Do you remember those times when your mother told you to avoid talking to strangers? But now you’re not a child anymore. In fact, there are many advantages of talking to strangers.
You can meet a really great person.
Talking to a stranger is a good habit because you never know whom you may meet.__36__You can also meet someone who`ll give you a chance to get your dream job.
You have some opinion about different subjects and you know your friends’ and relatives’ points of view about them too. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can give you unpredictable yet smart ideas that’ll broaden your horizons.
You improve your social skills.
___38___. Asking appropriate questions and attentive listening are two skills that many of us don’t have. You can better these skills when talking to a stranger.
You'll feel a boost of confidence.
If you belong to that shy type of people, talking to a stranger may seem to be a real challenge for you.____39___. You can overcome your fear of being judged by others by talking to strangers and become more confident.
You can cheer someone up.
The thing you`ll definitely like about talking to strangers is that you can make someone`s day better. __40___. Compliment(夸奖) people and they`ll think something pleasant about you. Having a sweet short dialogue is one of those perfect chances to make people cheerful.
A. Smile and people will smile in return.
B. It expands your world view.
C. Why not speak to someone until your turn comes?
D. I'm also extremely shy but I realize it's not an issue at all.
E. You can meet a person who'll become your best friend in future.
F. It may show you the solutions you didn't know about. G. Whatever social skills you have, you can make them better when talking to strangers. EBGDA
The answer is not as easy as you might think. This is because the word smart has many meanings.
To use a slang expression(俚语), they could say, “You look really cool!”
If you accidentally trip over a chair and fall down, you might shout, “Wow! That smarts!” If you are standing too close to a campfire, you could say your eyes are smarting from the smoke of the fire. Here the word “smarting” means a sharp pain.
鞭), they are able to think very quickly.
However, different people have different ways of being smart. Some people are considered street smart. They may not have a strong education. But they are good at dealing But they may not be so smart when dealing with people or real-world problems.
A. Is it a good thing or something bad?
B. This means they have spent many years in school.
C. In fact, maybe that person is no longer your friend.
D. But the most common meaning of smart is to be intelligent.
E. That means they like what you are wearing and your physical appearance.
F. In fact, a child who has a smart mouth makes rude comments, not smart ones.
G. But if something smarts, it can be unkind or hurtful, either physically or mentally.
答案 36. A 37. E 38. G 39. D 40. B
试题解析:本文主要是介绍了“smart ”的不同含义。
36.考查上下文的理解判断能力。根据后句The answer is not as easy as you might think 可知前句应该是一个疑问句。故只有A 选项符合要求。
