Unit 1
Text A
I 1-5 B A D A B
II Section A
1. consistent 2.statement 3.reflect 4.invalid 5.considerable 6.comparison
Section B
1.credible. 2.identify 3.assumption 4.represents 5.evaluated 6.appropriate
Section C
1.to 2.forward 3.into 4.in 5.with 6.to
III 1-5 define action tears good express
6-10 powerful internally respond to shapes personal
IV Section A
1. take different social groups into account
2. Comparing his present work with the previouswork,
3. is inconsistent with what he told the policeman
4. is not relevant to what we’ re dealing with
5. Inform us of any of your changes
Section B
要成为一个灵活的读者,你必须知道如何根据你的阅读目的选择并使用恰当的阅读方式。 知道何时, 如何使用不同的阅读风格能使你成为一个灵活的读者。 研究型阅读是灵活的读者 为了深度理解偏难的题材时所使用的阅读风格。 当使用此种阅读风格时, 你的阅读速度要比 平时慢一些。而且,你要挑战自我,以理解原文。并且,它还常常需要你阅读不止一遍以深 度理解。有时候,大声朗读也可以加深理解。
V 52134
Text B
I Section A
1-6 Y F Y F Y NG
Section B
1. Mastering our language 2. our lives and destinies 3.determination
4. power 5.live whatever life you desire 6. some alternatives
II Section A
1. confidence 2. creative 3. eliminate 4. dramatically 5. significant 6.limit
Section B
1. matter 2. commonly 3. pleased 4. infinite 5. command 6. impact
Section C
1. out 2. Seems 3. on 4. within 5. in 6. over
III Section A
1. have a great impact on the country’ s future.
2. but it matters a lot to me
3. but the police is soon in control of the situation
4. i have on alternative but let you go
5. The final decision is up to the manager
Section B
职场中, 英语具有重要的作用。 使用方式正确和恰当, 可以极大的促进职业和事业发展。 一些人在步入职场之前, 有必要或者想要学习商务英语。 那些已经上班的, 有机会去看看自 己能不能在当前工作中有效地运用英语。
商业中,如何谈判是一种实用技巧。你需要懂得你想要的是什么,如何砍价,和折衷。 懂得如何化解冲突,结束谈判对谈判结果起着至关重要的作用。
职场英语的学习将极大的促进专业有效地沟通,就像地道的翻译将为客户,商业伙伴, 供应商提供良好的服务,它对任何生意都将是有益的。
IV Section A
1. was → were 2. wises because he 4. industries though it 5.cost → costs
Section B
1. Mr. Randolph was born in Florida.
2. The march featured the Reverend Martin Luther King ’ s unforgettable “ I Have a Dream ” speech.
Unit 2
Text A
I 1-5 D B C D B
II Section A
1. effectively 2.response 3.discover 4.occur 5.rare 6.scientific
Section B
1. remove 2.eventually 3.opportunity 4.renowned 5.interviewed 6remarked
Section C
1. to 2. For 3. Of4. on 5. With 6. for
III 1--5 fear under unavoidable success without
6--10 reach between so that as long as wisely
IV Section A
1. respond to the president’ s command
2. his accent sets him apart from others
3. I rarely see so wonderful sunset
4. restore people’ s confidence in national economyR
5. she remarker the boy’ s improvement
Section B
我清楚地记得那段自我认为是个失败者的日子。 但是最终我知道, 在一件事上失败, 并不等 于在所有的事情上都不会获得成功。 并且事实上, 失败是成长的过程中必然经历的。 生活中 充满了冒险与挑战。通向成功的路上,你必然经历一些重大的失误。我所知的,用约翰 c 麦克斯维尔的术语来说, 愈挫愈勇, 从失败中汲取教训强大自己。 关于失败最重要的问题之 一是, 人们总是急于评判一个个原本毫无关联的情形, 并且给自己贴上失败者的标签。 但其 实, 人们需要将蓝图刻在脑海里。 一个成功的棒球球员并不会总总盯着某个出界的球, 认为 自己失败了。 他会把他看做是理想内涵的一部分。 他的远见赋予他坚持的力量。 坚持不懈有 助于延年益寿。长寿又给他更多的机会去获取成功。
I Section A
1-6 N N Y Y N Y
Section B
1. huge blender with all fixings for chocolate cake 2.anniversary gift 3.this mess
4. what to say 5.long-term significance 6. teaching children
II Section A
1.slightly 2.troublesome 3.occasional 4.inspection 5.responsible 6.disaster
Section B.
1.presents 2.frustration 3.awful 4.deserves 5.issue 6.glance
Section C
1.from 2.out 3.with 4.out of 5.up 6.of
III Section A
1.She glanced through this room
2.gesturing me to follow him
3.Once the paper is in position
4.present their ideas on political issue
5.It ’ s vital to import medical materials into this region
Section B.
成功人士之所以能获得成功是因为他们在面对困难时拥有一些重要的特质, 而不是把每一次 挫败都孤立的看。首先,他们在失败的时候,不会一味的责怪自己。他们会承担责任,而不 是拘泥于某一次的失败。其次,他们不会失败一次就自认为自己是个失败者。他们意识到, 每一次的挫败都是成功的一部分。 再次, 他们很乐意尝试不同的方式来解决问题。 这对于生 活中的任一小步都是非常重要的。如果一种方法不对,并让你失败了, 那就换一种方式。在 失败中前进,你必须要采取适合自己的方式, 而不是适合别人的方式。 最后,他们都是很有 定力的, 他们不会让一个个小小的失败阻挡他们前行的脚步。 他们从挫败中方汲取教训, 奋 勇向前。
IV Section A
2.why → that 4.from → by 5.of – in
Section B
How can we buy a good car.
Unit 3
Text A
I 1-5 A B A A B
II Section A
1.recognition 2.reflection 3.undisputed 4.loyalty 5.essential 6.assurance
Section B.
1.presented 2.requested 3.challenge 4.mutual 5.virtue 6.generation
Section C
1.of 2.in 3.of 4.of 5.through 6.In
III 1.While 2.wisely 3.on 4.opposites 5.personalities
6.that 7.Whatever 8.unique 9.a couple of 10.share
IV Section A
1.continued engaging in criminal activities.
2.exploit natural resources
3.are requested to get you application permission
4.betrayed her parents belief
5.lead to serious consequences
Section B.
人们很容易结交好朋友。 就像一双很舒服的手套, 老朋友戴起来非常舒适。 但是匆忙或过于 熟悉中结交的友谊是不能太久忽视的。 如果你想要或者需要保持良好的友谊, 你需要思考和 想清楚一些最为重要的特征。也许他能帮你回想一下为什么你和你的好朋友好久不联系了, 或者为什么当别人问你这周末跟谁一起玩的时候无比尴尬。你可以时不时忽略了你的知己, 但是如果你不去培养忠诚,宽恕,诚实,奉献这样的品质,你将无法保持真正的友情。
V 235416
Text B
I Section A
1-6 Y Y N NG N Y
Section B
1.ungrateful 2. malice 3.sacrificed 4.prosperity and in poverty 5.a prince 6.guard
II Section A
1.pursuit 2.faith 3.ungrateful 4.fiercely 5.prosperity 6. reputation
Section B
1.privilege 2.alert 3.poverty 4.unselfish 5.scene 6.deserted
Section C
1.by 2.to 3.against 4.to 5.with 6.down
III Section A
1.family is the best place to lick your wounds
2. if i had time to go over my lessons
3.be alert to risks about tourism
4.enjoy certain privilege
5.have been political party leaders’ s first encounter.
Section B
你对于朋友的概念是一个人给你一个更好的选择的建议, 当你害怕可以牵着你的手, 帮你打 败那些利用你的人, 当你不在他们身边的时候随时想着你, 提醒你忘记的事儿, 帮你忘记过 去,当你需要坚持下去的时候能够理解你,在你身边,给你信心, 放下自己的事儿在你需要 的时候出现,帮你改正错误,对抗压力,帮你变强,把你当做他们最重要的人。
IV Section A
1.resign that lead 2.leaving → left 3.when → that 4.lies → lie 5.facing → faced with
Section B
1.Her brother usually babysits her in his spare time.
2.Her father likes to take photos when she smile.
Unit 4
Text A
1-5 D C D C B
II Section A
1.dealerships 2.complain 3.rarely 4.blessing 5.contribute 6.illegal
Section B
1.committed 2. subsistence 3.immigrant 4.unrest 5.quit 6.victim
Section C
1.about 2.of 3.to 4.in 5.into 6.again
III 1.improve 2.check out 3.stressed 4.arrive 5.clearing away
6.priority 7.difference 8.route 9.routine 10.weight
IV Section A
1.she looks forward to seeing you
2.If you always complain about not enough time to work
3.contributes to subway’ s development
4.reminds of her tough childhood
5.we are prepared for worst results
Section B
不论你是个侍者或者心脑手术专家, 你所做的任何工作都是服务于他人, 并使人们的生活 在一定程度上有所改善。 我们都有这样的经历, 一些人的工作点亮了我们的生活, 并使我们 的生活大不相同, 或者给我们带来麻烦, 影响了我们的生活质量。 我们遇到过可敬的保洁员, 或普通的工作有意思的人。 因此不论你的工作是什么, 如何带着爱心投入到工作中呢?要有 一颗感恩的心。 感恩并不意味着你一定要去做一件你并不喜欢的工作, 但是它能培养你积极 的思想。 你不喜欢你的工作, 但是你仍然可以享受与同事相处的乐趣。 这就是我们应该感恩 的。当你试着去感恩,它能改观你的外貌,在工作中更加开心。
V 1 2 5 4 3
Text B
I Section A Y Y N N N NG
Section B
1.more time and money 2.customers 3.purpose of your business
4.financial boundaries 5.sound advice and criticism 6.planing and start-up process
II Section A
1.exhaustive 2.survival 3.various 4.motivation 5.profession 6.competitive
Section B
1.sound 2.exceeds 3.prioritize 4.unique 5.pattern 6.routine
Section C
1.in 2.out of 3.with 4.for 5.for 6.in
III Section A
1.Anyone who is privileged to work with him
2.we need safety guards in place
3.we can assume that he is not in the city
4. refugees can’ t survive the winter
5.to the drivers who exceed
Section B
在你下定决心去做什么的时候, 坚定, 诚实的回想一下你创业的动机。 太多人都是希望变得 富有, 拜托公司的束缚, 工作时间少一些,更多休息的时间。 以上任何一个原因都不会使你 成功的。如果你专注于解决客户的问题或满足客户的需求,相信你可以做的比任何人都好, 愿意工作更长的时间, 承担无尽的责任, 你就拥有了正确的创业思想。 你必须具备一些特质。 其中之一就是愿意一个人努力工作至少一年或更长的时间。
IV Section A
1.mine → me 2.in → on 3.than those in 4.came → comes
2.he needs all the things put into a suitcase
Section B
There are many kinds of dates.
Self – assessment 1
1.A 2..B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7,.A 8.A 9.A 10.A
11.D 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A
16.E 17.F 18A 19.B 20D 21.B 22.E 23.D 24.C 25.A
26.A 27 .C 28 .D 29.F 30.B
31.single 32.begin 33. Come 34.successful 35.praise 36.treasure 37.careful 38.always 39.offer 40.doubt
41.couring 42.careful 43.particulary 44. Implication 45.training 46.impressing 47.communication 48. Were respected 49 .design 50.logical
Unit 5
Text A
1-5 D A B A C
II Section A
1.wisdom 2.deliberately 3.anxiety 4.belief 5.uncomfortable 6.equivalent
Section B
1.distinguished 2.instruction 3.equaled 4.conflict 5.guilty 6.anxious
Section C
1.of 2.about 3.of 4.between 5.forth 6.as
III 1.satisfy 2.thinking of 3.focus on 4.the middle 5.sense
6.but 7.challenged 8.inner 9.fit for 10.than
IV Section A
1.calls for local citizen’ s anger
2.A series of incident
3.because of heavy rain
4.was born a gifted musician as well as photographer
5.distinguish fact with illusory
Section B
设想你和五个球一起在空中玩耍。你给他们命名为工作,家庭,健康,和精神,并保持在空 中。你很快会明白工作就像是个橡皮球。 如果你丢掉它, 它会弹回来。 其余四个球是玻璃做 的,一旦你丢掉,他们将会永久性的受损,被刻上标记,破裂,受伤,甚至破碎。他们无法 恢复到从前。你一定也懂得了,要平衡生活。
Text B
I Section A Y N N Y Y Y
Section B
1.health issues 2.inspiration writer 3.useless and uncaring
4.unreceptive 5.failed marriage 6.giving up
II Section A
1.imagination 2.threaten 3.recover 4.inspire 5.valuable 6.quotation
Section B
1.challenged 2.desperation 3.cheerful 4.uncaring 5.contact 6.valuable
Section C
1.on 2.with 3.out 4.over 5.back 6.about
III Section A
1.on her feet again
2.bring about many changes
3.walked out on her
4.should have fight back
5.fell in desperation
Section B
IV Section A
1.The hitchhiker → who 2.stereo while Linda 3.work though the history
4.event but she, shift as several 5.on → in
Section B
Unit 6
Text A
1--5 A C B D B
II Section A
1.differentiate 2.indulgent 3.resistance 4.responsibility 5.formation 6.unnecessary
Section B
1.constraint 2.allocate 3.principle 4.mentality 5.scheme 6.temptation
Section C
1.to 2.to 3.on 4.in 5.on 6w.ithout
1.basic 2 . 3.accumulated 4. Ideally 5,called 6.wastful 7.where 8. Now that 9 .direct 10 grow
IV Section A
1.concluded the decisions on the basis of research
2.she never indulge in drink alcohol
3.will not be responsible for what he did
4.my teaching experience stands me in good state
5.result in head injury
Section B
不管孩子们是否被允许处理自己的零钱, 父母或继父母都一定会发放一定数量的现金来满足 小孩子的日常需求和想法。 孩子不需要大笔钱, 但是理论上他们应该有足够的钱, 以让他们 学会花一些钱和节省一些。 很多父母通过让孩子把钱分成 3小部分来让孩子了解理财的重要 性。一部分用于应急,一部分短期存款,第三部分长期存款。在一些家庭中,增加了第四种 捐款,帮助孩子们树立观念和理解帮助那些不是很富裕的人们的重要性。
Text B
1. Section A 1 Y 2 Y 3NG 4 N5 Y 6 N
Section B
1.desired 2.opposite 3.traits 4.a giving attitude 5.a balance of 6.healthier view of money
II Section A
1.abundance 2.favorite 3.scared 4.donation 5.originally 6.economy
Section B
1.available 2.abundant 3.stimulated 4.charity 5.universe 6.readily
Section C
1.of 2.with 3.between 4.down 5.to 6.in
III Section A
1.if there are news available
2.open up an unfamiliar world
3.to stimulate economic growth
4.donated more than 100 thousand to cancer research
5.deserves consideration
Section B
人们是怎么看待钱的呢?事实上人们把钱看得太重了。 他们觉得钱是一切, 并且相信 “钱是 一切的通行证” 。所以他们为了钱会做任何事情,甚至是变态的,违法的事情。罗博为了仅 仅几十美元要残忍的杀害别人。 商人为了钱在生意中尔虞我诈。 拥有巨大的权力和社会影响 力的官员为钱践踏自己的荣誉和别人的利益。
IV Section A
1.me whom I 2.work as none 3. Exhausted so that 4.cleaner when i 5.yourself so you
Section B
1.C 2.D 3.A
Unit 7
Text A
1-5 D C B A A
II Section A
1.precise 2.hesitate 3.wonderful 4.emotion 5.ignorance 6.complete
Section B
1.attached 2.attempt 3upset 4.inner 5.prompt 6.overwhelming
Section C
1.took 2.with 3.for 4.takes 5.in 6.with
III 1.choose 2.opportunity 3.view 4.accordingly 5.end up
6.interact 7.whose 8.what 9.nonstop 10.night
IV Section A
1.agreed without hesitation
2.In desperation i called 119
3.prompts me to come out this passage
4.the best resolution that they can come up with
5.Despite there are not enough steels
Section B
心声在人生的旅途中指引你的前行。 有多少次心声告诉你去做一些事, 相反的你却反其 道而行,最终却发现自己犯了一个大大的错误。我打赌, 此时此刻,你一定对自己说我当初 真应该听从自己的想法啊。 有时候心声也是很微妙的, 提醒我们去付账单或打电话给一个朋 友。其他时候,心声会非常强烈,会一天天,一周周,甚至连续好些年一遍一遍的提醒我们 一些未完成的事情。 如果心声持续超过一周, 你会发现同样的想法会一遍一遍的出现在你的 脑海里,这样你就知道这是你真正心声的表达。请相信它并付诸行动吧。
V 651342
Text B
1Section A
1. N 2,Y 3.NG 4. N 5. Y 6. Y
Section B
1.sourness and selfishness 2.be seen 3. ” wasting time ” sitting in that office
4.long wait for service 5.into a pleasant and enjoyable experience 6.joy
II Section A
1.boredom 2.namely 3.character 4.tension 5.sour 6.pleasant
Section B
1.modest 2.radiate 3.brighten 4.convert 5.goodwill 6.inherited
Section C
1.under 2.in 3.of 4.As 5.into 6.skin
III Section A
1.As he is eager to study
2.joining in the celebration
3.inherited a large amount of fortune
4.converts sun radiation into electricity
5.make a good first impression on everyone you meet with
Section B
一个微笑并不会花费什么成本, 但是却能创造很多价值。 他能充实那些接受微笑的人, 也不 会使给与微笑的人贫穷。 它只在瞬间产生, 但带给人们的记忆却是永远的。 没有人因为微笑 而富裕或贫穷,但能因 它受益而富裕。它在家庭中给人们带来快乐,商场上传递良好的愿 景,朋友间的默契。它对疲倦而言是休息,对缺乏勇气是白日光,对悲伤而言是阳光。但是 它无法买到,乞求,借,偷到,因为直到失去人们才会意识到它的好处。如果现在是圣诞大 采购的最后时刻, 我们的促销员可能太疲惫无法给你一个微笑, 但是我们能请你留下你的微 笑吗?因为没有人比他们更希望能有人对他们微笑
IV Section A
1.smile whose name 2.It → which 3.rising as it
4.The goals → which 5. 分句间加上 that ’ s why
Section B
1.also 2.As 3.For example 4.In addition 5.even if 6.Finally
Unit 8
Text A
1 Section A 1--5 C C D B B
Section B
1.define 2.incredible 3.perspective 4.vision 5.fulfill 6.profound
Section C
1. from2.in 3.on 4.at 5.in 6.of
III 1. called up 2.natural 3.are confused to 4.likely 5.potential
6.intentionally 7.Even if 8.opposed 9.known 10.mark
IV Section A
1.find that it’ s difficult for them to adapt to new campus.
