Good morni?ng !
It is reall?y my honor? to have this oppor?tunit?y for an inter?view,
I hope i can make a good perfo?rmanc?e today?. I'm confi?dent that I can succe?ed. Now i will intro?duce mysel?f brief?ly I am 26 years? old,born in shand?ong provi?nce .
I was gradu?ated from qingd?ao unive?rsity?. my major? is elect?ronic?.and i got my bache?lor degre?e after? my gradu?ation? in the year of 2003.
I spend? most of my time on study?,i have passe?d CET4/6 . and i have acqui?red basic? knowl?edge of my major? durin?g my schoo?l time.
In July 2003, I began? work for a small? priva?te compa?ny as a techn?ical suppo?rt engin?eer in QingD?ao city.Becau?se I'm capab?le of more respo?nsibi?litie?s, so I decid?ed to chang?e my job.
And in Augus?t 2004,I left QingD?ao to
BeiJi?ng and worke?d for a forei?gn enter?prise?
as a autom?ation? softw?are test
engin?eer.Becau?se I want to chang?e my
worki?ng envir?onmen?t, I'd like to find a job which? is more chall?engin?g. Morov?er
Motor?ola is a globa?l compa?ny, so I feel I can gain the most from worki?ng in this kind of compa?ny ennvi?ronme?nt. That is the reaso?n
why I come here to compe?te for this posit?ion.
I think? I'm a good team playe?r and I'm a
perso?n of great? hones?ty to other?s. Also I am able to work under? great? press?ure.
That’s?all. Thank? you for givin?g me the
1.Good morni?ng. I am glad to be here for this inter?view. First? let me intro?duce mysel?f.
My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the
capit?al of *******Provi?nce. I gradu?ated
from the ******* depar?tment? of
*****Unive?rsity? in July ,2001.In the past two years? I have been prepa?ring for the postg?radua?te exami?natio?n while? I have been teach?ing *****in NO.****middl?e Schoo?l and I was a head-teach?er of a class? in junio?r
grade? two.Now all my hard work has got a
resul?t since? I have a chanc?e to be inter?view by you . I am open-minde?d ,quick? in
thoug?ht and very fond of histo?ry.In my spare? time,I have broad? inter?ests like many other? young?sters?.I like readi?ng books?, espec?ially? those? about? *******.Frequ?ently? I excha?nge with other? peopl?e by makin?g comme?nts in the forum? on line.In addit?ion ,durin?g my colle?ge years?,I was once a Net-bar techn?ician?.So, I have a compa?rativ?ely good comma?nd of netwo?rk appli?catio?n.I am able to opera?te the compu?ter well.I am skill?ful in searc?hing for infor?matio?n in Inter?net.I am a footb?all fan
for years?.Itali?an team is my
favor?ite.Anywa?y,I feel great? pity for our count?ry’s?team. I alway?s belie?ve that one will easil?y lag behin?d unles?s he keeps? on
learn?ing .Of cours?e, if I am given? a chanc?e
to study? ****** in this famou?s Unive?rsity?,I
will stare? no effor?t to maste?r a good comma?nd of advan?ce ******.
2.Good after?noon .I am of great? horno?r to
stand? here and intro?duce mysel?f to you .First? of all ,my engli?sh name is ...and my chine?se name is ..If you are going? to
have a job inter?view ,you must say much thing?s which? can show your willn?ess to this job ,such as ,it is my long cheri?shed dream?
to be ...and I am eager? to get an oppor?tunit?y
to do...and then give some examp?les which?
can give evide?nce to .then you can say somet?hing about? your hobbi?es .and it is best that the hobbi?es have somet?hing to do with the job.
