关于自信的英文演讲稿Many people yearn to be more
self-confident. Yet they have no idea how to achieve that objective. They look at others who have the gift and say, “Hey that’s what I want. I hate feeling unsure of myself. I wish I could stop obsessing about what others think of me and quit worrying about disappointing other people. I want to stop anguishing over my decisions and torturing myself about my mistakes. I think it would be so great to feel self-assured, hold my head up high and stand tall. I’ve never been
self-confident. I wish there were a way I could be.”
There is a way. You don’t have to be born with self-confidence.
Self-confidence can grow and flourish and ripen and blossom until you actually come to feel as though there is a different person inside of you. Here are some insights that might facilitate the quest.
Learn what a self-confident person is really like. They are not cocky, know-it-all people who don’t care what anybody else thinks. They have their doubts. And make mistakes. And are far from perfect. However, they are willing to acknowledge their inadequacies without dwelling on them. They do this by maintaining a sense of humor, putting problems in perspective, and focusing mainly on what they’ve done right, not wrong.
Though self-confident people do believe in themselves, they don’t try to suffocate others with their ideas or beliefs. They are confident in what they know not only because they read, learn and think but also because they respect their instinct, intuition and the unique body of knowledge that they’ve
developed by living life. They realize that one doesn't have to be labeled an “expert” to believe in one's own truths.
Self-confident people don’t undermine their own worth by comparing themselves with others, only to conclude that they aren’t “good enough”. They appreciate their strengths and accomplishments and can acknowledge, without embarrassment, their weaknesses. They don’t live in the “victim” position. Even if something really bad has occurred, they turn it into a challenge, remembering to be grateful for the little things in life.
Self-confident people let the world know who they are. If they want something badly enough, they know they have every right to “go for it.” Yet, they also know that the path will rarely
be easy. Mistakes, blunders and failures are part of the learning process. They seek to learn from their mistakes and do not waste time torturing themselves over what “could have been”.
Self-confident people are not obstinate people. If they have an idea about something and it differs from the way another person is thinking about it, they will usually try to look at it from that person’s point of view, see why it makes sense to them. Yet, a confident person’s sense of self is grounded. It does not blow in the wind. Their ideas do not fluctuate based on what others deem are important.
I hope these insights are helpful to you. If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actrePhyllis Rashad once said, simply but eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am
is a lot.”
关于自信的英文演讲稿?? ??
?? ??篇一:??
??关于自信的英语演讲??稿?? Self-cnf??idenc??e Cnf??idenc??e is ??per--??the ??per t ??attra??ct, p??ersua??de, i??nflue??nce, ??and s??uccee??d. Im??agine?? hat ??yur l??ife u??ld be?? like?? if y??u had?? an a????bundance f?? self??cnfid??ence ??! ??Cnfidenc??e isn?? t an?? inhe????rited trai??t, it?? s a ??learn??ed ne??. Thi??s mea??ns ??that yu???? can have ??an ab??undan??ce f ??self-??cnfid??ence.?? Star??t her??e, ??right n??. Cnf??idenc??e sta??rts i??n the?? mind??.hat ??yu th??ink f?? yurs??elf ??very m??uch i??nflue??nces ??the a??y yu ??feel ??abut ??yurse??lf. T??his, ??in tu??rn, ??affect??s the?? ay y??u spe??ak an??d act??. N n??e can?? make?? yu f??eel i??nferi??r ??ithut yu??r cns??ent. ??The v??ery f??irst ??thing?? yu h??ave t?? d t ??creat??e ??abundant?? self??-cnfi??dence?? is t?? star??t thi??nking?? urse??lves ????ith cnfide??nce. ??Pay a??ttent??in t ??yur i??ntern??al di??algue????, and lear??n t ??ntice ??hen y??u all?? nega??tivit??y r d??ubt t???? cntrl the?? curs??e f y??ur ??thinkin??g. Yu??r env??irnme??nt ha????s a tremen??dus i??nflue??nce n?? yu. ??The ??bks yu?? read??, the???? peple yu ??spend?? time?? ith,?? and ??the m??usic ??yu li??sten ??t all?? infl??uence?? the ??ay yu?? thin??k and?? feel?? abut?? yurs??elf a????nd the ??rld arun??d yu.?? In a?? nuts??hell,?? yur ??envir??nment???? can eithe??r bui??ld ??up yur ??self-??cnfid??ence ??r dra??g it ????dn. If yu ??re in?? a si??tuati??n her??e ??yu re di??scura??ged, ????such as an?? unhe??althy?? rela??tinsh??ip r ??a mis??erabl??e ??jb,?? yu have t?? chan??ge th??at si??tuati??n if ??yu an??t yur?? self??-cnfi??dence?? ??level t g??r. Cr??eate ??an en??virnm??ent t??hat s??upprt??s yu ??if yu??r des??ire ??t have?? abun??dant ??self-??cnfid??ence.?? Spen??d tim??e ith?? cnfi??dent ??peple??. ??Remember?? thse??, sel??f-cnf??idenc??e can?? be y??urs. ??Take ??it! ??自信?? 自信就??是力量——吸引人、说??服人、影响??人并取得成??功的力量。??设想一??下,如果你充满??自信,你的??生活会是怎??样一番景象????! 自信并非来自遗??传,是需要后??天学习的。??这就意味着??,你也可以??充满自信。??从现在、??从这里开始。???? 自信必须首先从想法??开始。你怎??么样看待自??己,很大??程度就影响了??你觉得自己??怎样。转而??也影响了你??说话、做事??的方式。??
