见面问候 指路
How are you (How do you do) Go along the road to... ---Fine (very well,pretty good,not Make a left (right) turn bad) ,thank you.,And you. Walk straight ahead for ... It’s nice to meet you Go that way about…
---Nice to meet you,too. It’s only ten-minute walk from here Good(glad) to see you
too. -----Good(glad) to see you ,表示恭维
I admire...
自我介绍 I really must express my admiration
May I introduce myself? I’m... for...
Allow me introduce myself. My name I think you deserve the highest praise
is ...
告辞 Thank you
Goodbye. Thanks for saying so ---Bye I’m very glad you think so
See you later. I’m very glad you like it
---see you later. How kind of you to say so So long Oh, I’m flattered
---so long
I’m afraid I’ve taken too much your 医务人员职务名称
time. 部长 minister ---Not at all. Goodbye. 厅长 director I hope we’ll meet again, sometime. 会长 president ---So do I. Goodbye. 院长
I really should go. This has been a very dean;director of hospital;superintendent pleasant afternoon. Thank you. 医务处主任
---You’re welcome. Goodbye. director of medical services
表示感谢 head of the nursing department;
Thank you for your help. superintendent of nursing department
Thanks a lot 总护士长 chief head nurse Thank you very much 科主任
It was nice of you. chief of the department; I appreciate it head of the department
专家 expert; specialist
表示不用谢 主任医师 chief doctor(physician) You’re welcome. 副主任医师
I’m glad that I could help. associate chief doctor(physician)
Don’t mention it. 主治医师
My pleasure. attending(visiting) doctor;visiting staff It was nothing. attending physician;physician;visiting; Anytime. 住院总医师 chief resident
uterine bleeding DUB).住院医师
house staff;resident;resident doctor;痛经(dysmenorrhea)
resident physician 闭经(amenorrhea)
实习医师 intern doctor;intern 多囊卵巢综合症(Polycystic ovary
syndrome) 妇科医师 gynecologist
产科医师 obstetrician 高催乳素血症(hyperprolactinemia)
内科医师 physician; internist 绝经综合症(menopausal syndrome,
MPS) 外科医师 doctor of surgery;surgeon
辅助检查 阴道炎(vaginitis)
血常规 blood routine examination 滴虫性阴道炎(trichomonal vaginitis) 血沉 blood Sedimentation 外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(vulvovaginal
candidiasis,V V C) 尿常规 urine routine examination
便常规 stool routine examination 细菌性阴道病(bacterial vaginosis,BV) 肝功能检查 liver function test 老年型阴道炎(senile vaginosis) 肾功能检查 kidney function test 前庭大腺炎(bartholinitis) 空腹血糖 前庭大腺囊肿(Bartholin cyst) fasting blood glucose; (cervicitis) 宫颈炎
fasting blood sugar; 盆腔炎性疾病(pelvic inflammatory fasting plasma glucose; disease, PID )
fasting serum glucose 生殖器结核(genital tuberculosis) 糖耐量试验 淋病(gonorrhea)
glucose tolerance test; 梅毒(syphilis)
sugar tolerance test 尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminate) 妊娠试验 pregnancy tests 生殖器疱疹(genital herpes) 细菌培养 bacterial culture 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS) 血气 blood gas
电解质 electrolytes 外阴硬化性苔癣(lichen sclerosus of the X线检查 X-ray examination vulva)
心电图 electrocardiogram 外阴鳞状上皮细胞增生(squamous cell 超声心动图 hyperplasia of the vulva) echocardiogram;ultrasoundcardiogram 外阴鳞状上皮内瘤样变(squamous B超 B-mode ultrasonography vulvar intraepithelial neoplasias,VIN)
阴道镜检查colposcopic examination; 阴道上皮内瘤样变(vaginal 活检 biopsy intraepithelial neoplasias,VAIN) 细胞学检cytological examination(pap 宫颈上皮内瘤样变(Cervical smear) intraepithelial neoplasia,CIN)
分段诊刮 fractional curettage 外阴鳞状细胞癌(vulva squamous cell 激素测定 hormonal assay carcinoma)
外阴恶性黑色素瘤(vular malignant melanoma)
宫颈癌(cervical cancer) 妇产科常见病 子宫肌瘤(uterine myoma) 功能失调性子宫出血(dysfunctional 子宫内膜癌(endometrial carcinoma)
子宫肉瘤(uterine sarcoma) septum obliquum of vagina) 阴道斜隔(
卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤(ovarian serous 阴道横隔( transverse vaginal septa)
cystadenima) 先天性无子宫(congenital absence of
