范文一:世界贸易组织简介(专门性国际组织) 世界贸易组织(简称WTO)成立于
世界贸易组织简介 (专门性国际组织)
作为处理国际间贸易事务的机构,WTO的前身是成立于1947年的关税和贸易总协定GATT。与关贸总协定相比,WTO涵盖货物贸易、服务贸易以及知识产权贸易,而关贸总协定只适用于商品货物贸易。 中国是关贸总协定的创始国之一。1984年1月18日,中国正式成为总协定下属的国际纺织品贸易协议的成员。1993年2、5、9月的中国问题工作组会议在继续审议中国经贸体制的同时,开始讨论中国恢复议定书的框架,然而到世界贸易组织1995年成立时,中国复关谈判仍没有最终完成。
国际红十字会与红新月会联合会 (International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies) 是独立的非政府的人道主义团体。它是各国红十字会和红新月会的国际性联合组织。总部设在日内瓦。
欧美各国相继成立了红十字会。第一次世界大战结束后,美国银行家、美国红十字会战时委员会主席亨利?戴维逊倡议建立各国红十字会的国际联合会,在国际范围内组织和协调卫生救护活动。 ,,,,年初,在法国戛纳召开了有美、英、法、日、意等国医学界知名人士参加的国际医学大会。会上确定:为了进一步巩固各国红十字会已取得的成就,有必要成立各国红十字会的国际联合会。同年,月,日,由美、英、法、日、意,国组成的“红十字会委员”成立。同年,月,日,红十字会委员会改名为红十字会协会。后由于伊斯兰国家红新月会的加入和成员数目的增加,,,,,年,,月,红十字会协会在日内瓦举行第三届大会。会议决定修改章程,更名为红十字会与红新月会协会,后改为现名。
国际奥林匹克委员会(非政府间国际组织 )
国际奥林匹克委员会(10C),简称国际奥委会,总部设在瑞士洛桑。国际奥委会1894年成立时,总部设在法国巴黎,1915年4月10日总部迁入有“国际文化城”之称的洛桑。国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的最高权力机构。它是一个国际性的、非政府的、非营利性的组织,是奥林匹克运动的指导者、捍卫者和仲裁人。国际奥委会具有法人地位,按照《奥林匹克宪章》领导奥林匹克运动。它根据 《奥林匹克宪章》作出的决定是最终决定。国际奥委会的组织机构包括:国际奥委会全体委员会议、执行委员会、秘书处和专门委员会。
奥林匹克格言——“更快、更高、更强”(Citius, Altius, Fortius)。
奥林匹克宪章,亦称奥林匹克章程或规则,是国际奥委会为奥林匹克运动发展而制订的总章程。第一部章程的倡议和制订者是顾拜旦。1894年6月在巴黎国际体育会议上正式通过 。主要内容是奥林匹克运动基本宗旨、原则、以及举行奥运会的有关事宜。数十年来,曾多次修改、补充,但由顾拜旦制订的基本原则和精神未变。
奥林匹克格言,亦称奥林匹克座右铭或口号,系奥林匹克运动宗旨之一。格言“更快、更高、更强”(Citius, Altius, Fortius),是顾拜旦一位密友迪东(Henri martin Didon)于1895年提出的。他将这句话刻在他所办学校的门楣上。顾拜旦对此颇为赞赏,经他提议,1913年获国际奥委会正式批准,将它定为奥林匹克格言。1920年它又成为奥林匹克标志的一部分。此外,也有把“体育就是和平”、“重要的是参加,而不是取胜”作为格言的。
易原则 ,关税减让原则,透明度原则 ,针对“国营贸易企业”原则 ,非歧视性贸易原则 。正
反倾销和反补贴措施达到其贸易保护的目的。关税减让原则 ,“关税减让”一直是多边国际
可参加。双边的减让谈判结果,其他成员按照“最惠国待遇”原则可不经谈判而适用。 透明
度原则 ,要求各成员将有效实施的有关管理对外贸易的各项法律、法规、行政规章、司法
公正和合理地实施各项法律、法规、行政规章、司法判决等。 针对“国营贸易企业”原则 ,
的考虑作为标准,并为其他成员企业提供参与这种购买或销售的充分竞争机会。 非歧视性
贸易原则 ,具体表现为“一般最惠国待遇”及“国民待遇”。其中最惠国待遇原则为:如果一成
过去的五十年是世界贸易快速增长的五十年,世界贸易组织的宗旨与职能1.宗旨 世贸组织的宗旨为:“提高生活水平,保证充分就业和大幅度、稳步 提高实际收入和有效需求,扩大货物和服务的生产与贸易”,“积极努力 确保发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家在国际贸易增长中的份额,与其经 济发展需要相称”。其目标是:“建立一个完整的、更有活力和持久的多 边贸易体系,以包括关税与贸易总协定、以往贸易自由化努力的成果和乌 拉圭多边贸易谈判的所有成果。 2.职能促进“建立世界贸易组织协议”和多边贸易协议的执行、管理和运作, 并为其提供一个组织;为成员提供谈判的讲坛和谈判成果执行的机构;通 过争端解决机制,为达到全球经济政策的一致性,以适当的方式与国际货 币基金组织及世界银行及其附属机构进行合作。3.基本原则,非歧视原则非歧视原则的第一种形式是“最惠国待遇”条款,即各 成员对于其他成员的产品,必须给予不低于给予任何其他国家产品的优惠 待遇。WTO的基本目标是国际贸易的可靠性,使消费者和生产者相信,他们能够可靠地得到他们需要的制成品、配件、原材料和服务越来越大的选择机会。使生产商和出口商相信,外国市场对他们开放。WTO的最终目标是一个繁荣、安全和负责任的经济世界。WTO的决议在全体成员国家一致同意的基础上作出,并需经成员国国会的批准。发展中国家已经提供了不少可供借鉴的经验,印度:摒弃过度的贸易保护 早在1948年,印度就成为关贸总协定的创始缔约方。但是,印度并没有随之实行贸易自由化,而是利用多边贸易协定的例外条款,以各种理由坚持贸易保护和外汇管制。由于开辟了自由贸易园区发展软件工业,印度目前已成为公认的软件开发和生产大国。为迎合WTO的需要,马来西亚从1995年开始降低进口产品的关税,逐步取消了与贸易投资协议不相符的政策。但是,马来西亚并未放弃用WTO有关协议中的灵活性措施,来保护国内工业。成员方所实施的与国家贸易有关的法令、条例、司法判决、行政决定,都必须公布,使各成员国及贸易商熟悉。一成员方政府与另一成员方政府所
