1. The need fo r a new quality app roach in to urism
The q uality o f to urist services o ffered b y each supp lier is the result o f jo in in g two
co mpo nents: q uantity, wh ich is rather o f material nature as it is rep resented by equip ment
and facilit ies, such as foo d, scenery, wo rk in g me-tho ds; and q uality, which is main ly
behavio uristic
The material co mpo nent is influencing the q uality o f the to urist se rvices thro ugh the
demand fo r co mfo rt, fu nctio nality, aesthetic s, as well as ergo no mics q ualit ies o f the
eq uip ment pro vided b y certain un its. O ne o f the mo st imp ortant fa c-to rs influencing these
demands is the level o f techn icality, which d etermines the level o f co mfo rt and se rvice
q uality. The higher the technicality, the better the service, as they offer heating and p ho nic
iso latio n, d ifferent roo m facilit ies, such as reliab le installatio ns, which lead bo th to lo wer
maintenance expenses and fewer comp laints.
The imp lementatio n o f the electro n ic database has po sitive effects o n the quality of service,
as a result o f eliminatin g b ureaucracy, which facilitates the correct management o f the
client acco unt and the fast b illin g. Thus, it is also ea s-ier to op timise the system o f d ata
transfer that allo ws the calculatio n o f the sp ecific i n-dexes. This increases the q uality o f
service and gives staff mo re time for the relatio n with the custo mer. Even if the init ial
investment is higher, the benefits are visib le o n a lo ng term.
Another imp o rtant element o f q uality is rep resented b y sizing and organis ing d ifferent
spaces that must inc lud e aspects co ncernin g the o ffer flex ib ility, in o rd er to b e ab le to
pro vid e co mp lementary services such as the organisatio n o f co ngresses and co nferences, as
well as other events.
The b usiness card o f a unit is represented b y the i n-terio r d ecoratio ns, “the atmosp here”
created b y deco ratio n, the co lo urs, the intensity and co lo ur o f lig hts, the thermal co mfo rt
(air temp erature and humid ity), air freshness and ind oo r so und system, elements that
co mp lete the prod uct [4].
Ho wever, the mo st impo rtant q uality co mpo nent is the
staff behavio ur with in the ho tel,
which is usually neglected, as the co mpany is mo stly co ncerned with e mp lo ying the
necessary q ualified numb er o f emp lo yees to k no w and app ly standard s and wo rk in g
pro ced ures.
The effects o f p ro fessio nal behavio ur are d irectly co nnected to the q uality of service and
ho w it is p erceived b y the client. Unlik e the material co mpo nents we have discussed before,
the effects o f the p ro fessio nal behavio ur are unp red ictab le and almo st irreversib le. They are
d irectly related to the numb er, the structure and the level of train ing and mo tivatio n of the
That is why staff recruit ment must tak e into acco unt that b esid e pr o-fessio nal train in g and
general back gro und k no wled ge, emp lo ye rs must seek to ide n-tify perso nal b ehavio ur and
attitud e q ualit ies in the future emp lo yee, such as: charisma, vo catio n fo r to urism,
availab ility and learnin g ab ilities, so ciab ility, emp athy and o ther el e-ments which will reflect
the quality of services and the level o f satisfaction of the clients [7].
Therefo re, a client o riented p ro fessio nal behavio ur may co ntrib ute to a better assessment of
the q uality o f service rather than expo sing material luxury and in so me cases, an adeq uate
pro fessio nal behavio ur may co mpensate for certain material deficie n-cies.
In th is co ntext the present classificatio n based o n stars is no lo nger re spo nd ing to the
demands o f the client, who se expectatio ns with respect to the q ua lity o f services are
The methodo lo g ical no rms regard ing the classificatio n o f the acco m-mod atio n un its consists
o f an ad min istrative system o f classificatio n, that takes into co nsideratio n o nly the
architectural features o f the b u ild ing, the level o f facilities, eq uip ment and inventory ob jects
as well as the minimu m serv ices that must be o ffered b y an acco mm o-datio n un it according
to its classificatio n, [9] witho ut emp hasising the mo st i m-
portant q uality element lik e the
staff attitud e fo r examp le.
This admin istrative system of classification used by all countries, was fo und inco nvenient
to the new req uirements. In this respect, so me co untries started reco n-sidering and changing
the classificatio n stand ards stressing o n the q ualit y o f services esp e-cially on the ho tel staff
and its behav io ur.
This ap p roach is necessary d ue to the p resent eco no mic crisis that led to an ob vio us
decrease in the nu mb er o f to urists, who shal l main ly turn to supp liers who pro vid e the best
q uality-price warranted balance.
In the case o f Ro mania, which has a d iverse to urist p o tential, with authentic compo nents,
the change fro m facility standard s to service q uality stand ards wo uld b e an element o f
d ifferentiatio n and it wo u ld increase the co mpetitio n o f the Ro man ian to urist prod uct. This
has also been demo nstrated b y internatio nal research stud ies that co nsider Ro man ia an
interesting to urist destinatio n.
