时间:120分钟 总分:150分
向上的次数为ξ,则ξ的数学期望是( )
A(20 B(25 C(30 D(40 2(某单位有老年人28人,中年人54人,青年人81人,为了调查他们的身体状况的某项指标,需从他们中间抽取一个容量为36的样本,适合的抽取样本的方法是( )
A(简单的随机抽样, B(系统抽样, C(先从老年人中排除一人,再用分层抽样, D(分层抽样
1,i273(设z =+ (1,),则(1 + z )展开式中的第五项是( ) i1,i
A(,21 B(35 C(21 D(,35 ii
(,2)ax,,24(函数在R上连续,则实数a的值为( ) f(x),,,4xx(,2),x,2,
A(2 B(,4 C(4 D(,2
f(xh)f(x),,00lim5(设函数y = f (x )在x = x处可导,则的值( ) 0h,0h
A(与x、h都有关 B(仅与x有关 00
C(仅与h有关 D(与x、h均无关 0
11n11(用数学归纳法证“1 +6+++ … +,(n?N*)“的过程中,由假设n23422,1
n = k时成立推导n = k + 1成立时,左边增加的项数是( )
kA(1项 B((k,1)项 C(k项 D(2项
117(设ξ~B(5,),则使b (k;5,)取最大值的k为( ) 44
A(1 B(2 C(3 D(4
81*lim8(设等比数列{a}(n?N)的公比q =,且(a + a + a + …+ a) =,,,n1352n1n,,23则a的值是( ) 1
4A(4 B(8 C( D( 2 3
12lim9((,) = . 22x,1x,3x,2x,4x,3
n2,1bbb1,,,?,lim10(若常数b满足| b|,1,则= . nn,,b
3311(曲线y = x在点(a,a)(a?0)处的切线与x轴、直线x = a所围成的三角形的
1面积为,则a = . 6
xe,y12(函数y = ln,则= . x1,e
)13(设随机变量ξ服从正态分布N (0,1),记φ(x ) = P (ξ,x,给出下列结论: ? φ(0 ) = 0.5; ? φ(x ) = 1,φ(,x);
))? P (|ξ|,2= 2φ(2 ),1; ? P (|ξ|,2= 1,φ(2 ). 其中正确结论的序号为 .
1343214(若f (x ) = 2x,11x,7x,9x + 4,则f (,+) = . i22
3215((13分)求函数y = x,3x,9x + 35在区间[,4,4]上的最大值和最小值.
ax,616((13分)已知函数f (x ) =的图象在点M (,1,f (,1))处的切线方程为x + 2x,b
2y + 5 = 0.
(1)求函数y = f (x )的解析式;
(2)求函数y = f (x )的单调区间.
)求最多取3次零件就能安装成功的概率; (1
19((14分)已知数列{a}满足条件(n,1)a= (n +1)(a,1)且a= 6 ,设b = a + n nn+1 n2 nn
)求数列{b}的通项公式; (1n
111)求lim(++ … +)的值. (2n,,b,2b,2b,223n
32 20((14分)已知x = 1是函数f (x ) = mx,3 (m + 1)x+ nx + 1的一个极值点,其中m,n?R且m,0.
(2)求f (x )的单调区间;
(3)当x?[,1,1]时,函数y = f (x )的图象上任意一点的切点斜率恒大于3m,求m的取值范围.
北京师大附中高三月考数学试卷(答案) 一、选择题(每题5分,共40分)
题 号 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
C B C B D A D C答 案
119(,; 10(; 11(1; b,12
1; 13(???; 14(0 12(x1,e
322,y15(解:由y = x,3x,9x + 35,得:= 3x,6x,9,
(,4,,1)(,1,3)x 34,4 (3,4) ,1
,y 00, , , y 40815,41 ? ? ? ? 函数的最大值为40,最小值为,41.
16(解:(I)由函数f (x )的图像在点M (,1,f (,1))处的切线方程为x + 2y + 5 = 0,知
1,f,1 + 2f (,1) + 5 = 0,即f (,1) =,2,(,1) =,. 2
2a(x,b),2x(ax,6),f? (x ) =, 22(x,b)
,a,6,ab,2,4,,2,,1,b,,?,即, aba(1,),2(,6)1,,a(1,b),2(,a,6)1,,2,,,,2b(1,)2,2,b(1,),
解得 a = 2,b = 3(?b +1?0,b = ,1舍去).
2x,6所以所求的函数解析式是 f (x ) =. 2x,3
2,2x,12x,6,f(II)(x ) =. 22(x,3)
2令 ,2x + 12x + 6 = 0,解得x = 3,2,x = 3 + 2, 3312
,f当x,3,2,或x,3 +2时,(x ) ,0; 33
,f当3,2,x,3 + 2时,(x ),0. 33
2x,6所以f (x ) =在 (,?,3,2)内是减函数;在(3,2,3 +2)内是增函3332x,3
数;在(3 +2,+?)内是减函数. 3
1015917(解:(1)取2次能安装成功的概率为:×=; 221211
109210293恰好取3次安装成功的概率为:××+××=; 12111012111111
15213? 最多取3次成功的概率为:P =+=. 222211
153(2)P (ξ= 0) =;P (ξ= 1) =; 2211
1513P (ξ= 2) = 1,,=; 222211
134? Eξ= 1×+ 2×=. 221111
1534639222 Dξ= Eξ,(Eξ) = 1×+ 4×,() =,=. 22111111121121
11118(解:(1)A胜的概率是,负的概率是,平的概率是, 236
1111121P (ξ= 0) = () =; P (ξ= 1) = ××=; C239639
13111111111P (ξ= 2) = ××+×=; P (ξ= 3) = ××=; CC22236636266
112P (ξ= 4) = () =. 24
1 2 3 4 0ξ
131111 P 993664
131117(2)Eξ= 1×+ 2×+ 3×+ 4×=, 936643
而ξ+η= 4 ?η= 4,ξ,
75Eη= 4,Eξ= 4,=. 33
****************************************** 19(解:n = 1,则a = 1,又a = 6 = 2×3,a = 3 (a,1) = 3×5, 1222
2a = 4 (a,1),a = 2 (15,1) = 4×7, 434
由此推测:a = n (2n,1). n
2? b = a + n = 2n. nn
111111(2)===(,)(k = 2,3,4,…,n).2b,22(k,1)(k,1)4k,1k,12k,2k
111lim? (++ … +) n,,b,2b,2b,223n
1111111111lim =[(1,) + (,) + (,) + … + (,) + (,)] n,,432435n,2nn,1n,1
11113lim =(1 +,,) =. n,,42nn,18
20((1) ? x = 1是函数f (x )的一个极值点,
2,f? (x ) = 3mx,6 (m +1)x + n在x = 1处的值为0, 即 3m,6 (m +1) + n = 0,? n = 3m + 6(m,0. )
2,f(2)(x ) = 3mx,6 (m +1)x + 3m + 6,
2,f令(x ),0,得mx,2 (m +1) x + (m + 2),0,
m,2即 (x,1)[mx,(m +2)],0,? m,0,? (x,1)(x,),0, m
2? 1 +,x,1, m
22? f (x )的增区间为 (1 +,1),减区间为(,?,1 +)和(1,+?). mm
,f(3)? 曲线在点(x,y)处切线的斜率k =(x ),
2由题意,3mx,6 (m +1)x + 3m + 6,3m,x?[,1,1]恒成立;
2即 mx,2 (m +1)x + 2,0,x?[,1,1]恒成立,
12令 g (x ) = mx,2 (m + 1)x + 2,此抛物线的顶点横坐标为1 +, m
1,1, ? m,0,? 1 +m
1当0?1 +,1,即 m?,1时,[g (x )] = g (1) = 3m +4, minm
44? 只需3m +4,0,? m,,,? ,,m?,1, 33
1当1 +,0,即m,,1时,[g (x )] = g (1) = m,2m,2 + 2 =,m, minm
? 只需,m,0,即m,0, ? ,1,m,0,
4综上,m的取值范围是(,,0). 3
时间:120分钟 总分:150分 一、选择题:本题共有8个小题~每小题5分~共40分.