uterus) 卵巢交界性浆液性囊腺瘤(ovarian
borderline serous cystadenoma) 始基子宫(primordial uterus)
幼稚子宫(infantile uterus) 卵巢浆液性囊腺癌(ovarian serous
cystadenocarcinoma) 单角子宫(unicornous uterous) 卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤(ovarian mucious 残角子宫(rudimentary horn of the uterus)
cystadenoma) 双角子宫(bicornuate uterus) 卵巢交界性粘液性囊腺瘤(ovarian 中隔子宫(septate uterus) borderline mucinous cystadenoma) 弓形子宫(arcuate uterus)
卵巢粘液性囊腺癌(ovarian mucous 双子宫(didelphia uterus)
cystoadenocarcinoma) 子宫脱垂(uterine prolapse)
卵巢子宫内膜样肿瘤(endometrioid 压力性尿失禁(stress incontinence)
tumors) 尿瘘(urinary fistula)
透明细胞肿瘤(clear cell tumor) 粪瘘(fecal fistula)
未分化癌(undifferentiated carcinama) 不孕症(infertility)
卵巢生殖细胞肿瘤(primary infertility) ovarian germ cell 原发不孕(
继发不孕(tumors) secondary infertility)
syndrome,PMS) 畸胎瘤(teratoma)
无性细胞瘤(dysgerminoma) 性早熟(sexual precocity) 卵黄囊瘤(yolk sac tumor)
卵巢性索间质肿瘤(ovarian sex 专业词汇 cord-stromal tumor)
颗粒细胞-间质细胞肿瘤(grasnulose 盆腔结构:
stromal cell tumor) 脐:nave
颗粒细胞瘤(granulosa cell tumor) 髂嵴:Iliac crest
卵泡膜细胞瘤(theca cell tumor) 髋骨:hip bone
纤维瘤(fibroma) 耻骨联合表面:Symphysial surface 支持细胞-间质细胞肿瘤(sertoli-leydig
cell tumor) 耻骨联合:pubic symphysis 葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole) 耻骨联合上缘:superior border of pubic 绒癌(chorioepithelioma) symphysis 妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤(gestational 腹股沟韧带:inguinal trophoblastic tumor) ligament
胎盘部位滋养细胞肿瘤(placental site 耻骨梳韧带:pecten pubic lig. trophoblastic tumor) 骶棘韧带:sacrospinous lig. 子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMs) 尾骨尖:apex of coccyx 子宫腺肌病(adenomyosis) 骶岬:sacral promontory 处女膜闭锁(imperforate hymen) 髂前上棘:anteriorsuperior iliac spine
先天性无阴道(congenital absence of 第5腰椎:5th lumbar vertebra vagina)
阴道闭锁(atresia of vagina) 第4骶椎:4th sacrum vertebbra
branches of uterine a.
股骨:femur 卵巢动脉输卵管支:branches fallopii of 尾骨:coccyx ovarian a.
髂骨:ilium 子宫动脉阴道支:Vaginalbranches of 阴阜:mons pubis uterine a.
阴蒂:clitoris 腹壁下动脉:inferior epigastric a. 小阴唇:lesser lip of pudendum 阴部外浅动脉:Superficial external
pudendal a.
大阴唇:greater lip of pudendum 阴部外动脉:external pudendal a. 处女膜痕:carunculaehymenales 会阴动脉:Perineal a.
盆腔血管: 左/右肾:left/right kidney 髂总动脉:common iliac 尿道外口:external orifice of
Aorta. . urethra
髂外动脉:external iliac a. 尿道内口:internal urethral orlfice 髂内动脉:internal iliac a. 尿道:urethra
闭孔动脉:obturator a. 膀胱三角:trigone of urinary bladder
膀胱臀上动脉:superior gluteal a. :bladder
:Fundus of bladder 膀胱底
臀下动脉:inferior gluteal a. 膀胱尖:Apex of bladder 子宫动脉:uterine a. 膀胱体:Body of bladder
输卵管动脉:oviduct a. 输尿管:ureter
卵巢动脉:Ovarian a. 输尿管口:ureteric orifice 膀胱上动脉:superior vesical a. 子宫:uterus
膀胱下动脉:inferior vesical a. 子宫腔:Cavity of uterus 阴部内动脉:internal pudendal a. 子宫颈:neck of uterus
子宫体:body of uterus
直肠下动脉:inferior rectal a. 宫颈阴道上部:supravaginal part of 腹主动脉:abdominal aorta cervix
骶中动脉:middle sacral a. 宫颈阴道部:vaginal part of cervix 直肠上动脉:superior rectal a. 子宫颈管:canal of uterine 肠系膜下动脉:inferior mesenteric a. cervix
子宫底:fundus uteri
脐动脉索:Cord of umbilical a. 宫颈内口:Canal of isthmus
髂外静脉:External iliac v. of uterus
闭孔静脉:obturator v. 宫颈外口External orifice of uterus 下腔静脉:Inferior vena cava 宫颈解剖学内口:andtomical internal
orifice of cervix
卵巢输卵管静脉丛:Ovariotubal venous 子宫峡部:isthmus of uterus
子宫圆韧带:round lig. Uterus plexus
输尿管动脉:ureter a. 子宫骶韧带:sacrouterine lig. 子宫动脉宫颈支:Neck of uterus 子宫阔韧带:broad lig. of uterus
阔韧带前叶:Anterior lobe of broad lig. 直肠阴道隔:rectovaginal septum 阔韧带后叶:Posterior lobe of broad lig. 膀胱子宫陷凹:vesicouterina pouch 子宫内膜:endometrium 直肠子宫陷凹:rectouterine pouch 输卵管子宫口:uterine orifice of uterine 乙状结肠:sigmoid
tube 回肠:ileum
阴道口:vaginal orifice 盆腔肌肉神经:
: vaginal vestibule magor 阴道前庭腰大肌:psoas
阴道前穹隆:anterior vagtinal fornix 髂肌:lilum muscle.
