"Is not afraid of red army expedition difficult, the long march only afford, the five ridges yoho teng small waves, wumeng majestic drawing-board..."
You remember the poem? It is our great leader chairman MAO personally for the red army long march to write a poem. In fact, we had learned many of the texts are associated with the long march. For example, "monument", "golden hook, the army of god. We should learn from the people in the study, the text them all kinds of good spirit.
In the long march of twenty-five thousand li, the people's liberation army have overcome various difficulties, eleven provinces, to seize more than seven hundred county, carried out more than three hundred battles, break through the enemy's envelop, two seize the jinsha river, force dadu river, FeiDuo luding bridge, climb mountains, grassland, the region across the desolate don't know how many people died, finally reached northern shaanxi revolutionary base areas, and created a new world, the Chinese revolution, created great miracles in human history!
In October this year, is set out of the red army long March 70th anniversary, we are going to carry forward the long march spirit, long march spirit. From October 1934 to October 1936 for two years, the Chinese red army of workers and peasants left the original base held a shocked the world long march of twenty-five thousand li.
There was a man called Yu Lixiang, from October 8, 1998 to October 22, 2005, at more than 110 ten thousand yuan, total for four years and eight months of the time, spanning 14 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, all covered red, two, four aspects: twenty-five army and the red army long march through the route, a total of more than 90000 li, the scene shooting pictures of the long march remains more than 20000, dozens of people after the old red army man, write a diary and related data of more than 80 words. Itself, his actions reflect the value of the long march spirit.
The long march is the first time in history, the long march is declared, the long march is a propaganda, a seeding-machine. Since pangu separated heaven and earth, three sovereigns to this, there was a time we like the long march?
英语作文80词左右 长征
展开全部红军长征精神英语作文素材 "Is not afraid of red army expedition difficult, the long march only afford, the five ridges yoho teng small waves, wumeng majestic drawing-board..." You remember the poem? It is our great leader chairman MAO personally for the red army long march to write a poem. In fact, we had learned many of the texts are associated with the long march. For example, "monument", "golden hook, the army of god. We should learn from the people in the study, the text them all kinds of good spirit. In the long march of twenty-five thousand li, the people's liberation army have overcome various difficulties, eleven provinces, to seize more than seven hundred county, carried out more than three hundred battles, break through the enemy's envelop, two seize the jinsha river, force dadu river, FeiDuo luding bridge, climb mountains, grassland, the region across the desolate don't know how many people died, finally reached northern shaanxi revolutionary base areas, and created a new world, the Chinese revolution, created great miracles in human history! In October this year, is set out of the red army long March 70th anniversary, we are going to carry forward the long march spirit, long march spirit. From October 1934 to October 1936 for two years, the Chinese red army of workers and peasants left the original base held a shocked the world long march of twenty-five thousand li. There was a man called Yu Lixiang, from October 8, 1998 to October 22, 2005, at more than 110 ten thousand yuan, total for four years and eight months of the time, spanning 14 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, all covered red, two, four aspects: twenty-five army and the red army long march through the route, a total of more than 90000 li, the scene shooting pictures of the long march remains more than 20000, dozens of people after the old red army man, write a diary and related data of more than 80 words. Itself, his actions reflect the value of the long march spirit. The long march is the first time in history, the long march is declared, the long march is a propaganda, a seeding-machine. Since pangu separated heaven and earth, three sovereigns to this, there was a time we like the long march? 参考翻译 “红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲,五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。