2.the children were willing to share their stories with .
3.elected one of them as spokesman.
4.but they only to find that they had to overcome financial problems themselves.
5.stress the importance of balanced diet.
Section B
总有一些时候, 我们唯一能做的就是质疑自己存在的意义。 总有一些时候, 我们感到如 此的孤独, 抑郁,仿佛整个世界都失去了颜色。总有一些时候,莫名的就找不到了存在与生 活的动力, 渴盼生命就此终结。 然而,你也应该知道,种种遭遇只不过是生活中为了重塑我 们的角色与观念的必然经历的小小坎坷。 如此时刻,请千万不要屈服放弃! 是的, 快乐的唯 一秘诀就是坦然接受。
V 231547698
Text B
Section A
1. Y 2 .N 3. NG 4. Y 5.Y 6 .N
Section B
1. computing world 2.finance the production 3.worked on a new medicine called Macintosh 4.fired 5. billions of dollars 6.new and innovation technologies
II Section A
1.adoption 2.appointment 3.convincing 4.initial 5.recruitment 6.successive
Section B
1.episode 2.immense 3.possession 4.insanely 5.unexpected 6.introduction
Section C
1. among 2.with 3.of 4.to 5.in 6,in
III Section A
1.dropped out one year later
2.founded the charity fund his in memory of his father
3.turned out to be unexpected difficult
4.expect a wonderful under his
5.the tragedy happened on him
Section B
Steve Jobs 被加州山景城的一个家庭收养。高中时期,对于电的兴趣促使他打电话给威廉姆 希望他能为学校的一个项目提供部件。 Hewlett 慷慨应允,不仅给了他东西,还为他提供了 一个暑期实习生的工作。在那里, Jobs 遇到了 Steve Wozniak ,一个极具天分的,知识渊 博的工程师。他比其他的高中生大 5岁。正是他们的伟大友谊才有了 Apple 的创立。
IV Section A
1.It ’ s a great pleasure to be here with you
2.and → so 3.If only 4.through → on 5.and he → who
V. 3674251
Self – assessment 2
1. B .2B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6,.B 7.B 8.B 9. A 10. A
11. C 12.C 13.. D 14.D 15. B
16.B 17.A 18.C 19.E 20.D
21.B 2 2. C 23. F 24. E 25 . A
26. C 27 . D 28. A 29. F 30. E
31. limited 32.learning 33. Truly 34. Sharing 35. Feeling 36. Make 37. bills 38sense 39 .organizations 40 . aware
41. infinite 42. Exhausted 43. Discovery 44. Increasing 45.advancing 46. Efficient 47 . interesting 48. Transportation 49 applying 50 dependence
Unit 9
Text A
1. C C A C B
II Section A
1. am despaired of 2.negative 3.individually 4.tougher 5.incredible 6.symbolize
Section B
1.leaped 2.arise 3.lost 4.paced 5.through 6.positive
Section C
1.with 2.up 3.through 4.with 5.like 6.to
III 1.struggling 2.arose 3.respectively 4.turned 5.tasted
6.observed 7.weak 8.inside 9.circumstance 10.worst
IV Section A
1,instead of tomorrow 2.overseas investment has positive impact on output
3.look forward on my middle school 4.you will end up with troubles
5.he can’ t keep up with other students
Section B
害怕和自我怀疑决定了你在工作中的交流和行为方式。工作场所是无情的。 你需要保卫好自己。为了生存,你必须独立,有责任心,自信和有决心。首先, 你必须正面看待自己,你已经很好了。或者简单地说,你也不是食草的,好欺负
的。在一个职位上做的很好,要求自信。这也就是为什么那些资质平平的人,只 要有强大的内心, 取得了比那些拥有天赋的人更大的成就。 积极的思考, 产生积 极的态度,反应,和感情,也进而为我们的成功绘制蓝图。另一方面,消极的态 度,充满恐惧,怀疑,担心,滋生消极的行为。但是这些可以通过正面的信息来 驱散。以新人代替恐惧,决心代替怀疑,工作代替担忧,爱取代恨。
Text B
1 Section A 1.NG 2.NG 3. Y 4.N 5. Y 6. Y
Section B
1.painful ,majestical 2.signaled the conductor to begin again 3.three strings 4.how much they appreciated the show 5.more beautiful sacred ,memorable
6.with what we have left
II Section A
1.suddenly 2.appreciate 3.purity 4.applause 5. shaky 6.boastfully
Section B
1.signal 2.outbursts 3.proceed 4.aid 5.figure 6.bewilder
Section C
1.up 2.by 3.in 4.sudden 5.to 6.At
III Section A
1.make our way to dating place
2.appreciated by those who enjoys best service
3.with the aid of a good map
4.A few who is stricken with disability
5.proceeded our personal affairs to everyone in the bar.
Section B
麻烦来了, 但是同时它也使一些人更好更强大在每一个方式上, 他淹没一些 人以至于再也不能上升。 困难是相同的, 但同时也是不同的。 那些遇见困难和逆 境人在微弱的力量下会被他们有限的想法和错误的个性会被快速的打击和破坏。 但是那些有依赖,有信仰,有力量的人,绝不会被打击,也不会被吓到。这个力 量是无限的, 总是充足的, 不管可能有多大的需求。 一个人一旦意识到他自己真 正的精神是不会被打败的, 也不会失败。 他可能会通过叫做死亡的改变, 但是真 的男人,永远不会死。也不会失败,尽管他可能被打败一千次,他必须会再次崛 起。
IV Section A
2.are --were 3.depends--depend 4.for--of 5in her mind 去掉
Section B
1.and 2.also 3.thus 4.However 5.because
6.In addition 7.Finally 8.Again
Unit 10
Text A
1. A B D D C
II Section A
1.economy 2.arrangement 3.dependent 4.valuable 5.ease
Section B
1.necessary 2.proclaim 3.lessen 4.limit 5.strengthen 6.commutes
Section C
1.to 2.upon 3.to 4.up 5.with 6.in
III 1.limited 2.compared to 3.refers to 4.low 5.running out of
1.require 7. another 8.personal 9. positive 10 .economic
IV Section A
1and .basked in the warm sunshine.
1.accounts for 35% of the company's revenue.
2.attributed his success to hard work
3.up to 500 guests.
4.end up in prison
Section B
公共交通是不是一个更好的驾驶选择呢 ? 这根据偏好和个人的情况。有些人喜欢自己开车 , 但这并不是说 , 公共交通不是众多旅行方式中较适合的一个。 在大的事情中 , 这是可能更便宜。 没车的费用和保险费去担心。 你没有维修或燃料成本。从环保的角度来看 , 它是更有效的很 多人一起从一个地方到另一个地方的旅行方式。
V . 2 6 3 4 5 1
Text B
Section A
I 1.N 2.N 3.N 4.N 5. Y 6. Y
Section B
1. end up seeing 2. Behave as politely and respectfully as they can
3.conduct our best selves 4. Takes a lot of guts to do
5.for other purposes . 6.efforts in sustaining and helping
Section A
1.maintenance 2.considerable 3,economical 4.accumulation 5.warmth 6.assurance Section B
1.push 2.stand 3.incidents 4.intention 5.sustains 6.aggravated
Section C
1up 2. In 3. To 4 forward 5 on 6 in
1. conduct themselves how to behave in the workplace 2. though the government made the assurance of expanding employment 3. consider other people before action
4.they never quarrel in public 5 confident . that everything will go as planned
Section B
当提到个人财产, 我们都会想到存更多钱的方式。 我们家庭的花费充满各种大大小小的花费, 以至于让我们想像去切段负荷和现金, 至少, 花费在更好的地方。 一件你确实要考虑的事情 就是用公共的交通而不是自己的交通工具。
很容易承认公共交通是更便宜的,因为公共汽车的花费没有汽油贵,但是那不是唯一要考 虑的花费。 回想一下你高中时的经济课程,试图回忆关于机会的花销。 这些,如果你可以从 那个课回想起来, 当你选择一件事情而放弃一件事情的时候。 尽管你不估量美元和美分, 当 你做出一个财政决定的时候,他们还是不得不被考虑到的。
IV Section A
1. the amount of violence seems to be increasing every day .
2. I called to the children repeatedly to get their attention ,but my shouts did not get any response.
3. Starting as from June, I will be working at the store on a full-time basis.
4. Due to the fact that chen’ s car refused to start up ,he had to take public transportation to his place of work .
5. When I was just a little boy ,I already knew that my goal was to be a stockbroker in the future of my life.
Section B
1.even 2.for example 3 also . 4.similary 5.much as 6.in conclusion 7.but
Unit 11
Text A
I1.D 2.D 3B 4B 5.C
Section A
1. merely 2.intimate 3. Determine 4. Romantic 5. Perception 6. Intence
Section B
1. convey 2.reveals 3. Variety 4. Suspected 5. Potential 6. Personality
Section C
1. to 2.to 3. To 4. 5. Of 6. In
1.everywhere 2. Get up 3. Enjoy 4. Schedule 5.while 6 daily . 7.since
8. In touch with 9. Use 10 communicatte
IV Section A
1was perceived as a great breakthrough
2under no circumstance can you close to that person
3determine whether she is criminal or not
4when you were deprived of sleep
5.in any case I wasn’ t invited
IV Section B
关系通过网络各样的形式变得越来越有共同点。 十几万人在网上恋爱, 几百万人忘记网络上 的友谊。 在我们全新的数字时代这些网上友谊更好的为了下一个合理的步骤。 人们有机会知 道所有民族的每天生活的方式, 这些网上友谊经常跨越文化, 经济,自然,年龄和社会范围 的方式甚至可能在现实的生活中。
但是, 当你和人们网上谈话时, 你没有办法知道你正在说话人的样子。 看不见人, 你不能正 确的判断他们,知道你在现实生活中做出危险的一部见到他们的时候。
Text B
Section A
1 .N 2 . Y 3. NG 4 N 5.Y 6.N
Section B
1.government operation 2. Daily living 3.routine availability 4.using the internet 5.internet 6.extremely hard
Section A
1.traditional 2.rely 3. Novel 4. Consume 5. Option 6. Impatient
Section B
1. simplified 2. Evolved 3 tremendous .4 interaction 5.declined 6.standard
Section C
1.on 2. From 3. To 4. Into 5. Without 6. On
Section A
1 .I don't want to take up too much time of you
2 .in accessing the help of society
3,fell behind in this respect 4. Realistically specking, he has no hope
5.Only 10% of Americans engaged in sports
Section B
网络电视经常指那些在网络上可观看的下载的或者流动的视频。大多数广播电视网 络现在的特色就是电视节目在网络电视上有官方网站。尽管这些是经常仅仅对美国 当地的网络用户可见。不像移动广播,可下载的电视允许用户在电脑保存电视,并 且是最流行的看电视方式。
网络电视的主要受益包括节目的选择和灵活性。不像常规电视,网络电视能选择几 乎任何他们想看的节目和轶事在任何时间内。网络电视用户也不需要为了暂停而用 数字的记录集记录节目倒回或者快进都通过确定的部分 -——流动的和下载的位置 都允许这些功能用网络电视。
IV Section A
1.She sailed to London and flew to Paris and took a train to Rome.
2.In the decade of the 1950s,NASA first initiated to develop and launch a series of passive satellites.
3.In 1972, President Nix on and his counterparts in Beijing took a number of important steps that would result in an improvement.
4This morning at 6:30,I woke up to hear my alarm go off, but the alarm was turned off ,and I returned back to sleep.
5.There is possibility that so many teenagers running away is the fact that many indifferent parents.
Section B
1.in the same way 2.a second way 3. Thirdly 4. Also 5.similary 6 Likewise 7. For example 8.both
. Unit 12
Text A
Section A
1. Awareness 2. Resemblance 3. Permission 4. Emotional 5. Settlement
6. Justification
Section B
1. Subside 2. Manufacture 3.. refresh 4. Justified 5. symptom 6. Nurture Section C
1, of 2. With 3. To 4. Off 5. Out 6. Set
1.in addition to 2.unfortunately 3. One 4. Get out of 5. physically
6.through 7. Free 8.either 9. Positive 10. rather than
IV Section A
1.piling up the problems 2. respond ing to our help 3. Came down with flu and hand to in bed 3. He would be set free 4. Justified the reason you cheated in exam .
Section B
不 要拿自己去跟别人比较以贬低自己 , 我们每个人因为不同而特别。不要因为生活在过去的 回忆或未来的幻想中 , 而让你现在的时间从指缝溜走 . 应当活在当下 , 生活在生命中的每一天 . 确实是一条脆弱的线把我们绑在了一起。 莫要匆忙地度过你的一生, 那匆忙让你忘了曾经到 过哪里, 也让你忘了你要去哪里不要忘记一个人最伟大的情感需要是得到人的欣赏。 不要随 意的用时间和词组。 没有任何一个是可以被恢复的。 生命不是一场比赛, 而是每一步都要被 保存的旅行。
Text B
Section A
1.Y .2. N 3. NG 4.Y 5. Y
\6. Y
Section B
1feeling good about yourself can affect how you act .
