv?e the? prob?lem, ?I won? t su?ggest? that? we d?iscar?d mob?ile p?hones? as g?iving? up e?ating? for ?fear ?of ch?oking?. Nev?erthe?less,? we s?hould? keep? a ce?rtain? dist?ance ?form ?mobil?es le?st we? shou?ld su?ffer ?from ?mobil?e pho?ne de?pende?nce, ?and e?xchan?ge wo?rds f?ace t?o fac?e wit?h our? rela?tives? and ?frien?ds as? poss?ible ?as we? can.? Only? in t?his w?ay, c?an we? not ?be dr?iven ?by ma?teria?l thi?ngs b?ut ma?intai?n our? phys?ical ?and m?ental? heal?th as? well? as o?ur in?depen?dence?. 【手机?的利弊作文?篇五】 D?iffer?ent p?eople? have? diff?erent? view?s on ?oppor?tunit?y. So?me pe?ople ?think? that? ther?e are? few ?oppor?tunit?ies i?n the? worl?d, wh?ile o?thers? argu?e tha?t eve?rybod?y wil?l hav?e som?e kin?d of ?oppor?tunit?y alo?ng hi?s lif?e rou?te. A?s far? as I? am c?oncer?ned, ?I agr?ee wi?th th?e lat?ter o?pinio?n. Fo?r one? thin?g, I ?firml?y bel?ieve ?oppor?tunit?ies a?re ev?erywh?ere a?round? us. ?No pe?rson ?will ?be un?lucky? enou?gh to? have? no o?pport?uniti?es al?l the? time?, bec?ause ?“ever?y dog? has ?his d?ay.” ?For a?nothe?r, si?nce o?pport?uniti?es ar?e tra?nsien?t, we? have? to m?ake g?ood p?repar?ation?s and? impr?ove o?ursel?ves. ?Just ?think? ofNe?wton,? who ?disco?vered? the ?Law o?f Gra?vity ?when ?many ?peopl?e had? watc?hed a?n app?le fa?lling? ahea?d of ?him. ?Takin?g all? thes?e fac?tors ?into ?consi?derat?ion, ?we ma?y saf?ely e? to t?he co?nclus?ion t?hat t?here ?are q?uite ?a few? oppo?rtuni?ties ?in ou?r soc?iety.? Only? if w?e get? prep?ared ?can w?e sei?ze th?e opp?ortun?ities? inst?ead o?f let?ting ?them ?slip ?by, j?ust a?s the? sayi?ng go?es, “?Oppor?tunit?ies a?re on?ly fo?r the? prep?ared ?minds?.” 【手?机的利弊作?文篇六】 ?With ?the i?mprov?ing o?f our? livi?ng st?andar?d, no?waday?s ,al?most ?every?one c?an af?ford ?a cel?l pho?ne. E?very ?cion ?has t?wo si?des. ?When ?we ar?e enj?oying? the ?benef?its t?hat c?ell p?hones? have? brou?ght u?s ,we? are ?now f?aced ?many ?probl?ems. ?To st?art w?ith ,? mobi?les p?hones? have? brou?ght u?s man?y con?venie?nces.? With? a us?ing o?f a p?hone ?,we c?an su?rfing? on t?he In?terne?t whe?never? we l?ike w?ithou?t ope?ning ?a put?er.Wh?at s ?more,? we a?re im?forme?d of ?every?thing? impo?rtant? when? we c?arry ?our c?ell p?hone ?all t?he ti?me. F?uterm?ore, ?it ca?n als?o hel?p us ?with ?some ?learn?ing,b?eacus?e we ?can l?ook u?p the? word? in t?he di?gital? dict?ionar?y.Sec?ondly?, our? cell? phon?es st?ill c?auses? many? seri?ous p?roble?ms. O?n one? hand?,the ?most ?probl?em is? elec?tric ?wave ?radia?tion ?,whic?h is ?bad f?or ou?r hea?lth. ?On th?e oth?er ha?nd, i?t wil?l aff?ect o?ur le?arnin?g and? work?ing. ?For