侠盗飞车 罪恶都市所有对白, 15分
杂鱼二? SONNY: Give it a few months. SONNY: The families can': pay him a little visit?
SONNY;t keep their backs turned while our enemies SONNY, hell;s our contact down there?
MAN2, and I.?罪恶之城这些年来越来越有赚头了, the Mexicans。斯,一个蠢货律师。他怎么管得住汤米.凡赛堤. OK..: People will remember soon enough, right? SONNY. OK:时代正在转变。家族的成员可不能视而不见?
SONNY: We treat him like an old friend and keep him busy out of town: It'd ever let him out.
桑尼, helps people forget.
杂鱼一:他行事低点的话,外面的人很快就会忘记他了: Ken Rosenberg, schmuck of a lawyer?等过几个月后,我们再南下“拜访”他. SONNY: It will be bad for business: How's he gonna hold Vercetti': The Colombians.
TOMMY: They took longer than I thought...
TOMMY: Guys, we gotta make this final
TOMMY: we gotta leave no doubt that this is my operation. Mine!
TOMMY: Ken, you get the first run of counterfeit cash
TOMMY: and put three mil in briefcases.
TOMMY: Lance, you get the guys together...
SONNY: Tommy!
SONNY: What? No big hugs for your old buddy?
TOMMY: I've had fifteen years out of the loop,
TOMMY: I'm a bit rusty on family etiquette.
SONNY: Always angry, eh Tommy.
SONNY: Didn't I say your temper would get you into trouble, huh?
TOMMY: There's three mil in the cases...
SONNY: How many was it?......余下全文>>
说的是 我刚从水沟里探出头来喘口气 老天就往我头上铲了坨屎 你打算怎么办? 去睡一觉吧 明天我来找你然后一起收拾这个烂摊子
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