闵行区 2017学年第一学期高三年级质量调研考试 语文试卷
2.所有试题的答案必须全部 涂(选择题)或写(非选择题) 在答题纸上,写在试卷上一律不给分。 答题时应注意试题题号和答题纸题号一一对应,不能错位。
3.本试卷共 6页。满分 150分。考试时间 150分钟。
一 积累应用 10分
1. 按要求填空。 (5分)
(1) _________________,不尽长江滚滚来。 (杜甫《登高》 )
(2)昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思, ____________。 (《诗经? ______?采薇》 )
(3)王驾《雨晴》中有“蜂蝶纷纷过墙去,却疑春色在邻家”两句,将蜂蝶拟人化, 富有情趣;周邦彦《苏幕遮》中类似的句子是“ ____________, ___________。 ”
2. 按要求选择。 (5分)
(1)小强因期中考试成绩不理想而有些低沉,你作为好朋友想送他一句话,下面最合 适的一句是() 。 (2分)
A. 只有在天空最暗的时候,才可以看到天上的星星。
B. 旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的计分板上。
C .前面是堵墙,用微笑面对,就变成一座桥。
D. 山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。
(2)填入下面语段空白处的语句,最恰当的一项是() 。 (3分)
人类命运共同体是一个关于思维形式和规则的科学理念。它 ,因此它具有 无限的科学理论能量和魅力。
A. ①⑤③④② B.④①⑤②③ C.⑤③②④① D. ③⑤②①④
二 阅读 70分
(一)阅读下文,完成第 3— 7题。 (16分)
①截至 2017年 6月,我国网络文学用户规模达到 3.53亿,根据网络小说改编的电 影、电视剧、网络游戏铺天盖地。据清华大学课题组发布的《 2016中国 IP 产业报告》, 中国 IP 影响力排名前 100位,网络小说就占了 61部。这意味着,无论你读不读网络小 说,将来你看的电影、电视剧,听的歌曲,玩的游戏,很可能都跟网络小说有关。可以 说,我们正处在“网络文学 +”——一个由网络文艺“接管
.. ”大众文化的时代。
络文学其实就是互联网时代的通俗文学。今天被我们奉为经典的元杂剧、明清小说,都 是通俗文学,都是在底层文人大量的民间创作基础上,于勾栏瓦舍的频繁演出中涌现出 来的大众文艺精品。远的不说,金庸武侠本来就是在报纸上连载的通俗小说,它继承了 晚清民国以来通俗文学传统,最终融入主流文化,而我们看到的许多武侠小说衍生的电 影、电视剧、流行音乐、网络游戏、漫画,其核心的创意正是通俗小说本身。今天我们 将《西厢记》、四大名著奉为经典,把金庸小说放在很高的位置,将来某部网络小说被 奉为新名著,某部由网络小说改编的电影被奉为新经典,完全是有可能的。
③有人说,网络小说怪力乱神、子虚乌有,怎么能够担当这样的重任?在我看来, 网络小说在发展初期, 有过放任自流的阶段, 确实存在泥沙俱下的问题, 有的还很严重。 但“风物长宜放眼量”,今天正是包括网络小说在内的网络文艺从亚文化向主流文化转 换的关键阶段。 对此, 我们既要有信心、 有心胸, 也要对问题和难度有足够的清醒意识。 ④目前,“网络文学”在数量上已经“ +”得够多了。“ IP ”主要是指网络小说的 授权改编和衍生,中国网络文学体量实在是太庞大了,中国年轻人的想象力和创造力大 量投入网络文学中,其规模在全世界首屈一指。而且随着网络视听和传统影视市场不断 扩容,各路资本纷纷介入大量收购 IP ,网络小说身价水涨船高,据说有的网络小说 IP 估值几个亿。之后就是我们今天看到的现象,海量网络小说改编项目上马,大有“狂轰 滥炸”之势。
⑤中国社会物质生产正在经历从重“量”到重“质”的转型,文化产业也到了瓶颈 期和转型期。那种“得 IP 者得天下”的想法是非常外行的,即便从经济效益上来说, 也是十分片面的。网络小说向其他艺术形式的改编,难度并不亚于原创,丝毫不能掉以 轻心。只有“ +”得专业, “ +”得有品质,才能实现双赢,也才会产生正面的社会效益, 把票房成功转化为文化成功。
⑥我们还要认识到,相比于网络小说,影视和游戏作品影响更为广泛,网络小说改 编过程中,要在价值观表达上具有清醒意识。一部网络小说动辄上千万字,更新速度极 快,文字水平参差不齐,价值表达未经深思,此类问题普遍存在,即便所谓“大神级” 作品也不能免俗。影视改编不能停留在照搬的层次,而应当在文化品质和艺术内涵上做 出有效提升。
⑦网络小说读者主要是青少年群体,他们正处在价值观形成阶段,并不具有成熟判 断力,而且由于这个群体相对封闭,小说中存在的价值观问题往往不容易察觉和公开。 一旦推送到大银幕和小荧屏上,其价值观冲突就格外激烈,比如某些“宫斗”作品所宣 扬的“丛林法则”,某部“穿越”作品出现的“乱伦”问题,等等,都曾引起社会舆论 激烈争议。要强调的是,这种争议并不意味着社会不宽容,我们要清醒地意识到,网络 小说在“ +”的过程中,不但需要艺术表达形式的优化与提升,同时也需要改编者在思 想表达上应当具有底线意识,给人以积极健康的思想影响。
⑧大众文艺的兴盛是文艺高峰形成的广大基础,对大众文艺进行吸纳和提炼,正是 文艺高峰形成的必由之路。我们不仅要从产业的角度去看它的体量之“庞大”,更要从 文化的角度看它的影响之深刻。事物发展往往“起于青萍之末”,这个事实越早看到, 我们就越有文化自觉,就越能顺势而为,引导创作,从而繁荣社会主义文艺,筑就新时 代文艺高峰。
(选自 2017年 11月 22日《人民日报》,有删改)
闵行区 2014学年第二学期高三年级质量调研考试 政治试卷 考生注意: 1、考试时间 120分钟,试卷满分 150分。 2、本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求。所有答题必须涂(选 择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3、答题前,务必在答题纸上填写姓名、学校。 4、答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。 一、单项选择题(共 90分,每题 3分,每题只能选一个选项) 1. 2014年 12月 12日,经国务院批准财政部联合国家税务总局再发通知上调成品油等 部分产品消费税,这是继 11月 29日今年首次上调成品油税后半月内再次上调,同时, 取消小批量摩托车、酒精等产品的消费税。这是国家运用 A .货币政策进行宏观调控 B.财政政策优化资源配置 C .行政手段调节收入分配 D.税收政策引导合理消费 2.2013年我国农村居民恩格尔系数为 37.7%,比上年下降 1.6个百分点;城镇居民恩格 尔系数为 35.0%,下降 1.2个百分点。据此推断我国 A .城镇居民与农村居民消费水平均略有下降 B .农村居民消费水平提高幅度大于城镇居民 C .农村居民消费水平下降幅度大于城镇居民 D .城镇居民消费水平提高幅度大于农村居民 3. 中国人民银行决定,自 2014年 11月 22日起,下调金融机构人民币存款基准利率。 其中, 一年期存款基准利率下调至 2. 75%, 同时将金融机构存款利率浮动区间的上限由 存款基准利率的 1. 1倍调整为 1. 2倍。假如张师傅 2014年 12月 12日在工商银行存 款 2万元,定期 1年(工商银行存款利率上浮到顶) 。到期后,张师傅将获得利息 A . 660元 B. 605元 C. 550元 D. 600元 4.上海市十四届人大三次会议通过的“政府工作”报告提出:2015年的经济社会发展 目标是“经济平稳增长,结构继续优化,质量效益进一步提高,全市一般公共预算收入 与经济保持同步增长” ,率先取消了 GDP 增长的具体目标。这表明上海市政府 A .明确 GDP 不是衡量经济增长的指标 B .更重视经济发展的质量和效益 C .更加注重社会公平目标的实现 D .将人民生活的改善作为社会发展的基础 5.中央管理企业负责人薪酬制度改革将于 2015年年初开始实施,央企主要负责人的基 本年薪将根据上年度央企在岗职工年平均工资 2倍确定,绩效年薪不超过基本年薪的 2倍,而任期激励收入则不超过年薪总水平的 30%。这反映了 A .公平是追求效率的社会条件 B.政府取缔高收入,缩小贫富差距 C .再分配调节机制更加注重公平 D.我国的收入分配政策不断完善
学 校 _______________________ 班 级 __________ 准 考 证 号 _________ 姓 名 ______________
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 密 ○ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 封 ○ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ○ 线 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
6. 互联网金融的兴起,预示着民间资本力量将加快进入金融行业,成为引人注目的金 融活水。这无疑大大提升了我国民间资本的发展潜力,为其创造了许多新的发展机遇, 对国有资本的发展也会产生积极的影响。这说明