” 大家还记得这首诗吗?这是我们伟大的领袖**亲自为红军长征写的一首诗。
在二万五千里长征中,解放军们克服种种困难,纵横十一个省份,攻占七百多座县城,进行了三百余次战斗,突破敌人的重重包围,两夺金沙江,强渡大渡河,飞夺泸定桥,爬雪山,过草地,穿越荒无人烟的地区,不知死了多少人,终于胜利到达陕北革命根据地,开创了中国革命的新天地,创造了人类历史上伟大的奇迹! 今年10月,是红军长征出发70周年纪念日,我们要弘扬长征精神,学习长征精神。
friend, what a beautiful word, he was my childhood friend, to accompany me to learn, to accompany me grow. On one occasion, our class there are students in the School of the feet were burned, and a month at home to recuperate faster, and everyone was worried for him. Every time after school, students may go to his house to visit him, with him to chat him Chaozuo Ye topics, if not done, the students give him patience to explain, to give him the same day on repeat once again, until He understood and we have to leave, every day is so, sometimes with interest to ask: "Are you a good foot something of it?" I saw my classmates for his pains, he was grateful for the time being are not say so, tears in the eyes where spin. Between students should help each other, when you have a difficult time, students will not hesitate to come to help you. However, some contradictions in life are inevitable, the key is to enhance mutual understanding and tolerance, turn hostility into friendship. Recently, at the same table I bought a new automatic pen surrounded by people who read are very envious of a classmate also touch a bit. After a while, at the same table pen disappeared, he thought for a moment: Yes, Xiao-Lan to take, and he angrily asked Xiao-Lan: "Today I bought a new pen is not yours to steal." Xiao-Lan Wang a look him: "I did not take!" "deceptive, today only you touched my pen, is what you get in!" Xiaolan felt aggrieved, then started to cry again. The teacher came and asked a clear cause and effect of things, and finally with the help of a teacher that pen finally has found the corner. Deskmate embarrassed hung his head, Xiukui De Sheng said: "I'm sorry." Xiao-Lan came, smiled: "It does not matter." They both then and good as ever had. Time flies, time Rusuo, we are the same under one roof, a sun bathing. Learning, we encourage each other in life, we help each other. The friendship between the students is very precious, and six years of time passing so hastily. We should treasure the friendship between the value students bit by bit. -- Whenever I open the pencil box, he saw a black fountain pen like that, it will not help to think of one thing happened a few days ago. That was Thursday night care class, I was their homework, Zhu teacher walked in and gave me a little on behalf of the Council proposed a plan to me Before the class is filled to the King teachers, and requires complete with a black colorful markers. I hear clearly after he picked up a black fountain pen to write up. Read read, writing paper gradually faded down, I saw the original Kandelia where there is no ink has. This can be how to do? Immediately to pay, and asked the students to take? Everyone must do their homework can not be lent to me. I am anxious like a wok on the ants, I do not know how to do. Suddenly, being the same table doing their homework - a small wish to see, they care to ask: "how, and Siu Ting, can I help you?" I replied: "You are gods would not help me!" "What in the end happened? quickly said that, ah! "" I can not write in fountain pen, but the proposal soon to pay, and Jisi who had! "" Why do I have to make a fuss about it! "Little Yi