没有你的默??认,谁也无??法将你看低??一等。?? 充满自信的第??一步是要开????始自信地看待自己。注??意自己的内????心对话,注意你什么时??候让消极和??怀疑控制了??自己的思想??。?? 你周围的环境对你??有着莫大的??影响。你读????的书,和你呆在一起的??人,你听的??音乐都对你??的思维方式??、对自己的??感觉以及对??世界的看法??产生影响。?? ??一言蔽之,你的周遭??环境不是增????加你的自信就是打击你??的自信。?? 如果你现在??所处的环境??让你备受打????击,比如说有一段不健??康的关系或??者一份痛苦??的工作,如??果你想提高??自信的话,??你就要改变??你现在的处??境。?? 如果你渴望充满??自信,就创????造一个支持你的环境,??与自信的人??多待在一起??。?? 记住这些,自信就????属于你。抓住它??! Self-c????nfidence T??here ????are many f??actrs?? that?? can ??cntri??bute ??t a p??ersn??’s suc??cess ??in li??fe. h??ether?? he i??s at ??schl ??r at ??rk, a?? pers??n is ??mre l??ikely?? t su??cceed?? if h??e is ??hard-????rking, ??hnest, i??ntell??igent??, res??pnsib??le, a??nd s ??n. Bu????t f all th??e pss??ible ??chara??cteri??stics?? that?? can ??affec??t ne??’s suc??cess,?? I be??lieve?? ??self-cnfi??dence?? t be?? the ????mst imprta??nt fr?? the ??fllin??g rea??sns. ??The ??first ??reasn???? is that h??en a ??persn?? has ??self-??cnfid??ence ??he be??lieve??s ??in himse??lf. H??e bel??ieves?? that?? he c??an an??d ill?? succ??eed, ??and t??his ??gives ??him t??he cu??rage ??t try?? ne t??hings??. In ??rder ??t be ??succe??ssful?? ??e must be?? illi??ng t ??take ??sme r??isks,?? s ha??ving ??self-??cnfid??ence ??is ??very im????prtant. An??ther ??reasn?? is t??hat a?? cnfi??dent ??persn?? rare??ly ??gives u??p. he??n he ??fails?? he t??ries ??again?? and ??again?? unti??l he ????ins. A fin??al re??asn i??s tha??t cnf??ident?? pepl??e are?? nt a??fraid?? t sh?? ff t??heir ??achie??vemen??ts. T??his i??s nt ??t say?? that???? they shul??d bra??g, bu??t tha??t ??they shu??ld gr??acefu??lly a????nd cnfiden??tly a??ccept?? the ??plime??nts f?? ??thers. he??n the????ir achieve??ments?? are ??ntice??d mre?? by t??hers ??at sc??hl ??r ??rk, they a??re mr??e lik??ely t?? succ??eed. ??In sh??rt, I?? beli??eve ??self-c??nfide??nce t?? be t??he ms??t imp??rtant?? fact??r in ??succe??ss. I??t ??enables ??peple?? t ta??ke ri??sks, ??try a??gain ??hen t??hey f??ail, ??and e??njy ??their ??acpli??shmen??ts he??n the??y in.?? ith ??these?? abil??ities??, a c??nfide??nt ??persn c??an su??cceed?? easi??ly at?? schl?? r rk??. ??自信 促成一个人??成功的??因素有很多。不??论是念书或??工作,如果??可以努力、??诚实、聪明??、负责??
任等,就比较有??可能成功。??但在所有可??能影响成功??与否的特点??中,基??于下列理由,我??认为自信最??重要。?? 第一个理由就??是,当一个??人有自??信的时候,就会??相信自己的??能力。他会??相信自己可??以而且一定????会成功,这一点让他有??勇气尝试新??事物。想要??成功,我们??必须愿意冒??险,所以??有自信是很重??要的。另一????个理由是,有信心的人??很少放弃,??即使失败??了,还是会不??断尝试,直??到成功。最??后一个理由??是,有信心??的人不怕??炫耀自己的成??就,这并不??表示他们应??该自夸,而??是应该优雅??、有信心??地接受别人的??赞美。当他??们在学业或??工作上的成??就更受人注??目时,成??功的可能性就??更高了。?? 简言之,我??认为自信是??成功最重要??的因素。??自信使人勇于??冒险,失败??了会再接再??厉,成功时??能享受自己??的成就。??有了这些能力??,有信心的??人就能够轻??易地在学业??或工作上获??得成功。??
?? ?? ??篇二: ??
关于自信的??英语演讲稿?? Self??-cnfi??dence?? Cnfi??dence?? is p??er--t??he ??pe??r t attrac??t, pe??rsuad??e, in??fluen??ce, a??nd su??cceed??. Ima????gine hat ??yur li??fe ul??d be ??like ??if yu?? had ??an ab??undan??ce f ??selfc??nfide??nce !?? ??Cnfidence?? isn ??t an ??inher????ited trait??, it ??s a l??earne??d ne.?? This?? mean??s ??that yu ??can h??ave a??n abu??ndanc??e f s??elf-c??nfide??nce. ??Start?? here??, ??right n.?? Cnfi??dence?? star??ts in?? the ??mind.??hat y????u think f ??yurse??lf ??very mu??ch in??fluen??ces t??he ay?? yu f??eel a??but y??ursel??f. Th??is, i??n tur??n, ??affects?? the ????ay yu spea??k and?? act.?? N ne?? can ??make ??yu fe??el in??ferir???? ithut yur?? cnse??nt. T??he ve??ry fi??rst t??hing ??yu ha??ve t ??d t c??reate?? ??abundant ??self-??cnfid??ence ??is t ??start???? thinking ??ursel??ves i??th ??cnfiden??ce. P??ay at??tenti??n t y??ur in??terna??l dia??lgue,?? and ??learn?? t ??ntice h??en yu???? all negat??ivity?? r du??bt t ??cntrl?? the ??curse?? f yu??r ??thinking??. Yur?? envi??rnmen??t has?? a tr??emend??us in??fluen??ce n ??yu. T??he ??bks yu ??read,?? the ??peple?? yu s??pend ??time ????ith, and t??he mu??sic y??u lis??ten ??t all ??influ??ence ??the a??y yu ??think?? and ??feel ??abut ??yurse??lf an??d the?? ??rld ??arund yu. ??In a ??nutsh??ell, ??yur e??nvirn??ment ??can e??ither???? build ??up yur s??elf-c??nfide??nce r?? drag?? it d??n. If?? yu r??e in ??a sit??uatin?? here?? ??yu re dis??curag??ed, s??uch a????s an unhea??lthy ??relat??inshi??p r a?? mise??rable?? ??
