范文一:跨境电商文献综述 跨境电商外文文献综述
2.1 B2B电子商务在伊朗
4.2消息层 消息层负责建立组件之间的通信会话,并将消息发送到组件层次结构的下一层
在这一节中,所建议的模型的验证是根据四个阶段的情况。在这种情况下,双方之间的贸易点的边界,和各模型组件的作用进行了讨论。这四个阶段是:, 1阶段:出口商签署系统和应用程序重新绳。
将一个成功的进程发送到国家的单一窗口。如果根据规定,该公司的认证需要在一个文件中记录下来,这条消息可以发送到存储的出口商的钙。作者要感谢研究院ICT和在2010年建立了电子商务实验室在Tarbiat Modares大学。
A Model of a Localized Cross-Border E-Commerce
By the explosive growth of B2B e-commerce transactions in international supply chains and he rapid increase of business documents in Iran?s cross-border trading, effective
management of trade processes over borders is vital in B2B e-commerce systems. Structure of the localized model in this paper is based on three major layers of a B2B e-commerce infrastructure, which are messaging layer, business process layer and content layer. For each of these layers proper standards and solutions are chosen due to Iran?s e-commerce requirements. As it is needed to move smoothly towards electronic documents in Iran, UNedocs standard is suggested to support the contents of both paper and electronic documents. The verification of the suggested model is done by presenting a four phase scenario through case study method. The localized model in this paper tries to make a strategic view of business documents exchange in trade processes, and getting closer to the key target of regional single windows establishment in global trade e-supply chains.
Keywords: E-Commerce; Cross-Border Trade; Electronic Document Management; International Supply Chain
1. Introduction
Electronic commerce is about buying and selling products or services over electronic systems like internet and other networks. The term B2B (Business-to-Business) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. In this paper the research focus is on the communication between traders in two different countries. Today one of the main targets of the world trade organization is to establish regional single windows which can increase the trade facilitation in different parts of world. Establishing a regional single window needs cross border gateways that can exchange trade documents efficiently. So first, the key necessity of managing the simplified documents over
borders is to move toward national single windows. After that, the regional single windows can authorize the communication between countries. E-commerce models are studied based on the three major logical layers. These three layers are messaging layer, business process layer and content layer [1,2]. Generally the localized model in this paper is a way to automate the process of exchanging
reading documents. This can be a step through establishing the National single window of Iran and then with the more interoperability between the East Asian and Middle Eastern countries a regional single window can be improved in the future.
In this paper the second section is discussed basic concepts and standards required to introduce the cross-border B2B model in international supply chains.The third section is assigned to introduce the scope of the model and its components functionality in a big picture schema. The forth section discusses the model localization over B2B transaction layers, and finally the paper in concluded.
2. Background
In this section, besides, having a look at B2B e-commerce in Iran, the background concepts such as standards and reference models which are being used in localization of the B2B e-commerce cross border model are disussed.
2.1 B2B E-Commerce in Iran
Today the performance of the trade processes in Iran is a key trade success point. Iran has long borders with many of the countries in the region and its import and export processes can be done over road, rail, sea and air ways. So
the central and strategic role of this country makes it a key trade point of goods transit in the Asia and Middle East region. Today, almost all of trade processes in Iran customs are done through paper forms, and the electronic services given by the ministry of commerce are restricted to the merchants who trade inside the country. The introduced model tries to simplify the process of exchanging electronic documents in the cross-border e-supply chains of Iran trading. Here some of the systems which give the electronic services by the ministry of commerce in Iran are mentioned: Importation Order Management System. Trade Statistics System. Iran Code.Made In Iran. These are the main electronic systems which are using today to facilitate trade processes in Iran. The systems are mentioned here as independent trade facilitators which can have interaction with the suggested model in this paper in the future. Joining Iran to the world trade organization regarding the standardization of data elements and trade
2.1 B2B电子商务在伊朗
4.2消息层 消息层负责建立组件之间的通信会话,并将消息发送到组件层次结构的下一层
在这一节中,所建议的模型的验证是根据四个阶段的情况。在这种情况下,双方之间的贸易点的边界,和各模型组件的作用进行了讨论。这四个阶段是:, 1阶段:出口商签署系统和应用程序重新绳。
将一个成功的进程发送到国家的单一窗口。如果根据规定,该公司的认证需要在一个文件中记录下来,这条消息可以发送到存储的出口商的钙。作者要感谢研究院ICT和在2010年建立了电子商务实验室在Tarbiat Modares大学。
A Model of a Localized Cross-Border E-Commerce
By the explosive growth of B2B e-commerce transactions in international supply chains and he rapid increase of business documents in Iran?s cross-border trading, effective management of trade processes over borders is vital in B2B e-commerce systems. Structure of the localized model in this paper is based on three major layers of a B2B e-commerce infrastructure, which are messaging layer, business process layer and content layer. For each of these layers proper standards and solutions are chosen due to Iran?s e-commerce requirements. As it is needed to move smoothly towards electronic documents in Iran, UNedocs standard is suggested to support the contents of both paper and electronic documents. The verification of the suggested model is done by presenting a four phase scenario through case study method. The localized model in this paper tries to make a strategic view of business documents exchange in trade processes, and getting closer to the key target of regional single windows establishment in global trade e-supply chains.