y2(已知集合M={x| x = 2, y?R}, N = {x| x = y, y?R},则M?N等于 1
A(M B(N C({(4,2)} D({4,2}
2y,x2(若的图象与的图象关于直线对称,则 g(x)fxxx()(2)(2),,,gx(),A(2(0),,xx B(2(0),,xx C(2(2),,xx D(2(2),,,xx
S{a}3(已知等差数列的前n项和为,若则等于 aa,,18Sn458n
A(18 B(36 C(54 D(72
24(在点M处切线斜率为3,则点M的坐标为 y,x,x,2
A((0,,2) B((1,0) C((0,0) D((1,1)
225(已知下列四组函数:? ? f(x),lgx,g(x),2lgxf(x),x,2,g(x),x,4x,4
1x33,1f(x),loga(a,0,a,1),g(x),x? ?,表示相同函f(x),,g(x),f(x)ax
A(?? B(?? C(?? D(??
axy,ax,b和y,b6(当时,函数的图象只可能是 a,0
y y y y
1 1 1 1
O x O x O x O x A B C D
Sa5n,2n5,7(有两个等差数列{a}、{b},它们的前n项和分别为S和T,若,则 等nnnnTn,3bn5于( )
27574752A. B. C. D. 8141213
1 第 页
8(在如图的表格中,每格填上一个数字后,使每一横行成等差数列,每一纵行成等比数列,则a,b,c的值为 2 1
A(3 B(2 0.5 1
a C(1 D(4
c 二、填空题:本大题共6小题~每小题5分~共30
,则的值是____________( f(2003)5,f(2004)
x10(函数f (x ) = a + log (x + 1)在[0,1]上的最大值与最小值之和为a,则a的值a
为 .
2x,111(已知函数y =3(,2,x?,1的反函数是 . )
第2个数是 1 (n,2)
2 2
3 4 3
4 7 7 4
2,,a13(16、已知数列的前项和,则的值为 . a,a,?,aS,n,4n,1n1210n
214(已知函数f (x ) = | x,2ax + b|(x?R). 给出下列四个命题: (1)f (x )必是偶函数;
(2)当f (0 ) = f (2 )时,f (x )的图象必关于直线x = 1对称;
2(3)若a,b?0,则f (x )在区间[a,+?上是增函数; )
2(4)f (x )有最大值| a,b|.
其中所有真命题的序号是 .
2 第 页
2(已知函数f(x)和g(x)的图像关于原点对称,且f(x)=x +2x 15。 (1)求函数g(x)的解析式;
,(2)解不等式g(x) f(x),|x,1|.
216(设数列{a}的前n项和为S=2n,{b}为等比数列,且a=b,b(a ,a) =b。 nn n112211(1)求数列{a}和{b}的通项公式; nn
an(2)设c=, 求数列{c}的前n项和T. nnnbn
3 第 页
17(已知二次函数f (x )的二次项系数为,且不等式f (x ),,2x的解集为(1,3), a
(1)如果方程f (x )+ 6a = 0有两个相等的根,求f (x )的解析式; 2)若果函数f (x )的最大值为正数,求的取值范围。 (a
18(甲、乙两容器中分别盛有浓度为10,、20,的某种溶液500ml,同时从甲、乙两个容器中取出100ml溶液,分别倒入对方容器搅匀,这称为是一次调和,记a = 10%,b = 20,,11经(n,1)次调和后,甲、乙两个容器的溶液浓度分别为a,b. nn
(1) 试用a,b表示a和b; ,,n1n1nn
(2) 求证:数列{a,b}是等比数列; nn
(3) 求出{a},{b}的通项公式. nn
4 第 页
北京师大附中高三月考数学试卷(05,11,7) 1(A 2(B 3(D 4(B 5(A 6(B 7(D 8(C
1,1f(x)9(3; 10(; 11(=,(x?[1,27]; log3x)32
22n,n,(; 13(67; 14((3); 122
15(解:(1)设函数y= f(x)的图像上任一点Q(x,y)关于原点的对称点为P(x,y), 11
x,x,1,0,x,,x,,21即则。?点Q(x,y)在函数y= f(x)的图像上, 11,,y,yy,,y11,,,0,2,
2222?y=x +2x,?,y= x ,2x即y=,x +2x,故g(x) =,x +2x。 111
22,(2)由g(x) f(x),|x,1|可得,2x ,|x,1|?0,当x?1时2x ,x+1?0,此不等
112 式无解。当x<1时2x +x,1?0,?,1?x?.?原不等式的解集是[,1,]。="">1时2x>
16(解:(1)?当n=1时 ,a=S=2; 11
22当n?2时,a=S ,S=2n ,2(n,1)=4n,2. ,nnn1
故数列{a}的通项公式a=4n,2,公差d=4. nn
n,1112,,,n1设{b}的公比为q,则bqd= b,?d=4,?q=.?b=bq=2×=, ,,n11n1n,1444,,
2即数列{ b }的通项公式b=。 nnn,14
a4n,2n,1n(2)?c,,,(2n,1)4 n2bnn,14
, 12n1 ?T=1+3?4+5?4+??????+(2n,1)4n
23n ?4T=1?4+3?4+5?4+??????+(2n,1)4n
1,n123n1n两式相减得3T=,1,2(4+4+4+??????+4)+(2n,1)4= [(6n,5)4,5]n3
5 第 页
1n?T= [(6n,5)4,5]n9
17(解:(1)的解集为(1,3) ?f(x),2x,0
1由方程有两个相等的实根,从而?=0,得 a,1或a,,5
1163 20,() ?a,?a,,?fx,,x,x,5555
2212aa4a1a,4a,1,,,2f(x)a(x)?a,0,,,0,,,(2) aaa
400b,100a40010041a,b41n,1n,1n,1n,118(解:, b,,b,ba,,a,bnn,1nnn,1n,15005550055
333?{a,b}(2) ()是等比数列 a,b,a,b,(a,b)n,2nnnnn,1n,1n,1n,1555
?a,b,,10%(3) 11
3n,1由(2)可知 (1) a,b,,10%,()nn5
?a,b,a,b,?,a,b,30%又 (2) nnn,1n,111
33n,1n,1联立(1)、(2)得 a,,,,b,(),5%,15%()5%15%nn55
6 第 页
1. 某几何体的三视图及部分数据如图所示,则此几何体的体积是( )
3A ABCD..3.2.32
2. 某四面体的三视图均为直角三角形,如上中图所示,则该四面体的表面积为( )
A、 B、 C、126 D、64 96,24272,242
3. 如果一个圆台的正视图是上底为2,下底等于4,高等于2的等腰梯形,那么这个圆台的侧面积等于( )
A、6 B、6, C、35 D、35,
4. 如果一个空间几何体的正视图、侧视图、俯视图都是周长为的圆,那么这个空间几何体的表面积等于10,
( )
,,10025A、100, B、 C、25, D、 33
5. 某三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积是( )
23A、3 B、 C、1 D、3 3
6. 已知一个正三棱锥的正视图和俯视图如图所示,则该三棱锥侧视图的面积为( )
A、33 B、39 C、6 D、12
7. 某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积是( )
211 A、2 B、 C、 D、 332
8. 某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为( )
2721 A、 B、12 C、 D、9 22
英 语 试 题
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What’s the man’s job? A. A taxi driver.
B. A policeman.
C. A conductor. C. Beef with rice. C. At a restaurant. C. 200.
2. What will the man have for lunch? A. Beef with noodles. A. On a plane. A. 150.
B. Fish with noodles. B. In a hotel. B. 176.
3. Where does this conversation probably take place? 4. How much Euros will the woman get? 5. What do we know about Jim? A. He isn’t good at making friends. B. He is always ready to help others now. C. He didn’t receive any help when in trouble. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6. How soon will the man get the bonus? A. In 15 days.
