范文3 It is almost impossible to talk of human civilization without mentioning the significant roles played by some places,such as museums,art gallery and so on.From London to Paris,from Beijing to New York,museums attract millions of visitors from all over the world annually. Museum is where people go to get their education and entertainment.Nowadays,more and more parents are energetic for taking their children to visit history museums or art museums in weekend,because they find the collections and antiques displayed in museums can stimulate their children's curiosity and enlarge their scope.Besides,recent years,some entertainment facilities were equipped in many China's museums.For example,in Beijing Aviation Museum,visitors have chance to steer glider under the guide of pilots.Obvious,museums have become vital parts of our lives. The second main purpose of museums is related to the protection of culture.As we know,a lot of cultural relics,literature and antiques are exhibited in various museums ranging from history museum to technical museum,from militaries museum to sea museum.Here,visitors will not miss any achievement our ancestors have made and they will be shocked by human civilization.We cannot find better places than museums to protect those symbols of human history and culture. However,partly because of limited fund from governments,partly because of inefficient management,more and more museums have to face severe financial problems.It is commonly believed that our governments should burden more responsibilities and invest a great deal of money on museums.Besides,the managers of museums also should solve those troubles by themselves,such as improving management efficiency,increasing the price of tickets and selling souvenirs. In summary,as the symbol of human civilization,museums take up very significant positions in our lives.There are still many troubles need to be solved,however,I do believe that,as time passes,people will come to realize the value of museums eventually. Introduction (44 words) It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of artistic,historical,cultural or military objects.Undoubtedly museums can have a variety of purposes in the city; I think two roles the museums play can illustrate they are worth visiting. Body1 (89 words) Visiting museums is informative.(topic sentence) Once I visited a military museum in Beijing,China,soon I learned that an ancient warrior might have outfought his enemies in combat if he had had great strength while a modern soldier should be armed with sophisticated weapons.Therefore present soldiers should spend far much time on studying modern technology instead of building up muscles.Likewise,If you visit other museums,you will have a better perception on a certain field,because you can witness some genuine objects which cannot be seen on books. Body2 ( 65words) In addition,a museum can function to cultivate one's sense of patriotism.(topic sentence) In china,schools often organize trips to some historical museums.When the students learn that many years ago,a number of countries invaded China robbing treasure and killing Chinese civilians,promptly they will establish a strong sense to defend the nation,revealing that only a strong motherland can give them pride and safety. Body3 ( 74words) Now we talk about how to fund a museum.A museum can never be considered as a financial burden to society.I suggest that the Government should invest a small amount of money on advertisements for the museums in the city.For example,ads of the museums should be forwarded on the travel brochures or maps of the city.Consequently tourists come and admission tickets are collected.Both reputation and funds are earned. Conclusion (23 words) In brief,museums should play a role as an instructive means of the city and incomes from admission can keep them running properly.E智网为您解答,
2018年6月30日雅思小作文范文:柱状图 2018年6月30日场的雅思小作文真题范文已出,小作文类型:柱状图。
本期小作文题目是:The chart below shows the rate of males and females who were overweight in Australia from 1980 to 2010. 雅思小作文类型:Bar chart 雅思小作文范文解析 看到小作文,我们首先要定位3W(when, where, what),该柱状图描述的时间是过去的4个年份,跨度30年。
雅思小作文范文 The bar chart compares the gender distribution of overweight men and women in Australia in four separate years 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010. Across all the years, it is apparent that the proportion of males who were obese was significantly higher than that of their female counterparts. Initially, almost one half (48%) of the male tended to be excessively fat. This number rose merely by 4% in the following decade before shooting up and arriving at its peak at 69% in 2000. Subsequently, there was a marginally downward trend, ending up with 65%. Similarly, the rate of females also showed an upward in the first two decades in spite of a relatively lower proportion (28%) occupied in 1980. This figure had consistently increased to 49% until 2000 and had remained stable by the end of the period. In brief, the chart shows that although overweight population continued to be male-dominated in Australia over the past few decades,the gender gap had ultimately narrowed. 范文原创自小站老师Alice. Hua 字数 162 words 雅思小作文高分表达 compares the gender distribution rose merely in four separate years shooting up and arriving at its peak at it is apparent that a marginally downward trend was significantly higher than Had consistently increased female counterparts had remained stable
小作文其实就是图标描述 建议楼主多看看FT中文网上的文章 这里面好多都是描述经济的 文章里面的意思不一定要看懂 主要看里面是怎么样导入数据和时间的 当年考BEC Higher的时候天天看 因为商英高级作文第一部分和雅思是一样的 天天看还是有帮助的 一定要注意句子的多样化 不要单一化 实在不行报个班吧 其实这是我不建议的 楼主多看看范文多写写 肯定能出成绩的 自己不练 报班也是徒劳无益 希望楼主好运哦...
