范文一:老朋友见面对话 外教作业
Susan :Hello, Kevin .Have not seem you for a long time?
Kevin:Hi, Susan.Great.It ’ s really been a long time since we graduated from our university.
Susan:Yes.It everything well?
Kevin:Yes.very well.Everything is as the same as before. Susan:Have you got a new job yet,Kevin?
Kevin:Yes,I am working for personal manager.I like this job,Because this job is freedom and I can earn more money for myself. How about your work?
Susan:Now,I am a telephone operator at a company.But,I think this job is not suit for me.
Susan:Because I was sitting in the office all the day andI feel very boring and uncomfortable.
Kevin:Oh,I sorry to hear that.But if you need help,please call me and I will try my best to help you, this is my number.
Susan:Thank you very much.
Kevin: You’ re welcome.
Susan:What does your job involve?
Kevin:I mainly the selection, training and development of employee. Susan:So,what are your working hours like?
Kevin :It ’ s a regular nine-to-five job.
Susan:That’ s great.
Kevin: Sorry,It’ s time to work. We can have a afternoon tea if you have spare time.
Susan:OK.I well call you next time.
Kevin:OK,see you
Susan :See you!
A: Benny, this is Miranda. Why haven't you called me since you got back?
A: 本尼,我是米兰达。你回来了怎么没给我打电话呢。
B: Oh, my God, Miranda. Is it you? What a surprise! How do you know that I'm back? I was thinking of giving you a call.
B: 噢,天哪,米兰达。是你吗,这可真是个惊喜呀~你怎么知道我回来了,
A: Ok. Anyhow, listen, why don't we have dinner together this evening and have a good talk?
A: 好吧。不管怎么样,听着,咱们今天晚上一块儿吃饭吧,好好聊一聊。
B: Why not? Where shall we go?
B: 好哇~咱们去哪儿,
A: How about the bar where we used to go for a drink? A: 我们以前经常去喝酒的那个酒吧怎么样,
B: It's still there? Wonderful! Ok, let's meet there at half past six.
B: 它还在那儿吗,太棒了~好吧,我们六点半在那儿见。
A: Be there or be square.
A: 不见不散。
考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程
안녕!嗨!요즘 재미가 어떠세요?最近过得怎么样?요새 어떻게 지내세요?最近过得怎么
样?잘 지냈어요?过得好吗?잘 지내고 있어요.过得很
好.괜찮아요.还可以吧.조금 바빠요.有点忙.그저 그래요.还行.아주 바빠요.很忙.건강하시죠?身体好吧?몸 조심하세요.可要注意身体啊.점점 젊어지시네요.你可真是越活越年轻了.
考研屋www.kaoyanwu.com :提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程
A: Benny, this is Miranda. Why haven't you called me since you got back?
A: 本尼,我是米兰达。你回来了怎么没给我打电话呢。
B: Oh, my God, Miranda. Is it you? What a surprise! How do you know that I'm back? I was thinking of giving you a call.
B: 噢,天哪,米兰达。是你吗?这可真是个惊喜呀!你怎么知道我回来了?我确实想给你打电话来着。
A: Ok. Anyhow, listen, why don't we have dinner together this evening and have a good talk?
A: 好吧。不管怎么样,听着,咱们今天晚上一块儿吃饭吧,好好聊一聊。
B: Why not? Where shall we go?
B: 好哇!咱们去哪儿?
A: How about the bar where we used to go for a drink?
A: 我们以前经常去喝酒的那个酒吧怎么样?
B: It's still there? Wonderful! Ok, let's meet there at half past six.
B: 它还在那儿吗?太棒了!好吧,我们六点半在那儿见。
A: Be there or be square.
A: 不见不散。
? 我打开窗户,空气里含着泥土的芬芳清香。
? 我独自一个人到山里,初秋的微风凉嗖嗖的,它吹走了夏日的炎热,带来了秋天的凉爽。我要看的第一个老朋友——堤坝。我站在堤坝前,看着滔滔河水在它脚下流淌。啊!堤坝,你如一位年轻力壮的青年在这河水上守了几十年了吧。你把汹涌的河水挡在对岸,保护了下游的村子,你是多么伟大呀!
? 走进树林,蜜蜂“嗡嗡”地在我耳边向我问好,蝴蝶展开她那对美丽的翅膀在我眼前快乐的舞蹈。我走到一株野菊花旁,闭上眼睛,仿佛自己也是一株野菊,静静地感受生活,感受甘甜的汁液在我身体里吸收流淌。
?? 这山中的一切,哪个都是我的朋友,我热切地跟他们打招呼:嘿,娇嫩的小草弟弟,你穿着金色的大衣,是让我欣赏你的新大衣吗?哦!高大的杨树哥哥,你撑开巨大的金雨伞,是让我在树荫下乘凉吗?喂!活泼的鲤鱼姐姐,你和伙伴们一起欢乐的游泳,这边游游,那边游游,是在一起做着有趣的游戏吧!
??? 我还拜访了许多老朋友。夕阳西下,我独自一人走在幽静的小路上,恋恋不舍地回头看着山中的一花一木,一草一石。我挥手告别,小鸟也“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,好像在和我说再见呢!我迎着凉爽的秋风走上了回家的路。
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