1. 用三角板和直尺按下列要求画图。
在下图中,过点C 画线段CE//DA,与AB 相交于点E ;过点C 画线段CF//DB,与AB 的延长线相交于点F 。
2. 如图,P 是∠AOB 内的一点。
(1)过点P 画直线PC//OA,与OB 相交于点C ; (2)过点P 画直线PD//OB,与OA 相交于点D ,则四边形PCOD 的形状名称是_______
(3)分别量出∠AOB 、∠PCO 、∠PDO 、∠CPD 的度数,你发现∠AOB 与∠PCO 、∠PDO 、∠CPD 的关系是:________________________________________________________
3. 如图,已知∠1和点P ,请你画出∠P ,使得∠P 的两边分别与∠1的两边平行。
(1)测量∠1和∠P 的度数,则∠1和∠P 的数量关系是___________________________。 (2)猜想:若一个角的两边分别平行于另一个角的两边,则这两个角________________。 (3)若∠1=35°,则∠P 的度数是__________________。
4. 在直线AB 上任取一点O ,过点O 作射线OC ,OD ,使OC ⊥OD ,当∠COA =30°时,
∠BOD 的度数是 ( ) A 、60 B 、120 C 、60或90 D 、60或120
5. 如图,已知直线AB 、CD ,点M 在直线AB 上。
(1)过点M 画直线AB 的垂线,交CD 于点E ; (2)过点M 画直线CD 的垂线,垂足为F 。
°14'6" ,则∠1与∠2的大小关系是 ( )
A 、∠1=∠2 B 、∠1<∠2 c="" 、∠1="">∠2 D 、无法确定
7. 下列现象中:①木匠师傅锯木料时,一般先在木板上画出两个点确定锯痕;②有人和你
8. 活动与思考(三角板作图):
(1)在图(1)中以点P 为顶点画∠2,使∠2的两边分别和∠1的两边垂直。
(2)量一量图(1)中∠1和∠2的度数,它们之间的数量关系是_________________; (3)在图(2)、图(3)中继续探究,仍以点P 为顶点画∠2,使∠2的两边分别和∠1的两边垂直,并测量∠1和∠2的度数,探索它们的数量关系;
10. 如图,直线AB 、CD 相交于点O ,OE ⊥CD ,OF ⊥AB ,∠DOF =65°,求∠BOE 、
∠AOC 的度数。
11. 如右图,能用图中字母表示的 射线有________条。
12. 小明站在旗杆的北偏东30°的方向上,那么旗杆位于小明的_______________的方向上。
13. 如图,直线AB 与CD 相交于点O ,OE ⊥AB ,OF ⊥CD 。
(1)图中与∠EOF 相等的角是∠AOC ,∠BOD 。(找出所有符合条件的角),并选择其中一个角,说明理由;
解:我选择∠EOF =∠_________,理由如下:
( )
14. 下列图形中,∠1与∠2是同位角的是
15. 如下左图,∠3
2 E 16. 如上右图,∵∠4+∠D =180°(已知),∠4+∠1=180°(补角定义)
∴∠____=∠____( ) ∴_______//_______( )
17. 如图,BE 平分∠ABC ,∠1=25°,∠2=50°。ED 与BC 有怎样的位置关系?为什
A 2
18. 如图,∠BGE =∠DHE ,∠1=∠2,试判断图中哪些直线平行,并说明理由。
(1)用直尺和圆规画图:如图,以B 为顶点,射线BC
为一边,画∠EBC ,使∠EBC =∠DAC ;
(2)在(1)所画的图中,BE 不一定平行AD (填“一
20. 平面上有任意三点,过其中两点能画直线条数 (C )
A 、1 B 、3 C 、1或3 D 、无数条
21. 如图,∠1=25°,∠B =65°,AB ⊥AD ,垂足为A 。
根据题中的条件,能判断AB 与CD 平行吗?如果能,请说明理由;如果不能,还应添加什么条件?写出你添加的条件,并利用此条件,说明AB 与CD 平行。
22. 如图,AE//BD,EB//DC,ED//AC,则与∠A
相等的角有______个,与∠EBD 相等的角有______个,与∠A 互补的角有_______个。
23. 如下图,E 是直线AB 、CD 内部一点,AB//CD,连接EA 、ED 。
猜想图中∠AED 、∠EAB 、∠EDC 的关系并证明你的结论。
24. 如图,FE 与矩形ABCD 的边AB 交于点E ,与边CD 交于点F ,①、②分别是被FE
隔开的2个区域,P 是位于以上2个区域上点,猜想:∠PEB 、∠PFC 、∠EPF 的关系(不要求证明)
25. 将图中的四边形ABCD 水平向左平移3cm ,画出平移所得四边形A'B'C'D' 。
26. 如下图,C 、D 是线段AB 上的两点,若CB =4cm ,DB =7cm ,且D 是AC 的中点,
则AC 的长为 ( B ) A 、3cm B 、6cm C 、11cm D 、14cm
27. 如下图,若添上一个正方形,使之能折叠成一个正方体,且使相对面上的两个数字之和
相等,则添上的正方形的数字应为 3 。
28. 解方程。
– = 1 23
= +1 23
29. 边长为整数,周长为20的三角形个数是_______个。
30. 如图,AD 是△ABC 的角平分线,DE//CA,并且交AB 于点E ,DF//BA,并AC 于点F 。
31. 如图,直线l 1//l2,∠CAB =125°,∠ABD =85°,则∠1+∠2=______°
l 1
32. 某凸n 边形中有且仅有两个内角为钝角,则n 的最大值为_______。
33. 我们知道,任何一个三角形的三条内角平分线相交于一点,如图,若△ABC 的三条内
角平分线相交于点I ,过I 作DE ⊥AI 分别交AB 、AC 于点D 、E 。
l 2
34. (1)0是偶数; (2)两个锐角的和是钝角; (3)画两个相等的角; (4)同旁内角互补; (5)两条直线相交,只有一个交点; (6)所有的质数都是奇数吗?
35. 在直线l 上顺次
取A ,B ,C 三点,使得AB =5cm ,BC =3cm ,如果O 是线段AC 的中..
点,那么线段OB 的长度是_______cm。
36. 已知整数a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4, ?,满足下列条件:
a 1
=0,a2=-|a1+1|,a3=-|a2+2|,a4=-|a3+3|,?,依此类推,则a 2015=______。
37. 如图,过正方形ABCD 的边AB 、CD 的中点E 、F 画一条数轴,点E 、F 、G 分别表示
-8、-4、16。动点P 在数轴上从点G 出发,向负方向以每秒2个单位长度的速度运
动;动点Q 在正方形ABCD 的边上从点D 出发,沿D →A →B →C →D →A →B →C ?的路径运动:
(1)若动点Q 在正方形ABCD 上运动第一周过程中,就能与动点P 相遇,则动点Q 的速度是_____________。
(2)若动点Q 在正方形ABCD 上运动第n 周过程中,才能与动点P 相遇,则动点Q 16n-2
的速度是()。(用n 的代数式表示即可)
38. 相反数等于本身的数是
39. 在括号内填上适当的数。 +(- 424
40. 已知|a+2|+(b-3)2=0,则a+b-a3b 的值是_____。
41. 蚂蚁从点O 出发,在一条直线上来回爬行。如果规定向右爬行的路程记为正数,向左
爬行的路程记为负数,则蚂蚁爬过的各段路程依次为(单位:cm ): +3, -4, +12, -10, -8, -9, +15 (1)蚂蚁最后是否回到了出发点O ? (2)蚂蚁距离出发点O 最远是多远?
(3)在爬行过程中,如果每爬行1cm 奖励一粒芝麻,那么蚂蚁一共得到多少粒芝麻?
