照樣寫句子 _____年_____班 姓名_______________
? 想和做是兩回事,要是大家都為所欲為,天下就會大亂了。(一路上有你)
? 如果你是個無用的人,就算給你長命百歲又有什麼用呢,(地久天長)
? 『不論是多壞的人和事,都是從小地方開始。』(魔法阿嬤)
? 因為以前有人救過我,我也要以己之力去救人! (赤子本色)
? 我真的以你為榮,無論你作了什麼決定,(十月的天空)
? 當我們面前的一道門被關上時,不要擔心,因為,如果我們耐心等待,
有一天上帝會替我們打開另外一道門。 (十月的天空)
? 凱薩琳的愛,就像星星一樣,雖離我們很遠,但它的亮光會亮很久很久。
? 語言對心靈來說,遠比光亮對眼睛更重要。(海倫凱勒)
? 閒晃乃魔鬼之樂事也,(赤子本色)
范文二:照样写句子 _____年_____班 姓名_
照樣寫句子 _____年_____班 姓名_______________
? 時間像隻巨大的怪獸,你沒有耐心時,它像隻蝸牛慢慢爬,
? 金錢重要,但絕不能買回時間、生命、健康和尊敬。(地久天長)
? 我不管你們彼此喜不喜歡彼此,是男子漢就要懂得互相尊重,(衝鋒陷陣)
? 有時候,人不該只是一昧在意別人的看法,你給要聆聽自己內心的聲音,
_______________________________________________________________ ? 無論前路是多麼狹窄,罪名是如何被人看待,命運的掌握由我自己來,
我仍然是靈魂的主宰。 (十月的天空)
? 什麼是音樂的真諦,真諦已在你心中,聆聽你心中的樂曲,(走出寂靜)
? 死亡是人生的一部分,這很正常,這就是人生。(老師上課了,『天明破曉時』)
? 只要心裡想著我們愛的人,他就不會真的死去,他會一直活在我們心裡。
_______________________________________________________________ ? 你沒辦法完全保護另一個人,你只能教他們如何保護自己,(海倫凱勒)
? 可憐別人是浪費精力,自艾自憐更糟糕,(海倫凱勒)
◎◎ ( ) ( )◎ ( ) ( )◎ ( )
( (十,,,
做做小黃做 (湯的牛豬 ) 的※圓) ( ( ) ( )湯 ( 會 ) ( 圓照 ( )會
)一田圓 ) )圓寫
。。。 ( 又 ( )又。。
◎◎(◎( )◎◎ ( ) ( )◎ ( ) ※◎
( (九,,十,,,,,,((。二故不一他一她一他故許故造耶會 ( )事停們個(一上們會買 )事媽 )事句 ? ◎ ( ) ◎ ( )的誕兒個 媽上棵兒 的 ) ((找( )媽※( ) ( )樹下 )媽※ (有了 ( )有,下 )笑)
許做是 ( )照是 (美~多國照? 個樣 (的 )麗一瓶內樣寫~小會的 ) 子寫一忙一)蓮 (兒 的,一寫(著 )會 ( )的的好~~寫~兒 媽?像 ( )哭 )把樹 )( ) (也把~ ( )的。媽有( ) ( )也又
。有( )。瓶國
也子。外也是(一的 )。是 ( )個我 。個。。上們。※。 )色班
的造。故句的( 事,媽布)媽…?置 )
◎( )◎( )※
小造造柿陽靜句鎮句光靜 )餅,) ,的下)有…看柿的(起的(又(又的( )( )餅也來?的( )小柿香 )節 ※有? 鎮 )子),
又…又 ( ,~~又 ( )照一看~~也(又?甜會樣起看也( ))兒…※熱寫來起,鬧 )一很來(也?◎( )一寫很( )會可了兒?了愛)起
同学们 有的人可能要问:我词汇不多,怎么写文章,我想到的中文意思无法用英文表达出来怎么办? 我单词认识,但是不能确定对不对,怎么办? 我即使知道单词,但是就不知道如何把它们连接起来,怎么办,我语法不好,造不出漂亮的句子,如何是好呢,今天,我就尝试着给大家解答这方面的问题。(一共12页,如果页数不够,请在工具栏的“视图”里面点击“普通”观看,祝学习愉快): 我需要说明的是,即使你的单词量只有2000个,你也可以写出漂亮的文章出来。你根本就不需要明白复杂单词的意思,因为你完全可以用简单的单词同义转换。你也没有必要担心语法,只要拥有简单的语法知识,同样也可以流利表达。 我所采用的是你们模拟考试三的题目《Job Hopping》,也就是跳槽。我把自己如何从产生中文思想,到如何产生中英文转换,到如何把支离破碎的单词连接起来形成句子的过程全部展现给大家,让大家跟着我的思路走,看我是如何写着手写一篇文章的。我使用的单词都尽量简单,关键放在如何组词成句的分析上面。 一看到这篇文章,我就思考了几分钟,然后形成了下面的中文思路; 目前,跳槽已经成了一种普遍的现象,对于这种现象,人们的观点可以说是仁者目前,跳槽已经成了一种普遍的现象,对于这种现象,人们的观点可以说是仁者见仁,智者见智。 见仁,智者见智。
