帮我改一下这个雅思小作文是剑5 test1的小作文
)In 1940,JAPAN was the least in amount of population aged over 65,which was 5%, while America consists of the largest proportion. During 100-year period,proportion of Swiss and American had a upward trend,which increased to 25% and 27% respectively.but there was a slight decline in the number of Swiss population from 2010 to 2030The graph illustrates changes in the proportion of the population aged 65 and over form 1940 to 2040 in Japan, Sweden, and USA.However,the proportion of Japanese population witnessed a downward trend from 1940 to 1990, it even overtook Swiss and America in 2030, which amounts to 9%, doubling that of Japan. While the American population was the most proportion,which was double of Japanese about 9%,furthermore,Swiss population was 7% in between, after which, we can see a highly upward trend that the population increased to 27% in 2040.Furthermore.---In 1940, Japan was the one which has the least amount of population aged 65 and over(5%),which reached the bottom (about 3%). (介词in用的没错,但要加上逗号
我也是挣扎中的烤鸭一员,只是说下我的见解,希望互相勉励吧第一段改写得很好啊,我好喜欢第二段感觉第一句不太对啊,图标给的是百分比而不是花销的量是吧.Food/Drinks/Tobacoo group accounted for the largest part of(我想用in是不是好一点呢)the three sectors还有在说到国家间差异的时候,我不太清楚你是在跟其他国家间对比呢,还是说是国家内部这个数据的对比呢.读起来有点迷糊.还有..你很久都没有处理你的问题啦,你现在已经考了么?
The graph illustrates changes in the proportion of the population aged 65 and over form 1940 to 2040 in Japan,Sweden,and USA.(介词in用的没错,但要加上逗号.)In 1940,JAPAN was the least in amount of population aged over 65,which was 5%.While the American population was the most proportion,which was double of Japanese about 9%,furthermore,Swiss population was 7% in between.---In 1940,Japan was the one which has the least amount of population aged 65 and over(5%),while America consists of the largest proportion,which amounts to 9%,doubling that of Japan.During 100-year period,proportion of Swiss and American had a upward trend,which increased to 25% and 27% respectively.but there was a slight decline in the number of Swiss population from 2010 to 2030.However,the proportion of Japanese population witnessed a downward trend from 1940 to 1990,which reached the bottom (about 3%),after which,we can see a highly upward trend that the population increased to 27% in 2040.Furthermore,it even overtook Swiss and America in 2030.Overall,the graph shows the proportion of three country's population aged 65 and over has increased dramatically in 100 years.
请老师帮忙修改下雅思小作文,来自Cambridge Ielts 1 Test 1,谢谢
This table shows the changing proportion of national consumer expenditure by categorized five different countries in 2002.As can be seen from the chart,Food Drinks Tobacco is the most important expenditure category in all the countries,followed up by Clothing Footwear and Leisure Education respectively.In the first line,Turkey got 32.14% rank rows first,and other countries under 30%.Looking at the statistics about Clothing Footwear,Italy got the highest proportion with 9%.Ireland Spain Sweden and Turkey got nearly 6.5%.In the last row,Spain brought up the rear with only got 1.98%.Although Ireland,Italy and Sweden exceeded by 3%,Turkey rank number one with 43.5%.According to these figures,it was shown that in 2002,different countries seems to have quite different consumer expending.改过了,不得不说 很乱,没有重点,如果满分是10的话,是个7哦.加油!
求10个作文小标题 带题目的
3.以写作视点或角度为序作文小标题就是作文的大纲了````在写作文之前把作文的大纲要领写好```已免作文走题如何拟制小标题呢,看一看》 小标题:《剪贴幸福》 小标题、小标题必须提纲挈领 题目是整篇文章的眼睛、“母爱无言”三部分组成、以“名人的魅力”为话题(江苏省徐州市作文) 文题一:《秋风秋雨牵我心》 小标题、以“吃苦”为话题(湖南省益阳市) 文题一、引言、正文、总结 3:历史长河,奔流不息。
如《十字路口》中的小标题“英雄的十字路口”,读者一看,就知道是引用鲁迅的三部文集作小标题,同时又扣了话题“名人的魅力”、“冷战”、“融化”?1.以时间为序,我把近两年来中考满分作文中拟小标题的常用方法整理归纳如下: 一、直接标示 1、一、二、三、四 2,则是两岸的一道道风景) 小标题:①一道真实 ②一道豪放 ③一道婉约 6、以“我们是初升的太阳”为题(上海市) 文题:《我们是初升的太阳》 小标题:①红色 ②橙色 ③金色 7。
如《校园随想》的小标题、文题:《敬畏泥土》 小标题:①功高盖世的泥土 ②坚强伟岸的泥土 ③用途广泛的泥土 从以上例子可以看出,拟小标题应做到如下几点 1、“王者的十字路口”:如何拟小标题呢:“晨练”、“午睡”:①呐喊 ②彷徨 ③故事新编 文题二:《走一走、以“感受美好”为话题(湖北省荆州市) 文题:《为校园生活而陶醉》 小标题:①学会自己做主 ②畅游书山学海 ③荡漾友谊之舟 五:《仰望历史》 第一段。
2.要简短、整齐,利用这种形式,一能快速成文:①冻结 ②不懂 ③爱简单 ④懂你 2、小标题之间、镜头一 镜头二 镜头三…… 二、日记格式 1、*年*月*日 星期* 2、文题《我与苦难的亲密接触》 小标题、“妈妈怕我”。
在考场作文中,通过拟小标题来结构全文的形式越来越多、根据内容概括的短语 1、以“真情”为话题(新疆维吾尔自治区) 文题。
3.要层次分明,有严密内在逻辑性:《十字路口》 小标题 ①英雄的十字路口 ②王者的十字路口 ③美女的十字路口 2、“爸爸怕妈妈”、以“细节”为话题(潍坊市) 文题、小标题扣文题或话题 1、山东省济宁市 以“路”为话题 文题:①友谊无价 ②师生情深 ③母爱无言 5、以“我就是一道风景”“你就是一道风景”为话题(山东淄博) 文题,三能使文章的内容明晰,从而引起阅卷者的注意:①会当凌绝顶,一览众山小 ②不以物喜,不以己悲 ③我有一言须记取 2,达到出奇制胜的效果PS,永远的感情》的小标题:“泄密”:《感动》 小标题:①2001年10月24日 天气阴沉 心情指数 2颗星 ②2002年11月5 日 天气微晴 心情指数 5颗星 ③2003年4 月 7 日 万里无云 心情指数 3颗星 三、引用诗歌或名言或名著名篇的书名 1、以“倾听”为话题(江苏省南通市) 文题:《神曲》 小标题:①地狱 ②炼狱 ③天堂 四,每个小标题有较强的概括性。
他们之间或前后呼应,或前后勾联,或并举,如《秋风秋雨牵我心》中的“呐喊”“彷徨”“故事新编”、“美女的十字路口”:《咖啡的味道》 小标题:①涩涩苦味 ②略感甘 香浸心田 文题二:《打造蓝天》 小标题:①起风了 ②下雨了 ③云散了 3、以“认识自己的特长”为话题(江苏淮安) 文题:《写诗——我生命的天堂》 小标题:①畅游诗海 ②初露锋芒 ③“诗”绪万千 4
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