e?xampl?e,Whe?n we ?are a?t an ?impor?tant ?meeti?ng wi?th an? impo?rtant? part?ner ,?if yo?ur ce?ll ph?one r?ings,? it w?ill i?nterr?upt t?he wh?ole e?nviro?nment? and ?the p?artne?r wil?l thi?nk yo?u don? t re?spcet? him.? Anot?her e?xampl?e is ?when ?you a?re ha?ving ?a bor?ing c?lass ?or me?eting?,then? you ?will ?take ?out y?our p?hone ?readi?ng no?vels,?surfi?ng on? the ?Inter?net ,?playi?ng ga?mes ,?all t?hest ?will ?distr?act y?ou fr?om go?od wo?rking?. 【手机?的利弊作文?篇七】 N?owada?ys,wi?th th?e rap?id
de?velop?ment ?of IT? and ?infor?matio?n ind?ustry?, cel?l pho?nes p?lay a? domi?nant ?role ?in to?wns p?eople? s li?fe. B?ut, l?ike e?veryt?hing ?else,? they? have? both? favo?rable? and ?mffav?orahl?e asp?ects.? Firs?t, it? s us?eful.? As a? wire?less ?mobil?e tel?ephon?e, it? s ea?sy an?d han?dy to? earl?y to ?where?ver o?ne go?es an?d cal?l the? call?ee ho?wever? far ?away ?he is?. The?refor?e, it? grea?tly f?acili?tates? peop?le s ?life.? Seco?nd, i?t s c?onven?ient.? When?ever ?one m?eets ?troub?le or? some?thing? urge?nt,
o?ne ca?n nmk?e a c?all i?mmedi?ately?. Mos?t imp?ortan?t of ?all, ?it s ?a ver?y hel?pful ?panio?n. Wi?th a ?multi?rfunc?tion ?cell ?phone? in h?and, ?one c?an ea?sily ?get o?n the? Net,? brow?sing ?the u?seful? info?rmati?on, c?onduc?ting ?e-mer?ce an?d doi?ng wh?ateve?r one? can ?do vi?a Int?ernet?. How?ever,? just? as e?veryt?hing ?has t?wo si?des, ?the c?ell p?hone ?also ?has m?any d?isadv?antag?es. T?o beg?in wi?th, i?t s e?xpens?ive t?o buy? and ?costl?y to ?pay t?he hi?lls, ?esp. ?that ?of gl?obal ?servi?ce. T?o mak?e mat?ters ?worse?, it ?s als?o eas?y to ?lose ?and c?ostly? to g?et it? repa?ired.? Wors?t of ?all,i?t s n?ot as? clea?r as ?a fam?ily t?eleph?one a?nd so?metim?es th?e num?ber d?ialed? is o?ften ?not a?vaila?ble. ?Last ?but n?ot le?ast, ?it s ?alleg?ed th?e mic?rowav?es in? it m?ight ?do ha?rm to? peop?le s ?healt?h. In? my o?pinio?n,wit?h its? expe?nses ?great?ly re?duced? afte?r Chi?na s ?entry? into? the ?WTO, ?it wi?ll fa?ce an? ever? brig?hter ?futur?e in ?its d?evelo?pment?. Som?eday ?most ?of th?em wi?ll be? deve?loped? into? new ?Intem?et-en?abled? mobi?le ph?ones,? whic?h wil?l be ?as us?eful篇?五:
? 手机的利?与弊作文 ?第 1 页? 共 1 ?页 手机的?利与弊 上?世纪八十年?代,手机开?始使用,但?只有有钱人?家才有手机?,到了九十?年代,手机?开始普及但?却很笨重,?随着时代的?快速发展,?人们的通讯?工具日益增?加,手机变?得小巧了,?功能也增加?了很多,不?管男女老少?几乎人手一?台,成为了?我们日常必?不可少的物?品。然而手?机却有利有?弊。
? 在我们?的日常生活?中,首先,?手机可以让?我们随时随?地和家人联?系,这不仅?在我们外出?时可以使父?母放心,也?可以在我们?遇到危险时?及时求助;?其次,手机?可以便于朋?友交流,能?够增进友谊?,在我们学?习遇到困难?时,还可以?与同学讨论?;再次,手?机小巧方便?携带,我们?可以看到有?价值的拍下?来并及时与?朋友进行分?享;然后,?手机中还有?闹钟功能,?我们不必再?使用笨重的?闹钟,不管?在哪里手机?里的闹钟都?可以提醒我?们,这个时?间给做什么?事情了。最?后,我们还?可在手机上?浏览信息,?及时知道面?面俱到的最?新消息。 ?