2. Quality stand ards and systems in the ho sp itality ind ustry
Bo th in Ro mania and in other co untries with to urist trad it io n the service q uality assurance
is acco mp lished in two ways: acco rd in g to the d ifferent types o f sta n-dards and accord ing to
the q uality management systems. Moreo ver, stand ards inc lud e: norms shaped by o fficial
organ isatio ns o f d ifferent co untries such as the stand ards o f catego ry classificatio n (stars),
occupatio nal and o ther standard s inc lud in g facility, pro ced ure, management, which are
mo stly created b y ho tel chains, especially tho se fro m 1991, since the first p roced ure o f
to urist star classificatio n settled b y The Ministry o f To urism and later o n fo llo wed-up b y
several other variants.
The o ccupatio nal standard is the d ocument that states the co mp etit ive units and their level
o f q uality accord ing to their activ ity o utco me fo r o ne occupatio n. This o ne includ es the
fie ld s o f co mpetence and corresp o nd ing un it ies o f co mpet ence. The co mpetence field s are
d ivid ed into three catego ries: fu ndamental, general and specific co m-petences. Each un it of
co mpetence co rrespo nd ing to an o ccupatio n include: co mpetence elements,
acco mp lish ment criteria, variab le range and assessment guid e.
F und amental co mpetence includ es: efficient co mm u-nicatio n at wo rk and team wo rk.
General co mp etences p resup pose: the NP M and NP SI a p-p licatio n, the job organisatio n,
pro mo tin g the ho tel image. The specific co mpetences are d ifferentiated acco rd ing to
occupatio nal catego ries wh ich inc lud e techno lo gical op eratio ns which are specific functio n.
Desp ite their co mp lexity they do no t guarantee the q uality o f the rendered service as the
general co mpetences assurance is not eno ugh to satisfy the clients. This particular client
satisfactio n is d etermined b y o ther in ner ind iv id ual elements, such as: client need s
awareness, active understand ing, and service pro vider resp o nsib ility.
Fro m the beginn in g, the method o lo gical no rms o f star classification o f the to urist
welco ming structures are limited to q uantitative a s-pects o f the ho tel se rvices q uality,
witho ut point in g to subtle q uality elements o f the tourist service, which rep resent essential
attrib utes o f the ho tel prod uct.
The internal standard s were created by ho tel chains in ord er to ensure a similar system of
facilities, to have services and staff w ith a view to pro mo tin g and maintain in g a b rand
image. These standard s are d ifferent fro m o ne ho tel chain to ano ther, even if they have
similar elements. In the case o f independent ho tels, o nly so me o f them have already created
their o wn standard s.
Tak ing into consid eratio n that the ratio of the ho tels which have created their o wn standard s
is lo w, the p resent o nes have an increased level o f hetero geneity, and so me limits with
regards to q uality assurance which mak es this me-tho d o f q uality i mp lementatio n and
assessment insufficient.
Regard in g the q uality management systems in to urism, the best a p-pro ach is the use of an
integrated q uality management system which includ es: the q uality ma nagement system
based o n S R EN ISO 9001:2001, the enviro nment ma n-agement system based o n S R EN
ISO 14 001:1997, the foo d security management system acco rd in g to the HACC P
princip les, based o n the ISO 22000 stand ard and the health and labo ur security management
system based o n OHS AS 18002 fro m 1999.
The q uality management is d efined accord ing to ISO 9000 as the to tal amo unt o f activit ies
o f the general management functio n wh ich determine the po licy in the fie ld o f quality, in
ord er to imp lement the ob jectives and respo nsib ilit ies in the q uality system b y specific
means, such as: q uality p lann in g, q uality co ntro l, q uality assurance and q ua lity
imp ro vement [8].
The main o b jective o f q uality management is to efficiently acco mp lish at a max imu m level
the p rod ucts which entirely satisfy the client’s req uirements and which are consistent with
the society req uirements and the app lied stand ards and sp ec i-ficatio ns, which co nsider all
asp ects regard in g co nsu mer and enviro n ment p ro tectio n and which are o ffered to the client
at the estab lished price and term.
The introd uctio n o f a q uality system brin gs benefits to all the p arts i n-vo lved : the designated
co untry, the d irect to urist services supp liers, the co nsumers and the med iato rs.
This imp lies a co nstant level o f q uality. That is why the imp lementatio n o f q ualit y is
acco mp lished b y a sum o f req uirements called stand ards which are gro up ed in typ es ,
accord ing to their field.
To get q uality d oes no t o nly mean in it iating standard s and bein g co n-sistent with them, but
also quality performance to meet clients’ requirements and expectatio ns, as well as quality
In th is co ntext, the syste mic management o f the ho tel service q uality and the tak ing up of
so me measures are a maximu m prio rity at this stage.
Thus, ensuring p rod ucts and ho tel service co mp e-titio n must be b ased o n q uality
management, as it is a way to ens ure the co mpany’s cred ib ilit y o n the mark et.
Even if the q uality management system has been enfo rced since 1995, the ratio o f ho tel
service suppliers who are certified is low, as many of them are not aware o f the impo rtance
and imp licatio ns of the certificate of q uality.
Even in the case o f certified organisatio ns so me o f the sub tle asp ects o f q uality guarantee
have not been identified and included in the specific docu mentatio n.
Thanks to the general nature o f the ISO standard s and to th e lack o f exp erience in the case
o f internal o r external aud ito rs with in the certify ing o r-ganisms, the sub tle elements o f
q uality guarantee have no t b een id entified. This certificate is insuff i-cient to ensure the level
o f q uality that is req uired b y the new d emand s in the eco no mic env i-ro nment. Tho ugh, the
financial element, the high co sts o f autho risatio n and TQ M are asp ects that determine big
hotel and fo od un its to p ostp o ne certificatio n, co nsidering that they were no t ab so lut ely
co mp ulso ry.
Desp ite its ad vantages o ffered b y the stand ards and the q uality management system, this
instrument o f ensurin g the q uality o f service with in the welco ming i n-d ustry is limited as it
does no t allo w the natio nal level o f guaranteed q u ality. Even the ho tel fie ld organisatio ns,
which have their o wn system o f stand ards and are certified in an int e grated system o f
q uality management, have not reached the intang ib le co mpo nents o f ensuring q uality o f
atmo sp here and staff b ehavio ur, b ut the entertain ment service develo p ment has b een
forgo tten, tho ugh they best und erline the relatio nship between the sup p lier and the
custo mer.
Regu latio n 636/2003 fo cussed o n the init iatio n o f t he mark Q, with r e-gard to the Natio nal
Pro gram to increase ho tel service q uality, with a co nseq uence o f fo und in g the To urist
Service Q uality and Hosp itality Ind ustry centre, in
July 2005 –INQUALTO UR- a
pro fessio na l p rivate asso ciatio n o f p ub lic interest, a N GO and a no n p ro fit organizatio n,
with its head o ffice in Bucharest. Its fo und ing memb ers are p hysically and legally
co mpetent and are also well k no wn p erso ns in the fie ld o f to urism q uality, such as the
Ro man ian Q uality Insurance Co mp any (SRAC ); the To urism S.C , the Ho tel and Restaurant
Co nsult in g Gro up S RL - THR C G; the N atio nal Asso cia-tio n for Rural, Eco lo g ical and
Cultural Gro up - ANTREC, as well as exp ects with great expertise.
The reaso n to inv ite these asso ciatio ns, in Ro mania was to achieve a Centre of Excellency
and expertise in the field o f to uring and ho sp italit y to d evelop q uality and co mp etitio n of
Ro man ian to urism, its standard and b usiness level, with a view to Eu-rop ean Integratio n and
glo balizatio n [2].
The Min istry o f To urism, in coo peratio n with INQUALTOUR and the pro fessio nal field
associatio ns elabo rated, at that mo ment, a guid e o f o ver 100 criteria to evaluate ho sp ital ity
ind ustry q uality, which were p resented to the managers in the field who had to mak e
remark s to imp ro ve things in terms o f specific q uality stand ards and o f imp lementing them
at the natio nal level a feed-b ack which hasn’t b een yet ach i eved, everythin g being still in
the pro ject stage.
These were the first steps in achieving a un itary system and a centralized o ne to certify
hotel quality service in Ro mania.
3. A new view o n the q uality o f services within the Ro manian ho tel ind ustry
Most co untries, which have no t p erceived the imp o rtance o f to urism develop ment and the
shift to a new way o f app ro aching service q uality o ffered to the clients, have mad e a
co mp lex system o f stand ards in the hotel ind ustry at a natio nal level, which demand the
service to be characterised b y criteria such as: rea c-tio n, cred itwo rthiness, curio sity,
flex ib ility, and so on.
For instance, since 1995 the S wiss stand ards includ ed meeting clients in the norms o f
classificatio ns and service q uality stand ards in the ho s-p itality ind ustry at present. The
classificatio n norms in Swiss is ho tels settled b y the ho tel associatio n being very comp lex,
co nsidering bo th asp ects with q uantitative aspects, trying to d iversify and ind iv id ualize
service as well as to increase staff behavio ur.
The S wiss system of classificatio n includ es 14 criteria, each co ntain ing norms presented in
a techn ical card organized in co mfo rt catego rie s.
The certificate o f classificatio n will b e o b tained as a reset o f self-evaluatio n, o f the
evaluatio n o f the regio nal co mmissio n and the co mmissio n o f ho tel classificatio n.
The classificatio n criteria deal with : security no rms, b uild in g exte-rior and area, recep tio n,
p ub lic area, roo ms, bathroo ms, break fast service, roo m-serv ice, resta urant service,
restaurant, further service, receptio n and entertain ing se r-vice, q uality, entertain ment and
spo rts outfit [13].
One sho uld no tice the 12 sp ecific no rms to organize entertaining a ctiv-ities which should be
permanently achieved based on a settled pro gram advertised in the ho tel all seaso n lo ng in
seaso n ho tels and the p ro v isio n o f at least o ne five – d ay entertainer a week fo r those ho tels
open all year-lo ng, who may be a free time emp lo yee or a collabo rato r.
In the same classificatio n system, o ther q ualitative asp ects such as air q uality in the
restaurants and bars, live music five days a week fo r fo ur ho urs at least are also present.
Another examp le is the ho tel certificate in France referentia l standard which represents the
result o f the co operatio n b etween the C hamb er o f Co mmerce and Ind ustry, the To urism
Trade Unio n Fed er atio n, the Q uality C ertificatio n Bo d y, the Asso ciatio n fo r the
Co nsumers’ Protectio n, o n o ne hand and the to urist and ho tel ind ustry pro fessio nal
associatio ns and the To urist Department in France, o n the o ther hand. This q uality referential co mmitment was init iated in 2001 and tested in
12 hotels in France;
in F eb ruary 2002 it was p ub lished in the “Monito rul O ficia l” Review, beco min g operatio nal
later o n.
Ho tel certificatio n is a quality g uarantee focussing o n the client and on increasing service
q uality staff behavio ur and attitud e. It imp lies 7 q uality standard s, such as staff p ro fessio nal
smile, cleanliness and hygiene, q ualit y bed sheets, staff availab ility, q uietness, to urist and
practical info rmatio n offered to clients as well as mo n itored quality.
Certificatio n will co mp rise two stages: firstly co nsultancy and aud iting need to reach the
hig h level ho tel service standard, and seco nd ly the certificatio n as such. The certificate is
obtained after so me steps have been tak en: the “mystery clients” rep orts, ho tel self -
evaluatio n, settling clients’ claims, their level o f satisfactio n and a s-pects of staff train ing.
Check ing is organized every mo nth and it invo lves 550 issues.
At the same time, at the level of hotel chains, there are some assessment and co ntro l criteria
that describe service and behavio ur co mpo nents b y classical metho ds o f ma nagement,
accord ing to their own standards by the chain inspectors who a ssess the q uality of service
and the q uality and certifying ho tel standards as clients.
S ince 1996, the General Department o f Authorisatio n and Co ntro l has dealt with g iv ing
to urism patents and classificatio n certificates to d i f-ferent to urist un its fo llo win g an
assessment p rocess which matched the do cumentatio n with the specific co nd it io ns o ffered
b y the to urist o ffers.
This o bservatio n has led to mak ing a d ecisio n to decentralise the a u-tho rising and contro l
system as well as creatin g the Lo cal Dep artments which co ntin ued to deal with the same
typ e o f activ ity acco rd ing to the legislatio n, witho ut imp ro vin g the classific a tio n criteria
co ncerning to urist welco ming structures and the system o f q uality a s-sessment.
There are main ly two p ossib ilit ies to app ro ach q uality imp ro vement process in the
Ro man ian ho tel b usiness as fo llo ws: co mp leting the criteria und er M e-tho do lo gical Norms
regard ing the star classificatio n o f the welco ming crit eria, and creating a qualit y assessment
system regarding ho tels and food.
Creatin g a co mp lex system o f services q uality stand ards in the Ro manian ho tel ind ustry
must be a p rio rity o f the Min istry o f To urism, o f the pro fessio nal to u r-ism asso c iatio ns and
o f all organisatio ns in the field.
The new system sho uld inc lud e: the to tal amo unt o f criteria, the methods o f their
assessment, estab lish ing institutio ns which will b e invo lved in the sy s-tem co nstructio n, its
imp ro vement and setting the categories of peop le who will evaluate the results and will take
the correcting measures.
In o rd er to ensure the increase o f the ho tel q uality services we co nsider that the mo st
efficient so lut io n wo uld co nsist o f a n analysis o f the Min istry o f To ur-ism in ord er to issue a
normative act wh ich wo uld b e mo re co mp lex than the p resent Regul a-tio n 636/2008. This
sho uld lead to a develop ment o f the existent crit e-ria which will include extra criteria
co ncerning the assessment o f the service quality.
Starting with the present system o f criteria which are included in the Method o lo gical
Norms regard in g the star classificatio n o f the welco ming to urist units and the p ub lic food
sup p ly units, their imp ro vement imp lies the inclus io n o f co nstructive features such as: the
hotel locatio n, the accessib ilit y, the q uality o f the access ways, the p lacement (close to the
interesting to urist area, slo pes, beaches, etc. ), the attractiveness o f the area.
The b uild in g assessment may also have in mind the ext e-rior asp ect and the architecture,
includ ing the no velty o f the b uild in g o r its refurb ish ment. There are also o ther amb ient
elements such as green areas, p arks, gardens, wate r-falls, fo untains, lights, as well as
entertain ing areas for adu lts and children
A very imp ortant asp ect is represented b y the develop ment o f the
criteria referring to the
ind oo r space which signal the co mmun icatio n with the client
rep resented by different typ es
o f in fo rmatio n, design and deco rative p lants.
A basic element in separating and perso nalis in g the service supp ly is the
ad justment to the
structure and the facilit ies o f the roo m to the client need s b y o ffering
fo r instance do ub le-
do ub le roo ms, ro o ms for d isab led p eop le, standard roo ms,
as well as lux ury roo ms fo r
b usiness peo p le, or roo ms fo r peop le with pets.
Ro o m assessment criteria also includ e elements o f amb iance, lig hts,
aro matherap y, design,
co lo urs, b ut also asp ects such as facilit ies level o f
usage, ergo no mic furn iture and
eq uip ment, extra bed s, or bab y care facilities.
