在2008年美国的总统大选中,非洲裔美国公民贝拉克·奥巴马击败对手麦凯恩赢得大选,他成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统。媒体和广大群众都认为奥巴马的当选可以让他成为美国种族问题的终结者。但实际上,无论美国多次改善黑人公民的权利制度,甚至选举非洲裔贝拉克·奥巴马担任美国总统,这也不能完全消除美国白人与黑人间的隔阂问题。 先举几个例子吧
种族歧视问题成为美国“人权记录” 中最不光彩的一页。在美国,黑人等少数民族始终是二等公民,在政治、经济、教育等问题上受到不同程度的歧视。黑人和白人之问,教育水平、就业率、平均工资等方面都有明显差距,由此形成的种族贫富差距和黑人的贫困化则是人人皆知[2]。司法中的种族歧视也极为严重。在美国,被关押在监狱里的黑人和被判死刑的黑人比例明显高于白人。在各州的监狱中,大约47 的为黑人,16% 的为拉美裔。据联合国发表的一份调查报告称,在美国.犯有同样的罪.黑人及有色人种往往受到比白人重2至3倍的惩罚.杀害白人被判死刑的黑人是杀害黑人被判死刑的白人的4倍。尽管种族问题如今仍是困扰美国社会的大问题之一,但是.明目张胆“种族歧视”的人是越来越少了。越是大公司和政府部门,对少数族裔越是客气耐心.谁也不想犯“歧视” 这一大忌。美国的种族歧视从目前来看,开始在新的领域呈现出新的现象,传统的政治保守势力也开始介入到其中,简单的单一种族歧视被文化上的隐性歧视所代替。同时.还出现了一个奇怪的现象.一方面是美国存在的较强烈种族歧视,另一方面,美国社会的任何行为.都担心会被带上种族歧视的印记.大家都知道种族歧视不好.但是大家都会有意无意地犯种族歧视的毛病.从中可见白人至上主义在某些美国人中十分顽固。就在这样的怪圈中,美国的种族歧视仍在继续。
Keynote Speech Delivered at the International Conference on Racial Discrimination
Distinguished Guests
Friends all:
It is a privilege for me to address you as we approach the international day for combating racial discrimination. I thank the president of the conference, Ms. Janie and my colleague members of the Working Group of Experts on racism, for this signal honor. I applaud all of you assembled here this afternoon for showing, by your presence, that you share a common concern for the creation of a world in which racism, racial discrimination, and related intolerance play no part either in our personal lives or in our international relations.
Like me, you believe in the fundamental rights and freedoms. Within this context [?kɑ:ntekst], racial discrimination is to be treated as abhorrent. So, I acknowledge the appropriateness [?'propr??tn?s] of the theme chosen for this year’s conference: “Learning from historical racial discrimination to combat racial discrimination today”. And the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination is explicit[?k?spl?s ?t] about what constitutes racial discrimination. It is,
“any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition [?r?k?ɡ?n???n], enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.”
Many of us here are familiar with the major historical tragedies or inhumane [??nhju?men] actions that have affected global history and which were related to racial or ethnic discrimination, including conquest, colonization [?kɑl?n??ze??n], genocide[?d?en?sa?d] against minority populations.
The historical tragedies outlined are not so remote in the past that we cannot recall them. And even if we wished to forget them, our artistes, authors, activists and human rights defenders will not allow us to do so, because their artistic productions, books, advocacy and their modern-day protests over the continued legacies [?leɡ?siz]of those historical wrongs, keep them in our consciousness. But friends, I do harbor some degree of anxiety: anxiety, friends, because almost 50 years after the African-American Civil Rights Movement, too many individuals, communities and societies continue to suffer from the injustices that racism brings. We still live in a world where ethnicity [eθ?n?s?ti], socially constructed race and other differences act as barriers to racial harmony. There is still a long way to go to build a more peaceful world; a world that Dr Martin Luther King,
dreamed about all those years ago. He had a dream that his four little children would one day live in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I regret to say today that his dream has not been completely realized and historical experiences continue to adversely affect our contemporary world. So we will ask why, in 2015, at a time in North America, a sub region which stands as a beacon for democracy[d??mɑ:kr?si], where there are adequate laws in place, should we wish to speak in a general way about race? We often hear, “race is no longer relevant,” “we have equality, don’t we?” “it’s no longer about race, it’s about class.” These are some of the refrains one hears when the subject of race is raised. Race discrimination is a subject on which everyone is eager to agree that yes, it is wrong, but few are willing to actively engage in further progress, or even to debate the issues.