有的人认为跳槽是可以理解的。特别是对于那些刚刚步入职业生涯的人来说,他有的人认为跳槽是可以理解的。特别是对于那些刚刚步入职业生涯的人来说,他们可能不太清楚自己到底需要干什么,或者究竟应该去哪一家公司就职,于是,们可能不太清楚自己到底需要干什么,或者究竟应该去哪一家公司就职,于是,他们在第一个岗位上工作一段时间后,或者觉得不满意工作的性质,或者觉得职他们在第一个岗位上工作一段时间后,或者觉得不满意工作的性质,或者觉得职业发展空间不大,一旦他们得到了一份薪水和待遇等更好的职位,跳槽就理所当业发展空间不大,一旦他们得到了一份薪水和待遇等更好的职位,跳槽就理所当然了。而且他们还认为,间或的跳槽,可以增加经验和扩大商业关系圈。 然了。而且他们还认为,间或的跳槽,可以增加经验和扩大商业关系圈。 但是有的人却说跳槽不太合理。一个经常跳槽的人,人们会觉得他缺乏忠诚度,但是有的人却说跳槽不太合理。一个经常跳槽的人,人们会觉得他缺乏忠诚度,而且没有发展方向,做事迷茫,甚至给人一种经常被解雇的感觉。另外,经常跳而且没有发展方向,做事迷茫,甚至给人一种经常被解雇的感觉。另外,经常跳槽的人找工作会面临困难,因为雇主可能不敢去招聘这样的人,因为他说不定什槽的人找工作会面临困难,因为雇主可能不敢去招聘这样的人,因为他说不定什么时候一走了之,给公司带来巨大损失。 么时候一走了之,给公司带来巨大损失。
就我看来,跳槽与否很难说对还是不对。对于一个职业新手来说,跳槽也未尝不就我看来,跳槽与否很难说对还是不对。对于一个职业新手来说,跳槽也未尝不是一种好的选择,可以让他在找到合适的职位之前尝试不同的经历。但是对于那是一种好的选择,可以让他在找到合适的职位之前尝试不同的经历。但是对于那些职业比较成熟的人来说,跳槽就需要比较谨慎了。毕竟,跳槽所能带来的短期些职业比较成熟的人来说,跳槽就需要比较谨慎了。毕竟,跳槽所能带来的短期收益,可能只是鼠目寸光。 收益,可能只是鼠目寸光。
然后我仔细地将自己组词造句的过程演示在下面的表格,请大家一定要仔细阅读,势必对你们有帮助的。分析后面有两篇范文,一篇正规,一篇灵活,写得不是很好,请大家包涵。 Samuel 邹学海
目前,跳槽是一种普遍的现象 (表格里面是我们可能想到的支离破碎的中文单词) today job common people
Today和 job hopping之间不需要加入任何词汇
job hopping和common之间需要什么词汇或短语连接起来呢, “跳槽”和“普遍”的这两个词汇如何把它们连接起来,形成连贯的句子呢,如果使用中文,我们有三种说法:
, 跳槽很普遍…
, 跳槽越来越普遍…
, 跳槽一直就很普遍…
, Today, job hopping is very common…
, Today, job hopping is becoming more and more common…
, Today, job hopping has always been very common…
我们再来看最后一个表达,发现today和has always been时态上面不是很匹配,因为today是一个时点,has always been是一个持续的时态,因此直接的方法就是最后一种表达方式不要用today,变成:
, Job hopping has always been very common…
跳槽是对于人们来说很普遍,可能有的同学根据感觉马上使用job hopping is common for
people…但是不太对,最好的是among people…
, Today, job hopping is very common among people…
, Today, job hopping is becoming more and more common among people… , Job hopping has always been very common among people…
对这个people进行修饰,我们应该想到,跳槽在年轻人中特别流行,于是马上可以想到一个不错的单词:especially for…
最基本的说法是:…people, especially for those young people. 但是很死板,和前面的people也重复了,不好看。
稍微改变一下,变成:…people…especially for those who are still young. 一个更好的说法是:…people, especially for those under the age of 30. , Today, job hopping is very common among people, especially for those who are still
, Today, job hopping is becoming more and more common among people, especially
for those under the age of 30.
Some argue job hopping acceptable