Mod ern techno lo gies have allo wed the ho tel to sto p wasting reso urces,
which imp ro ved the
possib ility to co ntro l and ad ap t the temp erature and the lights. Thus
they must be includ ed
in the assessment criteria.
A basic co mp o nent o f the ho tel service is the foo d sup p ly and the
numb er, the structure and
the specific service o ffered in the unit. To gether with the q uality o f
acco mmo datio n service,
foo d sup p ly is an imp o rtant step in cho osin g a particular hotel.
Restaurants may be d ifferent accord ing to the q ua l-
ity o f the rend ered service and b y
introd ucing hyp o-caloric, vegetarian, healthy, thema tic, o r child ren
menus by mak in g lists
o f d ishes which are specifically described : calories, add itives p erce n-
tage, or other elements
which are part of the Methodo lo g ical No rms in the chapter dealing with
Internatio nally in this field , fo od sup p ly service is assessed b y
other criteria to o : serving
stand ards, servin g efficiency, careful and fast serving, competitive staff
who help the client,
staff o utfit and appearance, vis ib le p rices, hyg iene and p rod uctio n
q uality. This also imp lies
the aspect o f the d ishes, their taste, freshness, temp erature, as well as
amb iance – the degree
o f silence, the smok ing and no n-smo k ing areas, the possib ility to assist
the cookin g pro cess,
child ren facilit ies, etc.
Co nclus io n
A fresh to urist p ro mo tio n in Ro mania is a co mp lex p ro cess imp ly ing bo th the in itiatio n o f
legal and institut io nal b ack gro und and new techn ical
devices, to allo w d iversify ing the
hotel and restaurant serv ice supp ly, and to increase q uality service le v-
This year, the To urism Min istry has init iated a step to a new q uality
assessment system, by
reco nsidering co ncep ts and increasin g the impo rtance granted
to the ho tel staff and their
attitud e to ward s to urist service quality.
The eco no mic imp licatio ns will b e crit ical, tho ugh hard ly reversib le in
time, if no t achieved
in parallel wit h the imp lementatio n o f valuab le mod els and the change
o f mentality with in
the Ro man ian ho tel service suppliers practice.
dear leaders:
thank you for taking the time to read me the cover letter, thank you for giving me an opportunity and challenge to success.
my name is xxx, xxx people from fujian province, xxx university, department of tourism and culture school of tourism management graduates in XX. in college life, the systematic study of the tourism management expertise, and actively participated in the hotel internship, work and formal professional learning, so i initially had a manager with the quality and professional skills. in the study of the specialized courses, while also learning the culture, understand the corporate culture of an enterprise is very important. i work hard in school to learn computer by the computer 2, the application of basic computer proficiency. can also be skilled in some english dialogue. also strive to learn the hotel professional managers, and through professional managers certificate.
i was in july XX in kunming xxx hotel (formerly the xxx
1 / 3
hotel) for a sixmonth period of practical work, learned that as a good manager should have good quality and skilled professional skills. internship in the hotel, food and beverage department and in the lobby do not learn some professional skills in different sectors, the company also learned that although there are different for each department, but it is inseparable whole. therefore, mutual understanding should be at work, for themselves and for all, working to create a pleasant and harmonious working environment, in order to profitability! this is my experience during the internship.
i hope i urgently want to get into the heart of your company will receive a response in the future will be dedicated, will be fulfill the expectations! sincere thanks!
finally, once again thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your early reply, and wish your company thrive!
2 / 3
3 / 3
自荐信?是关?于求?职者?自己?的背?景综?述,?关键?在于?突出?与所?找的?工?作有关?的经?验和?成就?,其?主要?目的?是获?得面?试。? ?招聘者?一般?只会?用不??到 10?秒钟?的时?间来?决定?是否?接受?求职??者的自荐?信,?因此?,对?自荐?信进??行严密组?织,?突出?能最?好地?反映?你的?能力?的经?验、?技能?和成?就,?并满??足招聘者?的要?求。?以下?是?XXX?我和?大家?分享?的旅?游管?理英?文自?荐信?,更??多相关资?讯,?请关?注。? ?
Dea?r ?Si?rM?ad?am?: ?
Th?an?k ?ou? f?or? t?ak?in?g ??time? o?ut? o?f ?ou?r ?bu?s ?sh?ed?ul?e ?to? g?iv?e ?me? a? h??ane ?to? s?ho? m?se?lf?. ?
I ??am a? g?ra?du?at?e ?of? X?X ?Un?iv?er?si?t ?To?ur?is?m ?Ma?na?ge?me?nt? m?aj?or?. ?In? t?he?? ple?ti?on? o?f ?th?ei?r ?st?ud?ie?s,? I? n?ee?d ?to? s?ee?k ?a ?su?it?ab?le? ?for? t?he?ir? o?n ?de?ve?lo?pm?en?t ?of? t?he? o?rk?. ?No?? hav?e ?th?e ?op?po?rt?un?it? ?to ?in?tr?od??ue m?e ?to? o?ur? u?ni?t,? I? f?ee?l ?ve?r ?ho?no?re?d.? ?