Keywords: E-Commerce; Cross-Border Trade; Electronic Document Management; International Supply Chain
1. Introduction
Electronic commerce is about buying and selling products or services over electronic systems like internet and other networks. The term B2B (Business-to-Business) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. In this paper the research focus is on the communication between traders in two different countries. Today one of the main targets of the world trade organization is to establish regional single windows which can increase the trade facilitation in different parts of world. Establishing a regional single window needs cross border gateways that can exchange trade documents efficiently. So first, the key necessity of managing the simplified documents over
borders is to move toward national single windows. After that, the regional single windows can authorize the communication between countries. E-commerce models are studied based on the three major logical layers. These three layers are messaging layer, business process layer and content layer [1,2]. Generally the localized model in this paper is a way to automate the process of exchanging reading documents. This can be a step through establishing the National single window of Iran and then with the more interoperability between the East Asian and Middle Eastern countries a regional single window can be improved in the future.
In this paper the second section is discussed basic concepts and standards required to introduce the cross-border B2B model in international supply chains.The third section is assigned to introduce the scope of the model and its components functionality in a big picture schema. The forth section discusses the model localization over B2B transaction layers, and finally the paper in concluded.
2. Background
In this section, besides, having a look at B2B e-commerce in Iran, the background concepts such as standards and reference models which are being used in localization of the B2B e-commerce cross border model are disussed.
2.1 B2B E-Commerce in Iran
Today the performance of the trade processes in Iran is a key trade success point. Iran has long borders with many of the countries in the region and its import and export processes can be done over road, rail, sea and air ways. So the central and strategic role of this country makes it a key trade point of goods transit in the Asia and Middle East region. Today, almost all of trade processes in Iran customs are done through paper forms, and the electronic services given by the ministry of commerce are restricted to the merchants who trade inside the country. The introduced model tries to simplify the process of exchanging electronic documents in the cross-border e-supply chains of Iran trading. Here some of the systems which give the electronic services by the ministry of commerce in Iran are mentioned: Importation Order Management System. Trade Statistics System. Iran Code.Made In Iran. These are the main electronic systems which are using today to facilitate trade processes in Iran. The systems are mentioned here as independent trade facilitators which can have interaction with the suggested model in this paper in the future. Joining Iran to the world trade organization regarding the standardization of data elements and trade
1. 介绍
本文实证研究的在线电子商务跨境贸易模式的影响。互联网的兴起,更一般地,数字通信技术,具有LED 许多观察家宣布,距离“死”(Cairncross ,1997)。在这方面,它不在乎信息所在的位臵因为它只是一个鼠标点击和信息成本不再是物理距离有关。在传统的线下实物商品贸易,证据却指向距离成本增加(disdier 和头,2008)。贸易相结合的基础上的信息和物理的货物运输。问题是是否将贸易从线下到线上平台是一个足够大的凹痕在信息成本改变贸易总成本因此货物贸易模式。Blum 和Goldfarb (2006)表明,即使是纯粹的信息产品,距离仍然起着重要的作用。他们认为这是文化上的差异,随着物理距离的增加。除了信息成本的影响,可能会有副作用,对贸易模式的影响。网上贸易开辟了一个潜在的更大的地理汇水面积,为供应商和消费者,在产品品种和价格竞争的增加。这两
