? 互动提示语句 互动单词 参考音标 参考例句
see a movie//to see a film 1 see 用眼睛“看见” [si:]
watch a film// watch TV 2 watch 用眼睛“观看” [ w?:t?]
What did you say? 3 say 用嘴巴“说” [sei]
Her child is learning to talk.// 4 talk [t?:k] They sat down and began to 用嘴巴“(会)说话”“谈论”
read books 5 read 用嘴巴“阅读” [ri:d]
sing a song 6 sing 用嘴巴“唱歌” [si?]
He is blowing the candles. 7 用嘴巴“吹” blow [bl?u]
to eat a dinner(或 meal)// to 8 用嘴巴“吃” eat [i:t] eat the milk//to eat one's
tea(或soup)// Tigers eat meat.
drink water//drink tea//drink 9 用嘴巴“喝” drink [dri?k] coffee//Drink milk listen to music 10 用耳朵“听” listen ['lis?n]
Don't think about it any more. 11 用脑袋“想(思考)” think [θi?k]
sweet smell//bad smell 12 用鼻子“闻” smell [smel]
The cat bit me. 13 用牙齿“咬” bite [bait]
brush one's teeth 14 牙齿“刷刷” brush [br??]
Please taste this to see if you 15 用舌头“品尝” taste [teist] like it.
The boy is licking the ice 16 用舌头“舔” lick [lik] cream.
Don’t touch the report on my 17 用手“触摸” touch [t?t?] desk.
clap your hands everybody 18 双手“拍拍” clap [kl?p]
He pointed to the house on 19 小手“指指” point [p?int] the corner and said, “That’s
where I live. ”
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? 互动提示语句 互动单词 参考音标 参考例句 Go and wash your hands in 20 小手“洗洗” wash [w?:?] the bathroom
If you grasp this 21 用手“抓” grasp [ɡrɑ:sp] rope, I will pull you up to scratch the leg//scratch 22 用手“搔抓”“挠” scratch [skr?t?] one's head;
He pushed me,and I fell into 23 用手“推” push [pu?] the water.
Sam and John are pulling the 24 用手“拉” pull [pul] rope.
to write on the blackboard 25 用手“写” write [rait]
draw a picture 26 用手“画” draw [dr?:]
The drummer is beating the 27 用手“敲打” 【连续】 beat [bi:t] drum.
She hit him a hard blow.// The 28 用手“打击” hit [hit] boy is trying to hit the ball. The girl is digging the garden.// 29 用手(工具)“挖掘” dig [diɡ] I dug with a spade. Don’t pluck the flowers.// Did 30 用手“摘”“撕”“拔” pluck [pl?k] you pluck your eyebrows? You can hold cup in your hand. 31 小手“拿住” hold [h?uld]
Bring me a glass of 32 用手“拿来” bring [bri?] water.
He embraced his daughter 33 双臂“拥抱” embrace [im'breis] tenderly.
The rest of the 34 用肩膀“扛” shoulder ['??uld?] group shouldered their bags,
gritted their teeth and set
She is lying in bed with a 35 用后背“躺” lie [lai] severe cold.
to sit in the sofa//Please sit 36 用屁股“坐” sit [sit] down.
to squat on a bench//They 37 弯腿“蹲下”“蹲坐” squat [skw?t] vi. squatted on the grass.
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? 互动提示语句 互动单词 参考音标 参考例句
We ran to help him.// The train 38 抬腿“跑” run [r?n] vi. ran past the signal.
to kneel down to pray//to kneel 39 kneel 曲膝“跪下” [ni:l] vi. in prayer
He kicked the door hard//The 40 用脚“踢” kick [kik] vt. vi. little girl was crying and
kicking. n.
Don't stand. Take a seat, stand 41 双脚“站” [st?nd] please.// My baby is too young
to stand. vi. n.
Stamp your foot.// 42 stamp 用脚“跺” [st?mp] Hands up, hands down, stamp stamp stamp. vt. vi. n.
We learn to crawl before we 43 在地上“爬行” Crawl [kr?:l] learn to walk.// The train crawled over the damaged vi. n.
The plane climbed to 30 000 44 用手脚“攀爬” climb [klaim] vt. feet.// They climbed out through the window.// climb vi. n.
Do you like swimming in the 45 用手脚“游泳” swim [swim]vt. sea?// We swam in the lake.//
Let's go for a swim vi. n.