阴道后穹隆:posterior vaginal fornix 会阴体:Perineal body 侧穹隆:Lateral fornix of vagina 闭孔神经:obturator nerve. 阴道前壁:Anterior wall of vagina 肛提肌:levator ani m. 阴道后壁:Posterior wall of vagina 肛门外括约肌:external anal sphincter 输卵管:oviduct 深部:deep part
输卵管壶腹部:Ampulla of uterine tube 浅部:superficial part 输卵管漏斗部:infundibulum 皮下部:subcutaneous part
of uterine tube
肛门内括约肌:internal anal sphincter 输卵管伞部:fimbriae of uterine
tube 阴部神经:pudendal n. 输卵管岬部:Isthmus of uterine tube 直肠神经丛:rectum nerve plexus 输卵管系膜:mesosalpinx 生殖股神经:genitofemoral nerve
输卵管子宫部:Uterine portion of 交感干:Sympathetic trunk uterine tube 骶前神经:presacral n. 输卵管腔:Fallopian tube lumen 腰骶干:Lumbosacral trunk
输卵管内口:internal orifice of uterine 第5腰神经前支:the anterior branch of tube fifth lunbar n. 卵巢:ovaries 第1骶神经前支:the anterior branch of 卵巢固有韧带:ovarian proper lig. first sacral n. 卵巢悬韧带:Suspensory lig. Of ovary 骶丛:Sacral plexus
卵巢皮质:cortex 股神经:femoral n.
卵巢门:Hilus of ovary 盆腔粘连:
卵巢系膜:mesovarium 盆腔粘连:pelvic adhesion
卵泡:ovarian follicle adhesion
卵巢黄体:Corpus luteum of ovary
条索状卵巢:streak ovary 盆腔淋巴结:
副卵巢:accessory ovary 髂总淋巴结:common iliac nodes 小肠:small intestine 髂外淋巴结:external iliac lymph nodes 直肠:rectum 髂内淋巴结:Internal iliac lymph nodes 肛门:anus 腰淋巴结:lumbar lymph 尿道阴道隔:urethro vaginal septum nodes
窦性心动过速sinus tachycardia 会阴解剖: 心衰heart failure 球海绵体肌:bulbospongiosus 糖尿病diabetes
切口疝incisional hernia
坐骨海绵体肌:ischiocavernosus 感染伤口infected wound 会阴浅横肌:superficial transverse m. of 肠梗阻intestinal obstruction
肠粘连intestinal adhesion perineum
会阴深横肌:Deep transverse m. of 粘连性肠梗阻
perineum intestinal obstruction due to 尿生殖三角:urogenital adhesions
溃疡ulcer 应激性溃疡 stress triangle
肛门三角:anal triangle ulcer
内外科常见并发症及合并症 胃炎gastritis
休克Shock 肾炎nephritis
低血容量性休克Hypovolemic shock 急性上呼吸道感染
失血性休克Hemorrhagic shock acute upper respiratory tract 损伤性休克Traumatic shock infection
感染性休克septic shock 哮喘asthma
尿潴留urinary retention 支气管哮喘bronchial asthma
diac asthma 尿频frequency 心源性哮喘car
尿急urgency 椎管内阻滞intrathecal block 尿痛 排尿困难dysuria 静脉全身麻醉
尿道炎urethritis intravenous anesthesia 膀胱炎cystitis 全身麻醉general anesthesia 尿道损伤urethral injuries 低钾血症hypokalemia 尿失禁incontinence 低钙血症hypocalcemia 原发性腹膜炎primary peritonitis 低血糖综合症hypoglycemic syndrome 多器官功能不全综合症 深静脉血栓形成deep venous multiple organ dysfunction thrombosis
syndrome,MODS 栓塞embolism