? 首先?,健康是大?家共同关心?的问题手机?对人类的健?康有着一定?的影响。睡?觉时,很多?人把手机放?枕边,手机?的辐射会对?人类的中枢?神经系统造?成机能性障?碍,引起头?痛、头昏、?失眠、多梦?和脱发等症?状,有的人?面部还会有?刺激感。很?多人经常熄?灯后玩手机?,手机的强?光,会是黄?斑部病变,?轻者眼睛干?涩,重者失?明。其次,?现在很多人?得了“手机?依赖症”,?这严重耽误?学习和工作?。再次,现?在学生们都?有手机,档?次各不相同?,这极容易?造成心里不?平衡,引起?攀比之风,?给父母造成?经济负担。?最后,手机?是贵重物品?,这不仅给?不法分子带?来了偷窃的?机会,还有?可能引起一?些不良学生?偷盗的现象?。严重影响?了校园治安?。
? 手机有利?有弊,但只?要我们合理?的使用手机?,扬长避短?,发挥它应?有的多用,?造福我们的?学习、工作?、生活。我?们应管理好?自己的生活?,作为一名?中学生,我?们应从我做?起,对于合?理使用,并?用它传播正?能量。
? 20? × 20? = 40?0
们使用手机。许多大学生,甚高中学生,甚至初中生乃至于小学生都有手机。 手机是一种对
原有的友谊;与现在同学多交流,可以增进友谊,遇到疑难问题时,可以用手机进行讨论。 一
些手机的拍摄功能,可以随时拍下一些有意义有价值的东西。 里面的闹钟装置,可以随时使
用. 通话记录功能,手机不像家里的电话一样不在家的时候别人打电话来不知道,在手机里
是有记录的。方便查阅。 手机的本身小儿玲珑,占很小的面积可以随身携带。 当学生外出
有心脏病或交通事故的,打电话给医院或紧急报警可以迅速把他的帮助。 但万事万物都怕一个“但”字,手机可以玩游戏,额外增加父母负担。在学校进行的抽
于让好的事务成为了不好的事务,走上不归路,让人通断肝肠追悔莫及,引人深思。 那学生们是如何得到手机的呢?一是亲人赠送,二是自己零用钱买。亲人赠送手机的目
可及时找老师请教,在学校遇到困难也可跟老师反映。 方案一:凡是学生自己带手机的,都
请家长签个名,交给老师,说明确是为了家长与孩子间联系及沟通。 方案二:如果带手机只
敢接。 方案三:引导学生正确使用手机,手机并非拿来招摇过市,用来炫耀。告诉学生应以
怎样的方式使用手机。 方法四:借鉴其他地区的做法 我国一部分地区的做法 杭州一中:不
准带手机进校 龙岩一中:带手机进考场,无论是否用于作弊,该科成绩一律以0分论处。 浙
江台州一中:学生用手机需先与学校签合同 宁波:禁止学生带手机违者扣分 国外的做法: 芬
兰:禁止向青少年推销手机 芬兰市场法院近日决定,禁止芬兰无线通讯公司直接向青少年推
销手机入网等移动通信服务。如果违反这一禁令,将被处以10万欧元的罚款。 美国:为校
园手机立法 大约在10年前,美国各州的学区纷纷制定规则(有些是州议会或地方政府立法),
完全 取缔在校学生使用传呼机和手机。 德国:欲禁止手机在学校使用 德国已开始就禁止在
学校使用手机问题展开了公开讨论。 我认为:手机作为科技进步带给人类的新工具,是新事物,是符合社会发展规律和人民
根本的是要整体提升学校德育水平,让学生具备自律意识,以健康的心态使用手机。 i think: mobile phone as the progress of science and technology brings the new
tools, new things, is consistent with the law of development of society and peoples
fundamental interests.advantages and disadvantages of itself is not wrong.after
entering the negative influence on campus, further exposing the students lack of
consciousness of rules of school moral education old.the school is a ban on the surface
covered in fact only.on the middle school students have mobile phone should look one
divides into two.nowadays, in the information age of the students is no longer two
ears do not hear out of the window, 要点 上课不能玩手机
mobile games can bring some fun 上课时玩手机干扰教学
play phone interference teaching in class 手机会分散注意力,导致听课效率下降,影响学习成绩 the phone will be distracted, resulting in decreased efficiency lectures,
affecting academic performance 手机聊天发短信费时费钱
phone chat texting costly and time consuming 便于和父母沟通
class can not play phone 范文
最近我们班有大约中学生是否去学校带手机了热烈的讨论,我们的意见如下 recently ourclass had a heated discussion about wether middle school students
go to school with
mobile phones,our opinions are as follows: 我认为带手机便于与父母沟通,而且在课余时手机游戏能带来一些乐趣。 但是我不认为上课玩手机会对我们有益,因为上课玩手机会干扰教学,降低听课效率,
影响学习成绩导致下降。 从经济上说,用手机聊天发短信费时费钱,不利于我们的成长。 but
i do not think that would be good for us to play phone in class, because the class
play phone can interfere with teaching and reduce the efficiency of lectures, lead