37.考查上下文的理解判断能力。根据You look really cool一句可知“smart ”在这里主要是指一个人外表的好看。故E 符合要求。
38.考查上下文的理解判断能力。根据本段Here the word “smarting ” means a sharp pain 一句可知此处“smart ”主要是指身体或精神上的疼痛。故G 符合要求。
39.考查上下文的理解判断能力。根据they are able to think very quickly一句可知本段是在表明“smart ”指褒义的含义。故D 符合要求。
40.考查上下文的理解判断能力。结合前句Some people are considered street
smart .They may not have a strong education.But they are good at dealing with people and problems in the real world.及后句可知此处book smart在学校呆了很久的人。故B 符合要求。
A. B. In fact C. At least D. 44. A. born B. educated C. dressed D. treated
45. A. appearance B. fitness C. potential D. performance
46. A. hopefully B. casually C. absolutely D. immediately
47. A. attractive B. special C. novel D. unkind
48. A. settle down B. lie down C. fall down D. slow down
49. A. hurts B. expresses C. matches D. affects
50. A. incidents B. comments C. reactions D. attitudes
51. A. turn B. change C. pain D. decline
52. A. pretty B. neat C. intelligent D. fashionable
53. A. desire B. opportunity C. willingness D. ability
54. A. effective B. different C. personal D. creative
55. A. considered B. praised C. expected D. known
56. A. involved B. interested C. fortunate 57. A. actually B. seemingly C. generally
58. A. possibility B. matter C. definition 59. A. complain B. warn C. beg 60. A. lack B. sense C. limit BDACA CDCAB CCDBA DACBA D. expert D. particularly D. prediction D. persuade D. demand
2P,{0,m},Q,{x|2x,5x,0,x,Z}1、已知集合,若,则 P:Q,,m,
5A、1B、2C、1或D、1或2 2
1x,1pq2、设,则是的 p:logx,0,q:(),122
1,3ii3、已知为虚数单位,则复数的虚部为 z,
3333A、B、C、D、 36cm48cm24cm31cm
64间内不是单调函数,则实数的取值范围是 k侧视图正视图
33,,,,1,,2,,,,1,,,1,2A、B、C、D、 ,,,,22,,,,
俯视图1的值为 a,a9113
7、现从某班选取5名学生参加关于“两会”期间有关知识的演讲比赛,已知这5名学生的平均得分为89分,有2名学生得87分,2名学生得92分,则这组数据的众数是 A、87B、89C、90D、92
,平移个单位后,得到的图象对应的函数为奇函数,则函数的图象 6
5,,A、关于点对称B、关于直线对称 (,0)x,1212
5,,C、关于点对称D、关于直线对称 (,0)x,1212
,x,yx,y,210、设变量满足约束条件,则目标函数的最小值为 z,2x,y,
x110,,方程在上跟的个数是 f(x),[0,],,103,,
线相切,若直线被圆C截得的弦长为2,则的值为 al:x,3y,0
3A、B、C、2D、3 2
a,b,c13、设是单位向量,且,则向量的夹角为__________ a,b,ca,b
31131411,,,,, ,,1,,1,开始222,,12223,1,222322
结束3141n21,A=A+1,,,,?,,__________ 2n12223n(n1),,,22
,,,,3,x ,0 44642 1 f(x) 0 1 0 -1 0 2
1(2)若在中,,求的面积。 AC,2,BC,3,f(A),,,ABC,ABC2
PPAD(1)求证:平面; BE//
BE,PD(2)若平面,求异面直线与所成角的余弦值。 PCDBC
(2)为了调查上网时间对学习的影响程度,决定在上网时间少于4个小时的学生中利用分层抽样抽取4名学生,然后再随机抽取2名学生进行学习效率等方面的调查,求上网时间在2~4小时内的学生有2名被抽到的概率。 频率 组距
0.035 0.015 8106024每周上网时间(小时/周)
132220、已知函数 f(x),x,ax,(a,1)x,b(a,b,R)3
(1)若为f(x)的极值点,求的值; ax,1
(3)当时,若f(x)在区间(,1,1)上不单调,求的取值范围。 aa,0
3121、已知椭圆的对称中心为原点,焦点在轴上,离心率为,且点在该椭圆上。 x(1,)CO22(1)求椭圆的方程; C
62F(2)过椭圆的左焦点的直线与椭圆相交于A,B两点,若的面积为,ClC,AOB17求圆心在原点且与直线相切的圆的方程。 Ol
2222x,3y,zx,y,z24、已知实数满足,求的最小值。 x,y,z,2
金考卷押题卷一(文) 一、选择题
1、已知集合P ={0, m },Q ={x |2x 2-5x <0, x="" ∈z="" },若p="" q="" ≠φ,则m="">0,>
D 、1或2 2
1x -1
>1,则p 是q 的 2、设p :log 2x <0, q="" :()="">0,>
A 、1B 、2C 、1或
A 、充要条件B 、充分不必要条件C 、必要不充分条件D 、既不充分也不必要条件 3、已知i 为虚数单位,则复数z =
1-3i +i
A 、2B 、1C 、0D 、-1
4、如图是一个空间几何体的三视图,根据图中的尺寸(单位:cm )可知该几何体的体积为 A 、36cm B 、48cm C 、24cm D 、31cm
5、若函数f (x ) =2x -ln x 在其定义域(k -1, k +1) 内的一个子区间内不是单调函数,则实数k 的取值范围是 A 、[1, +∞)B 、?1, ?C 、[1, 2)D 、?, 2?