针对雅思A类考生:1. A类第一部分:要求考生根据给出的表格或图表,写一篇大约 150 字的文章,考查考生描述及分析数据的能力。
2. A类第二部分:要求考生针对某个问题或观点,写一篇大约 250 字的短文,考生要求能够使用恰当语气及语域(包括词汇、语法等)讨论问题,并展开论证。
针对雅思G类考生:1. G类第一部分:要求考生写一封大约 150 字的信,询问信息或解释一种情况。
2. G类第二部分:要求考生根据所给出问题或观点写一篇大约 250 字的短文, 考生要求能够使用 恰当的语气和语域(包括词汇、语法等)表达自己的观点,并反驳其他观点。
评分标准1、Task response即,对应题目要求。
小作文的要求一般会包含三点:1. Summarize the information. 总结信息,要用自己的语言对图表信息进行概述,而不是简单地罗列数据,说明数据,而是要解释数据背后代表着什么,说明了什么。
2. Reporting the main features. 说明主要数据,这考验考生们对于数据的选取,不是每一个数据都要写的,而是要针对主要特点、主要内容进行描述即可,次要信息不要乱加;3. Make comparisons. 作比较,比较相同点和不同点,不能只比较一点。
2、Coherence & Cohesion连贯性和逻辑。
常见的连接词有:表递进(and/furthermore/moreover/besides/What's more…);表转折(but/however/although/though/nevertheless/yet);表对比(by contrast/on the contrary/to the contrary/on the opposite…);表类比(similar to/the same with/as/like…);表举例(such as/for example/for instance/as an example of…).3、Lexical resources词性、同义词的替换。
4、Grammar range & accuracy在语法结构部分,使用类型的要求优先于准确的要求,但是两者都达到是最好的。
什么是雅思小作文 该怎么写
五分表达:The chart depicts (that)…该图呈现出…The chart shows (that)…The figures/statistics show (that)…The diagram reveals …The chart illustrates (that)…六分表达:The graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据。
The graph describes the trend of …这个图描述了…的趋势As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the chart/diagram/chart/table…如图所示…According to the chart …根据这些表格…As is shown in the table…如图所示…This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from … to …该表格描述了…年到…年之间A与B的比例关系。
This graph,presented in the chart,shows the general trend in…该图呈现了…总的趋势。
As can be seen from the graph, the two graphs show the flutuation of…如图所示,两条曲线描述了…的波动情况。
高分表达:From the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that…从图表中我们可以很清楚的看到…The chart shows the changes in the number of …over the period from…to…该表格描述了在…年到…年之间…数量的变化。
雅思小作文考官范文 还有什么理由不拿满分
第一段changes -----varies第二段spending---expenditure on this leaped by 10%,reaching the proportion of 50%第四段There was a downward trend.It decreased from 28% in 1981 to 22% in 1991.Consequently,it descended to only 5% in 2001.最好连成一句吧 There was a downward trend,which subsided from 28% in 1981 to 22% in 1991,and consequently descended to merely 5% 10 years later第五段experienced up and down---fluctuated,spending---expense结尾 时态不大对.按你原来的可以改成 In a word,the most principal segment turned out to be the salaries of teachers,occupying approximately half of the overall expenditure.The fluctuation of spending on other issues,such as insurance and resources,could be witnessed as well.
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