42. 为了解决老百姓看病难的问题,卫生部门决定大幅度降低药品价格,某种常用药品降价
30%后的价格为m 元,则降价前此药品的价格为( )
A 、30%m元
B 、70%m元
C m 元
D 、m 元
43. 观察下列各式:22-231=1+1,32-232=4+1,42-233=9+1,52-234=16+1,??那
么第n 个等式是______________________。
44. 一组数:2,1,3,x ,7,y ,23,??,满足“从第三个数起,前两个数依次为a 、b ,
紧随其后的数就是2a-b ”,例如这组数中的第三个数“3”是由“232-1”得到的,那么这组数中y 表示数为________。
45. 将自然数按以下规律排列:
46. 根据如图中箭头的指向规律,从2013到
( )
0 A 、3
7 B 、
C 、
D 、
47. 将边长为1的正方形纸片按下图1所示方法进行对折,记第1次对折后得到的图形面积
为S 1,第2次对折后得到的图形面积为S 2,??,第n 次对折后得到的图形面积为S n ,根据图2,S 1+S2+S3+?+S2014=________________。
48. 观察下列等式:
13=12,13+23=32,13+23+33=62,13+23+33+43=102,?? 猜想13+23+33+?+103=______。
49. 右图是我国古代数学家杨辉最早发现的,称为“杨辉三角形”。它的发现比西方要早五百
年左右,由此可见我国古代数学的成就是非常值得中华民族自豪的!“杨辉三角形”中有许多规律,如它的每一行的数字正好对应了(a+b)n ( n为非负整数)的展开式中 a按次数从大到小排列的项的系数. 例如 (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2展开式中的系数1、2、1恰好对应图中第三行的数字;再如, (a+b)3=a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3展开式中的系数1、3、3、1恰好对应图中第四行的数字. 请认真观察此图,写出(a+b)4 的展开式。
50. 当k=______时,多项式x 2-3kxy-3y 2xy 中不含xy 项。
51. 有理数a,b,c 在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简|a|+|b|-|a+b|-|c-b|。
52. 一个三角形的第一条边长为(x+2)cm,第二条边长比第一条边长小5cm ,第三条边长是
(1)用含x 的代数式表示这个三角形的周长为____________cm; (2)计算x 为6cm 时这个三角形的周长为__________cm。
53. 先化简再求值。
(1) 5(3a2b-ab 2)-4(-ab2+3a2b) ,其中a= b=-
(2) abc-[2ab-(3abc-bc)+4abc],其中,c=-1
54. 已知|a-4|+(b+1)2=0,求代数式5ab 2-[2a2b-(4ab2-2a 2b)]+(-2a)2b 的值。
55. 观察下面的一列单项式:-x, 3x2, -5x3, 7x4, -9x5, ?根据你发现的规律,第2015个单项式
56. 先化简,再求值。5x 2-(3y2+7xy)+(2y2-5x 2) ,其中x=1,y=-2
57. 有这样一道计算题:
“计算3x 2y+[2x2y-(5x2y 2-y 2)]-5(x2y+y2-x 2y 2) 的值,其中x=,y=-1”王聪同学把“x= ”
58. 学校为老师集体订购某种品牌西装和领带,西装每套价格800元,领带每条价格120元。
厂家向学校提供两种优惠方案:①西装和领带都按定价的90%付款;②价格不变,但买一套西装送一条领带。现学校需要订购x 套西装(x ≥1),每套西装配2条领带,另外再多订5条领带备用。
(1)若学校按方案①订购,需付款_________________元(用含x 的代数式表示);
若学校按方案②订购,需付款_________________元(用含x 的代数式表示); (2)若学校按200名老师预算,通过计算说明应选择哪种订购方案?
60. 若3.5x=14,则______=4,这是在等式的两边都_______________。
61. 检验下列各数是不是方程6x+1=4x-3的解。
(1)x=-1 (2)x=-2
62. 已知5是关于x 的方程3mx+4n=0=______
63. 如图是一台球桌面示意图,图中小正方形的边长均相等,黑球放在如图所示的位置,经
白球撞击后沿箭头方向运动,经桌边反弹最后进入球洞的序号是( ) A .① B .② C .⑤ D .⑥
64. 某商店出售的三种品牌的面粉袋上,分别标有质量为(25±0.1)kg 、(25±0.2)kg 、(25±
0.3)kg 的字样,从中任意拿出两袋,它们的质量最多相差_______kg。
65. 把下列各数填入表示它所在的集合的大括号中:
,-1 π 34
66. _____________________________________叫做无理数。
67. 在数轴上画出表示下列各数的点,并用“<>
-30, 50, -10, 25
68. 在数轴上到原点的距离小于4的所有点中表示整数的有______个。
69. 数轴上表示整数的点称为整点。某数轴的单位长度是1厘米,若在这条数轴上任意画出
一条长为2015厘米的线段AB ,则线段AB 盖住的整点的个数是_________个。
70. 已知数轴上A ,B 两点对应的数分别为-1和3,点P 为数轴上一动点,其对应数为x 。
(1)若点P 到点A 、点B 的距离相等,那么点P 对应的数是_________;
(2)数轴上是否存在点P ,使点P 到点A 、点B 的距离之和为5?若存在,直接写出x 的值,若不存在,请说明理由。
71. 如果一个数列从第2个数起,每一个数与前一个数的比等于同一个常数,那么这个数列
72. 有一列数,-??那么第13个数是_______。
73. 观察表一,寻找规律.表二、表三、表四分别是从表一中截取的一部分,其中a,b,c 的
74. 甲、乙、丙三位同学进行报数游戏,游戏规则为:甲报1,乙报2,丙报3,甲再报4,
75. 已知|a|=5,|b|=3,且|a-b|=b-a,求a,b 的值。
76. 计算:
1545(-3)+(++(-3) 2656
7111-1+(+2)+(-4 8248
77. 结合数轴,当x 满足范围___________________时,|x+1|+|x+4|>3。
78. 小虫从某点O 出发,在一直线上来回爬行,假定向右爬行记为正数,向左爬行记为负
79. 计算:
1234(-) 3(-) 3) 2345
80. 一个有理数和它的相反数的积
A 、必为正 B 、必为负
( ) C 、不为正
D 、不为负
81. 两个数之和是-13,其中一个数是7________
82. 如果三个有理数相乘,积为负数,那么负因数的个数为_______。
83. 被除数是-3,除数比被除数为1,则商为________。
84. 地球绕太阳转动每小时的行程约为1.13105km ,声音在空气中每小时约传播1.23
103km ,地球转动的速度与声音传播的速度哪个快?_________________________
85. 生物学指出:生态系统中,每输入一个营养级的能量,大约只有10%的能量能够流动
到下一个营养级,在H 1→H 2→H 3→H 4→H 5→H 6这条生物链中(H n 表示第n 个营养级,n=1,2,?,6),要使H 6获得10千焦的能量,那么需要H 1提供的能量约为( )千焦。
86. 我国是一个严重缺水的国家,我们平时应加倍珍惜水资源,节约用水。据测试,一只拧
87. 计算机存储容量的基本单位是字节,用B 表示,计算中一般用KB (千字节)或MB (兆
字节)或GB (吉字节)作为存储容量的计算单位,它们之间的关系为1KB=2B ,1MB=2KB ,
1GB=2MB .学校机房服务器的硬盘存储容量为160GB ,它相当于多少KB ?(结果用科学记数法表示)
88. 玩“24点”游戏,规则如下:任取4个整数,将这四个数(每个数只用一次)进行“+、
现有四个整数:3,4,-6,10,应用上述规则,写出3种不同的算式: (1)_________________________________________________________ (2)_________________________________________________________ (3)_________________________________________________________
89. 计算:
÷(-+-+) ÷(结果就保留带分数吧) 369126912636
90. 如图:在数轴上有a 、b 两个有理数,则下列结论中,不正确的是( )
A .a+b<>
B .a-b<>
C .ab<>
a 3
D .(- >0
91. 若|m|=3,|n|=2,则|m+n|等于
A 、5或-1 B 、-5或1
( ) C 、-5或-1
D 、5或1
92. 若=-1,|x-3|化简为____________。
93. 计算:
(-÷) 2+(-2)23(-14) 4696
(-2)-1]÷9÷-|2+(-) 35| 2522( 0. 75)
94. 已知两数a,b ,如果a 比b 大,判断|a|与|b|的大小。
95. 如图,若m 和n 表示的点C 和点D 经折叠后重合,(m>n>0),现数轴上PQ 两点距离
为a (P 在Q 的左侧),且PQ 两点经折叠后重合,求PQ 两点所表示的数是多少?(用含m ,n ,a 的代数式表示)
96. 借助数轴解决动态规律问题:
1)电子电子跳蚤落在数轴上的某点K 0, 第一步从K 0向左跳一个单位到K 1,第二步由K 1
向右跳2个单位到K 2, 第三步从K 2向左跳3个单位到K 3, 第四步从 K3向右跳4个单位到K 4,??按以上规律跳了100步, 电子跳蚤在数轴上的点K 100所表示的数恰是19.94, 求电子跳蚤的初始位置K 0点表示的数。
2)已知数轴上有A ,B ,C 三点,分别表示数-24,-10,10,两只电子蚂蚁甲、乙分别从A ,C 两点同时相向而行,甲的速度为4个单位/秒。
(1)问多少秒后甲到A ,B ,C 的距离和为40个单位;
(2)若乙的速度为6个单位/秒,两只电子蚂蚁甲、乙分别从A 、C 两点同时相向而行,问甲、乙在数轴上的哪个点相遇?
(3)在(1),(2)的条件下,当甲到A ,B ,C 的距离和为40个单位时,甲调头返回,问甲、乙还能在数轴上相遇吗?若能,求出相遇点;若不能,请说明理由。
97. 某项科学研究以45分钟为1个时间单位,并记每天上午10时为0,10时以前记为负,
98. 已知|a|=1,|b|=2,|c|=3,且a>b>c,那么a+b-c=________________。
99. 计算:
1171(-4)+(-4 4882
100. (-2)10+(-2)11的值为
A 、-2 B 、-22
101. 计算:
( )
C 、-210
D 、(-2)21
102. 某地的国际标准时间是指该地与格林尼治的时差。以下为同一时刻5个城市的国际标
103. 从-3,-2,-1,4,5中取3个不同的数相乘,可得到最大乘积为a ,最小乘积为b ,则
104. 如果a 个同学在b 小时内共搬运c 块砖,那么c 个同学以同样速度搬运a 块砖所需要
的小时数是 ( )
c 2
A 、2
a b
c 2B 、
ab C 、2
a 2b D 、2
105. 如图所示,如果圆环中外圆的周长比内圆的周长长1m, 那么外圆的半径
106. n 个朋友在一起,每两人握一次手,他们一共握了_________次手;一个班级共有m 个
107. 惠民新村分给小慧家一套价格为12万元的住房。按要求,需首期(第一年)付房款3
108. 只含有_______未知数,且未知数的指数是___的__________方程,叫一元一次方程。
109. 用方程描述下列实际问题中数量之间的相等关系(设出未知数,列方程,不求解)。
110. 如图,已知数轴上点A 、B 、C 所对应的数a 、b 、c 都不为0,且C 为AB 之中点,如
果|a+b|﹣|a﹣2c|+|b﹣2c|﹣|a+b﹣2c|=0,则原点O 的位置是 ( )
B 、点A 左侧
A 、线段AC 上
C 、线段BC 上 D 、点B 右侧
a b abc
111. 已知a,b,c 为非零有理数,则++=__________
112. 已知-|a|=1,那么(+|a|)2的值为___________
a a
113. 方程|x-1|+|x-2|=3的解为___________
114. 在等式33□-23□=15的两个方格内分别填入一个数,使这两个数互为相反数且等
115. 已知关于x 的方程9x-3=kx+14有整数解,那么满足条件的所有整数k 的值的和为_____。
116. 已知关于x 的方程kx+m=(2k-1)x+4:
(1)当k,m 各自满足条件______________时,上述方程有唯一解; (2)当k,m 各自满足条件______________时,上述方程有无数解; (1)当k,m 各自满足条件______________时,上述方程无解。
10-x x-a
117. 某同学在解方程 去分母时,记忆了把1乘以最小公分母,求得的解为x=-1,
118. 已知关于x 的方程
=2+,无论k 为何值时,方程的解总是x=1,那么36
119. x=2时,代数式2x 2+(3-c)x+c的值是10,则当x=-3时,这个代数式的值为_____。
120. 若2a 与1-a 互为相反数,则a=________。
121. 解方程。
0.1x 1.7-2x
- =1
122. 已知关于x 的方程
x-m m 4y-12y+1
=x+与方程= -0.6的解互为倒数,求m 的值。 2353
123. 单项式的系数:例如,a 的系数是_________。
124. 多项式的项、次数:πR 2-πr 2的项有πR 2、-πr 2,次数是______。
125. 用语言叙述代数式a 2-b 2,正确的是 ( )
A 、a 、b 两数的平方差 B 、a 与b 差的平方 C 、a 与b 的平方的差 D 、b 、a 两数的平方差
126. 如果2x 3y n +(m-2)x是关于x 、y 的五次二项式,则m 、n 的值为 ( )
A 、m=3,n=2 B 、m ≠2,n=2 C 、m 为任意数,n=2 D 、m ≠2,n=3
-2x 2-3x -1
127. 多项式的一次项是______,常数项是______。
128. 某多项式为x 8-x7y +x6y 2-x 5y 3+?,按这样的规律写下去,第6项是35,此多项式
应是 8 次______项式。
129. 在数轴上把下列各数表示出来,并用“<>
(-1)2015, -|-2.5|, (-2)2, 0, -(-22
130. 计算:
[50-(-) 3(-6)2]÷(-7)2
131. 某工艺厂计划一周生产工艺品2100个,平均每天生产300个,但实际每天生产量与计
5-2-5+15-10+16-9=10(个) 2100+10=2110(个)
132. 观察算式:133+1=4=22;234+1=9=32;335+1=16=42;436+1=25=52,?
