范文一:名词解释名词解释名词解释名词解释 教学组织形式
名词解释名词解释名词解释名词解释 教学组织形式 :是指为完成特定的教学任务教师和学生按一定要求结合起来进行活 动的结构 育教::是教育者按照一定的社会要求,系统地对受教育者的身心发展施加有目的、有计划、有组织的影响,以使教育者发生预期变化 的活动 程学科课 :又称分科课程,它是根据学校教育目的、教学规律和一定年龄阶段的学生发展水平,分别从各门科学中选择部分内容,组成各 种不同的学科,彼此分立地安排它们教学顺序、教学时数和期限 教学方法 :为完成教学任务而采取的办法,它包括教师教的方法和学生学的方 法,是教师引导学生掌握知识,技能,获得身心发展而共同活动的方法。 道德意志 :是在自觉执行道德义务的过程中克服所遇到的困难和障碍 时所表现出来的意志品质 课程 :课堂教学、课外学习以及自学活动的内容纲要和目标体系,是教学和学生各种学习活动的总体规划及其进程 必 修课:所有学生都必须修习的课程。 教学设计 :是研究教学系统、教学过程和制定教学计划的系统方法(也称教学计划) 道德行为 :是人在一 定的道德意识的支配下表现出来的对待他人和社会的有道德意义的活动 教育素::是指教育者以及符合规律的教育措施,对新一代素质按现代化 需要实现开发、完善、提高和再创造的过程 道德认识::又叫道德观念,它是指对道德行为准则及及其执行意义的认识,其中包括道德概念、原 则、信念与观点的形式以及运用这些观念去分析道德情境,对人、对事作出是非善恶等的道德判断 道德意志 :是在自觉执行道德义务的过程中 克服所遇到的困难和障碍时所表现出来的意志品质 教学计划 :是研究教学系统、教学过程和制定教学计划的系统方法 教科书:又称课本,是根 据教学大纲编写的教学用书 教学大纲:是根据教学计划,以纲要的形式编写的有关学科教学内容的指导性文件。它反映某一学科的教学目的、 任务、教材内容的范围、深度和结构、教学进度以及教学法上的基本要求 显性课程 :是指为实现一定的教育目标而正式列入学校教学计划的各 门学科,以及有目的、有组织的课外活动。 隐形课程隐::学校通过教育环境有意或无意地传递给学生的非公开性的教育影响 校风 :一个学校的 社会气氛,也是校内大部分人的一种习惯势力 课课课课堂教学堂教学堂教学堂教学:是教师引导学生按照明确的目的、循序渐进地以掌握教材 为主的一种教育活动 个体社会化:个体社会化反映着个体与社会的一种关系,是指个体适应社会的要求,在社会的交互作用过程中,通过学习 与内化社会文化而胜任社会所期待、承担的角色,并相应地发展自己的个性的过程 教育目的 :是指社会对教育所要造就社会个体的质量规格的 总的设想或规定 活动课程活动课程活动课程活动课程:是相对于系统的学科知识而言,侧重于学生直接经验的一种课程形式。它认为课程应是 一系列由儿童自己组织的活动,儿童通过活动学习,获得经验,培养兴趣,解决问题,锻炼能力。 班级授课制::是指把一定数量的学生按年龄 与知识程度编成固定的班级,根据周课表和作息时间表,安排教师有计划向全班学生集体上课。 情境教学法:指教师根据一定的教学要求,有 计划地使学生处于一种类似真实的活动情境之中,利用其中的教育因素综合地对学生施加影响的一种方法。他的特点是使学生在不知不觉中受到 教育。 道尔顿制::::教学的一种组织形式和方法。其目的是废除年级和班级教学,学生在指导下,各自主动地在实验室内,根据拟定的学习计 划,以不同的教材,不同的速度和时间进行学习,用以适应其能力、兴趣和需要,从而发展其个性。 教育影响:教育影响即教育过程中教育都 作用于学生的全部信息 , 即包括了信息的内容 , 也包括了信息的传递和反馈的形式是形式与内容的统一。从内容上说是 , 教育内容、教育材料;从 形式上讲,教育手段、教育方法、教育组织形式。 素质教育 :是指教育者以符合规律的教育措施对新一代素质按现代化需要实现开发、完善、提 高或再创造的过程,是一种对儿童修改素质的再生产和再创造的社会实践过程。 道德情感 :是伴随首先认识所产生的一种内心体验,也就是人 在心理上所产生的对某种道德义务的爱慕或憎恨,喜好或厌恶等情感体验。 教育评价::是运用专门的技术手段对教育活动的价值作出评定的活 动 义务教育:是国家通过法律形式予以规定的每个人都必须接受的一定程度的教育。 