透明度原则是世贸组织的重要原则,它体现在世贸组织的主要协定、协议中。根据该原则,世贸组织成员需公布有效实施的、现行的贸易政策法规有:(,)海关法规。即海关对产品的分类、估价方法的规则,海关对进出口货物征收的关税税率和其他费用;(,)进出口管理的有关法规和行政规章制度;(,)有关进出口商品征收的国内税、法规和规章;(,)进出口商品检验、检疫的有关法规和规章;(,)有关进出口货物及其支付方面的外汇管理和对外汇管理的一般法规和规章;(,)利用外资的立法及规章制度;(,)有关知识产权保护的法规和规章;(,)有关出口加工区、自由贸易区、边境贸易区、经济特区的法规和规章;(,)有关服务贸易的法规和规章;(,,)有关仲裁的裁决规定;(,,)成员国政府及其机构所签订的有关影响贸易政策的现行双边或多边协定、协议;(,,)其他有关影响贸易行为的国内立法或行政规章。 透明度原则规定各成员应公正、合理、统一地实施上述的有关法规、条例、判决和决定。统一性要求在成员领土范围内管理贸易的有关法规不应有差别待遇,即中央政府统一颁布有关政策法规,地方政府颁布的有关上述事项的法规不应与中央政府有任何抵触。但是,中央政府授权的特别行政区、地方政府除外。公正性和合理性要求成员对法规的实施履行非歧视原则。 透明度原则还规定,鉴于对海关行政行为进行检查和纠正的必要,要求各成员应保留或尽快建立司法的或仲裁的或行政的机构和程序。这类法庭或程序独立于负责行政实施的机构之外。除进口商在所规定允许的上诉期内可向上级法庭或机构申诉外,其裁决一律由这些机构加以执行。透明度原则对公平贸易和竞争的实现起到了十分重要的作用。一般取消数量限制原则。一般取消数量限制原则:任何成员方除征收关税外,不得设立或维持配额、进出口许可证或其他措施以限制或禁止其他成员方领土的产品的输出、或向其他成员方领土输出或销售出口产品。下述四种情况除外:?、为保护农业、渔业产品市场而实施的限制;?、为保护本国的国际收支而实施的限制;?、为促进不发达国家成员经济发展而实施的限制;?、为实施保障措施协定规定的数量限制。一般禁止数量限制原则 在货物贸易方面,世界贸易组织仅允许进行“关税”保护,而禁止其他非关税壁垒,尤其是以配额和许可证为主要方式的“数量限制”。但禁止数量限制也有一些重要的例外,如国际收支困难的国家被允许实施数量限制;发展中国家的“幼稚工业”也被允许加以保护。 WTO的法律体系的基本框架及其内容集中体现在《乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的最后文本》中。根据《建立世界贸易组织的协定》,WTO法律体系由以下几部分构成。1(世界贸易组织的基本法《建立世界贸易组织的协定》是世界贸易组织的基本法,该协定列于《最后文本》所列各项协定之首。规定了WTO的宗旨和原则、活动范围、职能、组织结构、成员制度、法律地位、决策机制、协定修改等2(世界贸易组织的货物贸易法律制度货物贸易是GATT长期以来所调整的传统部门,也是WTO法律体系的基础。3(世界贸易组织的服务贸易法律制度,WTO关于服务贸易领域的原则、规则及制度主要体现在《服务贸易总协定》之中。4(世界贸易组织的与贸易有关的知识产权法律制度,WTO规定了对版权、商标、地理标志、工业设计、专利、集成电路设计、未泄露的信息等7类知识产权保护的国际标准,制定了保护的基本原则,明确了知识产权的效力、范围、取得和保护及相关程序以及争端的防止和解决WTO协定进行法律解释的三个基本原则:第一,维护WTO体制可靠性和可预测性原则;第二,保护成员适用协定项下的权利和义务原则;第三,解释不能增加或减少适用协定所规定的权利和义务原则。
维护WTO体制可靠性和可预测性原则 争端解决体制的目的,是为了给多边贸易体制提供可靠性和可预测性。这意味着各成员对义务的适用应当具有一定的统一性。因
利和义务原则 WTO体制的功能之一,是“保护各成员在适用协定项下的权利和义务”。
当程序要求是一个早已得到国际社会公认的惯例。不增加或减少权利和义务原则 不增
要求不采用这样的解释,除非该条款不存在其他可能的解释。 (2)特别规定优于一般
也是国际法的一个基本原则。 (3)例外规定从严解释原则。解释条约义务不得增加
保证其适用不会超越其所规定的适用范围 。正因为有以上种种的法律准则,WTO才能
World Trade Organization was established in 1995, which replaces
the end of World War II establishment of the GATT, is the world's
youngest international organizations. WTO is young, but since has been
on the establishment of GATT multilateral trade system already has 50
years of history. WTO Zengyin to the introduction of legal norms in
international trade, and popular. WTO's fundamental legal principles of
fair trade principles, the principle of tariff concessions, the principle of
transparency, for "state trading enterprise" principle, the principle of
non-discriminatory trade. It is precisely because these principles, making
international trade organizations to get a good service for the world
