1. Don't baby your child.
2. After dinner, please bus trays to Dish room.
3. Thumb through any dictionary, and you will see pages of words followed by definition.
4. I'd like to book three seats for tonight's concert.
5. The chairman will now address to the meeting.
6. His father booted him out of the house.
7. He's always bossing his wife about.
8. The escaped prisoner was cornered at last.
9. Your behavior disgraces us all.
10. Don't disorder my papers.
11. I glimpsed Xiao Wang between the half-drawn curtains.
12. I don't want to influence you either way, so I won't tell you my opinion.
13. We must try and limit our expenditure.
14. The computer has been programmed.
15. My mother is spooning sugar from the packet into a bowl.
16. People were streaming out of the station.
17. He is vacationing in the countryside.
18. He intends to voyage across the Indian Ocean.
19. She is outdoors gardening every afternoon.
20. He patterns himself upon his father.
21.I am training you, not babysitting you!
22. Stop mothering her,she’s 30 years old and can take care of herself perfectly wel1.
23. Mr. Smith has authored a book on AIDS.
24. You must pressure him to do it.
25. Her dress is patterned upon a Paris model.
26. Dick is the man who used to partner Mary.
27. Opposition to the war snowballed.
28. We shall book through to Hong Kong.
29. Don't fool away your time, my boy!
30. Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day.
31. They have husbanded their farms very well.
32. Students in Hong Kong can view a collection of more than 1oo rare species of goldfish in
the Ocean Park.
33. He doesn’t have all idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.
34. Jack peeled an apple.
35. It is not easy to bone the fish, for it has hard plates.
36. They stormed the speaker with questions.
37. His refusal iced our enthusiasm.
39. He 747ed to Paris last weekend.
40. Tom has his car serviced (=maintained) regularly.
41. She managed to sandwich the repairs in between taking the kids to school and preparing
42. Why not google you a girl friend at college?
43. The head coach has decided to field two star footballers in the finals.
44. Don’t believe him, he often use a gentle face to mask his real purpose.
45. Shall I sugar the milk for you?
46. Istambul is now peopled by 4 million Turks.
47. What sort of people would he select to man his government?
48.All the time he was in that country the secret police dogged his steps.
49. He is there fishing for information.
50. The committee will table its report this week.
51. It seems that one’s favourite work doesn’t make one age,” she replied with a smile.
52. The minister heads the delegation to visit America.
53. Life in this university, which schools some 13,000 students, goes on as usual.
54. He was there to party, and was delighted to see his old friend.
55. The law now generally presumes that the husband is the legal father if his wife has the child, even if he didn’t father it.
1. Don't baby your child.
2. After dinner, please bus trays to Dish room.
3. Thumb through any dictionary, and you will see pages of words followed by definition.
4. I'd like to book three seats for tonight's concert.
5. The chairman will now address to the meeting.
6. His father booted him out of the house.
7. He's always bossing his wife about.
8. The escaped prisoner was cornered at last.
9. Your behavior disgraces us all.
10. Don't disorder my papers.
11. I glimpsed Xiao Wang between the half-drawn curtains.
12. I don't want to influence you either way, so I won't tell you my opinion.
13. We must try and limit our expenditure.
14. The computer has been programmed.
15. My mother is spooning sugar from the packet into a bowl.
16. People were streaming out of the station.
17. He is vacationing in the countryside.
18. He intends to voyage across the Indian Ocean.
19. She is outdoors gardening every afternoon. 20. He patterns himself upon his father. 21.I am training you, not babysitting you! 22. Stop mothering her,she’s 30 years old and can take care of herself perfectly wel1.
23. Mr. Smith has authored a book on AIDS.
24. You must pressure him to do it.
25. Her dress is patterned upon a Paris model.
26. Dick is the man who used to partner Mary.
27. Opposition to the war snowballed.
28. We shall book through to Hong Kong.
29. Don't fool away your time, my boy!
30. Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day.