What is more impor?tant is do not forge?t to commu?nicat?e with the inter?viewe?e,keepi?ng a smile? and keepi?ng your talks? inter?estin?g and funny? can contr?ibute? to the succe?ss. I hope you will give them a wonde?rful
speec?h .Good luck to you ! 3.good morni?ng, my name is jack, it is reall?y
a great? honor? to have this oppor?tunit?y for a inter?view, i would? like to answe?r whate?ver
you may raise?, and i hope i can make a good
perfo?rmanc?e today?, event?ually? enrol?l in this prest?igiou?s unive?rsity? in septe?mber. now i will intro?duce mysel?f brief?ly,i am 21 years? old,born in heilo?ngjia?ng provi?nce ,north?east of china?,and i am curru?ently? a senio?r
stude?nt at beiji?ng XX uni.my major? is packa?ging engin?eerin?g.and i will recei?ve my bache?lor degre?e after? my gradu?ation? in june.in the past 4 years?,i spend? most of my time on study?,i have passe?d CET4/6 with an ease. and i have acqui?red basic? knowl?edge of packa?ging and publi?shing? both in theor?y
and in pract?ice. besid?es, i have atten?d sever?al packa?ging exhib?ition? hold in Beiji?ng, this is our advan?tage study? here, i have taken? a tour to some big facto?ry and compa?ny. throu?gh these? i have a deepl?y
under?stand?ing of domes?tic packa?ging indus?try. compa?red to devel?oped count?ries such as us, unfor?tunat?ely, altho?ugh we have made extra?ordin?ary progr?ess since? 1978,our packa?ging indus?try are still? under?devel?oped, mess, unsta?ble, the situa?tion of emplo?yees in this field? are awkar?d. but i have full confi?dence? in a brigh?t futur?e if only our econo?my can keep the growt?h pace still?. i guess? you maybe? inter?ested? in the reaso?n itch to law, and what is my plan durin?g gradu?ate study? life, i would? like to tell you that pursu?e law is one of my lifel?ong goal,i like my major?
packa?ging and i won't give up,if i can
pursu?e my maste?r degre?e here i will combi?ne law with my forme?r educa?tion. i
will work hard in
these?field?s ,paten?t ,trade?mark, copyr?ight, on the base of my years? study? in
depar?tment? of p&p, my chara?cter? i canno?t descr?ibe it well, but i know i am optim?istic?
and confi?dent. somet?imes i prefe?r to stay alone?, readi?ng, liste?ning to music?, but i am not lonel?y, i like to chat with my class?mates?, almos?t talk every?thing? ,my favor?ite pasti?me is valle?yball?,playi?ng cards? or surf onlin?e. throu?gh colle?ge life,i learn? how to balan?ce betwe?en study? and enter?tainm?ent. by the way, i was a actor? of our amazi?ng drama? club. i had a few glori?ous memor?y on stage?. that is my pride?.
3. What is your great?est stren?gth?(你最突
I feel that my stron?gest asset? is my abili?ty to stick? to thing?s to get them done. I feel a real
sense? of accom?plish?ment when I finis?h a job and it turns? out?just?as?I’d?plann?ed. I’ve?set?some high goals? for mysel?f. For examp?le, I want to gradu?ate with highe?st disti?nctio?n. And even thoug?h I had a slow start? in my fresh?man year, I made up for it by doing? an honor?’s?thesi?s.
4. What is your great?est weakn?ess?(你最大
I'm such a perfe?ction?ist that I will not stop
until? a job is well done. 英语面试实?战指南
?I what is your major?,
A My major? is Busin?ess Admin?istra?tion. I am espec?ially? inter?ested? in〃Marke?ting〃.
?I Which? unive?rsity? are you atten?ding,
A I am atten?ding×××Unive?rsity?.
?I Have?you recei?ved any degre?es,
A Yes. First? I recei?ved my Bache?lor degre?e in Engli?sh Liter?ature? and then an MBA degre?e.
?I What cours?e did you like best,
A Proje?ct Manag?ement?. I was very inter?ested? in this cours?e when I was a stude?nt. And I think? it’s?very?usefu?l for my prese?nt work.
?I Do you feel that you have recei?ved a
good gener?al train?ing,
A Yes I have studi?ed in an Engli?sh train?-ing progr?am and a compu?ter train?ing progr?am since? I gradu?ated from unive?rsity?. I am curre?ntly study?ing Finan?ce at a train?ing schoo?l. 介绍工作经?验:显露实力,
?I Have you ever been emplo?yed,
?I Your resum?e says you have had one-year exper?ience? worki?ng in a forei?gn repre?senta?tive offic?e in Shang?hai may?I?ask why you left,
A I worke?d in a forei?gn rep.offic?e for one year.Howev?er I left there? two years? ago becau?se the work they gave me was rathe?r
dull.I found? anoth?er job that is more inter?estin?g.
?I Have you done any work in this field?,
?I What quali?ficat?ions do you have that make you feel you will be succe?ssful? in your field?,
?I What have you learn?ed from the jobs you have had,
A I have learn?ed a lot about? busin?ess know how and basic? offic?e skill?s. In addit?ion I learn?ed at my previ?ous job show to coope?rate with my colle?agues?.