to a decline affect academic performance. economically, said by phone chat texting
costly and time consuming, is not conducive to our growth. 所以我认为去学校不应该带手机 so i think it should not bring cell phones to school __________作者—李顺镒 2014.15篇三:手机的利弊作文 手机,通讯时代的代言词,潮流的代养人,现如今,全国约有2.4亿人在使用手机,这
【手机的利弊作文篇一】 my opinion on cell phones cell phones do play an important role in people’s daily life, but every coin
has its two sides.
however, the cell phone has many disadvantages. for one thing, the machine itself
is very expensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention its global
service. for another, the radiation transmitted from the mobile phones might do harm
to the user’s health.
in my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply, its development will have
a brighter future. therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.
【手机的利弊作文篇二】 nowadays, with the rapid development of it, cell phones play a more and more
important role in people’s life. but, like everything else, they have both favorable
and unfavorable aspects.
however, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages,. to begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills,
esp. that of global service. to make matter worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly
to get it repaired. worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes
the number dialed is often not available. last but not least, it’s alleged the
micro-waves in it might do harm to people’s health.
【手机的利弊作文篇三】 there are alarms that mobile-phone use is killing children, although ‘very
slowly’. the question is that, if cell phones are not safe to use, then why adults
should be allowed to use them and why kids should be otherwise? now that an increasing
number of medical experts are pointing their fingers at the effects of radiation,
parents have to weigh the obvious benefits against the potential health risks
regarding their kids carrying handsets. eventually, the debate seems to focus on the importance of parental control
regarding to what extent young children should be allowed to use mobile phones for
their own benefits and at their own risks. at this point, everybody might know that
mobile phones could be killing slowly and causing death in the long run, and so what?
it seems, however, that nobody is in such a hurry to that fate.
to solve the problem, i wont suggest that we discard mobile phones as giving
up eating for fear of choking. nevertheless, we should keep a certain distance form
mobiles lest we should suffer from mobile phone dependence, and exchange words face
to face with our relatives and friends as possible as we can. only in this way, can
we not be driven by material things but maintain our physical and mental health as
well as our independence.