The dog is rolling on the 46 在地面上“滚” roll [r?ul] vt. lawn.// Lucy's tears rolled down her face. vi. n.
to skate the floor// to skate 47 在广场上“滑冰” skate [skeit] vt. about on the lake// to skate on the water vi. n.
The boys and girls danced to 48 在广场上“跳舞” dance [dɑ:ns] the disco music.// Will you dance with me? vt. vi. n.
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? 互动提示语句 互动单词 参考音标 参考例句
How high can you jump?// He 49 在蹦床上“跳跳” jump [d??mp] jumped with joy when he
heard the good news. vt. vi. n.
Let's walk downtown.// I took 50 walk 在公园“散步” [w?:k] vt. the dog for a walk// I went for
a walk... vi. n.
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beg 乞求,乞讨,恳求 过去式 begged 过去分词 begged 现在分词 begging begin 开始 过去式 began 过去分词 begun 现在分词 beginning believe 相信 过去式 believed过去分词 believed现在分词 believing belong 属于 过去式 belonged过去分词 belonged 现在分词 belonging bend (使)弯曲,曲身 过去式 bended过去分词 bended 现在分词 bending bet 打赌 过去式 betted过去分词 betted现在分词 betting
bloom 开花 过去式 bloomed 过去分词 bloomed 现在分词 blooming blow 吹 过去式 blew过去分词 blown现在分词 blowing
boil 沸腾 过去式 boiled过去分词 boiled现在分词 boiling
borrow 借, 借来, 借入 过去式 borrowed过去分词 borrowed现在分词 borrowing break 打破,打碎 过去式 broke过去分词 broken现在分词 breaking breathe 呼吸 过去式 breathed过去分词 breathed现在分词 breathing bring 带来,拿来 过去式 brought过去分词 brought现在分词 bringing brush 刷 过去式 brushed 过去分词 brushed现在分词 brushing build 建造,建筑 过去式 built过去分词 built现在分词 building
bump 碰,撞 过去式 bumped 过去分词 bumped现在分词 bumping burn 燃烧 过去式 burned过去分词 burned t现在分词 burning buy 买 过去式 bought过去分词 bought现在分词 buying
bow 弯腰,鞠躬 过去式 bowed 过去分词 bowed现在分词 bowing
be 是 过去式 been 过去分词 been 现在分词 being
beat 打,击 过去式 beat过去分词 beaten 或 beat 现在分词 beating become 变成 过去式 became过去分词 become现在分词 becoming
beat 击败 过去式 beaten 过去分词 beaten 现在分词 beating
bite 咬;刺痛 过去式 bit过去分词 bitten现在分词 biting
born 忍受;承受;具有;支撑 过去式 born 过去分词 born现在分词 borning
burn 燃烧; 烧毁, 灼伤; 激起…的愤怒, 发热, 烙印 过去式 burned过去分词 burned现在分词 burning
begin 开始;首先 过去分词 begin
break 打破;折断;弄坏;削弱 过去式 broke过去分词 broken
call 叫喊,打电话给… 过去式 called 过去分词 called现在分词 calling can 能,能够 过去式 could 过去分词 could
complain 抱怨,发牢骚 过去式 complained 过去分词 complaint现在分
词 complaining
connect 连接 过去式 connected 过去分词 connected现在分
词 connecting
cook 烹饪 过去式 cooked 过去分词 cooked 现在分词 cooking cough 咳嗽
count 计算,数
carry (用手,肩等)挑,抱,背,提,扛,搬 过去式 carried过去分词 carried现在分 词 carrying
catch 抓住,赶上,感染;了解,捕捉 过去式 caught过去分词 caught现在分 词 catching
celebrate 庆祝 过去式 celebrated 过去分词 celebrated 现在分
词 celebrateing
change 改变 过去式 changed过去分词 changed现在词 changing chat 聊天 过去式 chatted过去分词 chatted现在分词 chatting cheat 欺骗,作弊 过去式 cheated 过去分词 cheated现在分词 cheating check 检查,核对 过去式 checked 过去分词 checked现在分词 checking chew 嚼,咀嚼 过去式 chewed 过去分词 chewed现在分词 chewing choose 选择 过去式 chose过去分词 chosen现在分词 choosing clap 为…鼓掌,喝彩 过去式 claped过去分词 claped现在词 clapping