31. They have husbanded their farms very well.
32. Students in Hong Kong can view a collection of more than 1oo rare species of goldfish in the Ocean Park.
33. He doesn’t have all idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.
34. Jack peeled an apple.
35. It is not easy to bone the fish, for it has hard plates.
36. They stormed the speaker with questions.
37. His refusal iced our enthusiasm.
39. He 747ed to Paris last weekend.
40. Tom has his car serviced (=maintained) regularly.
41. She managed to sandwich the repairs in between taking the kids to school and preparing
42. Why not google you a girl friend at college? 43. The head coach has decided to field two star footballers in the finals. 44. Don’t believe him, he often use a gentle face to mask his real purpose. 45. Shall I sugar the milk for you?
46. Istambul is now peopled by 4 million Turks.
47. What sort of people would he select to man his government?
48.All the time he was in that country the secret police dogged his steps.
49. He is there fishing for information.
50. The committee will table its report this week.
51. It seems that one’s favourite work doesn’t make one age,” she replied with a smile.
52. The minister heads the delegation to visit America.
53. Life in this university, which schools some 13,000 students, goes on as usual.
54. He was there to party, and was delighted to see his old friend.
55. The law now generally presumes that the husband is the legal father if his wife has the child, even if he didn’t father it.
Mrs.P Black missed a bag.(P·布莱克夫人丢了一个袋子。)
Mrs.P Black → M=mind, r=risk, s=succeed in, P=practice, B=be busy, l=look forward to, a=admit, c=can't help, k=keep on,
missed → m=miss, i=insist on, s=suggest, s=stop, e=enjoy, d=delay, a → a=avoid,
bag → b=be worth, a=advise, g=give up.
既东封郑,又欲肆其西封 封,当做疆界(疆界) 【烛之武退秦师】 晋军函陵 军,驻军(军队) 【烛之武退秦师】 与郑人盟 盟,联盟、定下盟约(誓约、盟约) 【烛之武退秦师】 樊於期乃前曰 前,上前(与“后”相对) 【荆轲刺秦王】 至易水上,既祖,取道 祖,祭祖(祖庙;祖先) 【荆轲刺秦王】 皆白衣冠以送之 白衣冠,穿着白色的衣服(白色的衣服)【荆轲刺秦王】(秦王)乃朝服 朝服,穿上朝服(天子朝服) 【荆轲刺秦王】 沛公左司马曹无伤言于项羽曰 言,告诉(言语、言论) 【鸿门宴】 籍吏民 籍,造户籍册或登记(名册,户口册) 【鸿门宴】 范增数目项王 目,示意(眼睛) 【鸿门宴】 道芷阳间行 道,取道(道路) 【鸿门宴】 沛公欲王关中 王,称王(帝王) 【鸿门宴】
余虽好修姱以鞿羁兮 羁,约束(马缰绳) 【离骚】 鸷鸟之不群兮 群,群聚、会合(众;羊群) 【离骚】
槌床便大怒 槌,敲(槌头) 【孔雀东南飞 并序】 自名秦罗敷 名,命名(名字) 【孔雀东南飞 并序】 谢家事夫婿 事,从事、当(事情) 【孔雀东南飞 并序】 仕宦于台阁 仕宦,任官职(官职) 【孔雀东南飞 并序】 头上玳瑁光 光,发光(光芒、光亮) 【孔雀东南飞 并序】 交广市鲑珍 市,采办(交易物品的场所,市场)【孔雀东南飞 并序】 我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙 鼓,打鼓(一种乐器) 【短歌行】 映带左右 带,像带一样环绕在左右(腰带) 【兰亭集序】 一觞一咏 觞,喝酒(酒杯) 【兰亭集序】 唐浮图慧褒始舍于其址 舍,筑舍定居(客舍、房舍) 【游褒禅山记】 后世之谬其传而莫能名者 名,说清楚(名字) 【游褒禅山记】