B. In a month.
C. In one year. C. Accident durance.
7. What benefit does the company provide? A. Health insurance.
B. Property insurance.
8. What is the most interesting thing about San Francisco? A. Pyramids.
B. Buildings.
C. Hills.
9 Which is the most beautiful place in San Francisco?
A. Pacific Heights. B. Muir Woods. building.
听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题。 10. What does the man think of Korean movies? A. They are popular. B. They are interesting.
C. They always have sad endings.
11. Which type of movie has a surprising ending? A. Norwegian movies. B. Japanese movies. 12. How did The Lion King strike the woman? A. It was inspiring.
B. It was moving.
听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16题。 13. How do people celebrate Singles’ Day? A. By buying gifts for themselves. B. By sharing their success stories. C. By delivering gifts to someone else.
14. What do people usually buy for their mother on Mother’s Day? A. Clothes.
B. Cards.
15. What is the similarity between Singles’ Day and Mother’s Day? A. They were born in China.
B. They are celebrated all over the world.
C. They were created by some companies to make profits. 16. Which of the following points may the woman agree with? A. Some festivals are unnecessary to celebrate. B. Big presents make holidays more meaningful.
C. It’s more important to accompany the family during holidays. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20题。 17. Who helped remove Anne’s dairy from the house? A. Anne’s father. B. Anne’s relatives.
C. The people who helped hide Anne. 18. When was Anne’s diary published? A. In 1947.
B. In 1957.
19. What was the original purpose of the Anne Frank Foundation? A. To support the campaign. B. To construct the museum.
C. The Trans-America
C. Indian movies. C. It was amusing.
C. Flowers.
C. In 1960.
C. To buy and repair the house.
20. What do we know about the Anne Frank House? A. Great efforts contributed to its existence. B. It was not opened to the public until 1999. C. It only appeals to the readers of Anne’s book. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
I watch from the wooden bench in my backyard as the water from the pipe quietly flows out onto the tomato plants. I watch the plants and rest easy, knowing the pipe is taking care of the plants. The drops soon seem to become rivers on the ground.
I see these red-brown ants, crawling (爬行) along around their home. What will happen when the water reaches the ants? Smelling the danger, these poor tiny creatures all run away from the water and rush back attacks and then surrounds two ants. They struggle to stay floating as the water closes in on them, getting deeper and deeper. I try to get these two to come on my finger, but they refuse to let me save them. The water soon flows over them, as I remain helpless. Only then do they decide to climb onto my dirt-covered finger. Not until facing the moment of death would they trust one like me.
I check to see if they are alive, and both can move fine. Then I go to save other ants. However, the water washes everything away. How much I wish I could turn off this machine of death, but I cannot. I must complete my job.
It knocks me how much these little lives mean to me. When I was a small child, I would make a sport of killing them. Now, I can’t hurt an insect, always thinking about what it would be like to be so small. 21. What is the ants’ first reaction as the water approaches them? A. They attempt to stop it.
B. They seek help at once.
D. They try to avoid the danger caused by it.
C. They ignore it and continue to work. A. Behind bad luck comes good luck. B. Where there is a will, there is a way. C. God helps those who help themselves. D. Life is likely to be affected by setbacks. 23. How does the author help save the two ants? A. He turns off the water pipe.
B. He helps them float on the water. D. He changes the direction of the water.
C. He lets them climb onto his finger.
22. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?
24. What s the author’s attitude towards those ants now? A. Sympathetic. C. Favorable.
People who report news sometimes find themselves in the news. This is especially true for foreign correspondents (记者), who risk their lives to bring us important stories from dangerous parts of the world. To learn more about the life of a foreign correspondent, we interviewed Tim Craig, who has covered the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Q1: What draw you personally to dangerous places?
Tim Craig (TC): Experiencing problems that still exist in the world, seeing the struggles that soldiers how people from different countries live.
Q2: What do you like about your job?
TC: I like being able to talk to lots of different people about their problems and concerns. Sometimes the job can make you sad. You have to talk to kids who don’t get enough to eat, or to someone whose mother or father was killed. But then I get to try to help these people by writing about their lives and problems.
Q3: Do you worry about your own safety? How do you deal with that?
TC: Yes, I do worry, but I try not to think about it all the time. In Pakistan, many places are still safe enough for me to travel to without having to worry a lot about being injured, killed or kidnapped (绑架). There are, however, some places where I have to think about my safety all the time. Generally, it’s best to travel with someone else so that we can help each other if something goes wrong. In dangerous places, I also try not to stay in one spot for too long.
Q4: What are the most important qualities or skills a foreign correspondent needs?
TC: Being independent and able to quickly make decisions, being a good planner in order to reach places that may be hard to get to by car or plane, and being a good listener. 25. What do we know about Tim Craig? A. He suffers a lot during the war. B. He covers news in foreign areas. C. He works for world peace with soldiers. D. He once helped look after homeless children.
26. What does the underlined word “calamity” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Dilemma. C. Misfortune.
B. Confusion. D. Embarrassment. B. Indifferent. D. Cruel.
27. When does Tim Craig feel sad about his job? A. When he tries to meet some requirements.
B. When he has to travel to dangerous places. C. When he writes his experiences in the war.
D. When he learns about people’s sufferings due to the war.
28. Which of the following can best describe the job of a foreign correspondent? A. Challenging but significant. C. Demanding but profitable.
Helping and supporting others may be key to living a longer and healthier life, according to a new research from the University of Basel in Switzerland. The findings published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, show that grandparents who care for their grandchildren enjoy longer lifespans. So do old people who care for others within their social networks.
Using data from the Berlin Aging Study, the researchers analyzed the longevity (寿命) and caregiving habits of more than 500 old people between the ages of 70 and 103. The study compared grandparents who acted as occasional caregivers with those who did not. It also compared these grandparents with old adults who did not have grandchildren but cared for people within their social networks.
Those grandparents who did not play the role of attending to grandchildren were more likely to have died within just five years of the testing period. While those old adults who provided support to their family lived for an extra seven years on average and those provided support to their social networks lived for an extra four years on average.
Although the new study only focused on old adults, it’s safe to assume that the health benefits of helping and taking care of others also reach those of all ages. However, it’s important to note that too much caregiving often has just the opposite effect. There’s a clear link between too much caregiving and a number of negate physical and mental health consequences.
29. How many groups of old people are involved in the study? A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
30. What does the research show?
A. Old people are more likely to support others. B. Grandparents live longer than childless old adults. C. Supporting others prevents diseases of old patients. D. Helping others properly has a good effect on health. 31. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Reducing caregiving can avoid bad health. caregiving.
As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” That’s because this healthy food choice is
B. It’s a good quality of all ages to be helpful. D. Mental disorder is often caused by much
C. Caregiving is not always beneficial to health.
B. Dangerous and boring. , D. Impressive and relaxing.
supposed to be full of nutrients. The apple at the supermarket, though, might be so old that it has lost many of its nutrients. But soon there might be a way to check the quality of fruit by scanning it.
Scientists at Food+Future coLAB have come up with the idea of a handheld spectrometer (分光仪) that scans food. The machine will work by shining infrared (红外线的) light on a piece of produce. By measuring how chemicals in the fruit or vegetable take in the light, the scanner can recognize the food’s chemical makeup.
“The machine can tell you exactly how old an apple is, how many calories it contains, what nutrients are present inside it, and even small differences in taste,” Greg Shewmaker of Food+Future coLAB recently said.
For the new machine to be useful to consumers, researchers first need to create a database that contains possible chemicals for a particular type of fruit, like an apple, for example. Scientists will need to scan lots of pieces of produce to collect this data. The information collected will allow the scanners to tell customers the quality of fruit.
On ce consumers know what’s inside an apple, they can decide if they want to buy it. Knowing fruit quality may also affect how a store prices produce. “We can price produce based on the nutritional value,” Shewmaker explained.
Food+Future coLAB has already created a working model of its machine. It says you may see one in your local supermarket within the next few years. Then deciding whether you’ve picked the healthiest fruit will be just a quick scan.
32. Why does the author mention the saying about apple at the beginning? A. To prove that the apple is full of nutrients. B. To introduce the topic of the fruit scanner. C. To advise people to keep healthy by eating apples. D. To state that the apple is the most tasty among fruits. 33. What do we know about the spectrometer? A. It is powered by infrared light. B. It is not useful in many customers’ eyes. C. It can help customers decide which fruit to buy. D. It can improve the quality of fruit and vegetables.
34. According to Shewmaker, what’s a spectrometer’s influence on a store? A. It makes a store more attractive. B. It provides price reference for produce.
C. It enriches customers’ knowledge about food nutrition. D. It creates a database about the chemical makeup of fruit. 35. What would be the best title for this text? A. The Fruit Scanner
B. The Priced Fruit
C. How to Scan Fruits D. How to Pick Fruits
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 When someone’s pet dies, the owner wants their pet back and they have the pet cloned. They end up getting their pet back, but is it really their pet? No! It shouldn’t be copied. As for me, I am against cloning animals for the following reasons.
Because a cloned animal has the gene of a grown animal instead of a young one, it dies faster. Basically, you are bringing the animal back from the dead with all its diseases and disorders. The success rate of cloning animals is very low. So why are we still trying to clone them? It is animal cruelty.
So isn’t cloning animals messing up the system? The circle of life isn’t just a song in The Lion King; it is the natural process that life goes through. Cloning an animal is like going to see The Lion King play. You find one of the dancers forgets a dance movement and starts messing up. Does he go unnoticed or throw the whole routine off? It is the same as in a balanced scale (天平). If you add something to one side that shouldn’t be there, the whole scale is unbalanced. In short, cloning animals is, wrong. Nature needs to do its job without any interference (干预). Cloning animals is animal cruelty. The only people who can stop it are us! So it’s time to persuade people out of cloning animals.