用含有n 的等式表示上面的规律:___________________________
133. 某课外活动小组中女生人数占全组人数的一半,如果再增加6名女生,那么女生人数
134. 王会计在记账时发现现金少了153.9元,查账后得知是一笔支出款的小数点被看错了一
135. 已知关于x 的方程2x-1=mx+2的解为正整数,则整数m 的值为____________。
136. 若点A 在数轴上对应的数为a, 点B 在数轴上对应的数为b, 且a,b 满足|a+2|+(b-1)2=0
(1)a=-2, b=1, AB=3
(2)点C 在数轴上对应的数为x ,且x 是方程2x-1=x+2的解,在数轴上是否存在点
2P ,使得PA+PB=PC?若存在,求出点P 对应的数;若不存在,说明理由;
(3)在(1)(2)条件下,点A ,B ,C 开始在数轴上运动,若点A 以每秒1个单位长度的速度向左运动,同时,点B 和点C 分别以每秒4个单位长度和9个单位长度的速度向右运动,假设t 秒钟过后,若点B 与点C 之间的距离表示为BC ,点A 与点B 之间的距离表示为AB ,请问:AB-BC 的值是否随时间t 的变化而改变?若变化,请说明理由;若不变,请求其常数值。
137. 为了加强公民的节水意识,某市采用价格调控的手段达到节水的目的,该市自来水收
3若该户居民5,6两个月共用水15m (5月份用水量低于6月份用水量),设5月份用水xm 3,求该户居民5、6两个月共交水费多少元?(用含x 的代数式表示,并化简)
x-y+zz a 51
138. 在代数式: , -y 3+, , xy 2, - x+y中,有
33πy 2
A 、4个整式
C 、5个整式,3个单项式
B 、3个单项式,2个多项式 D 、5个整式,3个多项式
( )
139. 一条山路,某人从山下往山顶走3小时还有1千米才到山顶,若从山顶走到山下只有
150分钟,已知山下速度是上山速度的1.5倍,求山下到山顶的路程。设上山速度为x 千米/分钟,则所列方程为___________________________。
140. 甲、乙两人同时以每小时4km 的速度从A 地出发到B 地办事,走了2.5km 时,甲要回
去取一份文件,他以每小时6km 的速度往回走,取了文件后以同样的速度追赶乙,结果他们同时到达B 地,已知甲取文件时在办公室里耽误了15min 。求A 、B 两地的距离。
141. 已知关于x 的方程ax+3=x-1的解是正整数,整数a 的值为________。
142. 解方程:
x-1x-2x- =2- 23
143. 已知面包店的面包一个15元,小明去此面包店买面包,结账时店员告诉小明:“如果
144. 一次远足活动中,一部分人步行,另一部分乘一辆汽车,两部分人同地出发。步行者
145. 用正方形硬纸板做三棱柱盒子,每个盒子由3个矩形侧面和2个正三角形底面组成。
硬纸板以如图两种方式裁剪(裁剪后边角料不再利用) A 方法:剪6个侧面; B 方法:剪4个侧面和5个底面。
现有19张硬纸板,裁剪时x 张用A 方法,其余用B 方法。 (1)用x 的代数式分别表示裁剪出的侧面和底面的个数;
侧面:6x+4(19-x)=76+2x 底面:5(19-x)=95-5x
147. 某市百货商场元月一日搞促销活动,购物不超过200元不给优惠;超过200元,而不
148. 已知关于x 的方程
x-1x+3 =2-的解与3x-b=2的解互为倒数,那么b=______。
149. 在下图所示的正方体的平面展开图中,确定正方体上的点M 、N 的位置.
150. 有m 辆校车及n 个学生,若每辆校车乘坐40名学生,则还有10名学生不能上车;若
= ;③ =;④40m+10=43m+1。其中正确的40434043
151. 实验室里,水平桌面上有甲、乙、丙三个圆柱形容器(容器足够高),底面半径之比为
1:2:1,用两个相同的管子在容器的5cm 高度处连通(即管子底端离容器底5cm ),现三个容器中,只有甲中有水,水位高1cm ,如图所示。若每分钟同时向乙和丙注入相同量的水,
开始注水1分钟,乙的水位上升cm ,则开始注入
6______________分钟的水量后,甲与乙的水位高度之差是0.5cm 。
152. 十一届全国人大常委会第二十次会议审议的个人所得税法修正案草案 (简称“个税法草
案”) 拟将现行个人所得税的起征点由每月2000元提高到3000元,并将9级超额累进
注:“月应纳税额”为个人每月收入中超出起征点应该纳税部分的金额。 “速算扣除数”是为快捷简便计算个人所得税而设定的一个数。
方法一:按1~3级超额累进税率计算,即50035%+1500310%+600315%=265(元) 方法二:用“月应纳税额x 适用税率一速算扣除数”计算,即2600315%-l25=265(元) 。 (1)请把表中空缺的“速算扣除数”填写完整;
153. 过正方体中有公共顶点的三条棱的中点切出一个平面, 形成如图几何体, 其正确展开图
为( )
A 、 B 、
C 、 D 、
154. 由平的面围成的立体图形又叫做多面体,有几个面,就叫做几面体,三棱锥有四个面,
所以三棱锥又叫四面体;正方体又叫做 6面体,有五条侧棱的棱柱又叫做 7面体。 (1)探索:如果把一个多面体的顶点数记为V ,棱数记为E ,面数记为F ,填表:
155. 一个几何体,是由许多规格相同的小正方体堆积而成的,其主视图、左视图如图所示,
要摆成这样的图形,至少需用 7 块正方体,最多需用______块正方体。
156. 下列说法正确的有 ( )
A 、若两个角互补,则必定一个角是锐角,另一个角是钝角 B 、一个角的补角一定大于这个角
C 、若∠1+∠2=90°,则∠1与∠2互为余角
D 、如果∠1+∠2+∠3=180°,那么∠1、∠2与∠3互补
157. 如图,已知∠AOB=90°,∠AOC =60°,OD 平分∠BOC ,OE 平分∠AOC 。求∠DOE
158. 已知C 是线段AB 上的一点,下列条件:①AC=BC;②AC+BC=AB;③AC=AB; ④
AB=2BC。其中能确定C 是线段AB 中点的有 ( ) A 、4个 B 、3个 C 、2个 D 、1个
159. 如果线段AB =12cm,MA+MB=16cm。那么下列说法正确的是 ( )
A 、点M 在线段AB 上 B 、点M 在直线AB 上 C 、点M 在直线AB 外 D 、点M 在直线AB 上,也可以在直线AB 外
160. 小明在做解方程作业时,不小心将方程中的一个常数污染了看不清楚,被污染的方程
161. 将正方体骰子(对面上的点数分别为1和6、2和5、3和4)放置于水平桌面上(如图
100人, 乙校报名参加的学生人数少于100人。经核算, 若两校分别组团共需花费20800元, 若两校联合组团只需花费18000元。
(1)两所学校报名参加旅游的学生人数之和超过200人吗?为什么? (2)两所学校报名参加旅游的学生各有多少人?
163. 下左图中,以D 为顶点的角有______个,分别是______________________________。
164. 如上右图,∠AOC =50°,∠BOC =20
°15' 。则∠AOB=_______° 165. 对顶角的性质:对顶角____________。 2 1 几何语言:∵_____________________
166. 如图,直线AB 与CD 相交于点O ,∠AOD =150°,OE 把∠BOC 分成两个角,且
∠BOE:∠COE=2:1,求∠BOE 的度数。
167. 如图,直线AB 、CD 相交于点O ,OE 平分∠AOC 。
(1)画OE 的反向延长线OF ;
(2)OF 是∠BOD 的平分线吗?为什么?
168. 下左图是正方体的表面展开图, 如果将其折叠成原来的正方体(下右图)时,与点W 重
169. 已知一个圆柱的侧面展开图为如图所示的矩形,则其底面圆的面积为____________。
170. 如图,扬子江药业集团生产的某种药品包装盒的侧面展开图。如果长方体盒子的长比
宽多4cm ,求它的体积。(用一元一次方程求解)
171. 有一种拼图游戏叫做“俄罗斯方块”, 它的基本图形有如下两个特点:①由4个连在一
起的同样大小的正方形组成;②每个小正方形至少和另一个小正方形有一条公共边。如图, 即为两种俄罗斯方块。
问:请在右下方空白处,画出所有除左面两个之外的符合条件的俄罗斯方块。(注:如果某个俄罗斯方块在平面上旋转后与另一个俄罗斯方块相同, 那么这两个俄罗斯方块只能算一种)
1. This clothing shop ________(sale) all kinds of clothes.
2. How many_____________ ( 月) are there in a year?
3. Spring _________ (节日) is the most important day of a year.
4. Dad will come home _____ next week. A. a B. the C. / D. in
5. We have ________ ( 44 ) students.
6. This shirt is ______( 便宜 ).
7. Linda is in No. 1 ________________( 中学 ).
8. Look at the bags on the desk. They are _____. A. Tim’s and Jim’s bags B. Tim’s and Jim’s
9. My ___________ ( 家人 ) are taking ________(照片)
10. Here are some nice ________( 图片).
11. Our teachers are kind, _________( they ) are kind, too.
12. I think _________ TV too much is bad for our eyes.
13. Li Lei is a good boy. He _______ (像) my son.
14. A set of keys ______ on the desk.
15. A. please B. great C. these D. he 找出来读音不同的一个
16. ________ are in the same class. A. Helen and I B. I and Helen C. I, you and she D. These 17. These _____ an orange and two apples on the table.