Some argue之间使用一个would,表示”某些人可能会说”这个意思。 , Some would argue…
argue和job hopping之间请使用that。
, Some would argue that job hopping…
Job hopping和acceptable之间最简单单词的就是is
但是有些英语好的同学可能会说:job hopping is completely acceptable… 所以副词是表达自己语气和情态的很重要的单词。
, Some would argue that job hopping is completely acceptable.
those just... start..? career life…? 这里需要说明的是,我们如果要表达“对于某些人来说如何如何”这样的句子,请统一使用for those (who)…这样的句型。比如:
, For those over the age of 60, cancer is probably the first killer.
, For those living in the countryside, having a son is very important. , For those whose salary is 1600, the tax reform is pretty good.
于是“特别是对于那些刚刚步入职业生涯的人来说”,就可以使用for those who…这样的构架了,我们接下来看看who后面需要如何组织语言。
, For those who just get started in the job market…
, For those who have just got started in the job market…(更好,语感更强). , For those who have just started their career life…
, For those who are still at the start of their career…
如果不知道职业生涯,开始职业生涯怎么说,我们可以使用简单的替代: For those whose working experience is no more than 3 years…
他们可能不太清楚自己到底需要干什么,或者究竟应该去哪一家公司就职。 They don’t know what company work
他们可能不知道,可以直接翻译成:they don’t know吗,不可以,因为“可能”这个
感觉没有出来,应该说: , they may not know…
, they probably don’t know…
, they are less likely to know…
They may not know what to do.
但是一个毛病:那就是 “到底要干什么”这个感觉没有出来
, They may not know exactly what to do…
, They are less likely to know exactly what to do.
, They are probably not sure what kind of job to take. (高级用法)
Don’t know…which…company…work… 怎么连接起来,对于不太熟悉的同学,可以首先还原句子,还原成I work for this
company,如果变成疑问句,就应该变成:which company do you work for, 那么
是不是I don’t know which company do I work for? 错,应该是:
…don’t know which company to work for.
, For those whose working experience is no more than 3 years, they may not know
exactly what to do, or which company to work for.
, For those who have just got started in the job market, they are less likely to know
exactly what to do, or which company they should work for.
, For those at the start of their career, they are probably not sure enough to
know what kind of job to take, or which company they should be working for.
