推免?面试?英语??自我介绍?范文? ?推免面?试英?语自?我介?绍范?文?1 g?oo?d ?mo?rn?in?g,? p?ro?fe??ssor?s.? m?y ?na?me? i?s ?##?# ?fr?om? $?$$? u?ni?ve?rs?it?y,?? sch?oo?l ?of? j?ou?rn?al?is??m mu?ni?ca?ti?on?. ?my? m?aj?or? i?s ?br?oa?dc?as?t ?an?d ?te??levi?si?on? j?ou?rn?al?is?m.? i?t ?is? r?ea?ll?y ?a ?gr?ea?t ??hono?r ?to? h?av?e ?th?is? o?pp?or?tu?ni?ty? t?o ?in?tr?od?uc??e my?se?lf?. ?i ?wo?ul?d ?li?ke? t?o ?an?sw?er? ?wha?te?ve?r ?yo?u ?ma?y ?ra?is?e,? a?nd? i?? hop?e ?i ?ca?n ?ma?ke? a? g?oo?d ?pe?rf?or?ma?nc?e ?to?da?y.?? now? i? w?il?l ?be?gi?n ?. ?my? b?od?y ?ha?s ?tw?o ?me?. ?do??n't ?wo?rr?y,? i? d?on?'t? h?av?e ?mu?lt?ip?le? p?er?so?na?li??ty d?is?or?de?r.? i?n ?fa?ct?, ?i ?ju?st? w?an?t ?to? e?xp?re??ss m?y ?tw?o ?st?at?es?. ??dyna?mi?c ?an?d ?st?at?ic?. ?wh?en?? i a?m ?in? s?ta?ti?c,? i? l?ik?e ?to? w?ri?te? s?om?e ?pr?es??s re?le?as?es? .?af?te?r ?al?l,? a? s?ol?id? w?ri?ti?ng? a?bi??lity? i?s ?es?se?nt?ia?l ?fo?r ?my? f?ut?ur?e ?wo?rk?. ?as? t??he s?ay?in?g ?go?es?, ?th?eo?ry? t?o ?gu?id?e ?pr?ac?ti?ce?. ??if y?ou? w?an?t ?to? b?e ?a ?go?od? j?ou?rn?al?is?t ?th?eo?re??tica?l ?st?ud?y ??is v?er?y ?im?po?rt?an?t.? s?o ?wh?en? i? a??m in? s?ta?ti?c ?i ?al?so? r?ea?d ?so?me? ?pro?fe?ss?io?na?l ?bo?ok?s ?su?ch? a?s ?in?tr?od??ucti?on? t?o ?mu?ni?ca?ti?on?, ?pr?es?s ?th?eo?ry? a?nd? s?o ??on. ?wh?en? i? a?m ?in? d?yn?am?ic?, ?i ?li?ke? t?o ?pi?ck? u??p th?e ?ca?me?ra? r?ec?or?di?ng? i?nt?er?es?ti?ng? t?hi?ng?s ??whic?h ?ha?pp?en?ed? a?ro?un?d ?me?. ?in? a?dd?it?io?n,? a?s ??a mo?vi?e ?bu?ff?s,? i? a?ls?o ?of?te?n ?sh?oo?t ?so?me? m?ic??ro ?fil?ms?. ?as? y?ou? c?an?? see?,? i ?ha?ve? l?iv?el?y ??side? a?nd? q?ui?et? s?id?e.? ?tha?t ?s ?wh?at? i? a?m.? t?ha?nk? y?ou? ?推免面?试英?语自?我介?绍范?文?2 G?oo?d ?mo?rn?in?g.? I? a?m ?ve?ry? g?la?d ?to? b?e ?he?re?? for? t?hi?s ?in?te?rv?ie?w.? F?ir?st? ?let? m?e ?in?tr?od?uc?e ?my?se?lf?. ?My? n?am?e ?is?? LiS?hu?ai?, ?an?d ?my? E?ng?li?sh? ?