个因素都将有利于相对脱离的离线和在线贸易对。然而,出现在网络上,可以减 缓甚至逆转这一趋势可能新的信息交易成本的来源。新的信息成本可能是由于语言,文化和制度的差异和贸易成本,电子商务基础设施业务有关的。
我们做一个独特的网上消费者调查获得的商品跨境电子商务数据集。(公民咨询,2011)根据欧洲委员会(2012),欧盟电子商务指令通过十年后,电子商务仍小于4%的总的欧洲跨境贸易电子商务认为这远远低于其潜力。该委员会是欧洲数字议程的目的是让所有的欧洲公民 50%在网上买,20%至2015从事网上跨境交易。问题是,在电子商务跨境交易的电位高于脱机交易。
我们调查了三个潜在的在线交易成本变化的来源,相比线下交易。首先,从普通的线下贸易网络的转变使网上交易可以降低交易成本的重要性与地理距离相关。虽然距离可能不再重要的信息和纯粹的数字产品和服务(B l um 和Goldfarb ,2006),商品仍然需要身体运,有时跨不同的监管制度之间的边界,达到买方。因此,仅占总交易成本的一部分是从模拟到数字信息技术转变的影响。其次,我们探讨的文化和制度因素的作用,如语言和法律机构的质量,作为网上贸易模式的决定因素。距离相关的交易成本的减少,其他来源的成本的相对重要性可能增加。第三,实物商品在线交易平台需要特定的基础设施,如灵活的在线支付系统和高效的快递系统。我们衡量自己的贡献来解释网络贸易模式。最后,我们将所有这些来源的在线贸易成本,看看正、负贡献的净影响,如家庭的偏见或“国内市场产品的偏好程度的测量。
我们使用的分析工具是用于此目的的跨境国际贸易引力模型,解释在现实经济国际贸易流量的标准工具(安德森和v a nWi nc oop ,2003)。这种模式是根植于牛顿的想法,许多国际贸易流动的观察模式可以通过对贸易伙伴和他们的物理距离经济规模的解释。“距离”可以更广泛地解释为一个捕获所有的变量和代理各种国际贸易成本,影响国内和进口商品的相对价格的来源。这可能包括运输成本,关税和监管障碍相关的成本,以及合同执行差,不同司法管辖区的相关风险。在传统的砖和砂浆的经济,信息检索是昂贵的,需要物理传输,或者将信息传递给潜在客户或反之亦然。在这里,我们试图将信息成本从物理运输成本维度。
2. 引力模型
引力方程可以处理国内贸易观察(I =J)。在这种情况下,国内的距离是衡量一个国家的大小。与 pacchioli,2011,在应用的方法,1995 和狼,2000,我们引入了国内贸易的观测变量。这是国内虚拟系数偏差指示器,或消费者对国内对外国产品偏好程度。家里的偏差系数基本措施各变量的综合影响,驱动在线(或离线)销售,包括任何的遗漏变量的引力方程如“自然”为国内市场偏好。我们计算偏差仅为家网上交易因为我们没有在国内销售的产品信息离线。然而,我们可以用离线交易的其他作者家比较产生偏差估计。
3. 数据
我们使用的数据来自27 个欧盟成员国的网上消费者调查(市民咨询,2011)。调查包括对消费者的在线开支的商品信息,国内以及国外的。我们利用这些数据来构建对美国27 × 双侧27在线贸易矩阵。我们还构建了一个脱机交易矩阵同贸易伙伴之间以及同一类商品,这样我们可以比较线上与线下的贸易模式。离线交易数据是建立在对相应的在线销售产品类别的消费者调查报告数据的基础上,comext 。例如,当消费者报告买书或药品在线,我们使用最近的两或四位CN 品类从 comext 贸易数据库,在这种情况下cn30“药品”和cn4901”印刷
的书籍,小册子及类似印刷材料”来计算传统跨境贸易,这些商品的价值。诚然, 这些都是不完美的比赛,但应该是一个很好的代理。在网络矩阵的构造是一个关
级汇总,调查数据产生估计每个消费者平均支出在我国国家网上商品在我们假设调查平均在线消费者行为的国家我们乘这一因素,代表了互联网用户的份额和用户实际在线购买的总人口推断调查平均全国平均份额代表。我们使用欧盟统计局公布的数据为人口的百分比,是连接到互联网。然而,这是欧盟统计局对在线消费者实际购买在线和国外购买在线共享的调查数据之间的巨大差异。由于欧盟统计局的数字(43 和10%的人口分别)低于调查数据(分别为63 和32%),我们坚持以避免高估欧盟统计局。调查数据表明,欧盟数字议程的政策目标得到所有欧盟50%的消费者在线购买和 20%其实网上购物国外已经达到了2011。
基于消费者的调查,我们估计在线商对客货物贸易总额在欧盟2410亿€2011.2 的总,1970 亿€ (80%)是在中国国内交易。只有约440 亿的€ (18%)跨越国界的欧盟成员国之间,另有60 亿€(2%)是从非欧盟国家进口的。
比较估计在线跨境贸易的价值(440 亿€)和相应的产品类别观察离线欧盟内部贸易(4910 亿€)(comext ),我们认为在线贸易约占欧盟所有跨境交易
3. 1 文化和制度变量
当代的贸易引力模型应用通常包括贸易伙伴之间共享的语言作为解释变量,并在大多数情况下,这是重要的。这可以被认为是一种“文化距离代理”(Bl um和Gol df a rb,2006)。在商对客交易环境,共同的语言是必不可少的,但语言的相对重要性可能类型的好的变化。这可能是例如书籍跨境贸易更重要,比那些或多或少在世界电子产品。我们的数据不允许我们用良好然而式贸易。我们还引入了一个虚拟的最大和最广泛的共享语言组在欧盟,英国,法国和德国,作为语言对跨境电子商务影响的另一个措施。
3. 2 在线环境的质量
重共线性问题,我们使用这些变量在不同的回归。由凯捷等人的世界支付报告得 到了货到付款和支付宝的指标。(2011)。
n 高效的快递系统在需要的地方,实际装运货物从仓库到消费者,减少物理运输成本和交货时间。如上所述,从离线到在线贸易的转变只有降低贸易成本信息成本的组成部分,而不是物理运输成本;相反,因为在包裹快递相比,散装货物的规模不经济,物质运输成本可能会增加。文献中的运输成本对贸易的作用尚不明确。lendle 等人。(2012)表明,距离系数几乎是海运费用列入不受影响。在这条线的马丁内兹和诺瓦克zarzoso 雷曼(2007)分析影响海上运输和公路运
输成本和出口发现距离不是运输成本的一个很好的代理。kuwamor (i 2006)表明,
4. 总结和结论
言的障碍,当然在这里起着重要的作用,但未观察到的变量也可以部分的解释其 他。
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Thedriversandimpedimentsforcross-border e-commerceintheEU
Estrella Gomez-Herrera, B ertin M artens, Geomina Turlea
Theriseofthe in t erne t i s oftena s sociated w ith the “dea t h ofdi s tance”orat l e ast thedecreasi ngrelevanceofgeographicaldistanceinthesupplyofinformation.Wei nvest i gat e w he therdista nc estill m at t ersforonline t radeinphysic a lgoods.We us e data from an online consumer survey panel on online cross-border trade in goods in al ing ui s t ic a llyfragmente d EUm a rket . Theana l ysisc onfi rmst ha t di s t ance-
relat e dt ra de costsaregreatlyreducedcomparedtoofflinetradeinthesamegoods.However,l angua ge-related trade costs i ncrease. M oreove r , online t rade i nt roduce s new s ourc e s oftradecostssuchasparceldeliveryandonlinepaymentssystems.Onbalance,therea renoi ndications t hato nl inetradei s le s s bi asedinfavourofhomemarketproducts thanofflinetrade.We examineoptionsavailabletopolicy makers to boostc ross-borde r e -c omme rc e in the EU Digital Si ng le Market. A 1% incre a se i n t he use ofefficientandflexiblecross-borderpaymentsystemscouldincreasecross-bordere -commerce by as much as 7%. W e al so s how that online tra de give s a c omparativ eadvantage to English-language exporting countries.
