旧约隐藏基督,新约显露基督;旧约应许基督,新约应验基督;旧约期待基督,新约释明基督;旧约是新约的影儿,新约是旧约的实物;旧约是锁,新约是钥;旧约是种,新约是果;旧约之中心是以色列,新约是教会;旧约是行为约,新约是恩典之约;旧约是律法之约,新约是信心之约;旧约述人在第一亚当里之失败,新约述人在第二亚当里之胜利;旧约记失乐园,新约记新乐园;旧约之始乃万物之起源,新约之始乃基督之起源;旧约的结束是咒诅,新约的结束是祝福。 大凡看过《圣经》的,总有一种感觉,从旧约到新约,似乎因为耶稣的诞生和就义,耶和华神的一切行为显得暴力和野蛮,诅咒多于祝福。翻开旧约一瞥,就不难看出来人们为何有这样的感觉了。
耶稣是基督宗教教义的中心人物,也是基督宗教的创始人。三十岁以后开始教导众人,行神迹,并被记载下来。但他从来都没有远行到距离出生地200英里(大约320公里)以外的地方。耶稣传讲的信息主要有:上帝爱你并与你同在,彼此相爱,每个人都极其宝贵。并且提出,要爱你的邻舍,爱你的仇敌。 耶稣在民众心中的地位很高。大文豪陀妥也夫斯基说:“我相信不会有人比耶稣更可爱、更有深度、更仁厚、更纯洁。虽不情愿,但不可不承认:?从来没有人能与耶稣相比,将来也不会有人能比得上他。?”耶稣的教导,是举世公认最纯全、最深刻的教训——比古今中外任何哲人学士所说的都好。
虽然《旧约》和《新约》在宗教理论上有一定矛盾之处,但基督教还是把这两本书都作为基督教的教义。如果要了解基督教的基本思想,主要读《新约》。 未曾读过圣经的人读圣经确实有些困难。可以先读新约,再读旧约。新约是耶稣基督降生后的事,阐述了基督教的起源、福音的传播、以及系统的教义和对末世的预言。旧约则是从上帝创造天地开始,围绕着以色列人的历史,直写到耶稣基督降生前三百年。期间满载信靠上帝而蒙福、离弃上帝而遭祸的事迹。但旧约讲述很多犹太人敬拜上的规矩、各族的族谱等等
這首感人至深的极奇异恩典amazing grace其实是首圣诗,西方歌手演唱此曲的版本很多。在这段音频中海浪和海豚的配乐表达出了原曲圣洁祥和的慑人气氛。
amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
奇异恩典 何等甘甜 我罪以得赦免
i once was lost, but now i'm found ,was blind, but now i see
前我失丧 今被寻回 瞎眼今得看见
'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved
如此恩典 使我敬畏使我心得安慰
how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed
初信之时 即蒙恩惠 真是何等宝贵
through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come
许多危险 试练网罗 我已安然经过
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home
靠主恩典 安全不怕 更引导我归家
how sweet the name of jesus sounds in a believer's ear ,
闻主之名 犹如甘露
it soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds and drives away his fear
慰我疾苦 给我安宁
must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free
以己一身 救赎世人
no, there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me.
舍弃自我 跟随我主
when we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun,
将来禧年 圣徒欢聚 恩光爱谊千年
we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun
喜乐颂赞 在父座前 深望那日快现
The differences between the Old Testament and the New TestamentAbstract
The Bible (Latin: Biblia, Greek: Β beta lambda &western, English: Bible, meaning
papyrus) can refer to the religious classic of Judaism and Christianity (including Catholic, orthodox, and protestant). The religious classic part of Jewish refers to the Old Testament bible, or namely the Tanakh (or called in the Hebrew bible), whereas the religious classic bible of Christian refers to the Old Testament and the New Testament. Different Christian sects acknowledged a slightly different part of the Old Testament, the bible Catholic admitted 46 volumes; Orthodox admits 50 volumes; the protestant admits 39 volumes. The number of the New Testament part is consistent, Catholic, orthodox, protestant acknowledge 27 volumes.