nam?e ?is? J?ac?ky? L?ee?. ?I'??ve f?in?is?he?d ?my? u?nd?er?gr??adua?te? e?du?ca?ti?on? ?in ?Xi?di?an? U?ni?ve?rs?it?y,? M?aj?or?in?g ?in? E?le?ct?ro?ni?c ?Sc?ie?nc?e ?an?d ?Te?ch?no?lo?gy? i?n ?th?e ?co?ll?eg?e ?of? T?ec?hn?ic?al? P?hy?si?cs?. ?I ?am? o?pe?n-?mi?nd?ed?, ?wi?ll?in?g ?an?d ?ha?ve? b?ro?ad? i?nt?er?es?ts? l?ik?e ?ba?sk?et?ba?ll?, ?re?ad?in?g ?an?d ?es?pe?ci?al?ly? i?n ?en?gi?ne?er?in?g ?su?ch? a?s ?so?ft?wa?re? ?pro?gr?am?mi?ng?, ?we?bs??ite ?de?si?gn?, ?ha?rd?wa?re? d??esig?n.? F?or? e?xa?mp?le?, ?du??ring? t?he? p?as?t ?fo?ur? y?ea??rs, ??I ha?ve? a?cp?li?sh?ed? t??wo w?eb?si?te?s:? ?one? i?s ?th?e ?we?bs?it?e ?of? o?ur? s?ch?oo?l,? a?nd? t?he? o?th?er? i?s ?th?e ?we?bs?it?e ?of? t?he? d?oc?to?r ?fo?ru?m ?of? c?hi?na? 2?01?7.? F?ur?th?er?mo?re?, ?I ?am? ?i?nter?es?te?d ?in? C? p?lu?s ?pl??us p?ro?gr?am?mi?ng? l?an?gu?ag??e an?d ?h.?.a?ve? ?wri?tt?en? s?om?e ?ap?pl?ic?at?io?n ?pr?og?ra?ms?. ?In? J?ul?y ?in? t?he? l?as?t ?ye?ar?,I? ?fin?is?he?d ?my?? gra?du?at?e ?pr?oj?ec?t ?wi?th?? fly?in?g ?co?lo?rs?,w?hi?ch? w??as a? ?sof?tw?ar?e ?ap?pl?ic?at?io?n ?ab?ou?t ?Im?ag?e ?Pr?oc?es?s ?. ?In? a?dd?it?io?n,? I? ?h?ave ?al?so? f?in?is?he?d ?so?me?? pro?je?ct?s ?ab?ou?t ?em?be?dd??ed s?ys?te?m ?by? ?usi?ng? M?CU? w?he?n ?I ?wa?s ?a ?ju?ni?or?. ?Al?th?ou?gh? I? h?av?e ?br??oad ?in?te?re?st?s ?in? m?an?y ?as?pe?ct?s ?an?d ?gr?as?p ?th?e ?es?se?nt?ia?l ?kn?ow?le?dg?e ?of? t?he? m?aj?or?, ?bu?t ?I ?th?in?k ?at? p?re?se?nt?, ?I ?ca?n ?do? m?an?y ?th?in?gs? i?n ?a ?su?pe?rf?ic?ia?l ?le?ve?l,? b?ut? n?ot? b?e ?pe?te?nt? t?o ?do? t?hi?ng?s ?pr?of?es?si?on?al?ly? o?wi?ng? t?o ?la?ck? o?f ?am?pl?e ?kn?ow?le?dg?e ?an?d ?ab?il?it?y.? ?So ?I ??thin?k ?fu?rt?he?r ?st?ud?y ?is?? sti?ll? u?rg?en?t ?fo?r ?me? t??o re?al?iz?e ?se?lf?-v?al?ue?. ??The ?ma?jo?r ?th?at? I? h?op?e ??purs?ue? f?or? m?y ?fu?rt?he?r ??educ?at?io?n ?is? I?C ?de?si?gn??. Be?ca?us?e ?I ?fi?nd? i?nt?eg??rate?d ?ci?rc?ui?ts? ?are? p?la?yi?ng? a? m?or?e ?an?d ?mo?re? i?mp?or?ta?nt? r?ol?e ?in? o?ur? m?od?er?n ?so?ci?et?y.? A?nd? n?ow?ad?ay?s ?in? C?hi?na?, ?wi?th? t?he? r?ec?og?ni?ti?on? b?y ?th?e ?
go?ve?rn?me?nt?, ?ou?r ?do?me?st?ic? i?nt?eg?ra?te?d ?ci?rc?ui?ts? i?nd?us?tr?y ?is? ?gro?wi?ng?? rap?id?ly? a?nd? t?ha?t ?ma?y ??prov?id?e ?a ?lo?t ?of? c?ha?nc??es t?o ?us?. ?I ?pl?an?? to ?co??ncen?tr?at?e ?on? s?tu?dy? a?nd?? res?ea?rc?h ?in? t?hi?s ?fi?el??d in? ?my ?gr?ad?ua?te? t?im?e.? A?nd? I? h?op?e ?I ?ca?n ?fo?rm? a? s?ys?te?ma?ti?c ?vi?ew? o?f ?mi?cr?o ?el?ec?tr?on?ic?s ?an?d ?IC? d?es?ig?n ?te?ch?no?lo?gy? a?nd? m?ak?e ?a ?so?li?d ?fo?un?da?ti?on? f?or? f?ut?ur?e ?pr?of?es?si?on? a?ft?er? t?hr?ee? y?ea?rs? s?tu?dy? ?her?e.? O?K,? t?ha??t s ?al?l.? T?ha?nk? y?ou? v?er??y mu?ch?. ?推免?面试?英语?自我?介?绍范文?3 ?Go?od? a?ft?er?no?on?, ?pr?of?es?so?rs?:?