2.a person ’ s body image.
3.how both girls and boys feel about themselves.
4.Bod y image good friends .
5 Change the way you see your body and how you think about yourself II
Section A
1.capability 2. Combination 3. Adjustment 4.ignorant 5. Hurtful
6. Permanently
Section B
1.verify 2. Criticizing 3.prejudice 4. embarrass 5. temp
6 . vary
Section A
1.put down by coming late
2. I don't care about what the measure you take
3. keep track of your cash flow 4. It was nothing compared with your ’ s , 5. Felt good about what we did in the last 10 years
Section B
在所有的人的一生的是自己的 , 相处最多 , 打交道。但这正是自己最了解。
当你一帆风顺 , 在生活中你往往高估自己。似乎一切都你寻找已经触手可及。当你走 下坡往往把自己估计过低 , 把困难为自己的无能。
Section A
V 13524
1.for one thing 2.only when 3. Second 4 in addition . 5. Thus 6.
7 On the other hand 8. Though
Self – assessment 3
1.A 2. A 3C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10 . A
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15 B
16. B 17. C 18 D 19. F 20 E
21. E 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. D
26 A 27. F 28E 29. B 30. C
31. victims . 32. Quality 33. Soared 34. Expansion 35. Capacity 36. raised 37..companion 38 approach 39 interview 40 socially
41.satisfied 42. Balanced 43. Healthy 44. Vigorous 45. Shamed 46. failure 47. Perceiving 48 . comfortable 49. Impossible
50 fulfillment
范文二:自考英语英语(二) 课后题答案
Unit 1 The Power of Language
Text A Critial Reading
1,Checking Your Comprehension.
1,B 2,A 3,D 4,A 5,C
2, Building Your Vocabulary.
1,consistent (be consistent with...与...相符)
3, reflect
Section B
1, credible 2, identify 3, assumption
4, represents 5, evaluated 6, appropriate
Section C
1, to 2, forth 3, into 4, on 5, with 6, to
3, Bridging the Gap
1, defines 2, action 3,tears 4, good
5, express 6, powerful 7, internally
8, shapes 9, responds to 10, personal
1, take interests of different social groups into accuount.
2, Compare the recent work with the previous one
3, was not consistent with statement to the police
4, was not relevant to the affair
5, Please inform us of any change in your case
Section B
Text B The Language of Confidence
1,Checking Your Comprehension.
1,Y 2,N 3,Y 4,N 5, Y 6, NG
Section B
1,Mastering our language
2,our quality of life
4,live whatever life we desire
5,some alternatives
2,Building Your Vocabulary
1,confidence 2,creative 3,eliminate 4,dramatically
5,significant 6,limit
Section B
1,matter 2,commonly 3,please 4,infinite
5,commands 6,quality
Section C
1, out 2,up 3,on/upon 4,to 5,in 6,over
Section A
1,have a dramatic impact on the country's future
2,but it really matters to me
3,but the police were in control of it soon
4,that i have no alternative but to let you go
5,It is up to the manager to make the final decision
UNIT 2 Mistakes to Success
TEXT A Spilt Milk
1,Checking Your Comprehension
1,D 2,A 3,C 4,B 5,B
2,Building Your Vocabulary
1,effectively 2,respone 3,discover 4,occur 5, rare
6, scientific
Section B
1,Remove 2,eventually 3, opprtunity
4,renowed 5,interviewed 6,remarked
Section C
1,to 2,so 3,to 4,on 5,in 6, for
3,Bridging the Gap
1, fear 2, under 3, unavoidable 4, success
5, without 6, reach 7, between 8, so that
9, as long as 10, wisely
1, actively respond to the president's request
2, only his accent sets him apart from others
3, I have rarely seen such a beautiful sunset
4, restore people's confidence in national economy
5, she remarked on the progress of the boy
我清楚地记得我感觉自己是个失败者的那段日子。但是我最终明白了在一件事情上失败并不意味着在所有事情上的失败。事实上,失败是成长过程中必不可少的一部分。人生充满了不断的反复尝试和犯错。为了走向通往成功的道路,你必定会在沿路犯一些错误。用约翰?麦克斯韦尔(JohnC. Maxwell)的术语来说,我学到的就是“以退为进/在失败中前进”,即用错误来使自己变得更好。人们面对失败最大的一个问题就是他们过快的武断他们生活中孤立的一些情况,并且给自己贴上失败者的标签。相反的,他们需要在头脑中保持清晰的思路。一个成功的棒球运动员并不把一次出局看成失败。他把这放在一个更大的局面中去考虑。他的观念引导他坚持不懈。他的坚持不懈给他带来长命。而他的长命给予他成功的机会。
Text B The Cake
1,Checking Your Comprehension
1,N 2,N 3,Y 4,Y 5,NG 6,Y
Section B
1,messy 2, anniversary gift 3, the mess in the Kitchen 4, what to say 5, long-term significance 6, not just teaching lessons, they are teaching children.
2,Building Your Vocabulary
1,slightly 2,troublesome 3,occasional 4,inspection
5,responsible 6,disaster
Section B
1,presented 2,frustration 3,awfully
4,deserves 5,issues 6,glance
Section C
1, from 2, out 3, with 4, off 5, up 6,of
1, She glanced around/round the room.
2, gesturing to me to follow him.
3, Once the paper is positioned correctly.
4, speak out the view on political issues.
5, It is vital to deliver the medical supplies to this region.
UNIT 3 Friendship and Loyalty
Text A Reflections: Friendship and Loyalty
1,Checking Your Comprehension
1,A 2,A 3,B 4,A 5,B
2,Building Your Vocabulary
Section A
1,recognition 2,reflection 3,undisputed 4,loyalty
5, essential 6, arrurance
Section B
1,sought 2,requested 3,challenges 4,mutual
5, virtue 6, generation
Section C
1,of 2,in 3,of 4,of 5,through 6, In
3,Bridging the Gap
1,While 2,wisely 3,on 4,oppsites 5,personalities 6,that 7,Whatever 8,unique 9,a couple of 10,share
Section A
1,continued to engage in criminal activities
2,exploit natural resources
3,must request approval
4,had betrayed her parent's trust
5,lead to severe consequences/serious results
Section B
Text B A Tribute to the Dog
1,Checking Your Comprehension
Section A
1,Y 2,Y 3, N 4,NG 5,N 6,Y
Section B
1,ungrateful 2, their faith 3, sacrificed 4, prosperity and in
poverty, in health and in sickness 5, a prince 6,accompany him
2,Building Your Vocabulary
1,pursuit 2, faithful 3,ungrateful 4, fiercely 5,prosperity 6,reputation Section B
1,privileges 2, prone 3, poverty 4, alert 5, scene
6, deserted
Section C
1,by 2,to 3, against 4, to 5,to 6,down
1, home is the best place to lick your wounds
2, If only i had time to review my lessons
3, be alert to risks of tourism
4, enjoyed certain privileges
5, will be the first encounter among the party leaders.
UNIT 4 The Joy of Work
TEXT A Working is a Blessing
1, Checking Your Comprehension
1, B 2, A 3, D 4, C 5, B
2,Building Your Vocabulary
1,dearlers 2, complain
3, rarely 4, blessing
5, contribute 6, illegal
Section B
1,committed 2,subsistence 3,immigrants
4,unrest 5,quit 6,victim
Section C
1,about 2,of 3,to 4,in 5,in 6,again
Bridging the Gap
1,improve 2,check out 3,stressed
4,arrive 5,clearing away 6,priority
7,weight 8,routine 9,different
1,she is looking forward to meeting you.
2,If you always complain about being short of time for work
3,will contribute to the development of suburbs
4,reminds her of her miserable childhood.
5,we were prepared for the worst.
Section B
TEXT B How to Start Your Own Business
Section A
1,Y 2,NG 3,N 4,N 5,NG 6,N
Section B
1,challenge and reward
2,potential clients
3,the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics
4,your financial boundaries
5,sound advice and criticism
6,the planning and start-up process
Building Your Vocabulary
Section A
1,exhausitive 2,survival 3,various
4,motivation 5,profession 6,competitive
Section B
1,sound 2,exceeds 3,prioritize 4,unique 5,pattern 6,routine
Section C
1,in 2,from 3,for 4,out 5,for 6,in
1,All the people who feel privileged to work with him
2,we need to arrange security guards in place
3,we can totally assume that he is not in this city
4.the refugees may not survive this winter.
5.for those drives who exceed the speed limit.
Section B
UNIT 5 Keeping Your Dreams Alive
TEXT A Life is difficult
1, A 2, A 3, C 4, A 5, C
Section A
1, wisdom 2,deliberately 3, anxiety 4, belief 5, uncomfortable 6,equivalent
Section B
1,distinguished 2, instruction 3,equal 4, conflicts 5, quilty 6,anxious
Section C
1, of 2, about 3, of 4, between 5, forth 6, as
Bridging the Gap
1, satisfy 2, than 3, foucs on
4, the middle 5, sense 6, but
7, challenged 8, inner 9, fit
10, thinking of
Section A
1, has called forth the anger of the local people.
2, A series of accidents
3, because of the rain
4, is a talented musician as well as a photographer
5, distinguish between reality and fiction
Text B Begin Again
Section A
1, Y 2, N 3, N 4, Y 5, Y 6, Y
Section B
1, health issues
2, a resourse of here or a good ( or bad) example of what to do in life 3, useless or uncaring
4, unreceptive
5, failed marriage
6, giving up
Building Your Vocabulary
Section A
1, imagination 2, threaten 3, recover 4, inspire 5, valuable 6,quotation Section B
1, desperate 2, challenge 3, cheerful 4, valuable 5, contact 6, inspiring Section C
1,on 2, with 3, out 4, over 5, back Translation
1, on her feet
2, has brought about many changes 3, walked out on her
4, should have fought back
5, sank into desperation
6, about
UNIT 6 The Value of Money
Text A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely
1, B 2, B 3, D 4, C 5, B
Section A
1,differentiate 2, indulgented
3, resistance 4, responsibility
5, formation 6,unnecessary
Section B
1, constraint 2, budget 3, principle
4, scheme 5, monthly 6, temptation
Section C
1, to 2, in 3, on 4, in 5, within 6, In
Bridging the Gap
1, basic 2, invest 3, direct 4, Ideally
5, called 6,wasteful 7, when 8, Now that 9, accumulated 10, grow
1, come to conclusions on the basis of experiments.
2, she has never been indulged in alcohol
3, is not responsible for his behaviors
4, my teaching experience stands me in good stead.
5, have resulted in head injuries.
Text B The Importance of Money in Life
1, Y 2, Y 3, NG 4, N 5, Y 6, Y
Section B
1, always dreamt of 2, the opposite
3, traits 4, a giving attitude
5, joyful 6, a healthier view of money
Building Your Vocabulary
1, abundance 2, favourite 3, scared
4, donation 5, originally 6, economic
Section B
1, available 2, abundant 3, stimulated
4,charity 5, universe 6, readily
Section C
1, of 2, as 3, between 4, down 5, up 6, in
1, as long as the new information is available
2, to open up a new world in front of me which i
am not familiar with.
3, to stimulate economic growth
4, had donated more than $100,000 for cancer research
5, deserves our careful consideration
UNIT 7 Inner Voice
TEXT A Your Inner Voice
1, D 2, C 3, B 4, A 5, A
Section A
1,precisely 2, hesitate 3, wonderful 4, emotion
5,ignorance 6, complete
Section B
1, attached 2, attempts 3, upset 4,overwhelming
5, prompt 6, inner
Section C
1, took 2, with 3, for 4, took 5, in 6, with
Bridging the Gap
1, choose 2, opportunity 3, view 4, accordingly
5, end up 6, interact 7, whose 8, what
9, nonstop 10, night
1, agreed without the slightest hesitation
2, In desperation, I called the doctor
3, prompted me to write this article
4, the best solution (that) they had come up with
5, Despite a shortage of steel supply
Section B
Text B Make a Good First Impression
1, N 2, Y 3, N 4, NG 5, Y 6, Y
Section B
1, sourness and selfishness
2, have their pets inoculated
3, "waste time" sitting in that office
4, the long wait for service
5, to talk with others
6, your goodwill
Building Your Vocabulary
1, boredom 2, namely 3, character 4, tension
5, sour 6, pleasing
Section B
1, modest 2, wears 3, brightened 4, radiate
5, goodwill 6, inherited
Section C
1, under 2, up 3, of 4, As 5, into 6, skin
1, He is so eager to study
2, joining in celebration activities.
3, inherited a considerable large fortune from his father.
4, converts the sun's radiation into electric power.
5, make a good impression on everyone you meet .
UNIT 8 The Great Minds
Text A Life Without Limits
1,C 2,C 3,D 4,B 5,A
Section A
1, perfection 2, accomplishment 3, persistent
4, disposal 5, effective 6, motivational
Section B
1,obstacle 2, incredible 3, vision
4, perspective 5, fulfill 6, profound
Section C
1, from 2, from 3, with 4, at 5, in 6, of
Bridging the Gap
1, confused 2, natural 3, intentionally
4, likely 5, potential 6, as opposed to
7, Even if 8, known 9, called upon
10, mark
1, found it difficult to adapt to their new school life .
2, children was willing to share their stories with.
3, elected one of their members as the spokesman.
4,only to find that they had to overcome financial problems by themselves. 5, stress the importance of balanced diet.
Text B An Unwanted Baby, Steve Jobs
1,Y 2,NG 3, N 4, Y 5, Y 6, N
Section B
1, the computing world
2, finance the production
3, worked on a new machine
4, fired
5, billions of dollars
6, new and innovative technologies
Building Your Vocabulary
Section A
1, adoption 2,appointment 3, convincing
4, initially 5, recruitment 6, successive
Section B
1, foundation 2, innovative 3, possession
4, insanely 5, immense 6, unexpected
Section C
1, among 2, with/by 3, as 4, of 5, in 6, in
1, he dropped out of school after only one year.
2, established charity foundation in memory of his father.
3, turned out to be more difficult than i had expected.
4, expect look forward to a bright future under his leadership.
5, such a tragedy would happen to him
UNIT 9 Facing Life's Challenges
TEXT A 300 Hurdles
1,C 2,C 3,A 4,C 5,A
Section A
1,despair 2, negative 3, individually 4, tougher
5,incredible 6, symbolize
Section B
1,leaped 2, arose 3, lost 4, paced 5, through
6, positive
Section C
1,with 2, up 3, over 4, with 5,like 6, to
Bridging the Gap
1,struggling 2, arose 3, respectively 4, turned
5, observed 6, tasted 7,weak 8, inside 9,circumstance 10, worst
1,instead of waiting until tommorrow.
2,overseas investment has a positive effect on export.
3,look back on my days in middle school
4, you will end up getting into troubles.
5, he had great difficulty keeping up with other students.
Text B A Violin with Three Strings
1, N 2, NG 3, Y 4, N 5, Y 6, N
Section B
1, no small achievement
2, signaled the conductor to begin again
3, just three strings.
4, how much they appreciated what he had done.
5, more beautiful, more scared, more memorable, than any that he had ever mode before.
6, with what we have left.
Building Your Vocabulary
1, sudden 2, appreciate 3, purity 4, applause 5, shaky 6, boastful
Section B
1, aid 2, proceeded 3, singnaled 4, undid
5, figured 6, bewildering
Section C
1, up 2, take 3, around 4, sudden 5, to 6, At
1, made our way to the place for our appointment .
2, appreciated by those who like quality services.
3, with the aid of a good map.
4, Many people stricken with disabilities
5, proceeded to tell everyone in the bar about our individual problems.