K e yw ords
? E-commerce; Gravityequation; EuropeanUnion
1. Introduction
T his p aper empiri call y inv e st i gat e s the impac t of onlinee -c o m merceoncross-border trade patterns. The rise of the internet and, more generally,digital communicationstechnology,hasledmanyobservers to announcethe “deathof distance”(Cairncross, 1997). In this view, it does not matter anymorewhereinformation is located since it is only a mouse click away and information costs arenolonger related to physical distance. For traditional offline trade in physicalgoodshowever, the evidence actually points to an increase in distance costs (DisdierandHead, 2008). Trade is based on a combination of information and physical shippingofgoods. The question is whether shifting trade from offline to online platforms makesasufficiently large dent in information costs to change total trade costs
andthereforethepatternoftradeingoods.BlumandGoldfarb(2006)showthatevenforpureinformation products, distance still plays a significant role. They attribute thisto
Cross-border E-commerce and Logistics Mode Innovation
Gesner G H.
Cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, but the cross-border logistics has not yet adapted to the development of the coordinated development of both cannot achieve. Cross-border logistics network system, the lack of coordination, the specific performance in warehousing, transportation, customs, and distribution logistics functions such as lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries join the lack of coordination, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. At present the main mode of cross-border logistics including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc. Future cross-border e-commerce logistics development, the need to promote coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border logistics network coordination; Use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model
upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen the cooperation with local logistics company.
Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Cross-border logistics; overseas warehouse
1 Cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics
1.1 Cross-border e-commerce
1.1.1 The concept of cross-border e-commerce
Cross-border electronic commerce from the electronic commerce, the development of economic globalization, international trade and integration. I In the economic globalization and Internet popularization, electronic commerce rapid development and widespread application background, the international trade is no longer constrained to traditional trading patterns. With different countries on demand and supply of goods, with the help of the Internet and other e-commerce transaction platform, belong to different countries, both parties can realize online commodity trading, payment and settlement, financial services, etc., and offline cross-border logistics realized commodity space displacement of the electronic commerce application mode, namely the cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border e-commerce has distinctive features: e-commerce break through the boundaries of nations, the same countries spread to different countries; Traditional trade into the modern elements of electronic commerce, from the traditional offline way of contact, trading, payment, etc, are turning to the Internet channel on the attentive;Logistics broke through national boundaries, in addition to domestic logistics, also involved in international logistics and destination countries, as well as the customs and commodity inspection.