教学策略 :建立在一定理论基础之上,为实现某种教学目 标而制定的教学实施总体方案 。 特朗普制 :大班上课、小班讨论、个人独立研究结合在一起,并采用灵活的时间单位代替固定划一的上课时间 的教学组织形。 第一章 教育的基本要素:1、 教育者 :教育者是教育活动的主体 2、 受教育者 :受教育者是教育实践活动的对象,是学习的主 体。 3、教育影响 :是置于教育者与受教育者之间的一切“中介”的总和。 教育影响又可分解为::教育媒体、教育内容、教育手段、教育活动方 式和教育环境五种成份。 社会主义教育育目的的基本特点::1、以马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说为理论基础 2、鲜明地提出培养人的政治方 向:坚持社会主义 3、主张人的全面发展与个性发展的统一。 普通中小学中小学的教育目的包括::体育、智育、德育、美育、劳动技术教育五个 组成部 分。教育目标体系 :第一层次:教育目的。第二层次:教育目标。第三层次:课程目标。第四层次:单元目标。 教育目标的分类 :一般分 为三大类①认知领域②能力领域③情意领域展 影响个体发展的主要四种:1、遗传 2、环境 3、教育 4、个体的主观能动性。 教育要适应个体发展 的哪些规律 1、顺序性 2、阶段性、不平衡性 4、个别差异性。 应试教育的负效应:(一)片面追求升学率(二)中小学生课业负担过重(三) 代 教育的基本特征 1、商品性 2、生产性 3、科学性 4、民主性 5、发展性 促进的教育态度可综合成四类 :理解学生、与学生和谐相处、积极的自我 意识、教育的期待 。教师的知识结构 1、通晓所教的学科和专业 2、具有比较广泛的基础文化知识 3、掌握教育科学理论,懂得教育规律。 中国教 师角色行为中的文化传统 1、道德追求大于社会索取 2、社会本位高于个人本位 3、自我修养先于他人教育。 教师劳动的特点:一、特殊的复杂性 二、强烈的示范性三、独特的创造性四、显效的长期性五、空间的广延性和时间的连续性六、劳动量的隐含性七、教师劳动的科学性和艺术性八、 劳动的协作性 第三章 学生是发展中的人:(一)学生具有与成人不同的身心特点(二)学生具有发展的潜在可能(三)学生具有获得成人教 育关怀的需要青少年儿童的合法权利 1、生存的权利 2、受教育的权利 3、受尊重的权利 4、安全的权力。 青少年发展中的特殊问题 :(一)身心 失衡带来的困扰(二)独立性与依赖性的矛盾(三)同辈群体与父母价值观的冲突(四)自我探索中的迷惑(五)父母过高期望引起的压力师生 关系表现(一)师生之间的工作关系(二)师生间的人际关系(三)师生间的组织关系(四)师生间的心理关系(认知、情感) (五)师生间的
非正式关系 我国目前中小学存在的师生关系类型 :对立型、信赖型、自由放任型、民主型。 民主型需 (1)在师生相互态度上,教师对学生严格 要求,热情,和蔼,公正,尊重学生,发扬教学民主;学生尊敬教师,接受指导,主动自觉进行学习; (2)师生感情关系上,需要情绪热烈,和 谐,课堂气氛活跃; (3)师生在课堂合作状态上,师生之间呈现出积极的双向的交流,学生积极思考,提出问题,各抒己见,教师认真引导。 良 好师生关系的构建策略:1了解和研究学生 2树立正确的学生观 3热爱、尊重学生,公平对待学生 4主动与学生沟通,善于与学生交往 5努力提 高自我修养,健全人格 四章 一、校园文化建设二、课堂内的环境三、微观环境的影响 1、同伴影响。 2、花盆效应。 3、教师的期待效应。 家庭 的教育功能:首先,家庭在教导基本生活技能方面起重要作用。其次,家庭在教导社会规范,形成道德情操方面起重要作用。再次,家庭在指导 生活目标、形成个人理想和志趣方面起重要作用。其次,家庭群体在培养社会角色过程中也具独特的作用;最后,家庭在形成个人性格特征、个 人对社会适应的动力特征等方面,也有着它不可替代的影响。 家庭教育特点 第一、家庭教育影响具有先主性。第二、家庭对受教育者的控制方式 具有多维性。第三、家庭群体中交往接触的密切性。第四、家庭群体中教育和生活