多系统器官衰竭 弥漫性血管内凝血disseminated multiple system organ failure,MSOF intravascular coagulation 成人型呼吸窘迫综合症 阑尾炎appendicitis adult respiratory distress 急腹症acute abdomen syndrome,ARDS 胆囊炎cholecystitis 冠心病atherosclerotic coronary 胰腺炎pancreatitis artery disease 腹膜炎peritonitis 心肌梗塞myocardial infarction 咽炎pharyngitis
心肌缺血myocardial ischemia 肾衰竭renal failure 心绞痛angina pectoris 肝衰竭liver failure 高血压hypertension 发热pyrexia
低血压hypotension 吸收热absorption fever 窦性心动过缓sinus bradycardia 致热原pyrogen
贫血anemia 腹腔镜器械 出血hemorrhage
腹泻diarrhea 1. 气腹针 (Veress needle) 呕吐disgorge 2. 套管针 (Trocar)
腹胀abdominal distension 3. 电凝钩 (Hook)
腹痛abdominal pain 4. 分离钳 (Dissecting forceps) 甲亢hyperthyroidism 5. 抓钳 (Grasping forceps)
(Scissors) 甲减hypothyroidism 6. 手术剪
低氧,缺氧hypoxia 7. 施夹器 (Clip applier) 低氧血症hypoxemia 8. 吸引、冲洗管 (Suction and 肺水肿pulmonary edema ir-rigation tubes)
9. 转换套管 (Transitting tube)
10. 金属夹 (Metal clip) 手术器械 可吸收夹 (Absorble clip) 持针器 needle holder 12. 持针器 (Needle holder) 电凝止血 electrocautery 13. 推结器 (Knot guide) 缝线 suture 缝针14. 牵开器 (Retractor) suture needle
15.标本袋 (Endo-Pouch) 敷料 dressing
巾钳 towel clamp 16. 双极电钳、双极电钩
(Bipolar Forceps, 扩张器 dilator
手术刀 scalpel Bipolar coagulation electrode) 手术剪 surgical scissors 全麻 General endotracheal 手术镊 forceps 膀胱截石位 dorsal lithotomy 洗手法 scrubbing method 铺无菌巾 be draped in sterile f弯血管钳 cured clamp ashion.
线剪 suture scissors 切口 incision
无齿镊 smooth forceps 经脐切口 umbilical incision 血管钳 clamp 脐下切口 infraumbilical incision
直血管钳 straight clamp 纵切口 longitudinal incision
有齿镊 toothed forceps 十字切开 Cruciate incision 有齿血管钳 toothed clamp 滴水试验 saline drop test 吸引器suction 形成气腹 Pneumoperitoneum wa止血钳 Hemostatic Forceps s attained
手术刀柄 Surgical Knife Handle 双极电凝 Bipolar electrocoagulation缝合针 Surgical Sewing Needle
布帕钳/巾钳Handkerchief Forceps 单极电凝 monopolar electrocoagula分离钳 Separating Pliers tion
仰位supine腹位prone侧卧位lateral 消融 ablation
引流 Drain;drainage 分离粘连 disconnect adhesions; di手术衣 gown ssection
刷手衣/裤 scrub (shirt/pant) 止血 haemostasis 铺单drape 切开 cut , discissio
横切 transecte
钳夹 ring clamp
广泛粘连 generally(extensive)adh
缝合 Suture
双重结扎 double ligate
打结 ligature
撤器 the instruments were removed
皮内缝合 subcuticular suture sub
cuticular fashion.
清点纱布 sponge and needle counts were correct
样本送病理 the specimen was sent to pathology.