A. Nature is nature because it works naturally.
B. The procedure of cloning animals is really complicated. C. It should be stopped before many more cloned animals die. D. A pet is unique and special just as the people close to us are. E. In this sense, cloning animals will mess up the whole routine. F. Of the many animals that are cloned, few actually survive long. G . People feel satisfied when seeing their pets brought back to life. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
“Wow, Mubeen is your brother? He is such a wonderful kid!” My new teacher went on and on about how Mubeen was. I am proud of my brother, but I was of people expecting me to be as perfect as he is.
There are things that are about us. He is better at study; I am more creative and social. We also have a lot : we’ve both hardworking and want to have a successful future. We get along well and he often me when I am in trouble.
But all the got to me. I was angry. I wanted to be known as Shameera, not as Mubeen’s
, or worse a female copy of him.
This year, Mubeen was to Cornell University. That was a big for our school, for he was the first student to get into an Ivy League university. I said to my brother, “Everyone is me. But that really makes me because even when you leave, your will live on in this school. I’m afraid you’re going to haunt (使苦恼) me.” Mubeen laughed and said, “Don’t you. And I’m that you’re going to be the second to go to an Ivy League university.”
Recently, I spoke lo my history teacher about how I didn’t like being my brother. She said, “To be , I think you’re smarter than him. You more in activities and you’re more understanding.” I remember these words, they make me happy.
This school year is my first year of school without my brother. I finally have the chance to establish my own Although the comparisons continue, they’ve decreased. I feel less stressed and I am more as myself now. 41. A. excellent 42. A. envious 43. A. private 45. A. monitors 46. A. doubts 47. A. sister 48. A. attached 49. A. surprise 51. A. puzzled 52. A. glory 53. A. imagine 54. A. honored 56. A. honest 57. A. explain 58. A. Unless
B. mysterious B. unaware B. different B. assesses B. guide
B. promise B. excited B. attempt B. bother
C. fortunate C. tired C. obvious C. analyzes C. director
C. festival C. annoyed C. choice C. quit
D. optimistic D. ashamed D. essential D. in place D. helps D. predictions D. partner D. pride D. disturbing D. amused D. memory D. worry D. misled by D. brief D. participate D. Although D. principle D. appreciated
44. A. in common B. in practice B. comments
C. in preparation C. agreements
B. devoted C. admitted D. submitted
50. A. questioning B. congratulating C. researching
B. determined
B. strict B. donate B. belief
C. convinced
C. general C. Since C. identity C. opposed
D. satisfied
55. A. passed off as B. compared with C. separated from C. guarantee
B. Whenever B. improved
59. A. preference 60. A. astonished
When people think about British music, for the most part they think about the 60s or 70s with the likes of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. However, (stick) between these two ages was British
music’s best period: the 90s.
One’ of the typical features of 90s musi c was birth of “Britpop”. This was a style of pop music aimed to Promote “Britishness” and commonly featured electric guitars, drums and male (sing). Britpop was the style used by world-famous male bands such as Oasis, Blur, Pulp and Suede who became known as “the Big Four”.
, the 90s weren’t only for males, with major female groups also (find) fame. The most well-known of them were the Spice Girls who were (extreme) popular in Britain and around the world. They promoted “Britishness” and also started the “Girl Power” movement helped empower (使自主) girls and women worldwide. It isn’t too far to assume that their music, many female artists we love today would not have had the confidence to chase their dreams.
British music may have had many great times, but usually the period of the 90s (overlook). Although I was not alive to enjoy the music properly, the 90s had a huge impact on British culture, which can be felt today. I feel that the decade should get the (recognize) it deserves! 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。
修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Nowadays, there exists a common phenomenon. A man walks on the sidewalk, a smartphone at hand and completely absorbed in the digital world. Just as what computers achieve before, smartphones are now changing our life.
I used to contacting friends by phone or QQ. But now I have been switched to WeChat, a popular app that allow me to communicate with my friends. It’s a good way to know my friends daily life. I can also receive the late news by subscribing to famous websites through WeChat.
I am truly grateful for the convenient brought by it. But meanwhile I feel deeply anxious. To stay informed, I constantly update my WeChat. That’s because I often find myself distracted. Therefore, we should be cautious to become slaves of the smartphones. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
假设你是李华,在美国加利福尼亚(California )参加夏令营期间寄宿在Mr. Smith 家里。回国后,你发现你的英语词典遗落在他家,想请他帮忙寄回。请给Mr. Smith写封邮件,内容包括:
1. 陈述写信原因;2. 字典可能遗落在何处;3. 邮资由你来付。 注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mr. Smith,
How is it going? I’m back home in China now. Thank you again and I hope to see you soon.
Yours, Li Hua
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1~5 ABBBC 6~10 CABBC 11~15 ABABC 16~20 CCACA 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 21~25 DDCAB 26~30 CDABD 31~35 CBCBA 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 36~40 DFAEC
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
41~45 ACBAD 46~50 BACDB 51~55 CADCB 56~60 ADBCD 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
61. stuck 62. the 63. singers/singing 64. However/Nevertheless 65. finding 66. extremely 67. that/which 68. without 69. is overlooked 70. recognition 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
①in completely absorbed in the digital world. Just as what computers before, smartphones are now changing our
②achieved life.
③contact ④ ⑤allows
me to communicate with my friends. It’s a go
⑥friends’ ⑦latest
by subscribing to famous websites through WeChat.
I am truly grateful for the brought by it. But meanwhile I feel deeply anxious. To stay informed, I
constantly update my WeChat. That’s I often find myself distracted. Therefore, we should be cautious ∧ to
⑨why ⑩not/never
become slaves of the smartphones.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
Dear Mr. Smith,
How is it going? I’m back home in China now. And I would like to express my most sincere thanks for your kindness to allow me to stay in your home during my visit to California. Today I’m writing to ask you for a favor.
It seems that I have left behind an English dictionary at your house. It is given to me as a gift by my American teacher. It is such a thoughtful gift that I can’t bear losing it. I imagine that it might have been left on the bookshelf in the bedroom I stayed in. If it is found, could I trouble you to send it back to me please? Of course, the postage will be at my expense.