名词解释名?词解释名词?解释名词解?释 教学组织形?式:是指为完成?特定的教学?任务教师和?学生按一定?要求结合起?来进行活动?的结构育教?::是教育者按?照一定的社?会要求,系统地对受?教育者的身?心发展施加?有目的、有计划、有组织的影?响,以使教育者?发生预期变?化的活动程?学科课:又称分科课?程,它是根据学?校教育目的?、教学规律和?一定年龄阶?段的学生发?展水平,分别从各门?科学中选择?部分内容,组成各种不?同的学科,彼此分立地?安排它们教?学顺序、教学时数和?期限 教学方法:为完成教学?任务而采取?的办法,它包括教师?教的方法和?学生学的方?法,是教师引导?学生掌握知?识,技能,获得身心发?展而共同活?动的方法。 道德意志:是在自觉执?行道德义务?的过程中克?服所遇到的?困难和障碍?时所表现出?来的意志品?质课程:课堂教学、课外学习以?及自学活动?的内容纲要?和目标体系?,是教学和学?生各种学习?活动的总体?规划及其进?程 必修课:所有学生都?必须修习的?课程。 教学设计:是研究教学?系统、教学过程和?制定教学计?划的系统方?法(也称教学计?划) 道德行为:是人在一定?的道德意识?的支配下表?现出来的对?待他人和社?会的有道德?意义的活动? 教育素::是指教育者?以及符合规?律的教育措?施,对新一代素?质按现代化?需要实现开?发、完善、提高和再创?造的过程 道德认识::又叫道德观?念,它是指对道?德行为准则?及及其执行?意义的认识?,其中包括道?德概念、原则、信念与观点?的形式以及?运用这些观?念去分析道?德情境,对人、对事作出是?非善恶等的?道德判断 道德意志:是在自觉执?行道德义务?的过程中克?服所遇到的?困难和障碍?时所表现出?来的意志品?质 教学计划:是研究教学?系统、教学过程和?制定教学计?划的系统方?法教科书:又称课本,是根据教学?大纲编写的?教学用书 教学大纲:是根据教学?计划,以纲要的形?式编写的有?关学科教学?内容的指导?性文件。它反映某一?学科的教学?目的、任务、教材内容的?范围、深度和结构?、教学进度以?及教学法上?的基本要求? 显性课程:是指为实现?一定的教育?目标而正式?列入学校教?学计划的各?门学科,以及有目的?、有组织的课?外活动。 隐形课程隐?::学校通过教?育环境有意?或无意地传?递给学生的?非公开性的?教育影响 校风:一个学校的?社会气氛,也是校内大?部分人的一?种习惯势力? 课课课课堂?教学堂教学?堂教学堂教?学:是教师引导?学生按照明?确的目的、循序渐进地?以掌握教材?为主的一种?教育活动 个体社会化?:个体社会化?反映着个体?与社会的一?种关系,是指个体适?应社会的要?求,在社会的交?互作用过程?中,通过学习与?内化社会文?化而胜任社?会所期待、承担的角色?,并相应地发?展自己的个?性的过程 教育目的:是指社会对?教育所要造?就社会个体?的质量规格?的总的设想?或规定 活动课程活?动课程活动?课程活动课?程:是相对于系?统的学科知?识而言,侧重于学生?直接经验的?一种课程形?式。它认为课程?应是一系列?由儿童自己?组织的活动?,儿童通过活?动学习,获得经验,培养兴趣,解决问题,锻炼能力。 班级授课制?::是指把一定?数量
根据周课表?和作息时间?表,安排教师有?计划向全班?学生集体上?课。 情境教学法?:指教师根据?一定的的学生?按年龄与知?识程度编成?固定的班级?,
教学?要求,有计划地使?学生处于一?种类似真实?的活动情境?之中,利用其中的?教育因素综?合地对学生?施加影响的?一种方法。他的特点是?使学生在不?知不觉中受?到教育。 道尔顿制::::教学的一种?组织形式和?方法。其目的是废?除年级和班?级教学,学生在指导?下,各自主动地?在实验室内?,根据拟定的?学习计划,以不同的教?材,不同的速度?和时间进行?学习,用以适应其?能力、兴趣和需要?,从而发展其?个性。 教育影响:教育影响即?教育过程中?教育都作用?于学生的全?部信息,即包括了信?息的内容,也包括了信?息的传递和?反馈的形式?是形式与内?容的统一。从内容上说?是,教育内容、教育材料;从形式上讲?,教育手段、教育方法、教育组织形?式。素质教育:是指教育者?以符合规律?的教育措施?对新一代素?质按现代化?需要实现开?发、完善、提高或再创?造的过程,是一种对儿?童修改素质?的再生产和?再创造的社?会实践过程?。 道德情感:是伴随首先?认识所产生?的一种内心?体验,也就是人在?心理上所产?生的对某种?道德义务的?爱慕或憎恨?,喜好或厌恶?等情感体验?。 教育评价::是运用专门?的技术手段?对教育活动?的价值作出?