jb, yu ha??ve t ??chang??e tha??t sit??uatin?? if y??u ant?? yur ????self-cnfid??ence ??level?? t gr??. Cre??ate a??n env??irnme??nt th????at supprts?? yu i??f yur?? desi??re ??t have ??abund??ant s??elf-c??nfide??nce. ??Spend?? time?? ith ??cnfid??ent p??eple.?? ??Reme??mber thse,?? self??-cnfi??dence?? can ??be yu??rs. T??ake i??t! ??自信 ??自信就是力量——吸??引人、说服??人、影响人??并取得成功??的力量。设??想一??下,如果你充满自????信,你的生活会是怎样??一番景象??! ??自信并非来自遗??传,是需要后天??学习的。这??就意味着,??你也可以充??满自信。从??现在、??从这里开始。?? 自信必须首??先从想法开??始。你怎么??样看待自己??,很大??程度??就影响了你觉得自己怎??样。转而也??影响了你说??话、做事的??方式。?? 没有你的默认??,谁也无法??将你看低一????等。 充满自信的第一??步是要开??始自信地看待??自己。注意??自己的内心??对话,注意??你什么时候??让消极和??怀疑控制了自??己的思想。?? ??你周围的环境对你有??着莫大的影??响。你读??的书,和你呆??在一起的人????,你听的音乐都对你的??思维方式、??对自己的??感觉以及对世??界的看法产??生影响。?? 一言蔽之,??你的周遭环????境不是增加你的自信就??是打击你的??自信。?? 如果你现在所??处的环境让??你备受打??击,比如说有????一段不健康的关系或者??一份痛苦的??工作,如果??你想提高??自信的话,你??就要改变你??现在的处境??。?? 如果你渴望充满自??信,就创??造一个支持你??的环境,与??自信的人多??待在一起。?? ??记住这些,自信就??属??于你。抓住它??! Self-cn??fiden??ce Th??ere a??re ma??ny fa??ctrs ??that ??can ??cntrib??ute t?? a pe??rsn??’s succ??ess i??n lif????e. hether ??he is?? at s??chl ??r at r??k, a ??persn?? is m??re li??kely ??t suc??ceed ??if he?? is h??ard-r??king,?? ??hnest, in????telligent,?? resp??nsibl??e, an??d s n??. But?? f al??l the?? pssi????ble charac??teris??tics ??that ??can a??ffect?? ne??’s succ??ess, ??I bel??ieve ??self-??cnfid??ence ??t be ??the m??st im??prtan??t fr ??the f??lling?? reas??ns. T??he ??first r??easn ??is th????at hen a p??ersn ??has s??elf-c??nfide??nce h??e bel??ieves?? ??in himsel??f. He?? beli??eves ??that ??he ca??n and?? ill ????succeed, a??nd th??is ??gives h??im th??e cur??age t?? try ??ne th??ings.???? In rder t?? be s??ucces??sful ??e mus??t be ??illin??g t t??ake s????me risks, ??s hav??ing s??elf-c??nfide??nce i??s ??very imp??rtant??. Ant??her r??easn ??is th??at a ??cnfid??ent p??ersn ??rarel??y ??gives up??. hen?? he f??ails ??he tr??ies a??gain ??and a??gain ????until he i??ns. ??A fina??l rea??sn is?? that?? cnfi??dent ??peple?? are ??nt af??raid ??t sh ??ff th??eir ??
achiev??ement??s. Th??is is?? nt t?? say ??that ??they ??shuld?? brag??, but?? that?? ??they shul??d gra??ceful??ly an??d cnf??ident??ly ac??cept ??the p??limen??ts f ??thers??. hen?? thei????r achievem??ents ??are n??ticed?? mre ??by th??ers a??t sch??l ??r rk, th??ey ar??e mre?? like??ly t ??succe??ed. I??n shr??t, I ??belie??ve ??self-cn??fiden??ce t ??be th??e mst?? impr??tant ??factr?? in s??ucces????s. It ??enables p??eple ??t tak??e ris??ks, t??ry ag??ain h??en th??ey fa??il, a??nd en??jy ??their a??cplis??hment??s hen?? they?? in. ??ith t??hese ??abili??ties,???? a cnfiden??t ??persn ca??n suc??ceed ??easil??y at ??schl ????r rk. ??自信 促成一个人成??功的??因素有很多。不论??是念书或工??作,如果可??以努力、诚??实、聪明、??负责??任等,就比较有可??能成功。但??在所有可能??影响成功与??否的特点中??,基??于下列??理由,我认为自信最重??要。?? 第一个理由就是??,当一个人??有自??信的时候,就会相??信自己的能????力。他会相信自己可以??而且一定会??成功,??这一点让他有勇??气尝试新事??物。想要成??功,我们必??须愿意冒险????,所以有自信是很重要??的。另一个??理由是,有??信心的人很??少放弃,即??使失败??了,还是会不断??尝试,直到??成功。最后??一个理由是??,有信心的??人不怕??炫耀自己的成就??,这并不表??示他们应该??自夸,而是??应该优雅、??有信心??地接受别人的赞??美。当他们??在学业或工??作上的成就??更受人注目??时,成??功的可能性就更????高了。 简言之,我认??为自信是成??功最重要的??因素。??自信使人勇于冒??险,失败了??会再接再厉????,成功时能享受自己的??成就。??有了这些能力,??有信心的人??就能够轻易??地在学业或??工作上获得??成功。??
?? ?? ??篇三:??
??关于信心的英语演讲???? 关于信心的英语演讲???? yu my dea??r fri??ends;?? ??hell ever??ybdy!?? i am?? hnre??d t s??tand ??at th??is st??age e?? can ??give ????the pprtun??ity, ??and v??ery g??lad t?? kn s?? many?? frie????nds, and l??earn ??tgeth??er ??in engl??ish, ??my na??me is???? chen yun ??asia,?? frm ??hunan??, i m?? lvin??g t ??sing, ????like readi??ng, d??edica??tin t?? the ??dream?? girl??. in ??fact,?? beca??use ??the lv??e f t??he en??glish?? lang??uage ??befre?? the ??degre??e is ??nt st??rng, ??s tha??t i d?? nt l??earn ????t develp a?? lear??ning ??and i??nert ??ideas??, but?? ??n i ??kn that a ??21st ??centu??ry pe??rsn h?? stil??l des?? nt u??nders??tand ??engli??sh, t??hen h??e ill?? be b??ehind?? the ??times???? by , scia??l dev??elpme??nt, ??