Thank you again and I hope to see you soon.
Li Hua
Text 1
M: Where to, Madam?
W: The Grand Central Station, please. I want to catch the 6 pm train.
M: I think you’ll make it if we don’t get stuck in a traffic jam.
Text 2
M: What are my choices for lunch?
W: We have beef with rice and fish with noodles.
M: Fish with noodles, please.
W: Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?
M: Coffee, please.
Text 3
W: Front Desk. What can I do for you?
M: This is Room 320. Can I have a morning call tomorrow?
W: What time do you want us to wake you up?
M: At seven, please.
W: OK. I’ve set it up for you.
Text 4
W: I’d like to change some US dollars into Euros and I’d like to know today’s exchange rate.
M: According to today’s exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equal to 0.88 Euros. How much would you like to change?
W: 200 US dollars. Here it is.
Text 5
W: I remember Jim was warm-hearted in the past, but he shows indifference to anything now.
M: Because three years ago when he was out of work and had some trouble in his life, nobody seemed to be lifting a finger to help him.
W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Text 6
W: Do you have any other questions?
M: Yes. Could you please let me know something about my salary?
W: OK. The salary will be deposited into the Bank of China on the 5th of every month, and there is no bonus for you in the first year, but after that, you will receive a bonus once a year.
M: Thanks. And could you tell me if you have apartments or dormitories for the employees?
W: There are no apartments or dormitories available.
M: May I ask about vacations and sick leave?
W: Of course. Employees receive 15 days off per year, and have one day of sick leave per month. M: And how about the company benefits?
W: We have an excellent benefits package including health and unemployment insurance.
M: Thanks a lot.
Text 7
M: Hey, Sarah. I heard you are from San Francisco.
W: That’s right. I was born there and I lived in the city for many years.
M: Cool. What is the most interesting thing about your city?
W: Well, the most interesting thing is probably the architecture. There are lots of very unique buildings. And the most unique one is the Trans-America building.
M: It’s a building like a pyramid. It’s nice. What is the most expensive area in San Francisco?
W: The most expensive area is a place called Pacific Heights, and it’s on the highest hill in San Francisco. It overlooks the Bay.
M: And it’s also a really beautiful place. By the way, what is the most beautiful place in San Francisco?
W: It’s a place outside the city, called Muir Woods. It has the tallest trees in the world, and some of these trees are really old.
Text 8
W: I want to watch some Korean movies or Indian movies, which are really interesting.
M: Well, Korean movies are good but some typical ones always end with sadness. They always end with cancer. And actually, Japanese movies do the same thing. The happy ending is not so common. Hollywood movies, however, usually have happy endings.
W: It’s true. And I would say that even Norwegian movies are trying to get out from the rule that movies are supposed to have an ordinary ending. People like a shocking ending. It’s like reading a novel with a shocking ending that you wouldn’t expect to happen.
M: Which type of movies do you like best, one with a happy ending, a sad ending, or a shocking ending? W: Well, it depends. We can’t make judgment on a movie only by its ending, right?
M: Absolutely. It seems that you have watched thousands of movies. Which one impressed you most? W: The Lion King, I think. I cried to this movie. It was really touching.
Text 9
M: Have you heard about Singles’ Day in China?
W: No, I’m not really sure. Can you explain what that is about?
M: So this is a new holiday that has been created for single people. And on this day people don’t buy presents for somebody else but for themselves. They are celebrating being single, and it’s been a huge success.
W: So I guess companies just look for a time of a year when there is no holiday and try to create a new holiday to make more profits.
M: That’s an interesting idea. I heard that Mother’s Day was actually created by Hallmark Card Company in America, because there was a time in the year when people weren’t buying cards and so they created this Mother’s Day.
W: Everyone’s got a mother.
M: That’s true. And if they create this Mother’s Day, everyone’s going to feel it necessary to buy a card for
their mothers.
W: Well, I guess we don’t always have to buy big things. As for me, I usually spend time with my family and friends, appreciating them in different ways. I think this is a better way to celebrate festivals. M: Yes, I agree with you. And in this way, we’ll also save some money.
Text 10
The Anne Frank House is a museum connected to the actual house where Anne Frank, the famous Jewish diary writer, hid during World War Ⅱ. This house was the scene of the book, The Diary of Anne Frank.
Anne Frank and her family hid in the Secret Annex of the house for two years, until they were discovered by the Nazis. After Anne died in the concentration camps, two people who helped hide the Franks secretly returned to the house and removed some of Anne’s personal items, including her diary, which was published in 1947.
Many readers wanted to visit this house after reading Anne’s diary, but it was almost torn down in 1955 in order to build a factory. Residents of Amsterdam started a campaign to save the house. The campaign worked and Otto Frank, Anne’s father started the Anne Frank Foundation in 1957, which had the purpose of raising enough money to buy and fix up the house. The house was instead donated to the Foundation and the raised funds were used to purchase the house next door. The Anne Frank House was opened to the public as a museum in 1960. After further repair in 1970 and 1999, the Anne Frank House now contains a museum, a café, and a bookstore.