economy,WTO's ultimate goal is a prosperous, safe and responsible economic world, the WTO because of the rule of law in international trade promotion and be praised. Fair trade principles, all members of the export trade operators may not take unfair the trade means to carry out or distort international trade competition, in particular not to take dumping and subsidies manner he Guo sell products. WTO stressed that in order to export its way of dumping or subsidized products to the importer caused substantial damage to domestic industry, or threat of material injury, the importer can damage the domestic industry's allegations of anti-dumping and countervailing measures . Meanwhile, the World Trade Organization emphasized that the abuse against members of the anti-dumping and countervailing measures and achieve their purpose of trade protection. The principle of tariff reduction, "tariff reduction" has been the main topic of multilateral international negotiations. General tariff reduction negotiations, the major supplier of the product among the main importers of other countries may join. Results of the negotiations of bilateral concessions, and other members in accordance with "most-favored" by the talks from time to apply the principles. The principle of transparency, effective implementation will require members of the management of foreign trade related laws, regulations, administrative rules and regulations, judicial decisions and so quickly to be published.So that other members of the government and trade operators to be familiar with;
member governments or government agencies signed between the impact of international trade policy of the current agreements and treaties should be published; all members should be unified in its territory, just and reasonable implementation laws, regulations, administrative rules and regulations, judicial decisions and so on. For "state trading enterprises," the principle of the WTO of state trading enterprises the main requirement is that the import and export during the purchase or sale should be considered only as a standard commercial, and other members of the companies involved in such purchases to provide or sale of the full competition. Non-discriminatory trade principle is embodied in the "general MFN treatment" and "national treatment." MFN principle of which is: If a member of any incentives given to the other members of the treatment, it should be "immediately and unconditionally" to the same preferential treatment extended to all members, to ensure that no member be "discriminatory" treatment.
Over the past five years is the rapid growth of world trade in five years, the World Trade Organization's purpose and functions 1. Purpose of the WTO's aim to: "higher standards of living, ensuring full employment and a significant, steady increase in real income and effective demand , to expand the production of goods and services and trade "," active efforts to ensure that developing countries, especially least developed countries in international trade growth in the share, commensurate with the needs of
