说明,按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书Jame的名义给Mr.Green写一份电话留言,内容以下: 1,日期:2011年1月10日,2、来电时间:当日上午九时,3、来电人:环球(Universal)公司的Mr.Robert,4、事由:Mr.Robert后天中午十二点从香港来昆明,按原计划与Mr.Green商讨合作项目细节
Mr. Green,
Mr.Robert from Universal Company called you at 9 a.m on January 10th,2011.Mr. Robert will come to Kunming from Hongkong and he wil discuss the detail about the cooperate according to the original schedule.
说明,按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书Jame的名义给Mr.Green写一份电话留言,内容以下: 1,日期:2011年1月10日,2、来电时间:当日上午九时,3、来电人:环球(Universal)公司的Mr.Robert,4、事由:Mr.Robert后天中午十二点从香港来昆明,按原计划与Mr.Green商讨合作项目细节Mr. Green, Mr.Robert from Universal Company called you at 9 a.m on January 10th,2011.Mr. Robert will come to Kunming from Hongkong and he wil discuss the detail about the cooperate according to the original schedule....
内容包括:1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼2.希望能够体谅父母的苦衷3.建议与父母进行交流沟通范文:goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen,someofusarehavingproblemswithourparents,astheyoftenlookintoourschoolbagsorreadourdiaries.ifullyunderstandwhywearenotcomfortable aboutit,butthere'snoneedtofeeltoosad.ourparentsarecheckingourbagsordiariestomakesurewearenotgettingintoanytrouble.theyhaveprobablyheardsomehorriblestoriesaboutotherkidsandthoughtwemightdothesame.orperhapstheyjustwanttoconnectwithusbutaredoingitallwrong.mysuggestionis:tellthemwewantthemtotrustusasmuchaswe'dliketotrustthem.ifyoudon'tthinkyoucantalktothem,writethemaletterandleaveitlyingaround---theyareboundtoreadit.thankyou!英语作文范文5假设你将参加某英文杂志开展的一次征文活动,内容要求你在电视,手机和网络三者中,放弃其中的一个并陈述理由。
范文:Apr.20,2008 Dear Yang,A Mr.Liu Bing called you this morning but you were not in.He wanted to meet you this coming Saturday,9 a.m.,at the university gate.If that is not convenient for you,you are requested to ring him up at any time evening from 8 p.m.to 10 p.m.at 123454576.Yours,Amelia Apr.20,2008 Dear Fiona,This afternoon,I came to your dormitory to return” Gone with the Wind” that you had kindly lent me last week.Unfortunately,you were not here and your roommates seemed to be out as well.I had no choice but to take the book back.I wonder if you could contract with me anytime in the evening so that I could find appropriate time to visit you.Sincerely yours,Amelia
Apology for being unable to accept the invitationDear XX,I'm so sorry I can't come to your birthday party.These days I'm very busy and have to deal with it, so I'll not be able to attend your birthday party.Thank you for your invitation to join your birthday party , XX. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They're always such fun!AffectionatelyXX...
Recently,there are a lot of uncivilized phenomena.Today I found some people don't conform to the traffic rules.For example,a cluster of people ran a red light in the way to school.As far as I am concerned,I don't support this dangerous conduct and regard it as the bad quality because it can lead to the accident.Consequently,I advised us to be a civilized citizen who knows dos and donts.
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