每个人都会遇到麻烦, 但是有些人会因此变得更强更好,而有些人却沉浸于此,从此一蹶不振。困难是相同的,但是人们面对困难的方式却是不同的。那些用脆弱的狭隘的心理和错误的个性来面对困难和逆境的人,很快就会被困难打倒,在生活的暴风雨中化为碎片。而那些依赖并相信自己内心的力量的人们,永远不会被困难打倒,也永远不会被击败。这种力量,是无穷无尽的,无论对它的需求可能是多么大,总是用之不竭。能够意识到自身内在的真正的精神实质的人,他们知道自己永远不会被击败,而且他们也永远不会真正失败。他可能由于死亡而失去自己的肉身,但是他,一个真真正正的大丈夫,永远不会死去。尽管他可能被击倒一千次,但是他也不曾真正失败,他一定会再次站起来!
Section B
1, in addition to 2, and 3, thus 4, However
5, because 6, Also 7, Finally 8, Again
UNIT 10 Ode to Public Transport
Text A The Importance of Public Transportation
1, A 2, B 3, D 4, D 5, C
Section A
1, economic 2, arrangement 3, dependent 4, valuable 5, exception 6, ease Section B
1, necessities 2, strengthen 3, lessening 4, limited 5, procalimed 6, commutes Section C
1, for 2, on/ upon 3, to 4, up 5, to 6, in
Bridging the Gap
1, limited 2, running out of 3, refers to 4, low 5, require 6, another 7, compared to
8, personal 9, positive 10, economic
1, basking in the warm sunlight.
2, accounts for 35 percent of the corporate revenue
3, attributed her success to her hard work
4, up to 500 guests.
5, end up in prison.
Text B Personal Advantages of Taking Public Transportation
1, Y 2, N 3, N 4, N 5, Y 6, Y
Section B
1, ends up seeing
2, behave as politely and respectfully as they can
3, conduct our best selves
4, takes a lot of guts
5, for other purposes
6, efforts in sustaining and keeping
Building Your Vocabulary
1, maintenance 2, Considerable 3, economical
4, accmulation 5, warmth 6, assurance
Section B
1, pushing 2, disadvantage 3, incidents 4, intention
5, sustained 6, aggravated
Section C
1, up 2, in 3, to 4, on 5, on 6, in
1, how they conduct themselves at work
2, despite of the government's assurance of expanding employment.
3, consider other before you take actions.
4, they have never quarreled in public.
5, quite confident that everything would go as planned.
Section B
1, Much as 2, for example 3, Also
4, Similarly 5, even 6, In conclusion 7, but
UNIT 11 Cyber World
Text A Cyberlove
1,B 2,D 3,B 4,A 5,C
Section A
1, merely 2, intimate 3, determine
4, romantic 5, perception 6, intense
Section B
1,convey 2,revealed 3,suspected
4,variety 5,suspected 6,personality
Section C
1,to 2,in/under 3,as 4,in 5,of 6,to
Bridging the Gap
1,everywhere 2, get up 3,enjoy 4,schedule 5,while 6,daily 7,since 8,in touch with 9,use 10,communicate
1,was perceived as an important breakthrough.
2,Under no circumstances can you apporach that person
3,determine whether she is guilty or not
4,when you are deprived of your sleep.
5,in any case I was not invited
Text B The Impact of the Internet on Society
1,N 2,Y 3,Y 4,N 5,Y 6,N
Section B
1, government operation
2, anyone "needed"it
3, the routine availability
4, instant gratification
5, the development of the Internert
6, reliant and dependent
Section A
1,traditional 2,reliant 3,novel 4,consume 5,option 6,impatient
Section B
1,simplified 2,evolved 3,tremendous 4,interaction 5,declined 6,standard Section C
1,on 2,with 3,to 4,up 5,In 6,on
1, I don't want to take up too much of your time.
2, obtaining access to social services.
3, backward in this respect.
4, Realistically(speaking),he was hopeless
5, only 10% of Americans often engage in exercises.
Section B
1, both 2, For example
3, Similarly 4, A second way
5, In the same way 6,Thirdly
7, Likewise 8,also
UNIT 12 A Break from Life
TEXT A Feeling Free
1, A 2, D 3, B 4, A 5, D
Section A
1, awareness 2, resemblance 3, permission
4, emotional 5, settlement 6, justification
Section B
1, subsided 2, manufactured 3, subsiding
4, refreshed 5, symptoms 6, nurtured
Section C
1,up 2, with 3, to 4, away 5, out 6, set
Bridging the Gap
1, In addition to 2, Unfortunately 3, one
4, get out of 5, physically 6, through 7, free
8, either 9, positive 10, rather than
1, waiting until problems are piling up
2, respond to our request for help
3, had come down with the flu and had to stay in bed.
4, He will be set free
5, justify your cheating on the exam.
Text B Self-Esteem and Body Image
1, Y 2, N 3, N 4, Y 5, Y 6, Y
Section B
1, feeling good about yourself can affect how you act.
2, a person's body image.
3, to compare themselves with others.
4, Body image
5, strong-esteem.
6, do this by making goals for yourself .
Section A
1, capability 2, combination 3, adjustment 4, ignorant
5, hurtful 6, permanently
Section B
1, verifying 2, varying 3, embarrassed 4, criticized
5, tempt 6, prejudice
Section C
1, down 2, to 3, about 4, with 5, through 6, of
1, put down because of coming back late.
2, don't care about what measures you take
3, keep track of your capital/money
4, they are nothing compared with yours.
5, make us feel good about the efforts we have made in the past decade.
Section B
1, For one thing 2, Even after 3, second 4, In addition 5, thus 6, though 7, On the other hand 8, Only when
1. 决策者应该种程度上,他的成holes is just the dark. Unit 3 能够对将来做出最功是由于幸运 He beginning and 22. 安乐死的确能好的推测 A owed his success speculations 消除临终病人的痛decision maker in part to luck. 9. about them are 苦 Euthanasia can should get a good 按照他的建议,手endless. 15. 科学actually relieve guess at the 续已经大大简化 家仍不能说出黑洞dying patients future. 2. 有人In accordance 内发生了什么 It from their 认为经理们所做的with his proposal, is still suffering. 23. 你一切均与决策有关 the procedure has impossible for 知不知道荷兰是欧Some people been remarkable scientists to say 洲唯一施行安乐死assume that all simplified. 10. what happens 的国家 Do you managers do 电台预报明天天气inside a black know that the involves decision 会变冷 The hole. 16. 如果Netherlands is making. 3. 没有broadcasting 我们认识了黑洞,the only country 正确的选择就没有station has 黑洞就不那么可怕in Europe, which 正确的决定 If predicted it 了 Black holes permits the there is no right would be colder wouldn’t be so practice of choice, there is tomorrow. 11. 运intimidating if euthanasia? 24. no correct 动的定义是位置或we understood 支持这一观点的医decision. 4. 不同地方的改变 them. 17. 黑洞生并不意味着不关的人对同样的问题Motion is defined 产生很强的引力 A 心病人 Doctors 有不同的看法,所as a change in block hole exerts who argue for this 以解决的办法也不position or place. a very strong point don’t mean 同 Solutions vary Unit 2 Black Holes gravitational that they don’t because different 12. 黑洞是什么,force. 18. 由于管care for the people hold 天文学家还没有完理不善,他的公司patient. 25. 在第different ideas 全解决这个问题 垮台了 His 一个医生诊断疾病about the same Astronomers have company collapsed 之后,必须由另外problem. 5. 决策not yet fully owing to 一名医生确认病情 者往往是公司业务answered the mismanagement After a doctor has 发展的关键 A question of what a 19. 80年代我国发diagnosed the decision maker black hole is. 13. 射了多颗卫星 In disease, the usually is the key 据说黑洞可以将其the 80s our second doctor is to the business 周围的一切物体,country launched supposed to development of a 如星星吞噬掉It is several confirm the company. 6. 他由satellites. 20. diagnosis. 26. 反said that a black
朋友陪同去听音乐药物开始见效了对者认为病人并不hole can will all the
会 His friend 吗, Is the 一定真正希望结束objects around
accompanied him medicine 生命,可能请求之them, such as stars
to the concert. 7. devoured 14. 对黑operating now? 后另有他求 Those 他己说服她改变决洞的研究刚刚开21. 他的身影消失who are against it 定 He has argued 始,各种各样的假在黑暗中 His believe that her out of her 说会层出不穷 The figure was patients do not decision 8. 在某research of black swallowed up in really want to end
their life, but matter concerned investigation. 41. music performance. that there is do not keep 我们已将费用减至48. 电子扩音器使something else statistics. 34. 最低额 We have 音乐变得有穿透力 behind the 正因为她无法养家managed to reduce Electric request. 27. 他们才同意做家仆 It the expenses to amplifiers made 要求释放犯人 was because she the minimum. 42. music loud and They requested could not support 不论她如何说,我penetrating. 49. that the her family that 也不相信这个消息 这一章是关于热能prisoners should she accepted to Despite what she 转化成动力的 be set free (be work as a maid. said, I couldn't This chapter is on released) 28. 他35. 她是一名沙特believe the news. the
的才能将保证他得外交官直接从菲律43. 这条小船把他transformation of 到成功 His talent 宾雇到伦敦来工作们运到河的那边heat energy into ensured his 的 She was hired 吗, Could such a dynamic energy. success. 29. 他by a Saudi small boat bring 50. 一群人自发地们正准备展开一场diplomat directly them over the 聚集在事故现场 A 全国性的争论 from the other side of the group of people They are going Philippines to river? Unit 5 The assembles (planning) to come to work in New Music 44. 新spontaneously on open up a London 36. 家仆的音乐是基于已有的the spot of the nationwide debate. 工作状况得到新闻三种音乐发展起来accident. 51. 这30. 他对天气变化媒介的关注 The 的 The new music 次争吵是由误会引很敏感 He is very working was built out of 起的 The quarrel sensitive to conditions of the the three forms of originated form changes of domestics have music. 45. 摇滚乐misunderstanding. weather. 31. 近年received media 节奏感很强,青年52. 1949年后,军来他的工作质量逐attention. 37. 雇人喜欢听 队接管了这个城市 渐下降 In recent 主们总是威胁要把Rock’n’Roll, a After 1949,the years the quality 我们遣送回国 The kind of rhythmic troops took over of his work is employers always music, was very the city. 53. 为deteriorating. threaten to send popular among 了你的健康,你不32. 水的污染使居us back to our young people. 46. 该承担太繁重的工民们容易得病 The country. 38. 开发甲壳虫乐队是英国作 For the sake of polluted water 资源要适度 The 有名的摇滚乐队 your health, you makes the resources should The Beatles was a should not take on residents be exploited very well-know so much work. Unit vulnerable to properly Rock group in 6 Improving diseases. Unit 4 (moderately) 39. England. 47. 现代Industrial 33. 处理有关事务这项命令执行得很音乐很注意观众和Efficiency 的政府部门没有做好 The order was 听众的参与 The through Robotics 统计 The executed well. 40. modern music 54. 近几年,机器government 这项目值得进一步emphasizes the 人的应用越来越广department 调查 The project audience’s 泛和深入 The use dealing with the deserves further participation in of robots are
increasingly 转移到别的事情上fast-paced 提包上拴上标签 prevalent in 去了 After stressful society, Before going on recent years. 55. considering that setting aside aboard the plane, 新开发的机器人有problem, they some time for the passengers 触觉,可以看见物switched their relaxation is attached a tag to 体,还能做决定 attention to good for health. their handbags. The newly other things. 61. 68. 他们的兴趣和73. 他的肤色与他developed robots 把漆喷在桌子上 爱好与社会环境和是否是个好律师无have the sense of Spray painting 个人学习经历有关 关 His skim color vision, which the desks. 62. People’s is not
always them to see 我们应该让孩子们interests and necessarily objects, and the 接触新思想 We preferences are relevant to his ability of making should allow related to social being a good decisions. 56. 机children to be contexts and lawyer. 74. 一器人在汽车行业应exposed to new their individual 艘船在大雾中隐隐用广泛 Robots are ideas. 63. 我们有learning 出现 A large ship widely used in 大量的自然资源 experiences. 69. was looming in the automotive We have plenty of 积极的休闲态度是heavy fog. 75. industry. 57. 感natural resources. 鼓励人们创造性地我方什么也没有做光材料、数字照相64. 对于她对法律利用空闲时间的基错 That’s not a 机都是照相器材 的无知,他持批评础 The positive mistake on our Both 态度 He is attitude part. 76. 学校应light-sensitive critical of her underlies 该把学生的全面发materials and ignorance of her people’s 展作为自己的目标 digital cameras law. 65. 在过去的creative use of Schools should are part of 三年里他从一个职their spare time. set as their photographic 业转向另一个职业 70. 研究与观察结objective the equipment. 58. 机He switched from 果表明,人们越来attainment of a 器人与自动化机器one job 越关心生活的质量 balanced 有重大的区别 (occupation) to Researches and development of Robots differ another in the observations show the students. greatly from past three years. that people are Unit 8 Jet Lag: automatic Unit 7 Leisure and more and more Prevention and machines. 59. 在Leadership 66. 生concerned with Cure 77. 不难理解关键时刻,我们应活质量这一术语涉quality of life. 高速旅行给身体带该有能力面对一切及很广泛 The term 71. 他在纠正学生来的不适 It is 困难 At a "quality of life" 错误时总是采取积not difficult to critical moment, covers a very wide 极的态度 He understand the we should (have to) scope (of always takes a discomfort rapid be capable of meanings). 67. 在positive attitude travels bring to facing 生活节奏快,工作in correcting the the body. 78. 引difficulties. 60. 压力大的社会中,mistakes of his 起这一不同的原因对那个问题进行考挤时间放松一下有students. 72. 旅之一是不同的人体虑后,她把注意力利于健康 In a 客在登机前必须在活动由不同的因素
控制 The reason 的 The project that it comes from 热忱的喝彩表述了for this is that seems to be the fall of 他们对演出的赞赏 different feasible. 84. birthrate. 91. 人Warm applause activities of the 他同现代生活不合们寿命的长短取决indicated their human body are 拍 He is out of 于种种因素 appreciation of controlled by step with modern Expectations of the performance. various factors. life. 85. 要战胜life are due to 99. 记忆可分为长79. 食物中的蛋白困难,首先我们要various factors. 期记忆和短期记忆 质使人兴奋,而食战胜自己 We 92. 估计寿命是预Memory can be 物中的碳水化合物should fist 计一个人能活的平classified into 使人易于入睡 transcend 均年数 The long-term memory Protein in food ourselves before estimates of life and short-term stimulates overcoming the are the memory. 100. 情况wakefulness, difficulty. 86. prediction of how 发生了根本的变化 while 在他的思想和行动long a person can Things altered carbohydrates 之间存在很大差异 live. 93. 长寿在(completely) promote sleep. 80. There exists a 改变我们的生活,fundamentally.10时差反应是每一个remarkable lag 改变我们的社会 1我和他的观点国际旅行者可能遇between his idea Long life is 一样I have the 到的问题 The and action. 87. altering our life, same opinion as he
does。102和其他乘problem of Jet Lag 那位模特正在寻找altering our
客一样,他也病了is one every 一个机会来有利地society. 94. 他总
international 显示自己 That 是不注意自己的健And the other traveler comes model was seeking 康 He always passengers as he
was ill,.103据报道,across at some an opportunity to neglects his
那个人被一辆汽车time. 81. 等待几be used to health. 95. 这件
撞倒It is reported 天直到身体的调节advantage. 88. 你商品的价格与它的
机制自然适应新时的假设不是建立在价值很不相称 The that the man was 区,这并不可取 It 充分的事实基础上price of this knocked down by a
car.104他并不是连is not feasible to 的 Your article is quite
那一点都看不出来wait several days assumptions are out of proportion
的傻瓜He was not until the not based on to its value. 96. adjusting adequate facts. 他对事件的描述接even see that point mechanism of the Unit 9 Aging in 近事实 His not to come out of a
fool.105他不如约翰body is adjusted European description of
身体好He is not so to the new time Countries 89. 老the event
zone. 82. 我们要龄化已成为一个社approximated to healthy as John.106
按美国英语的拼法增进两国之间的相会问题 Aging has the fact. 97. 他
来拼写这个单词互了解 We shall become a social 勉强承认了他声明
promote mutual problem. 90. 人们中的谬误之处 He According to the understanding 反对这一看法来自barely American English between our two 于出生率的下降 acknowledged the spelling to spell the
word.107我讲话时countries. 83. 这People are errors in his
看到一条狗躺在草个计划似乎是可行against the idea declaration. 98.