A. 市场竞争促进不同所有制经济的发展,
B. 互联网金融在资源配置中起决定性作用
C. 民营经济是社会主义经济的重要组成部分
D. 互联网金融将促进虚拟经济的创新发展
7.右图为我国青年失业率(%) , 下列举措中,
A. 优化人才结构,提高高学历人才比重
B. 转变就业观念,鼓励劳动者自主创业
C. 完善就业政策,政府尽可能安排就业
D. 优化产业结构,发展劳动密集型产业
8.**总理出访泰国期间,签署了《中泰铁路合作谅解备忘录》 。中泰铁路合作一大 亮点是全部线路将采用中国的铁路标准、技术及装备建设。拥有丰富经验和核心技术的 中国高铁,不仅改变着中国,也将影响世界。这启示我们:全面提高开放型经济水平要
A. 提高利用外资的水平,推动引资、引技、引智有机结合
B. 坚持自力更生,促进“引进来”和“走出去”更好结合
C. 形成以技术、品牌、质量等为核心的出口竞争新优势
D. 充分利用世贸组织规则,推动国家间的贸易、技术合作
9.我国建立社会主义制度以后,各民族之间的关系发生了质的变化,形成了新型的社 会主义民族关系,这种新型关系的基石是
A. 平等 B.团结 C.互助 D.和谐
10. 2015年 1月 21日,国家互联网信息办公室等部门,联合启动“网络敲诈和有偿删 帖”专项整治工作。行使的国家职能是
A. 组织和领导社会主义现代化建设
B. 协调人民内部的关系和利益,正确处理人民内部矛盾
C. 防御外敌侵犯和颠覆,维护国家的主权、安全和发展利益
D. 组织社会公共服务,维护社会安定团结,维护社会治安
11. 一年来, 在以**同志为**的党中央坚强领导下, 司法体制和社会体制改革、 社会事业改革强力推进,走上“快车道” 。司法机关推进司法体制改革
A. 有利于促进社会公平,全面建设小康社会,构建社会主义和谐社会
B. 要求公安机关工作更透明,批捕程序更公正,打破以言代法的怪圈
C. 树立了人民法院的权威,增强人民对于法律的信仰,推进了依法治国
D. 维护了人民检察院的检察权,有利于其法律监督权、审判权的独立行使
12.“政社互动”全称是“政府行政管理与基层群众自治有效衔接和良性互动”。其内 核是“凡村 (居) 自治事务, 放手其自主管理”; “政府部门行政事务不得随意下派”。 “政社互动”的意义在于
A .推进了基层民主的建设 B.丰富了基层群众自治组织
C .扩大了群众的政治权利 D.保障了群众间接参与民主决策
13.十八届四中全会强调,建立宪法宣誓制度,凡经人大及其常委会选举或者决定任命 的国家工作人员正式就职时公开向宪法宣誓。这是因为
A .国家的一切权力来自于宪法 B.宪法是公民参与管理国家的基础 C .尊重宪法和法律是公民的政治权利 D.依法治国首先要坚持依宪法治国 14.呼格吉勒图一案,过程一波三折,虽离不开外界推动,但毕竟是人民法院在法律框 架内部通过正常法律程序完成, 这与具有人治色彩的“平反”相比, 法治是最终的赢家。 这表明
A . “法治”代替“人治”是历史的必然 B.人民法院依法行使法律监督权
C .法制高于人治,法律至上 D.依法治国必须制度化、法律化
15. 2015年 1月 22日起,中国政府网联合 6家网站发起的“ 2015政府工作报告我来写 ----我为政府工作献一策”活动以来,广受社会关注,网民反响强烈,提出了许多好的 建议。这表明国家决策
A. 需通过社会听证制度保障公民参与民主管理
B. 要了解民情、充分反映民意,广泛集中民智
C. 须充分保障公民的参与权、表达权和决策权
D. 受一定阶段国家政治制度、经济制度的制约
16. 澳门回归祖国后,对祖国内地的改革开放和现代化建设作出了巨大贡献,祖国内地 的发展又为澳门经济繁荣和社会稳定提供了坚强的后盾。这表明
A. 澳门的回归,是祖国繁荣强盛的体现
B. 一个中国是实现祖国和平统一的基石
C. 澳门的命运与祖国的命运紧密相连
D. “一国两制”有利于世界的和平与发展
17. 2015年 1月 20日,中共中央**、国家主席、中央军委主席**会见贡山独 龙族自治县干部群众代表时指出:“全面实现小康,一个民族都不能少。 ”这主要揭示了
A. 民族区域自治有利于解决我国的民族问题
B. 我国实行民族平等、民族团结和各民族共同繁荣的基本原则
C. 我国的民族政策有利于捍卫国家的统一与安全
D. 各 民族的大团结是实现民族平等的基本前提
18. 2014年 8月 31日,十二届全国人大常委会表决通过了关于修改预算法的决定。修 改后的预算法要求 “ 政府的全部收入和支出都纳入预算 ” 、赋予地方政府有限发债权、实 行预算公开制度等成为亮点。材料反映了
A .我国国家机构实行民主集中制原则
B .全国人大常委会行使最高决定权
C .我国的国家权力机关坚持依法行政
D .有法必依是加强社会主义法制的前提
19.为帮助西非国家防控埃博拉疫情,中国宣布提供价值 3000万元人民币的紧急人道 主义物资,并将派出 3支公共卫生专家组。患难见真情,中国的真诚援助赢得世界卫生 组织和非洲国家的赞誉。这表明我国
A .主动承担国际责任,赢得国际社会肯定 B.成为造福非洲人民的主导力量 C .坚持走平等互利的和平发展道路 D.坚持和平共处五项原则
20. 2015年 1月 25日,****在中共中央政治局第二十次集体学习时强调:必 须不断接受马克思主义哲学智慧的滋养, 更加自觉地坚持和运用辩证唯物主义世界观和 方法论,增强辩证思维、战略思维能力,提高解决我国改革发展基本问题的能力。概括 上述材料的实质是
A. 党的领导是社会主义现代化建设的政治保证
B. 中国共产党是社会主义现代化建设的领导核心
C. 加强党的思想建设有利于提高党的执政能力
D. 在改革开放的新时期要全面加强党的建设
21.马克思说:“哲学不是世界之外的遐想,而是现世的智慧。 ”这种观点强调了
A .世界观决定实践的过程与客观结果 B.哲学是独立于意识之外的客观存在 C .哲学的时代性源于科学性 D.哲学为人们提供世界观、方法论的指导 22.我国明代伟大医学家李时珍在年近半百时,穿上草鞋,背起药筐,拿起药锄,带上 医书和笔记本,以家乡湖北荆州为起点,历尽艰险长途跋涉,先后到了江西、江苏、安 徽等地,十几年间,足迹遍及大江南北,终于完成了《本草纲目》这部医学巨著。这表 明
A. 实践是认识的基础和来源
B. 认识水平的提高推动实践能力的提升
C. 感性认识到理性认识的飞跃更重要
D. 源于实践的直接经验才是可靠的
23. 2014年 12月 23日中央农村工作会议提出, 积极稳妥推进新农村建设, 加快改善人 居环境,提高农民素质,推动“物的新农村”和“人的新农村”建设齐头并进。这里强 调了新农村建设
A .要坚持两分法、两点论 B.宏观系统功能大于各微观系统功能之和 C .要充分发挥内外因的作用 D.要尊重事物间的客观、无条件联系 24.管理学上有一个有趣的定律叫“酒与污水定律” ,意思是把一匙酒倒进一桶污水, 得到的是一桶污水;把一匙污水倒进一桶酒里,得到的还是一桶污水。这告诉我们 A .整体居于主导地位,统率着部分 B.主要矛盾决定事物的性质
C .矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化 D.部分有时会对整体产生决定性影响 25. 《吕氏春秋察今》中讲述了一个 “ 荆人循表 ” 的故事:有一次楚国和宋国作战,楚国 打算偷渡沈河,袭击宋国。于是派人到河岸边,在可以渡过的浅水地方作了标记。后来 河突然涨水, 已不能徒步渡河了。 但是楚国的军队不顾情况的变化, 仍然按照原定计划, 在深夜里顺着滦河岸边作了标记的地方徒步渡河。河水又湍又急,一下子淹死了 1000多人,士兵们惊慌失措,乱作一团。真是“荆人尚犹循表而导之,此其所以败也” 。从 哲学角度看,楚国军队的失利的原因在于割裂了
A .事物的内因与外因的关系 B.唯物论与辩证法的关系
C .物质与意识的关系 D.事物的量变与质变的关系
26. “五里滩头风欲平,张帆举棹觉船轻。柔橹不施停却棹,是船行。满眼风波多闪烁, 看山恰似走来迎。仔细看山山不动,是船行” 。这首《浣溪沙》是在敦煌莫高窟发现的 唐、五代时期多首未署名的作品之一。诗中形象地说明了
A. 运动和静止是相互依赖 B.物质与意识不可分离
C. 认识与实践是相互联系的 D.客观与主观彼此统一
27. 两千多年前, 我国有个叫公孙龙的思想家牵着一匹马出关。 守关的士兵对他说:“法 令规定不能带马出关。”公孙龙回答:“我牵的是白马,不是马。”公孙龙的说法 A. 没有看到矛盾特殊性离不开普遍性 B.没有看到矛盾特殊性寓于普遍性之中 C. 没有看到矛盾普遍性和特殊性的对立 D.肯定了矛盾普遍性和特殊性对立统一 28. 2014年 9月 18日,华裔物理学家丁肇中及其团队宣布了借助阿尔法磁谱仪寻找暗 物质(反物质)的最新成果,在业已完成的观测中,暗物质的 6个特征已有 5个得到确 认,这一研究结果将人类对暗物质的探索向前推进了一大步。这表明
A .意识不依赖于物质而存在,物质依赖于意识而存在
B .透过事物的现象,把握其本质与规律是认识的目的
C .认识世界,就是为了更好地改造客观世界
D .寻求真知是一个由浅入深、不断发展的认识过程
29.“如果说人生是一首优美的乐曲,那么痛苦则是其中一个不可缺少的音符;如果说 人生是一望无际的大海, 那么挫折则是其中骤然翻起的浪花; 如果说人生是湛蓝的天空, 那么失意则是一片漂浮的白云。”这首小诗对我们的方法论启示是