their economic development. " The goal is: "a complete, more robust and durable multilateral trading system,To include the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the results of past trade liberalization efforts and the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, all the results. 2. Functions to promote "the establishment of World Trade Organization Agreement" and the implementation of multilateral trade agreements, management and operation and provide an organization; for members to provide a forum for negotiation and implementation of the outcome of the institutional negotiations; through the dispute settlement mechanism, in order to achieve global the consistency of economic policy, in an appropriate manner with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and its subsidiary agencies. 3. The basic principles of non-discrimination principle of non-discrimination principle of the first form is the "most favored nation treatment" clause, that is, the members for other members of the product, must be given not less than any other country to give preferential treatment products. WTO's basic objective is the reliability of international trade, consumers and producers believe they can reliably get what they need, manufactured goods, accessories, raw materials and services to a growing choice. So that producers and exporters believe that foreign markets open to them. WTO's ultimate goal is a prosperous, safe and responsible economic world.The resolution of all WTO member countries agreed to make the basis and subject to the
approval of members of Congress. Developing countries have provided a lot of experience to draw on, India: abandon excessive trade protection as early as 1948, India became a founding GATT Contracting Party. But India has not followed the implementation of trade liberalization, but the use of multilateral trade agreements, exceptions to all kinds of reason to insist on trade protection and exchange controls. Opened up a free trade zone as the development of software industry, India has become a recognized software development and production of power. In order to meet the needs of WTO to Malaysia since 1995 to reduce import tariffs on products, the phasing out of trade and investment agreement with the inconsistent policy. However, Malaysia did not give up the flexibility of WTO agreements related to measures to protect domestic industries. Member countries have implemented trade-related with the decrees, regulations, judicial decisions, administrative decisions, must be published so that all Member States and traders are familiar with. A member of the local governments and other members of the party affected countries, the Government concluded trade agreements must also be published in order to prevent members of the unfair trade between the parties, resulting in discrimination against other members of the party.