砯崖转石万壑雷 砯:名词用作动词,冲击。
遂命酒 酒:名词用作动词,摆酒席。
歌以赠之 歌:名词用作动词,作诗。
填然鼓之 鼓:名词用作动词,敲鼓。
树之以桑 树:名词用作动词,种植。
五十者可以衣帛矣 衣:名词用作动词,穿。
然而不王者 王:名词用作动词,称王。
狗彘食人食而不知检 食:名词用作动词,吃。
非能水也 水:名词用作动词,游泳。
履至尊而制六合 履:名词作动词,登上。
序八州而朝同列 序:名词作动词,安排次序。
子孙帝王万世之业也 帝王:名词作动词,称王。
然陈涉瓮牖绳枢之子 绳、枢:名词作动词,做窗户、系户枢。
吾师道也 师:名词作动词,学习。
师道之不传也久矣 师:名词作动词,从师。
必修四 舍相如广成传舍 舍:名词作动词,安置住宿。
左右欲刃相如 刃:名词作动词,用刀杀。
乃使从者衣褐 衣:名词作动词,穿。
天雨雪 雨:名词作动词,下。
羝乳乃得归 乳:名词作动词,生子
杖汉节牧羊 杖:名词作动词,执,拄。
惠等哭,舆归营 舆:名词作动词,抬,扛。
① 策扶老以流憩 名作动,拄着
② 乐琴书以消忧 名作动,弹琴,读书
③ 或棹孤舟 名作动,划船
④ 实迷途其未远 名作动,误入迷途
① 一言均赋 “赋”,名词活用作动词,意为“铺陈”。
② 目吴会于云间 “目”,名词作动词,用眼睛看
③ 烟光凝而暮山紫 “紫”,呈现出紫色
④ 梓泽丘墟 “丘墟”,成为荒丘废墟
1.且臣少仕伪朝 名词作动词,做官
2.臣少多疾病 名词作动词,生病
3.举臣秀才 名词作动词,做秀才,为秀才
4.举臣孝廉 名词作动词,做孝廉,为孝廉
鼎铛玉石(《阿房宫赋》)铛,石,名词作动词,把??看作铁锅,把??看作石头 不冠不袜(《大铁椎传》)冠,袜,名词作动词,戴帽,穿袜
风乎舞雩[yú](《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》)风,名词作动词,吹风,乘凉 如诗不成,罚依金谷酒数(《春夜宴从弟桃花园序》)诗,名词作动词,作诗,咏诗 妪,先大母婢也,乳二世(《项脊轩志》)乳,名词作动词,用乳汁喂养
武能网纺缴,檠弓弩(《苏武传》)网、檠 :名词做动词,结网、用檠矫正弓弩。 惠等哭,舆归营(《苏武传》)舆:名词做动词,抬。
蔺相如前曰 (《廉颇蔺相如列传》)前,名词作动词,走上前
范文五:定语修饰名词的例子 名词作定语修饰名词
名词作定语的情况 ——往往是说明其名词的材料、用途、
a diamond necklace / a bamboo pole / paper money / a stone bridge
a meeting room / the telephone poles / the railway station / trade union / water pipe
a day bed / the dinner party / the Spring and Autumn Period / evening suit / midday lunch
London hotels / Beijing University / body temperature / the kitchen window
a story book / piano lessons / the sports meet /
oxygen supply / the grammar rules
children education / enemy soldiers / a bus driver
的,也可以是不可数的。 它能表明被修饰的名词的A.地点 B.
时间 C.目的或用途 D.种类 E.原料或来源等 例如:
A.——city streets城市街道, a corner shop街道拐角的商店,
a kitchen table厨房桌子, a roof garden屋顶公
B—summer holidays暑假, Sunday papers星期日报纸,
November fogs十一月的雾季;
C—a tennis court网球场, a tennis club网球俱乐部,
a peace conference和平会议, milk bottles牛奶瓶;
D—a love story爱情故事, a murder story凶杀案故事,
traffic lights交管用的红绿灯, a train driver火车司机;
E—stone walls石墙, straw hats草帽, rubber boots胶鞋, pineapple juice菠萝汁, plant fat植物脂肪。
例如: goods train货车,sports meeting运动会,machines hall展览机器的大厅。
注意:被修饰的名词变复数时,一般情况下,作定语用的名词不需要变为复数形式, 但由man或woman作定语修饰的名词变成复数时,两部分皆要变为复数形式。 例如: man doctor—men doctors 男医生 woman singer—women singers 女歌手
例如: “gold watch”指手表含有金的性质;
而”golden watch”则表示手表是金色的特征,不一定含有金。
stone house 石头造的房子 stony heart 铁石般的心肠
peace conference 和平会议 peaceful construction 和平建设
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