Key Words:
The Old Testament, the New Testament, contact, differences
A short introduction to the Old testament and the New Testament
The Old Testament is the common name which is used to call the front part of the Bible. The late part is called the New Testament. The Old Testament is major Jewish sutra that is original called" Tanakh", and it is a reservoir of the Hebrew nation literary heritage. The original language is Hebrew. The story begins from that Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt until Jesus was born. It used about 500 years to complete, and it narrate the experience about 1000 years or so; Some scholars considered that it was written from the time the Babylonian was a prisoner until the first century BC, in the period of about 240 years, and it was later absorbed by Christian.
The number in the New Testament part is consistent, Catholic, orthodox, protestant all acknowledge 27 volumes. The New Testament Canon was officially confirmed at Carthage conference in 397. Its original book has lost the earliest manuscript fragments now found is the copy in the second century. In the 4th century after the New Testament, text more or less fixed, there are some caudexes such as Egypt, Alexander, Syria codex. Now the earliest Greek bible codex is the codex in 4 ~ 5 century codex, some of the most famous codex are Alexander codex semantics, the Vatican and so on.
2. The contact between the Old Testament and the New Testament
The Old Testament and the New Testament are together called Testament. The New Testament is the heritor of the Old Testament. God make a covenant with Israelite, but the covenant was failed. So god makes a new covenant with them, which is the New Testament.In the old and the new, the behavior of god is successive, the New Testament emphasize that, the god in the New Testament is the same as the god who appeared in the Old Testament
The consistency of official post between the Old Testament and the New Testament is o exists. This is a complex idea which requires more explanation. In the 16th century, people often speak of "the three ministry of Christ", Protestants think that it is a very important medium to stress the continuity of the old testament and the New Testament. We know that three main offices in the Old Testament is prophet, priest and king. Priest Jesus' identity and meaning can be summed up in these three office word. As to the identity of the prophet Jesus level, it refers to his teaching and the miraculous signs; Jesus' identity refers to the priest, it refers to that he was crucified for human SINS on the cross, after the resurrection he continue to pray for his people; The king identity refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ's rule in their subjects. These three categories are regarded by Protestants as a convenient summary.
Calvin thinks the New Testament and the Old Testament has fundamental similarity and continuity. First of all, he stressed that the will of god's eternal immutability. What God did in the Old Testament and in the New Testament is not totally different. In the age of two, the behavior and intention of god must have the basic continuity. Second, the Old Testament and the New Testament are both declared and praised the god's grace which revealed by Jesus Christ. The Old Testament "only witness Jesus Christ from a distance, darkly 'testimony. However, the witness is true indeed. Third, the two covenant have the same" signs and sacraments ", they are all witness god's grace. So Calvin thinks that the Old Testament and the New Testament is consistent, there is no fundamental discontinuity in the nature of the content. In god's salvation plan, while the Old Testament and the New Testament occupy a different place in the time order, of both the content is completely consistent in the correct understanding.
3. The different between the Old Testament and the New Testament
There are many differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament, now we just talk something important.
Firstly, obviously the Old Testament and the New Testament take different treatment methods in the way of comparisons. Calvin thinks that the Old Testament’s
comparison is the token of realism. According to different comparison in language and image in visual, the Old Testament could make people meet truth indirectly. While in the New Testament, people could check truth directly. The Old Testament just is the shadow not truth itself. However, the New Testament directly presents truth.
Second, the differences between the two testament is the torah and gospel, or to say the difference between Les mots and anagogical. The Old Testament is short of the energetic which is given by anagogical. Yet the New Testament can convey this ability, so the torah could order, forbidden and promise, but is short of the necessary resource which changes humanness in radically. However, the gospel could change or correct the evil which exist in human beings in natural.
Third, Torah and gospel arose different emotion. The Old Testament arose dread and tremble, it truss conscience: while the New Testament produces freedom and happiness.