clean 使清洁,擦干净 过去式 cleaned过去分词 cleaned 现在词 cleaning click 单击,点按(鼠标) 过去式 clicked 过去分词 clicked 现在词 clicking
close 关闭 过去式 closed过去分词 closed现在分词 closing collect 收集 过去式 collected 过去分词 collected 现在分词 collecting come 来,到来 过去式 came过去分词 come现在分词 coming
climb 爬 过去式 climbed过去分词 climbed现在分词 climbing cost 值…钱;花费 过去式 costed过去分词 costed现在分词 costing
cut 切、割
choose 选择,决定 过去式 chose过去分词 chosen现在分词 choosing
swing 摆,挥 过去式 swung过去分词 swung现在分词 swinging
shake 震动 过去式 shook 过去分词 shaken现在分词 shaking
slip 滑落 过去式 slipped过去分词 slipped现在分词 slipping
stand 站 过去式 stood过去分词 stood现在分词 standing
stride 跨 过去式 strode过去分词 stridden现在分词 striding
shut 关、闭(门窗) 过去式 shut过去分词 shut现在分词 shutting
set 设置 过去式 set过去分词 set 现在分词 seting
shoot 射击 过去式 shot过去分词 shot现在分词 shooting
sit 坐下 过去式 sat过去分词 sat现在分词 sitting
stick 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴 过去式 stuck过去分词 stuck现在分词 sticking
sell 销售;推销;出卖;欺骗 过去式 sold过去分词 sold现在分词 selling
smell 嗅,闻;有…气味 过去式 smelled过去分词 smelled现在分词 smelling spell 拼写 过去式 spelled过去分词 spelled现在分词 spelling see 看见;理解;领会 过去式 saw过去分词 seen现在分词 seeing
seek 寻求;寻找;探索;搜索 过去式 sought过去分词 sought现在分词 seeking swim 游泳 过去式 swam过去分词 swum现在分词 swimming
send 发送,寄;派遣;使进入;发射 过去式 sent过去分词 sent现在分词 sending spend 度过, 消磨, 花钱; 用尽, 耗尽 过去式 spent过去分词 spent现在分词 spending sleep 睡,睡觉 过去式 slept过去分词 slept现在分词 sleeping
show 显示;说明;演出;展出,出示;给…看 过去式 showed过去分词 showed现在 分词 showing
oversleep 睡过头 过去式 overslept过去分词 overslept现在分词 oversleeping sweep 扫除;猛拉;掸去,席卷;扫视;袭击 过去式 swept过去分词 swept现在分 词 sweeping
say 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明 过去式 saidt过去分词 said现在分词 saying sing 唱歌;歌颂;鸣叫;呼号 过去式 sang过去分词 sung现在分词 singing sink 下沉;消沉;渗透,挖掘 过去式 sank过去分词 sunk现在分词 sinking
speak 说话;演讲;表明;陈述 过去式 spoke过去分词 spoken现在分词 speaking
steal 剽窃;偷偷地做;偷窃 过去式 stole过去分词 stolen
appear 出现,似乎 过去式 appeared过去分词 appeared现在分词 appearing arrive 到达 过去式 arrived 过去分词 arrived现在分词 arriveing ask 问,要求,请求 过去式 asked 过去分词 asked 现在分词 asking
attend 参加 过去式 attended 过去分词 attended 现在分词 attending lie 躺 过去式 lay过去分词 lain现在分词 lying
look 看 过去式 looked 过去分词 looked 现在分词 looking lend
run 跑步 过去式 ran 过去分词 run现在分词 runing
rush 冲,奔,闯 过去式 rushed过去分词 rushed现在分词 rushing ride 骑 过去式为 rode, 过去分词为 ridden 现在分词 rideing read 朗读;阅读 过去式 read过去分词 read现在分词 reading
write 作曲,写 过去式 wrote过去分词 written现在分词 writing walk 走 过去式 walked过去分词 walked 现在分词 walking
watch 看 过去式 watched过去分词 watched现在分词 watching wave 挥手,摇动 过去式 waved过去分词 waved现在分词 waving
win 获胜;赢得 过去式 won过去分词 won现在分词 winning
wear 穿,戴 过去式 worn过去分词 worn现在分词 wearing
wake 醒来;唤醒;警觉 过去式 woke过去分词 woken现在分词 waking will 将;会 过去式 would
dance 跳舞 过去式 danced过去分词 danced现在分词 dancing drink 喝 过去式 drank过去分词 drunk现在分词 drinking
drive 开车 过去式 drove过去分词 driven现在分词 driving
dig 挖掘 过去式 dug过去分词 dug现在分词 digging
do 做;干 过去式 done 过去分词 done现在分词 doing