地上When I spoke 仅工作努力,而且工your help,we would got ready for the
作的很好Not only not have made final exams.132如to see a dog lying
on the grass.108尽such a big 果没有交通事故,我did they work hard,
管很努力,他还是没success.126.在这们原会到的早泄.But and the job is very
有把数学学好good,118如果早点种条件下,我也会这for the traffic
告诉我,我也许能帮么做Under that accident, we would Despite working
帮忙Had I been condition,I would have arrived a bit hard, he still didn't
have done the earlier.133没有空气put the informed earlier, I
same.127.如果他没和水我们就无法生mathematics might be able to
well.109有什么样help.119我们急匆有一直努力学习,他.We would not 存
的父亲,就有什么样匆赶回学校.We 的英语就不会讲的live without air and 的儿子What kind of hurried back to 这样好.If she hadn't water.134我本要和
school lest it should been studying 你一起去,但我不得father, is what
son.110他在一所中hard,she would not 不准备考试.I would rain.120到认真研究
学当英文老师He in have spoken have gone with you 这个这个问题的时
候了It's time the English so well.128but I have to a middle school
problem was 别忘了提醒他,以免prepare for an when English
teacher.111他很喜carefully 他忘记了.Don't exam.135中华人民欢运动,他的孩子也studied.121如果我forget to remind 共和国万岁.Long 喜欢He is very fond 缄口不言就好了If him in case he live the People's
only I had kept my should forget.129,Republic of of sports, his
mouth shut.122他要不是明天考试,我China136.如果不是children also
like.112他不喜欢这轻轻走进房间,怕被就和你们一起去看他今天早上吃了药,个主意,她丈夫也不人听到.He tiptoed 电影了.If we 他的头疼现在会更喜欢He doesn't like into the room for weren't to take an 厉害But that he had
fear that he should exam tomorrow,I taken some the idea, her
be heard.123我那would have gone to medicine this husband also don't
like。113只有这样天十分匆忙,否则我the cinema with morning,his 我们才能把工作做会停下来和你谈一you.128如果他几个headache would be 好Only in this way 会儿.I was in a 月以前把事情告诉worse.136在美国每
terrible hurry that 你就好了.If only he 四年举行一次总统can we work well
day,otherwise I had told you the 大选In the United 114从没有哪个国家would have truth several States is held every 做出这样大的努力stopped to have a months ago.129我four years the 来发展工业From no chat with you for a 宁愿你去度假.I presidential country made so while.124我正在写election.137多数党would rather you
great effort to 一份报告,否则我不被提名者得到的支went on holiday.130develop 会熬夜.I was writing 持率往往高出少数我宁愿你对此事一
industry.115离桥不a report; otherwise I 无所知.I would 党候选人A
远的地方是一座高would not have sooner you had major-party 楼Not far away stayed up late.125known nothing nominee is higher from the bridge 没有你的帮助,我们about it.131是该准than that of the place is a tall 就不会取得这么大备期末考试的时候support of rate of building.116他们不的成功.Without 了.It's time that we minority.candidates
137策略在总统竞选of daily life156白日most authoritative medical technology
中起关键性的作用做梦不仅有利于心representatives145is more and more
他已决心攻读硕士态平衡,而且能提高Strategy is critical in advanced, it is
研究生He has 人们的自控力Day the presidential completely stop use election role138为determined to study animals to do the dreaming is not 了争取选票,总统候for a master's experiment still far only beneficial to 选人特别关注那些away151. 这位艺术graduate emotional balance, 重要的州In order to students146动物研家在这幅画像中将but also can
究对人类医学的发你的容貌的每个细get the votes, the improve people's
展作出了重大的贡节都再现出来了The self-control.157历presidential
献Animal research 史上许多科学家和candidates are artist in this portrait
发明家曾充分利用particularly to the development of your appearance
白日梦Historically, concerned about of human medicine will reproduced
every detail。152我those important significant many scientists and states139美国有十contributions147的们应该力争达到更inventors took full 几个政党,其中只有动物研究是否与人高的生产率We advantage of 两个党是主要党A 体健康有关,人们持daydreaming158有should aim for
不同态度Whether higher productivity。的作曲家在做曲时dozen political
153他提供对这一问几乎像进入了很深parties in America, the animal research
题极为重要的论据的白日梦状态Some only two are the is relevant to
major parties140他human health He provided on this composers in doing 的回答将对政界产people hold problem for a very things.for almost 生很大的影响His different important like entering a state
attitudes148用于试arguments154我认answer will have of deep
验的动物数量在过为他的话不切我们daydreaming159在great impact on the
political circle141每去二十年中已大大的话题I think his 梦境中不要将自己
个人都应关心自己减少了The number 描绘成失败者而应words irrelevant to 国家的未来our topic。154由于该是成功者In of animals used in
越来越多的人进入Everyone should be experiments in the dreams don't
到这座城市,这座城concerned about past twenty years portray itself as a
市的治安正发生变the future of his has been greatly loser and should be country142香港回reduced149. 研究化As more and successful160充其
归在时间各地引起的新成果表明,少数量有100人参加了会more people
很大的轰动In all of 实验可以放弃使用议At best 100 coming into the
动物New research Hong Kong's return town, and the people attended the
meeting161他用两to the time findings indicate security of the city
年时间写完一本书,produced a great that a few is undergoing
sensation143我认changes155最近的叫做《往事反思》It experiments can be
为那个被偷的录音研究成果表明,白日done without the took him two years 机是我的I think the 做梦是日常生活的use of animals150. to finish writing a
尽管医学技术越来一部分The result of stolen tape recorder book, called as mine144他是该越先进,但离完全停recent research reflection on the 校最有权威的代表止使用动物做实验past"162我们应该indicates that
之一He is one of the 仍然很远Although 正视生活中的困难,daydreaming is part
而不是去逃避他们social value169劳earned the respect 美洲东部开辟了一
作与工作之间的区of many people177片土地In the east We should confront
别与体力脑力与脑这家公司在北京有the difficulties in life of America the
力脑力劳动的区别设立了一个分部The instead of to escape explorers opened them163老师的赞并不一致The company in Beijing up a piece of land7赏增强了他的信心。difference between has established a 此人声称他的建议
labor and work division178所有的被忽视了The The teacher's praise
mental and 错误都应从这篇文enhanced his person alleged that confidence.164当锻physical strength 章里清除掉All the his proposal was 炼想象力时,你应该mistakes should be and mental mental neglected8我怀疑
摆脱常规的思维模eliminated from labor the 他没能有效地控制
式While exercising distinction is not this article1.他的时间。I suspect that
consistent170技术劝说以失败而告终your imagination, he cannot control
与劳动分工在许多time effectively.9他you should be free He persuasion
领域结束了对熟练ended in failure2我们的努力不起作用from the
工的需要们每人都应为他人conventional way of Their efforts were thinking165你在安Technology and the 做点事,付出点东西to no avail10你能对装设备之前要把说division of labor 这结论发表意见吗Each of us should
明书先看一遍have eliminated in do something for Can you comment
many fields the Before installing the others and give on this
need for skilled conclusion11他相信equipment to go something to
workers171他不情others3这个年轻人某些植物物种正在over the
instructions166如果愿的从事这项工作的故事值得我们深受到灭绝的危险He 他被迫去做他不乐He was reluctant to 思The story of this is convinced that
undertake the 意的事,他不可能高young man some plant species 兴 work172一个人的外deserves our are being in danger
貌和它的品质常常thinking4女教师的If he is compelled to of becoming
不一致He was 超人勇气与同情心extinct1计算机将人do what he does
reluctant to 鼓舞许多学生为他类带入了一个新时not enjoy doing, he
undertake the 人做好事哦Female 代The computer will cannot be
happy167一件工作work173这个男孩喜humans into a new teacher of
被算成是劳作还是欢集邮The boy like era2电脑能帮助解superman courage
工作取决于个人的stamp 决生命研究中的许and compassion
喜好Whether a job collecting174雨迫多问题The encouraged a lot of is to be classified 使我们停赛The rain students to do nice computer can help as labor or work compelled us to a things for others solve many depends on the suspension175信息oh5一位具有非凡勇problems in vital tastes of the 对他有很大价值气的女教师与要杀research3亚里士多
individuals168广Information is of 他的凶手辩论A 德说过,诗人长于描
义上说,任何人做的great value to 绘共性而专家只长woman teacher of
工作都对社会有益him176他通过努力与某一特性A poet, extraordinary
In a broad sense, 工作赢得了许多人courage to kill him said Aristotle, has the work that 的尊敬He by and the murderer of good at describing anyone does is of working hard debate6探险者们在the universa while a
必须仔细的考虑电specialist to a long
characteristics4现儿童的影响We 在有一种倾向,将计must consider 算机里的数据错当carefully the TV
成智慧Now there is violence on a tendency to children's
influence12好书的mistake data in a
产生是努力工作的computer for
Good books wisdom5计算机在结果
工业领域的应用使come about as a 生产效率法神了惊result of hard
吵架时,你应该帮助application of
他们和解When your computers in
industry brought friends quarrel with
the each other, you productionefficiencshould help them
y FaShen a startling come to terms
principal has the
possessed precious data8他曾经梦想用
dreamed of
conquering hostility with love9两个双胞
twins are so much
alike that it's
difficult to
distinguish between them10一切非法建
the unlawful
buildings must be
pulled down11我们
说明: 前面加○的为往年考过的题目,其后面的数字为考过的次数。
1、Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there has been foreign languages fervor in china, with English on top of the list. 就如澳大利亚在全国推广学亚洲语言一样,中国也掀起一股外语热,在这股热潮中英语高居榜首。
2、Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered? 英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗?
○3、From my personal experience, I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation, grammatical rules, etc. 从我个人的经验来看,英语学习不仅仅是指学习英语发音和语法规则等。1
4、Without a complete understanding of the language, the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation, sentence structure and the words he uses. 对英语没有全面的理解,即便有完美的发音、句子结构、措词,一个外国人所讲的英语也会是稀奇古怪甚至难以理解的。
○5、Social customs and habits contribute to the difficulty in learning a foreign language. 社会风俗习惯增加了学习外语的难度。2
6、By the same token, “Have you eaten?” will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 由于同样的原因,英语母语者听到“吃了吗?”,会觉得中国人非常好客,在事先毫无准备的情况下会请人吃饭。
7、The foreigner will respond(回答) “Oh, it’s very nice of you. When?”, if he happens to have a craving (渴望)for Chinese cooking and has not had现在完成时 his dinner yet. 如果这位外国人此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,而且又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答:“太好啦,什么时候?”
△8、Chinese has nothing in common with English and China had little contact(联系) with the Western world in modern history. 汉字和英语这两种文字毫无共同之处,并且中国和西方世界在近代史上很少接触。
9、The background (背景) knowledge of English fascinates (使着迷) large numbers of interested and determined (坚决的) English learners but at the same time disheartens(使气馁) quite a few. 英语背景知识既吸引了大量英语爱好者,也使许多人丧失信心。
○10、The Western and Oriental values are found to be in confrontation(冲突) in learning English. 英语学习中,东西方价值观念是冲突的。1
△11、Native English speakers are more gender blind when they mention their cousins. 在涉及表亲的时候,英语母语的人更容易混淆性别。
12、A Chinese English learner could not have a good command of English unless he overcomes the cultural barriers (障碍物) in learning English. 中国人在英语学习中,只有克服文化障碍,才能很好地掌握英语。 第二课:
△1、It was the first time I’d gone back home since coming to the United States. 这是我来美国后第一次回家探亲。
2、You speak on matters that are of concern(涉及) only to men. 你对那些只与男人有关的事情发表意见。 ○3、Through my association(交往) with Americans during the past six years, I had gradually (逐渐地)adopted (采用) some of their ways. 在过去的六年和美国人的交往中,我逐渐学会了他们的一些做法。1 △4、I no longer belong to the old world and the new world has not yet accepted me. 我不再属于旧世界,但还未被新世界接纳。
5、I no longer consider Hong Kong my home and feel homeless. 我不再将香港视做我的故乡,感到无家可归。 ○6、Things had changed so much in Hong Kong that I didn’t recognize parts of it. 香港发生了巨大的变化,有些地方都认不出来了。1
○7、I cut my visit short by three weeks and came back to the United States. 我提前三周结束了这次访问,回到美国。1
△8、They gradually(逐渐地) became less warm and friendly toward me. 他们对我渐渐地疏远起来,不像开始时那麽友好。
○9、My mother prepared a special dinner in my honor. 我母亲特意为我准备了一顿饭。1
△10、They don’t take a silent(沉默的) back seat during a discussion. 在讨论中,他们不会做一个沉默的旁观者。
11、Coming back here didn’t lessen(减少) my confusion(混乱) and pain. 回来之后我的困惑和苦恼并没有减轻。
12、The houses on the street where I used to live had been torn down(拆卸) and replaced by office buildings. 我曾经住的那条街上的房子被拆掉了,代之而起的是办公大楼。
○1、Never desert(放弃) him when your friend is in the trouble. 不要在朋友困难的时候抛弃他。 1 ○2、To improve national economy is the government’s consistent policy. 发展国民经济是政府的一贯政策。1 ○ 3、China took a stand on these issues. 中国在这问题上标明了立场。1
△4、It is wrong to ignore(不理睬) their suggestions. 不理睬他们的建议是不对的。
○5、I always prefer(更喜欢) starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 我总是先开始工作,而不愿把事情留到最后才做。1
6、Please see (to it) that my children are taken good care of when I am away.请务必在我外出的时候照顾好我的孩子。
△7、The precise meaning of one word can only be defined from the context. 一个词准确的意思只能在上下文中来确定。
△8、The instruction of the policeman set the convict on the right path. 警察的教育使这个罪犯走上了正路。 △9、Nowadays, many people commit(干坏事) illegal acts in the name of science. 当前,有许多人打着科学的旗号干一些违法的事情。
△10、These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only. 这种车票(仅在发售当天)有效。
对比:电影票价为五美元。The admission to the movie was five dollars.
△11、You don’t have any authority for entering this house, It’s private. 你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。
12、I hope you will give favorable(赞成的) consideration (考虑) to my suggestion. 我希望你对我的建议作出肯定的表示。
13、Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book.我们很多人再也没有静下来读上一小时书所必需的那种心情了。
14、A person with a book is a real person alive on the earth;手不释卷是(活在世上)真正的人。 第四课
△1、在你怒火爆发之前,深吸一口气,记住:怒气伤身。 Before you lose your temper(脾气), take a deep breath and remember this: Anger hurts.
2、释放或抑制怒气,其后果没什麽两样,两者对你的健康造成的影响是一样的。It doesn’t matter whether you release(释放) the anger or hold it in. The effects(对-有影响) on your health are the same.
3、一个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去―-要尽量当场就控制住你的怒火。A rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene--work to put your anger on hold right then and there.
4、我们应该尝试着去理解那些曾经对自己不公正的人,试想着些问题是由环境造成的,而非人为因素。We should practice(实践) understanding people who have done us minor(较小的) wrongs, and think of the problems as having been caused by the situations(境遇), not the people.
△5、许多发火的人都不承认他们在生气。Many people who are angry don’t recognize themselves as angry. △6、乐观的消息是,怒气是有办法来控制的。The good news is that it is possible to control your anger.
7、你越能接受他们,也就越不会动不动发脾气。The better able you are to accept them, the less angry you’ll be. ○8、你知道食品杂货店到周末往往挤满了人,那就索性平时下班后去购物。As you know that the grocery(食品杂货店) store is crowded on weekends, you can shop after work. 1
△9、你可以问自己如下几个问题来判断发怒的程度。You can ask yourself the following questions to measure your anger quotient(份额).