6、等差数列{a n }中,若a 4+a 6+a 8+a 10+a 12=120,则
a 9-a 11的值为
A 、14B 、15C 、16D 、17
7、现从某班选取5名学生参加关于“两会”期间有关知识的演讲比赛,已知这5名学生的平均得分为89分,有2名学生得87分,2名学生得92分,则这组数据的众数是 A 、87B 、89C 、90D 、92 8、某汽车运输公司购买了一批豪华大客车投入客运,据市场分析,每辆客车营运的总利润y (单位:万元)与营运年数x (x ∈N )的关系式为y =-x +12x -25,则该公司营运年平均利润最大时每辆客车需营运 A 、2年B 、4年C 、5年D 、6年
9、已知函数f (x ) =sin(ωx +?)(ω>0, |?|<>
) 的最小正周期为π,将该函数的图象向左
个单位后,得到的图象对应的函数为奇函数,则函数的图象 6
A 、关于点(, 0) 对称B 、关于直线x =对称
, 0) 对称D 、关于直线x =对称 C 、关于点(1212
?y ≤x ?
10、设变量x , y 满足约束条件?x +y ≥2,则目标函数z =2x +y 的最小值为
?y ≤3x -6?
A 、2B 、4C 、5D 、7
11、若偶函数f (x ) 满足f (x -1) =f (x +1) ,且在x ∈[0, 1]时,f (x ) =x 2,则关于x 的
方程f (x ) = ?在[0, ]上跟的个数是
A 、1B 、2C 、3D 、4
x 2y 2
=1(a >0) 的右焦点重合,且该圆与此双曲线的渐近12、设圆C 的圆心与双曲线2-2a
线相切,若直线l :x -y =0被圆C 截得的弦长为2,则a 的值为 A 、2B 、C 、2D 、3 二、填空题
13、设a , b , c 是单位向量,且a =b +c ,则向量a , b 的夹角为__________
14、若在区间[-5, 5]内随机地取出一个数a ,则1∈{x |2x 2+ax -a 2>0}的概率为__________
15、如图是一个算法的流程图,若输出的结果是31,则判断框中的整数M 的值为__________ 16、给出下列等式:
?=1-2, ?+?2=1-, 1?2221?222?323?223141511?+?2+?3=1-, 由以上等式3
n ∈N *,
3141n +21?+?2+ ?n =__________ 1?222?32n (n +1) 2
17、已知函数f (x ) =sin(ωx +?)(ω>0, 0<><π)>π)>
(1)求f (x ) 的解析式;
,求?ABC 的面积。 2
18、如图,四棱锥P -ABCD 的底面ABCD 为一直角梯形,其中BA ⊥AD ,CD ⊥AD ,CD =AD =2AB ,PA ⊥底面ABCD ,E 是PC 的中点。
(1)求证:BE //平面PAD ;
(2)若BE ⊥平面PCD ,求异面直线PD 与BC 所成角的余弦值。
(2)若在?ABC 中,AC =2, BC =3, f (A ) =-
20、已知函数f (x ) =
x -ax 2+(a 2-1) x +b (a , b ∈R ) 3
(1)若x =1为f (x ) 的极值点,求a 的值;
(2)若y =f (x ) 的图象在点(1, f (1)) 处的切线方程为x +y -3=0,求f (x ) 在区间[-2, 4]上的最大值;
(3)当a ≠0时,若f (x ) 在区间(-1, 1) 上不单调,求a 的取值范围。
21、已知椭圆C 的对称中心为原点O ,焦点在x 轴上,离心率为(1)求椭圆C 的方程;
(2)过椭圆C 的左焦点F 1的直线l 与椭圆C 相交于A , B 两点,若?AOB 的面积为求圆心在原点O 且与直线l 相切的圆的方程。
13,且点(1, ) 在该椭圆上。 22
22、如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,C 是⊙O 外一点,且AC =AB ,BC 交⊙O 于点D 。已知BC =4, AD =6,AC 交⊙O 于点E ,求四边形ABDE 的周长。
?2x =-1+t ??2(t 为参数)与曲线C :?x =-1+2cos θ(θ为参数)的位23、试判断直线l :??
2?y =2+2sin θ?y =t ?2?