said," I shall take you. " Ella sitting in front of hearing, he turned and said: "Teachers are not asked to do this job only with a black fountain pen to write, but you have only one, lent Siu Ting, how can you do? Are you afraid of because the operating I will never finish, were left behind? We are not that good today, Xiao Gui home after school to go play? "Little Yi smiled and said:" Since she has in emergencies, I would certainly lend Siu Ting first use, the overall situation of re-do! "Then he will Kandelia handed me, and I looked at her with grateful eyes look, fast write up. Soon, the proposal finished, I should put pen back to a small, small useful to a smooth finish before the bell rings up operations. This matter may be small, but it left me a deep impression, a Kandelia cohesion between me and the small should the sincere friendship.
后人争走长征路——弘扬长征精神一道景观 长征路:一条充满魅力的路 “走长征路”,是纪念长征胜利70周年的一道景观。
为什么这么多人重走长征路 著名党史专家石仲泉断断续续走了五、六年长征路,他这样解释自己走长征路的缘由:“这些年走长征路的人越来越多,不同的人有不同的走法,不同经历的人会有不同的体验。
” 黄克诚大将的女儿、中国社会科学院研究员黄梅希望通过重走长征路,把长征精神传达给更多的人,她说:“现在,社会上有些人太物质化了,丢失了灵魂最深处最可歌可泣的感动。
” “长征这个词在国内家喻户晓,在世界上也很知名。
” 在长征实地跋涉,有一点是共同的,长征精神的感召当是所有人的原动力。
平凡的日子需要伟大的精神 时隔70年,长征路上的艰辛早已不似当年,更没有飞机大炮的轰炸和敌人的围追堵截。
展开全部 很快的,很快的,我的军训生活结束了了,不知道自己是喜,还是悲。
我的英语很好,那我是怎么学英语的呢? 首先,我上课认真听老师讲课,认真记笔记,课下我复习旧功课,预习新功课。
1.床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。
举头望明月, 低头思故乡。
(李白:《静夜思》) 2.野旷天低树, 江清月近人。
(孟浩然:《宿建德江》) 3.明月松间照, 清泉石上流。
(王维:《山居秋瞑》) 4.月黑雁飞高, 单于夜遁逃。
(卢纶:《塞下曲》) 5.举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。
(李白:《月下独酌》) 6.小时不识月, 呼作白玉盘。
(李白:《古朗月行》) 7.深林人不知, 明月来相照。
(王维:《竹里馆》) 8.月出惊山鸟, 时鸣春涧中。
(王维:《鸟鸣涧》) 9.明月几时有? 把酒问青天。
…… 人有悲欢离合, 月有阴晴圆缺。
(苏轼:《水调歌头·明月几时有》) 10.秦时明月汉时关, 万里长征人未还。
(王昌龄:《出塞》) 11.可怜九月初三夜, 露似珍珠月似弓. (白居易:《暮江吟》) 12. 露从今夜白, 月是故乡明。
(杜甫:《月夜忆舍弟》) 13. 明月松间照, 清泉石上流。
(王维的:《山居秋暝》) 14.故人西辞黄鹤楼, 烟花三月下扬州。
(李白:《送孟浩然之广陵》) 15明月别枝惊鹊, 清风半夜鸣蝉。
(辛弃疾〈西江月·夜行黄沙道中〉) 16.小楼昨夜又东风, 故国不堪回首月明中。
(李煜:《虞美人》) 17.却下水精帘, 玲珑望秋月. (李白:〈玉阶怨〉) 18. 多情应笑我, 早生华发, 人间如梦, 一尊还酹江月。
(苏轼 ) 19. 海上生明月, 天涯共此时。
(张九龄《望月怀远》) 20.晓镜但愁云鬓改, 夜吟应觉月光寒。
(李商隐《无题》) 21.鸡声茅店月, 人迹板桥霜。
(温庭筠) 22.深林人不知, 明月来相照。
(王维:《竹里馆》) 23.湖光秋月两相和, 潭面无风镜未磨。
(刘禹锡:《望洞庭》) 风飘荷叶 月亮,多么美丽迷人的字眼!古今中外,人们无不爱月、赏月、咏月。
最常见的有——月子:“月子纤纤云里见,吴江不尽莫湖来”(宋·汪元量:《湖州歌》);月牙:“别家六见月牙新,万里风霜老病身”(金·张澄:《和林秋日感怀寄张丈御史》) ;月魄:“日轮驻霜戈,月魄悬雕弓”(唐·高适:《塞下曲》);月轮:“昨夜风开露井桃,未央前殿月轮高”(唐·王昌龄:《春宫怨》);月桂:“长河上月桂,澄彩照高楼”(南朝·陈·张正见:《薄帷鉴明月》);桂魄:“不知桂魄今何在?应在吾家紫石屏”(宋·欧阳修:《中秋不见月问客》),等等。
东晋大诗人陶渊明的诗句“白日沦西阿,素月出东岭” (《杂诗》),著一 “素”字,直写月之皎洁明亮。
南朝梁简文帝萧纲的“夜月似秋霜”(《玄圃纳凉》),唐代李白的 “床前明月光,疑是地上霜”(《静夜思》),李益的“回乐峰前沙似雪,受降城外月如霜”(《夜上受降城闻笛》),这些都是以白雪比喻月亮的皎洁。
1 on July 1st~ at the big stadium for ¥3 only2The students who had bought come and get your book at school office from 3-5 this Tuesday(March 7th)3Ones who want to buy the ticket for Beijing opera please come to the tour guide Zhang.
Yang Liwei flew into space for the first time by the Long March two F rocket carrying Shenzhou five spacecraft,起到了里程碑的作用.杨利伟是中国进入太空的第一人。
他是中国培养的第一代航天员,在中共十七大上当选为中央候补委员. Yang Liwei in the former Air Force Flight Safety for 1350 hours. 9 October 15, 2003 Beijing time,played the role of milepost, a symbol of Chinese space cause a major step forwardYang Liwei is the first person Chinese into space.He is Chinese culture of the first generation of astronauts in the 17th CPC National Congress, was elected alternate member of the central committee。
We have just finished our military training.I have to admit that I have so much feelings to express! This has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new school.No doubt it has left a good impression in my mind.I feel very happy to study here.During the training period,I had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe trainers.With time passed by,I gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we faced.Furthermore, there was a lot of fun during the training. I has enjoyed a good relationship with my new classmates.Now that the training is over, I still have learned a lot . I can't wait any more to start my new life in high school.