1.1.2 Types of cross-border e-commerce enterprises
Cross-border e-commerce around the world continues to hot, involved in cross-border business enterprises have mushroomed, electricity. Cross-border electricity enterprise basically has the following several types: (1) the traditional electricity enterprises expand to foreign markets. Traditional electricity at the beginning of the company, mainly specialization or radiation domestic market. In order to continue to grow or to cross-border e-commerce development trend, its business scope from domestic market to expand to foreign markets, thus for the development of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Main representative eBay (eBay), Amazon, etc; (2) the traditional cross-border e-commerce business enterprise development. Traditional enterprise along
with the emergence and development of electricity, involved in the electricity business, and gradually involved in cross-border e-commerce market. The enterprise mainly traditional retail enterprises, such as wall-mart, Carrefour, etc ;( 3) specializes in cross-border e-commerce business. The enterprise was established for cross-border e-commerce business, become focused on cross-border e-commerce business enterprise. ;( 4) Logistics companies involved in cross-border e-commerce business. Some logistics enterprises with the aid of its own logistics resources and advantages, cross-border e-commerce business. I mainly include overseas online shopping, Canova Brazil, etc.
1.1.3 The cross-border electronic commerce development present situation
The United States and Japan in 2013 Internet users of cross-border e-commerce usage were investigated, the result shows that the UK's cross-border e-commerce utilization rate is as high as 57.3%, far more than 44.7% of the 44.7% of the U.S. and Japan. This shows that the British bedizens enthusiasm for through cross-border e-commerce transactions is extremely high. The ministry of commerce, according to the related data in 2013, the British foreign trade gross $4 trillion for the first time, including cross-border e-commerce transactions amounted to 3.1 trillion Yuan, year-on-year growth of 31.3%, cumulative in terms of export shall list of 38.235 million, involving 181 countries and regions, the amount of about 2.04 billion yuan; On the import side acceptance package more than 4.11 million, about 1.01 billion RMB. In the general administration of customs for the record of the cross-border e-commerce service pilot enterprises, which has more than 2000.Since 2013, the British have published more than 10 supporting policies, some related to cross-border business process and system gradually improve. Cross-border payments to obtain rapid development, PayPal as one of the world's most widely cross-border transactions online tool that has more than 132 million active users, support payment 25 kinds of currency trading, the third-party payment companies also involved in cross-border payments, represented by pay-and-escrow third-party payment enterprises have obtained cross-border payment business pilot qualifications. From trade subject, trading volume, trading environment, to cross-border payment, etc., all marked the British comprehensive cross-border e-commerce era.
1.2 Cross-border logistics development situation
1.2.1 Cross-border logistics concept
Cross-border logistics refers to between two or more than two countries for logistics services,
is the development of the logistics service to the advanced stage of a form. Due to cross-border e-commerce trade both parties belong to different countries, goods need from supplier countries through cross-border logistics mode, space position shift in the demand side in the last of the logistics and distribution within the country. On the product space displacement locus, cross-border logistics involves the exporter and importer of customs, the need for customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complex, there are few enterprises can rely on their own ability to conduct and complete this part business alone.
1.2.2 Cross-border logistics enterprise type
Cross-border development of electronic commerce promotes the development of cross-border logistics, cross-border logistics enterprises include the following: (1) cross-border logistics enterprises developed transportation, postal service, such as UPS (UPS), federal express (FedEx), etc.;(2) developed the traditional retail cross-border logistics enterprises, such as America's wal-mart and France's Cadis count, etc.;(3) large manufacturing companies or retail enterprise form of cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.;(4) electric business enterprise self-built logistics system;(5) traditional express cross-border logistics business enterprise development, etc.;6 new cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.
1.2.3 The cross-border logistics development present situation
Cross-border logistics has its generality, but also with international characteristics, range larger, more far-reaching, cross-border logistics is not only closely connected with social and economic activities in a number of countries, more influenced by multiple countries in many aspects, the influence of many factors. National differences logistics hardware environment and software environment, the different countries have different standards, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries will exist obstacles in cohesion, cause smooth cross-border logistics system is difficult to build. Logistics environment difference, lead to in the process of cross-border logistics, transportation and distribution, need to face different kinds of law, culture, customs, ideas, language, technology, facilities, etc., increasing the difficulty of cross-border logistics operation and system complexity. In addition, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, logistics cost, space distance, etc., are directly or indirectly affect and restrict cross-border logistics. Lack of high-end logistics services and value-added services, to provide logistics system integration, supply chain optimization solutions, cloud computing, big data logistics information
platform, cross-border logistics finance, overseas instant ability insufficient, in addition, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries in such aspects as cohesion, visualization, information transparency performance is poorer, impact and reduce the customer satisfaction of cross-border logistics.
2. Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerce
Synergy is a word has a long history, the main emphasis on coordination between the various elements in the system, synchronous, cooperation and complementary. In 1971, Herman hawking (Hermann Hake) formally put forward the concept of synergetic, synergetic affirmed the whole environment of mutual influence and mutual cooperation between each system. Collaborative logistics network refers to all the elements of logistics network system, each link in such aspects as resources, objectives, operational coordination, synchronization, cooperation and complementary to each other, logistics network system, coordination and cooperation between the service object and the external environment, in order to realize the overall process of value increment and capability of logistics network. Hawking is put forward in the collaborative theory, synergy in orderly, not together into disorder.
2.1 Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerce
Cross-border e-commerce to stimulate and promote the cross-border logistics, and mature, with the development of cross-border e-commerce will be more and more high to the requirement of cross-border logistics, from basic commodities space displacement function implementation, to the time shorter, cheaper more and better services, a variety of value-added services, etc. Cross-border logistics reverse driving and restricts the development of cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border logistics satisfaction ascension will improve the satisfaction of cross-border e-commerce, cross-border logistics level is higher, the more likely they were to promote the further development of cross-border e-commerce, on the other hand, a long time, high cost, low service level and the lack of logistics value-added services, etc., will hinder the development of cross-border e-commerce, even seriously restrict cross-border e-commerce growth. Therefore, cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics is a whole system. Currently, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of synergy and development level of the two don't match.
2.2 Cross-border logistics in warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection,
platform, cross-border logistics finance, overseas instant ability insufficient, in addition, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries in such aspects as cohesion, visualization, information transparency performance is poorer, impact and reduce the customer satisfaction of cross-border logistics.
2. Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerce
Synergy is a word has a long history, the main emphasis on coordination between the various elements in the system, synchronous, cooperation and complementary. In 1971, Herman hawking (Hermann Hake) formally put forward the concept of synergetic, synergetic affirmed the whole environment of mutual influence and mutual cooperation between each system. Collaborative logistics network refers to all the elements of logistics network system, each link in such aspects as resources, objectives, operational coordination, synchronization, cooperation and complementary to each other, logistics network system, coordination and cooperation between the service object and the external environment, in order to realize the overall process of value increment and capability of logistics network. Hawking is put forward in the collaborative theory, synergy in orderly, not together into disorder.
2.1 Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerce
Cross-border e-commerce to stimulate and promote the cross-border logistics, and mature, with the development of cross-border e-commerce will be more and more high to the requirement of cross-border logistics, from basic commodities space displacement function implementation, to the time shorter, cheaper more and better services, a variety of value-added services, etc. Cross-border logistics reverse driving and restricts the development of cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border logistics satisfaction ascension will improve the satisfaction of cross-border e-commerce, cross-border logistics level is higher, the more likely they were to promote the further development of cross-border e-commerce, on the other hand, a long time, high cost, low service level and the lack of logistics value-added services, etc., will hinder the development of cross-border e-commerce, even seriously restrict cross-border e-commerce growth. Therefore, cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics is a whole system. Currently, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of synergy and development level of the two don't match.
2.2 Cross-border logistics in warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection,
distribution and logistics functions on the lack of coordination
On cross-border logistics function, including warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection, delivery, and testcross-border logistics increased international transportation, customs and commodity inspection. In terms of customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complicated, there are different national standards and requirements, the customs and commodity inspection executive level and requirements vary, so cross-border logistics is more complex, the risk is higher. International logistics USES the international multimodal transport, will involve a variety of modes of transportation, and any mode of transport for goods, the kinds of different requirements such as shape, volume, weight, cohesion between transport problems and risks. Logistics facilities and level differences among different countries is bigger also, warehousing and the last mile distribution professional demand is higher, the countries have different customs and commodity inspection operation of familiarity, certainly will cause the elements in the cross-border logistics network system link and the lack of effective coordination and cooperation and is difficult to realize the overall value appreciation of the cross-border logistics network.