10、有个推着满满一车货的顾客正好插在你前头。A customer wheeling a full cart cuts ahead of you.
11、当你觉得怒火中烧快要爆发了,采取“改变它”或是“接受它”的策略。When you feel anger welling up, take a change-it or accept-it approach(方法).
12、如果你对一次已经过去很久的小挫折依然耿耿于怀,是时候释怀了。If you still remember a minor infraction (侵害) long after it happened, it’s time to let go.
1、你曾经在浓雾茫茫的时候到过海上吗?那时候会有这样的感觉:周围是白茫茫的一片,什麽也看不见。轮船焦急万分又小心翼翼地摸索着靠近海岸。 Have you ever been at sea in a dense(浓厚的) fog (雾) when it seemed as if a tangible(切实的) white darkness shut(笼罩) you in, and the great ship, tense(紧张的) and anxious(担忧的), groped(摸索) her way toward the shore(海岸)?
2、我的老师-安。曼斯费尔德。萨莉文小姐来到我家的那一天,是我一生中最重要的日子。The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. ○3、在那个激动人心的下午,我从妈妈的活动和家里人们的忙乱中猜到要有什麽不平常的事情发生。On the afternoon of that exciting day, I guessed vaguely from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen. 1
△4、我感到有人朝我走来,以为是妈妈,就伸出了手。I felt approaching(接近) footsteps. I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand.
5、有个人握住它,把我拉了过去,紧紧地抱在怀里。这个抱我的人,就是那个将为我揭开生活的帷幕,而且也将把她满腔的爱倾注给我的的人。Someone took it, and then I was caught up(吸住) and held close (包围)in the arms of the person who had come to reveal(揭示) all things to me, and, more important than that, to love me.
6、我最后终于成功地把这个单词拼对了,自己有孩子般的高兴与骄傲。When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly , I was filled with childish pleasure and pride(自豪).
7、后来的几天,用这种我也不理解的方法,我学会了拼写很多单词。In the days that followed, I learned to spell in this uncomprehending(不了解的) way many words.
8、我和老师生活了几个星期之后,我才明白了每个东西都有自己的名称。My teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.
9、在这个黑暗、寂静的世界中,我对任何东西都没有太深的感情。In the dark, still(寂静) world, I had no strong sentiment (感情)for anything.
10、当清凉的水流过我的一只手时,她在另一只手上写出了“水”这个单词,先是慢慢的,然后速度逐渐加快。As the cool stream(流) gushed (涌) over one hand, she spelled into the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly.
○11、我一动不动地站着,全神贯注地感觉她手指的动作。I stood still; my whole attention was fixed upon the movements (动作) of her finger.
△12、回家的路上,我触摸到的一切都充满了生命的活力。On my way home, every object which I touched seemed to be full of life.
△13、走进家门,我想起了摔碎的洋娃娃。On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken.
14、我摸索着向那堆碎片走去,想把它们弄在一起,没有成功。I felt my way to the fragments(碎片) and tried in vain(徒劳的) to put them together.
○15、有生以来,我第一次向往新的黎明的到来。For the first time I longed(渴望) for a new day to come.1 第六课
△1、除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. △2、许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。Many a woman has had an influence upon her husband.
△3、我们应该把注意力集中在提高学生的英语水平上。We should concentrate our attention on improving the students’ English level.
4、幼儿园教师经常带领孩子去看飞机起飞或降落。The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts take off or land.
△5、所有的饮料都是免费的。All the drinks are free of charge.
6、最后他决定买一束玫瑰花送给那个生病的小女孩。 In the end, he decided on buying a bunch(束) of roses(玫瑰) for the sick girl.
△7、政府给了我们一笔补助,用来盖另外一间教室。The government gave us a grant to build another classroom..
△8、总的说来,这次演出是受欢迎的。Overall, the performance is enjoyed.
△9、申请这个工作你所具备的条件是什么?What qualifications(条件) have you got to have for this job? ○10、他把他的成功他以前所受的良好教育。He referred his success to the good education he had had. 1 ○11、在当前强烈竞争的社会,我们应该具有全面的能力。In a highly competitive(竞争的) society, we should have overall abilities. 2
△12、电影票价为五美元。The admission to the movie was five dollars.
1、直到公元四世纪,罗马的教会才开始庆祝圣诞。 It was not until the 4th century that the church in Rome began to celebrate Christmas.考过了
2、冬天是个让人害怕的时节,天变短了,变冷了,太阳好像有全面消失的危险。The approach(接近) of the winter time, as the days grew shorter and colder and the sun seemed to threaten(可能来临) to disappear(消失) entirely (完全地), was a time of fear(害怕、恐怖).
3、白天最短也意味着冬天即将离去,春天要来了,温暖的阳光,田野里植物返青也不远了。The shortest day also meant that winter was leaving and that ahead(向前) were spring, the warmth of the sun and return of vegetation (植物生长) to the fields.
4、他们祝愿朋友“圣诞快乐”“新年快乐”。They wish their friends “A Merry Christmas” and “A happy New Year.”
△5、他们用一串串的彩灯装饰圣诞树。They trim their Christmas trees with strings(一串) of colored lights.
6、他们把白纸片撒在树上和周围,用白纸包住圣诞树的底部,仿佛树上白雪皑皑。They throw little pieces of white paper over the trees and put white paper or a white sheet(床单) around the feet of the trees, so that they seem to be covered with snow.
7、小伙子们把亲吻有意无意地站在树下的漂亮姑娘看作他们的特权。The youths regard(把-认作) it as their privilege(特权) to kiss any pretty young girl who wittingly(有意地) or unwittingly stands under it.
8、在树下亲吻这一风俗源于十七世纪的英国。Kissing under the tree originated(起源) in Britain in the early 17 th century.
9、每当树下一个姑娘被亲吻时,人们就会从圣诞树枝上拿走一个浆果。A berry(浆果) was to be removed from the bough(主枝) every time a girl was kissed under it.
10、小孩在圣诞夜把长统袜挂在床边,他们相信睡着的时候,圣诞老人就会来看他们。Little children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve near their beds, and they believe that when they are asleep, Santa Claus will
come to visit them.
11、圣诞节家宴和感恩节的筵席差不多,但最传统的特色就是要有葡萄干布丁甜食。The Chrismas dinner, which is similar to the Thanksgiving feast, is traditionally distinguished(以-为特征) by a plum-pudding(葡萄干布丁) dessert (甜点).
○12、许多城镇都在公园内树起很大的圣诞树。Many towns have very large Christmas trees set up outdoors in the parks. 1
13、空气中弥漫着圣诞的歌声,商店也装饰得红红绿绿-这是圣诞节的传统颜色。The air is filled with the sounds of Christmas songs, and the stores are decorated(装饰) in red and green, the traditional Christmas colors.
14、普通群众创造了关于圣诞老人的各种传说,以表达对孩子深深的爱意。The common people have created(创造) legends (传说) of Santa Claus as a symbol(象征) of their deep love for the children.
15、主要街道两旁的商人和广告公司把圣诞老人当作了冰冷的商业诱惑。The businessmen and the advertising companies (on the main roads ) have turned Santa Claus into a cold commercial attraction(吸引). 第八课
○1、你务必于下午两点半来参加会议Be sure to attend the meeting at half past two in the afternoon. 1 △2、假定明天没有课,我们将去爬长城。Suppose that we had no classes, we would go to the Great Wall. △3、一位好的领导,应该时刻和人民群众保持密切的联系。As a good leader, one should keep close contact with the masses(群众) now and then.
△4、如果你处在他的位置上,你就会同情他了。If you put yourself into his shoes, you will be sympathetic( 同情) with him.
△5、老人已经九十岁了,手术后能活下来真是幸运。The old man was 90 years old and lucky to come through his operation(手术).
○6、当别人讲话时,不要插嘴。Please don’t cut in when someone is speaking. 1
7、只要你找出你的弱点,并加以克服,你一定会成为一名优秀生。As long as you find out your shortcoming and overcome it, you are sure to become one excellent (极好的)student.
8、上课集中注意力听老师讲解意味着课后少花力气。Listening to the teacher carefully in class means little work after class.
△9、在重要的场合,要穿着得体大方。When you are in important occasion, you must wear in good taste.
10、当你读完这本小说后,你会看到一个戏剧性的结局。When you finish reading the novel, you will get a dramatic (戏剧性的) end.
△11、这些数学题我解答不了。12、如果你想解决这个问题,你最好先找出基本的矛盾。If you want to solve the problem, you had better find out the principal contradiction.
○1、这些规章仍然有效。These regulations continue in effect(作用). 2
2、政府应该在洪水过后为老百姓提供足够的资金用来重建。After the flood(洪水), the government should put up enough funds for the masses to rebuild their hometown.
○3、去年我们获得了棉花丰收。Last year we brought in a good cotton harvest. 1
△4、理论的基础是实践,又转过来为实践服务。Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. △5、这次会谈以双方达成一致协议结束。The negotiation ended up with signing the agreement. △ 6、不要在上班时间来访。 Don't call in anybody on work.
△7、新来的秘书是个敏捷的、效率高的工作人员,老板对她很满意。The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.
8、你不需要下雨时外出,因为商店可以免费送货上门。You don’t have to go out into the rain since the store delivers (递送) free of charge.
9、苍蝇在窗帘上跳来跳去,弄上了许多污点。The flies tapped and blurred(弄脏) at the window curtain(门帘.
○10、你能从它的上下文说出这个词的意思吗?Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context? 1 △11、真正的权力属于人民。The real power resides in the people.
12、科幻小说不能简单地看成是供消遣的,而实际上它给读者展示更深刻的内容。A science fiction cannot be regarded as a more entertainment(娱乐), but in fact it tells the reader much more.
1、对于大多数55岁或55岁以下的美国妇女和中国妇女来说,工作包括家务、照顾一个或几个孩子以及一份家庭以外的工作。Work, for most American and Chinese women age 55 and under, involves responsibility(责任) for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well.
△2、在中国,几乎所有年轻的母亲都有职业,但随着步入中年,人数越来越少。In china, nearly all young mothers are employed outside the home, with their numbers decreasing as they approach(接近) middle age.
3、以后,孩子长大了。老两口靠丈夫的收入加上妻子的养老金,生活就不太困难了。Later on, when the children grow up, the older couple(夫妇) can more easily live on the husband’s earnings plus(加上) the wife’s pension (养老金).
4、美国妇女的“金字塔”形状恰好相反:年轻妇女工作的人数较少,而岁数较大时,人数却增加了。The pyramid for American women is the opposite(相反的), with fewer young women employed, and the number increasing at older ages.
5、许多年轻的美国母亲觉得自己呆在家里照顾孩子效果更好,等孩子长大些后,能比较独立地生活了,在去找工作。Many young American mothers have found it more efficient to stay home and care for the children themselves, and then find employment later when the children are older and more independent.
○6、生活费用的增加需要更多的美国年轻妇女帮助养家。The rising costs of living require more young American women to help support their families. 1
△7、要是送孩子上幼儿园和自己上下班的汽车坏了怎麽办?What if the car, necessary to get the child to the daycare center and herself to and from her job, breaks down?
8、在中国,年轻的母亲工作,祖母在照看孩子和料理家务上起了不可估量的作用。In China, grandmothers play an invaluable role in taking care of children and households while the young parents are at work.
△ 9、奶奶成了家庭中的重要成员,供吃管住是对他们的报答。Grannies become important members of the family, and they are housed and fed return.
10、在美国,必须这样做的老年妇女可能有被当作佣人使的感觉。 In America, an older woman who had to fill this role would be likely to feel she was being made a kind of servant.
11、她经历了50年代的生育高峰,把很多子女都抚养大了。自己感到现在不应再看小孩了。She herself tends to feel she deserves 值得to be free of childcare now, having (非谓语动词的现在分词主动,表已经完成) reared the large family of the 1950s baby boom.
12、在工作单位里,尽管中国妇女有传统的温而文雅的举止,她们在工作中表现出的自信心似乎比美国妇女更强。On the job, Chinese women seem more confident(自信的), despite their traditional pretty manners, than do American women in their work place.
△13、同中国妇女相比,美国妇女似乎不愿向上司大胆表述自己的意见。Compared with Chinese women, American women seem less inclined(倾向) to speak up easily to the boss. ( 2006-4考过了)
14、中国妇女没有社会地位上的竞争,特别是没有家庭代表的社会地位的竞争。Chinese women are free of the competition(竞争) for status(身份), especially as represented(表现) by their homes.
△15、生活中我们所期望的和我们已经习惯的一切都会对我们的评价有很大的影响。What we expect in life and what we are used to would strongly influence(影响) our evaluation.
△ 1、一名有自己风格的演员不应该效仿别人。 As an actor with one’s own unique(独特的) style , one should not follow in other’s footsteps.
○2、没有什麽东西能确保永久的幸福。 Nothing can assure(保证) permanent (永久的) happiness.1
3、我父亲坚持认为我应该嫁给一个有名的艺术家。 My father insisted that I should marry into a famous artist.
△4、据说,后来那个丑姑酿爱上了一个潇洒的王子。It was said that later the ugly girl fell in love with a handsome prince.
○5、她看起来更像她父亲,而不是她母亲。She looks like her father rather than her mother.
△6、多亏了你的帮助,否则我们是不能按时完成这项工作的。Thanks to your help, or we couldn’t have finished the work on time.
△7、那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.
8、新来的邮递员在雾中仔细张望,设法寻找到他要找的那一家。The new postman peered(凝视) through the mist(薄雾), trying to find the right house.
△9、充分考虑后,他决定接受那份工作。After due consideration, he decided to accept the position. △10、这两座姐妹工厂相隔三英里。The two sister plants are three miles apart.
○11、她认为她的天职就是帮助老人和病人。She believed that her mission in life was helping the old and the sick. 1
△12、相信你的直觉,按你自己认为对的去做。Trust your instincts(本能) and do what you think is right. 第十二课
△1、很多重要事情有助于实现我们的总目标,使生活更丰富更有意义。Many important things contribute to our overall objectives and give meaning to life.
2、如果忽视这些事情,我们就会整日忙碌地喘不过气来,生活乱作一团。 If we ignore(不理睬) these things, we become buried(埋葬) alive.
△3、紧迫给人制造重要的假象。Urgency creates the illusion(幻想) of importance.
4、很多重要事情由于耽误、计划不周或者事前预防不力而变得紧迫。Many important activities become urgent(紧急的) through delay(耽误), or because we don’t do enough prevention(预防) and planning. (2006-4考过了)
5、真正意义上的休闲属于第二部分有价值的活动。Recreation (娱乐) in its true sense is a valuable Part 11 activity.
6、快速区分两部分活动的途径是问问自己这件紧迫的事情是否有助于实现一个重要的目标。A quick way to differentiate(区分) between activities of the two part is to ask yourself if the urgent(紧迫的) activity contributes to an important objective.
7、你为什麽不根据从上面问题中得出的答案做事呢? Why don’t you do the things you have identified(鉴别) from the questions above?
△8、你的大部分时间花在哪个部分?Where do you spend most of your time?
△我们哪有时间消磨在网络上?Where are we going to get the time to live with the Web? 第160页
○9、计划、准备和预防能够避免许多事情变得紧迫。Planning, preparation(准备), and prevention(预防) keep many things from becoming urgent. 1
10、忽视该部分就会扩大第一部分的范围,增加压力和深层危机。Ignoring this part feeds and enlarges(扩大) part I, creating stress(压力) and deeper crises(危险).
1、由于睡眠不足,特丽萨的眼睑松垂,但她考试成绩总是出类拔萃,作文写得比要求的长,数学题目要再做一遍,以保证卷面整洁。 Her eyelids(眼皮) sank from lack(因缺乏) of sleep, but Terasa’s axams
were always perfect(理想的), her writings longer than required, and her math problems rewritten to ensure cleanness,
△2、好像她天生就是为了取得成功,甘心情愿地把自己牺牲在成就名声当中。It seemed that she was born to succeed and was more than willing to sacrifice herself in the name of achievement.