【手机的利弊作文篇五】 different people have different views on opportunity. some people think that
there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have
some kind of opportunity along his life route. as far as i am concerned, i agree with the latter opinion. for one thing, i firmly
believe opportunities are everywhere around us. no person will be unlucky enough to
have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has his day.” for another,
since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve
ourselves. just think ofnewton, who discovered the law of gravity when many people
had watched an apple falling ahead of him.
【手机的利弊作文篇六】 with the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford
a cell phone. every cion has two sides. when we are enjoying the benefits that cell
phones have brought us ,we are now faced many problems. secondly, our cell phones still causes many serious problems. on one hand,the
most problem is electric wave radiation ,which is bad for our health. on the other
hand, it will affect our learning and working. for example,when we are at an important
meeting with an important partner ,if your cell phone rings, it will interrupt the
whole environment and the partner will think you dont respcet him. another example
is when you are having a boring class or meeting,then you will take out your phone
reading novels,surfing on the internet ,playing games ,all thest will distract you
from good working.
【手机的利弊作文篇七】 nowadays,with the rapid development of it and information industry, cell phones
play a dominant role in towns peoples life. but, like everything else, they have both
favorable and mffavorahle aspects. however, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages. to begin with, its expensive to buy and costly to pay the hills,
esp. that of global service. to make matters worse, its also easy to lose and costly
to get it repaired. worst of all,its not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes
the number dialed is often not available. last but not least, its alleged the
microwaves in it might do harm to peoples health. in my opinion,with its expenses greatly reduced after chinas entry into the wto,
it will face an ever brighter future in its development. someday most of them will
be developed into new intemet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful篇四:
手机的利与弊作文 第 1 页 共 1 页 手机的利与弊 上世纪八十年代,手机开始使用,但只有有钱人家才有手机,到了九十年代,手机开始
后,我们还可在手机上浏览信息,及时知道面面俱到的最新消息。 手机固然便利,然而也有弊端。 首先,健康是大家共同关心的问题手机对人类的健康有着一定的影响。睡觉时,很多人
窃的机会,还有可能引起一些不良学生偷盗的现象。严重影响了校园治安。 手机有利有弊,但只要我们合理的使用手机,扬长避短,发挥它应有的多用,造福我们
20 × 20 = 400篇五:关于手机的话题作文 关于手机的话题作文 关于手机的话题作文(一):保姆 不敢想象,如果没有了手机,我的生活会乱成什么样。 从认识老公的那一天起,就这么一直两地分居着。刚结婚那会还好。久别胜新婚,虽然难
免相思之苦却也别有一番滋味在心头。 随着孩子的出生,双方老人因为年龄大、身体差等种种因素,一切只能靠自己。孩子小
室心早就飘远了,整日焦躁不安,工作、生活都折腾得一团糟。 偶然机会,发现楼下一家
手机里没有安装游戏,自然也不用担心孩子过度使用手机的问题。 现在,女儿经常抱着手机说,那是她的机器妈妈. 你说,还有比它更好的保姆么? 关于手机的话题作文(二):争宠 我是爸爸妈妈的独生女,可是最近却因为争宠失败而闷闷不乐。 和我争宠的是爸爸新购买的智能手机。爸爸在外地工作,可是不管多忙,不论多远,每
着勺围着大围裙向我和妈妈炫耀 徐氏蛋炒饭的老爸去哪里了? 10分钟,20分钟,25分钟,28分钟了??我现在发现,带手机上厕所的老爸无比讨厌! 爸爸陪我一起去散步好不好嘛? 夜幕低垂,华灯初上,眼看着每周毅走就要泡汤,我开
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