24、已知实数x , y , z 满足x +y +z =2,求2x 2+3y 2+z 2的最小值。
英语必修一 1-5单元测试题
一、单项选择(共 30分,每空一分)
1. Courage is one of the ________ of a good soldier.
A. success B. interests C. qualities D. difficulties 2. Fran is an honest girl. I say it, ______ __ I don’t like her.
A. first time B. the first time C. a first time D. for the first time 3. — Where did you spend you summer holidays?
I didn’t go anywhere, because I wouldn’t be able to go on holiday with my mum _______ ill A. w
as B. be C. being D. to be
4. I have _______ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.
A. looked through B. looked for C. looked after D. looked out 5. Having seen the film, he said what a wonderful film he _________ A. saw B. has seen C. had seen D. would see 6. I suggest that we take part in more such activities in future _______ we did last week. A. whic h B. as C. that D. than
7. The number of people who _________ cars _________ increasing in China. A. owns, are B. owns, is C. own, is D. own are
8. Alice trusts you, only you can _________ her to give up the foolish idea A. try B. attract C. tempt D. persuade 9. I was about to go shopping _________ it began to rain.
A. while B. as C. when D. though
10. Is this the reason _________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work
A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained 11. Thank yo u for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we _________ it without you. A. can manage B . could have managed C. could manage D. can have managed 12. He must be from Africa, ___ ______ can be seen from his skin.
A. that B. as C. who D. what
13. Seeing that he was so seriously ill, I insisted that he _________ to hospital at once. A. was se nt B. be sent C. will be sent D. had been sent 14. I’ll tell you _________ he told me l ast week.
A. all which B. that C. all that D. which 15. -- I’m not sure if we’ll have a picni c this weekend. -- It all ________ the weather.
A. takes part in B. depends on C. comes to D. puts up 16.On Sept. 29, 2008, Shen Zhou VII returned to _______ earth from _______ space successfully. A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the 17. -- How is your life in the countryside?
-- It is _______ but sometimes I feel a bit _______. A. interesting; boring B. interesting; bored C. interested; bored D. interested; boring; 18. Paul is studying Chinese and _______ i s his dream to work in China. A. it B. this C. that D. there 19. Some students go to scho ol _______ the tube every day. A. with B. for C. on D. at
20. The volleyball match _______ if it rains tomorrow.
A. will put off B. will be put off C. is put off D. puts off 21. Put on your coat, ________ ____you will catch a cold.. A. so B. but C. and D. otherwise 22. We _______ rush ----- t here is plenty of time. A. can’t B. mustn’ t C. ought not to D. don’t have to 23. They _______ classes when the earthquake happened. A. had B. would have C. were having D. are having
24. She has decided _______ as a volunteer teacher in a small village because she enjoys _______ challenges.
A. to work, to meet B. to work, meeting C. working, meeting D. working, to meet 25. Mary left London five years ago and I _______ her since then. A. don’t see B. didn’t see C. hadn’t se en D. haven’t seen 26. -- Have you moved into your new house? -- Not yet. The rooms ______ _. A. are painting B. have been painted C. are being painted D. have painted 27. We had a ni ce evening at my house and then Dad _______ my friend home. A. take B. took C. wa s taking D. will take
28. More than 100 heads of foreign states _______ the opening ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Ol ympic Games. A. promoted B. organized C. designed D. attended 29. Nowadays, old p eople like to live ________ there is no noise and crowds. A. where B. which C. what D. that
30. Christopher Reeve was seriously injured in the accident. But he _______ finally and returned t o film making. A. got on B. gave up C. pulled through D. carried on 二、 完形填空 (共 30分,每空 1.5分) Average Life Expectancy
How long do you expect to live? __31__, what is the average life expectancy for us?
The average life expectancy __32___ from country to country, but __33__ many countries nowada ys, the average life expectancy is over 70 years. That __34__ the average person will live to be __ 35__ 70 years old.
__36__, in the United States in 1980, the average life expectancy was 73.8 years. This age, 73.8 ye ars, is a little __37__ than the average life expectancy in 1970. In 1970, the average was 70.8. In f act, if you look at the average life expectancy __38__ for last century, you'll see that the average _ _39__ every year. __40__, in 1900 it was 47.3, in 1920 it was 54.1, in 1940 was 62.9, and in 1960 the average __41__ was 69.7 years.