The WTO principle of transparency is an important principle, which reflects the major agreements in the WTO, the agreement. According to the principles of the WTO members are required to announce the
effective implementation of existing trade policies and regulations are: (1) Customs laws and regulations. The customs classification of products, rules of valuation methods,
Customs tariffs on the import and export goods tax rates and other charges; (2) import and export of relevant laws and regulations and administrative rules and regulations; (3) domestic taxes levied on imports and exports, regulations and rules; (4) Import and Export Commodity Inspection and quarantine of the rules and regulations; (5) the import and export of goods and payments of foreign exchange management and foreign exchange management, general rules and regulations; (6) the use of foreign investment legislation and regulations; (7) the protection of intellectual property laws and regulations; (8) The export processing zones, free trade, border trade zone, economic zone laws and regulations; (9) the rules and regulations of trade in services; (10) the The arbitration award provisions; (11) Member States signed the Government and its agencies the impact of trade policies to existing bilateral or multilateral agreements, agreements; (12) other trade practices that affect the domestic legislation or administrative regulations. The principle of transparency requires each member to be fair, reasonable and uniform implementation of the relevant laws, regulations, judgments and decisions.Unity requires members of the management of trade within the territory of the relevant laws and regulations should not be differential
treatment, that is, the central Government to enact policies and regulations, local governments enacted laws and regulations relating to these matters should not be any conflict with the central government. However, the central government authorized the Special Administrative Region, excluding local governments. Fair and reasonable members of the regulations required to fulfill the implementation of
non-discrimination principle. Also provides for the principle of transparency, in view of the customs administrative act to inspect and correct the Biyao require Ge members should be retained or as soon as possible the establishment of judicial or arbitral or administrative bodies Hu procedures. Or procedures of such court executive in charge of the implementation of independent outside body. In addition to importers in the appeal period allowed under the superior court or agency may appeal to the outside, its decisions be implemented by these institutions. Principles of transparency and competition to achieve fair trade has played an important role. General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions.General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions: In addition to tariffs of any Member, shall not establish or maintain quotas, import and export licenses or other measures to restrict or prohibit the territory of the other members of the side products of the output, or output to other members of the party or the sale of export territory products. Except for the following four cases: ?, for the protection of agricultural, fishery
products market and the restrictions imposed; ?, to protect its balance of
payments and the restrictions imposed; ?, to promote economic