18. Those are English books. 改单数______________________________
19. The teacher is standing _______ the class. A. in the front of B. in front of C. at the back 20. All of our teachers _____ us. A. are kindly to B. is kind with C. are kind to D. are kind with 21. There ______some sheep and some cows on the hillside. A. is B. are C. have D. has 22. ----How is Helen in the new school? ----She is doing very well. There is ___ to worry about.
A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
23. The students are ______________(等着) their teacher to come.
24. ---- Let me _______________( 看一看) your new cell phone. ---- ________________(给你).
25. In front of the text book is an erase. (同义句) ______ ___ ___ eraser _____ ____ ____ the text. 26. with, man, is, the, head, glasses, teacher, our? ( 连词成句)______________________________?
27. This pair of shoes _______ him 100 yuan. A. cost B. takes C. spends D. take 28. 谋生,维持生计 ____________________
29. Can you ________your name?
30. I want to _______________________(交朋友) with my classmates.
31. She is my __________(邻居).
32. After the military training, the students are happy to be back _____home. A. to B. in C. at D. on 33. 美国人复数 德国人复数
34. ---Which is your video player?
—A. the left video player B. The new on the left one. C. The new one on the left. D. The left new one
35. 他经常利用业余时间在农场上帮助他父母。He often ______his spare time ______ with his parents. 他们得在口语上花更多时间。They have to __________much more time ___spoken English. 你通常什么时候上网, When do you usually ______ ________ on the Internet?
36. I don’t _______(甚至)have any uncles or aunts.
37. My uncle’s name is ___________________(和…一样) your father’s
38. 我原本来自新西兰。____________________________________
39. When do you have _____?A. the big lunch B. a lunch C. a big lunch D. for lunch
40. Italians cook many kinds of delicious food, _________(尤其) spaghetti.
41. He likes c________ with friends on line.
42.____________(确保) you arrive at school before 8:00.
43. _______of my parents are good at cooking. A. All B. Either C. Neither D. Both 44.” Look! The dog is over there!” The boy shouts and ___________(指向)it.
45. Would you like to ___________(去远足) with me this weekend?
46. I feel very bored not. I don’t know what to do. --___________________.
A. why you not go to the movies? B. why not you go to the movies? C. why not go to the movies?
47. Lucy would not like ______on a picnic tomorrow. A. going B. to go C. go D. to going 48. 我的观点和他的不同__________________________________________________.
49. He feel free every day. ____________(free 的翻译) I got the ticket for free. ____________ 50. 人类为自由而战____________________________________________.
51. There is no such thing as a free lunch.____________________________________. 52. You are f_____ to go or to stay.
53. Their hobbies _______________________________(与……不同) ours.
54. The students will d__________ their reading skills during this term. 55. He is always r__________ to help others.
56. Please open the door. (改成否定句)_________________________________
57. 你要去哪儿,(翻译)_______________________________
58(They are ______ the same clothes. A. putting on B. wearing 59. Walrus is s_______(确信) that if he really tries, he can skate just like Fox. 60. I will learn ___________( drive) when I am eighteen years old. 61. Mike’s mother works in a bank, she works as an a______________(会计)
62. Jack is always the first one ______(get) to school.
63. there are two new bikes in front of my house. One is mine and ______is my sister’s.
64. Would you like to have a look at some pants? They may fit you well. --Well, I’d like to try those
blue___ A. pairs B. ones C. pant D. pair
65. The boy in a red T-shirt is Mingming, an ____________(海外的) Chinese.
66. I hope I can see you soon. (同义句) I _____ _____ see you soon.
67. Jim is 11 years old. (同义句) Jim is ____ ____________ boy.
68. Jim’s family _____living in different countries, but they ______a happy family. 69. This pair of gloves ______him 20 dollars. A. takes B. take C. cost D. spends 70. –What nationality is Paul?—He is ________ A. France B. French C. a French D. a Frenchman 71. Mr. Williams has got a new car. (变否定句) ___________________________________
72. They’ve got a new car. (变一般疑问句,并做肯定、否定回答)______________________________
73. All of our teachers ______us. A. are kindly to B. is kind with C. are kind to D. are kind with
74. There ______some sheep and some cows on the hillside. A. has B have C. is D. are 75.—How is Helen in the new school? –She is doing very well. There is _______ to worry about. 76. –Let me have ______________(看一看) your new cell phone. -- _______________(给你)
77. In front of the text book is an eraser. (同义句) ______ ______ _____erase ____ ______ ____the text 78. Do you want to travel in _______(west) countries?
79. To get good jobs, we need learn a lot of _______(技能)
80. can you tell me the ____________between the two words?(different) 前两页2015.1.3已打
81. A friend of theirs will ______(出席) the meeting.
82. ______ ____ some bread and two bottles of milk on the table. 83. After supper, she with her family usually ______(take) a walk ____ ____ ___ _____(半小时)
84. It’s time ____ ________ (put away) textbooks and get into the spirit of the season. 85. Now many ___________(instruct) are given in English and Chinese. 86. There are two big m___________ in Shijiazhuang now.
87. There are lots of scenic spots in France, ___________( include) Eiffel Tower. 88. The Summer P___________ is very beautiful in summer.
89. Beijing is the c_______ city in China.
90. How about ________an art club? A. join B. to join C. joining D. joins 2. How many_____________ ( 月) are there in a year?
12. I think _________ TV too much is bad for our eyes.
15. A. please B. great C. these D. he 找出来读音不同的一个
28. 谋生,维持生计 ____________________
37. My uncle’s name is ___________________(和…一样) your father’s
39. When do you have _____? A. the big lunch B. a lunch C. a big lunch D. for lunch 42.____________(确保) you arrive at school before 8:00.
44.” Look! The dog is over there!” The boy shouts and ___________(指向)it.
62. Jack is always the first one ______(get) to school.
64. Would you like to have a look at some pants? They may fit you well. --Well, I’d like to try those
blue___ A. pairs B. ones C. pant D. pair
65. (改错) Look! There is coming the dancer. __________________
66. He is always the first one __________( arrive) at school.
67. Are you in ________? A. class six B. Class Six C. Six Class D. Class six 68. Jim is in a hurry because his friend ____him at the bus stop. A. waits B. is waiting for C. is waiting D. wait
69. Switzerland is famous for _________(watch).
70. These are your books, Kate. Put _______ in the desk, please. (it) 71. How hard _______works! A. we B. him C. he D. his 72. We are in ________________________( 同一班级),_______________(二班).
73. _______________(当然). I like _________________(最喜欢历史)
74. –Why can’t you ______us tomorrow? –Because I will _____an important meeting.
A. join in, take part in B. attend, join in C. join, attend D. take part in, join 75. It takes me three hours ____my house. I am very tired now. A. to clean B. cleaning C. clean D. cleans
76. My friend, Alan often helps me _____English. A. learning B. speaking C. learn D. to say 77. Lily’s dress is ___________(有点) short.