0,薇乔线缝合筋膜层 The fascia was then closed with O-Vicryl
Medical university[医科大学] ?Medical collega[医学院] ?Collega of pharmacy[药学院] ?Teatch school[卫生学校]
?Nurses` (training) school[护士学校] ?Academic adviser[学术顾问] ?Chancellor (president)[校长] ?Dean[院长] ?Director[主任] ?Department chairman (head)[系主任] ?Assistant[助教] ?Coach[辅导员] ?Tutor (Counselor)[导师] ?Faculty[全体教员] ?Founder[创办人] ?Lecturer[讲师] ?Monitor[班长] ?Professor[教授] ?Research fellow[研究员] ?School physician[校医] ?Graduate student[研究生]
?Anesthetist[麻醉医生] ?Dentist[牙科医生] ?Dermatologist[皮肤科医生] ?Dietician[营养师] ?Family doctor[家庭医生]
?Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine[中医师] ?Gynecologist[妇科医生] ?Obstetrician[产科医生] ?Oculist[眼科医生]
?Oncologist[肿瘤科医生] ?Pediatrician[儿科医生] ?ENT doctor[五官科医生] ?Internist (Physician)[内科医生] ?Surgeon[外科医生] ?Cardiologist[心血管病医生] ?Urologist[泌尿科医生] ?Radiographer[放射科技师] ?Radiologist[放射科医生] ?Cardiac surgeon[胸外科医生] ?Plastic surgeon[整形外科医生] ?Midwife[接生员] ?Resident[住院医生] ?Chief resident[总住院医师] ?Attending (physician in charge)[主治医生] ?Specialist[专家] ?Pharmacist[药剂师] ?Technician[技师] ?Intern[实习生] ?Head nurse[护士长] ?Nurse[护士] ?Bechelor[学士] ?Master[硕士] ?Doctor[博士] ?Auditorium[大礼堂] ?Meeting room (Reference hall)[会议室] ?Parking Lot (shed)[停车处(棚)] ?Broadcasting station[广播站] ?Administration building[行政大楼] ?Office building[办公大楼] ?Classroom (Teaching) building[教学大楼] ?Bulletin board[布告栏] ?Campus[校园] ?Canteen (Dining room)[食堂] ?Classroom[教室] ?Dormitory[宿舍] ?English corner[英语角] ?Gymnasium[体操房] ?Infirmary[医务室] ?Central laboratory[中心实验室] ?Lavatory (Toilet,Water-closet)[厕所] ?Lecture theatre[阶梯教室] ?Library[图书馆] ?News stall[报亭] ?Accounting office[财务室] ?Dean’s office[教务处] ?Foreign affairs office[外事处] ?General affairs office[总务处] ?Medical education office[医教处] ?Personnel office[人事处] ?President office[校长办公室] ?Reception office[接待室] ?Registration office[报到处] ?Teaching and research office[教研室] ?Platform[讲台] ?Playground[运动场] ?Boiler room[锅炉房] ?Janitor’s room[传达室] ?Mail room[收发室] ?Reference room[资料室] ?Projection room[放映室] ?Reading room[阅览室] ?Swimming pool[游泳池] ?Snack bar[小吃部] ?Graduate school[研究生院] ?School-run workshop[校办厂] ?Company[公司] ?Institute[研究所] ?Pharmaceutical factory[制药厂] ?Affiliated hospital[附属医院] ?Teaching hospital[教学医院] ?Blood bank[血库] ?Anesthesiology dept.[麻醉科] ?Cardiology dept.[心脏科] ?Dermatology dept.[皮肤科] ?Emergency room[急诊室] ?Dental dept.[牙科] ?ENT dept.[五官科] ?General surgery dept.[普外科] ?Infectious dept.[传染科] ?Neurosurgery dept.[神经外科] ?Neurology dept.[神经科] ?Obstetrics and gynecology dept.[妇产科] ?Oncology dept.[肿瘤科] ?Ophthalmology dept.[眼科] ?Nuclear medicine dept.[核医学科] ?Orthopedics dept.[骨科] ?Pediatrics dept.[小儿科] ?Pathology dept.[病理科] ?Skin (Dermatology) dept.[皮肤科] ?Plastic surgery dept[整形外科] ?Thoracic surgery dept.[胸外科] ?Traditional chinese medicine dept.[中医科] ?Traumatology dept.[创伤外科] ?Urology dept.[泌尿科] ?X-ray room[放射科] ?Laboratory dept.[检验科] ?Gastroenterology dept.[消化科] ?Nephrology dept.[肾内科] ?Hematology dept.[血液科] ?Endocrinology dept.[内分泌科] ?Stomatological dept.[口腔科] ?Dispensary (pharmacy)[药房] ?Internal medicine dept.[内科] ?Surgical dept. [外科] ?In-patient dept. [住院部] ?Out-patient dept.[门诊部] ?Nursing dept.[护理部] ?B-mode ultrasonic room[B超室] ?EKG room[心电图室] ?Endoscope room[内镜室] ?Gastroscope room[胃
镜室] ?Bronchoscope room[支气管镜室] ?Operation room(OR)[手术室] ?Nutrition room[营养
室] ?Fluoroscopy[透视室] ?Dark room[暗室] ?Developing room[冲洗室] ?Heart function examination room[心功能室] ?Injection room[注射室] ?Dressing room[换药室] ?Pulmonary function test room[肺功能室] ?Physiotherapy room[理疗室] ?Laser room[激光室] ?Echo room[心
超室] ?DSA room[心导管室] ?Vector-cardiography room[心向量室] ?Phono-cardiography room[心音图室] ?Vision fuuction examination room[视功能室] ?Medical abministration dept.[医
务部] ?Personnel dept.[人事部] ?Security section[保卫科] ?Supply room[供应室] ?Mortuty[太平
间] ?Health information dept. [病案室] ?Registration office[挂号处] ?Waiting room[侯诊
室] ?Observation room[观察室]
http://www.stu.com.cn 快乐学习,尽在中学生在线