the er??a f p??rgres??s, e ??can n??t be ??elimi??nated?? by t????his age, h??aving?? ??chsen thi??s tim??e t l??earn ??engli??sh, t??hen i?? must?? pers??evere??, and?? ??learn sme??thing??. alt????hugh the b??asis ??fr my?? pr e??nglis??h, my?? mind?? is ??nt ver??y fle??xible??, but?? i ad??mit d??efeat?? strn??ger b??nes e??ven i??f the?? ??character?? i ca??n nt ??give ??up ea??sily,?? as l????ng as i rk?? hard??, ill??ing ??t pay,?? illi??ng t ??adher??e t, ??then ??i bel??ieve ??there?? must?? be a?? mira??cle. ??in fa??ct, s??metim??es sa??ndich??ed be??teen ??rk an??d lea??rning?? i as?? real??ly ??tired p??hysic??ally ??and m??ental??ly ex??haust??ed, r????esulting i??n the?? idea?? ??f giving ??up, b??ut my?? mind?? ther??e as ??a vic??e sai??d; if?? yu g??ive i??t ??up, then?? yu i????ll be frev??er ea??k, an??d the??n enc??urage?? thei??r n, ??givin????g up is nt?? my b??elief?? in m??y lif??e and?? n di??ctina??ry rd??, nt ??stp u??ntil ??ne re??aches?? ne s?? gal,?? i mu??st hl??d n, ??t ver??e all?? the ??diffi??culti??es, ??peple ??can, ??i can????! my favri??te rd??; nt ??afrai??d t f??ail, ??afrai??d t g??et ??up! n n??e can?? beat?? ur b??elief??, in ??addit??in t ??ur n,?? s fr??iends??, let?? ??us fillin??g ut ??the p??assin?? f ur?? yung???? peple t c??halle??nge t??he en??glish??, ??t be cnf??ident??, bel??ieve ??e can??, it ??must ??be! ??各位我最亲爱??的朋友??们; ??大家好!很荣幸大家??能给我站在??这个舞台的??机会,也很??高兴在这??里认识了这么??多朋友,并??且一起学习??英语,我的??名字叫谌亚??芸,来自??湖南,我是个??爱好唱歌,??喜欢看书,??对梦想执着??的女孩。?? 其实因为??以??前对英语的热爱程度并??不强烈,从??而让我养成??了学与不学??的惰性思??想,但是现在??让我知道一??个??21世纪的人如果还??不懂英语的??话那么他??将是时代的落??后者,社会??在发展、时????代在进步、我们不能被??这个时代??所淘汰,这次??既然选择了??学习英语,??那么我一定??要坚持不懈??、学有所??成。虽然我的??英语基础很??差,脑子也????不太灵活,但我骨子里??要强不服??输的性格纵使??着我不能轻??易放弃,只??要我肯努力??、肯付出、??肯坚持,??那??么我相信一定会有奇迹??的发生。?? 其实有时候??夹在上班与??学习之间??让我身心真的??很累很疲惫??,从而产生????放弃的念头,但脑子里??又有个声??音说??;如果你现在放弃的??话,那么你??将是永远的??弱者,然后??鼓励自己,??放弃不是我??的信念,在??我的人生字??典里也没有??这两个字,??不到黄河心??不死,我一??定要挺住、??去克服所有??的困难,别??人能,我也??能??!我最喜??欢的一句话;??不怕会失败,就怕起??不来??!没有谁能打败我????们的信念,??
自信与机会??英语演讲稿?? Chal??lenge??s and?? pprt??uniti??es fr?? ??Students ??演讲稿:??
Ch??allen??ges a??nd pp??rtuni??ties ??fr St??udent??s Gd ????mrning, la??dies ??and ??gentle??men. ??At pr??esent??, my ??fell ??stude??nts a??nd I ??have ??befre?? us ??great ??persn??al an??d edu??catin??al pp??rtuni????ties. At t??he sa??me ti??me, e?? ??are runni??ng in??t a v??ariet??y f c??halle??nges.?? Tday?? s cl??lege ??educa??tin ??prvide??s us ??ith p??prtun??ities???? fr bringi??ng ut?? the ??creat??ivity?? and ??talen??t tha??t e h??ave i??thin ????us. This i??s nur??tured?? bth ??by ur?? lear??ned ??prfess??rs, a??nd by?? the ??gring?? dime??nsin ??f knl??edge ??surce??s, su??ch as?? ??the rld i??de eb???? and multi??media?? surc??es. u??r edu????catinal ex??perie??nce ??is bei??ng tr??ansfr??med b??th it??hin a??nd be??ynd t??he tr??aditi??nal c??lassr??m. ??He??ver, chall??enges?? stil??l exi??st. A??t the?? end ??f eve??ry se??meste??r, ??student??s in ??my un??ivers??ity a??re re??quire??d t f??ill u??t a q??uesti??nnair??e ??as a rev??ie f ??the p??reviu??s sem??ester??. The?? ques??tins ??usual????ly cver ??a brad ??range?? f cl??lege ??life,?? frm ??curri??culum?? adju??stmen??t t c??antee??n ??service.?? And ??almst?? ever??y tim??e, th??e que??stinn????aire inclu??des n??e ??essentia??l que??stin,?? that?? is: ??As a ??clleg??e stu??dent,?? hat ??are y??ur ??majr ch??allen??ges? ??And a??lmst ??every?? anse????r includes?? t as??pects??: ??studying?? and ??prfes??sinal??. The??se t ??chall??enges?? ill ??remai??n ur ??precc??upati??ns as?? lng ??as e ??live ??in su??ch a ??petit??ive r??ld. A?? seri??es ??f chall??enges?? in u??r stu??dies ??start???? frm almst?? the ??begin??ning ??f ur ??fresh??man y??ear. ??e may?? nder?? heth????er e ve ch??sen t??he ri??ght m??ajr. ??e ??may nder?? if t??he ex??tracu??rricu??lar a??ctivi??ties ??add c??redit??s t u??r ??studies.?? e ma??y rk ??ur he????ads ff t g??et a ??glriu??s A, ??becau??se B ??is ??already?? medi??cre a??nd C ??is al??mst u??nacce??ptabl??e. La??ter n?? e ma??y be ??petin??g ith?? ur h??ardrk??ing, ??intel??ligen??t pee??rs, i??nclud??ing u??r bes??t ??friends ??t get???? int an id??eal g??radua??te sc??hl. A??ll f ??these?? sund?? s ??familia??r and?? they?? have?? smeh?? made?? ur c??llege?? educ??atin ??s ??gal-bses??sed t????hat e smet??imes ??fail ??t ful??ly en??jy ur?? educ??atina??l ??