Three autumn, three times to fly from the "Shenzhou V", "Shenzhou VI" to "God seven", and we look forward to new glories. 五年前,“神五”圆了中国人的飞天梦,我国成为世界上第三个独立掌握载人航天技术的国家,树起了中国载人航天史上第一座里程碑; Five years ago, "Shenzhou" round flying dream of the Chinese people, China became the world's first manned space technology to master the three separate countries, achievement was made in China, the first milestone in the history of manned space flight; 三年前,“神六”巡天百万里,首次实现了两人五天的太空飞行,首次开展了太空科学实验,我国从此成为世界 Three years ago, "Shenzhou VI" Sky Survey 1 million, the first time, the two five-day space flight, space science experiments carried out for the first time, China has since become the world's 上第三个能够独立开展空间科学试验的国度,树起了中国载人航天史上第二座里程碑. The first three to independently conduct space science experiments on the country, erected by China's manned spaceflight milestone in the history of a second. 再过几天,“神七”将再次探索苍穹,在出舱行走和发射伴飞卫星方面攀登载人航天科学探索的新高度. In a few days, "God seven" will once again explore the sky, in the extravehicular walking with flying satellites and launch manned space flight to climb new heights of scientific exploration. 神舟五号:千年梦圆 Shenzhou V: The Millennium Dream Circle “飞天”是中华民族的千年梦想. "Flying" is the dream of the Chinese nation's millennium. 在我国成功发射神舟一号至四号无人飞船之后,茫茫太空迎来了第一位来自嫦娥家乡的客人——中国航天员杨利伟. China's successful launch of Shenzhou IV unmanned spacecraft to the later, the vast space, welcomed its guests a home from the Chang'e - Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei. 2003年10月15日9时,中国第一艘载人飞船神舟五号成功发射. At 9 o'clock on October 15, 2003, China's first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V successfully launched. 经过60万公里的太空跋涉,神舟五号飞船于2003年10月16日6时23分在我国内蒙古中部草原成功着陆. After 60 thousand kilometers of the space journey, the Shenzhou V spacecraft was at 6:23 on October 16, 2003 in China's successful landing in central Inner Mongolia grassland. 从此,中国成为世界上继前苏联/俄罗斯和美国之后第3个能够独立开展载人航天活动的国家,标志着中国载人航天工程取得了历史性的突破. Since then, China has become the world following the former Soviet Union / Russia and the United States were able to independently carry out the first three manned space flight activities in the country, marking China's manned space project has achieved a historic breakthrough. 这一刻,距神舟五号发射21个小时23分,距中国第一艘试验飞船发射3年零329天. At this moment, away from the Shenzhou V launch 21 hours, 23 minutes away from China's first launch of a pilot three years and 329 days. 距中国载人航天工程立项11年零25天. From the China Manned Space Engineering project 11 years and 25 days. 在发射载人飞船之前,前苏联进行了5次不载人的飞船升空试验,美国进行了8次不载人的飞船发射试验. Prior to launch manned spacecraft, the former Soviet Union had five times did not test launches of manned spacecraft, the United States carried out eight times unmanned spacecraft launch tests. 而中国仅进行了4次飞行试验,就成功地把航天员送上了太空. China conducted only four test flights, it successfully sent astronauts to space. 载人航天工程七大系统共同努力,托起了神舟五号的成功. Seven manned spaceflight systems to work together, lifted the Shenzhou-V's success. 他们是:神舟号载人飞船系统、长征运载火箭系统、航天员系统、发射场系统、飞船测控与通信系统、着陆场系统、科学研究和技术试验系统. They are: Shenzhou manned spacecraft system, rocket system, long march, the astronauts systems, launch systems, spacecraft monitoring and control and communications systems, landing field system, scientific research and technology test system. 神舟六号:巡天遥看 Shenzhou-VI: Survey Yaokan 2005年10月12日凌晨,40岁的费俊龙和41岁的聂海胜登车前往发射场. October 12, 2005 early morning, 40-year-old Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, 41, boarded the bus to the launch site. 此时天从人意,刹那间,纷飞的雪花戛然而止. At this point days from everyone, instant, swirling snow screeching halt. 12日9时整,托举着神舟六号飞船的长征二号F型运载火箭凌空而起,几秒钟后消失在云层里. At 9:00 on the 12th the whole, supports the weight of the Shenzhou VI spacecraft march II F carrier rocket soar, a few seconds and then disappeared in clouds....
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