A .要学会统筹兼顾,正确处理主次矛盾
B .看问题既要全面又要分清主流和支流
C .既要开阔视野,也要有脚踏实地的行动
D .要有创新精神,努力促成事物的质变
30. 《庄子·天下》里有一句名言:“一尺之棰,日取其半,万世不竭。 ”意思是说,一 尺长的木头,今天砍一半,明天砍一半的一半,每天这么砍下去,万世万代没有竭尽之 时。寥寥数语,道出了一个深刻的哲理
B .事物的发展就是一个否定之否定的变化过程
C .事物是由“无限”与“有限”构成的矛盾的统一体
D .人们在立足“有限”的同时总要追求“无限”
二、简答题(共 32分,每小题 8分)
31. 2014年 11月 8日在“加强互联互通伙伴关系”东道主伙伴对话会上,国家主 席**指出, 中国政府提出共同建设丝绸之路经济带和 21世纪海上丝绸之路的倡议, 得到国际社会特别是在座的各国领导人积极回应。 “一带一路”和互联互通是相融相近、 相辅相成的。如果将“一带一路”比喻为亚洲腾飞的两只翅膀,那么互联互通就是两只 翅膀的血脉经络。
(1)运用“我国的对外政策”知识简要回答,我国政府提出的“一带一路”倡议, 为什么能够得到国际社会、特别是相关国家的积极回应?(4分)
(2)运用“经济全球化”知识,就相关国家如何参与亚洲互联互通提出两条建议。 (4分)
32. 2014年 10月闭幕的十八届四中全会,是党在中央全会上第一次专题讨论依法 治国的问题,体现了对法治的高度重视,会议结束后,微博上的各种评论,满是法治进 步的渴望:“想要法治的果实, 就要给它阳光雨露”, “期待法治进入与人民互动的 2.0时代”,“法治不仅是宏大的,也是具体的;它关乎国家治理,更关乎百姓福祉”?? 运用“民主政治 依法治国”相关知识简要回答:
注:2008年以后, 我国的主粮进口量成倍增长, 需要进口多种主粮才能满足国内市场的 需求。
(1)运用“经济常识” ,从图表(含注)概括我国在农业生产方面存在的主要问题。 (4分)
(2)运用“社会生产基本要素”与“产业结构调整”的知识,就如何解决图表(含 注)反映出的相关问题提出两条建议。(4分)
34. G 省以搭建行政服务中心平台为载体 , 畅通服务群众“最后一公里” , 实现了 “从 群众跑腿向干部跑腿” “办事难到办难事”的转变,行政服务中心平台的“一站式”服 务让老百姓办事省力省心多了。政府部门放下“身段” , 深入基层,受到了基层群众的 欢迎。
(1)结合材料运用“政府建设”的知识简要回答:怎样才能让“让百姓办事省力、 省心”? (5分)
(2)运用“实事求是”的观点简要分析“政府部门放下‘身段’ , 深入基层”的意义。
三、分析说明题(共 12分)
35.人口是城市形成和发展的基本条件,也是城市运行和资源承载的基本要素。人 口集聚是城市的基本特征,也是城市发展的基本规律,产业、资本、资源集中是城市人 口规模增长的重要原因。特大城市人口的快速膨胀,给资源承载带来巨大压力,城市运 行超负荷状态屡见不鲜,城市的社会管理和风险防控正面临前所未有的考验。如何“基 于城市发展与人口增长的基本规律,智慧管理,控制人口过快增长”已成为特大城市管 理者面对的难题。
为此,有专家建议:控制人口过快增长要在“堵”上做足文章,要不断创新管理策 略与方法,通过行政手段,设置更多、更高的城市“准入门槛” ,控制外来人口的流入, 这样,会产生“立竿见影”的效果。
运用“正确发挥意识的能动作用”的知识评价材料中的“专家建议”与“面对的难 题”是否一致,并加以分析说明。
36. 2014年 11月 9日,国家主席**在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会开幕式上 作题为《谋求持久发展 共筑亚太梦想》的主旨演讲中指出:中国经济呈现出新常态, 有几个主要特点:一是从高速增长转为中高速增长。二是经济结构不断优化升级。三是 从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动。
(2)论题、总论点(结语) 、分论点内在逻辑一致,论述合乎逻辑,较全面深入;
Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar
II. Choose the best answer (20’)
26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?
27. He was angry himself for having made such a foolish mistake.
A) on B) with C) at D) by
28. His knowledge of English and western cultures a great help to him in his work.
A) is B) are C) be D) am
29. This dress is a bit dirty, would you please change one for me?
A) others B) the other C) the others D) another
30. Using different memorizing methods can enable you to remember things .
A) wise B) correct C) easily D) faithfully
31. The emoji(表情符号) of ”Face with tears of joy” has become among the Internet users all over the world.
A) popular B) more popular C) most popular D) the most popular 32. You talk to your mother in such an impolite way. You’d better say sorry to her.
A) mustn’t B) can C) should D) needn’t
33. Bill looked to see Cassie and his mother standing by the front door of his house.
A) happily B) confident C) surprised D) angrily
34. Let’s just imagine on Mars in the near future. Isn’t it amazing?
A) to live B) lives C) living D) lives
35. The young man refused stealing the valuable necklace from the safe.
A) admits B) to admit C) admitting D) admitted
36. It was believed that the TV series Legend of Miyue millions of people soon.
A) attracted B) has attracted C) will attract D) would attract
37. Mr and Mrs Williams in San Francisco since they returned to the USA from Japan.
A) had worked B) have worked C) work D) are working 38. Black tea in China during the Ming Dynasty as a way to keep tea fresh.
A) invented B) was invented C) is invented D) is inventing 39. I knew nothing of the murder case I red the newspaper report last night.
A) when B) because C) until D) since
40. Take a careful look at the two pictures, you’ll find several differences between them.
A) so B) and C) or D) but
41. The old man rarely remembers what has happened, ?
A) does he B) doesn’t heC) has he D) hasn’t he
42. necessary it is to give pilots the best possible training!
A) What B) What a C) What an D) How
43. At the beginning of the interview, Sue was nervous that she could hardly keep still.
A) very B) too C) so D) much
44. --Thank you so much for the wonderful party. I really had a great time.