So you can see that in 100 years, the average life expectancy __42__ from 47.3 to 73.8.
Why __43__ the average life expectancy __44__ increasing? The main reasons are __45__ health care. First, health care, especially general health care for young children has __46__ steadily. Second, __47__ drugs have been __48__ in the past 40 or 50 years. These powerful drugs can __4 9__ and cure many diseases that __50__ fatal in the past.
31. A. By all means B. For example C. That is to say D. Take it easy 32. A. varies B. differe nt C. changes D. increases
33. A. among B. on C. to D. in
34. A. happens B. seems C. means D. causes 35. A. at least B. at most C. at all D. last
36. A. Actually B. Truly C. Constantly D. Continuously 37. A. smaller B. higher C. bigger D. lower 38. A. idea B. research C. data (数据 ) D. rule
39. A. gets higher B. is more C. adds longer D. becomes larger 40. A. Once in a while B. Fo r instance C. For the instance D. Now and then 41. A. living years B. living time C. life time D. live time 42. A. has raised B. has risen C. has lifted D. has grown 43. A. does B. do C. is D. be 44. A. find B. stay C. feel D. keep
45. A. joined to B. connected with C. caught up with D. referred to 46. A. changed B. impr oved C. increased D. developed
47. A. a great deal of B. a large number of C. large quantity of D. the large number of 48. A. devel oped B. discovered C. invented D. managed 49. A. save B. against C. protect
D. prevent 50. A. was to be B. had to be C. ought to be D. used to be 三、阅读理解(共 40分,每空 2分)
第一节:阅读下面短文,从各题 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (A)
There are many international organizations which work to save and protect endangered species (物
种 ) and natural environment. If you would like more information about any of the organizations li sted below, you can write to the addresses given.
Friends of the Earth (FOE) campaigns on a range of problems including rainforests, the countrysid e, water and air pollution and energy.
Friends of the Earth International Secretariat P.O. Box 19199 1000 G.D. Amsterdam
The Netherlands Greenpeace uses peaceful but direct action to defend the environment. It campaig ns to protect rainforests and sea animals, stop global warming and end pollution of air, land and se as. It also opposes nuclear power.
Greenpeace International Keizergracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam
The NetherlandsBirdLife International is an organization which works to save endangered birds al l over the world.
BirdLife International Wellbrook Court Girton Road
Cambridge CB3 0NA England WWF— World Wide Fund For Nature is the world’s largest private international organization for the conservation of nature and threatened species.
Information Officer WWF International Avenue du Mont-Blanc 1196 Gland Switzerland
51. If you want to learn more about the organizations, you can _______. A. call them B. writ e them a letter C. visit them D. send them an e-mail 52. BirdLife International is an organi zation aiming to ________. A. reduce pollution B. defend rainforests C. protect ocean animals D. save endangered birds 53. If you oppose nuclear power, you can join ________. A. Friends of the Earth B. World Wide Fund For Nature C. Greenpeace D. BirdLife International 54. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Environmental Protection Organizations B. Global Traf fic Problems C. Endangered Animals D. Natural Beauty (B )
You’ve no doubt heard people say how much they “need” a holiday, when what they really mean i s that they want one. Certainly, people working under pressure feel a very strong desire to escape f rom work and become less tight during their holidays, and experience a changed environment. Ho wever, work for many people today is office work and mental, rather than physical tasks. These pe ople may seek much more energy-taking activities while on holiday, rather than simply lying on a beach.
Once people become used to going on holiday, taking holidays becomes a habit. For many people the holiday is one of the last things to be given up, and indeed many workers have chosen to spend some of their last pay when being on holiday. It may give them a “lift” in facing some difficulties in life.
Most of us also enjoy showing off the lovely tans-dark(晒 黑 的 ) skins we get from a holiday. So many tourists are now able to afford holidays in the sun that ta ns have become quite common; although we join a tan together with health, it has been fully show n that too much sunshine will result in high danger of skin problems, as well as drying out one’s sk in and leading to more lines on your face later in life.