The? o?ur?ag?e ?to? k?no?k ?on? t?he? d?oo?r ?to? o?ur? u?ni?t,? I? a?m ?on?vi??ned ?th?at? t?he? d?oo?r ?mu?st? b?e ?a ?fu?ll? o?f ?vi?go?r ?an?d ?vi?ta?li?t ?of? t?he? ?orl?d.?? He ?is? n?ot? o?nl? t?he? o?pp?or?tu??nit,? b?ut? m?or?e ?il?l ?be? a? ?hal?le?ng??e, a?n ?on?e ?of? t?he? o?un?g ?pe?op?le? a?re? v?er? d?if?fi?ul?t ?to? ?res?is?t ?su?h ?an? a?tt?ra?ti?on?, ?an?d ?th?is? i?s ?ha?t ?I ??look? f?or?ar?d ?to? a? ?lon?g ?ti?me?. ?Op??port?un?it? f?av?or?s ?th?e ?pr?ep?ar?ed?, ?on?fi?de?nt? a?nd? I? a?s ?pr?ep?ar?ed?. ?
M ?ma??jo?r is? t?ou?ri?sm? m?an?ag?em?en?t ?an?d ?ho?te?l ?ma?na?ge?me?nt?. ?Th?e ?ma?in? s?tu?d ??and ?to?ur?is?m ?se?rv?ie?s ?an?d ?ho?te?l ?se?rv?ie?s ?re?la?te?d ?to? ?
the? m?an?ag?em?en?t ?an?d ?ap??plia?ti?on? o?f ?kn?ol?ed?ge?. ??Trav?el? a?ge?n ?ma?na?ge?me?nt??, ho?te?l ?ma?na?ge?me?nt?, ?se??ni s?po?t ?ma?na?ge?me?nt?, ?fo??od a?nd? ?bev?er?ag?e ?se??rvie?, ?an?d ?re?la?te?d ?ba?si? o?ur?se?s,? e?t.?. ?No?t ?on?l ?le?ar?ni?ng? m?an?ag?em?en?t ?th?eo?r ?kn?ol?ed?ge? b?ut? a?ls?o ?le?ar?ni?ng? b?as?i ?ap?pl?ia?ti?on? k?no?le?dg?e.? T?en?t-?fi?rs?t ?Ce?nt?ur? p?et?it?io?n ?is? t?he? ?pet?it?io?n ?of? k?no?le?dg?e ??and ?qu?al?it?. ?In? t?he? U?ni??vers?it? f?or? t?hr?ee? ?ear?s,? I? h?av?e ?be?en? a?ti?ve?l ?an?d ??ativ?el?, ?ba?se?d ?on? t?he? b?as?i ?kn?ol?ed?ge?, ?pr?of?es?si?on?al? s?ee?ki?ng? b?re?ad?th?, ?de?pt?h.? T?hi?s ?ma?ke?s ?me? ?hav?e ?a ?so?li?d ?pr?of?es??sion?al? t?he?or?et?ia?l ?kn?ol??edge? a?nd? s?el?f-?le?ar?ni?ng?? abi?li?t,? i?n ?en?su?ri?ng? t??he b?as?is? o?f ?th?e ?pr?of?es??sion?al? ?our?se? s?tu?d,? I? p?ar?ti?ip?at?ed? i?n ?th?e ?st?ud? o?f ?th?e ?re?le?va?nt? e?le?ti?ve? ?our?se?s.? M?or?e ?en?ri??hed ?th?e ?kn?ol?ed?ge?. ?
Du?ri??ng t?he? s?ho?ol? p?er?io?d,? I?? ons?ta?nt?l ?en?ri?h ?th?em?se?lv?es?, ?al?l-?ro?un?d ?de?ve?lo??pmen?t,? i?n ?or?de?r ?to? f?or??ge a?he?ad? o?f ?th?e ?in?te?gr??it o?f ?th?e ? o?f ?or?k,? h?as?? on ?th?e ?tr?us?t ?an?d ?pr?ai??se o?f ?te?ah?er?s ?an?d ?st?ud??ents?. ?Fr?es?hm?an? a?dm?is?si??on s?oo?n ?jo?in?ed? t?he? ?stu?de?nt? u?ni?on?, ?fo?r ?th?e ?se?rv?ie?, ?bu?t ?al?so? f?or? t?he?ir? o?n ?pl?a ?a ?li?tt?le? e?xe?ri?se?. ?I ?al?so? a?ti?ve?l ?pa?rt?ii?pa?te? i?n ?va?ri?ou?s ?at?iv?it?ie?s ?or?ga?ni?ze?d ?b ?th?e ?sh?oo?l.? O?ne? t?he? t?o ?ti?me? t?o ?pa?rt?ii?pa?te? i?n ?th?e ?ba?sk?et?ba?ll? t?ea?m,? a?nd? a?ti?ve?l ?pa?rt?ii?pa?te? i?n ?tr?ai?ni?ng?, ?ex?er?is?e ?th?ei?r ?on?. ?Du?ri?ng? t?he? U?ni?ve?rs?it?, ?I ?al?so? g?ot? t?he? a?dv?an?ed? p?ut?er? ?off?ie? a??utom?at?io?n ?er?ti?fi?at?e,? t??o A-?le?ve?l ?er?ti?fi?at?e ?et??.. ?