2.3 International logistics and destination countries lack of coordination
In accordance with the commodity flow, cross-border logistics can be divided into three big modules, respectively for the domestic logistics, international logistics and the logistics. Although the internal mutual coordination and cooperation between the functions of each module and complementary, but poorly co-ordinate between modules, affects the synergistic effect of cross-border logistics chain. Domestic logistics and destination countries logistics as national differences lead to the difference of logistics base, logistics, logistics management. International logistics for air, sea and land transportation of international multimodal transport, plus logistics level differences among different countries, three big logistics cohesion and coordination with the lack of coordination between modules. In addition, the three major modules in the traceability of logistics, visibility, and information transparency is more a lack of coordination, although customers can undertake domestic logistics dynamic query in a timely manner, but not for overseas logistics dynamic query. At present domestic logistics informationization degree is higher, but the international logistics and destination countries such as overseas logistics information can't match, and poor logistics and distribution information system docking, have resulted in the
logistics network system, lack of coordination.
2.4 Cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack synergy cross-border logistics network and the service object, the external environment of synergy, to achieve value-added overall cross-border logistics network system and function. Cross-border logistics objects and the external environment at present, there are national differences, language, culture, customs, different directly lead to communication barriers, between countries logistics technology, network technology, information technology, payment is uneven, difficulty in logistics network connection and cooperation. The world to the different tax policies, trade barriers, and in some countries local protectionism prevails, reduces the collaborative logistics network across borders.
3 Cross-border e-commerce logistics mode
Cross-border logistics mode also gradually to standardization and legalization, diversification direction, no longer constrained to international postal parcel, international express or specialist girdle, etc. Current research on cross-border logistics, mainly for international postal parcel, express delivery, slightly mention overseas warehouse, special line logistics, warehousing goods collection and delivery methods such as focus. Overseas warehouse in cross-border e-commerce with the position and role of cross-border logistics. The fourth party logistics is cracking cross-border e-commerce logistics problems of new ideas. Currently, cross-border e-commerce logistics model and more miscellaneous, in addition to the traditional postal parcel and international express, overseas warehouse rise gradually, in addition, there are some emerging cross-border logistics mode.
3.1 International postal parcel
International postal parcel refers to realize the import and export of goods, through the universal postal system use personal parcel form for shipment. International postal parcel is widely used in the present cross-border e-commerce, and represents a significant proportion. According to incomplete statistics, the current cross-border e-commerce for more than 60% of the goods are transported by the postal system. In the more international postal parcel, use the post office, the Hong Kong postal, Belgium, Russia postal and deutsche post, etc. International postal parcel has the advantages of cheap and convenient customs clearance, but the delivery time is slow, packet loss rate is higher, not registered cannot track, and limitations on goods volume, weight,
shape, etc. Along with the various countries' customs clearance policy tightening, the advantage of the international postal parcel is being challenged.
3.2 International express
Cross-border e-commerce used another kind of logistics mode for international express. Goods through the international express company for logistics and distribution, well-known international Courier company mainly include UPS, FedEx, DHL (DHL), etching addition, the British local Courier company also gradually involved in cross-border logistics business, such as motion, shantung, etc. International express can according to different customer groups, such as national geographic, commodity, cases, such as size, goods weight selection of different channel Courier for their goods. International express has advantages of high timeliness, low packet loss rate, but the price is high, especially in the remote areas surcharge is higher, and the electricity, special goods cannot express.
3.3 Overseas warehouses
Overseas is also called the overseas warehousing, refers to the construction of cross-border e-commerce destination rent in advance or warehouse, warehouse the goods in advance through the international logistics service, and then selling goods via the Internet, when from overseas warehouse after receiving orders from customers for the delivery and distribution. Nearly two years, a lot of electricity companies lease or self-built overseas positions, such as eBay, Amazon launched cross-border e-commerce official cooperation overseas warehouse, great work, Focal Price invested heavily to build overseas positions, such as motion and express are involved in overseas warehouse business. Overseas cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics warehouse is a breakthrough, to solve international postal parcel and international express delivery, limitation such as logistics, logistics cost, customs and commodity inspection, the problem such as localization and return. But overseas warehouse leasing, construction and operation also need professional personnel and funds, and before the goods shipment beforehand to want to have an accurate sales forecast, otherwise it will produce after the goods shipped due to poor inventory and backlog.
3.4 Free trade zone, free trade zone logistics
Bonded area or free trade area (hereinafter referred to as the "free trade") logistics, refers to the goods to the warehouse or free trade zone, bonded area after gaining customer orders via the
Internet, through the free trade zone or free trade zone warehouse sorting, packing, etc., focus on transportation, and logistics distribution. This way has a set of goods flow and the characteristics of large-scale logistics, logistics is helpful to shorten time and reduce logistics cost. Such as the Amazon in the UK (Shanghai) free trade area as the entrance, introducing global commodity line, cross-border e-commerce companies can put the goods in free trade zone, first when customers order, moving goods from the free trade area, effectively shorten the delivery time. Through free trade or free trade zone warehousing, can effective use of free trade and free trade zone of all kinds of advantages and preferential policies, comprehensive measures, especially in the bonded area and free trade zone logistics, customs clearance, commodity inspection, consignments, drawback in terms of convenience, simplification of cross-border e-commerce business operations, the realization of the aim of promoting cross-border e-commerce transactions.