地 理
本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共8页。时量90分钟,满分100分。 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共50分)
我国有一艘科学考察船进行国土资源调查时,停泊在某海域。当地凌晨2时44分(北京时间3时) 从船上测得北极星的地平高度为10°。据此回答1~2题。 1.该船所在的地理位置:
A .(10°N ,112°E) B.(10°N ,116°E) C.(10°S ,116°E) D.(10°N ,124°E) 2.此时属于东半球中且与该船所在地点属于同一日期的范围,约占全球的: A .大于1/2 B.大于1/3 C.小于1/4 D.小于1/5
台湾岛紫蝶幽谷分布及紫斑蝶北返路线示意图 3.“紫蝶幽谷”均分布在:
A .南部沿海地区 B.山脉南段两侧的低海拔地区 C .高山峡谷地区 D.亚热带季风气候的温暖区 4.紫斑蝶选择山谷越冬,主要是该地:
A .降水丰富 B.人烟稀少 C.背风温暖 D.花蜜充足 5.紫斑蝶北返时间最可能在:
A .1月下旬 B.9月中旬 C.5月下旬 D.3月中旬 下图为过M 点(128°E ,48°N) 沿经线和纬线分别作的相同长度的地形剖面示意图。读图回答6~7题。
A .南北走向 B.东西走向 C.西北—东南走向 D.东北—西南走向 7.关于图中M 地附近河流水文特征的叙述,正确的是:
A .流量小,含沙量大 B.结冰期长
C .汛期只出现在夏季 D.流量大,季节变化小
下图是夏威夷群岛主岛与其3个链状火山岛屿的分布示意图。许多的科学家相信,夏威夷群岛主岛和这些链状火山岛屿,应该是因为太平洋板块在一个可视为固定不动且喷发岩浆的“热点”上移动(箭头指向代表板块移动方向) 造成的。读图回答第8题。
扇三角洲是由临近高地推进到稳定水体中的冲积扇(如下图) 。据图回答9~10题。
A .从上游到下游,地下水埋藏深度越来越深 B.从上游到下游,沉积物颗粒越来越大 C .图中的水体一定是海洋 D.一定发育在河流出山口处 10.下列关于图中辫状河流的叙述,正确的是: A .流量比较稳定 B.河道较浅
C .河流不易改道 D.主要由地下水补给
11.古沙洲形成的地质作用是: A .沉积作用 B .侵蚀作用 C .搬运作用 D .地壳运动
12.图中现象与地球自转偏向力作用相关的是: A .海岸线向东移动 B.长江南岸侵蚀明显
C .北岸海岸线变化大 D.南通适宜发展大型港口
A .东半球 B.南半球 C.西半球 D.北半球 14.据材料分析,河漫滩发育较好的河流是:
A .山区水位季节变化小的河流 B.山区水位季节变化大的河流 C .平原水位季节变化小的河流 D.平原水位季节变化大的河流 15.图中河道水流侵蚀作用最强的位置是: A .甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁
16.M 地的年日照时数比N 地的多,其主要原因是M 地: A .纬度较低 B.地势较高 C.气候干旱 D.白昼较长
17.N 地的年太阳辐射总量比M 地的丰富,其主要原因是N 地: A .地势高,大气稀薄 B.海拔高,多冰雪
C .纬度低,太阳高度大 D.气候干旱,光照强
18.与M 地相比,N 地夏季的近地面气温特点及其最主要成因是: A .较高 太阳辐射强 B.较高 距离太阳近
C .较低 大气保温作用弱 D.较低 冰雪融化吸热
19.图中M 地正东方向吹:
A .东南风 B.东北风 C.西北风 D.西南风 20.根据M 地附近的大气状态判断,M 地可能:
A .受西伯利亚高压控制 B.是位于华北平原的某城市 C .位于地中海沿岸 D.位于台风中心 我国南方某地新建一小型水库,某日两时刻测得水库及其东西两侧气温分布如右图所示。据此回答21~23题。
21.关于水库及其周围地区气温的描述,正确的是: A .水库中心区的气温日变化最大 B .水库中心区的气温日变化最小
C .一天中水库中心区的气温始终高于东西两侧地区的气温 D .一天中水库中心区的气温始终低于东西两侧地区的气温
A .热力环流的方向不变 B.水库中心区始终存在上升气流 C .白天风由水库吹向四周 D.晚上风由水库吹向四周
读澳大利亚多年平均A 月、B 月近地面气压分布图,回答24~25题。
24.根据等压线分布,判断B 月为: A .1月 B.2月 C.7月 D.8月 25.A 月甲地的盛行风向是:
A .东南风 B.东北风 C.西南风 D.西北风
地地方时,说明此地在北京西边,相差16分钟,根据1°=4分钟可知相差经度是4°,120°-4°=116°E ;北半球北极星仰角就是当地纬度,可知纬度为10°N 。 2. 【解析】首先求出和此船在同一日期的经度范围。根据划分日期的两条线0时经线和180°经线可求,北京120°E 为3时,求出此时0时经线为75°E(120°-3*15°=75°) ,东半球范围是20°W 向东到160°E ,所以此时属于东半球且与该船所在地点属于同一日期的范围为75°E 到160°E ,是85个经度,大概占360°的范围是小于四分之一。
3. 【解析】读图,注意图中“紫蝶幽谷”分布地的图例及分布。由图可知“紫蝶幽谷”均分布在纬度较低的南部山脉两侧地区,海拔高度在100米左右,地势较低,故选项B 正确。 4. 【解析】结合上题分析可知,“紫蝶幽谷”分布在海拔高度在100米左右地区,地势低,人口较多;该岛主要为亚热带季风气候区,冬季降水较少;紫斑蝶不以花蜜为食;图中显示“紫蝶幽谷”分布区位于南部,纬度较低,气温较高,而且所在山谷均背向冬季风,较为温暖,利于越冬,故选项C 正确。
5. 【解析】由图中紫斑蝶的迁徙路线可知,紫斑蝶冬季在南部越冬,以避寒冷,所以应该春季北迁,秋季南迁,1月下旬在冬季、5月下旬在夏季,故排除选项A 、C ;3月中旬在春季,9月中旬在秋季,故选项D 正确。
6. 【解析】①地在M 地以东,②地在M 地以北,则①②连线走向为山脉走向。
7. 【解析】从经纬度判断M 地位于东北地区,属于温带季风气候,冬季气温低,河流结冰期长;植被覆盖率高,河流含沙量小;一年有两个汛期,春季有春汛,夏季有夏汛;河流径流量季节变化大。
8. 【解析】根据火山的特征可知,4离喷发岩浆的“热点”最远,山体形状最平缓,年龄最古老。正确的是B 项。
9. 【解析】根据材料,扇三角洲是由邻近高地推进到稳定水体中的冲积扇。而河流入海口,地势落差小,没有推动冲积物由高处向低处的动力,所以,扇三角洲一般不会发育在河流入海口。