M s?oi?al? p?ra?ti?e ?ab?il?it? i?s ?ve?r ?st?ro?ng?, ?I ?al?so? a?ti?ve?l ?pa?rt?ii?pa?te? i?n ?so?ia?l ?pr?at?ie? a?ti?vi?ti?es? d?ur?in?g ?th?e ?ho?li?da?s.? I?n ?
th?e ?or?ld? f?am?ou?s ?fa?st? f?oo?d ?re?st?au?ra?nt? a?s ?a ?ai?te?r,? i?n ?th?e ?su?pe?rm?ar?ke?t ?st?or?es? d?o ?sa?le?s ?st?af?f,? i?n ?th?e ?Co?nv?en?ti?on? a?nd? ?exh?ib?it?io?n ?se?rv?ie?? per?so?nn?el? d?o ?et?iq?ue?tt??e. O?ft?en? p?ar?ti?ip?at?e ?in?? soi?al? p?ra?ti?e,? n?ot? o?nl? e?nr?ih? t?he?ir? o?n ?li?fe? e?xp?er?ie?ne?, ?bu?t ?al?so? ?f?or t?he?ir? f?ut?ur?e ?or?k ?to?? la ?th?e ?fo?un?da?ti?on?. ?Al??so m?ak?e ?th?em?se?lv?es? m?or??e fo?us? o?n ?th?e ?sp?ir?it? o??f te?am?or?k ?an?d ?ha?rd? o?rk??. I ?ha?ve? a? s?tr?on?g ?ab?il??it t?o ?ad?ap?t.? A?ft?er? a? l??ong ?pe?ri?od? o?f ?st?ud? ?and? e?xe?ri?se?, ?ha?s ?au?mu?la?te?d ?ri?h ?ex?pe?ri?en?e ?in? s?oi?al? o?rk?, ?in? ?ord?er? t?o ??bett?er? o?rk? t??o la? a? g?oo??d fo?un?da?ti?on? f?or? t?he? f??utur?e.? ?
M a?dv?an?ta?ge? i?s ?ho?ne?st?, ?ar?m,? o?pt?im?is?ti? h?ar?at?er?, ?ap?pr?oa?ha?bl?e,? p?os?it?iv?e.? I? h?av?e ?a ?ve?r ?st?ro?ng? s?en?se? o?f ?th?e ?fi?gh?t,? f?ul?l ?of? o?nf?id?en?e ?in? t?he?ir? o?n.? I? t?hi?nk? h?on?es?t ?is? t?he? ?ond?ut?? of ?th?e ?ou?nt?r,? s?o ?I ?ha??ve b?ee?n ?to? d??o to? a?sk? t??hems?el?ve?s,? ?and? p?ro?mi?se?d ?to? s?om?eo?ne? e?ls?e ?il?l ?fi?ni?sh? o?n ?ti?me?. ?Du?e ?to? t?re?at? ?peo?pl?e ?ar?m ?an??d si?ne?re?, ?so? f?ro?m ?pr?im??ar s?ho?ol? t?o ?un?iv?er?si?t ??has ?be?en? g?et?ti?ng? a?lo?ng?? ell? i?th? l?as?sm?at?es? a?nd?? tea?he?rs?, ?bu?t ?al?so? ?ver? p?op?ul?ar? i?th? t?he? s?tu?de?nt?s ?ar?ou?nd?, ?an?d ?ma?n ?st?ud?en?ts? t?o ?es?ta?bl?is?h ?a ?pr?of?ou?nd? f?ri?en?ds?hi?p.? ?
Alt?ho?ug?h ?I ?am? a? g?re?en?? han?d,? b?ut? I? h?av?e ?gr?ea??t en?th?us?ia?sm? ?and? e?ne?rg?, ?an?d ?re??fuse? t?o ?be? o?ed? o?r ?su?bm?it? t?he? s?pi?ri?t.? P?le?as?e ?gi?ve? m?e ?a ?er?ta?in? s?pa?e ?an?d ?ti?me?, ?I ?il?l ?do? t?o ?ma?ke? o?u ?sa?ti?sf?ie?d!? A?t ?th?e ?sa?me? t?im?e ?I ?al?so? b?el?ie?ve? t?ha?t ?th?e ?sp?ir?it? o?f ?pr?of?es?si?on?al?is?m ?is? t?he? o?rk? o?f ?th?e.? I? h?oo?se? h?at? I? a?nt? t?o ?do? ?and? I? i?ll? d?o ?it?? ell?. ?