development in least developed countries members of the restrictions imposed; ?, for the implementation of the safeguards agreement of quantitative restrictions. The principle of general prohibition of quantitative restrictions on trade in goods, the World Trade Organization allows only a "duty" to protect, and to prohibit other non-tariff barriers, especially in quotas and licenses as the main way of "quantitative restrictions." But the prohibition of quantitative restrictions are also some important exceptions, such as the balance of payments difficulties the country is allowed to implement quantitative restrictions; developing countries, "infant industry" were also allowed to be protected. WTO legal system and focused on the basic framework embodied in the "Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, the final text" of. According to "the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization", WTO legal system from the following parts. 1. World Trade Organization's Basic Law, "the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization," World Trade Organization's Basic Law, the agreement set out in the "final text" of the agreements set out in the first. Provides the purposes and principles of the WTO, the scope of activities, functions, organizational structure, membership, legal status, decision-making mechanisms, agreements and revise 2. World Trade Organization trade in goods trade in goods is the
GATT legal system has long been the adjustment of the traditional sector is the basis of WTO legal system. 3. World Trade Organization services trade legal system,WTO principles on trade in services, rules and the system is mainly reflected in the "General Agreement on Trade in Services" at home. 4. World Trade Organization Trade-related intellectual property legal system, WTO provisions on copyright, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, integrated circuit design, not disclose the information seven types of intellectual property protection of international standards for the protection the basic principles, defined the effect of intellectual property, scope, access and protection and related procedures and dispute prevention and resolution of the legal interpretation of WTO agreements in the three basic principles: first, 维
护 WTO 体制 principles of reliability and predictability; Second, to protect members of the applicable agreement the rights and obligations under the principles; third ,explain the application of the Agreement can not increase or decrease the rights and obligations under the principles. WTO system to maintain the reliability and predictability of the dispute settlement system, the principle objective of the multilateral trading system in order to provide reliability and predictability. This means that the application of the obligations of all members should have some uniformity. Therefore, when a specific terms of the agreement there are two or more different interpretations without violating other principles of
treaty interpretation, based on WTO system is conducive to maintaining the reliability and predictability of the interpretation apply. Protection of members of the applicable agreement the rights and obligations under the principle functions of the WTO system is the "protection of all members of the rights under applicable agreements and obligations."In terms of the WTO obligations of legal interpretation of the time, to achieve protection of the rights and obligations of the members of the Mudi basic approach is to interpret due process must meet the requirements. In fact, the international obligations applicable due process requirements must be met by the international community is a long accepted practice. Not increase or decrease the rights and obligations of the principle of no increase or decrease the basic principles of rights and obligations of the WTO Agreement requires the interpretation of the terms of the following three principles: (1) to avoid abuse of the principles of interpretation provisions. WTO multilateral trading system to take a "package agreement" principle. This means that a lot of agreement, which is the product of compromise, therefore, are often close enough agreement terms, sometimes too loose, making the treaty abuse possible. Therefore, when a specific terms of the agreement there are two or more different interpretations when not increase or decrease the principles of rights and obligations required to avoid using terms of abuse may lead to the interpretation. When the interpretation of terms is bound to have been abused, not increase or
