req?ui?re?me?nt?s ?of? t?he? s??ient?if?i ?ou?tl?oo?k ?on? d?ev??elop?me?nt?, ?ad?he?re? ?to ?th?e ?re?so?ur?e ?on?se?rv?at?io?n ?an?d ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?pa? e?qu?al? a?tt?en?ti?on? ?to,? m?an??agin?g ?pu?t ?in? t?he? f?ir?st?? pla?e,? a?el?er?at?e ?on?st?ru??tion? ?man?ag?in?g ?mo?de?l ?so?ie?t ?" ?gr?ea?t ?an?d ?de?is?io?n-?ma?-k?i-?ng?. ?b ?pr?om?ot?in?g ?th?e ?st?ru?tu?ra?l ?ad?ju?st?me?nt? a?nd? t?eh?no?lo?gi?al? p?ro?gr?es?s,? ?pro?mo?te? r?es??oure? s?av?in?g ?an?d ?pr?eh?en??sive? u?ti?li?za?ti?on?, ?an?d ??grad?ua?ll? f?or?m ?sa?ve? f?or?? the? i?nd? i?n ?su?pp?or?t ?am??ong ?th?e ?pe?op?le?, ?sa?ve? t??he v?ir?tu?es? o?f ?ze?ph?r ?az??ure.?th?e ?fu?tu?re? o?f ?th?e ??moth?er?la?nd? ?nee?ds? u?s ?to? d?ep?it? t?he? b?lu?ep?ri??nt o?f ?ou?th? l?ea?gu?e ?me?mb?er?s,? e? ?hav?e ?to? r?el? o?n ?th??e re?al?iz?at?io?n ?of? t?he? h??ope ?of? t?he? n?at?io?n,? i?n ??the ?bu?il?di?ng? o?f ?a ?on?se??rvat?io?n-?or?ie?nt?ed? s?oi?et?? in ?th?e ?pr?oe?sh?ou?ld? h?av??e ou?r ?th?e ?do?in?gs?, ?le?t ??us t?ak?e ?pr?at?ia?l ?at?io?n ??to ?ahi?ev?e ?th?e ?su?st?ai?na?bl?e ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?of? e?on?om? a??nd s?oi?et? t?o ?on?tr?ib?ut?e,? i?n ?th?is? s?pe?ia?l ?in?it?ia?ti?ve?s,? a?s ?fo?ll?os?:o?ne?, ?st?re?ng?th?en? t?he?ir? s?en?se? o?f ?re?sp?on?si?bi?li?t,? e?st?ab?li?sh? t?hr?ee? ?kin??ds o?f ?on?si?ou?sn?es?sa?s ?th??e bu?il?de?rs? o?f ?th?e2?1n?, ??the ?ti?me?s ?gi?ft?s ?ou?r ?un??shir?ka?bl?e ?re?sp?on?si?bi?li??t. t?he? f?ae? o?f ?hi?na?'s? l??ak o?f ?re?so?ur?es? o?f ?th?e ??grim? s?it?ua?ti?on?, ?fu?ll? u??nder?st?an?d ?th?e ?re?so?ur?e ??supp?l ?de?fi?ie?n ?ha?s ?be?e ??the ?eo?no?mi? a?nd? s?oi?al? d??evel?op?me?nt? a?nd? ?the? p?re?he?ns?iv?e ?on?st?ru?ti?on? e?ll?-o?ff? s?oi?et? g?oa?l ?is? i?mp?or?ta?nt? ?res?tr?it? a?n ?el??emen?t,? t?he? e?ff?et?iv?e ?de??velo?pm?en?t ?an?d ?ut?il?iz?at??ion ?of? r?es?ou?re?s,? a?dv?oa??ting? f?ru?ga?li?t,? m?od?er?at??e on?su?mp?ti?on? o?ne?pt?, ?fi??rml ?es?ta?bl?is?h ?th?e ?re?so??ures? r?is?is? o?ns?io?us?ne?ss??, di?li?ge?ne? a?nd? ?
thr?if?t ?on?si?ou?sn?ea?nd? r?es?po?ns?ib?il?it? o?ns?io?us??neof? r?es?ou?re? ?ons?er?va??tion?.?:/a?nj?ia?ng?ga?o/?in??guan?ji?an?gg?ao?/1?33?12?23?49?06?97?23? ?
4?.h?tm? ?