3、当今许多学生表现出一种让人不安的倾向,他们基于将来能挣多少钱的考虑来选择院校、研究领域和职业。Many students today display a worrying tendency to choose universities, fields of study and careers(事业) on the basis of earning potential(可能的).
○4、这一增长主要是由于教育和职业重点的转变所致。This rise has been attributed primarily to the change in educational and career emphases. 1
5、在杜克大学,经济学是现在最热门的专业,吸引了大约整个学校15%的本科生,而历史系的学生仅占整个本科生比例的5%。At duke, economics is now the most popular major(专业), attracting nearly 15 percent of undergraduates(大学生), while history majors are only 5 percent of the undergraduate population.
6、三十年前,情况恰好相反,主修经济学和商业管理的学生仅占本科生比例的7%,而几乎12%的本科生说是主修历史学的。Thirty years ago the situation was reversed (相反的), with economic and business administration majors together being 7 percent of undergraduates and almost 12 percent of undergraduates declaring (宣称) themselves history majors.
注:reverse 同义词 opposite ,见前面一个汉译英:
美国妇女的“金字塔”形状恰好相反:年轻妇女工作的人数较少,而岁数较大时,人数却增加了。The pyramid for American women is the opposite(相反的), with fewer young women employed, and the number increasing at older ages.
7、经济学学位现在很是吃香,很有可能让毕业生拿到高薪,也不用像攻读医学或法律那样需要付出更多的努力。Degrees in economics are popular and likely to offer(vt. 贡献)their holders(持有者;所有人) high salaries without the added effort(努力) of medical(医学的) or law school. 比较:economic 形容词或名词 ;economics 名词
△8、从当代大学生的目标来看,经济学类确实很吸引人。Given the goals of the college students of this generation, such options are attractive(吸引人的).
9、由于这种错误教育观点的误导,学生们更加相信学习是个机械的手段,通过它可以实现其他的目标。With this wrong idea of education, students convince(使相信) themselves again and again that learning is a mechanism (机械装置) by which one reaches other goals.
10、大学录取的过程并不完备,很难区分哪些学生是致力于学问研究,哪些学生是想实现其他目的的。The college admission(录取) process, an imperfect(有缺点的) science, can rarely(很少地) distinguish (区别) between those students committee(忠于)d to learning and those committed to other aims.
11、他们把绝大部分精力花在了追求目标而不是探求知识的理解上。Their energies are best spent in pursuitof the goal rather than an exploratory(探测的) pursuit for understanding. [exploratory a. ——explore vt.] △12、虽然有各种不利的现实,但仍能看到希望之所在。Despite the unfavorable(不顺利的) facts, there is still hope to retain.
13、他们为知识而学习,提问的问题涉及各学科,把每一次经历都看作思维探险的机会。They learn for the sake (为了) of learning, ask questions on any subject and regard each experience as an opportunity(机会) for a mental(智力的)adventure (冒险).
14、理解了这一点,就可以在每时每刻发现潜在的欢乐,而仅仅注重结果只会在完成任务的瞬间又即逝的快乐。Understanding this can help find potential(潜在的) happiness in every moment, while focusing only on the result provides very short happiness upon achievement.
15、当代人把学习当作是实现某一目的的手段,这损害了他们所受教育的质量,他们生活的质量也受到损害。In treating(处理) learning as a means to an end(达到目的的手段), this generation has damaged(被
损害的) the quality of their education and consequently(从而), the quality of their life.
△1、我正骑着自行车向前走,车胎突然爆了。When I was riding the bike, the tire(轮胎) suddenly blew up. ○2、她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。She spoke to me as though she knew me. 1
○3、他们的观点和我们的冲突。Their viewpoints are in conflict with ours.1
△4、由于粗心大意,他的实验注定要失败。His experiment will be doomed (注定) to failure because of carelessness.
△5、请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。Please reminds me that I must call her up before nine.
△6、物以稀为贵。The rarer(更稀罕的) it is, the more it is worth.
你越能接受他们,也就越不会动不动发脾气。The better able you are to accept them, the less angery you’ll be. ○7、在现代社会中,受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。Education should not be considered to be a privilege in a modern society. 2
△8、友谊增进欢乐,分担忧愁。Friendships multiply(增加) joys and divide(分开) griefs (忧伤).
9、海堤能抵挡海浪的冲击。The sea wall sustains(撑住) the shock of the waves.
10、高失业率并不是技术发展的结果,而是消极公共政策的后果。High unemployment is not the result of the pace (速度) of technological change but the consequence(结果) of passive(被动的) public policy. 第十五课
△1、六年来,28岁的凯特白天上大学,晚上工作。The 28-year-old Kate spent six years working at night while she attended college during the day.
2、我想要换一双长统袜,但觉得要是换的话,就要迟到了。I thought about changing(交换) for another pair, but I knew I’d be late if I did .
△3、我进去后,立刻为自己的糟糕形象向校长道歉。I walked in and immediately(立即) apologized (道歉) for not looking my best.
△4、我努力坐得让校长看不见这个小洞。I tried to sit in a way that the headmaster couldn’t see the hole.
5、如果一个人在面试中不花点时间来展示她最好的形象的话,她会是怎样的一个老师呢?If a person doesn’t take the time to present(呈现) her best image(肖像) at an interview, what kind of teacher is she going to be?
○6、如果你在最初关键的四分钟内能给别人留下好印象的话,你所遇到的这个人就很可能会以为你做事总能令人满意。If you are viewed positively within the first four critical minutes, the person you’ve met will likely assume everything you do is positive(积极的).1
△7、人们倾向把注意力集中在他们所看见的,所听到的,以及我们实际说的话上。People tend to focus on what they see, on what they hear, and on our actual words.
8、虽然我们都知道“内在品质是最重要的”,然而研究表明,雇主一般认为外表引人注目的人更有才能、更惹人喜爱、更值得信赖。We know “it’s what’s inside that counts(注意)”, but research shows that physically(身体上的) attractive people are generally regarded(关心) by employers(雇主) as more intelligent(有才智的), likable(可爱的) and creditable(可信的).
9、工作中,衣着必须传达出你有能力、可信任、具有权威等信息。At work, your clothes must convey(传达) the message that you are competent(有能力的), reliable(可信赖的) an authoritative(权威的).
10、如果你要去一家从没去过的公司面试,但不知道穿什麽好,向这家公司要一份年度报告,研究一下照片上雇员的穿着,或者提前到这家公司去看看他们是怎麽穿衣打扮的。If you are to have an interview at a company you’ve never visited and aren’t sure what to wear, send for(派人去拿) a copy of its annual report and study what the employees(雇员) pictured are wearing, or drop(随便访问) by ahead(提早) of time to see how they dress(穿衣).
△11、你的一举一动都会在很大程度上影响面试者对你的印象。How you move and gesture (手势) will greatly influence an interviewer’s first impression(印象) of you.
12、实际上,面部表情或语调同话语矛盾时,听者通常更注重非语言信息。In fact, when our facial expression or tone of voice conflicts with our words, the listener will typically put more weight on the nonverbal message. 比较:facial (面部的)——face 脸
△13、如果面试者没有主动和你握手,那麽你就先伸出手来。If the interviewer doesn’t initiate(发起) the gesture, offer your hand first.
14、控制身体语言,确保你显得并不过分急需这份工作,也不急于迎合别人。Monitor (监控) your bady language to make sure you don’t seem too desperate(不顾一切的) for the job, or too eager(渴望着) to please.
15、如果你研究过一家公司的年度报告,考虑一下对这家公司过去一年取得的重大成就做做评论。If you’ve studied the company’s annual report, consider remarking(评论) on any great progress(进步) the company has made within the past year.
2language 、Is English people time and energy before it is mastered? to invest that it such a difficult a really large amount demands of 英语真的有这么难的时间和精力才能掌握吗?,需要人们投入大量3think 、From
more than learning its learning my personal English experience, means far I grammatical rules, etc. pronunciation, 验来看从我个人的经发音和语法规则等。,英语学习不仅仅是指学习英语5
contribute to the difficulty in learning a 、Social customs and habits foreign 了学习外语的难度。language. 社会风俗习惯增加8with 、Chinese has nothing ”
contac English modern with the and Western China in had common world little in 字毫无共同之处history. 在近代史上很少接触。,汉字和英语这两种文并且中国和西方世界10
are 、The Western and Oriental values learning English. found to be in confrontation in 价值观念是冲突的。英语学习中,东西方11 gender blind when they mention their 、Native English speakers are more cousins. 语的人更容易混淆性别。在涉及表亲的时候,英语母1
home 、It was the first time I’d gone back States. since coming to the United 亲。这是我来美国后第一次回家探2
concern 、You speak on matters that are of 些只与男人有关的事情发表意见。(涉及) only to men. 你对那3with 、Through my association years, Americans adopted I had gradually during the (交往)(逐渐地)past six 在过去的六年和美国人的交往中(采用) some of their ways. 渐学会了他们的一些做法。,我逐4
and 、I no longer belong to the old world accepted the new world has not yet 还未被新世界接纳。me. 我不再属于旧世界,但5 home and feel homeless. 、I no longer consider Hong Kong my 港视做我的故乡,感到无家可归。我不再将香6Hong 、Things parts of it. Kong had that changed I so much in 些地方都认不出来了。香港发生了巨大的变化,didn’t recognize 有7and came back to the United States. 、I cut my visit short by three weeks
我提前三周结束了这次访问,回到美国。8less warm and friendly toward me. 、They gradually
(逐渐地) became 们对我渐渐地疏远起来他麽友好。,不像开始时那9
dinner 、My 准备了一顿饭。in mother my honor. prepared a special 10back 、They don’t take a silent
我母亲特意为我(沉默的) 论中11,seat 他们不会做一个沉默的旁观者。during a discussion. 在讨 (减少)、Coming back here didn’t lessenpain. my confusion (混乱) and 有减轻。回来之后我的困惑和苦恼并没12
used to live 、The houses on the street where I 卸)我曾经住的那条街上的房子被拆掉 and replaced by office buildings. had been torn down(拆了,代之而起的是办公大楼。1
your friend is in the trouble. 、Never desert (放弃) him 友困难的时候抛弃他不要在朋when 2济、(一贯地) To improve national economy
)is the government’s consistent (经府的一贯政策。 policy. 3 发展国民经济是政中国在这问题上标明了立场。、China took a stand on these issues. 4suggestions. 、It is wrong to ignore(不理睬) 对的。不理睬他们的建议是不 their 5early, 、I always prefer
to 作,而不愿把事情留到最后才做。the rather last minute. than (更喜欢)leaving 我总是先开始工everything starting 6 are 、Please see (to it) that my children away. taken 我的孩子。请务必在我外出的时候照顾好good care of when I am 7one word can only be defined、The precise
(准确的) meaning of from the context确的意思只能在上下文中来确定。(上下文). 一个词准(定义) 8policeman set the convict、The instruction (教育) the right path(罪犯) of the 这个罪犯走上了正路。(小路). 警察的教育使on 9(干坏事)、Nowadays,
name of science. illegal many (违法的)people commit 科学的旗号干一些违法的事情。当前,有许多人打着acts in the 10的)、These tickets are available
车票(仅在发售当天)有效。 on (the) day of issue only. (有用这种11力、
private )You don’t have any authority for entering this house, (权进入这所房子,这是私宅。(私有的). 你们没有任何权力It’s 12成的)、I hope you will give favorable
suggestion. consideration (考虑) to (赞my 肯定的表示。我希望你对我的建议作出13peace 、Many hour with a bookof mind of
us necessary no longer to have a quiet the 有静下来读上一小时书所必需的那种.我们很多人再也没心情了。14person alive on the earth、A person
with a book (活在世上)真正的人。;手不释卷是is a real 1记住、在你怒火爆发之前,深吸一口气,
temper :怒气伤身。 and remember this: Anger hurts.3(脾气), Before you lose your take a deep breath 个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去、一―rude -要尽量当场就控制住你的怒火。left the scene--work to put your anger driver who just cut you off has A on hold right then and there.
4自己不公正的人、我们应该尝试着去理解那些曾经对境造成的,而非人为因素。,试想着些问题是由环practice who (实践) understanding people We should wrongs, and think of the problems as have done us minor (较小的) having been caused by the situations(境遇)5气。、许多发火的人都不承认他们在生, not the people.
recognize Many people who are angangry.
(承认) themselves ry don’t as 6制的。、乐观的消息是,怒气是有办法来控possible to control your anger.
The good news is that it is 7动发脾气。、你越能接受他们,也就越不会动不accept them, the less angThe better able you are to 8ry you’ll be. 了人,那就索性平时下班后去购物。、你知道食品杂货店到周末往往挤满As you know that the grocery货店)(食品杂you can shop after work.
store is crowded on weekends, 9发怒的程度、你可以问自己如下几个问题来判断following 。You can ask yourself the 量) your anger quotientquestions to measure (份额)(测.
10插在你前头。、有个推着满满一车货的顾客正好full cart cuts ahead of you.
A customer wheeling a 11采取、当你觉得怒火中烧快要爆发了,When you feel anger welling up, take “改变它”或是“接受它”的策略。a change-it or accept-it approach法)(方12挫折依然耿耿于怀,是时候释怀了。、如果你对一次已经过去很久的小.
you still remember a minor infractionIf (侵害)time to let go.
long after it happened, it’s 4就伸出了手、我感到有人朝我走来,以为是妈妈,footsteps. I thought it was my mother 。I felt approaching(接近) and stretched out my hand.
5紧地抱在怀里、有个人握住它,把我拉了过去,紧个将为我揭开生活的帷幕。这个抱我的人,就是那她Someone 满腔的爱倾注给我,而且也将把的的caught uptook it, and then I 人。围)come in the arms of the person who had (吸住) and held close (was 包me, and, more important than that, to to reveal (揭示) all things to love me.
6了,自己有孩子般的高兴与骄傲。、我最后终于成功地把这个单词拼对When the letters correctly , I was filled with I finally succeeded in making childish pleasure and pride7(自豪). 方法,我学会了拼写很多单词。、后来的几天,用这种我也不理解的days that followed, I learned to spell In the in this uncomprehendingway many words.
(不了解的) 8才明白了每个东西都有自己的名称。、我和老师生活了几个星期之后,我My teacher had been with me several weeks everything has a name.
before I understood that 9任何东西都没有太深的感情。、在这个黑暗、寂静的世界中,我对dark, strong sentiment still (寂静) world, I had In the 11(感情)for anything. no 感觉她手指的动作。、我一动不动地站着,全神贯注地whole movements attention was I fixed stood upon still; my the 12(动作) of her finger. 充满了生命的活力、回家的路上,我触摸到的一切都every object。On my way home, seemed to be full of life.
(物体) which I touched 13娃、走进家门,我想起了摔碎的洋娃remembered the doll。On entering broken.
(洋娃娃)the door I had I 14它们弄在一起、我摸索着向那堆碎片走去,想把to the fragments,没有成功。I felt my way vain (碎片) and tried in 15(徒劳的) to put them together. 明的到来。、有生以来,我第一次向往新的黎(渴望)For the first time I longed1 for a new day to come. 所知。、除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无words, Apart all.
I do (除-之外)not know any from a few French at 2woman has had an influence、许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。Many a upon her husband.
(影响) 3的、我们应该把注意力集中在提高学生concentrate 英语水improving the students’ English level.(集中)平上 。our attention on We should 4起飞或降落。、幼儿园教师经常带领孩子去看飞机 teacher The nursery (托儿所)watch aircrafts take off or land.
often leads her children to 5drinks are free of charge.
、所有的饮料都是免费的。All the 6生、最后他决定买一束玫瑰花送给那个decided on buying a bunch病的小女孩。 In the end, he roses 7(玫瑰) for the sick girl.
(束) of 外一间教室、政府给了我们一笔补助,用来盖另a grant to build another classroom.. 。The government gave us 8Overall, the performance is enjoyed. 、总的说来,这次演出是受欢迎的。9 麽?、申请这个工作你所具备的条件是什you got to have for this job?