decrease the rights and obligations of the principle asked not to use this interpretation, unless the provision does not exist other possible explanations. (2) Special provisions applicable principles better than the general provisions. WTO is a large and complex legal system. Therefore, the phenomenon of conflict between the terms have occurred Agreement shall not be increased or decreased for the rights and obligations under the principle that when a conflict between provisions, special provisions should be followed than a general principle shall apply. In fact, the special provision is also superior to the general principle applies a basic principle of international law. (3) exceptions to the principle of strict interpretation. Interpretation of treaty obligations shall not apply to agreements to increase or decrease the rights and obligations under the principles of the Treaty contains another important principle of interpretation - exceptions to the principle of strict interpretation. This is because the so-called exceptions, is a duty within the scope of application, provides a small range of the obligation does not apply, therefore, only on a small scale not applicable to strictly interpreted to guarantee the application will not exceed the scope of its provisions. Precisely because of these legal norms, WTO in order to better services for the world economy, to accomplish its goals,to create a prosperous, safe and responsible economic world.
人民日报 1995年01期
新华社日内瓦电 关贸总协定的继承组织世界贸易组织于1995年1月1日在日内瓦正式成立。
世界贸易组织 1995年成立,其前身是 1948年正式开始生效的关贸总协定(以下简称 GA TT) 。 WTO 是当今规范国际经贸规则的多边经济组织,其宗旨是通过实施非歧视原则, 削减贸易壁垒,促进贸易自由化,以在可持续发展的基础上,充分利用世界资源,扩大商品 的生产和交换。
怎样看待我国加入 WTO 的利弊得失?我们要用全面的、发展的、辩证的观点看待这个 问题, 要站在改革开放、 经济发展和现代化建设事业的全局和战略高度来分析我国加入 WTO 的利弊得失。
作为当代最大的多边国际贸易体系,世贸组织已拥有 135个成员,在全球经济发展过 程 中发挥着越来越大的影响和作用。 目前, 世贸组织成员间的贸易额已占世界贸易额的 90% 以上,而中国与世贸组织成员间的贸易额也占到中国进出口贸易额的 90%以上。 加人 WTO ,对我国经济发展有利有弊,但总的看来是利大于弊。
促进我国经济增长,活跃国内生产力,丰富国内市场品种,增加消费,扩大内需,扩 大出口。 加入 WTO 后,我国将享受成员国拥有的最惠国待遇。这不仅能享受其他国家和地 区开放市场的好处, 使主要贸易大国对我国的歧视性做法逐步取消, 而且会使我国产品拥有 比过去更为有利的竞争条件, 从而可以促进我国出口贸易特别是我国具有比较优势产业出口 的发展。
有利于加快国内产业结构的调整和优化 。产业结构的调整和优化是我国经济发展的一 项重要而紧迫的任务。
有利于继续深化我国经济体制改革 。 世贸组织的规则实质上是市场经济规则在世界范围内的 运用和发展。 我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制, 它的基本要求是充分 发挥市场竞争机制的作用。加入世贸组织,将会推动我国改革的进程。同时,将推动国有企 业改革, 建立现代企业制度; 还将推动外贸、 银行、 保险、 证券、 商业等方面深化体制改革, 以适应这些领域逐步开放的需要。
吸引外资,并扩大就业机会。加入 WT0,国内市场与国际市场将全方位接轨,国外资 本的大量进入,与国内资本融合,使大多数领域都能增加就业。
有利于我国参与国际贸易新规则的制定,维护我国的正当权益,提升我国的国际地位。 我国作为联合国常任理事国、世界银行和国际货币基金组织的成员,加入 WTO ,参与多边 贸易规则的制定, 可以充分表达和反映我国和广大发展中国家的意见和要求, 进一步发挥我 国在国际经济事务中的作用,提高我国的国际地位。
有利于中国参与世界经济全球化进程。 经济全球化是不可避免的历史潮流,而经济全 球化对发展中国家来说,既有机遇,也有严峻的挑战。为了适应经济全球化的新形势,我们 需要寻求稳定、 透明、 可预见的多边贸易机制的保障, 在参与经济全球化过程中更好地趋利 避害,保护和壮大自己。加入 WTO ,我国与其他成员方均须严格按照国际规则办事,相互 开放市场。 这将有利于我国全面参与国际竞争和国际合作, 充分发挥我国的比较优势。 同时, 加入 WTO 还有利于我国与跨国公司进行广泛合作, 引进跨国公司的资金、 技术和管理经验, 利用跨国公司的销售渠道和网络, 扩大出口。 大量先进技术、 管理经验的引进不仅使我国的 产业结构、产品结构加快升级换代,也使我国的管理跃上现代化的台阶。加入 WTO 也有利 于建立我国自己的跨国公司, 走出国门, 到其他国家设厂办企业,
但是, 加入 WTO 也有它弊的一面:加入 WTO 也会给国内一些产业带来一定冲击与压 力 ,如农业中的粮食,工业中的汽车,服务业中的银行、保险等,均将面临来自发达国家的 竞争压力。即使中国在明春如期加入世贸, “入世”所带来的各种正面和负面影响与冲击也 并不会立竿见影地显现出来。 按照中美达成的协议以及中国一贯坚持的原则, 中国的市场准 入、 关税降低和放松管制会是一个渐进的过程。 关税要一点一点地降低, 市场要一步一步地 开放,管制也要逐步予以取消。
但也有一种很乐观的说法,说是“开放可以促进改革” ,但是, “改革”的措施应该是 越早越好,越主动越好!而不可被动地等“开放”来“促进” 。非得要在民族工业的核心竞 争力遭受不可逆转的创伤之后才来谈论“改革”的问题,那已经太迟了。
所以,说到底,牌还是在我们这一边,关键看你怎么打。这要看你是懦夫还是勇士?是 懒惰者还是勤奋者?是傻瓜还是聪明人?是健谈家还是实干家?是平庸者还是“偏执 狂”??
如果你是前者, “入世” 就是你的末日; 如果你是后者, “入世” 就是你的节日。 “入世” 的好坏不是由世界贸易组织所决定,而是由我们的心灵和双手来控制和把握的。 组员:李桂朱,林翼,杜伊珂,黄冬凌
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