55. According to the passage above, more and more people choose to have holidays because they __________.
A. hate working indoors all the time B. want to get away from work
C. love enjoying the beauties of nature
D. become rich and want a better life
56. When office people have holidays, they often __________. A. lie on the beach and enjoy suns hine B. spend more than they can afford C. think about their work on the beach D. choose to do m ore physical exercise
57. A holiday may __________ when one has to face some difficulties in life. A. cheer someone u p B. help someone find a job C. be the last thing to be given up D. bring good luck to someone 58. At the end of the passage the writer tries to tell the reader __________. A. the importance of ge tting sunshine B. the bad effect of being on holiday C. the result of getting sun tanned D. the healt hy look of being tanned (C)
① On Friday, January 14, 2005, my cousin, Kara Rose, came into the world. ② She looked perfec tly healthy from the outside, but on the inside, the doctors had failed to discover a serious problem . ③ She often had trouble breathing and then turned blue. ④ The doctors found that Kara had bee n born without part of her heart. ⑤ They didn’ t think she would live long enough to leave the hospital. ⑥ When she was four days old, she had h er first operation. ⑦ My family stayed together during this hard time, hoping everything would tur n out for the best.
Kara’s strength and determination to live were strong. Eventually, she could go home. We all waite d patiently for new technology that could give Kara a new heart. When she was eighteen months o ld, her parents took her to a famous surgeon who performed a series of operations. There was no g uarantee she would make it through the operation, but she succeeded.
Kara grew stronger every day, and it was not long before she was well enough to be around people . She had an amazing character and always wore a sweet smile. When she fell asleep against my b ody, happy and content, I realized how valuable life really is. As I took her in my arms with her w arm breath against my neck, I decided to live every day of my life to the fullest.
This child, who is 15 years younger than I, has gone through more suffering and pain than I ever h ave. I admire her strength and determination. Kara has taught me that no matter how bad things se em, they can work out in the end. Knowing this small, beautiful child has made me a stronger pers on, I now believe that difficulty can be beaten.
59. Kara often had trouble breathing because ________. A. she didn’t stay long enough in the hos pital B. the doctors failed to discover the problem C. she was born with an incomplete heart D. her first operation was not successful
60. Which of the following statements is true? A. Kara’s determination helped her get through. B. The new technology gave the family the hope to live on. C. Kara eventually recovered at the a ge of 15..
D. Doctors were confident in the success of her operation.
61. The writer wants to tell us that _______. A. younger people often suffer more pain B. strong-w ill helps defeat difficulties C. experienced doctors can make miracles D. medical technology is dev eloping fast
62. Where should the sentence in the box be added in Paragraph 1?
I was also anxiously hoping the doctors would be able to make her life longer. A. After Sentence ① . B. After Sentence ③ . C. After Sentence. ⑤ . D. After Sentence ⑦ . (D ) Wild and Strange Celebrations
Looking for a new way to have fun? For inspiration, check out these festivals. Some may seem wil d, and others strange, but they are all fun. La Tomatina!
Warning: Anybody in Bunol, Spain, on the last Wednesday of August should prepare to get wet wi th tomatoes! Every year on this day, around 30,000 tourists join 9,000 people living in Bunol to ta ke part in the world’s largest tomato fight. La Tomatina, or “t he tomato party,” is the last event of a weeklong festival in honor of Bunol’ s patron saint(守 护 神 ) San Luis Bertran. A rocket is fired, and for the next hour, everyone goes crazy as 100 tons of toma toes get thrown with juice everywhere. One of the few rules participants(参 加 者 ) must follow: Crush the tomato before throwing it.