What qualifications(条件) have 10良好教育。、他把他的成功归于他以前所受的success had had.
to He referredthe good (归诸于)education his he 11该、在当前强烈竞争的社会,我们应competitive 具有全面的能力。In should have overall abilities.
(竞争的) society, a highly we 12admission 、电影票价为五美元was five dollars.
(允许进入) to the movie 。The 1始庆祝圣诞。、直到公元四世纪,罗马的教会才开century began to celebrate Christmas.that It was not until the 4th the church in 4乐、他们祝愿朋友“圣诞快乐”“考过了Rome . Christmas” and “A happy New Year.””。They wish their friends“A Merry 新年快5They 、他们用一串串的彩灯装饰圣诞树。 trees with stringstrim (装饰)lights.
(一串) their Christmas of colored 6白纸包住圣诞树的底部、他们把白纸片撒在树上和周围,用皑皑。,仿佛树上白雪paper They throw little pieces of white paper or a white sheetover the trees and put white the seem to be covered with snow.
feet of the trees, (床单)so that around they 7下的漂亮姑娘看作他们的特权。、小伙子们把亲吻有意无意地站在树youths regardThe privilege young girl who wittingly(特权)(把-认作) to kiss any it as their unwittingly stands under it.
(有意地)pretty or 8的、在树下亲吻这一风俗源于十七世纪originated 英国。early 17 th century.
(起源)Kissing under in Britain the in tree the 9就会从圣诞树枝上拿走一个浆果。、每当树下一个姑娘被亲吻时,人们berry the (A was kissed under it.
bough 浆果)(主枝) was to be removed from every time a girl 10边、小孩在圣诞夜把长统袜挂在床会来看他们。,他们相信睡着的时候their Little children ,圣诞老人就hang near their beds, and they believe that stockings on Christmas Eve up when will come to visit them.
they are asleep, Santa Claus 11多、圣诞节家宴和感恩节的筵席差不丁甜食。,但最传统的特色就是要有葡萄干布is similar to the Thanksgiving feast, is The Chrismas dinner, which traditionally 征)distinguished (以-为特dessert by a plum-pudding(葡萄干布丁) 12圣诞树。、许多城镇都在公园内树起很大的(甜点).
Christmas Many towns have very large the parks. trees set up outdoors in 13考过了
也装饰得红红绿绿-这是圣诞节的传、空气中弥漫着圣诞的歌声,商店统颜色。sounds of Christmas songs, and the The air is filled with the stores and are decorated (装饰) in red colors.
green, the traditional Christmas 14各种传说、普通群众创造了关于圣诞老人的The (创造)common ,以表达对孩子深深的爱意。Claus legends people (传说)have of created deep love for the children.
as a symbol (象征) of Santa their 15把圣诞老人当作了冰冷的商业诱惑。、主要街道两旁的商人和广告公司The businessmen and the advertising companies (on the main roads ) have turned commercial attractionSanta Claus into a cold 1(吸引). sure to attend the meeting at half past 、你务必于下午两点半来参加会议Be two in the afternoon. 2Suppose that we had no classes, we 、假定明天没有课,我们将去爬长城。
would go to the Great Wall.
3众保持密切的联系。、一位好的领导,应该时刻和人民群one As a good leader, the massesshould 4(群众)keep close now and then. contact with 情他了。、如果你处在他的位置上,你就会同shoes, If you put yourself 情you will be sympathetic( into his 同5) with him.
来真是幸运。、老人已经九十岁了,手术后能活下years old and lucky to come through The old man was 90 his operation6don’t 、当别人讲话时,不要插嘴。(手术).
cut in when someone Please is 7你一定会成为一名优秀生。、只要你找出你的弱点,并加以克服,you overcome it, you are sure to become find out your shortcoming As long as and one excellent 8(极好的)student. 课、上课集中注意力听老师讲解意味着teacher carefully in class means little 后少花力气。Listening to the work after class.
9When you are in important occasion、在重要的场合,要穿着得体大方。(场合)(味道), you must wear in good taste10.
一个戏剧性的结局。、当你读完这本小说后,你会看到reading When you dramatic the novel, you will get finish a 11(戏剧性的) end.
mathematics 、这些数学题我解答不了。head.
questions are over These my 12先找出基本的矛盾。、如果你想解决这个问题,你最好solve the problem, you had better find If you want to out the principal contradiction.
1regulations continue in effect、这些规章仍然有效。These 2(作用). 足够的资金用来重建。、政府应该在洪水过后为老百姓提供(洪水)After the flood up rebuild their hometown.
enough , the government should put funds for the masses to 3year 、去年我们获得了棉花丰收。harvest.
we brought in a good cotton Last 4践服务。、理论的基础是实践,又转过来为实and in turn serves practice.
Theory is based on practice 5束。、这次会谈以双方达成一致协议结signing the agreement. The negotiation ended up with 6anybody on work.
Don't call in 7工作人员,老板对她很满意。、新来的秘书是个敏捷的、效率高的secretary is a quick, efficient worker, The new and her.
the boss is quite satisfied with 8以免费送货上门、你不需要下雨时外出,因为商店可out delivers into the 。rain You don’t have to go since the store 9(递送) free of charge. 多污点。、苍蝇在窗帘上跳来跳去,弄上了许(弄脏)The flies tapped and blurred10 at the window curtain(门帘). 意思吗?、你能从它的上下文说出这个词的this word from its context?
Can you tell the meaning of 11power resides in the people.
、真正的权力属于人民。The real 12遣的、科幻小说不能简单地看成是供消内容。,而实际上它给读者展示更深刻的说)A science (科幻) entertainment cannot be regarded fiction as a (小tells the reader much more.
(娱乐), but in fact more it 2职业,但随着步入中年,人数越来越、在中国,几乎所有年轻的母亲都有少are employed outside the home, with 。In china, nearly all young mothers their approach numbers decreasing as they 3(接近) middle age.
的收入加上妻子的养老金、以后,孩子长大了。老两口靠丈夫困难了。,生活就不太grow up, the older coupleLater on, when the children more (夫妇)earnings easily live on the husband’s can pension
plus (加上) the wife’s 4反、美国妇女的较大时,人数却增加了。:年轻妇女工作的人数较少“金字塔”形状恰好相,而岁数for (相反的)American women is The pyramid the opposite employed, , with fewer young women increasing at older ages.
and the number 6轻妇女帮助养家。、生活费用的增加需要更多的美国年living The rising costs of women to help supportrequire more young American their families.
(支撑、帮助) 7的汽车坏了怎麽办?、要是送孩子上幼儿园和自己上下班necessary What if the car, daycare from her job, breaks down?
center to get and the herself child to to and the 8照看孩子和料理家务上起了不可估量、在中国,年轻的母亲工作,祖母在的作用。an children invaluable In China, grandmothers play role in taking care of young parents are at work.
and households while the 9管、奶奶成了家庭中的重要成员,供吃become 住是对他们的报答。family, and they are housed and fed important members Grannies of the return.
10可能有被、在美国,必须这样做的老年妇女America, an older woman who had to 当作佣人使的感觉。 In fill this role would be likely to feel she was being made a kind of servant. 11 很多子女都抚养大了、她经历了50年代的生育高峰,把应再看小孩了。feel childcare she deserves She 。herself 自己感到现在不tends to large family of the 1950s baby boom. now, having 值得to reared be free of the 12传统的温而文雅的举止、在工作单位里,尽管中国妇女有表现出的自信心似乎比美国妇女更,她们在工作中强more confident。On the job, Chinese women seem traditional than pretty (自信的)manners , despite their work place.
do American women (风度)in their , 13不愿向上司大胆表述自己的意见。、同中国妇女相比,美国妇女似乎Compared American women seem less inclinedwith Chinese women, (倾向)boss.
to speak up easily to the 14争竞争。,、中国妇女没有社会地位上的竞特别是没有家庭代表的社会地位的competition Chinese women are free of the especially as represented(竞争) for status(身份), their homes.
(表现) by 15习惯的一切都会对我们的评价有很大、生活中我们所期望的和我们已经的影响。what What we expect in life influence we 1(影响)are used to would strongly and 别人。、一名有自己风格的演员不应该效仿 our evaluation. unique should not follow in other’s footsteps.(独特的)As an actor style with (风格)one’s , one own 2Nothing 、没有什麽东西能确保永久的幸福。 permanent can assure (保证) 3名的艺术家。、我父亲坚持认为我应该嫁给一个有(永久的) happiness. should marry into a famous artist. My father insisted that I 4潇洒的王子。、据说,后来那个丑姑酿爱上了一个ugly girl fell in love with a handsomeIt was said that later the (英俊的)5 prince.
亲。、她看起来更像她父亲,而不是她母than her mother.
She looks like her father rather 6按时完成这项工作的。、多亏了你的帮助,否则我们是不能help, or we couldn’t have finished the Thanks to your work on time.
7周。、那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四examination The student looked around the apprehension (8(恐惧)细查).
room with 法寻找到他要找的那一家。、新来的邮递员在雾中仔细张望,设postman peeredmist (凝视) The new house.
(薄雾), trying to find through the the right 9After 、充分考虑后to accept the positiondue consideration, ,他决定接受那份工作。he 10(职位)decided .
two 、这两座姐妹工厂相隔三英里。apart.
sister plants are three miles The 11病人。、她认为她的天职就是帮助老人和(天职)She believed that her missionand the sick.
in life was helping the old 12的去做。、相信你的直觉,按你自己认为对and do what you think is right.
Trust your instincts(本能) 1目标,使生活更丰富更有意义。、很多重要事情有助于实现我们的总important overall to life.
objectives things contribute Many and give meaning to our 2忙碌地喘不过气来、如果忽视这些事情,我们就会整日we ignore,生活乱作一团。become buried(不理睬) If 3(埋葬) these things, we (紧急的事)、紧迫给人制造重要的假象alive. 想) creates the illusion。Urgency (幻4 of importance.
或者事前预防不力而变得紧迫。、很多重要事情由于耽误、计划不周important (紧急的)activities Many because become urgent prevention we through delaydon’t do (耽误)enough , or 5价值的活动、真正意义上的休闲属于第二部分有(预防) and planning. true activity.
sense 。Recreation is a valuable (娱乐)Part in its 11 7的答案做事呢?、你为什麽不根据从上面问题中得出the things you have identified Why don’t you do from the questions above?
(鉴别) 8Where 、你的大部分时间花在哪个部分?time?
do you spend most of your 9情变得紧迫、计划、准备和预防能够避免许多事备)many things from becoming urgent. , and 。prevention Planning, preparation(预防) keep (准10范围,增加压力和深层危机。、忽视该部分就会扩大第一部分的this part feeds and enlargespart (扩大)Ignoring deeper crisesI, creating stress (压力) and 2心情愿地把自己牺牲在成就名声当、好像她天生就是为了取得成功,甘(危险).
中。succeed and was more than willing to It seemed that she was born to sacrifice achievement.
hereself in the name of 4点的转变所致。、这一增长主要是由于教育和职业重attributed This rise has been 地)(归因于) primarily (主要career to the change in educational and 注:5emphasis (事业) 复数emphases emphases (重点). 的专业,吸引了大约整个学校、在杜克大学,经济学是现在最热门本科生15%的生比例的,而历史系的学生仅占整个本科now the most popular major5%。At duke, economics is attracting undergraduates nearly history (大15 (专业), 学生percent ), of the undergraduate population.
majors are only 5 percent while of 8类确实很吸引人。、从当代大学生的目标来看,经济学标)generation of the college Given the goalsstudents of (目this (选择)(一代人), such options 10 are attractive(吸引人的). 区分哪些学生是致力于学问研究、大学录取的过程并不完备,很难学,哪些college admission生是想实现其他目的的。The imperfect (录取) process, an rarely between (很少地)(有缺点的) distinguish science, (区别)can (committed to other aims.
忠于)those d to students learning and committee those 11目标而不是探求知识的理解上。、他们把绝大部分精力花在了追求energies are best spent in pursuitTheir 求exploratory ) of the goal rather (追understanding. explore vt.]
[exploratory pursuit than an a. ——for 12看、虽然有各种不利的现实,但仍能unfavorable 到希望之所在。Despite the is still hope to retain.
(不顺利的) facts, there 13涉及各学科、他们为知识而学习,提问的问题探险的机会。,把每一次经历都看作思维(为了)any of learning, ask questions on They learn for the sakeexperience as an opportunitysubject and regard each for a mental(机会) 险)(智力的)adventure (冒14.
刻发现潜在的欢乐、理解了这一点,就可以在每时每会在完成任务的瞬间又即逝的快乐。,而仅仅注重结果只Understanding potential moment, (潜在的)this can help find result upon achievement.
provides while focusing happiness in every very short only happiness on the 15的的手段、当代人把学习当作是实现某一目量,他们生活的质量也受到损害。,这损害了他们所受教育的质treating to generation has damagedan end (处理)(达到目的的手段) learning as a means In , this the consequently quality of (被损害的) their life.
(从而)their education , the quality and of
1、我正骑着自行车向前走,车胎突然爆了。When I was riding the bike, the tire (轮胎) suddenly blew up.
2、她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。She spoke to me as though she knew me.
3、他们的观点和我们的冲突。Their viewpoints are in conflict with ours.4、由于粗心大意,他的实验注定要失败。His experiment will be doomed (注定) to failure because of carelessness.
5、请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。Please reminds me that I must call her up before nine.
6、物以稀为贵。The rarer(更稀罕的) it is, the more it is worth.
7、在现代社会中,受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。Education should not be considered to be a privilege(特权) in a modern society.
8、友谊增进欢乐,分担忧愁。Friendships multiply(增加) joys and divide (分开) griefs (忧伤).
9、海堤能抵挡海浪的冲击。The sea wall sustains(撑住) the shock of the waves.
10、高失业率并不是技术发展的结果,而是消极公共政策的后果。High unemployment is not the result of the pace (速度) of technological change but the consequence (结果) of passive (被动的) public policy. 1、六年来,28岁的凯特白天上大学,晚上工作。The 28-year-old Kate spent six years working at night while she attended college during the day.
2、我想要换一双长统袜,但觉得要是换的话,就要迟到了。I thought about changing (交换) for another pair, but I knew I’d be late if I did .
3、我进去后,立刻为自己的糟糕形象向校长道歉。I walked in and immediately (立即) apologized (道歉) for not looking my best.
4、我努力坐得让校长看不见这个小洞。I tried to sit in a way that the headmaster couldn’t see the hole. 7、人们倾向把注意力集中在他们所看见的,所听到的,以及我们实际说的话上。People tend to focus on what they see, on what they hear, and on our actual words.
9、工作中,衣着必须传达出你有能力、可信任、具有权威等信息。At work, your clothes must convey(传达) the message that you are competent(有能力的), reliable (可信赖的) an authoritative (权威的).
11、你的一举一动都会在很大程度上影响面试者对你的印象。How you move and gesture(手势) will greatly influence an interviewer’s first impression (印象) of you.
12、实际上,面部表情或语调同话语矛盾时,听者通常更注重非语言信息。In fact, when our facial (面部的) expression (表情) or tone(音调) of voice conflicts(冲突) with our words, the listener(听众) will typically(代表性地) put more weight(分量) on the nonverbal (不用语言的) message.
13、如果面试者没有主动和你握手,那麽你就先伸出手来。If the interviewer (面试者) doesn’t initiate(发起) the gesture (手势), offer your hand first.
14、控制身体语言,确保你显得并不过分急需这份工作,也不急于迎合别人。Monitor (监控) your bady language to make sure you don’t seem too desperate(不顾一切的) for the job, or too eager (渴望着) to please.
15、如果你研究过一家公司的年度报告,考虑一下对这家公司过去一年取得的重大成就做做评论。If you’ve studied the company’s annual report, consider remarking (评论) on any great progress(进步) the company has made within the past year.