评定的活动? 义务教育:是国家通过?法律形式予?以规定的每?个人都必须?接受的一定?程度的教育?。 教学策略:建立在一定?理论基础之?上,为实现某种?教学目标而?制定的教学?实施总体方?案。 特朗普制:大班上课、小班讨论、个人独立研?究结合在一?起,并采用灵活?的时间单位?代替固定划?一的上课时?间的教学组?织形。 第一章 教育的基本?要素:1、教育者:教育者是教?育活动的主?体2、受教育者:受教育者是?教育实践活?动的对象,是学习的主?体。3、教育影响:是置于教育?者与受教育?者之间的一?切“中介”的总和。教育影响又?可分解为::教育媒体、教育内容、教育手段、教育活动方?式和教育环?境五种成份?。社会主义教?育育目的的?基本特点::1、以马克思主?义关于人的?全面发展学?说为理论基?础2、鲜明地提出?培养人的政?治方向:坚持社会主?义3、主张人的全?面发展与个?性发展的统?一。普通中小学?中小学的教?育目的包括?::体育、智育、德育、美育、劳动技术教?育五个组成?部分。教育目标体?系:第一层次:教育目的。第二层次:教育目标。第三层次:课程目标。第四层次:单元目标。教育目标的?分类:一般分为三?大类?认知领域?能力领域?情意领域展? 影响个体发?展的主要四?种:1、遗传2、环境3、教育4、个体的主观?能动性。教育要适应?个体发展的?哪些规律 1、顺序性2、阶段性、不平衡性4?、个别差异性?。应试教育的?负效应:(一)片面追求升?学率(二)中小学生课?业负担过重?(三)代教育的基?本特征1、商品性2、生产性3、科学性4、民主性5、发展性 促进的教育?态度可综合?成四类:理解学生、与学生和谐?相处、积极的自我?意识、教育的期待?。教师的知识?结构1、通晓所教的?学科和专业?2、具有比较广?泛的基础文?化知识3、掌握教育科?学理论,懂得教育规?律。中国教师角?色行为中的?文化传统1?、道德追求大?于社会索取?2、社会本位高?于个人本位?3、自我修养先?于他人教育?。教师劳动的?特点:一、特殊的复杂?性二、强烈的示范?性三、独特的创造?性四、显效的长期?性五、空间的广延?性和时间的?连续性六、劳动量的隐?含性七、教师劳动的?科学性和艺?术性八、劳动的协作?性 第三章 学生是发展?中的人:(一)学生具有与?成人不同的?身心特点(二)学生具有发?展的潜在可?能(三)学生具有获?得成人教育?关怀的需要?青少年儿童?的合法权利?1、生存的权利?2、受教育的权?利3、受尊重的权?利4、安全的权力?。青少年发展?中的特殊问?题:(一)身心失衡带?来的困扰(二)独立性与依?赖性的矛盾?(三)同辈群体与?父母价值观?的冲突(四)自我探索中?的迷惑(五)父母过高期?望引起的压?力师生关系?表现(一)师生之间的?工作关系(二)师生间的人?际关系(三)师生间的组?织关系(四)师生间的心?理关系(认知、情感)
(五)师生间的非?正式关系我?国目前中小?学存在的师?生关系类型?:对立型、信赖型、自由放任型?、民主型。民主型需(1)在师生相互?态度上,教师对学生?严格要求,热情,和蔼,公正,尊重学生,发扬教学民?主;学生尊敬教?师,接受指导,主动自觉进?行学习;(2)师生感情关?系上,需要情绪热?烈,和谐,课堂气氛活?跃;(3)师生在课堂?合作状态上?,师生之间呈?现出积极的?双向的交流?,学生积极思?考,提出问题,各抒己见,教师认真引?导。良好师生关?系的构建策?略:1了解和研?究学生2树?立正确的学?生观3热爱?、尊重学生,公平对待学?生4主动与?学生沟通,善于与学生?交往 5努力提高?自我修养,健全人格 四章 一、校园文化建?设二、课堂内的环?境三、微观环境的?影响1、同伴影响。2、花盆效应。3、教师的期待?效应。家庭的教育?功能:首先,家庭在教导?基本生活技?能方面起重?要作用。其次,家庭在教导?社会规范,形成道德情?操方面起重?要作用。再次,家庭在指导?生活目标、形成个人理?想和志趣方?面起重要作?用。其次,家庭群体在?培养社会角?色过程中也?具独特的作?用;最后,家庭在形成?个人性格特?征、个人对社会?适应的动力?特征等方面?,也有着它不?可替代的影?响。家庭教育特?点第一、家庭教育影?响具有先主?性。第二、家庭对受教?育者的控制?方式具有多?维性。第三、家庭群体中?交往接触的?密切性。第四、家庭群体中?教育和生活?