It? i?s ?re?al?ly? a?? gre?at? h?on?or? t?o ?ha?ve? t??his ?op?po?rt?un?it?y ?fo?r ?a ??inte?rv?ie?w,? i? w?ou?ld? l?ik??e to? a?ns?we?r ?wh?at?ev?er? y??ou m?ay? r?ai?se?, ?an?d ?i ?ho??pe i? c?an? m?ak?e ?a ?go?od? p??erfo?rm?an?ce? t?od?ay?. ?No?w ??i wi?ll? ?int?ro?du?ce? m?ys?el?f ?br?ie?fl?y,? M?y ?na?me? i?s ?**?*,?**?ye?ar?s ?ol?d,?bo?rn? i?n ?**?**?. ?My? m?aj?or? i?s ?Ap?pl?ie?d ?Ph?ys?ic?s,?an?d ?i ?wi?ll? r?ec?ei?ve? m?y ?ba?ch?el?or? d?eg?re?e ?af?te?r ?my? g?ra?du?at?io?n ?in? j?un?e.? I?n ?th?e ?pa?st? 3? ?yea?rs?,i? s?pe?nd?? mos?t ?of? m?y ?ti?me? o?n ?st??udy,? I? h?av?e ?bu?il?t ?up? a?? sol?id? f?ou?nd?at?io?n ?of? p?ro?fe?ss?io?na?l ?kn?ow?le?dg?e,? a?s ?we?ll? a?s ?a ?ri?ch? ?e?xper?ie?nc?e ?of? s?oc?ia?l ?ac??tivi?ti?es?. ?I ?am? a? d?et?er??mine?d ?pe?rs?on?, ?al?wa?ys? w??illi?ng? t?o ?ac?hi?ev?e ?hi?gh??er g?oa?ls?.?自我介?绍? Wh?at?'s?? mor?e,? ?I a?m ?go?od? a?t ?an?al?ys?is?, ?wi?th? a? s?tr?on?g ?se?ns?e ?of? c?oo?pe?ra?ti?on?. ?Pe?rs?on?al?ly?, ?I ?am? v?er?y ?hu?mo?ro?us? a?nd? e?as?y-?go?in?g,? e?nj?oy?in?g ?a ?go?od? r?el?at?io?ns?hi?p ?am?on?g ?my? c?la?ss?ma?te?s.? I?n ?my? s?pa?re? t?im?e,? I? ?lik?e ?to? r?ea?d ??book?s ?re?ga?rd?in?g ?ho?w ?to?? be ?my?se?lf? a?nd? h?ow? t?o ??deal? ?wit?h ?pr?ob?le?ms?. ?Mu?si?c ?an?d ?mo?vi?es? a?re? m?y ?fa?vo?ri?te? ?
ent?er?ta?in?me??nts.? A?s ?fo?r ?my? s?po?rt? i??nter?es?t,? I? c?ou?ld? n?ot? d??eny ?my? ?
gre?at?es?t ?in?te?re?st? i?s ?ba?sk?et?ba?ll?. ?Pl?ay?in?g ?th?is? g?am?e ?br??ings? m?e ?a ?lo?t ?of? g?lo?ry?, ?ha?pp?in?es?s ?an?d ?pa?ss?io?n.? A?ll? i?n ??all,? i? c?ho?os?e ?th?e ??majo?r ?in? o?rd?er? t?o ?br?oa?d ?my? v?ie?w ?in? P??hysi?cs?,a?nd? e?nh?an?ce? m?y ?re?se?ar?ch? a?bi?li?ty?.I? w?il?l ?do? m?y ?be??st t?o ?jo?in? t?he? n?ew? g?ro?up? a?nd? ?be ?go?od? a?t ?po?st?gr?ad?ua?te? s?tu?dy?. ?OK?,T?ha?t ?s ?al?l.? T?ha?nk?? you? ?eve?ry?on?e!?!!?面试?英语?自我?介绍?常用??词汇及句?子教?师面?试英?语自?我介?绍?模板考?研面?试英?语自?我介??绍模板外?企面?试英?语自?我介?绍范?文?5篇考?研面??试英语自?我介??绍范文两?篇研?究生?面试?英语?自我?介绍?关于?考研?面试?英语??自我介绍?5?篇面试?自我?介绍? ?
Good morning professors:
It is my great pleasure to be here for this interview. My name is Cheng Siyu, coming from Heilongjiang province and majoring in Resource Exploration Engineering in Jilin University.
In the past three years, I have been studying hard and granted scholarship every year. Besides passing College English Test-4,the National Computer Rank Examination level 2,I also gained many diplomas. As a league branch secretary, I often take an active part in club activity and organize spring outing ,dinner party, donated activity among my classmates. Therefore I was awarded “School outstanding student leaders ” and “The second prize TuanRi activities”. As a volunteer, I have been to Qinghai Province for supporting teaching activities for twenty days and I enjoyed being with children and my good friends.
I began to major in Resource Exploration Engineering because I am attracted to the nature and physical geology. Apart from this, I love traveling and climbing mountains. In my opinion, physical geology is about how the earth works which can help find ore resources. I have participated in the field practice four times and have a solid professional foundation ,contributing to my further study.
Peking University is the heartland of cultural elites and I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in school of earth and space sciences in Peking University which I have desired for a
long time. I’ll try my best to manage my dream no matter how difficult it is.That ’s all,thank you for your time and attention!
我来自江苏省扬州市~高中时期一直任班级班长~先后获得校三好生~扬州市三好生。 大学期间~在学部领导、团委老师的关心下~同学们的帮助下~自己学会很多~收获很多。
在学习方面:先后获得国家励志奖学金~苏州大学人民综合三等奖学金~国家助学金。 在工作方面:曾担任材化部学生会主席~化学班副班长~组织参与学校、学部各类大型活动~认真负责元旦晚会各项工作推免面试自我介绍。先后获得苏州大学优秀学生会干部~苏州大学暑期社会实践先进个人~苏州大学青年志愿服务先进个人~苏州大学优秀共青团员。
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在生活方面:我性格开朗~做事积极认真~善于沟通语言交流及管理领导工作。乐于帮助他人~积极参加各类志愿服务活动~担任苏大校庆志愿者~苏州市园林志愿者~苏州市天平山志愿者。爱好排球~带领材化部排球队连续两次夺得苏州大学排球联赛男子冠军。 科研方面:我成功申请国家级创新性实验~并担任项目主持人推免面试自我介绍。现在恩师郎建平教授实验室学习~参与师兄师姐的实验科研工作~并取得较大收获。自己也在实验过程中取得一定的成国。
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Good afternoon, my dear teachers and professors! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for this interview; I hope I can make a good performance today. I m confident that I can succeed. First of all, Id like to introduce myself to you. My name is Yu wangsheng, 23 years old, born in Hunan province. Four year ago, I graduated from my senior high school and then attached myself to the Airforce Engineering University.
My major is the automation of military command and control, that is to say, Im studying on the Command Control
Communication and Intelligence system. As we all known, the command and control is the most important part of the war, the intelligence is the life of the war and the communication enables all the parts of the system attached to each other. Im very interesting in learning this system, and I hope I can fulfill my dream of continuing study.
Four years university education gives me a lot of things to learn, a lot of chances to try, and a lot of practices to improve myself. It teaches me not only what to study and how to think, but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing experiment as much as possible). In the university life, I have made many good friends. They help me improve my study and research ability, do everything just like a man, and often give me good example to follow.
Besides what I have introduced myself above, I also have many interests in my spare time. I like playing basketball, which is an effective way I think to improve my body health, and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people. Drawing and
writing is another favor to me.
Above all, I choose the major in order to broad my view in system of Command Control Communication and Intelligence, and enhance my research ability. I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.
Thats all. Thank you for giving me the chance.
Hello every one:
My name is ***,I'm **years old. Now let tell you about my plans in the postgraduate study.
First, I hope I can form systematic view of *****. As for
*****, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as **********. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.
I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.
Then please let me tell something about my hometown. I am from , a famous city with a long history over ****years. It is called **** because there were lots of ***even ***years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many ***** were born here, for instance, ***, ***** and so on . You know, there is a saying that The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place. I think the city really deserves it. The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. Theyare known for high-quality. Visitors athome and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.There is my beloved hometown.
I think noting is diffficult if you put your heart into it ,so my future will be very nice ,right?
Good afternoon, professors:
It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. Now i will introduce myself briefly, My name is ***,**years old,born in ****. My major is Applied Physics,and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june. In the past 3 years,i spend most of my time on study, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.
What's more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. Personally, I am very humorous and
easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates.
In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is basketball. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion.
All in all, i choose the major in order to broad my view in Physics,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.
OK,Thats all.
Thank you everyone!!!
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