于是,他们在第一个岗位上工作一段时间后,或者觉得不满意工作的性质,或者觉得职业发展空间不大,一旦他们得到了一份薪水和待遇等更好的职位,跳槽就理所当然了。 于是,他们在第一个岗位上工作一段时间后,
So after work first job some time? So 承上启下,上面说了由于是刚进入职业,不知道做什么,和我们现在的这个句子是
work一段时间之后(after), 有的同学可能写成:
After they have worked on their jobs… Samuel认为,不对,没有感觉,要学会像下面一样表达:
After working on their jobs…(动名词的灵活使用)
After working on their first jobs… 我们还需要加上“一段时间后”这个时间短语。
最简单也正确的方法是:After working on their first jobs for some time…
, …first jobs for some period of time.
, …first jobs for a couple of months.
They are dissatisfied with the job type, or dissatisfied with the lack of opportunities for
career development. So if they are offered a better job, they will go.
So, after working on their first jobs for some period of time, they may
begin to complain, they complain that the job is not the one they
expected, they also complain that there is little room for their career
advancement. Therefore, once they are offered a better job with higher
pay and better working environment, they will definitely choose to hop,
without any hesitation.
They think job hopping can improve experience and 扩
大 关系圈,(我按照有些同学可能的想法写下来)。
make more friends in business circle.
What’s more, they also think that job hopping can
improve their experience and enable them to make more
friends in business circle.
What’s more, they argue that occasional job
hopping is never bad, as it can broaden your
horizon and improve your practical experience, and
also enable you to make friends from all walks of life
in the business circle.
He changes his job frequently.
, He changes his job very quickly.
, He changes his job very often.
, He changes his job for a lot of times.
, He changes his job every once in a while.
, Devoted to ones job.
, Work on ones job with full heart.
, Stick to ones job.
, People will think he lacks loyalty in his work,
, People will think that he doesn’t stick to his job.
, People will think that he never works with full heart.
, People will think that he never devotes to any of his work.
, He doesn’t have an aim in his career.
, He is totally aimless in his career.
He seems like being fired all the time.
If one changed his job too often over a short period of time,
people will think that he never works with full heart, that he is
totally aimless in his career, and worst still, he would seem like
being fired all the time!
Sometimes being a frequent job hopper is unfortunate, as you
might be considered as disloyal to your job and aimless in your
career. What’s worse is that you might give people an impression
that you’ve been fired for a number of times!
另外 moreover, what’s more…
经常跳槽的人 简单原则,直接用they就可以了
面临困难 ……have difficulty (in) doing something……
Moreover, they may also have difficulty in finding jobs.
Moreover, they may also have much difficulty finding new jobs.
As a matter of fact / actually / in fact…
employers / prospective employers
dare not? (不太好~)雇主当然有胆量雇佣,关系是愿不愿意~
, wouldn’t…
, hesitate to…
, be unwilling to…
these people? (憋足)我们说的是“像这种类型的人”
, people like these
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, 说不定。。。
Maybe? 不好,不信我们放到句子中看看:
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, maybe they
go away…
前面在说 employers,后面突然说 they(跳槽的人),有断裂感,主语出现不一致,显得不流畅,而且突兀。
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, maybe they
(employers) think…
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, thinking that…(他们一走了之,给公司带来损失)
一走了之,想不到如何表达,怎么办,我需要你们思考意境,而不是字面的意思,“一走了之”的意境是,员工没有任何先兆或者通知就离职了,那么我们就集中思考“任何先兆或者通知”如何用英文表达。 “任何先兆或者通知”
All of a sudden
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, thinking that
they may leave the job unexpectedly…(给公司带来巨大损失)
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, thinking that
they may leave the job unexpectedly, and this will do harm to the company.
In fact, employers are unwilling to hire people like these, thinking that
they may leave the job unexpectedly, which can do great harm to the
It’s hard to say…
Whether or not!!!
As far as I see it, it’s hard to say whether job hopping is good or not.
For those who…
未尝不是 = 有可能是 = 不一定就不是 = 甚至可能是
It is possibly…
It is not definitely (not)…
It is even…
, For those…job hopping is possibly a good choice.
, For those…job hopping is not definitely a bad choice.
, For those…job hopping is even a good choice.