medical science; medical service; medicine: 医学
medical book: 医书
medical skill; art of healing: 医术
medical matters: 医务
clinic: 医务所
medical science; medicine: 医学
forensic medicine; legal medicine: 法医学
preclinical medicine: 基础医学
preventive medicine: 预防医学
Doctor of Medicine: 医学博士
academy of medical sciences: 医学科学院
medical literature: 医学文献
Bachelor of Medicine: 医学学士
medical heritage: 医学遗产
college of medicine: 医学院
medical witness: 医学证人
medicine : 医药
general medical knowledge: 医药常识
第1页(共2页) 中学生在线 北京光和兰科科技有限公司 客服QQ:100127805 客服热线:010-64722791
http://www.stu.com.cn 快乐学习,尽在中学生在线
medical expenses: 医药费
medical kit; medicine chest: 药箱
first-aid kit: 急救药箱
property of a medicine: 药性
pharmaceutical college: 药学院
dipping vat: 药浴池
medicated soap: 药皂
drug rash; drug eruption: 药疹
assistant pharmacy: 药剂士
pharmaceutics; pharmacy: 药剂学
medicinal liquor: 药酒
pharmacology: 药理学
efficacy of a drug: 药力
absorbent cotton: 药棉
第2页(共2页) 中学生在线 北京光和兰科科技有限公司 客服QQ:100127805 客服热线:010-64722791
【分享】 心血管医学英语单词
心力衰竭Heart failure
Congestive beart failure 充血性心力衰竭 Acute left-sided heart failure 急性左心衰竭 慢性心力衰竭Chroinc heart failure(CHF) Intractable heart failure 难治性心力衰竭 Systolic insufficiency heart failure 收缩功能不全性心力衰竭 Diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力衰竭 Congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭 Cardiac dysfunction 心功能障碍
心律失常Arrhythmia (cardiac arrhythmia) Triggered activity 触发活动
Afterdepolarization 后除极
Sinus node recovery time SNRT 窦房结恢复时间 Sinoatrial conduction time SACT 窦房传导时间 Bradycardia 心动过缓
Tachycardia 心动过速
窦性心动过速Sinus tachycardia
窦性心动过缓Sinus bradycardia
Sinus pause (sinus arrest) 窦性停搏(窦性静止) sinoatrial block 窦房阻滞(Mobitz 莫氏, Wenckebach 文氏) 病态窦房结综合征Sick sinus syndrome(SSS) Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome 心动过缓-心动过速综合征 b.心房
Atrial premature beats 房性期前收缩
Atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速
Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率
Automatic atrial tachycardia 自律性房性心动过速 Reentrant atrial tachycardia 折返性房性心动过速 Chaotic atrial tachycardia 紊乱性房性心动过速
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block (PAT with block) 伴有房室阻滞的阵发性房性心动过速
Multifocal atrial tachycardia 多源性房性心动过速 Atrial flutter 心房扑动
心房颤动Atrial fibrillation
Premature atrioventricular junctional beats 房室交界区性期前收缩 AV junctional escape beats 房室交界区性逸搏
AV junctional rhythm 房室交界区性心律
Nonparoxysmal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia 非阵发性房室交界区性心动过速
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速 Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)房室结内折返性心动过速
Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)房室返性心动过速 预激综合征Preexcitation syndrome(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome)(WPW综合征)
Premature ventricular beats 室性期前收缩
Ventricular parasystole 室性并行心律
Ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性心室自主节律 Torsades de pointes 尖端扭转
Ventricular flutter 心室扑动
Ventricular fibrillation 心室颤动
Atrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞 Wenckebach block 文氏阻滞
阿,斯综合征Adame-Strokes syndrom Intraventricular block 室内传导阻滞 Right bundle branch block 右束支传导阻滞 Left bundle branch block 左束支传导阻滞 Left anterior fascicular block 左前分支传导阻滞 Left posterior fascicular block 左后分支传导阻滞 Bifascicular block 双分支阻滞
Trifascicular block 三分支阻滞
心脏性猝死 sudden cardiac death
Cardiac arrest 心脏骤停
Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 无脉性电活动
高血压:原发性高血压 Essential hypertension(EH), 高血压Hypertension
Hypertensive urgencyes 高血压急症 Hypertensive crisis 高血压危象
Hypertensive emergencies 高血压危症 继发性高血压Secondary hypertension(SH) Primary hypertension 原发性高血压 “White coat” hypertension 白大衣性高血压 4
Isolated systolic hypertension 单纯收缩期高血压 Arteriolosclerosis 小动脉硬化
Congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病
Congenital cardiovascular disease 先天性心血管病 Pulmonic stenosis 肺动脉狭窄
Isolated pulmonic stenosis 单纯肺动脉口狭窄 Coarctation of the aorta 主动脉缩窄
Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery 单纯肺动脉扩张 Primary pulmonary hypertension 原发性肺动脉高压 Persistent left superior vena cava 双侧上腔静脉(左上腔静脉残存) Isolated dextrocardia 孤立性右位心
Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损
Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 部分性肺静脉畸形引流 Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 室间隔缺损 Eisenmenger’s syndrome 艾森门格综合征 Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)动脉导管未闭 Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症
Trilogy of Fallot 法洛三联症
Complete transposition of the great vessels 完全性大血管错位 Atrial septal defect (ASD) 房间隔缺损
Multivalve heart disease 多瓣膜疾病
Mitral valve disease 二尖瓣疾病
Pulmonic valve disease 肺动脉瓣疾病
Tricuspid valve disease 三尖瓣疾病
Ebstein’s anomaly 三尖瓣下移畸形
Dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调或断裂 Aortic valve disease 主动脉瓣疾病
Aortic arch syndrome 主动脉弓综合征
Valvular heart disease 心脏瓣膜病
rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病 Rheumatic fever 风湿热
Rheumatic carditis 风湿性心脏炎
Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄
Mitral incompetence 二尖瓣关闭不全 Acute mitral insufficiency 急性二尖瓣关闭不全 Chronic mitral insufficiency 慢性二尖瓣关闭不全 Marfan’s syndrom 马凡氏综合征 Aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄
Aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣关闭不全 Chronic aortic insufficiency 慢性主动脉瓣关闭不全 Tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄
Tricuspid incompetence 三尖瓣关闭不全 Pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄 Pulmonary incompetence 肺动脉瓣关闭不全
Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化
Coronary heart disease 冠状动脉性心脏病 Angina pectoris 心绞痛
Stable angina pectoris 稳定型心绞痛 Unstable angina pectoris 不稳定心绞痛 Initial onset angina pectoris 初发型心绞痛 Accelerated angina pectoris 恶化型心绞痛 Variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal’s variant angina pectoris)变异型心绞痛
Angina decubitus 卧位心绞痛
Acute coronary insufficiency 急性冠状动脉功能不全 Postinfarction angina pectoris 梗塞后心绞痛
急性冠脉综合征Acute coronary syndrome(ACS) 心肌梗死Myocardial infarction(MI)
急性心肌梗死Acute myocardial infarction(AMI) Dysfunction of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调 Rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌断裂 Rupture of the heart 心脏破裂
Embolism 栓塞
Cardiac aneurysm 心脏室壁瘤
Postinfarction syndrome 心肌梗死后综合征 Latent coronary heart disease 无症状型冠心病(隐性冠心病) Ischemic cardiomyopathy 缺血性心肌病 Sudden death 猝死
Infective endocarditis (IE) 感染性心内膜炎 Native valve endocarditis 自体瓣膜心内膜炎 Prothetic valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜心内膜炎 Endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers 静脉药瘾者心内膜炎 Acute infective endocarditics(AIE) 急性感染性心内膜炎 Subacute Infective endocarditis 亚急性感染性心内膜炎
Specific cardiomyopathy 特异性心肌病
Viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎
肥厚性心肌病Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH) 非对称性室间隔肥厚 Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM)限制性心肌病 扩张型心肌病Dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM) Alcoholic cardiomyopathy 酒精性心肌病 Peripartum cardiomyopathy 围生期心肌病
Drug-induced cardiomyopathy 药物性心肌病 Keshan disease (KD) 克山病
Endemic cardiomyopathy (ECD) 地方性心肌病 Cardiomyopathies 心肌疾病
心肌桥Myocardial bridging
Myocarditis 心肌炎
Right ventricular cardiomyopathy 右室心肌病 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC)致心律失常型右室心肌病
Unclassified cardiomyopathies,UCM)
Purulent pericarditis 化脓性心包炎 Acute pericarditis 急性心包炎
Tuberculous pericarditis 结核性心包炎 Constrictive pericarditis 缩窄性心包炎
Peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration 闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化
Primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches 多发性大动脉炎
Raynaud syndrome 雷诺综合征
Pulness disease 无脉病
Thromboangitis obliterans 血栓闭塞性脉管炎 Thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎
主动脉夹层Aortic dissection
Syndrome X
Cardiogenic shock 心原性休克
Postpericardiostomy syndrome 心肌损伤后综合征
Pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞
Syncope 晕厥