Elephant Round Up Show
Elephants playing soccer? Believe it or not, every November in Surin, Thailand, elephants do play soccer as part of the Elephant Round-Up Show. The “round -up” starts with a parade of over 100 e lephants from newborns to grown-ups, well-trained animals. The elephants then take part in soccer , log-carrying and other games that show off their strength and intelligence for the crowd. The eve nt concludes with a mock battle, showing how elephants were used in war years ago. Makepung People commonly race cars, horse and dogs, but who’s heard of racing bulls? In Bali, Indonesia, h owever, Makepung, or bull racing, is an event held weekly between July and October. Visitors can watch as teams of two bulls get decorated and then race around a 2 km dirt track(跑 道) . Famer “ jockeys ” stand on a wooden cart behind the bulls, controlling them with a rope ar ound their necks. As many as 300 teams take part in the races every year, and championship races are held at the end of the Makepung season. Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling
Every May in Britain, you will find some men and women run, stumble and fall down a steep, 230 -meter-long hill --- and all for a piece of cheese! “Cheese Rolling” has been taking place on Coope r’s Hill for over 200 years. The race begins when a 3.5 kg, wheel-shaped thick piece of Double Gl oucester cheese is rolled down the hill. Up to 20 competitors then run after it. The cheese, which c an reach speeds of over 100 km/h, is rarely caught. But the first competitor to reach the bottom of the hill walks home with the cheese, as well as any injuries gained along the way.
63. Which two festivals do the animals take part in?
64. Why do people in Bunol celebrate the weekl ong festival ?
65. When do people celebrate Elephant Round Up Show in Thailand?
66. Translate the last sentence into Chinese. (E)
One day he is a famous policeman. The next day he is a gangster from Temple street. His songs ar e heard on radios all over Hong Kong. This is Andy Lau Tak Wah, the superstar that everyone sees , hears and loves. He is one of the most famous actors and singers in Hong Kong.
However, there is another side to Andy Lau. There is an important part of his life that only a few p eople know about. Andy Lau helps 15 children from poor countries all over the world. These boys and girls live in 11 different countries. Most of the children have not met him and none of them kn ow that he is one of the biggest stars in Asia.
Andy Lau's interest in children started when he did some work with World Vision. This is a charity that helps poor children to lead better lives. For $200 a month, a sponsor helps with the food and education of one child.
The child does not receive the money in cash. Instead the money pays for the child's school fees, f
ood, medical care and clothing. Each child knows the name of the sponsor who is giving the mone y. The sponsor receives a report each year on the child's progress. They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak Cantonese or English.
When Andy Lau heard about these children, he wanted to help them.
He said the meeting with Nina in Indonesia was very emotional.
By sponsoring these children through a charitable organization, Andy Lau is giving them hope and at the same time caring for them.
67. Andy Lau is a __________.
A. policeman and actor B. gangster and singer C. policeman and gangster D. singer and actor 68. Andy Lau _______________.
A. has 15 children in Hong Kong B. helps many poor children worldwide C. lives with many diff erent children D. has met all the children he helps 69. World Vision is a charity that helps children to ________. A. lead better lives B. become actors and singers C. travel to other countries D. earn more money 70. The children that Andy Lau helps do not ____________. A. go to sch ool B. want to meet him C. know he is famous D. have any food 四 、 单 词 拼 写 (共 10分,每空 1分)
71. Mike is ___________(抱 怨 ) about the bad food when he heard someone calling him. 72. With the new technology, the cost s will be ________(降低 ) by 80% at least.
73. The big fire _______ (毁坏了 )most of the building, causing a great loss.
74. After ________(毕 业 ) , he will go to the western China to work as a volunteer teacher. 75. The soldiers covered a __ _______(距离 ) of 100 km. a night.
76. The boy wants to be an ___________(运动员 ) when he grows up.
77. It was very __________ (慷 慨 的 ) of you to have lent them your new car for their holiday. 78. He has made full preparations for t he exam, so he is __________ (有 信 心 的 ) for success. 79. The government has taken action to s_______(解决 ) the traffic problem. 80. You have made a lot of spelling mistakes in your writing. You have to take it ______ (严 肃 地 ). 五、短文改错(共 15分,每空 1.5分)
As is known by all, the Internet is 81. __________ playing more and more im portant part in our 82. __________ everyday life. On it, we can only read news 83. __________ at home and abroad but also meet so much 84. _____ _____ information as possible. We are often send e-mails or 85. __________ make tele phone call to our families as well as our friends. 86. __________ However, we can go to school on the net, read different kinds 87. __________ of books and even teach myself Eng lish. We can also enjoy 88. __________ music, watching sports and play computer games on the 89. __________ net. We can do shopping even without leaving our home. 90. __________
题号 一 二 三 总分
得分 一、填空题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1、设集合则=( B ) ,,,,M:NM,m,Z|,3,m,2,N,n,Z|,1,n,3,
A( B( C( D( ,,,,,,,,0,1,1,0,10,1,2,1,0,1,22、函数的定义域为( D ) y,1,x,x
A( B( C( D( ,,,,,,,,x|x,1x|x,0x|x,1或x,0x|0,x,1
13、函数的值域是( C) f(x),(x,R)21,x
A( B( C. D( ,,,,,,,,0,10,10,10,1
4、设都是单调函数,有如下四个命题,其中正确的命题是( ) f(x),g(x)
1若单调递增,单调递增,则单调递增; f(x)g(x)f(x),g(x)?