A) You are kind. B) I’m glad you like it.
C) It doesn’t matter.D) That’s right.
45. --I missed the lecture this morning because of the traffic jam.
A) What a pity! B) Don’t worry.C) Of course not. D) Watch out.
III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (8’)
There are laws and rules all over the world to protect animals. In the U.K., there is the Animal Welfare Act (《动物福利法》 ). It makes it a crime not only to be cruel to an animal, but to neglect an animal’s welfare needs The Act says, for example, one needs to be at least sixteen if he
wants to purchase an animal. A suitable home and dict should be provided to a pet. What’s more, a
pet owner is to protect his animal from pain, injury, suffering or disease.
Today animal rights laws are on the books across the world, and some people are trying their best to protect animal rights. Whether you are a pet owner or just an animal lover, there are ways that you can protect animal rights, such as taking good care of your pets and stopping other people from animals.
Little Christopher was a boy of six. One day when the boy saw two strangers at his door, his was that they were salesmen. But moments later, he heard glass breaking. And what little Christopher did next helped the police to catch the two thieves. Christopher hid under his brother’s bed and called 911. He told the police that thieves had his home. He stayed on the phone, giving them information. The police were soon on the way to his home. As the police officers arrived, the two thieves tried to through the back entrance. After a chase, the police caught them.
Later one officer said,”When the thieves went upstairs, Chr istopher kept silent, knowing he could be found at any moment. Christopher did an excellent job. He kept calm and the polic e while keeping himself from danger. Good job, Christopher!”
IV . Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (8’)
54. The hunter prepared three thick for himself before setting off. (sandwich)
55. She has bought a new flat in this building and it’s on the floor. (eight)
56. Children should be taught to look after on their own when they are young. (they)
57. A bank happened in California yesterday and the police are dealing with it. (rob)
58. Tu Youyou, an 84-year-old female scientist, won a 2015 Nobel Prize for Chinese medicine. (tradition)
59. As you know, we are going to change jobs and live in Beijing soon. (probable)
60. The young lady used to on her relatives to take care of her child. (independent)
61. The boy was because he was a new comer and had no friends here. (happily)
V . Rewrite the following sentences as required (14’)
62. Some students in our school have lunch at the dining hall. (改为否定句)
Some students in our school at the dining hall.
63. Mr Brown works as a volunteer in a children’s hospital (划线部分提问) does Mr Brown work as a volunteer in a children’s hospital?
64. Brush your teeth regularly, or you will get toothache sooner or later. (保持句意不变)
You will get toothache sooner or later you your teeth regularly.
65. The telephone rang and Jerry answered it immediately. (保持句意不变)
The telephone rang and Jerry answered it .
66. Young people can learn how they respect living things by keeping pets. (改为简单句)
Young people can learn respect living things by keeping pets.
67. “Can you be kind enough to help me out?” Jane asked Peter. (改为宾语从句)
Jane asked Peter he be kind enough to help her out.
68. The city of Troy, the Greeks, capturing, through, succeeded in, in one night, a trick (连词成句) .
Part 3 Reading and Writing
VI. Reading comprehension (50’)
A. Choose the best answer (12’)
As an international city, Shanghai is always full of entertainment and surprise. This March is a nice month in Shanghai. There’s a lot to do. Here are the
Live Music-late Night Jazz
Enjoy real American jazz from Herbic Davis, the famous trumpet player. He’s
coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbic’s Heroes. Herbic is known to play well
into the early hours, so don’t expect to get much sleep. This is herbic’s third visit to
Shanghai. The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly.
Scottish dancing
Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun
and easy to learn. Instructors(教员) will demonstrate(示范) the dances. The live
band, Gordon Stroppie and the Weegrees, are also excellent.
Exhibitions-Shanghai Museum
There are 120,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history
under one roof. It’s always interesting to visit, but doubly so at the moment with the
Egyptian Tombs exhibition. There are lots of mummies(木乃伊) and more gold than
you ever seen before. Let us know if you see a mummy move!
Dining-Sushi chef in town
Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai. In Japan, it’s become an art form. The most
famous Sushi “artist” is Yuki Kamura. She’s also one of the few female chefs in Japan. She’ll be at Shanghai all of this month.
69. To book tickets for the activity at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, you may call .
A) 6466-8736 B) 6402-1877 C) 6888-6888 D) 6690-3211 70. If you are interested in ancient cultures, you may go to .
A) The Jazz Club B) Jack Stein’s C) Shanghai Museum D) Shanghai Hotel
71. In Paragraph One, the underline word “
A) wonderful theatres
B) amazing events
C) delicious meats D) enjoyable performances
72. From the text we may learn that Kamura is .
A) a cook B) a waitress C) an instructor D) a dancer
73. Which of the following is TRUE according to passage?
A) Scottish dancing is interesting but difficult to learn.
B) It is more interesting now to visit Shanghai Museum for the exhibits from Egypt.
C) Sushi is not popular in Shanghai as it is a kind of Japanese local food.
D) The performance given by the American jazz band will last month.
74. We may read the in a magazine or a newspaper.
A) fables B) diaries C) stories D) advertisements
B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (12’)
Nowadays, the food that you buy comes from many different countries. Have a look in your fridge, cupboard, and fruit bowl and check the origins(来源 ) of the food. Perhaps there are apples from California, lamb from New Zealand, or potatoes from Egypt? You may be amazed how food travels to get to your plate. This journey, from “field to plate”, is called “food miles”. A food mile is the distance that food travels from the farmer’s field to the person who buys the food. Nowadays, food often travels thousands of miles to get to the consumer(消费者 ). Why is this, and what are the effects(影响 ) of these long distances?
In the past, farmers sold their food in the local market so the food didn’t have to travel very far. The consumers also did not travel very far, because they went to their local market to buy the food. This was a good system for farmers and consumers. However, there were some . For example, consumers could only buy food that farmers produced locally. In addition, they could only get food that was in season. Now, because of modern technology, food comes from all over the world. We do not have to wait for spring or summer to buy strawberries or tomatoes. They are in winter if we want.
Some countries have to import(进口 ) most of their food. This is because they have difficult climates . The United Arab Emirates(UAE), for example, gets 85% of its food from other countries. food made in the UAE often uses imported materials.
What’s wrong with “food miles”? Is this not a go od way of increasing international trade? I
believe these “food miles” are people for a number of reasons. First of all, because food travels such long distances. We need more planes, lorries, and ships to move the food. This means we use more oil or petrol, so there is more pollution and more global(全球的 ) warming.
that travels a long way is not fresh and usually not very tasty. Tomatoes, for example, are picked early and stored for their long journey. For this reason, they are usually tasteless when they get to the consumer. Local food has a better taste, and it also reduces the amount of global pollution. We need to buy more local food.
75. A) curly B) interesting C) far D) accurate
76. A) disadvantages B) result C) methods D) links
77. A) delicious B) dramatic C) colourful D) available
78. A) Yet B) Even C) Still D) Again
79. A) worrying B) affecting C) encouraging D) changing
80. A) For the time being B) On average C) In addition D) In return
C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (14’)
My father will always live in my heart though he passed away many years ago.My earliest m__81__of dad is grabbing his hand while we walked together.As I grew older,I remember my father and I listening to basketball games on the radio.I always fell asleep before the game was over.When I woke up in the morning,the score sheet with the r__82__score on it would be lying next to me.I’11 always remember that.
On cold mornings my father would bring his bread truck by the house.I used to ride on the floor of that bread truck as he delivered(分送 )the bread to the stores.The smell and the warmth from the bread made my mouth water and kept me warm.I’11 always remember that.
My father would be present at all my games.One night before an important game my father looked at me s__83__ told me that he wouldn’t be able to watch the game because he had to deliver the bread and it was a three-hour drive.The next day as the game drew near I thought about my dad.I happened to look across the field and surprisingly saw his bread truck pulling into the stadium.He m__84__to make the game.I’11 always remember that.
Years later I had become a teacher.I’11 never forget the v__85__on the phone early one morning telling me dad had just been killed in a traffic accident.I could hear my heart beat in my
ears.I hung up the phone and went back to my bedroom.After that nothing really mattered to me.I still taught in school but I couldn’t centre attention on my teaching.One day I was on the playground when a little boy walked up to me and grabbed my hand.His hand held m__86__the same way I used to hold my father’s by the last two fingers.At that moment I found my purpose in life again.You see even though my father was gone,he left s__87__ with me,his smile,compassion and touch.My purpose was to use those gifts as he did.From that day on I started.I’11 always remember that!