?I What’s?you?major? weak point?,
A I haven?’t?been?invol?ved in inter?natio?nal busin?ess so?I?don’t?have?any?exper?ience? but I have studi?ed this cours?e in the Inter?natio?nal Busin?ess Train?ing
Cente?r of the×××Compa?ny.
?I What are your great?est stren?gths,(实话实说好?了,不必客气,但应注意语?气和表情,不要给人炫?耀之感。)
?I Pleas?e tell me about? your worki?ng exper?ience?.
?I Does your prese?nt emplo?yer know you are looki?ng for anoth?er job,
A No I haven?’t?discu?ssed my caree?r plans? with my prese?nt emplo?yer but I am sure he will under?stand?. 性格爱好:表现积极、合作的一面?
?I How do you spend? your spare? time,
?I Are you inter?ested? in sport?s,
?I Do you think? you are intro?verte?d or extro?verte?d,
?I What kind of perso?nalit?y do you think? you have,
A I alway?s appro?ach thing?s very enthu?siast?icall?y. When I beg in somet?hing I?don’t?like?to?leave? it halfd?one. I?can’t?conce?ntrat?e on somet?hing new until? the first? thing? is finis?hed.
?I What is the most impor?tant thing? for you to be happy?,
A Diffe?rent peopl?e have diffe?rent ideas?. I think? the most impor?tant thing? for me is havin?g a good relat?ionsh?ip with my famil?y membe?rs and my frien?ds. My famil?y has alway?s been very close?knit and my frien?d sand I spend? a lot of time toget?her. Witho?ut that I would? be much less happy? than I am.
?I What makes? you angry?,
A Disho?nesty?. It’s?unacc?eptab?le.
?I What are your perso?nal weakn?esses?,
A I’m?afrai?d?I’m?a?poor talke?r. I’m?not?comfo?rtabl?e talki?ng with the peopl?e whom I have just met for the first? time. That is not very good for busin?ess so I have been study?ing publi?c speak?ing.
?I Are you more of a leade?r or a follo?wer,
A I?don’t?try?to?lead?peopl?e. I’d?rathe?r
coope?rate with every?body and get the job done by worki?ng toget?her. 工作要求:我能
?I Do you think? you can make yours?elf
easil?y under?stood? in Engli?sh,
A Yes in most circu?mstan?ces.
?I Are you avail?able for trave?l,
A Yes I like trave?ling. I am young? and unmar?ried. It’s?no?probl?em for me to trave?l frequ?ently?.
?I How about? overt?ime work,
A Overt?ime work is very commo?n in compa?nies. I can work overt?ime?if?it’s?
neces?sary but?I?don’t?think? we will work
overt?ime every?day.
?I How long do you think? we can depen?d on your worki?ng here,
?I Do you like regul?ar work,
A No I?don’t?like?regul?ar work. I am inter?ested? in diffe?rent proje?cts with new oppor?t uniti?es and new chall?enge but?I?can do regul?ar work if the compa?ny needs?
me to do so.
?I What salar?y do you expec?t,
A Shall? we discu?ss my respo?nsibi?litie?s with your compa?ny first?,I think? salar?y is close?ly relat?ed to the respo?nsibi?litie?s of the job.
?I Do?you?work?well under? press?ure,
A Worki?ng under? press?ure is excit?ing and chall?engin?g. I?don’t?mind?worki?ng under? press?ure. I work well under? the secir?cum stanc?es. Peopl?e can I?Can.
?I Do you have any parti?cular? condi?tions? that you would? like the compa?ny to take
into consi?derat?ion,
A No nothi?ng in parti?cular?.
?I How soon can you begin? worki?ng for us,
A I need about? two to three? weeks? for neces?sary forma?litie?s. I will quit then
trans?fer to your compa?ny. 面试结束:礼貌道别
?I Any quest?ions,
A When will I know your decis?ion,
?I How can we get in touch? with you,
?I We will notif?y you of our decis?ion by mail is this conve?nient? for you,
?I Thank? you for your inter?est in our
A Thank? you Mr.Smith?. Goodb?ye. Thank? you for your time.
?I You will be heari?ng from us very soon.
Pleas?e send the next appli?canti?n on your way out.
A OK.Thank? you very much.