(可以)让他尝试(不同的)经历(在找到合适的职位之前)。 (可以)让他尝试(不同的)经历(在找到合适的职位之前)是未尝不是好的选择的原因,所以我们需要使用because
能不能说try different experiences? 不太好~try本身就是一个
简单说:try different jobs…
, …because he can try different jobs before he finally settles
down in his ideal one.
, …because he can try different job until he really settles
down in his dream job.
For those who are at the start of their career, job hopping is not
definitely a bad choice, because they can try different jobs
before they finally settle down in their ideal positions.
又是for those who…
, be careful
, be cautious
, double think
For those who have very well settled in their career, frequent job hopping
can be a very dangerous thought, and it’s shortsighted to hop for salary 总结: promotion, as it may bring along huge potential loss to your career
Today, job hopping is becoming more and more common among people,
especially for those under the age of 30. As to this phenomenon, people’s ideas
are totally different, and sometimes conflicting with each other.
Some would argue that job hopping is completely acceptable. As they think, for those who have just got started in the job market, they may not know exactly what to do, or which company they should work for. Therefore, after working on their first jobs for some period of time, they may begin to complain. They complain that
the job is not the one they expected; they also complain that there is little room for their career advancement. Therefore, once they are offered a better job with higher pay and better working environment, they will definitely choose to hop, without any hesitation. What’s more, they also think that job hopping can improve their experience and enable them to make more friends in business circle.
However, some others hold contrasting ideas. As they would say, if one changes
his job too often over a short period of time, people will think that he never works with full heart, that he is totally aimless in his career, and worst still, he would seem like being fired all the time! Moreover, they may also have much difficulty
finding new jobs. In fact, most employers are unwilling to hire people like these, thinking that they may leave the job unexpectedly someday, which can do great
harm to the company.
But as far as I see it, it’s hard to say whether job hopping is good or not. For those
who are at the start of their career, job hopping is not definitely a bad choice, because they can try different jobs before they finally settle down in their ideal positions. But for those who have very well settled in their career, frequent job
hopping can be a very dangerous thought, and it’s shortsighted to hop for salary
promotion, as it may bring along huge potential loss to their career development.
I don’t trust people much in this dangerous world. When someone claims that he has got 20 years of working experience, I would highly doubt if it’s simply one year
experience repeated for 20 times! People enjoy changing things fast today, and job is just one of them. Take shanghai for example, a recent survey reveals that on
average people ranging in age from 20 to 30 have at least 4 times of job hopping experience since they first started their career.
However, as to whether or not job hopping is reasonable, people are having
sharply opposite opinions. Some would say it’s no problem to hop every once in a
while, since you would be able to get diversified backgrounds and a wide variety of exciting experiences. Furthermore, if you are just about to seek a job in this fierce market, job hopping is something you may have to undergo. As a newly graduate, they say, you seldom have clear ideas of what you are going to do, or which company you really desire to work for. So it’s absolutely necessary to try a
little bit here or a little bit there until you finally get settled in your best-suited
position. One more thing, job hopping can mean immediate gains, like salary
promotion or expertise authority. All in all, job hopping is great, though it surely has some negative impacts on your career path.
Yet, others are strongly against this job-changing world. In their opinions, job
hopping actually ruins your career credibility. Once you’ve changed your jobs for
more than 5 times in 2 years, your entire career life will probably be terminated.
Next time when you are having an interview, your prospective employer will frown on your resume which is full of short-term working intervals, and mostly likely, you
will fail, since you make yourself nothing but a rolling stone. What’s worse is that
you will end up having no specific skills in any particular field!
So here comes the question, shall we hop, or not at all? My answer is: it depends.
We can’t just hop for hop’s sake, and we hop for a fine reason. As far as I see it,
hopping should not be highly encouraged unless you get really dissatisfied and
frustrated with your working environment, your salary package or the potential development opportunities. But it’s mindless if you hop just because you can’t
stand the way your boss talks to you! Undoubtedly, everyone has to make trials
and errors in the job market, but we should always try to make less.