draw 画;拉;吸引,拉;拖 过去式 drew过去分词 drawn现在分词 drawing play 玩 过去式 played 过去分词 played 现在分词 playing
pinch 掐 过去式 pinched过去分词 pinched现在分词 pinching
put 放置 过去式 put过去分词 put现在分词 putting
pay 支付,偿还,补偿;给予 过去式 paid过去分词 paid现在分词 paying
let 让 过去式 let过去分词 let现在分词 letting
light 点燃 过去式 lighte过去分词 lighted现在分词 lighting
lay 躺下;产卵;放置;涂,敷 过去式 lai 过去分词 laid现在分词 laying
lie 躺;说谎;位于;展现 过去式 lay过去分词 lain现在分词 lying
lend 贷;增添,提供;把……借给 过去式 lent过去分词 lent现在分词 lending leave 离开,出发;留下,遗忘;委托 过去式 left过去分词 left现在分词 leaving learn 学习;得知;认识到,获悉 过去式 learned过去分词 learned现在分词 learning lead 领导,致使;引导;指挥 过去式 led过去分词 led 现在分词 leading
lose 浪费; 使沉溺于; 使迷路; 遗失; 错过, 丢失 过去式 lost过去分词 lost现在分词 losing hurl 用力投掷
hit 撞击 打击 袭击 过去式 hit过去分词 hit现在分词 hitting
hurt 受伤;疼痛 过去式 hurt过去分词 hurt现在分词 hurting
hang 悬挂,垂下;装饰;绞死 过去式 hung过去分词 hung现在分词 hanging hold 约束,控制,拿着;握住 过去式 held 过去分词 held 现在分词 holding
hide 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打 过去式 hid过去分词 hidden现在分词 hiding hear 听到,听;听说;审理 过去式 heard过去分词 heard现在分词 hearing have. 有;让;拿;从事;允许,吃 过去式 had过去分词 had现在分词 having move 移动 过去式 moved过去分词 moved现在分词 moveing
meet 遇见 过去式 met过去分词 met现在分词 meeting
mistake 错误; 误会; 过失, 错拿 过去式 mistook过去分词 mistaken现在分词 mistaking mislead 误导;带错 过去式 misled过去分词 misled现在分词 misleading make 制造;构造,布置 过去式 made过去分词 made现在分词 making
feed 喂养;喂食 过去式 fed过去分词 fed现在分词 feeding
flee 逃跑 , 逃避 , 消失 过去式 fled过去分词 fled现在分词 fleeing
find 找到;发现 过去式 found过去分词 found 现在分词 find ing
forgive 原谅;免除 过去式 forgave过去分词 forgiven现在分词 forgiving
forbid 禁止;不许 过去式 forbade过去分词 forbidden现在分词 forbidding fight 打架;与…打仗,与…斗争;反对…提案 过去式 fough过去分词 fough现在分词 fighting
feel 感觉;认为;触摸;试探,觉得;摸索 过去式 felt过去分词 felt现在分词 feeling fly 飞;驾驶飞机;飘扬 过去式 flew过去分词 flown现在分词 flying
freeze 冻结;冷冻;僵硬 过去式 froze过去分词 frozen现在分词 freezing
forget 忘记;忽略 过去分词 forgotten
get 获得;得到 过去式 got 过去分词 got 现在分词 goting
give 给 举办;授予 过去式 gave过去分词 given现在分词 giving
go 去;进行;尝试,走;达到 过去式 went 过去分词 gone 现在分词 going
grow 发展;生长;渐渐变得 ,扩展 过去式 grew过去分词 grown现在分词 growing eat 吃 过去式 ate过去分词 eaten现在分词 eating
take 拿 , 取 , 采取 , 接受 , 买,乘坐 过去式 took过去分词 taken 现在分词 takening tell 告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定 过去式 told过去分词 told现在分词 telling
tear 撕掉 , 扯下 , 扰乱,流泪 , 撕破 过去式 tore 过去分词 torn现在分词 tearing think 想; 认为; 想起; 想像; 打算 过去式 thought过去分词 thought现在分词 thinking teach 教;教授;教导 过去式 taught过去分词 taught现在分词 teaching、 throw 投;抛;掷,冒险 过去式 threw过去分词 thrown现在分词 throwing keep 保持;经营;遵守;饲养 过去式 kept过去分词 kept现在分词 keeping know 知道;认识;懂得,了解;熟悉;确信 过去式 knew过去分词 known现在分 词 knowing
ring 铃(响);打电话,钟声 过去式 rang过去分词 rung现在分词 ringing
is 是
Stand up:起立
Sit down:坐下
Raise up your hand: 举起手来
Turn to left:向左转
Turn to right:向右转
Close your eyes:闭上眼睛
Close your mouth:闭上嘴巴
Open your eyes:睁开眼睛
Open your mouth:张嘴
I scream , you scream , we all scream for ice-cream. 我尖叫,你尖叫,我们都为冰淇淋尖叫!