D. Answer the questions (12’)
Dario and his mother loved their new apartment. The living room was large enough for their piano. That night, the two of them sat side by side at the piano. They played jazz music to celebrate their new home. The loud music filled the room and made them feel very happy.
The next morning,however, their happiness disappeared. Someone had left a note under their door during the night. One of their neighbor had written to complain(抱怨 ) about the sound of the piano. Dario’s mother asked the building superintendent(管理员 ) if he knew anything about it. But he said that they were all nice people and he couldn’t imagine any of them had done that. Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their neighbors and apologize for their playing. “Maybe we could go and visit everyone in person.” his mother said.
“What if we invited them to come here for a party instead? Dario asked.
They both loved the idea. Over the next few days, they sent out invitations and prepared desserts for their guests. They decorated the apartment with streamers(彩带 ) and party lights.
In the end, the day of the party arrived. Some guests brought presents. Others brought flowers. Some even brought desserts to share. One woman, Mrs. Gilbert, gave Dario’s mother with a book of piano music by Chopin.
“I heard you playing the other night,” she said. “The sounds woke me out of bed. I was afraid that you might play like this every night. So I wrote a short note. I hope you don’t think I disliked the playing.”
Dario’s mother smiled at Mrs. Gilbert. “I think maybe we should apologize to you.” she said. “I didn’t realize how late it was when we were playing. Maybe we should play some quieter music at night.
“I like what you play! Just not so loud at night.” She pointed to the book she had given them.
“These songsare not such loud music.”
“These songs are beautiful music.” Dario’s mother said. “We will be happy to play them in the evening.”
“And we won’t play so loud or late!” Dario said. He was already looking forward to practicing the new music. More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his mother’s face. It gave him a feeling of warmth and made him feel that they were home at last.
88. How was the jazz music Dario and his mother played one night?
89. Did Dario and his mother visit their neighbors or write a letter to their neighbors?
90. What did Dario and his mother do to their neighbors later?
91. Who wrote a short note to Dario and his mother?
92. Why did Mrs Gilbert send them a book of piano music by Chopin?
93. What can you learn from the story? Please give a proper title to the passage. ( In less than six words)
VII. Writing (20’)
94. Write an open letter of at least 60 words according to the given situation.
Suppose you are Linda, a student of Garden School. You see some of the schoolmates waste food in the school canteen every day. Write an open letter to them and offer some good suggestions on saving food.
闵行区 2015学年第一学期高三年级质量调研考试
1.考试时间 120分钟,试卷满分 150分。
2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第 I 卷(第 1-11页)和第 II 卷(第 12页) , 全卷共 12页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷 上一律不得分。
第 I 卷 (共 103分 ) I. Listening Comprehension Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. A writer.
B. A teacher.
C. A reporter.
D. A student. 2. A. In a bookstore.
B. In a library.
C. In a classroom. D. In an apartment. 3. A. The long walking hours.
B. The hot weather. C. The boring work.
D. The fan in the room.
4. A. She has always enjoyed great popularity.
B. She expected more people at her party. C. She threw a surprise party for her friends. D. She enjoys entertaining little children.
5. A. Look for a place near her office. B. Find a new job down the street. C. Make inquires elsewhere.
D. Rent the $600 apartment. 6. A. Sick.
B. Quite well. C. Excited.
D. Confused.
7. A. She had the printer repaired.
B. She chatted online with a friend. C. She filled in an application form.
D. She ordered some paper.
8. A. He prefers to wear jeans with a larger waist.
B. He has been extremely busy recently.
学 校 _______________________ 班 级 __________ 准 考 证 号 _________ 姓 名 ______________
… … … … … … … 密 ○ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 封 ○ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ○ 线 … … … … … … … … … … … … …
C. He has gained some weight lately.
D. He enjoyed going shopping with Jane yesterday.
9. A. He doesn? t like abstract paintings.
B. Women have a better artistic taste than men.
C. He isn? t good at abstract thinking.
D. The woman possesses a natural talent for art.
10. A. He is confident he will get the job.
B. His chance of getting the job is slim.
C. It isn? t easy to find a qualified candidate.
D. The interview didn? t go as well as he had expected.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11. A. A special CD. B. A photograph of the mystery star.
C. Two concert tickets. D. A latest record.
12. A. After a tragic accident happened. B. When he formed the habit of using drugs. C. When his wife left him. D. After he succeeded in the late 90? s.
13. A. A free concert. B. Life of a pop star.
C. A famous guitar player. D. A sad song Tears in Heaven.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. It can be used by farmers to protect large buildings.
B. It was brought to the northern USA by Asian farmers.
C. It has done more harm than good in the southern USA.
D. It was introduced into the USA to kill harmful weeds.
15. A. People will have to rely on kudzu for a living.
B. They will soon be overgrown with kudzu.
C. They will become too hard to plough.
D. People will find it hard to protect the soil.
16. A. The farmers there have brought it under control.
B. The factories there have found a good use for it.
C. The soil there is not so suitable for the plant.
D. The climate there is unfavorable to its growth.
Section C
Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
Complete the form. Write no more than THREE WORDS for each answer.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A)
A few years ago, Maxine Bedat looked in her closet. It was full of clothes, but she had nothing to wear. “That was (25)______ it was a closet full of fast fashion based on hyper-trends (超时尚 ) from one season to the next,” said Maxine.
“Fast fashion” means clothes which are inexpensive but look like (26)______ (late) designs from top fashion houses. One reason for the success of the fast fashion is the rise of the social media. A report found that Millennials (千禧一代 ) want to wear a variety of clothes in the photos they post on social media. As a result, many businesses which offer trendy and
low-cost clothes grow quickly.
However, some Millennials are not happy with the rise of fast fashion. Maxine was tired of always shopping for (27)______ was in style. Instead, she wanted to buy fewer clothes she could wear over and over. So Maxine started a “slow fashion” clothing company called Zady. The clothes it sells often feature classic colors and shapes, and are made from natural materials.
The international business H&M, one of the best-known fast fashion brands, has another approach to “slow fashion.” It has created a recycling program for clothes, (28)______ invites people to bring clothes they no longer want to H&M stores. Shoppers who donate old clothes can receive (29)______ discount on new things they buy. After that, H&M does several things with shoppers? old clothes. Some of them are sold again. Some are turned into other useful items. And the rest (30)______(reduce) to fiber (纤维制品 ) that can be reused as building materials.
Here (31)______(come) stylish but sustainable fashion. Are you ready to move over fast fashion?
Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. (32) ______(Expect) a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favourite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be (33)______ a walk in the park,” he?d told his wife. “I?ll look after the kids, and you can go visit your mom.”
Things started well, but just after eight o?c lock, his three little “good kids”— Mike, Randy, and Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.” When food had not appeared within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alex?s head (34) ______ ______ it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat. Mike chanted “Where?s my toast, where?s my toast” in the background. Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.
Life became worse after breakfast. Mike wore Randy?s underwear on his head. Randy locked (35) ______ in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, (36) ______ they were before their very eyes. Someone (37) ______(name) “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started.
By ten o?clock, things were out of control. Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils. Randy, thankfully, appeared (38) ______(draw) a picture quietly in the family room, but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad realized that the talk show was over and (39)______(read) would be impossible.
At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre. “I suddenly have to go into work and my wife?s away. (40)______ I bring the boys over in a few minutes?” The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can
Researchers studying fossils (化石 ) of the early ancestors of dogs that lived up to 40 million years ago believe the predators (捕食性动物 ) evolved as a direct consequence of climate change. The study claims the (41)______ transformed man?s best friend from a creature that behaved more like a cat, into the canine (犬 ) we know and love today.
Ancestors of dogs living in North America 40 million years ago were ambush (伏击式 ) predators — in a(n) (42)______ way to cats?. But a million years later, the thick forest that once covered the continent began to give way to grasslands. This led to a(n) (43)______ in the body shape and hunting behavior of dogs, turning them into animals that no longer (44)______ their prey (猎物 ), but chased it down instead.
This evolutionary transition was (45)______ by the scientists who examined the elbows and teeth of 32 species of dogs that lived between 40 million and two million years ago. “The elbow is a really good (46)______ of what carnivores (食肉动物 ) are doing with their forelimbs (前肢 ), which tells their entire (47)______ abilities,” said Brown University?s Christine Janis, who led the study.
The research was based on an analysis of fossil specimens (标本 ) in the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It suggests dog evolution was directly related to climate change. After all, it was not (48)______ to operate as a pursuit-and-pounce predator until there was room to run.
If predators evolved with climate change over the last 40 million years, the authors argue they may continue to (49)______ in response to the present global warming trend. In this way, the results of the study could help (50)______ how animals may look in the future.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever, even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. , according to an official report on youth violence, “i n our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence” . Given that this is the case, why aren? t students taught to manage the way they are taught to solve math problems or stay physically fit?
First of all, students need to realize that conflict is . A report indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor . For example, a fight
could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn? t in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.
Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable, they can the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer, he should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand, words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.
After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to make the speaker? s position clear. Then the two people should change
, students need to consider wh at they are hearing. This doesn? t mean trying to figure out what?s wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to
sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes , the conflict often simply be comes smaller. Even if it doesn?t, thought helps both sides figure out a better solution.
After students started a conflict resolution, there has been an increase in student . Learning to resolve conflicts can help students friends, teachers, parents, bosses and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.
51. A. As a result B. In fact C. By contrast D. On the contrary 52. A. conflict B. lives C. relationships D. affairs
53. A. violent B. global C. unresolved D. unavoidable 54. A. remark B. assumption C. insult D. resolution 55. A. Preference for B. Particularity about C. Complaint over D. Laughter over 56. A. interpret B. practice C. assess D. bend
57. A. soft B. tough C. critical D. clear
58. A. measure B. strategy C. assessment D. application 59. A. responses B. attitudes C. roles D. intentions 60. A. Contrarily B. Relatively C. Consequently D. Finally
61. A. accomplish B. ignore C. foresee D. seek
62. A. wider B. clearer C. more complex D. more critical 63. A. unselfish B. initial C. inspiring D. careful
64. A. cooperation B. argument C. gratitude D. support
65. A. admire B. select C. deal with D. back up
Section B
Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
66. If you carry the Service Card or the Cash Card, ________.
A. you can use it to guarantee things as you wish
B. you can draw your money from cash machines conveniently
C. you can spend as much money as you like without a limit
D. you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK
67. If you withdraw£ 200 from a cash machine abroad, you will be charged ________. A. £ 4 B. £ 4.5 C. £ 5.25 D. £ 5.3
68. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?
A. You have to pay back with interest within 56 days.
B. You can use the card in any shop across the world.
C. You will be charged some interest beyond two months.
D. You will gain one air mile if you spend £ 20 on traveller? s cheques.
69. The purpose of the passage is to show you how to ________.
A. pay for goods with your cards B. use your cards abroad
C. draw cash with your cards D. play your cards right
A recent study of ancient and modern elephants has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the African elephant is divided into two distinct species. The discovery was made by researchers at York and Harvard universities when they were examining the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon to modern elephants— the Asian elephant, African forest elephant and African savanna (热带草原 ) elephant.
Once they obtained DNA sequences (序列 ) from two fossils, mammoths and mastodons, the team compared them with DNA from modern elephants. They found to their amazement that modern forest and savanna elephants are as distinct from each other as Asian elephants and mammoths.
The scientists used detailed genetic analysis to prove that the African savanna elephants and the African forest elephants have been distinct species for several million years. The separation of the two species took place around the time of the separation of Asian elephants and woolly mammoths. This result amazed all the scientists.
There has long been a debate in the scientific community that the two might be separate species but this is the most convincing scientific evidence so far that they are indeed different species.
Previously, many naturalists believed that African savanna elephants and African forest elephants were two populations of the same species despite the ele phants? signi ficant size differences. The savanna elephant has an average shoulder height of 3.5 metres while the forest elephant has an average shoulder height of 2.5 metres. The savanna elephant weighs
between six and seven tons, roughly double the weight of the forest elephant. But the fact that they look so different does not necessarily mean they are different species. However, the proof lay in the analysis of the DNA.
Alfred Roca, assistant professor in the department of Animal Sciences at the University of Minois, said, “ We now have to treat the forest and savanna elephants as two different units for conservation (保护 ) purpose. Since 1950 all African elephants have been conserved as one species. Now that we know the forest and savanna elephants are two very distinct animals, the forest elephant should become a bigger priority for conservation purpose.”
70. One of the fossils studied by the researchers is that of ________.
A. the Asian elephant B. the forest elephant
C. the savanna elephant D. the mastodon elephant
71. The researcher?s conclusion was based on a study of the Af rican elephant?s ________. A. DNA B. height C. weight D. population
72. Alfred Roca? s words were mainly about ________.
A. the purpose of studying African elephants
B. the conservation of African elephants
C. the way to divide African elephants into two units
D. the reason for the distinction of African elephants
73. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Naturalist? s Belief about Elephants.
B. Amazing Experiment about Elephants.
C. An Unexpected Finding about Elephants.
D. A Long scientific Debate about Elephants.
A big focus of the criticism of computer games has concerned the content of the games being played. When the story of the games is analyzed they can be seen to fall into some styles. The two style s most popular with the children I interviewed were ?Platformers? and ?Beat -them-ups.? Platform games such as Sonic and Super Mario involve leaping from platform to platform, avoiding obstacles, moving on through the levels, and progressing through the different stages of the game. Beat-them-ups are the games which have caused concern over their violent content. These games involve fights between animated (动画的 ) characters. In many ways this violence can be compared to violence within children?s cartoons where a character is hit over the head or falls off a cliff but walks away . Argument has occurred in part because of the intensity of the game play, which is said to spill over into children?s everyday lives. There are worries that children are becoming more violent and aggressive after longtime exposure to these games. Playing computer games
involves feelings of intense frustration and anger which often expresses itself in aggressive ?yells? at the screen. It is not only the ?Beat -them-up? games which produce this aggression; platform games are just as frustrating when the characters lose all their ?lives? and ?die? just before the end of the level is reached. Computer gaming relies upon intense concentration on the moving images on the screen and demands great hand-to-eye coordination (协调 ). When the player loses and the words ?Game over? appear on the screen, there is annoyance and frustration at being beaten by the computer and at having made an error. This anger and aggression could perhaps be compared to the aggression felt when playing football and you take your eye off the ball and enable the opposition to score. The annoyance experienced wh en defeated at a computer game is what makes gaming ?addictive?: the player is determined not to make the same mistake again and to have ?one last go? in the hope of doing better next time.
Some of the concern over the violence of computer games has been about children who are unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality and who act out the violent moves of the games in fight on the playground. The problem with video games is that they involve children more than television or films and this means there are more implications for their social behavior. Playing these games can lead to anti-social behavior, make children aggressive and affect their emotional stability.
74. The best title for the passage is _______.
A. How to control anger while playing computer games
B. There is no difference between ?Platformers? and ?Beat -Them-Ups?
C. How does playing computer games affect the level of violence in children
D. How to make children spend less time on computer games
75. The word “ in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
A. unharmed B. unbeaten C. unsettled D. unhappy
76. According to Paragraph 2, how does violence relate to playing computer games?
A. Beat-Them-Ups are more popular with children therefore more likely to produce violent behavior.
B. When losing computer games children tend to experience frustration and anger.
C. People who have good hand-eye-coordination tend to be more violent than others.
D. The violent content in the games gets children addicted to the games.
77. According to the author, why do video games lead to violence more than TV or movies?
A. Because children cannot tell fiction from reality.
B. Because children like to act out the scenes in the games on the playground.
C. Because computer games can produce more anti-social behavior.
D. Because computer games involve children more than TV or films.
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
Gift certificates, or rather their high-tech new replacements, gift cards, are America? s most popular present. They spare gift-givers the tension of choosing anything specific, and receivers the horror of having to keep the result. Retailers like them too, because they are quite profitable. But like most goods in the recession (衰退 ), they have become harder to shift, prompting some radical redesigns.
Gift cards are profitable because retailers receive money for them up from, and around 10% of them are never redeemed (收回 ), according to Lew Paine of the GFK Group, a market-research firm. When people do use them, they often spend more than the amount given, on products with high margins.
But sales of gift cards were down by around 6% last year in America, to about $25 billion, partly because discounts in stores were so steep that customers saw more value in buying products directly. Bankruptcies (破产 ) among retailers also scared people away from gift cards, for fear that stores would not be around to honour them. Some financial-services companies that offer gift cards which can be used in various stores, including Visa and American Express, came under fire for charging monthly maintenance fees on unspent balances.
Analysts expect another tough holiday season for gift cards this year. Sales will be down by about 5%, projects Archstone Consulting, which studies the business. Retailers are trying to counter this decline by making gift cards more attractive. One approach is to add nifty (俏 皮的 ) packaging. Target, for example, is selling gift cards that double as wind-up toys or play recorded greetings. Other retailers have launched schemes that let people e-mail one another electronic gift certificates, which the receivers can then print out for use.
Some retailers have even given gift cards away in an effort to drum up business. Neiman Marcus, for example, sent $50 gift cards to big customers to tempt them back for further shopping. Target will give a $l0 gift card to people who spend $l00 before noon on the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is considered the start of the holiday shopping season. Such handouts can be cheaper than sharp store-wide discounts, which proved destructive to profits last year. Expiration dates add a sense of urgency, which retailers are eager to promote.
(Note : Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS) 78. The reason for the popularity of gift cards to gift-givers is that they don? t have to worry about _________________________________________________.
79. Some financial-services companies that offer gift cards were criticized last year because ___________________________________.
80. Give one example of retailers ? responding to the decline of the sales of gift cards according to the passage.
81. Retailers gave out handouts to promote consumption last year, but their efforts turned out _________________________________.
第 II 卷 (共 47分 )
I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
82. 屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家。 (award)
83. 直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷。 (Not… )
84. 你接触到的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深。 (expose)
85. 同事们从来没有想到,他会想方设法完成大家认为不可能完成的任务。 (occur) 86. 尽管空气污染严重, 警察仍在高峰时段坚守岗位, 严格执法, 确保交通畅通。 (Despite)
II. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
以下是 2014年中国某城市交通事故发生原因的调查信息统计表,请根据此表,写 一篇 120— 150字的文章。你的文章需包括:
1. 简要描述下表
2. 谈谈你的看法和建议
闵行区 2015学年第一学期高三年级质量监控考试英语试 卷参考答案
第 I 卷
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10 . B
11 . C 12
A 13
B 14
C 15
B 16 . D
17. owners 18. 50 19. branch 20. management
21. campus food service 22. overcooked 23. (generally) satisfactory 24. opening hours
25. because 26. the latest 27. what 28. which
29. a 30. are reduced 31. comes 32. Expecting
33. like 34. as if 35. himself 36. though / although
37. named 38. to be drawing 39. reading 40. May / Can / Could /Shall
41 C 42 . I 43
G 44
K 45
F 46
A 47
D 48
J 49
E 50 . B
51 . B 52
A 53
D 54
C 55
D 56
B 57
A 58
B 59
C 60 . D
61 . A 62
B 63
D 64
A 65
C 66
B 67
A 68
C 69
D 70 . D
71 . A 72
B 73
C 74
C 75
A 76
B 77 . D
78. choosing anything specific
79. they charged monthly maintenance fees on unspent balances
80. Add nifty packaging. / Promote electronic gift certificates (let people email electronic gift certificates) / make gift cards more attractive / …
81. to be destructive to profits
1、第 1~10题; 17~65题每题 1分。第 11~16题:66~81题每题 2分。
3、第 78~81题答案仅供阅卷参考。考生如有其它符合题意的表达法,且无语法错误可 得分。
第 II 卷
82. Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize.
83. Not until he went out of the air-conditioned room did he realize how cold it was (is) today. 84. The more original novels you are exposed to, the deeper understanding you? ll have on the British and American culture.
85. It never occurred to the colleagues that he could try every possible means to accomplish the tasks which they all considered impossible.
86. Despite the fact that the air pollution is serious, policemen still stick to the posts in the rush hours and strictly carry out the law to ensure the smooth traffic.
Despite the serious air pollution, policemen still stick to the posts in the rush hours and strictly carry out the law to ensure the smooth traffic.
1、第 82~84题每题 4分;第 85~86每题 5分。
2、每题中,单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误累计每两处扣 1分。
3、严重的语法错误每处扣 1分。
1、本题总分为 25分,按 5个档次给分。
2、评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次 的要求来衡 量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
3、评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、 上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。
4、拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以 考虑。英、美拼写汉词汇用法均可接受。
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
A few years ago, Maxine Bedat looked in her closet. It was full of clothes, but she had nothing to wear. “That was (25)______ it was a closet full of fast fashion based on hyper-trends (超时尚) from one season to the next,” said Maxine.
“Fast fashion” means clothes which are inexpensive but look like (26)______ (late) designs from top fashion houses. One reason for the success of the fast fashion is the rise of the social media. A report found that Millennials (千禧一代) want to wear a variety of clothes in the photos they post on social media. As a result, many businesses which offer trendy and low-cost clothes grow quickly.
However, some Millennials are not happy with the rise of fast fashion. Maxine was tired of always shopping for (27)______ was in style. Instead, she wanted to buy fewer clothes she could wear over and over. So Maxine started a “slow fashion” clothing company called Zady. The clothes it sells often feature classic colors and shapes, and are made from natural materials.
The international business H&M, one of the best-known fast fashion brands, has another approach to “slow fashion.” It has created a recycling program for clothes, (28)______ invites people to bring clothes they no longer want to H&M stores. Shoppers who donate old clothes can receive (29)______ discount on new things they buy. After that, H&M does several things with shoppers? old clothes. Some of them are sold again. Some are turned into other useful items. And the rest (30)______(reduce) to fiber (纤维制品) that can be reused as building materials.
Here (31)______(come) stylish but sustainable fashion. Are you ready to move over fast fashion?
Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. (32) ______(Expect) a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favourite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be (33)______ a walk in the park,” he?d told his wife. “I?ll look after the kids, and you can go visit your mom.”
Things started well, but just after eight o?clock, his three little “good kids”—Mike, Randy, and Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.” When food had not appeared within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alex?s head (34) ______ ______ it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat. Mike chanted “Where?s my toast, where?s my toast” in the background. Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.
Life became worse after breakfast. Mike wore Randy?s underwear on his head. Randy locked (35) ______ in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, (36) ______ they were before their very eyes. Someone (37) ______(name) “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started.
By ten o?clock, things were out of control. Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils. Randy, thankfully, appeared
(38) ______(draw) a picture quietly in the family room,but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad realized that the talk show was over and (39)______(read) would be impossible.
At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre. “I suddenly have to go into work and my wife?s away. (40)______ I bring the boys over in a few minutes?” The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.
Section B
A. indicator B. predict C. process D. movement E. adapt
F. tracked G. formation H. deliberate I. similar J. advantageous K. surprised
Dogs Used to Be More Like Cats
Researchers studying fossils (化石) of the early ancestors of dogs that lived up to 40 million years ago believe the predators (捕食性动物) evolved as a direct consequence of climate change. The study claims the (41)______ transformed man?s best friend from a creature that behaved more like a cat, into the canine (犬) we know and love today.
Ancestors of dogs living in North America 40 million years ago were ambush (伏击式) predators —in a(n) (42)______ way to cats?. But a million years later, the thick forest that once covered the continent began to give way to grasslands. This led to a(n) (43)______ in the body shape and hunting behavior of dogs, turning them into animals that no longer (44)______ their prey (猎物), but chased it down instead.
This evolutionary transition was (45)______ by the scientists who examined the elbows and teeth of 32 species of dogs that lived between 40 million and two million years ago.
“The elbow is a really good (46)______ of what carnivores (食肉动物) are doing with their forelimbs (前肢), which tells their entire (47)______ abilities,” said Brown University?s Christine Janis, who led the study.
The research was based on an analysis of fossil specimens (标本) in the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It suggests dog evolution was directly related to climate change. After all, it was not (48)______ to operate as a pursuit-and-pounce predator until there was room to run.
If predators evolved with climate change over the last 40 million years, the authors argue they may continue to (49)______ in response to the present global warming trend. In this way, the results of the study could help (50)______ how animals may look in the future.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever, even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. according to an official report on youth violence, “in our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that this is the case, why aren?t students taught to manage the way they are taught to solve math problems or stay physically fit?
First of all, students need to realize that conflict is . A report indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor . For example, a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime.
the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn?t in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.
Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable, they can the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer, he should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand, words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.
After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to make the speaker?s position clear. Then the two people should change consider what they are hearing. This doesn?t mean trying to figure out what?s wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to . For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person
thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes , the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn?t, thought helps both sides figure out a better solution.
After students started a conflict resolution, there has been an increase in student friends, teachers, parents, bosses and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.
51. A. As a result B. In fact C. By contrast D. On the contrary
52. A. conflict B. lives C. relationships D. affairs
53. A. violent B. global C. unresolved D. unavoidable
54. A. remark B. assumption C. insult D. resolution
55. A. Preference for B. Particularity about
C. Complaint over D. Laughter over
56. A. interpret B. practice C. assess D. bend
57. A. soft B. tough C. critical D. clear
58. A. measure B. strategy C. assessment D. application
59. A. responses B. attitudes C. roles D. intentions
60. A. Contrarily B. Relatively C. Consequently D. Finally
61. A. accomplish B. ignore C. foresee D. seek
62. A. wider B. clearer
C. more complex D. more critical
63. A. unselfish B. initial C. inspiring D. careful
64. A. cooperation B. argument C. gratitude D. support
65. A. admire B. select C. deal with D. back up
Section B
A. you can use it to guarantee things as you wish
B. you can draw your money from cash machines conveniently
C. you can spend as much money as you like without a limit
D. you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK
67. If you withdraw£200 from a cash machine abroad, you will be charged ________.
A. £4 B. £4.5 C. £5.25 D. £5.3
68. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?
A. You have to pay back with interest within 56 days.
B. You can use the card in any shop across the world.
C. You will be charged some interest beyond two months.
D. You will gain one air mile if you spend £20 on traveller?s cheques.
69. The purpose of the passage is to show you how to ________.
A. pay for goods with your cards B. use your cards abroad
C. draw cash with your cards D. play your cards right
A recent study of ancient and modern elephants has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the African elephant is divided into two distinct species. The discovery was made by researchers at York and Harvard universities when they were examining the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon to modern elephants—the Asian elephant, African forest elephant and African savanna (热带草原) elephant.
Once they obtained DNA sequences (序列) from two fossils,mammoths and mastodons ,the team compared them with DNA from modern elephants. They found to their amazement that modern forest and savanna elephants are as distinct from each other as Asian elephants and mammoths.
The scientists used detailed genetic analysis to prove that the African savanna elephants and the African forest elephants have been distinct species for several million years. The separation of the two species took place around the time of the separation of Asian elephants and woolly mammoths. This result amazed all the scientists.
There has long been a debate in the scientific community that the two might be separate species but this is the most convincing scientific evidence so far that they are indeed different species.
Previously, many naturalists believed that African savanna elephants and African forest elephants were two populations of the same species despite the ele phants? signi ficant size differences. The savanna elephant has an average shoulder height of 3.5 metres while the forest elephant has an average shoulder height of 2.5 metres. The savanna elephant weighs between six and seven tons, roughly double the weight of the forest elephant. But the fact that they look so different does not necessarily mean they are different species. However, the proof lay in the analysis of the DNA.
Alfred Roca, assistant professor in the department of Animal Sciences at the University of Minois, said, “We now have to treat the forest and savanna elephants as two different units for conservation (保护) purpose. Since 1950 all African elephants have been conserved as one species. Now that we know the forest and savanna elephants are two very distinct animals, the forest elephant should become a bigger priority for conservation purpose.”
70. One of the fossils studied by the researchers is that of ________.
A. the Asian elephant B. the forest elephant
C. the savanna elephant D. the mastodon elephant
71. The researche r?s conclusion was based on a study of the African elephant?s ________.
A. DNA B. height C. weight D.
72. Alfred Roca?s words were mainly about ________.
A. the purpose of studying African elephants
B. the conservation of African elephants
C. the way to divide African elephants into two units
D. the reason for the distinction of African elephants
73. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Naturalist?s Belief about Elephants.
B. Amazing Experiment about Elephants.
C. An Unexpected Finding about Elephants.
D. A Long scientific Debate about Elephants.
A big focus of the criticism of computer games has concerned the content of the games being played. When the story of the games is analyzed they can be seen to fall into some styles. The two styles most popular with the children I interviewed were ?Platformers? and ?Beat-them-ups.? Platform games such as Sonic and Super Mario involve leaping from platform to platform, avoiding obstacles, moving on through the levels, and progressing through the different stages of the game. Beat-them-ups are the games which have caused concern over their violent content. These games involve fights between animated (动画的) characters. In many ways this violence can be compared to violence within children?s cartoons where a character is hit over the head or falls off a cliff but walks away Argument has occurred in part because of the intensity of the game play, which is said to spill over into children?s everyday lives. There are worries that children are becoming more violent and aggressive after longtime exposure to these games. Playing computer games involves feelings of intense frustration and anger which often expresses itself in aggressive ?yells? at the screen. It is not only the ?Beat-them-up? games which produce this aggression; platform games are just as frustrating when the characters lose all their ?lives? and ?die? just before the end of the level is reached. Computer gaming relies upon intense concentration on the
moving images on the screen and demands great hand-to-eye coordination (协调). When the player loses and the words ?Game over? appear on the screen, there is annoyance and frustration at being beaten by the computer and at having made an error. This anger and aggression could perhaps be compared to the aggression felt when playing football and you take your eye off the ball and enable the opposition to score. The annoyance experienced when defeated at a computer game is what makes gaming ?addictive?: the player is determined not to make the same mistake again and to have ?one last go? in the hope of doing better next time.
Some of the concern over the violence of computer games has been about children who are unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality and who act out the violent moves of the games in fight on the playground. The problem with video games is that they involve children more than television or films and this means there are more implications for their social behavior. Playing these games can lead to anti-social behavior, make children aggressive and affect their emotional stability.
74. The best title for the passage is _______.
A. How to control anger while playing computer games
B. There is no difference between ?Platformers? and ?Beat-Them-Ups?
C. How does playing computer games affect the level of violence in children
D. How to make children spend less time on computer games
75. The word “in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
A. unharmed B. unbeaten C. unsettled D. unhappy
76. According to Paragraph 2, how does violence relate to playing computer games?
A. Beat-Them-Ups are more popular with children therefore more likely to produce violent behavior.
B. When losing computer games children tend to experience frustration and anger.
C. People who have good hand-eye-coordination tend to be more violent than others.
D. The violent content in the games gets children addicted to the games.
77. According to the author, why do video games lead to violence more than TV or movies?
A. Because children cannot tell fiction from reality.
B. Because children like to act out the scenes in the games on the playground.
C. Because computer games can produce more anti-social behavior.
D. Because computer games involve children more than TV or films.
Section C
Gift certificates, or rather their high-tech new replacements, gift cards, are America?s most popular present. They spare gift-givers the tension of choosing anything specific, and receivers the horror of having to keep the result. Retailers like them too, because they are quite profitable. But like most goods in the recession (衰退), they have become harder to shift, prompting some radical redesigns.
Gift cards are profitable because retailers receive money for them up from, and around 10% of them are never redeemed (收回), according to Lew Paine of the GFK Group, a market-research firm. When people do use them, they often spend more than the amount given, on products with high margins.
But sales of gift cards were down by around 6% last year in America, to about $25 billion, partly because discounts in stores were so steep that customers saw more value in buying products directly. Bankruptcies (破产) among retailers also scared people away from gift cards, for fear that stores would not be around to honour them. Some financial-services companies that offer gift cards which can be used in various stores, including Visa and American Express, came under fire for charging monthly maintenance fees on unspent balances.
Analysts expect another tough holiday season for gift cards this year. Sales will be down by about 5%, projects Archstone Consulting, which studies the business. Retailers are trying to counter this decline by making gift cards more attractive. One approach is to add nifty (俏皮的) packaging. Target, for example, is selling gift cards that double as wind-up toys or play recorded greetings. Other retailers have launched schemes that let people e-mail one another electronic gift certificates, which the receivers can then print out for use.
Some retailers have even given gift cards away in an effort to drum up business. Neiman Marcus, for example, sent $50 gift cards to big customers to tempt them back for further shopping. Target will give a $l0 gift card to people who spend $l00 before noon on the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is considered the start of the holiday shopping season. Such handouts can be cheaper than sharp store-wide discounts, which proved destructive to profits last year. Expiration dates add a sense of urgency, which retailers are eager to promote.
(Note : complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS)
78. The reason for the popularity of gift cards to gift-givers is that they don?t have to worry about _________________________________________________.
79. Some financial-services companies that offer gift cards were criticized last year because ___________________________________.
80. Give one example of retailers? responding to the decline of the sales of gift
cards according to the passage.
81. Retailers gave out handouts to promote consumption last year, but their
efforts turned out _________________________________.
第II 卷
I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
82. 屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家。(award)
83. 直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷。(Not…)
84. 你接触到的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深。(expose)
85. 同事们从来没有想到,他会想方设法完成大家认为不可能完成的任务。 (occur)
86. 尽管空气污染严重,警察仍在高峰时段坚守岗位,严格执法,确保交通畅通。(Despite)
II. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 简要描述下表 2. 谈谈你的看法和建议
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