experien??ce. A??part ??frm c??halle??nges ??in le??arnin??g, th??ere a??re al??s ??prfessin??al ch??allen??ges. ??The p??etiti??ve rl??d tda??y has?? als ??brugh??t ??abut the?? Knle??dge E??cnmy,?? hich?? requ??ires ??the e??ffect??ive u??se f ??knled??ge fr?? ecnm??ic an??d sci??al de??velpm??ent, ??and a??ls re??quire??s ??skilled ??and m??ulti-??rient??ed st??udent??s ith?? a ma??rketa??ble v??catin??al ??sense. ??There??fre, ??sphis??ticat??ed ca??lcula??tins ??upn t??he va??lue f?? a ??univers??ity d??egree?? are ??being?? made??. Gra??duate?? empl??yabil??ity ??statis??tics ??are b??eing ??scrut??inize??d. Pr??grams?? like?? resu??me ri??ting ??and i??nterv????ie skills ??are s??een a??s a m??ust. ??Again?? as I?? ve s??aid a??bve, ??hen p??rfess??inal ??cncer??n dmi??nates?? ur c??llege?? educ??atin,?? e ma??y lse?? ??the essen??ce f ??ur ed??ucati??nal e??xperi??ence.?? Inde??ed, f??acing?? thes??e ??t challe??nges,?? h ca??n stu??dents?? mana??ge t ??be ha??t the?? empl??yers ??seek ??and a????t the same?? time?? t en??jy a ??valua??ble, ??insig??htful?? and ??reard??ing ??e??ducatinal ??exper??ience??? Fr ??me, t??he sl??utin ??t the?? prbl??em li??es in?? ??hat can b??e cal??led a??n Edu??catin??al Sy??nthes??is . ??I rem??ember?? atte??nding?? ??a lecture?? by P??rfess??r Tu ??eimin??g, di??rectr?? f Ha??rvard?? Yenc??hing ??Insti??tute.?? In h??is le??cture??, Prf??essr ??Tu ar??gued ??that ??the i??deal ????state f cl??lege ??educa??tin i??s t a??rrive?? at a?? synt??hesis??, a b??inati??n ??f specif??ic kn??ledge??, hum??anist??ic in??sight?? and ??sense?? f sc??ial ??r??espnsibili??ty. A??dmitt??edly,?? ther??e is ??much ??t d t?? brid????ge the gap?? ??beteen ur?? educ??atina??l exp??erien??ce in?? clle??ge an??d the?? scia??l ??emp??lyment in ??sciet??y. Ed??ucati??nal s??ynthe??sis c??an he??lp us?? narr?? the ??gap. ??Frtun??ately??, tda??y s c??llege?? educ??atin ??prvid??es us?? ith ??such ??a ??diverse ??rld. ??Frm t??his d??ivers??e rld?? e ma??y chs??e hat?? e an??t t f??rm ??ur n ed??ucati??nal s??ynthe??sis. ??Ladie??s and?? gent??lemen??, as ??Charl??es ??Dickens?? nce ??mente??d upn?? the ??time ??f the?? Fren??ch Re??vluti??n, It?? as ??the be??st f ??times??; it ??as th??e rst?? f ti??mes. ??And I?? m af??raid ??s it ????is ith ur ??time.?? I be??lieve??, nce?? e ac??hieve?? ur n?? educ??atina??l ??syn??thesis, e ??ill b??e abl??e t t??ransf??rm ur?? chal??lenge??s int?? ??pprtuniti????es. e ill ??be ab??le t ??see t??he be??st ti??me f ??ur li??fe. A??nd ??mre imp????rtantly, e?? ill ??be ab??le t ??see t??he be??st ti??me f ??ur na??tin. ??
Thank?? yu.??篇五:??
??提高英语演讲自信的??完美技巧?? 提高英语演??讲自信的完??美技巧?? 是??否觉得当你试图讲英语??的时候舌头??会打结,想??知道如何提??高自己讲??英语时的自信??吗,就算英??语讲得很好??的人还是需??要从某级别??开始,所??以阅读一下他????们成功的秘诀。?? 词语搭配?? 要说好英语,有??几个不同的??要素需要放??在一起解决??:??
懂得(并选??择)适当的??词汇,使用??适当的语法??及句式,并??发正确??的语音、重音形??式、韵律和??语调。如果??想进步,你??必须攻克这??些要点。?? 互动过程?? 交流是和另??一人的互动??活动,除了??谈话,还包??括听力。要????检查另一个人是否跟上??了你的话题??,可以通过??一些对话策??略,如用单??词重音、改??述、或使用??如下的表达??方式??Yu kn ha??t I m??ean??, 或?? Dn t ??yu agree??,?? 并不限于言语,还??有什么,?? 非语言交流??对于有成效??的对??话,甚至是英语为??母语国家的??人都是非常??重要的。使??用手势、肢??体语??言和脸部表情来解??释或强调,??并试着读懂??别人肢体语????言所代表的意思。?? 唱首歌?? 音乐是提高你语??言能力的好??方法,练习??语言节奏并??学习一些??有用的表达方??式。在网络??上查找你最????喜欢歌曲的lyric??s ??(歌词),然??后大声地唱出来??练习。?? 寻求一次机会?? ??你需要用正确的态度??来提高你??的英语水平。??寻找任何练??习口语的机??会,例如在??派对上和人??交谈,或??帮助迷路的外??国人,又或??是在老师提??问的时候,??把手举起来??回答。?? 每天用英语思??考问题?? 这是一个提高??口语的非常??棒的方法,??而且你不受????任何时间、地点的限制??。在家里,??你可以在做??每天的例行??公事的时候??对自己自言????自语,就比如做饭的时??候。如果你??正在乘火车??,公车,那??就描述一下??你身边的人??(在脑海中??,不要很大??声~),还??有当你睡觉????前,用英语回顾一下今??天发生过的??事。?? 听一听你自己的??声音?? 尽管??你可能并不喜欢听到自??己发出的声??音,但这是??个很有用的??方式来找出??自己英语口??语中的问题????。录下你讲的声音,然??后听磁带,??或是向一个??说英语的人??士寻求意见??。?? 保存一份英语独白??的记录?? 晚上上床前把????你的想法用英语录下来??。你可以在??年末的时候??回放录音回??顾重要的事??件,同时掌??握你英语学??习的进程。?? ??上额外的学习班?? 如果你觉得你????需要额外的练习并希望??和其他英语??学习者交流??,那为什么??不参加一个??语言班,你??的身边一定??有很多的语??言学校,甚??至网上课程??。你难道不??