78. I would really like to ___________(练习) English ______________________(对话) with you.
79. These children _________________(对。。。感兴趣) the animals, especially the __________(monkey). 80. I think best friends should have ____________________________(相似的兴趣爱好)。
81. ___________may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best. A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Nobody D. None
82. Mr. Smith has two sons, one is living in London, and ______one is living with him. A. other B. others C. the other D. another
83. Please send _______best wishes to Mary. A. I B. me C. my D. mine
84. He is (tall and his hair is black. (划线提问)__________________________________________
He is (an outgoing boy. (划线提问)__________________________________________ 85. Summer vacation is coming. Students are busy p____________a trip. 86. They enjoy __________(they) swimming in the water.
87. The boy shouts and _____________(指向) it.
88. 你要去哪儿,(翻译)___________________________________
89. 让我们一起去动物园看大象吧。(翻译)____________________________________________ 90. Please open the door. (改否定句) ___________________________________
91. Would you like _______(go) to the convenience shop with me, I need ________(buy) a tube of t_____
92. I need two k_______of cabbages.
93. Mary doesn’t like pork for dinner. I don’t like it, _______A. neither B. too C. also D. either 94. There are (two loaves of bread ) on the desk. (划线提问)_______________________________
( ) 1. — It?s half an hour?s walk from here to the bus station.
— Don?t worry, I?ll ______ you there.
A. carry B. bring C. take D. get
( ) 2. Don?t worry. We have ______ to drink.
A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. many
( ) 3. The words that we should pay attention to ______ on the blackboard.
A. is writing B. are written C. writing D. being written
( ) 4. — What are you doing now.
— I ?m writing to my cousin. He moved to America two weeks ago. He must be ______ receiving my e-mail.
A. hoping to B. listing to C. looking forward to
( ) 5. — The shoes don?t fit me. Would you please show me
— Sure. Here you are.
A. the others B. the other one C. another one D. another pair
( ) 6. Miss Green is more warm-hearted, so she is busier than all ______ nurses in the
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
( ) 7. These coats are different ______ size.
A. from B. in C. to D. of
( ) 8. — Have you ever been to Shandong, Mary?
— Yes. I ______ there for three days with my uncle last month.
A. was B. went C. have been D. have gone
( ) 9. — How long have you ?
— Two years.
A. borrowed the book B. bought the Walking
C. lived here D. joined the Reading Club
( ) 10. I didn?t see all the students there, because ______ was ill and didn?t come to school.
A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. no one
( ) 11. — Thank you! Lucy and Lily. It was kind of you to recommend me as the host.
— ______.
A. That?s right B. Never mind C. Better not D. It?s our pleasure
( ) 12. — What did they yesterday?
— The trip to Shanghai EXPO.
A. else, argue about B. else, argue with C. else, argue D. other, argue
( ) 13. My father has some problems ______ his business these days.
A. in B. at C. with D. on
( ) 14. East, West, ______ is the best.
A. flat B. home C. family D. house
( ) 15. Now you are not a person, Don?t give up .
A. success, hard work B. success, working hard
C. successful, working hard D. successful, hard work
( ) 16. If this dictionary is not yours, ______can it be?
A. who else B. what else C. who else?s D. which else?s
( ) 17. I agree with most of what you said, but I don?t agree with ______.
A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything
( ) 18. Mike has few friends, A. does he B. doesn?t he C. has he D. hasn?t he
( ) 19. I remembered the door. But in fact, I forgot it.
A. to lock, locking B. locking, to lock
C. to lock , to lock D. locking, locking
( ) 20. He is an energetic person, “energetic ” is .
A. subject B. object C. adverbial D. attributive
( ) 21. The ______ film is a film about exciting or dangerous events, usually with fights..
A. action B. western C. horror D. romantic
1. Who (take) my pen just now? I can?t find it now.
2. My little sister has lots (eat) and (drink).
3. The novel is written from (person) experience.
4. Sandy is a top student, but she never shows off. She is (proud).
5. It?s an interesting idea but there are many (practice) difficulties.
6. You should trust yourself and not worry about your own (able).
7. His brother is interested in the first (clone) sheep.
8. These pictures look (well) and they sell (good) in the shop.
1. 许多学生担心没有足够的时间准备考试。
Many students enough time to prepare for the exam.
2. 你不用担心那时没有午餐吃了。
You worry lunch then.
3. 他想找到更多的关于西方文化的东西。
He wants to about Western culture.
4. 请按时交作业。
5. Tom 问妈妈,当他煮鱼时需要注意些什么。
6. 他流行歌曲唱得好。
He does popular songs.
( ) 1. — What a nice model ship!
— Thank you, It ______ me three days to make it.
A. spent B. paid C. wasted D. took
( ) 2. — How much time do you ______ surfing the Internet every week?
— Less than an hour.
A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay
( ) 3. — How are you getting alone with your classmates?
— Very well. They are all ______ me.
A. angry with B. tired of C. friendly to D. afraid of
( ) 4. The words that we should pay attention to ______ on the blackboard.
A. is writing B. being written C. writing D. are written
( ) 5. Time is not enough for the work. people are needed, I think.
A. Only two B. Two more C. Other two D. Two another
( ) 6. It?s necessary you clean the fish tank every day.
A. for B. to C. that D. of
( ) 7. There?s nothing wrong with pink, A. is there, No B. is there, Yes C. isn?t there, No D. isn?t there, Yes
( ) 8. red can make easier for you to take action.
A. Wearing, that B. Wear, this C. To wear, it D. To wear, that
( ) 9. Some children Western food Chinese food.
A. would rather, than B. prefer, than C. like, than D. prefer, to
( ) 10.— Would you mind bringing me the newspaper today?
— ______.
A. Certainly not B. It?s my pleasure
C. That?s all right D. I?m afraid not
( ) 11.— Why is the printer still working now?
— Isn?t there ______ wrong with it.
— ______.
A. something, Yes B. something, No
C. Anything, Yes D. Anything, NO
( ) 12.Do you know how many colours in a rainbow.
A. are there B. there are C. is there D. there is
( ) 13.Feeling stressed means A. feeling blue B. feeling sad
C. feeling happy D. feeling tired and unable to relax
( ) 14.Don?t forget me for some information about the new machine, will you?
A. to mind, looking B. to mind, to look
C. minding, looking D. minding, to look
( ) 15.— Thank you for helping us so much.
— ______.
A. It doesn?t matter B. It?s my pleasure
C. Thank you all time D. It?s very nice of you
( ) 16.The first question was difficult, but the rest pretty easy.
A. were B. was C. are D. is
( ) 17.— How about staying out a little late this evening?
— ______, but I have to study for tests.
A. I don?t think so B. That?s right C. Sounds great D. I can?t
( ) 18.During the last years he me a lot of help.
A. a few, give B. few, gave C. a few, would give D. few, has given
( ) 19.It?s hard problem for the twins that of them can work it out.
A. such a, none B. such a, neither C. so, neither D. so a, neither
( ) 20.Sandy talked about herself that we didn?t know what she was thinking.
A. so much B. too much C. so little D. too little
( )21.What colour do you think you feel calm?
A. making B. makes C. to make D.make
( ) 22.That woman has a bag in her right hand. What?s in her hand.
A. one B. the other C. another D. other
( ) 23.— a year does your school have sports meetings?
— Twice a year.
A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How soon
( ) 24.I hope soon.
A. to receive letter from you B. to hear from your letter
C. to hear from you D. hear a letter from
( ) 25.— There?s hardly time for me to finish the job, ?
— ?t hurry.
