When in Rome,Do As the Romans DoThere is no denying that we should do as the Romans do when in Rome.This is an accumulated experience we inherit from our forefathers,and now it is still widely applied to our daily life.The old saying tells us vividly that wherever we are,we should do everything according to local customs.The proverb has profound impact on our interactions with people from other cultures.As far as I am concerned,I have had the experience myself.Last year,my neighbor,Xiao Wang and I went to the U.S.to travel.One day we were lost and it seemed we would never find our way back to our hotel.Suddenly an elderly lady came near us.Excited and trying to be polite,Xiao Wang approached her and asked,“Excuse me,how old are you?” This polite opening remark in Chinese culture made the lady stare at him in surprise,because age is a taboo in Western cultures.Seeing the embarrassment,I asked,“Beautiful weather,isn't it?” Of course the lady said “Yes” and happily told us the way to our hotel.A lesson that can be drawn from the above example is obvious.Whether we know the local customs will play a crucial role in our relationship with others.More importantly,doing everything as the locals do will help us make more friends and avoid troubles.(228 words)
do as the Romans do和when in Rome,do as the Romans do都行另外在给你一些有关罗马的谚语:All roads leaves to Rome .条条大路通罗马。
Rome was not bulid(made) in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。
希望我的答案可以让你满意 Thank You Very Much
入乡随俗的英语翻译 入乡随俗用英语怎么说
"Do in Rome as Rome does",it is not just an idealistic slogan,but a practicle rule,a real way how people can be immedialety adapted by a brand new environment for two reasons.First,behaving as a native person is a short cut to understand the new cultural.By iminating habitants around you,you can clearly know what is the belief,value and the forbidden zones in their lives,which makes it easilier to get along with local persons.Second,behaving as a native citizen can show that you have a positive attitude to the new life,which can attract peers surrounding.Therefore,friend-relationships can be henced.In other words,"Do in Rome as Rome does" is an effective way to make new friends.In conclusion,i understand behaving as a native person as a practicle way to be merged into new culture and environment,as well as an effecitve way to make new friends.不知道你的字数要求.如果需要更多的篇幅就自己找点列子,很多很多.比如钱学森当年刚刚来美国很快融入环境啦,什么白求恩医生很快融入军队找到朋友啦.加油!
不知道这个是不是When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗 On a weekend,Ella and Jacky go to the suburbs of Beijing with their families.They stay in a village.In the evening,Jacky is angry because his bed is not soft.Next morning,Jacky is angrier.He complains,"I don't like mantou and porridge.I only have milk and bread for breakfast!" Ella can't stand it any more.She says,"Stop it,Jacky.When in Rome,do as the Romans do!" 只能找到入乡随俗的出处When in Rome,Do as the Romans DoFor those who have never tried eating with their fingers instead of with forks or chopsticks,it may be worth a try when they travel one day to a place like India.It is always advisable to follow local customs wherever one visits,as the proverb “When in Rome,do as the Romans do” says.Widely taken as an infallible precept,the saying “When in Rome,do as the Romans do” is attributed to Saint Ambrose,one of the most eminent bishops of the 4th century.When Saint Augustine arrived in Milan,he observed that,unlike the practice in Rome,the Church there did not fast on Saturday.He then consulted Saint Ambrose,Bishop of Milan,whether religious fasting should be practised on Saturday.Saint Ambrose replied,“When I am in Milan,I do not fast on Saturday; when I am in Rome,I fast on Saturday”,and advised him to follow the custom of the Church where he was.Saint Ambrose's advice had appeared in English by about 1530 and eventually became “When in Rome,do as the Romans do”.“When in Rome,do as the Romans do” remains a popular saying and is often shortened to either simply “when in Rome” or to simply “do as the Romans do”.For example,“I don't usually eat lamb,but I did when I went to New Zealand,well,when in Rome...” and “I know you have egg and bacon for breakfast at home,but now you are on the Continent.So do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls instead.” 中国幅员辽阔,民族有五十六个之多;每个民族各有特殊风俗,例如回族、维吾尔族等忌吃猪肉;蒙古族忌讳坐于蒙古包的西北角;哈尼族不会到产妇家借用家具;佤族忌讳别人摸头和耳朵.即使同是汉族,也可能因方言互异、地域不同、文化有别而在风俗方面各有所依.有些风俗在外人看来莫名其妙,但对族人来说却意义重大.尊重别人的风俗习惯,除了是基本礼貌之外,也有助于人际交往.每到一处陌生地方,首先了解清楚当地的习俗,并按这些风俗习惯行事,此谓“入乡随俗”.这个成语出自《庄子˙山木》:“入其俗,从其令”,可用以比喻能适应环境,随遇而安.“入乡随俗”也作“入乡随乡”、“随乡入乡”和“随乡入俗”.俗语有云:“千里不同风,百里不同俗”.世界各地都有本身的风俗习惯,前往外地公干或旅游时,应尽可能跟从当地的风俗,以示尊重.清楚知道有何禁忌,以免触犯,也同样重要.总而言之,只要谨记《礼记˙曲礼上》所言:“入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳”,便无往而不利.