2若单调递增,单调递减,则单调递增; f(x)g(x)f(x),g(x)?
3若单调递减,单调递增,则单调递减; f(x)g(x)f(x),g(x)?
4若单调递减,单调递减,则单调递增; f(x)g(x)f(x),g(x)?
A(13 B(14 C(23 D(24 ????????
5、已知是偶函数,则函数的图像的对称轴是( A ) y,f(x,1)y,f(x)
11 A( B( C( D(x,, x,x,1x,,122
66、已知,那么f(8)等于( D ) f(x),logx2
41A( B(8 C(18 D( 32 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 2x7、函数是指数函数,则有( C ) y,(a,3a,3)a
A( B( C( D( a,1或a,2a,1a,2a,0且,1
云南省红河县第一中学 班级 姓名 准考证号 座位号 2010-2011学年上学期10月月考模拟考试高一年级数学试卷(第1、2章)
xx11,,,,8、为了得到函数的图像,可以把函数的图像( D ) y,3,y,,,,,33,,,,
A(向左平移3个单位长度 B(向右平移3个单位长度
C(向左平移1个单位长度 D(向右平移1个单位长度
1x,,,2e,x29、设,,则的值为( C ) f(x)f[f(2)],2log(x,1),x,2,3
A(0 B(1 C(2 D( 3
222的值为( A ) f(x),f(x),?f(x)122010
A(16 B(8 C(4 D( 2log8a
1,,11、若幂函数的图像过点,那么的值是( C ) 4,f(x)f(8),,2,,
12A( B(64 C( D( 26464
12、下列不等式成立的是( B )
A( B( log2,log5,log3log2,log3,log5322322
C( D( log3,log2,log5log3,log5,log2232223二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,共16分)
,,213、设是方程的两个根,则2,2, , ,,,5x,10x,1,0
,, ( (2),
2214、已知函数是奇函数,则 , . f(x),(m,1)x,(m,1)x,n,2m,n,
11,12215、已知 ; a,,3,则a,a,a
216、方程的解为 . log(x,10),1,logx33
p (1)解不等式2log(x,4),log(x,2) () aa186陕
(2)计算 (log125,log25,log5)(log2,log4,log8)248525125
18、(12分)某租赁公司拥有汽车100辆,当每辆车的月租金为3000元时,可全部租出,当每辆车的月租金增加50元时,为租出的车将会增加一辆。租出的车每辆每月需要维护费150元,未租出的车每辆每月需要维护费50元。 (1)当每辆车的月租金为3600元时,能租出多少辆车,
(1)若; 3f(x,1),2f(1,x),2x,求f(x)
(2)若,求一次函数的解析式. f{f[f(x)]},27x,26f(x)
2mx,2520、(12分)已知函数是奇函数,且. f(x),f(2),3x,n3(1)求实数的值; m和n
(2)判断函数上的单调性,并加以证明。 f(x)在(,,,0)
x421、(12分)设,若,试求: (),fx0,a,1x4,2
(1)的值; f(a),f(1,a)
1231000,,,,,,,,(2)的值。 f,f,f,?,f,,,,,,,,1001100110011001,,,,,,,,
2x222、(14分)已知函数 f(x,1),log(m,0且m,1)m22,x
(1)求的解析式,并判断的奇偶性; f(x)f(x)
1fx(2)解关于的方程; x(),logmx
(3)解关于的不等式f(x),log(3x,1). (P) xm216陕
密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 第4页——共4页