1.The British Commonwealth 英联邦 The British Empire was replaced by the British
Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each member nation. At present there are 50 members counties within the commonwealth
2.Eisteddfod---Eisteddfod is the Welsh word for “sitting” National Eisteddfod is the most famous festival of music and verse in Wales. It takes place each August and lasts for about a week. The highlight of the festival is competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh. The winner is crowned Board, considered the supreme honor in Wales. In this way the Welsh people keep the Welsh language and culture alive.
3Alfred the Great
He was king of Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to flight against the invading Danes and maintained peace for a long time. Alfred was not only a brave king at wartime, but also a wise king at peacetime. He encouraged education and introduced a legal system. He is known as “the father of the
British navy”.
6、Magna Carta---It was also called the barons’ Charter or the Great Charter in 1215.It has many clause but the important one was that only the Grand Council could decide to collect money or not. And it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberties but its spirit was to limit the king’s power.
3.The Glorious Revolution光荣革命---- In 1685 Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother
James II. James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious vies. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years ago. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution.
2.Elizabeth I---One of the greatest monarchs in British history. She reigned England, Wales and Ireland for 45 years and remained single. Her reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle. 3、Thatcherism撒切尔主义----The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as state-owned industries, the use of monetarist policies to control inflation, the wreaking of trade forces unions, the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.
2、The Gunpowder Plot of 1605火药阴谋案----The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was the most
famous of the Catholic conspiracies. On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars. The immediate result was the execution of Fawkes and his fellow-conspirators and imposition of severe anti-Catholic laws. The long-term result has been an annual celebration on Nov. 5, when a bonfire is lit to turn a guy and a firework display is arranged.
The Great lakes----The Great Lakes are the five lakes in the northeast. They are Lake Superior 4、
which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan (the only one entirely in the U.S.), Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States expect Lake Michigan.
7.Civil Service---It is the dept. to hire govt. servants. Civil servants have to pass examinations. And Civil Service grades them.
8.The Open University--- It refers to a non-residential university based in Buckinghamshire. It is so called because it is “ open” to all to become students. Founding in 1969, it offers degrees and other courses for adult students of all ages in Britain and the other member countries of the European Union.
9.Community Univ.: It is the unv. In Ame. It appeared in the early 20th cen. It opens to all and has developed very fast because of its lower pay and free of entrance exams. It is one of the most important American innovation/invention.
New England---New England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It is sometimes called the birthplace of America.
the New Frontier---It was the President Kennedy’s program which promised civil rights for
blacks, federal aid to farmers and to education, medical care for all and the abolition of poverty. the Opposition---In the General Election, the party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the offcial Opposition, with its own leader and “shadow cabinet”. The aims of the Opposition are to contribute to the formulation of policy and legislation, to oppose government proposals, to seek amendments to government bills, and to put forward its own policies in order to win the next general election.
eleven-plus---an examination formerly used to select school pupils at about,the age of 11 for an appropriate secondary education.