1. I have been for over five years? in teh emplo?y of an expor?ting compa?ny.
2. I have been in the busin?ess for the last ten
years?, and worke?d as the super?inten?dent in the perso?nnel depar?tment?.
3. I have had five years?' exper?ience? with a compa?ny as a sales?man.
4. For the past three? years?, I have been in the offic?e of the Broth?ers Tradi?ng Co., where? I have been ad still? am an accou?ntant?.
5. I am twent?y years? of age, and have been
emplo?yed for the last two years? by the Green? Trees? Co., in teh gener?al cleri?cal work of the offic?e.
6. I am 25 years? of age, and have had two
years?' exper?ience? in my prese?nt post, which? I am leavi?ng to bette?r mysel?f.
7. I am ninet?een years? of age, femal?e and have had two years?' exper?ience? in a compa?ny's deliv?ery offic?e.
8. I am just leavi?ng schoo?l, and am eight?een years? of age.
9. I am twent?y years? of age, and am anxio?us to settl?e down to offic?e work.
10. Since? my gradu?ation? from the schoo?l two years? ago, I have been emplo?yed in teh Green? Hotel? as a cashi?er.
1.Good morni?ng every?one.
2.Good after?noon, ladie?s and gentl?emen.
3.Good eveni?ng, teach?ers and fello?w stude?nts.
4.It’s?my?great? honor? to intro?duce mysel?f to you here.
很荣幸在这?儿向大家作?自我介绍。 5.It’s?my?pleas?ure to intro?duce mysel?f to you here.
我很高兴在?这儿向大家?作自我介绍?。 6.I’m?very?happy? to intro?duce mysel?f to you here.
我很高兴在?这儿向大家?作自我介绍?。 7.I’m?very?glad?to?intro?duce mysel?f to you here.
我很高兴在?这儿向大家?作自我介绍?。 8.I feel very honor?ed to intro?duce mysel?f to you here.
我感到很荣?幸在这儿向?大家作自我?介绍。 9.It is a great? pleas?ure for me to intro?duce mysel?f to you here. 我是如此的?高兴在这儿?向大家作自?我介
10.It is a privi?lege to be speak?ing to you today?.
11. I am very proud? to be addre?ssing? you this eveni?ng.
考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com
Educational Background (教育背景)
(I = Interviewer. A = Applicant)I: what is your major?A: My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in “Marketing”.
I: What are your major and minor subjects?A: My major subject is Physics and my minor subject is Practical Mathematics.
I: What subject did you major in at university?A: I majored in Economics.
I: Which university did you graduate from?A: I graduated from Fudan University.
I: When did you graduate from university?A: I graduated from Shanghai Normal University in 1990.
I: Which schools have you attended?A: I finished primary school in 1980, and entered high school that September. I graduated from high school in July of 1986 and then I entered Jiaotong University.
I: Which university are you attending?A:I am attending Shanghai Institute for Foreign Trade.
I:What year are you in ?A:I am a senior student.
I: Have you received any deGREes?A:Yes. First, I received my Bachelor or Arts deGREe in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.
I:Where did you receive your MBA deGREe?A:From Jiaotong University..
I:What course did you like best?A:Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it’s very useful for my present work.
I:How did you get on with your studies in college?A:I did well in college. I was one of the top students in the class.
I:Do you feel that you have received a good general training?A;Yes, I have studied in an English training programme and a computer training programme since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.
考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程
考研屋www.kaoyanwu.com :提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程
在 介 绍 公 司 业 务 时 , 要 依 据 不 同 的 动 词 表 现 不 同 的 经 营 活 动 。 如 果 是 厂 商 的 话 就 用 make , 是 销 售 的 话 用 sell , 是 服 务 业 的 话 用 provide ... service , 销 售 ( 发 行 ) 的 话 用 distribute 。 例 如 :
our company makes electronic equipment.
( 我 们 公 司 制 造 电 子 产 品 。 )
在 说 明 公 司 组 织 的 时 候 可 以 说 :
our company consists of three major organizations,
they are ...
( 我 们 公 司 由 三 个 主 要 部 门 组 成 , 它 们 是 : ...... )
如 果 介 绍 公 司 的 销 售 , 可 以 用 营 业 点 数 目 或 市 场 占 有 率 表 示 , 例 如 我 们 可 以 说 :
we have 15 retail outlets nationwide.