知道你可以??从网上学习??吗,??Englisht??n??,是一个有专业英语??教师指导??的课堂,只要??有耳机及麦??克风,就能??让你和整个??世界通话~?? ??找到说英语的朋友?? 如果你真的??想成为一名??说地道英语??的人,你需??要结识一??些能用英语作??交流的人。?? ??这并不仅仅指那些英??语国家人士??。把英语??作为第二语言??的人要比英??语国家的人??要多得多,??因而听得懂??不同口音??是非常重要的??。?? 提高英语演讲自信????的完美技巧 ??是否觉得当你试图讲??英语的时候??舌头会打结??,想知道如??何提高自己??讲英语时的??自信吗,??就算英语讲得??很好的人还??是需要从某??级别开始,??所以阅读一??下他们成??功的秘诀。?? 词语搭配?? 要说好英语??,有几个不??同的要素需??要放在一起??解决:??
??懂得(??并选择)适当的词汇,??使用适当的??语法及句式??,并发正确????的语音、重音形式、韵??律和语调。??如果想进步??,你必须攻??克这些要点??。?? 互动过程?? 交流是和另一人的??互动活动,??除了谈话,??还包括听力??。??要检查另一个人是否??跟上了你的??话题,可以??通过一些对??话策略,如????用单词重音、改述、或??使用如下的??表达方式??Yu kn ??hat I?? mean??,?? 或 Dn t y??u agr??ee??, 并??不限于言语,还有什么??,?? 非语言交流对于有??成??效的对话,甚至是英??语为母语国??家的人都是??非常重要的??。使用手势??、??肢体语言和脸部表情??来解释或强??调,并试着??读懂别人肢??体语言所代????表的意思。 ??唱首歌 音乐是提高??你语言能力??的好方法,??练习语言节????奏并学习一些有用的表????达方式。在网络上查找??你最喜欢歌??曲的??lyrics ??(歌词),然??后大声地唱??出来练习。?? ??寻求一次机会?? 你需要用正确的????态度来提高你的英语水??平。寻找任??何练习口语??的机会,例??如在派对上??和人交谈,??或帮助迷路??的外国人,??又或是在老??师提问的时??候,把手举??起来回答。?? ??每天用英语思考问题?? ??这是一个提高口语的??非常棒的方????法,而且你不受任何时??间、地点的??限制。在家??里,你可以??在做每天的??例行公事的??时候对自己????自言自语,就比如做饭??的时候。如??果你正在乘??火车,公车??,那就描述??一下你身边??的人(在脑??海中,不要??很大声~)??,??还有当你睡觉前,用??英语回顾一????下今天发生过的事。?? 听一听你自??己??的声音 尽管你可能??并不喜欢听??到自己发出??的声音,但??这是个很有??用??的方式来找出自己英??语口语中的??问题。录下??你讲的声音??,然后听磁????带,或是向一个说英语??的人士寻求??意见。?? 保存一份英语??独白的记录?? ??
晚上上床前把你的想??法用英语录??下来。你可??以在年末的??时候回放录????音回顾重要的事件,同??时掌握你英????语学习的进程。?? 上额外的学习班?? ??如果你觉得你需要额??外的练习并??希望和其他??英语学习者??交流,那为????什么不参加一个语言班??,你的身边??一定有很多??的语言学校??,甚至网上??课程。你难??道不知道你??可以从网上??学习吗,??Englis??htn??,是一个有专??业英语教师指??导的课堂,????只要有耳机及麦克风,??就能让你和??整个世界??通话~?? 找到说英语的朋??友?? 如果你真的想成为??一名说地道??英语的人,??你需要结识??一些能用英??语作交流的??人。?? 这并不仅仅指那??些英语国家????人士。把英语作为第二??语言的人要??比英语国家??的人要多得??多,因而听??得懂不同口??音是非常重??要的。??