10. 【解析】辫状河流出现在扇冲积扇上,扇冲积扇地势低,河流流速慢,河道分叉且较浅。 11. 【解析】三角洲的沙洲形成的主要外力作用是流水沉积,故选A 。
12. 【解析】长江入海口北侧古沙洲进一步增长成河岸,应与地转偏向力导致的流水偏向南岸有关,观察图中的河口可以发现,河口总体向海洋增长,河口位置向南偏移。故选C 。 13. 【解析】从图上看,河流自南向北流,流水因在平直河段上,地转偏向力使流水偏向左边侵蚀西岸。故为南半球。
14. 【解析】根据材料信息及图示信息的分析可知,河漫滩的形成,首先需要有较为平坦的地区进行泥沙的沉积,因此需要在平原地区,其次必须有洪水的出现,所以河流的季节变化要大,结合相关信息即可得出答案为D 。
15. 【解析】河流表层水流速度最快,水流冲击甲处岸边,故侵蚀最强。 16. 【解析】M 地为热带沙漠气候,降水少,晴天多。
17. 【解析】N 地为高原,大气稀薄,到达地面的太阳辐射总量多。 18. 【解析】N 地为高原,大气稀薄,大气保温作用弱。 19. 【解析】M 地处低压中心,根据北半球地转偏向力对地面风向的影响规律,故吹东南风。
20. 【解析】M 处较周边气温高,气压低,排除A ;地中海1月受西风影响;台风发生于夏季。
21. 【解析】从图中提取信息:15:00时,水库中心区气温比两侧低;3:00时,水库中心区气温比两侧高,两者相比,水库中心区温差比两侧小。故选B 。
22. 【解析】一天中水库与周围地区的热力差异都在变化,热力环流的方向也要发生变化。白天库区气温比周围地区低,气压高,风由库区吹向四周;晚上库区气温比周围高,气压低,风由四周吹向库区。
23. 【解析】15时近地面库区中心气温低,形成高气压,等压面向上弯曲;高空为低气压,等压面向下弯曲。
24. 【解析】图示澳大利亚大陆A 月的气压低于B 月,受海陆热力性质差异的影响,所以B 月应为南半球冬季。
25. 【解析】A 月,甲地是夏季,受东南信风带控制,盛行风向是东南风。
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共50分)
二、非选择题(本大题共3小题,共50分) 26.(16分) 阅读图文材料,回答下列要求。
材料一 当惹雍错湖,西藏第三大湖,海拔4 000多米,位于藏北地区典型的纯牧区。藏北高原为典型的大陆性气候,年平均气温0℃以下,冰冻期长达半年,最高的7月不超过10℃,6~8月较温暖,也是其雨季,多夜雨现象,冬春多大风。但在当惹雍错湖湖边却有青稞的分布,这在藏北是极其罕见的。
材料二 青稞是一种耐寒耐旱的喜光照作物。青稞籽粒播种后在0~1℃的温度下即可开始萌发,最适温度为19~20℃。它也是最早熟的品种,仅要求积温为1 300~1 400℃。 材料三 墨脱县大部分区域内的河谷地带,年平均气温18~22℃,最热月(7月) 平均气温25~28℃,最冷月(元月) 平均气温12~16℃,这也让墨脱被视作西藏最不像西藏的地方,被誉为“西藏的西双版纳”“植被类型天然博物馆”。
__该地海拔高、纬度低,太阳辐射强,光照充足;(1分) 当惹雍错湖水体(与高原山地相比) 比热容较大,(1分) 湖泊水体白天吸热,晚上释放这些热量(就像一个巨大的暖气片) ,使其附近气温不至于过低;同时地形相对闭塞,(1分) 形成了沿湖地带的温暖小气候;6~8月较温暖,也是雨季,有一定的天然降水浇灌,(1分) 所以适于青稞的种植。__
__由于墨脱所属区域纬度低,河谷底部海拔低,热量充足。(1分) 该地区为山地地形,(1分) 西南季风携带的暖湿气流受地形阻挡,沿山体爬升,并形成充沛降水,(1分) 在山地中营造出从热带、亚热带到寒带的气候类型,尽而形成多种植被类型,垂直分异明显。(1分)__ (3)简要分析藏彝走廊地区少数民族众多、风俗各异的原因。(8分) __藏彝走廊位于横断山区,该地区山河相间,山高水急,地形复杂,自然地理单元相对独立;(2分) 生活在各自然单元的人们逐渐形成了独特的文化、风俗;(2分) 区内各族群之间联系、沟通不便,难以融合;(2分) 横断山区远离经济文化中心,再加上对外交通艰难,其他文化不易进入,其文化难被同化。(2分)__
27.(18分) 阅读图文材料,完成下列问题。 马拉开波湖位于南美洲北部的马拉开波盆地,是南美洲最大的湖泊。除北部委内瑞拉湾沿岸气候干燥、年降水量不足500毫米外,湖区大部分地区高温多雨,年平均气温28℃,年降水量1 500毫米以上,为南美洲最湿热地区之一。该湖区内石油资源丰富,有着“石油湖”之称,北部通过狭窄海峡与委内瑞拉湾相通。20世纪中期,人们为了使得大型油轮能够顺利通行,不断对海峡拓宽与加深,周边地区的炼油业也迅猛发展起来。
__纬度低,气温高,水汽蒸发量大;(2分) 盆地地形,水汽不易扩散;(2分)(受赤道低气压影响,且位于山地迎风坡,) 降水丰富。(2分)__
__淡水。(2分) 理由:降水量大,(2分) 周边河流众多,淡水汇入多;(2分) 连接加勒比海的水道狭窄,湖水与海水的交换少。(2分)__
(3)简析20世纪中期以来,湖区产生的主要环境问题。(4分) __石油渗漏以及工业废水和生活污水排放,导致湖水污染,(2分) 连接北部加勒比海的水道(或海峡) 拓宽,海水灌入湖区,湖水变咸(或盐度升高) 。(2分)__ 28.(16分) 阅读图文材料,回答问题。
__与济南相比,烟台春夏季气温偏低,秋冬季气温偏高,年温差较小。(2分) 影响因素是海陆位置的差异(距海远近) 。(2分)__
山东半岛是我国苹果最适宜的生长区,但4月气温的波动和秋季苹果停止生长(当气温低于14℃,苹果停止生长) 时间的早晚,常常会影响苹果的产量和品质。
__烟台苹果5月开花,避免寒冷气流(倒春寒) 的侵袭;(2分) 济南苹果4月开花,易受寒冷气流影响,花蕾凋落,生长缓慢。(2分) 秋季烟台苹果停止生长时间晚于济南,生产时间更长。(2分)__ 2015年,山东苹果增产70万吨。2015年,全国总产量达到3 510万吨,而预期总需求为3 370万吨。目前,陕西、甘肃等新兴苹果产区的种植面积也已超过山东,品种有40多种,而山东苹果品种单一,以红富士为主。近几年苹果价格大起大落,2014年红富士的收购价上涨35%,2015年却又下跌40%,以至于大量的小农户虽然迎来了大丰收,却只能在家坐等收购商上门。2015年秋收以后,山东苹果出现严重“滞销”。 (3)结合材料,说明2015年山东苹果“滞销”的原因。(6分)
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