( 我 们 在 国 内 有 15 个 营 业 点 。 )
we now command 15% of the market in home
( 我 们 在 家 电 制 品 的 市 场 上 有 15% 的 占 有 率 。 )
介 绍 公 司 历 史 和 员 工 情 况 是 必 不 可 少 的 。 在 介 绍 时 , 可 以 这 样 说 :
the company was established in 1988, and we have
about 1,200 employees now.
( 本 公 司 成 立 于 1988 年 , 我 们 目 前 拥 有 近 1,200 名 员 工 。 )
在 介 绍 公 司 时 , 还 要 注 意 照 顾 一 下 对 方 , 比 如 建 议 对 方 休 息 :
shall we take a break?
( 我 们 要 不 要 休 息 一 下 , )
时 常 打 听 对 方 的 意 见 :
what do you think so far?
( 到 目 前 为 止 , 你 觉 得 怎 麽 样 , )
或 是 询 问 对 方 感 想 :
what did you think of our company?
( 你 对 我 们 公 司 有 何 看 法 , )
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Working Experience(工作经验)
(I = Interviewer. A = Applicant)
I:Please tell me your present job.
A:I am working in a garment factory. My present job is to inspect the quality of products. comparatively speaking, quality control is rather simple. Although I do my job well, I am looking for a new job which is more challenging.
I:Have you ever been employed?
A:Not yet. I originally planned to go abroad to study after leaving college, but I couldn't get a visa.
I:Your resume says you have had one ~ S experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?
A:I worked in a foteign rep. office for one year. However, I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull. I found another job which is more interesting.
I:Have you done any work in this field?
A:Yes, I have worked in this field for four years. First, I worked in an American company as a sales representative, then I transferred to a Hong Kong company as a sales manager.
I:What kind of jobs have you had?
A:I worked as a business coordinator in a foreign representative office, then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager. So I am familiar with the
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textile market in China.
I: What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?
A: First ,I think my technical background is helpful. I have enough knowledge to market the products of your company. Secondly, I have studied for four months in a Marketing Training Programme with satisfactory results. Finally, I have mastered the English Language. These qualifications will make me successful in my career.
I: What have you learned from the jobs you have had?
A: I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills. In addition , I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues.
I:Can you get recommendations from your previous employers?
A:Yes, I have brought them with me. Here they are.
I; What's you major weak point?
A:I haven't been involved In international business, so I don' t have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Centre of the Shanghai Foreign Service Company.
I: What are your greatest strengths?
A I know a lot about flow the Chinese economy works, and how business is done here. Secondly, I speak English fluently. I have no difficulty with language. And, I am a hardworker when I have something challenging to do.
I: Please tell me about your working experience.
A: I have five years experience in the chemical industry since I graduated from college. First of all I worked as an assistant engineer in the No.1 Chemical Industry Co. Three years later I transferred to ABC Chemict Industry Company. Now I
http://www.docin.com/yanchang1985 (使用时请双击此处删除页眉文字) 豆丁 教育百科为您倾心整理,谢谢使用
am working in the Sale Department of that company.
I:Does your present employer know you are looking another job?
A:No, I haven't discussed my career plans with my resent employer, but I am sure he will understand.
Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Jennifer Wong from Action Appliances. I hope the two of you had a pleasant flight. Please take a seat.
As you know, Action is looking to expand into western Canada and the United States. What we need to get our foot in the door is a well-known distributor. To be perfectly honest, it would be quite a head start for us if we could secure a deal with a respected distributor like you, Standard Suppliers.
I'll be responsible for the first round of negotiations here in Taipei. I hope we can make some definite headway during your stay in Taiwan. As the stakes get higher, so to speak, my supervisor, Mr. Cheng, will join us at the bargaining table.
And now, I'm sure you must have questions.
两位中午好,很高兴终于与你们会面了。我是Action电器的Jennifer Wong,我希望两位一
1、be looking to 希望,计划(应为短语 be looking forward to 的缩略版)
With the demise of communism in Europe, we're looking to open new markets in Poland and Yugoslavia.
2、get one's foot in the door 开始涉足于
It takes years of hard work to even get your foot in the door in the world of broadcast journalism.
3、head start 抢得先机
With a head start in business, you can make it all the way to the top.
4、so to speak 可说是
Our editor in chief is, so to speak, a king in the office.
5、at the bargaining table 谈判桌上
We decided to step up to the bargaining table and share our views with the other company.