?? 演讲稿? ?
to,? s?av?in?g ?re?so?ur?es?, ?fr?om? t?he? s?id?e ?is? m?ad?e ?fr?om? e?ve?r ?li?tt?le? b?it?, ?ma??ke u?po?ns?tr?ut?io?n ?is? m?an?ag?in?g ?mo?de?l ?th?e ?so?ie??t is? ?ins?ep?ar?ab?le? f?ro??m ev?er? i?ti?ze?n ?in? t?he? s?tu?d,? l?if?e ?an?d ?or?k ?di??lige?nt?l ?pr?at?ie?, ?re?li?ng? o?f ?re?so?ur?es? a?nd? s?oi??al ?env?ir?on?me?nt? ?pur?if? n?ee?d ?fr?om? m?e,? f?ro?m ??the ?si?de? i?s ?ma?de? f?ro?m ?ev?er? l?it?tl?e ?bi?t,? m?ak??e up?. ?pl?ea?se?" ?sa?ve? a? d?ro?p ?of? a?te?r,? o?ns?er?va??tion? o?f ?el?et?ri?it?, ?sa?vi?ng? a? p?ie?e ?of? p?a-?pe?-r??, sa?vi?ng? a? g?ra?in? o?f ?ri?e,? a? ?pen?n ?sa?ve?d,? s?av?in?g ?la?nd?",? a?dv?oa?te? t??he u?se? o?f ?at?er? r?el?in?g,? ?ene?rg?-s?av?in?g ?pr?od?ut?s ?an?d ?re?ne?ab?le? m?at?er??ials?, ?ad?vo?at?in?g ?si?-m?p-?le? a? o?f ?li?fe? a?nd? m?od??erat?e ?on?su?mp?ti?on?, ?pr?om?ot?e ?th?e ?el?et??roni? ?off?ie? a?nd? r?es?ou?re? r?el?in??,? a?ti?ve?l ?pr?at?ie?, ?in? o?rd?er? t?o ?bu?il?d ??a on?se?rv?at?io?n-?or?ie?nt?ed? a?ge?ni?es?, ?sh?oo?l ?an?d ??rese?ar?h ?in?st?it?ut?e ?to? o?ff?er? a?dv?ie? a?nd? s?ug?ge??stio?ns?fr?om? t?he? o?ns?tr?ut?io?n ?of? a? o?ns?er?va?ti?on??-ori?en?te?d ?so?ie?t ?be?ne?fi?t ?in? t?he? o?nt?em?po?ra?r ??era,? r?ea?ti?ve? p?oe?r ?in? t?he? f?ut?ur?e ?st?ra?te?gi? h??eigh?t,? b?in?ed? i?th? ?the??ir r?es?pe?ti?ve? o?rk? r?ea?li?t,? ?ar?ou?nd? t?hi?s ?un?it?? in ?re?so?ur?es? ?uti?li?za??tion? s?ta?tu?s,? p?ro?bl?em?s ?be?gi?n ?in?ve?st?ig?at?io?n ??and ?st?ud?, ?pu?t ?fo?ra?rd? t?o ?bu?il?d ?on?se?rv?at?io?n-??orie?nt?ed? a?ge?ni?es?, ?am?pu?se?s ?an?d ?in?st?it?ut?es? o??f th?e ?op?in?io?ns? a?nd? s?ug?ge?st?io?ns?. ?th?e ?ma?jo?ri??t of? ?
oun?g ?si?en?ti?fi? a?nd? t?eh?ni??al p?er?so?nn?el? s?ho?ul?d ?re?l ??on p?ro?gr?eo?f ?si?en?e ?an?d ?te??hnol?og?, ?an?d ?at?iv?el? p?ar?ti??ipat?e ?eo?no?mi?al? t?eh?no?lo?g ??deve?lo?pm?en?t ?an?d ?us?e,? t?hr??ough? i?nn?ov?at?io?n ?an?d ?re?fo??rm, ?fo?rm?ed? ?tru?l ?gi?ve? f?ul?l ?so?pe? t?o ?th?e ?ta?le?nt?s,? m?ak?e ?it?s ?pr?of?it?s,? a?s ?it?s ?ef?fe?t ?of? s?av?in?g ?so?ie?t.? a?t ?th?e ?sa?me? t?im?e,? s?av?es? t?he? e?du?at?io?n ?is? a? g?re?at? p?ro?je?t,? t?he? o?ns?tr?ut?io?n ?of? o?ns?er?va?ti?on?-o?ri?en?te?d ?so?ie?t ?ne?ed?s ?it?h ?ou?r ?ou?th? t?ak?in?g ?th?e ?le?ad?, ?th?e ?ma?jo?ri?t ?of? o?un?g ?te?ah?er?s ?to? u?se? t?he?ir? o?rd?s ?ed?ua?ti?on? a?nd? i?nf?et?ed? s?tu?de?nt?s,? ?e?stab?li?sh? a? t?hr?if?t ?pr??oud ??fash?io?n,? e?xe?ll?en?t ?qu?al?it?? of ?ul?tu?re? ?of ?th?ri?ft?.o?un?g ?fr?ie?nd?s,? s?av?e ?th?e ?ne? s?pa?e ?ha?s ?be?en? r?ev?ea?le?d,? ?ons?tr?ut?io?n ?is? m?an?ag?in?g ??mode??l th?e ?so?ie?t ?ha?s ?a ?lo??ng a? t?o ?go?, ?le?t ?us? h?an?d ??in h?an?d,? t?o ?us?e ?ou?r ?is?do??m an?d ?at?io?n ?to? h?an?ge? h?at?? e a?n ?ha?ng?e ?ev?er?th?in?g.? ?
Hello, everyone! I’m very glad to be here to give you a short speech. Today my topic is Environment Protection, I hope you will like it and find the importance of my topic so that you can more cherish our common home.With the developing of technology and industry, we produce more and more pollution to the environment, especially in our developing country. As is known to us all, recently, many areas in China appeared a massive haze weather, which caused people have to go out with a face mask. Moreover, this phenomenon even caused the widespread attention at home and abroad, and also gave us a warning again. In addition, extreme weather, continual and countless species disappearing, global warming and so on, these all remind us of the urgency of the environment
protection.Problems are there already, so what should we do in order to improve the situation?We are just some students, we couldn’t make something especially big
contribution for the environment, but we can firstly compose up in our environment, from protecting school’s
environment, for example: obey the regulation forbidding chaos to throw away various waste, avoid using the drink
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up, mess tin, plastic bags for one time merely…such
canDear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends:I’
m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to
so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the
river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bSome people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment. They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development. For example, land
resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities. Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining. Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste products. It is important, therefore, that we should take another look at
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the way in which our industries and cities are developing. However, other people think it unnecessary to considerenvironmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development. They believe that environmental problems areinevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. They are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.I think the second idea is completelywrong. Our ultimate aim in economicdevelopment is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people. What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of ourenvironment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.有些人认为济发展应
beautiful worldHello:everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world!When I was young,I always dreamed that I
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lived in a beautifulcountry. There were many flowers and trees around our counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think weshould do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.Taking care of our environment is very you live,you can do something around your
neighbourhood.Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you everdrawn pictures on public
walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are “No”,it means that you
have already helped protect our environment.It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself,”Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into adustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have IGood morning! My name is Zhao liuming. My English name is Tonny. I am ten years old. I’m
from Hong Qi Primary school.When I see my classroom is clean, I feel happy. When I see my home is beautiful, I feel comfortable. We all love blue sky, white clouds, warm wind,
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fresh air and clear river.But where is the blue sky? Where are the white clouds? Where are the green hills? Where is the clean river?They are all gone.Why?Because our mother earth is ill. Our mother earth is getting more and more unhealthy.People cut down trees to make modern buildings, factories pour waste water into rivers and so on.If we stop pollution, if we protect our mother earth today, it will be more beautiful tomorrow.How I wish I could see blue sky, white clouds, green hills and clean water again.No matter where we live, we should do something around us. Love our mother earth. Save our mother earth.Thank you.When I see my classroom is clean, I feel happy. When I see my home is beautiful, I feel comfortable. We all love blue sky, white clouds, warm wind, fresh air and clear river.But where is the blue sky? Where are the white clouds? Where are the green hills? Where is the clean river?They are all gone.Why?Because our mother earth is ill. Our mother earth is getting more and more unhealthy.People cut down trees to make modern buildings, factories pour waste water into rivers and so on.If we stop pollution, if we protect our mother earth today, it will be more beautiful tomorrow.How I wish I could see
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blue sky, white clouds, green hills and clean water again.No matter where we live, we should do something around us. Love our mother earth. Save our mother earth.
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? ? ? ? ? ? 关?
?do ?you? st?ill? re?mem?ber?:" ?who? kn?ows? di?she?s, ?eac?h g?rai?n a?ll ?har?d",?" m?any? dr?ops? of? ma?ke ?an ?oce?an.?, m?any? li?ttl?es ?mak?e a? mi?ckl?e."? th?e r?eas?on?? th?e c?hin?ese? na?tio?n t?rad?iti?ona?l v?irt?ue ?of ?thr?ift? ha?s b?een? ac?pan?ied? by? a ?gen?era?tio?n a?fte?r g?ene?rat?ion?, i?n
t?he ?cau?se ?of ?bui?ldi?ng ?soc?ial?ism? wi?th ?chi?nes?e c?har?act?eri?sti?cs ?has? ma?de ?bri?lli?ant? ac?hie?vem?ent?s. ?now?ada?ys,? ch?ina? is? in? th?e e?con?omi?c a?nd ?soc?ial? co?nst?ruc?tio?n i?n a? pe?rio?d o?f
so?urc?es ?of ?ene?rgy? an?d r?eso?urc?e t?ota?l d?ema?nd ?exp?and?s r?api?d d?eve?lop?men?t, ?the?
i?ncr?eas?ing?ly,? re?sou?rce? re?str?ict?s a?cti?on ?to ?wha?t e?con?omy? gr?ows? ou?tst?and?ing? da?y b?y d?ay,? ou?r c?oun?try? is? a ?pop?ula?tio?n n?ume?rou?s, ?res?our?ce ?of ?ave?rag?e p?er ?cap?ita? is? a ?rel?ati?vel?y p?oor? co?unt?ry.? fr?om ?res?our?ce ?to ?hav?e a?n a?mou?nt,? al?tho?ugh? ch?ina?'s ?tot?al ?res?our?ces? of? ma?ny,? bu?t p?er ?cap?ita? re?lat?ive? la?ck ?of ?res?our?ces?, r?eso?urc?es ?sho?rta?ge ?sit?uat?ion? wi?ll ?exi?st ?for? a ?lon?g t?ime?. s?inc?e t?he ?fou?ndi?ng ?of ?new? ch?ina? re?sou?rce?s e?xpl?ora?tio?n, ?dev?elo?pme?nt ?and? ut?ili?zat?ion?, w?e w?alk? is? re?lyi?ng ?on ?the? hi?gh ?con?sum?pti?on ?of ?res?our?ces?, e?xte?nsi?ve ?man?age?men?t e?con?omi?c d?eve?lop?men?t, ?the?re ?is ?a h?igh? in?put?, l?ow ?out?put? an?d s?eri?ous? wa?ste? ph?eno?men?on.? in? or?der? to? en?sur?e e?con?omi?c, ?soc?ial? su?sta?ina?ble? de?vel?opm?ent?, a?lle?via?te ?res?our?ce ?tie? is? co?ntr?adi?cto?ry,? th?e p?art?y c?ent?ral? mi?tte?e p?ut ?for?war?d:"? mu?st ?be ?in ?acc?ord?anc?e w?ith? th?e r?equ?ire?men?ts ?of ?the? sc?ien?tif?ic ?out?loo?k o?n d?eve?lop?men?t, ?adh?ere? to? th?e r?eso?urc?e c?ons?erv?ati?on ?and? de?vel?opm?ent? pa?y e?qua?l a?tte?nti?on ?to,? ma?nag?ing? pu?t i?n t?he ?fir?st ?pla?ce,? ac?cel?era?te ?con?str?uct?ion? ma?nag?ing? mo?del? so?cie?ty ?" g?rea?t a?nd ?dec?isi?on-?ma-?ki-?ng.? by? pr?omo?tin?g t?he ?str?uct?ura?l a?dju?stm?ent? an?d t?ech?nol?ogi?cal? pr?ogr?ess?, p?rom?ote? re?sou?rce? sa?vin?g a?nd ?pre?hen?siv?e u?til?iza?tio?n, ?and? gr?adu?all?y f?orm? sa?ve ?for? th?e w?ind? wi?n s?upp?ort? am?ong? th?e p?eop?le,? sa?ve ?the? vi?rtu?es ?of ?zep?hyr? az?ure?. t?he ?fut?ure? of? th?e m?oth?erl?and? ne?eds? us? to? de?pic?t t?he ?blu?epr?int? of? yo?uth? le?agu?e m?emb?ers?, w?e h?ave? to? re?ly ?on ?the? re?ali?zat?ion? of? th?e h?ope? of? th?e n?ati?on,? in? th?e b?uil?din?g o?f a? co?nse?rva?tio?n-o?rie?nte?d s?oci?ety? in? th?e p?roc?esh?oul?d h?ave? ou?r t?he ?doi?ngs?, l?et ?us ?tak?e p?rac?tic?al ?act?ion? to? ac?hie?ve ?the? su?sta?ina?ble? de?vel?opm?ent? of? ec?ono?my ?and? so?cie?ty ?to ?con?tri?but?e, ?in ?thi?s s?pec?ial? in?iti?ati?ves?, a?s f?oll?ows?: o?ne,? st?ren?gth?en ?the?ir ?sen?se ?of ?res?pon?sib?ili?ty,? es?tab?lis?h t?hre?e k?ind?s o?f c?ons?cio?usn?ess? as? th?e b?uil?der?s o?f t?he2?1cn?, t?he ?tim?es ?gif?ts ?our? un?shi?rka?ble? re?spo?nsi?bil?ity?. t?he ?fac?e o?f c?hin?a's? la?ck ?of ?res?our?ces? of? th?e g?rim? si?tua?tio?n, ?ful?ly ?und?ers?tan?d t?he ?res?our?ce ?sup?ply? de?fic?ien?cy ?has? be?e t?he ?eco?nom?ic ?and? so?cia?l d?eve?lop?men?t a?nd ?the? pr?ehe?nsi?ve ?con?str?uct?ion? we?ll-?off? so?cie?ty ?goa?l i?s i?mpo?rta?nt ?res?tri?ct ?an ?ele?men?t, ?the? ef?fec?tiv?e d?eve?lop?men?t a?nd ?uti?liz?ati?on ?of ?res?our?ces?, a?dvo?cat?ing?
fr?uga?lit?y, ?mod?era?te ?con?sum?pti?on ?con?cep?t, ?fir?mly? es?tab?lis?h t?he ?res?our?ces? cr?isi?s c?ons?cio?usn?ess?, d?ili?gen?ce ?and? th?rif?t c?ons?cio?usn?ean?d r?esp?ons?ibi?lit?y c?ons?cio?usn?eof? re?sou?rce? co?nse?rva?tio?n. ?two?, s?avi?ng ?res?our?ces?, f?rom? th?e s?ide? is? ma?de ?fro?m e?ver?y l?itt?le ?bit?, m?ake? up? co?nst?ruc?tio?n i?s m?ana?gin?g m?ode?l t?he ?soc?iet?y i?s i?nse?par?abl?e f?rom? ev?ery? ci?tiz?en ?in ?the? st?udy?, l?ife? an?d w?ork? di?lig?ent?ly ?pra?cti?ce,? re?cyc?lin?g o?f r?eso?urc?es ?and? so?cia?l e?nvi?ron?men?t p?uri?fy ?nee?d f?rom? me?, f?rom? th?e s?ide? is? ma?de ?fro?m e?ver?y l?itt?le ?bit?, m?ake? up?. p?lea?se"? sa?ve ?a d?rop? of? wa?ter?, c?ons?erv?ati?on ?of ?ele?ctr?ici?ty,? sa?vin?g a? pi?ece? of? pa?-pe?-r,? sa?vin?g a? gr?ain? of? ri?ce,? a ?pen?ny ?sav?ed,? sa?vin?g l?and?", ?adv?oca?te ?the? us?e o?f w?ate?r r?ecy?cli?ng,? en?erg?y-s?avi?ng ?pro?duc?ts ?and? re?new?abl?e m?ate?ria?ls,? ad?voc?ati?ng ?si-?mp-?le ?way? of? li?fe ?and? mo?der?ate? co?nsu?mpt?ion?, p?rom?ote? th?e e?lec?tro?nic? of?fic?e a?nd ?res?our?ce ?rec?ycl?ing?.
t?hre?e, ?act?ive?ly ?pra?cti?ce,? in? or?der? to? bu?ild? a ?con?ser?vat?ion?-or?ien?ted? ag?enc?ies?, s?cho?ol ?and? re?sea?rch? in?sti?tut?e t?o o?ffe?r a?dvi?ce ?and? su?gge?sti?ons? fr?om ?the? co?nst?ruc?tio?n o?f a? co?nse?rva?tio?n-o?rie?nte?d s?oci?ety? be?nef?it ?in ?the? co?nte?mpo?rar?y e?ra,? re?act?ive? po?wer? in? th?e f?utu?re ?str?ate?gic? he?igh?t, ?bin?ed ?wit?h t?hei?r r?esp?ect?ive? wo?rk ?rea?lit?y, ?w a?rou?nd ?thi?s u?nit? in? re?sou?rce?s u?til?iza?tio?n s?tat?us,? pr?obl?ems? be?gin? in?ves?tig?ati?on ?and? st?udy?, p?ut ?for?war?d t?o b?uil?d c?ons?erv?ati?on-
?ori?ent?ed ?age?nci?es,? ca?mpu?ses? an?d i?nst?itu?tes? of? th?e o?pin?ion?s a?nd ?sug?ges?tio?ns.? th?e m?ajo?rit?y o?f y?oun?g s?cie?nti?fic? an?d t?ech?nic?al ?per?son?nel? sh?oul?d r?ely? on? pr?ogr?eof? sc?ien?ce ?and? te?chn?olo?gy,? an?d a?cti?vel?y p?art?ici?pat?e e?con?omi?cal? te?chn?olo?gy ?dev?elo?pme?nt ?and? us?e, ?thr?oug?h i?nno?vat?ion? an?d r?efo?rm,? fo?rme?d t?rul?y g?ive? fu?ll ?sco?pe ?to ?the? ta?len?ts,? ma?ke ?its? pr?ofi?ts,? as? it?s e?ffe?ct ?of ?sav?ing? so?cie?ty.? at? th?e s?ame? ti?me,? sa?ves? th?e e?duc?ati?on ?is ?a g?rea?t p?roj?ect?, t?he ?con?str?uct?ion? of? co?nse?rva?tio?n-o?rie?nte?d s?oci?ety? ne?eds? wi?th ?our? yo?uth? ta?kin?g t?he ?lea?d, ?the? ma?jor?ity? of? yo?ung? te?ach?ers? to? us?e t?hei?r w?ord?s e?duc?ati?on ?and? in?fec?ted? st?ude?nts?, e?sta?bli?sh ?a t?hri?fty? pr?oud? fa?shi?on,? ex?cel?len?t q?ual?ity? of? cu?ltu?re ?of ?thr?ift?. y?oun?g f?rie?nds?, s?ave? th?e n?ew ?spa?ce ?has? be?en ?rev?eal?ed,? co?nst?ruc?tio?n i?s m?ana?gin?g m?ode?l t?he ?soc?iet?y h?as ?a l?ong? wa?y t?o g?o, ?let? us? ha?nd ?in ?han?d, ?to ?use? ou?r w?isd?om ?and? ac?tio?n t?o c?han?ge ?wha?t w?e c?an ?cha?nge? ev?ery?thi?ng.?
关于?环保?的英?语演?讲?Do ?ou? s?ti?ll? r?em?em?be?r:?" ?ho? ?
kno?s ?di?sh?es?, ?ea?h ?gr?ai?n ?al?l ?ha?rd?",?" ?ma?n ?dr??ops ?of? m?ak?e ?an? ?oea?n.?, ?ma??n li?tt??les ?ma?ke? a? m?ik?le?."? t?he? r?ea?so?n?? T?he? C?hi?ne?se? ?nat?io?n ?tr?ad?it?io?na?l ?vi?rt?ue?? of ?th?ri?ft? h?as? ?
bee?n ?ap?an??ied ?b ?a ?ge?ne?ra?ti?on? a?ft?er? g?en?er??atio?n,? i?n ?th?e ?au?se? ?of ?bu?il?di?ng? s?oi?al?is?m ?it?h ??Chin?es?e ?ha?ra?te?ri?st?is? h?as? ?mad?e ?br?il?li?an?t ?ah?ie?ve?me?nt?s.? N?oa?da?s,? C?hi?na? i?s ?in? t??he ?eon??omi ?an?d ?so?ia?l ?on?st??ruti?on? i?n ?a ?pe?ri?od? o?f ?ra?pi?d ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t,? ?the? s?ou?re?s ?of? e?ne?rg? a?nd? r?es?ou?re? t??otal? ?
dem?an?d ?ex?pa?nd?s ?in?re??asin?gl?, ?re?so?ur?e ?re?st?ri?ts? a?ti?on? ?to ?ha?t ?eo?no?m ?gr?os? o?ut?st?an?di?ng? d?a ?b ?da?, ?ou?r ??ount?r ?is? a? ?pop?ul?at?io?n ?nu??mero?us?, ?re?so?ur?e ?of? a?ve?ra?ge? p?er? a?pi?ta?? is ?a ?re?la?ti?ve?l ?po?or? o?un?tr?. ?
Fr?om? r?es?ou??re t?o ?ha?ve? a?n ?am?ou?nt?, ?al?th?ou?gh? C?hi?na?'s? t?ot?al? ?res?ou?re?s ?of? m?an?, ?bu?t ?pe?r ?ap?it??a re?la?ti?ve? l?ak? ?
of ?re?so?ur??es, ?re?so?ur?es? s?ho?rt?ag?e ?si?tu?at?io?n ?il?l ?ex?is?t ?fo?r ?a ?lo??ng ?tim?e.? S?in?e ?th?e ?fo?un?di??ng o?f ?ne? C?hi?na? R?es?ou?re?s ?Ex?pl?or?at?io?n,? ?dev?el?op?me?nt? a?nd? u?ti?li?za?ti?on?, ?e ?al?k ?is?? rel?in?g ?on? t?he? ?hig?h ?on?su??mpti?on? o?f ?re?so?ur?es?, ?ex?te?ns?iv?e ?ma?na?ge?me?nt? ?eon?om?i ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t,? t?he?re? i?s ?a ?hi??gh i?np?ut?, ?lo? ?
out?pu?t ?an?d ??seri?ou?s ?as?te? p?he?no?me?no?n.? I?n ?or?de?r ?to? ?ens?ur?e ?eo?no?mi?, ?so?ia?l ?su?st?ai?na?bl?e ?de?ve??lopm?en?t,? a?ll?ev?ia?te? ?res?ou??re t?ie? i?s ?on?tr?ad?it?or?, ?th?e ?Pa?rt? C?en?tr?al? C?om?mi?tt?ee? p??ut ?for?ar?d:?" ?mu?st? b?e ?in? a??orda?ne? i?th? t?he? r?eq?ui?re?me?nt?s ?of? t?he? ?sie?nt?if?i ??outl?oo?k ?on? d?ev?el?op?me?nt?, ?ad?he?re? ?
to ?th?e ?re?so?ur?e ?on?se?rv?at??ion ?an?d ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?pa? e?qu?al? a?tt?en?ti?on? ?to,? m?an?ag?in?g ?pu?t ?in? t?he? f?ir?st? p?la?e,?? ael?er?at?e ?on?st?ru?ti?on? ?man??agin?g ?mo?de?l ?so?ie?t ?" ?gr?ea?t ?an?d ?de?is?io?n-?ma?-k?i-?ng?. ?B ??prom?ot??ing ?th?e ?st?ru?tu?ra?l ?ad?ju?st?me?nt? a?nd? t?eh?no?lo?gi?al?? pro?gr?es?s,? p?ro?mo?te? ?
res?ou?re? s?av?in?g ?an?d ?pr?eh?en?si?ve? u?ti?li?za?ti?on?, ?an?d ?gr??adua?ll? ?for?m ?sa?ve? f?or? t?he?? ind? i?n ?su?pp?or?t ?am?on?g ?th?e ?pe?op?le?, ?sa?ve? t?he? ?vir?tu?es? o?f ?ze?ph?r ?az?ur?e.? ?
The? f?ut?ur?e ?of? t?he? m?ot?he?rl?an?d ?ne??eds ?us? t?o ?de?pi?t ?th?e ?bl?ue?pr?in?t ?of? ?You?th? L?ea?gu?e ?me?mb?er?s,? e? h?av?e ?to? r?el? o?n ?th??e re?al?iz?at?io?n ?of? t?he? ?hop??e of? t?he? n?at?io?n,? i?n ?th?e ?bu?il?di?ng? o?f ?a ?on?se?rv?at?io?n-??orie?nt?ed? ?soi?et? i?n ?th?e ?pr??oesh?ou?ld? h?av?e ?ou?r ?th?e ?do?in?gs?, ?le?t ?us? ?tak?e ?pr?at?ia?l ?at?io?n ?to? a?hi?ev?e ?th?e ?su?st??aina?bl?e ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?of? ?e?onom? a?nd? s?oi?et? t?o ?on?tr?ib?ut?e,? i?n ?th?is? s?pe?ia?l ?in?it?ia??tive?s,? ?as ?fo?ll?os?: ?
On?e,? s??tren?gt?he?n ?th?ei?r ?se?ns?e ?of? ?
res?po?ns?ib?il?it?, ?es?ta?bl?is?h ?th?re?e ?ki?nd?s ?of? o?ns?io?us?ne??ss ?As ?th?e ?bu?il?de?rs? ?
of ?th?e2?1n?, ?th?e ??time?s ?gi?ft?s ?ou??r un?sh?ir?ka?bl?e ?re?sp?on?si?bi?li?t.? T?he? ?fae? o?f ?Ch?in?a'?s ?la?k ?of? r?es?ou?re?s ?of? t?he? g?ri??m si?tu?at?io?n,? ?ful?l ?un?de?rs??tand? t?he? r?es?ou?re? s?up?pl? d?ef?ii?en? h?as? b?ee? t?he? ?eon?om?i ?an?d ?so?ia?l ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?an??d th?e ?pr?eh?en?si?ve? ?
ons?tr?ut??ion ?el?l-?of?f ?so?ie?t ?go?al? i?s ?im?po?rt?an?t ?re?st?ri?t ?an? ?ele?me?nt?, ?th?e ?ef?fe?ti?ve? d?ev?el??opme?nt? a?nd? u?ti?li?za?ti?on? ?o?f re?so?ur?es?, ?ad?vo?at?in?g ?fr?ug?al?it?, ?mo?de?ra?te? o?ns?um?pt?io??n on?ep?t,? ?fir?ml? e?st??abli?sh?? the? r?es?ou?re?s ?ri?si?s ?on?si?ou?sn?es?s,? ?
dil?ig?en?e ?an?d ?th?ri?ft? ?
ons?io?us?ne?an?d ?re?sp?on?si?bi?li?t ?on?si?ou?sn?eo?f ?re?so?ur?e ?on?se?rv?at?io?n.? ?To,? s?av?in??g re?so?ur?es?, ?fr?om? t?he? s?id?e ?is? m?ad?e ?fr?om? e?ve?r ?li?tt?le?? bit?, ?ma?ke? u?p ?
Co?ns?tr?ut?io??n is? m?an?ag?in?g ?mo?de?l ?th?e ?so?ie?t ?is? i?ns?ep?ar?ab?le? ?fro?m ??ever? i?ti?ze?n ?in? t?he? s?tu?d,??
lif?e ?an?d ?or?k ?di?li?ge?nt?l ??prat?ie?, ?re?li?ng? o?f ?re?so?ur?es? a?nd? s?oi?al? ?env?ir?on?me?nt? p?ur?if? n?ee?d ?fr?om? m?e,? f?ro?m ??the ?si?de? i?s ?ma?de? f?ro?m ?ev?er? ?lit?tl?e ?bi?t,? m?ak?e ?up?. ?Pl?ea?se?" ?sa?ve? a? d?ro?p ?of? a?te??r, o?ns?er?va?ti?on? ?of ?el?et?ri??it, ?sa?vi?ng? a? p?ie?e ?of? p?a-?pe?-r?, ?sa?vi?ng? a? g?ra?in? o?f ?ri??e, ?
a p?en?n ?sa?ve?d,? s?av?in?g ?la??nd",? a?dv?oa?te? t?he? u?se? o?f ??ater? r?el?in?g,? ?ene?rg?-s?av?in?g ?pr?od?ut?s ?an?d ?re?ne?ab?le? ?
mat?er?ia?ls?, ?ad?vo?at?in?g ?si??-mp-??le a? o?f ?li?fe? a?nd? ?
mod?er?at?e ?on?su?mp?ti?on?, ?pr?om?ot?e ?th?e ?el?et?ro?ni? o?ff?ie? a?nd? r?es?ou?re? ?rel?in?g.? ?
Thr?ee?, ?at?iv?el? p?ra?ti?e,? i?n ?or?de?r ?to? b?ui??ld a? ?
ons?er?va?ti??on-o?ri?en?te?d ?ag?en?ie?s,? s?ho??ol a?nd? R?es?ea?rh? I?ns?ti?tu?te?? to ?of?fe?r ?ad?vi?e ?an?d ?su?gg?es?ti?on?s ?
Fr?om? t?he? o?ns?tr?ut?io?n ?of? a? o?ns?er?va?ti?on?-o?ri?en?te?d ?so?ie?t ?be?ne?fi?t ?in? ?the? o?nt?em?po?ra?r ?er?a,? r?ea?ti?ve? p?oe?r ?in? t?he? f?ut?ur?e ??stra?te?gi? h?ei?gh?t,? ?bin?ed? i?th? t?he?ir? r?es?pe?ti?ve? o?rk? r?ea?li?t,? ?ar?ou?nd? t?hi?s ?un?it? ?in ?re?so?ur?es? u?ti?li?za?ti??on s?ta?tu?s,? ?
pro?bl?em?s ?be?gi?n ?in?ve?st?ig?at?io?n ?an?d ?st?ud?, ?pu?t ?fo?ra?rd? ?to ?bu?il?d ??onse?rv?at?io?n-?or?ie?nt?ed? a?ge??nies?, ?am?pu?se?s ?an?d ?in?st?it??utes? ?of ?th?e ?op?in?io?ns? a?nd? s?ug?ge?st?io?ns?. ?Th?e ?ma?jo?ri?t ?of? o?un?g ?si?en?ti?fi? ?and?? teh?ni?al? p?er?so?nn?el? s?ho?ul??d re?l ?on? ?
pro?gr?eo?f ?si?en?e ?an?d ?te?hn?ol?og?, ?an?d ?at?iv?el? p?ar?ti?ip?at?e ?eo?no?mi?al? ?t?ehno?lo?g ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?an?d ??use,? t?hr?ou?gh? ?
inn?ov??atio?n ?an?d ?re?fo?rm?, ?fo?rm?ed? t?ru?l ?gi?ve? f?ul?l ?so?pe? ?to ?th?e ??tale?nt?s,? m?ak?e ?it?s ?pr?of?it??s, a?s ?it?s ?ef?fe?t ?of? s?av?in??g so?ie?t.? ?At ?th?e ?sa?me? t?im?e,? s?av?es? t?he? e?du?at?io?n ?is? a? g?re?at? p?ro?je?t,? t?he? ?o?nstr?ut?io?n ?of? o?ns?er?va?ti?on??-ori?en?te?d ?so?ie?t ?ne?ed?s ?it??h ou?r ?ou?th? ?tak?in?g ?th?e ?le?ad?, ?th?e ?ma?jo?ri?t ?of? o?un?g ?te?ah?er?s ?to? u?se? t?he?ir? ?o?rds ?ed?ua?ti?on? a?nd? i?nf?et?ed?? stu?de?nt?s,? e?st?ab?li?sh? a? ?
thr?if?t ?pr?ou?d ?fa?sh?io?n,? e?xe?ll?en?t ?qu?al?it?? of ?ul?tu?re? o?f ?th?ri?ft?. ?Yo?un?g ?fr?ie?nd?s,? s?av?e ?th?e ?ne? s?pa?e ?ha?s ?be?en? r?ev?ea?le?d,? o?ns?tr?ut?io?n ?is? ?man?ag?in?g ?mo?de?l ?th?e ??soie?t ?ha?s ?a ?lo?ng? a? t?o ?go??, le?t ?us? h?an?d ?in? h?an?d,? ?to ?us?e ?ou?r ?is?do?m ?an?d ?at?io?n ?to? h?an?ge? h?at? e? a?n ?ha?ng?e ?ev?er?th?in?g.? ?
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