A. is there, Yes B. is there, No C. isn?t there, Yes D. isn?t there, No
( ) 26.There was so much noise in the room we couldn?t hear him clearly.
A. because B. what C. but D. that
( ) 27.— The exam was very easy, wasn?t it?
— Yes, but I don?t think ______ could pass it.
A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. somebody
( ) 28.What colour do you think you feel calm?
A. make B. to make C. makes D. making
( of them knew about the accident because it has been already reported on TV.
A. Everyone B. Everybody C. No one D. Every one
( ) 30.—go to a movie tonight?
— It?s a good idea.
A. Would you like B. What about C. Why not
( ) 31.— Which do you prefer, juice or tea?
— I prefer tea milk.
A. to B. for C. than D. with
( ) 32.— How many students can you see in the reading room?
A. Nobody B. None C. No one D. Nothing
1. Before playing the game, we (divide) into 4 groups.
2. I asked so many questions that my teacher became a little (patient) at last.
3. How long did it (花费) you to finish the task?
4. It?s wrong (选填“for ”或“of ”) me not to send her an e-mail.
5. It seems (fair) to let him do the work alone.
6. So far, we?ve (成功) in saving thousands of people in danger.
7. Jack is one of (live) boys and we all like him.
8. How (excite) I am to be a new chairperson!
9. He said to me, “Don ?t be nervous. Just stay (放松). ”
10.My sister reminded me of my (see) the film.
11.There was some (difficult) in explaining this to the old man.
12.We should be allowed (自己作决定).(make)
13.I prefer to stay at home rather than (watch) TV.
14.I can?t see (选一个适当的不定代词) in the library.
15.Millie would like (play) with you.
16.Stop (argue) with your elder brother. You should be polite and peaceful.
17.He showed her around the city with (please).
18.This month you will have a lot (celebrate).
. He can spend his money than anybody else in his class. (wise)
20.Your (think) sounds good ,but it requires trying out
21.We all think good (lead) should be confident and imaginative.
22.It is (selfish) of you to donate money to the children in need.
23.We are in that (interest) story.
24.He is (energy) enough to finish all the work on (he) own.
25.In winter, our hometown usually has too much (snow). It?s much
too (snow).
(luck), he broke his left leg yesterday and it still (hurt) now.
27.Is there (something wrong) with your mobile phone? I can?t hear you.
1. 我们上课应注意仔细听讲。
We should carefully in class.
2. 昨天的晚会很成功。
3. 这个学生在英语学习上面有些问题。
The student some English studies.
4. Sarah, (mind) (你把房间打扫一下好吗?)
5. Tom 问妈妈,当他煮鱼时需要注意些什么。
6. 如果你注意细节,你将学业有成。
If you ?ll 7. 你穿着蓝裙子看起来漂亮。
You the 8. 当他听到这个好消息时,激动得无法入睡。
When he heard the good news, he .
9. 他提醒我不要对他吼。
He him.
10. 我和他们相处有困难。
I on with them.
11. 老师对学生有很大的影响。
A teacher has great on his student.
12. 我宁可去看电影也不愿去购物。
I go to the cinema than shopping.
13. 我更喜欢呆在家里。
I prefer at home.
14. 这个年轻人没有喝太多的酒真是太有礼貌了。
It ?s this young man 15.We , or you will 款).
16. 你能给我一些学好英语的建议吗?
Could you on 17. — Do you know when Columbus (发现)America?
— Yes. In1492.
18. 如果明天我有时间的话,我会帮你学英语。
If I tomorrow, I will English.
( (
1. I was so lucky that I could pass the exam.
It ?s me pass the exam.
2. The room requires to be cleaned.
The room 3. This film had a big influence on his life.
This film his life a lot.
4. I like living in the countryside better than living in the city.
I in the countryside in the city.
Young children often laugh at a lame(跛的)or blind person, or at someone who isn?t dressed as well as they are. But they grow up, they learn not to hurt people ?s feeling by . They learn to laugh at other things. Most important, they learn . Imagine you ?and next time? Imagine you?无意喷出) some food. clumsy (笨拙的) laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway? If you can, it?s good sign you?grown up.
Someone says, “Time is money.” important than money. Why? ?ll never .
That is why we mustn?time.
limited (有限的). Even a second is very useful.
But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They In a word, we should save time. We shouldn? today ?s work for tomorrow. .
enjoy novels or comic books. My
me life better.
Great people are remembered not they were handsome or beautiful, but up when their lives were difficult. They tried to use every chance to change their lives and make the world better.
One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who invented the airplane. the world into a small village. Hard work, not good luck, is the reason this convenient machine and become great people. Whenever I read stories about great people, I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to move forward.
I enjoy reading about great people?s lives.
year, seldom gets below 57°F or above 88° is usually shining.
Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii, a state made up of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Hawaii became the 50th large islands.
other Pacific islands were probably the first settlers in Honolulu,
1794. Today the modern city of Honolulu is a major port. It is called “the crossroads of the Pacific”to Waikiki Beach. Most visitors also go to see
died in Japan?s
attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941. This attack is what brought the United States into
World War Ⅱ.
Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year , or more than 280
to change the situation.
In october of 2003, our new Traffic Law became a law and it was first put into use during
and pedestrians .For example, drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks. If people are in a crosswalk ,cars must
too many people are also against the law.
Pedestrians will have to walk more under the new law. They must cross the
will fine them.Also, they shouldn?t climb over the fences(栅栏 ) alo ng the streets. Even if there are no policemen around, don?t think it?s safe to light.Traffic police have got monitors(监视器). These machines help the police find them later. If you bike to school, it?s not a good idea to carry classmates on the back. You should be fined fifty yuan.
Drivers and pedestrians must work together to make the traffic s .
Happiness is for everyone. You don't need to care about the rich. Though they have beautiful
you if you put your heart into it. When you are in
at school, your teachers will help you; when you do something wrong, people
to . If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.
as money. It is a feeling(感觉) of your heart. Although you
are poor, you can also say you are very happy. Money is not everything. You have something else that money can't When you meet with difficulties, you can loudly say you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge(挑战) yourself. So you can not always say . If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
often tell their children that 'please'is a magic word:if the
to say “please ”, their parents are more likely to give them the things they ,'please 'is used in many situations.People generally say “please ” they for information.
People are taught to say 'thank you 'or 'thanks'when somebody has given them
something or done something for them.In a many British people say “thank you ” the total cost of their goods,
when he or she gives them their or gives back their credit card.and sometimes a before they leave.
receiving a present it is good manners to say “thank you ” and sound
pleased.Some people add a specific comment,e.g.that,s great--red's my favourate colour! When a to send a thank-you note.a short letter or card to thank the sent it and tell them how much your like it.it is also polite to write and say thank you after you have been invited out for a meal or been to stay with somebody.
love, so he decides to buy some for his girlfriend.
for further study.
3. The doctor you to get up early.
look strong and healthy.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. A 9.C 10.B 11.D
12.A 13.C 14. B 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.D 21.A 22.
1. took 2. to eat; drink 3. personal 4.modest 5.practical 6.ability 7.cloned
8.good; well
1. worry about not having 2. shouldn?t; about not having 3. find out more
4. Please hand in your homework on time.
5. Tom asked his mother what he should pay attention to when he cooked fish.
(Tom asked his mother what to pay attention to when he cooked fish.)
6. well in singing
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10.A
11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B
20.C 21.B 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.D 27.B 28.C
29.D 30.C 31.D 32.B
1. were divided 2. impatient 3. take 4. for 5. unfair 6. succeeded
7. the liveliest 8. excited 9. relaxed 10. seeing 11.difficulty
12.to make our own decision(s) 13. watch 14.anything 15.to play
16.arguing 17.pleasure 18. to celebrate 19.wisdom , more wisely
20.thought 21.leaders 22.selfless 23.interested; interesting 24.energetic; his
25.snow; snowy 26.Unluckily; hurts 27.anything wrong
1. pay attention to listening 2. Yesterday?s party was a success.