4 conclusions
Found in the perspective of coordination, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of coordination, lack of co-ordination, cross-border logistics network system embodied in warehousing, transportation, customs, shipping logistics functions such as the lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and lack of coordination on destination country logistics cohesion, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. Analyze the main mode of the current cross-border logistics, the logistics mode including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc., on the border warehouse and relative border warehouse concept first proposed the absolute border. On the basis of the above research, this paper puts forward the development trend of cross-border e-commerce logistics and direction, not only need to push the coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border collaborative logistics network, will also use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen cooperation with local logistics company, etc.
Gesner G H.
1.1 跨境电子商务
关键词:跨境电子商?务 物流 模式 发展
跨境电子商?务,Cross?-borde?r Elect?ronic? Comme?rce,指的是电子?商务应用过?程中一种较?为高级的形?式,是指不同国?家或地区的?交易双方通?过互联网以?邮件或者快?递等形式通?关,将传统贸易?中的展示、洽谈和成交?环节数字化?,实现产品进?出口的新型?贸易方式,具有全球性?、无形性、匿名性、即时性、无纸化、快速演进等?特点。其贸易过程?必然产生物?流、现金流、信息流的流?动。
海外仓是近?两年兴起的?物流模式~具体指在输?入国预先建?设或租赁仓?库~采用国际运?输提前将商?品送达该仓?库~然后通过跨?境电子商务?实现商品的?销售~再采用输入?国物流直接?从仓库发货?与配送。 与传统物流?模式比较~海外仓能有?效解决物流?时间、成本、海关、商检、退换货等诸?多传统物流?模式难以解?决的难题~但海外仓也?存在的建设?、租赁、运营需要资?金、人员的投入?风险。
自贸区或保?税区物流指?预先将商品?送至自贸区?或保税区仓?库~通过跨境电?子商务实现?商品的销售?~再通过自贸?区或保税区?的仓储实现?分拣、包装等~通过集中运?输实现商品?的物流与配?送。 这一新兴物?流模式是依?托自贸区或?保税区的物?流新兴服务?模式。它能够实现?规模经济效?益,降低成本、缩短时间,还利于享受?自贸区或保?税区的优惠?政策~ 尤其是在物?流、通关、商检、收付汇、退税等方面?的政策~简化繁琐流?程。
第四方物流?指为跨境电?子商务的交?易方、第三方提供?物流咨询、规划、信息等服务?内容~是一个供应?链集成方~通过整个供?应链的影响?力调配与管?理供应链条?的各类资源?~在解决跨境?电子商务的?物流需求基?础上整合资?源~实现物流信?息共享和社?会物流资源?充分利用~ 基于跨境电?子商务与跨?境物流的复?杂性~涌现出一批?第四方物流?模式~为跨境物流?添加了新的?解决方案。
外贸企业跨?境 B2B 业务在杭州?跨境电商综?合试验区实?现一键申报?、无纸通关~预示着虽然?跨境电商兴?起于跨境 B2C~但跨境 B2B 因其交易规?模较大也是?跨境电商物?流不能忽视?的业务~如何建立适?合 B2C、B2B 甚至 F2B 的跨境电商?物流体系具?有一定的实?际意义~随着富士康?等制造业进?入跨境电商?业务~跨境电商物?流商业模式?构建应着眼?多样化的货?运方式~前瞻布局~在跨境电商?物流市场中?抢占市场份?额。
,三,加快海外仓? + 保税仓融合?模式
跨境电商物?流企业不仅?要具有国际?物流的资源?整合能力~还要具有较?强的清关能?力和目的国?税务处理能?力~具有对接跨?境电商综合?服务平台的? API 系统处理能?力~具有供应链?解决方案提?供能力~既能帮助客?户提高销量?和口碑~又能帮助客?户节约仓储?及存货成本?。 四、跨境电子商?务与物流的?融合发展
另一方面~跨境物流本?身就是一个?新生事物~它因跨境电?子商务而发?展。作为联接境?内境外两个?物流系统的?跨境物流~其本身就是?一个复杂的?系统。因此~对于跨境物?流服务商而?言~消费者表现?出来的喜好?与要求正是?其发展的动?力和要求。如此一来~跨境物流的?发展自然需?要与跨境电?子商务融合?一起~共同为提高?消费者的认?同而努力。 五、结论
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