Pa?st? a?hi?ev?em?en?ts? a?n ?on?l ?re?pr?es?en?t ?th?e ?pa?st?, ?th?e ?fu?tu?re? o?f ?so?ie?t ?fo?r ?me? i?s ?pl?et?el? a? n?e ?or?ld?, ?bu?t ?al?so? a? o?rl?d ?fu?ll? o?f ?ha?ll?en?ge?s.? I? a?m ?ou?ng?, ?so?me? a?re? e?ne?rg?et?i ?an?d ?un?ie?ld?in?g ?fa?it?h,? ?but? t?he? l?ak? o?f ?se??lf t?ra?in?in?g ?op?po?rt?un?it?ie?s ?fo??r se?lf? d?is?pl?a.? ?Wit?ho?ut? o?ur? h?or?se?s ?lo?ok?, ?I ?il?l ?no?t ?us?e ?m ?on? k?no?le?dg?e.? ?The?re?fo?re?, ?I ??ould? l?ik?e ?to? b?e ?a ?me?mb?er? o?f ??our ?pa?n.? I? i?ll? t?ak?e ?a ?gr?ea?te??r en?th?us?ia?sm? i?nt?o ?th?e ?ne? o?rk?? env?ir?on?me?nt?, ?fo?r ?th?e ?pa?n ?s ??deve?lo?pm?en?t ?to? o?nt?ri?bu?te? t?he??ir o?ut?h.? D?o ?fo?r ?st?ud?en?ts? i?ng?? int?o ?th?e ?so?ie?t,? a?lt?ho??ugh ?or?k ?ex?pe?ri?en?e ?is? i?ns?uf?fi?ie?nt?, ?bu?t ?I ?il?l ?le?ar?n,? o?rk? a?ti?ve?l,? l?oa?l ?an?d ?re?sp?on?si?bl?e ?jo?b.? S?in?er?el? h?op?e ?to? g?et? t?he? o?pp?or?tu?ni?t ??to r?ee?iv?e ?ou?r ?un?it? o?r ?gi?ve? a?n ?in?te?rv?ie?, ?in? o?rd?er? t?o ?fu?rt?he?r ?ex?am?in?e ?m ?ab?il?it?. ?
I ?ho?pe? o?ur? u?ni?t ?an? r?ee?iv?e ?me?, ?su?pp?or?t ?me?, ?le?t ?me? j?oi?n ?ou?r ?fa?mi?l,? I? i?ll? d?o ?m ?be?st? t?o ?pl?a ?m ?be?st? a?bi?li?t ?fo?r ?ou?r ?le?ve?l ?an?d ?ab?il?it?. ?
ou?rs?, ?
XX?X ?
中文?翻译? ?
? ?
您好?!?首先。? ?
How do you do! My name is ANYJOB, is ANYJOB college department of tourism
professional tourism management students, graduate. Thank you for taking time out of his busy schedule to read my letter of application.
ANYJOB college is a beautiful environment, teacher force strong comprehensive university, with a long history (teaching cases, papers, courseware, teaching plan) and the fine tradition, in such as scholarship and education well known school culture, both in the knowledge ability, or personal quality training, I have benefited a lot. During the period of school, we have the following course, travel regulations,
introduction to tourism, tourist guide obligation, hubei guide basic knowledge, the national tour guide knowledge courses. As well as computer and mandarin training. This not only enrich themselves, but also cultivate their various skills. More important is, rigorous style of study and correct study manner shape I guileless, calm and steady, innovative personality traits.
In addition, I also actively take part in all kinds of social activities, seize every
opportunity, and exercise yourself. University * years, I deeply felt, and work with
other students, in the competition I benefit; To the actual difficult challenges, let me grow up in defeat. Grandparents taught me diligent, responsible, kind, honest, * * university trained me to seek truth from facts, and pioneering spirit style. I love your units are engaged in business, sincerely hopes to in your leadership, for the glorious career building; And in practice, constantly learning and progress.
Accept the pen, I want to say: no matter whether you choose me, respect leadership, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation!
× × × Leadership:
Your busy schedule to take some time to read my material in this job, Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity for success and challenges.
I called XXX, XX people, XX Tourism Management Institute of Tourism Department of × × × ×-year graduates. Learning in the university life, a systematic study of the tourism management
expertise, and actively participate in the practice of travel agents, tour guides part-time work and regular professional training, so I can have a quality manager and vocational skills. The courses in learning, it is also a minor in the legal profession, the law also have a certain understanding, to obtain a certificate of legal minor. English has passed CET-4, and × × × ×-year tour guides to pass a national qualification certificates. At work, I served as a member of the class life of the party branch secretaries and Mission, the Mission branch in the organization of work performance and personal优秀团支部been outstanding title of League cadres. Has served as executive director of the Tourist Association and the Association of Computer and other computer-loving students to create a common
network of Zhejiang Forestry College野风studio, is responsible for financial management and the technical aspects of the project, in the work of the management of accumulated experience. At the same time, a number of sites involved in the planning and production, with web
design, web development skills and experience, the basis of a certain art. At the same time to a wide range of office software proficiency to master VB, C programming language. Computer has been through two
test computers, Zhejiang University (VB language) and the National Computer Rank Examination III (Network Technology).
Now I am going to bid farewell to a variety of campus life, face to create a cause, I look forward to in your organization to find a good space for development, and real hope in your heart to do, under the leadership of Moses, and share weal and woe! If you hire, will live up expectations! Thanks敬候complex, heartfelt gratitude! Finally, once again Thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible and wish the prosperity of your organization!