3. has problems with 4. would you mind cleaning the room
5. Tom asked his mother what he should pay attention to when he cooked fish.
(Tom asked his mother what to pay attention to when he cooked fish.)
6. pay attention to details; have success at school or work.
7. look nice/beautiful in; blue skirt
8. was so excited that he couldn?t fall asleep/was too excited to fall asleep
9. reminded me not to shout at 10.have difficulty getting 11.a influence
12.would rather; go 13. to stay 14.polite of; not to drink too much
15.promise you success; get your money back
16.give me some advice; how to learn English well
17.discovered 18.am free; help you study
1. D shares 2. D at times 3. A Painting
1. lucky for; to 2. needs cleaning 3. influenced 4. would rather live; than live
(一)as; problems; themselves; mistake; angry; better; dinner; how; not; really
(二)more; spent; return; waste; usually; something; playing; lives; leave; lose
(三)free; others; favourite; own; because; give; made; invent; sky; why
(四)weather; whole; temperature; sun; other; from; until; stop; tourists; who
(五)need; drivers; stop; driving; carry; safely; policemen; red; photos; safe
(六)with; lonely; around; trouble; unhappy; congratulations; happiness; same; buy; luck
(七)parents; remember; for; whenever; or; also; shop; them; change ; again; After; polite; who;
(八)1. represent;
2. college 3. advised 4. skin
1、 I have P.E () the aftertoon of Tuesday.
A in b. for c.on d.at
2、 ----happy new year !
------------( )
a. I know b.The same to you c.I am fine d.Thank you
3、 It is ( )to play football.
a.funs b. a fun c.fun d.funny
4、 I have breakfast ( ) 6:30 every morning.
A.at around b. around at c.in around d. around in
5、 WHEN ( )he ( )(have) P .E.
6、 The girls like music
7、 We have six ( ) 课 in a day.
8、 It has about four ( ) students.
a.hundred b.hundred of c. hundreds d.a hundred
9、 Mr.mang is strict ( ) his work. He is strict ( ) his students
a.in ;in b with; in c in; with d with;with 10|、 () interesting movie it is! All of us want to see it again.
a. What b. how an c.how dwhat an
11、 The last day of a week is ( ).
a.Friday b. Saturday c. Sunday d Weekend 12、 ( ) favorite subject is history.
a. he b.him c.his friend d.his friden’s
13、 He goes to bed
14、 I am sun his favorite fruit is apples. 变一般疑问句。
15、 My morther is very strict and ( ) (make) me very tired.
16、 I want ( )(put) these books in the box. 17、 She is Chinese,but she( )(说 )English very well.
18、 I ( ) like painting,but my ( )is OK.
19、 My mother is a nurse(护士 )and is good ( )kids.
A.on B.for C.with D.at
20、 We are playing football.Come and( )our game.
A.join B. join in C.play D.do
21、 Lucy can’t ride a bike.She thinks it is ( )
A.hard too B. too hard C. to hard D. hard to
22、 The girl ( )blue eyes is Jessie’S sister.
A.in B. has C. with D. have
23、 Can you play football?( ).It’s hard.
A.Yes,I can B. No,I can’t C. NO,I can D. Yes,I can’t
24、 Can you ( )(swim) in the ruver?
25、 The shop ( )(have)many clofhes.
26、 ( )you ( )(want) to join fhe music club?
27、 对划线部分提问 )
What ( )Wu Dong ( ) ?
28、 () (可以) I have your name,please?
Yes,Li Zhongmin
29、 Miss Li is you our English teather.She t( )us English.
30、 My brother doesn’t like playing basketball ( )watching TV. A 、 and B.but C.or D.so
31、 She wants to join the music club(对划线部分提问 )
() () () () () to join?
32、 Scott usually takes a s( )in the morning.
33、 His uncle works 8 h( )a day in the hotel.
34、 Maria often ( )(锻炼 )in the park on Sunday.
35、 Hao Chuan ( )to school early () every morning. A 、 go,in B.goes,in C.goes D.goes,in the
() () () your sister eat ( )
37、 What time is it now?(改为同义句 )
() the ( ) now.
38、 What time is it?( )
It’s ( )eight o’clo ck.
A 、 at B.on C.in D.around
39、 He eats( )dinner at 7:30 in the evening.
A 、 a B.an C.the D./
40、 Please write and tell me ( )your morning.
A 、 for B.to C.about D.of
41、 Do you know ( )?
A 、 what is her job B 、 what does her job
C 、 what her job does D 、 what her job is
42、 He doesn’t have much time ( )(have) lunch(适当形式填空 ) 43、汉堡包尝起来很美味。
Hamburgers ( ) ( ) ( )
44、 对划线部分提问 )
45、 He has a q( )breakfast,so he isn’t late for school.(根据首字母完 成单词 )
46、 It’s two k( )from my home to school. .(根据首字母完成单词 ) 47、 () she is ill,( )she goes to school.
A 、 Although ;/ B.Although;but C.But,although D.Because;/
48、 Linda sometimes walks to work( 改为同义句 )
Linda sometimes ( ) ( )work ( ) ( ).
49、 It takes me twenty-five minutes to get from home to school.(对划线
部分提问 )
() () () it ( ) ( )to get from home to school? 50、 Mr.Smith takes a taxi to the subway station every day.(改为同义句 ) Mr.Smith () () the subway station ( )taxi every day. 51、 He goes to the park on his bike(改为同义句 )
He ( )his bike ( )the park.
52、 How long does it take ( )(walk)to the bus station?(适当形式填 空 )
53、 How about ( )(go)to the movies? (适当形式填空 )
54、 What about( )?
A 、 take a taxi B. taking a taxi C. to take a taxi D. by a taxi
55、 In their class,one of the girls ( ) from England.
A 、 am B. is C. are D. be
56、 Can you ( )about your family?
A 、 say B. talk C. tell D. speak
57、 The girl looks ( )
Yes,today is her birthday.
A 、 happy B. happily C.sad D. sadly
58、 She is ( ).She likes her ( )teacher.
A 、 an English;Chnese B. England;Chnese C. English;Chnese D. English;China
59、 Does Daniel ( )after school?
A 、 walk home B. walk to home C. go to home on foot D.go home on feet
60、 He ( )the number 18 bus ( )school.
A. makes;to B. takes;to C、 has;for D. take;for
61、 The Japanese ( )(speak) Japanese.(适当形式填空 )
62、 Is time ( ) (go ) home,Mary 。
63、 I’m the first one ( )(get) up in my house.
64、 I take the No.10 bus () (go ) to school.
65、 They want to see some comedies(改为单数句 )
1135121.125+(—3)+(- )+(—0.6) (+4)-(+3)-(- 3)-(+1) 586565
11311(—2.5)—+(—) (+)—(+8)+(—3)—(—1) 25443
151(+4)+(—)+(—3.2)+(—) 25.3+(—7.3)+(13.7)+7.7 566
1 86—5+10—4+6 --?-3+2?-?- 1 ?+ 1 ×(-2)? 3
9 (-3)?
34(—6)—(+5)+(—9)+(+4)—(—9) 6+24—18+4—16+18—6.8—3.2 55
(—41)+(+12)+(—59)+(+78) (- 3)? ? (- 24) (—0.9)+1.51
15131 (—2000)+(—1999)+4000+—(—1) —3?×(—)? 62423
1 -17+17?(-11)11 -5?×(-)? (-) 5
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