The Old Testament is for Jewry, but the New Testament is for the people in the world. Calvin thinks that The Old testament is for the Jewry, but the birth of Jesus abolishes the differences between Hebrew and Greek, the Circumcision and the people who Without circumcision. It broke the partition between Jewry and other racial.
Forth, when Calvin discuss the superiority of the New Testament, he thinks that some people in the Old Testament, such as Shaikhs, could be treat as suggest to the New Testament. God’s aim and property has never changes, it is just more clearly with the
development of human being’s understanding. So the New Testament is more clear than the Old Testament, God’s plan is a rolling programme, only when Jesus was born, we know his plan completely. Calvin sums this principle in this sentence:
Fifth, from the whole of the torah, the differences between the Gospel and the torah only lies clearly in the degree of appeared.
Sixth, The Bible is the classical of Christianism. The Old emphasize torah, while the New Testament emphasizes grace. The New Testament is not abolishing torah but make the torah completely. The Old Testament mainly talks about the history of God’s
electorate, and at the same time, it foretells that gospel will spread all over the world. The New Testament mainly talked how to spread the salvation of Jesus Christ to the world. Christians must adhere to look at the bible, not only depends on the New
Testament, but also to read the Old Testament.
The Bible is written in different language, the Old Testament is written in Hebraic, but the New Testament is written in Greek. The writing time is also different. They are called "the new testament, the old testament," not because one part is old, another part is new. For the time is divided by Jesus' birth(the Old Testament is a story before Jesus was born, while the New Testament is a story after Jesus’ birth.) the New
Testament, And the old Testament is the first covenant which god make with man, it is also called the covenant of the garden of Eden. Jesus made the last of the contract on behalf of the human - letter is about.
The old testament hidden Christ, and the new testament reveals Christ; The old testament promises Christ, and the new testament fulfills Christ; the Old testament look forward to Christ, and the new testament interpret Christ; The old testament is a shadow of the new testament and the new testament is the object of the old testament; The old testament is lock, and the new testament is the key; the old testament is seed and the new testament is a fruit; The center of the old testament is Israel, while the new testament is church; The old testament are about behavior, and the new testament is the covenant of grace; The old testament is the covenant of torah, and the new testament is the covenant of faith; The old testament were defeated in the first Adam, while the new testament in the victory of the second Adam; The old testament narrate the story of paradise lost, the new testament to remember new paradise; The beginning of the old testament is the origin of all things and the beginning of the new testament is the origin of Christ; The end of the old testament is a curse, while the end of the new testament is a blessing.
未曾读过圣经的人读圣经确实有些困难。可以先读新约,再读旧约。新约是耶稣基督降生后的事,阐述了基督教的起源、福音的传播、以及系统的教义和对末世的预言。旧约则是从上帝创造天地开始,围绕着以色列人的历史,直写到耶稣基督降生前三百年。期间满载信靠上帝而蒙福、离弃上帝而遭祸的事迹。但旧约讲述很多犹太人敬拜上的规矩、各族的族谱等等 這首感人至深的极奇异恩典amazing grace其实是首圣诗,西方歌手演唱此曲的版本很多。在这段音频中海浪和海豚的配乐表达出了原曲圣洁祥和的慑人气氛。
grace原意为"优雅、优美",此处解释成"上帝對人类的慈悲、恩宠"。 amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me 奇异恩典 何等甘甜 我罪以得赦免
i once was lost, but now i'm found ,was blind, but now i see 前我失丧 今被寻回 瞎眼今得看见
'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved 如此恩典 使我敬畏使我心得安慰
how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed 初信之时 即蒙恩惠 真是何等宝贵
through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come 许多危险 试练网罗 我已安然经过
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home 靠主恩典 安全不怕 更引导我归家
how sweet the name of jesus sounds in a believer's ear , 闻主之名 犹如甘露
it soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds and drives away his fear 慰我疾苦 给我安宁
must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free 以己一身 救赎世人
no, there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me. 舍弃自我 跟随我主
when we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun, 将来禧年 圣徒欢聚 恩光爱谊千年
we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun 喜乐颂赞 在父座前 深望那日快现