Syphlitic cardiovascular disease 梅毒性心血管病 Cardiovascular neurosis 心脏血管神经官能症
Vasodilator 血管扩张剂(phlebectasis 静脉扩张, arteriectasis 动脉扩张)
Diuretic 利尿剂(thiazide diuretic 噻嗪类利尿剂;loop diuretic 袢利尿剂;potassium-sparing
diuretics 保钾利尿剂)
inotropic agent 正性肌力药(digitalis preparation 洋地黄制剂;adrenergic receptor stimulant 肾上腺素能受体兴奋剂;
phosphodiesterase inhibitor 磷酸二酯酶抑制剂) 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor(ACE inhibitors)(ACEI)
Aldosterone antagonist 醛固酮拮抗剂
β-肾上腺素能受体阻滞剂Beta adrenergic receptor blocker (beta blockers)
钙通道阻滞剂Calcium channel blocker(CCB) Angiotension ? antagonist(Angiotension ? receptor blocker) 血管紧张素?受体阻滞剂
Alpha blockers α1 受体阻滞剂
Nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油
Digoxin 地高辛
Lanatoside C 西地兰
antiarrhythic drugs 抗心律失常药
lidocaine 利多卡因
Propafenone 普罗帕酮
Amiodarone 胺碘酮
HMG-CoA 还原酶抑制剂HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Nicotinic acid 烟酸
Clofibrate 氯贝丁酯
recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ,rt-PA 重组组织型纤维蛋白酶原激活剂
interventional therapy for cardiovascular diseases 心血管病介入性治疗 Holter ECG monitoring 动态心电图
Ultrasound angioplasty 超声消融术
Directional coronary atherectomy 定向旋切术
High frequency rotational atherectomy 高频旋磨术 Laser angioplasty 激光血管成形术
Catheter ablation 心导管消融
Radiofrequency catheter ablation 经导管射频消融 Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty(PBMV)经皮穿刺球囊二尖瓣成形术
Percutaneous balloon pulmonic valvuloplasty(PBPV)经皮穿刺球囊肺动脉瓣成形术
Percutaneous transluminal septial myocardial ablation,(PTSMA)经皮经腔间隔心肌消融术
经皮穿刺腔内冠状动脉成形术Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation
Transluminal Extraction catheter (TEC)经皮血管内切吸导管
Artificial cardiac pacing 人工心脏起搏 Multisite cardiac pacing 多部位心脏起搏 Biatrial pacing 双心房起搏
biventricular pacing 双心室起搏 bifocal pacing 双灶起搏
Heart transplantation 心脏移植
Angiojet rheolytic thrombectomy 新鲜血栓吸引术 Upright tilt-table testing 直立倾斜试验 置入型心律转复除颤器Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
Thumpversion 捶击复律
Cough-version 咳嗽复律
Cardioversion 心脏电复律
Defibrillation 心脏电除颤
Revascularization 血管重建
Hemolytic streptococcus 甲族乙型溶血性链球菌 Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)抗胸腺细胞球蛋白 Vagus nerve 迷走神经,
Brainstem death 脑干死亡
Brain death 脑死亡
Myocardial remodeling 心肌重塑 Hemodynamics 血液动力学
Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)心钠素 Vasopressin 血管加压素,抗利尿激素 Bradykinin 缓激肽
Triggered activity 触发活动
Afterdepolarization 后除极
Late ventricular potential 心室晚电位
Sinus node recovery time(SNRT) 窦房结恢复时间 Sinoatrial conduction time(SACT) 窦房传导时间 Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率
Accessory atrioventricular pathways 房室旁路 Atriohisian tracts 房希氏束
Nodoventricular fibers 结-室纤维
Fasciculoventricular fibers 分支室纤维 Insulin resistance 胰岛素抵抗
Vasodepressor response 血管减压反应 Pulsus tardus 细迟脉
Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC) 最小抑菌浓度 Systolic anterior motion(SAM) (二尖瓣前叶)收缩期前向运动
http://www.docin.com/mydoc-7352321-1.html 快乐学习,尽在教育百科。
关于医学的部分英文单词 medical science; medical service; medicine: 医学
medical book: 医书
medical skill; art of healing: 医术
medical matters: 医务
clinic: 医务所
medical science; medicine: 医学
forensic medicine; legal medicine: 法医学
preclinical medicine: 基础医学
preventive medicine: 预防医学
Doctor of Medicine: 医学博士
academy of medical sciences: 医学科学院
medical literature: 医学文献
Bachelor of Medicine: 医学学士
medical heritage: 医学遗产
college of medicine: 医学院
medical witness: 医学证人
medicine : 医药
general medical knowledge: 医药常识
http://www.docin.com/mydoc-7352321-1.html 快乐学习,尽在教育百科。
http://www.docin.com/mydoc-7352321-1.html 快乐学习,尽在教育百科。
medical expenses: 医药费
medical kit; medicine chest: 药箱
first-aid kit: 急救药箱
property of a medicine: 药性
pharmaceutical college: 药学院
dipping vat: 药浴池
medicated soap: 药皂
drug rash; drug eruption: 药疹
assistant pharmacy: 药剂士
pharmaceutics; pharmacy: 药剂学
medicinal liquor: 药酒
pharmacology: 药理学
efficacy of a drug: 药力
absorbent cotton: 药棉
http://www.docin.com/mydoc-7352321-1.html 快乐学习,尽在教育百科。