See you later , my little brother. 再见了 ~我的小兄弟 ~
You can sit and think你可以坐下想
And fish and sit坐着钓鱼
And fish and think边钓鱼边想
And sit and fish坐着钓鱼
And think and wish想着,希望着
That you could get a cool drink.希望有一杯冷饮。
Follow me(跟我读 ): up上 , down 下 , left 左 , right 右
sit 坐 , stand 站 , crouch 蹲 , raise up举起来 , run 跑
smile 笑 , cry 哭 , laugh 笑 , silience 安静
feet 脚, arm 手臂, face 脸
swimming 游泳 fly kites 放风筝 read a book 看书jumping 跳
answer the phone 接电话
do homework 写作业 walking 走 running 跑
swimming 游泳 fly kites 放风筝 read a book 看书jumping 跳
answer the phone 接电话
do homework 写作业 walking 走 running 跑
do morning exercises晨练 eat breakfast 吃早饭 have English class 上英语课 play sports 进行体育活动 climb mountains爬山 go shopping 购物 play the piano 弹钢琴 visit grandparents 看望外祖父母 season 季节 January 一月 February二月
March 三月 April 四月 May 五月
June六月 July 七月 August 八月 September九月 Octomber 十月
November 十一月 December 十二月
draw picture画画 cook dinner 做饭 listen to music听音乐 clean the room 打扫房间 write a letter写信 write an e--mail写电子邮件
减肥药哪种好:www.hogoo8.com Unit 9 Public Signs
Period two AIMS: 1. WORDS: home, write, newspaper, do, Internet, eat, homework, look
for, shout.
2. STRUCTURES: Excuse me. Can I…,
Yes,you can. / No,you cannot. LANGUAGE FOCUS: Excuse me. Can I…,
Yes,you can. No,you cannot AIDS: PPT
1. sing a song Public signs
2. Play a game and (1) Simon says
review Show the orders:
if I give you an order that such as : I. Warming-up
Simon says: sit ,then you sit,
and if no Simon says,
only sit, then you can’t do that.
(2) 根据动作猜单词
(3) 说说自己用这些词组造的句子
(1) Show the object to teach new
word, football.
Then teach a phrase, play football.
(2) Show a picture with the sign of
“Don’t play football here.” and ask,
What’s this? Help them to say, It’s a
Write the new word: sign, on the Bb.
Then ask, “What does it mean?” and Teach new words. continue to ask,
“Can we play football here?”
I.Pre-task Write the new word “can” on the Bb
preparation at the same time. Then help them to
answer, “No, we can’t play football
Present “can’t” and explain that
“can’t” is the negative form of “can”.
(3) Ask and answer like the following,
A. T: Can you bring your Walkman
this afternoon?
S1: Yes.
T: Great!
Give some similar words:
bring brown brush bright
B. T: Can you play football in the
Ss: No, we can’t.
1.在黑板上做出写的 T: Can I write here,
动作 2. While-task S:Yes,you can.
procedure T:Can I write here,
2. 在墙上做出写的 S:No,you cannot.(教学生词write) 动作 T:Can I eat here,
S:No,you cannot.(教学生词eat) 3. 拿出零食 T: Can you read newspaper in class,
S:No,we cannot.(教学生词
4. 拿出报纸
2 教师拿出准备好的shout,do homework,take the 标志教学 newspapers home,look for things on
the Internet,write in the books
3. Look and say T:What is this,
(1) 出示一张图书馆S:It is a library
的图 T:What can you do in the library?
S:I can …
T:Can you run in the library,
S:No,we cannot.
(2) Listen to the Questions:
recording, answer T: 1: What can he do?
two questions 2: Can he shout?
Write the new word: shout
Give some words:
mouth loudly cloud
take(there)and bring( here) (3) comparison
Do some exercises 1.Going to the supermarket 3.Post-task
2.Compiete the blanks Activities
3.check answers
1.Copy and translate the new phrases.
2.Write a dialogue between you and your parents about
4. Assignment what you can and cannot do at school
Board Writing:
Unit 9 signs
Excuse me, can you …?
Yes , I can./ No, I can’t
bring brown brush bright
shout mouth Loudly Cloud
Teacher’s Reflection: