概括大意与完成句子 4.Paragraph6(A: The Cost of Convenience)
一、the Making of a Success Story发迹史 5.Many people agree that food prices have increased sharply but they have failed(D: to agree on the reasons for the increase) 课文:IKEA is the world’s largest furniture retailer,……just keeps on growing.(六段) 6.The farmers have not been benefited very much(A: Nor have the middlemen) 1.Paragraph 2(C: The origin of IKEA) 7.Housewives have to pay for the time they save(E: by buying prepared food)
D: Specialization in selling furniture) 2.Paragraph 3(8.The economists have come to the conclusion that the cause of increased food prices lies in(F: the popularization of 3.Paragraph 4 (B:Success brought by the introduction of showrooms) convenience food)
4.Paragraph5 (E: Flat packaging—a feature of IKEA) 第六篇how we form first impression
5、Even when he was only a child,(C: Ingvar Kamprad showed interest in and talent for doing business) 课文: We all have first impression Of someone we just met. But why?
6、(A: IKEA began as a small store selling all kinds of cheap things),and years later became a big company specialized in 1. Paragraph 2_ D Comparing Incoming Sensory Information Against Memories
manufacturing and selling of furniture。 2. Paragraph 3_C Illustration Of First Impression 7.Customers liked the idea of IKEA’s showrooms because(E: here they can see and try the furniture they are going to buy) 3. Paragraph 4_B Comment on First Impression 8.As flat packaging saves money for both IKEA and the customers,(B: it is highly welcomed by both) 4. Paragraph 5_ A Ways Of Departure from Immature and Simplistic Impressions
二、The Paper Chase文件整理 5. Sensory information is one that is perceived through__. E the sights and sounds of the world
课文:“Running a house is a lot like running a business……never overstuff your files 6. You interpret D the meaning of incoming sensory information by comparing it against the memories already storer ..
1.Paragraph2(A: Find a place to work on) 7. The way we stereotype people is a less mature ... similar to__C the immature form of thinking of a very young child
2.Paragraph3(E: Get rid of unimportant things) 8. We can use our more mature style of thinking thanks to__B the most complex areas of our cortex
3.Paragraph4(F: Dealing with bills)
4.Paragraph5(C: What is a good filing system) 七、 How to Argue With Your Boss
5.Stephanie Denton is expert(B: in paper chase)
7.Coupons should be thrown away because(A: they are useless) 2.Paragraph3(E: Make the issue clear)
8.“Mentally flexble” indicates the fact(D:that different people have different requirements. 3.Paragraph4(C:Propose your solution)
三、Engilish and English Community群体 4.Paragraph5(B: Put yourself in the boss’s position)
课文: There is no denying…..part of our heritage 5.If you want to ask the boss for anything,it is important to find out first(B: how he is feeling) 1.paragraph2(F: The Definition of a Speech Community) 6.It is necessary to make clear to the boss(D: what you really want to take to him about) 2.paragraph3(D: The Composition of the English Community) 7.It is not wise to present the boss with a problem(E: without suggesting a way to solve it) 3.Paragraph4(A: The Wide Use of English) 8.You mast be considerate and think of the troubles(C: the boss may have) 4.Paragraph5(C: The Advantages of Learning a Second language) 八、Earthquake地
5.Only through the shared language(B: can a speech community be formed) 课文: Every year earthquakes are…..pattern before major earthquakes happen 6.The idea of the national boundaries is often different from(A: that of speech community) C: Intensities of earthquakes) 1.Paragraph 2(
7.Speakers are classifind into two groups(D: for the sake of simplicity) 2.Paragraph 3(D: Cause of earthquakes)
8.An understanding of English(E: has played an important role in the field of education) 3.Paragraph 4(A: Earthquakes’ forecast)
四、 Alaska阿拉斯加 4.Paragraph 5(E: Indications of earthquakes)
课文: In 1959 Americans welcomed Alaska into the ……gold and other minerals 5.Not all damage during an earthquake is caused(A: by the quake itself)
1.Paragraph3(F: Land and Population) 6.Not all earthquakes are strong enough(C: to cause damage of property and loss of lives)
D: The Natives of the Land) 2.Paragraph4(7.Scientists have been working hard to warn people(D: of a possible earthquake) 3.Paragraph5(C: Transportation Problem) 8.Earthquakes can be predicted by observing(E: the unusual behaviors of some animals) 4.Paragraph6(A: Rich Resources of the State) 九、Transport and Trade交通与贸易
5.For as long as three months of a year,the sun(D: shines day and night) 课文: Transport is one of the aids to trade….systems also help to develop trade 6.According to statistics,(E: only a very small percentage)of the tobal area of …. 1.Paragraph 2(B: Importance of transport in trade) th7.Alaska was originally part of Russia,but was bought(C: by the united states in the 19 century) 2.Paragraph 3(A: Higher living standard)
8.Gold did not bring to Alaska as much wealth(A: as fish does) 3.Paragraph 4(D: Birth of transport-related industries and trade)
第五篇 Why does Food Cost so Much,为何食品销如此
课文: In 1959 the average American family paid……for the sharp rise in food costs 5.The development of modern means of transport(C: has greatly promoted trade) 1.Paragraph3(E: Farmer’s Denial of Increased Profit) 6.Only when goods can be carried to all parts of the world quickly(D: is it possible to produce on a large scale) 2.Paragraph4(D: Middlemen’s Limited share in the Additional Profit) 7.Transport has made it possible for people to eat whatever food they want(B: at any time during the year) 3.Paragraph5(B: A Surprising Answer Given by the Economists) 8.In the trade of modern society the transmission of information plays as important a role as(E: the transport of goods)
十、Washoe Learned American Sign Language 5. The island of Manhattan was bought by the Hollanders from the native Americans___ F for what seems to be a very small
课文:An animal that influenced scientific thought has died. sum today
1. Paragraph 1_____ C Genera1 Information about Washoe 6. Central Park is a good place where the New Yorkers can go and__ A do whatever they like for relaxation
2. Paragraph 2_____ B Report about Washoe'.s Progress in Learning Sign Language 7. Fifth Avenue is the place__ E where the wealthy people would go shopping
3. Paragraph 3_____ E Debate on Chimps' Intelligence 8. For those play-lovers who are interested in what is unusual, the small theaters might be more attractive___ C than the
4. Paragraph 4_____ A Reason Why Not Many Scientists Carry out This Research Nowdays world famous Broadway
5. Washoe could make signs to communicate__. C when she wanted to eat 十五 Smoke gets in your mind 6. Some scientists doubted__. A if the Gardeners'argument was sound
8. The experimenters thought Washoe was intelligent___.E because she could use sign language to ask for fruits 1. Paragraph 3___C.Positive effects of smoking as advertised 十一、Is There a Way to Keep the Britain’s Economy Growing是否有办法使英国经济继续保持增
5.Every country has its own way(C: to feed its people) 7. Breslau's study __ D.involved fewer people __ than Goodman's but lasted longer. 6.The British government doesn’t seem(F: to worry about the British economy) 8. To contradict Breslau's conclusion,。。。when they smoke __F.But their level of anxiety increases when they quit smoking 7.The creative industries find it difficult(E: to make a profit)
8.Many graduates are employed(B: to do low-skill jobs)
十二、Intelligence: a Changed View智力:一个转变
课文: Intelligence was believed to be a fixed…..by more and more people
1.Paragraph 2(C: Effect of Environment on Intelligence)
2.Paragraph 4(A: Main Results of Recent Researches)
3.Paragraph5(F: A Changed View of Intelligence)
4.Paragraph6(E: Impact on School Education)
5.It was once believed(D: that intelligence was something a baby was born with)..
6.More recent researches…..(F: and partly has to do with a child’s living environment)
7.It can be inferred from…(B: have a better chance to develop his intelligence)
8.Children were not just(A: born to be more intelligent or less intelligent)…
十三、 Screen Test透视检查
课文: Every yesr millions of …in any screening programme.”
1.Paragraph 2 (A: Harm Screening May Do to a Younger Woman)
2.Paragraph 3 (B: Investigating the Effect of Screening)
3. Paragraph 4 (C: Effects Predicted by Two Different Models)
4.Paragraph 5 (D: Small Risk of Inducing Cancers from Radiation)
5.Early discovery of brest cancer may (C: save a life)
6.Advantages of screening women under 50 are (D: still open to debate)
7.Delaying the age at which screening starts may (E: reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancer) 8. Radiation exposure should be (reduced to the minimum)
十四 Heartbeat of America
课文:New York , the Statue of Liberty, the skyscrapers, the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue and the many theaters on Broadway.
1. Paragraph 3__ A The Financial Center of USA
2. Paragraph 4__ C The Traffic Facilities of New York
3. Paragraph 5__ F Central Park , A Place of Recreation for the New Yorkers
4. Paragraph 6__ D Shopping Center for the Rich
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