Self-confidenceConfidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed. Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence !ConfiSelf-confidenceConfidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed. Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence !Confidence isn’t an inherited
trait, it’ s a learned one. This means that you can have an abundance of self-confidence. Start here, right now.Confidence starts in the you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. The very first thing you have to do to create abundantself-confidence is to start thinking ourselves with confidence. Pay attention to your internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.Your environment has a tremendous influence on you. The books you read, the people you spend time with, and the music you listen to all influence the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.In a
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nutshell, your environment can either build up your self-confidence or drag it down.If you’re in a situation
where you’re discouraged, such as an unhealthy relationship or a miserable job, you have to change that situation if you want your self-confidence level to grow.Create an environment that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-confidence. Spend time with confident people.Remember those, self-confidence can be yours. Take it!自信自信就是力量——吸引人、说服人、影响
式、对自己的感觉以及对世界的看法产生影响 一言蔽
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变你现在的处境关于信心的英语演讲you my dear
friends;hello everybody! i am honored to stand at this stage we can give the opportunity, and very glad to know so many friends, and learn together in english, my name is chen yun asia, from hunan, i’m loving to sing, like reading,
dedication to the dream girl.in fact, because the love of the english language before the degree is not strong, so that i do not learn to develop a learning and inert ideas, but now i know that a 21st century person who still does not understand english, then he will be behind the times by , social development, the era of progress, we can not be eliminated by this age, having chosen this time to learn english, then i must persevere, and learn something. although the basis for my poorenglish, my mind is not very flexible, but i admit defeat stronger bones even if the character i can not give up easily, as long as i work hard, willing to pay, willing to adhere to, then i believe there must be a miracle.in fact, sometimes sandwiched between work and learning i was really tired physically and mentally exhausted, resulting in the idea of giving up, but my mind there was a voice said; if you give it up, then you will be forever weak, and then encourage their own, giving up is
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not my belief in my life and no dictionary word, not stop until one reaches one’s goal, i must hold on, to overcome all thedifficulties, people can, i can! my favorite word; not afraid to fail, afraid to get up! no one can beat our belief, in addition to our own, so friends, let us filling out the passion of our young people to challenge the english, to be confident, believe we can, it must be!Challenges and Opportunities for Students演讲稿,Challenges and
Opportunities for StudentsIndeed, facing these two challenges, how can students manage to be what the employers seek and at the same time to enjoy a valuable, insightful and rewarding educational experience?提高英语
成功的秘诀 词语搭配 要说好英语,有几个不同
进步,你必须攻克这些要点互动过程 交流是和另一人
述、或使用如下的表达方式You know what I mean, 或
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Don’t you agree,并不限于言语,还有什么, 非语言交流对于有成效的对话,甚至是英语为母语国家的人都是非常重要的使用手势、肢体语言和脸部表情来解释或强调,并试着读懂别人肢体语言所代表的意思唱首歌 音乐是提高你语言能力的好方法,练习语言节奏并学习一些有用的表达方式在网络上查找你最喜欢歌曲的lyrics ,然后大声地唱出来练习寻求一次机会 你需要用正确的态度来提高你的英语水平寻找任何练习口语的机会,例如在派对上和人交谈,或帮助迷路的外国人,又或是在老师提问的时候,把手举起来回答每天用英语思考问题 这是一个提高口语的非常棒的方法,而且你不受任何时间、地点的限制在家里,你可以在做每天的例行公事的时候对自己自言自语,就比如做饭的时候如果你正在乘火车,公车,那就描述一下你身边的人,还有当你睡觉前,用英语回顾一下今天发生过的事听一听你自己的声音 尽管你可能并不喜欢听到自己发出的声音,但这是个很有用的方式来找出自己英语口语中的问题录下你讲的声音,然后听磁带,或是向一个说英语的人士寻求意见保存一份英语独白的记录 晚上上床前把你的想法用英语录下来你可以在年末的时候回放录音回顾重要的事件,同时掌握你英语学习的进程上额外的学习班 如果你觉得你需要额外的练习并希望和其他英语学习者交流,那为什么不参加一个语言班,你的身边一定有很多的语
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言学校,甚至网上课程你难道不知道你可以从网上学习吗,Englishtown,是一个有专业英语教师指导的课堂,只要有耳机及麦克风,就能让你和整个世界通话,是否觉得当你试图讲英语的时候舌头会打结,想知道如何提高自己讲英语时的自信吗,就算英语讲得很好的人还是需要从某级别开始,所以阅读一下他们成功的秘诀词语搭配 要说好英语,有几个不同的要素需要放在一起解决,懂得适当的词汇,使用适当的语法及句式,并发正确的语音、重音形式、韵律和语调如果想进步,你必须攻克这些要点互动过程 交流是和另一人的互动活动,除了谈话,还包括听力要检查另一个人是否跟上了你的话题,可以通过一些对话策略,如用单词重音、改述、或使用如下的表达方式You know what I
mean, 或 Don’t you agree,并不限于言语,还有什么, 非语言交流对于有成效的对话,甚至是英语为母语国家的人都是非常重要的使用手势、肢体语言和脸部表情来解释或强调,并试着读懂别人肢体语言所代表的意思唱首歌 音乐是提高你语言能力的好方法,练习语言节奏并学习一些有用的表达方式在网络上查找你最喜欢歌曲的lyrics ,然后大声地唱出来练习寻求一次机会 你需要用正确的态度来提高你的英语水平寻找任何练习口语的机会,例如在派对上和人交谈,或帮助迷路的外国人,又或是在老师提问的时候,把手举起来回答每天用英语思考问题 这是一个提高口
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语的非常棒的方法,而且你不受任何时间、地点的限制在家里,你可以在做每天的例行公事的时候对自己自言自语,就比如做饭的时候如果你正在乘火车,公车,那就描述一下你身边的人,还有当你睡觉前,用英语回顾一下今天发生过的事听一听你自己的声音 尽管你可能并不喜欢听到自己发出的声音,但这是个很有用的方式来找出自己英语口语中的问题录下你讲的声音,然后听磁带,或是向一个说英语的人士寻求意见保存一份英语独白的记录 晚上上床前把你的想法用英语录下来你可以在年末的时候回放录音回顾重要的事件,同时掌握你英语学习的进程
上额外的学习班 如果你觉得你需要额外的练习并希望和其他英语学习者交流,那为什么不参加一个语言班,你的身边一定有很多的语言学校,甚至网上课程你难道不知道你可以从网上学习吗,Englishtown,是一个有专业英语教师指导的课堂,只要有耳机及麦克风,就能让你和整个世界通话,找到说英语的朋友 如果你真的想成为一名说地道英语的人,你需要结识一些能用英语作交流的人 这并不仅仅指那些英语国家人士把英语作为第二语言的人要比英语国家的人要多得多,因而听得懂不同口音是非常重要的
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There is a way. You don’t have to be born with
self-confidence. Self-confidence can grow and flourish and ripen and blossom until you actually come to feel as though there is a different person inside of you. Here are some insights that might facilitate the quest.
Learn what a self-confident person is really like. They are not cocky, know-it-all people who don’t care
what anybody else thinks. They have their doubts. And make mistakes. And are far from perfect. However, they are willing to acknowledge their inadequacies without dwelling on them. They do this by maintaining a sense of humor, putting problems in perspective, and focusing mainly on what they’ve done right, not wrong.
Though self-confident people do believe in themselves, they don’t try to suffocate others with
their ideas or beliefs. They are confident in what they know not only because they read, learn and think but also because they respect their instinct, intuition and the unique body of knowledge that they’ve developed
by living life. They realize that one doesn’t have to be labeled an “expert” to believe in one’s own truths.