The eleven-plus十一岁附加考试:(1)Under the old selective system of secondary
education in Britain, the “eleven-plus” is the examination taken by children in their last
year at primary school.(2)The results of this examination determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive.(3)Those with the highest marks go to grammar school ;other children may go to technical schools or secondary modern schools.(4)In the 1960s and 70s, this examination was abolished and has ever since gradually been replaced by comprehensive schools which take children of all abilities.
Hispanics : it stand for the Spanish-speaking population of the united states, these people
mainly center in new mexico. California and texas. there are three major Hispanic historically having the great the great influence on the us ,they are chicanos, the Puerto ricans and Cuban-american.
HISPANIC AMERICANS refer to the Spanish-speaking population of the US, The Hispanic Group includes Mexican-American, Puerto-Ricans, Cuban-Americans and so on.
The black Thursday refer to Oct 24 1929 when the stock market crash happened.Ten of millions of shares were dumped and million of dollars of paper profits were wiped our within a few hours. It signaled the beginning of the Great Depression.
New frontier :In the 1960s,US president John. F. Kennedy named his program the New Frontier, promising civil rights fro black, federal aids to farmers and education, medical care for all and abolition of poverty.
1. Alfred the Great :Alfred was a strong king of the wisemen. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advise the king. It’s the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today. 2.William the Conqueror:William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.
3Julius Caesar:The king of Rome. In 55-54BC, he led his army invaded Britain twice.
4. King Alfred:He is the king of Wessex in Britain. In the 8th century, he led the British people defeated the Danes and Vikings, and he was considered the first national hero. He wrote Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. (盎格鲁 -撒克逊编年史 )
5. William the Conqueror: One the Christmas Day of 1066, French man William defeated the British King Harold at Hastings. In Westminster Abbey, he was crowned the King of Britain, so the Norman Conquest began. He established a strong monarchy in England, and unified the country. In 1086, he and his officials made a book about the survey of Britain, which is called Doomsday Book.
6. Battle of Hastings: On the Christmas Day of 1066, at Hastings, French man William defeated the British King Harold, and Harold was killed. The battle was called Battle of Hastings. The battle of Hastings paved a way for the Norman Conquest.
7. Henry II: In the year of 1154, Henry II built the Plantagenet and when he was a king, he made the monarchy stronger than before. He made a set of reformation and in the year of 1181, he issued the Assize of Arms. He died in 1189.
8.the Great Charter: It is also called Magna Carter. In the year of 1215, King John signed the Great Charter. According to the charter, the king can’t freely change the law, the king can’t freely tax, and if the king violates the Charter, the vassals may rebel by the civil war. It is a feudal charter, but it gave the people trade freedom and self government.
9. Black Death: It is a kind of plague in 14th century and so many people died from it. The Hundred Year’s War stopped for some time because of the Black Death.
10. the East India Company: It is one of the most famous trade companies in England. It was founded in the year of 1600 and was a tool of exploiting(剥削 ) Indian people.
11. the Hundred Years’ War :It referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the French refused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were successful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost all their possessions in France. The expelling of the English was a blessing for both countries.
12. Henry VII : He became the King in the year of 1485. He did a lot of things to make his crown stronger, for example: he confined Edward in the London Tower, he increased the income of government, he encouraged the education, but he didn’t deal with the Church problem.
13. Charles I: The second king of Stuart. He quarreled with the Parliament and dismissed the Parliament for a long time. He killed the Puritans. In 1649, he was killed.
14. the Reform Bill: The Bill was brought up by Whig in 1832. It made 3 changes in election system. (1) many “rotten boroughs” are cancelled (2) many new seats (席位 ) were given to the most populous (人口稠密的 ) countries. (3) the total electorates increased to 217000. But working class still didn’t have to right to vote.
15. the Chartist Movement: 1839-1848, the working class in Britain had a movement to realize the “people’s charter” , in fact , they wanted to have the universal suffrage. The chartist had two groups : moral force and physical force. At last, the Chartist Movement failed, but the working class entered the history stage for the first as an independent political force.
16. the Opium War: In 1840, the Chinese government issued a law to stop the importing opium from Britain, to the Britain launched a war. The Qing Government surrendered (投降 ) to the Britain and signed the unequal Treaty :Nanjing Treaty in 1842.
17. Margaret Thatcher: She was the first woman Prime Minister in British history. She was in power from 1979-1990. She was called “iron lady” because she controlled Britain’s money policy tightly. She made Britain prosperous in the 1980s.
18.BBC: Its full name is British Broadcast Co-operation. It was established in 1922, it has 4 radio channels, and the programs are broadcasted in 39 languages. There is no advertisement in BBC programs, the money is from the people who watch the TV. 19.John Bull: the nickname of England or a typical English man.
(1) Christmas Day: It is on 25th, Dec to celebrate the birth of Jesus. On Christmas Day, people will go home from far places, eat Turkey with families, and children will get the present from Christmas Father.
(2) Boxing Day: It is on the first weekday after Christmas. It is a public holiday in England, Wale and Northern Ireland. On Boxing Day, household employees or other service workers can receive some gifts.
(3) Guy Fawkes Day: It is a day to celebrate a event in English history. A man Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up(炸平 ) the parliament in 5th , Nov and he was caught in the House of Commons.
(4) Armistice Day: The day is also called Remembrance Day. It is a patriotic day on 11th, Nov, to remember the British or foreigners who died in World War Two.
21. Parliament : It refers to the legislature(立法机构 ) in Britain. The parliament has 3 parts: the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
22. House of Lords: It is the oldest part in Parliament which comes from the Great Council. The House of Lords doesn’t have real power. Normally speaking, the House of Lords can stop the law passing into the legislation, but after 1949, the House of Lords can not can stop the law passing into the legislation.
23. the House of Commons: The House of Commons has 650 seats. The members of it are not pointed but are elected.. It has the real power. Strong part of the House Commons forms the government, the weak part of the House Commons forms the Opposition. The leader of the House of Commons is called Speaker/President of Chamber.
24. the Wars of Roses: They referred to the battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red rose, and the latter by the white one. After the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king’s power became supreme. Thdor monarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.
25. Bloody Mary: Henry VIII’s daughter and a devout Catholic. When she became Queen, she persecuted and burnt many Protestants. So she was given the nickname
“Bloody Mary”. Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.
26.James Watt: The Scottish inventor who produced an efficient steam engine with rotary motion that could be applied to textile and other machinery.
27. Winston Churchill: Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in 1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country to final victory in 1945. He was defeated in the general election of 1945, but returned to power in 1951. 28:the NHS: The National Health Service was established in the UK in 1948 and based first on Acts of Parliament. This Service provides for every resident a full range of medical services. It is based upon the principle that there should be full range of publicly provided services designed to help the individual stay healthy. It is now a largely free service.
29:the jury: A legal system established in England since king Henry II. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 persons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15 persons in Scotland. In criminal trials by jury, the judge passes sentence but the jury decide the issue of guilt or innocence.
Standard English
Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It’s widely used in media and taught at schools. It’s preferred by the educated, middle-class people. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English. It’s also the norm carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used. Commonwealth of Nations
The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head. The commonwealth is not a political union of any sort, and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs. It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence. The major activities of Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy, human rights, and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.
Critical realism
Critical Realism is a literary school which flourished in the 40s and early 50s of the 19th century. The critical realists described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. The greatest English critical realist was Charles Dickens.
Three Majestic Circles
It’s the foreign policy adopted by the Britain after WW II.The first was the Commonwealth circle,which embraced much of Africa and Asia as well as the dominions of Canada, New Zealand and Australia. The second was Britain’s “special relationship” with the United States,and the third was Britain’s close relationship with Western Europe.
Melting pot/salad bowl
The United States "is not merely a nation but a nation of nations". The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America was described as a "melting pot" where various racial and ethnic groups were combined into one culture. Recently, Americans have been called a "salad" in that people of different races and ethnic groups mix harmoniously but at the same time keep their distinct culture and custom. Checks and balances
It goes back to the tradition that everybody in the United States was afraid that one persons or group, including the majority, it might become too powerful or be able to seize control of the country and create a tyranny. To guard against the possibility, the delegates who drafted the constitution set up a government consisting of three parts, or branches: the legislature, executive, and the judiciary. Each branches has powers that the others do not have and each has a way of counteracting and limiting any wrongful action by other branches. Ideals of American education
The first ideal is that as many people as possible should have access to as much education as they want. The second is that of producing a society that is totally literate and of local control. The third is about the basic nature of knowledge and learning that scholars and students should work to discover new information or conceive new ways to understand what is already known. Thanksgiving
It is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americas it is the most important holiday apart from Christmas. Schools, offices and most businesses close for thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.
The lost generation
The lost generation refers to the young American writers caught up in the world war I and cut off from the old values yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization has gone mad.They produced works of disillusionment.Two of the most representative writers of the The lost generation are Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
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