To change this consequence, let us do today what we did in the past to eliminate racism – form a united front comprising all nations, ethnic and religious groups to end racial discrimination and related intolerance and let us do it now in a spirit of mutual respect and tolerance, and by so dong demonstrate our commitment to the foundational principle of the inherent dignity of the human person.
I thank you!
论文摘要:笛福的代表作《鲁滨逊漂流记》 , 标志英国现实主义小说的诞生 , 他采用流浪 汉小说的结构 , 以普通人的现实生活为主要描写对象 , 通过这些普通人的遭遇和命运 , 反映了 18世纪英国初期资本主义丰繁的现实 , 表现了强烈的海外殖民扩张意识。本文结合小说情节 分析了这部小说中所表达的种族歧视和殖民文化。 论文关键词 :种族歧视 殖民文化 白 人 黑人 食人者 《鲁滨逊漂流记》作为笛福的代表作 , 展现了一幅资本主义上升时期的 画卷。种族歧视的现代形式是从资本原始积累时期开始的。像其他殖民文化文学作品一样 , 这部小说把白人描写成“上等种族” , 说他们是公平的 , 仁慈的人 ; 相反地 , 非洲黑人和美洲印 第安人被描写成 “下等种族” , 说他们过着原始生活 , 有着不文明举止 , 舞蹈跳得笨拙难看 , 并且残忍到吃人肉。本文从白人 , 非洲黑人 , 美洲印第安人三方面来分析这部小说所体现的种 族歧视和殖民文化。 一公平 , 仁慈的白人 欧洲白种人的国际地位来源于历史上他们 资本主义的先发展。在《鲁滨逊漂流记》这部小说中 , 鲁宾逊遇到了四位船长 , 他和四位船长 代表着文明仁慈的西方白人。 鲁滨逊遇到的第一位船长是他朋友的父亲 , 在追随这位船 长进行生平第一航海而遭遇沉船事件后 , 船长像父亲一样用低沉而关心的语气敦促鲁滨逊回 家。 第二位船长是鲁滨逊在英国认识的 , 这位船长正直无私 , 他从船长身上学到很多 , 此次航行 后鲁滨逊变成船员和商人。 这位船长像一位师长无私地帮助他学会经商。 第三位船长在 海上救出鲁滨逊并免费为他运送货物 , 笛福描写这个船长的仁慈不单单是承诺 , 也付诸了行动。 鲁滨逊在巴西当农场主期间 , 船长为鲁滨逊带来各种工具和种植所需用具 , 对他帮助很大。鲁 滨逊在离开农场去航海前 , 他指定这位船长为他的继承人。但船长把一半财产归他自己 , 一半 运往英国。 作者对这位船长的仁慈和慷慨地描写篇幅很大 , 最大程度地美化早期资本家。 如果 上面的这些对文明白人的美化描写是因为他们对鲁滨逊所做的善事 , 那么第四位船长是因为 接受鲁滨逊的帮助而被描写成文明的西方人 , 这位船长的公平仁慈表现在了他极富诚信 , 知恩 图报。 笛福反复的描写鲁滨逊及船长们的仁慈 , 诚实 , 正直 , 慷慨 , 借此表现西方文明和资 本主义文明。 其次 , 笛福描写了西方人的诚信观念来加强对西方文明和白人的赞美。 鲁滨逊在 救船长并归还船只的时候 , 他提出两个条件 , 当时做的是口头契约 , 最后 , 他们履行了承诺。 再次是通过对鲁滨逊大量的正面描写来表现西方文明。小说中通过描写鲁滨逊作为遇难的唯 一幸存者 , 他依靠自己的智慧 , 自立 , 努力 , 机灵和对上帝的信念得以生存下来 , 称得上是 “一个 真正的资本主义者” 。 他不仅仅掌握了工具的使用和现代科学知识 , 重要的是他的人性 , 正义和 忠诚。 文章指出鲁滨逊具有所有的人的贵族气质。 笛福成功地塑造了鲁滨逊这个 “西方 文明社会的白人” 的完美角色 , 他支配了自然 , 在荒岛建立了自己的 “殖民地” 。 小说很多的细 节都从鲁滨逊的殖民观——他的占有欲 , 他掠夺别人的欲望 , 他想奴役其他人的愿望 , 透露了 罪恶的殖民历史。所以当他遇到星期五的时候他感到星期五就该做他的奴隶或是仆人。
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