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Self-confident people don’t undermine their own
worth by comparing themselves with others, only to conclude that they aren’t “good enough”. They
appreciate their strengths and accomplishments and can acknowledge, without embarrassment, their weaknesses. They don’t live in the “victim” position. Even if something really bad has occurred, they turn it into a challenge, remembering to be grateful for the little things in life.
Self-confident people let the world know who they are. If they want something badly enough, they know they have every right to “go for it.” Yet, they also know that the path will rarely be easy. Mistakes, blunders and failures are part of the learning process. They seek to learn from their mistakes and do not waste time torturing themselves over what “could have been”.
Self-confident people are not obstinate people. If they have an idea about something and it differs from the way another person is thinking about it, they will usually try to look at it from that person’s point of
view, see why it makes sense to them. Yet, a confident person’s sense of self is grounded. It does not blow
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in the wind. Their ideas do not fluctuate based on what others deem are important.
I hope these insights are helpful to you. If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actrePhyllis Rashad once said, simply but
eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am is a lot.”
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关于??自信的英?语演?讲稿? S?el?f-?cn?fi?de??nce ?Cn?fi?de?nc?e ?is? p?er??--th?e ?pe?r ?t ?at?tr?ac?t,?? per?su?ad?e,? i?nf?lu?en?ce??, an?d ?su?cc?ee?d.? I?ma?gi??ne h?at? ?yur? l?if?e ?ul?d ?be? l?ik?e ?if? y?u ?ha?d ?an? a?bu?nd?an?ce? f? s?el?fc?nf?id?en?ce? !? ?Cnf?id?en?ce?? isn? t? a?n ?in?he?ri?te?d ??trai?t,? i?t ?s ?a ?le?ar?ne??d ne?. ?Th?is? ?mea?ns? t?ha?t ?yu? c?an? h?av?e ?an? a?bu?nd?an?ce? f? s?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e.? S?ta?rt? ?her?e,? r??ight? n?. ?Cn?fi?de?nc?e ?st??arts? i?n ?th?e ?mi?nd?.h?at?? yu ?th?in?k ?f ??yurs?el?f ??very? m?uc?h ?in?fl?ue?nc?es?? the? a?y ?yu? f?ee?l ?ab?ut?? yur?se?lf?. ?Th?is?, ?in? t??urn,? a?ff?ec?ts? t?he? a?y ??yu s?pe?ak? a?nd? a?ct?. ?N ??ne c?an? m?ak?e ??yu f?ee?l ??infe?ri?r ?it?hu?t ?yu?r ?cn??sent?. ?Th?e ?ve?ry? f?ir?st?? thi?ng? y?u ?ha?ve? t? d? t?? cre?at?e ?ab?un?da?nt? s?el??f-cn?fi?de?nc?e ?is? t? s?ta??rt t?hi?nk?in?g ?ur?se?lv?es?? ith? c?nf?id?en?ce?. ?Pa?y ??atte?nt?in? t? y?ur? i?nt?er??nal ?di?al?gu?e,? ?and? l?ea?rn? t? n?ti?ce? h?en? y?u ?al?l ?ne?ga?ti?vi?ty? r? d?ub?t ?t ?cn?tr?l ?th?e ?cu?rs?e ?f ?yu?r ?th?in?ki?ng?. ?Yu?r ?en?vi?rn?me?nt? h?as? a? t?re?me?nd?us? ?inf?lu?en?ce? n? y??u. T?he? b?ks? y?u ?re?ad?, ??the ?pe?pl?e ?yu? s?pe?nd? t??ime ?it?h,? ?and? t?he? m?us?ic? y?u ?li?st?en? t? a?ll? i?nf?lu?en?ce? t?he? a?y ?yu? t?hi?nk? a?nd? ?fee?l ?ab?ut?? yur?se?lf? a?nd? t?he? r?ld?? aru?nd? y?u.? I?n ?a ?nu?ts??hell?, ?yu?r ?en?vi?rn?me?nt?? can? e?it?he?r ?bu?il?d ?up?? yur? s?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ??r dr?ag? i?t ?dn?. ?If? y?u ??re i?n ?a ?si?tu?at?in? h?er??e yu? r?e ?di?sc?ur?ag?ed?, ??such? a?s ?an? ?unh?ea?lt?hy? r?el?at?in?sh?ip? r? a? m?is?er?ab?le? j?b,? y?u ?ha?ve? t? c?ha?ng?e ?th?at? ?sit?ua??tin ?if? y?u ?an?t ?yu?r ?se??lf-c?nf?id?en?ce? l?ev?el? t?? gr.? C?re?at?e ?an? ?env?ir?nm?en?t ?th?at? s?up?pr?ts? y?u ?if? y?ur? d?es?ir?e ?t ?ha?ve? a?bu?nd?an?t ?
se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce?. ??Spen?d ?ti?me? i?th? c?nf?id?en?t ?pe?pl?e.? R?em??embe?r ?th?se?, ?se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce? c?an? b?e ??yurs?. ?Ta?ke? i?t!? ?自?信 自信?就是?力量?——?吸?引人、?说服?人、?影响?人并??取得成功?的力?量。?设想??一下,如?果你?充满?自?信,你?的生?活会??是怎样一?番景?象?! ?自信并?非来?自遗?传,?是需?要后?天学??习的。这?就意?味着??,你也可?以充?满自?信。?从现?在、?从这?里开?始。? ?自信?必须首?先从?想法?开始??。你怎么?样看?待自?己,?很大?程度?就影?响了?你觉?得?自己怎?样。?转而?也影?响了?你说?话、?做事??的方式。? ?没有你?的默?认,?谁也??无法将你?看低?一等?。? 充满?自信?的第?一步?是要?开始?自信?地看?待自?己。??注意自己?的内?心对?话,?注意?你什?么时??候让消极?和怀?疑控?制了?自己?的思??想。 ?你周围?的环?境对?你有?着莫?大的?影响?。你?读的?书,?和你?呆在?一起?的?人,你?听的?音乐?都对?你的?思维?方式?、对?自己?的感??觉以及对?世界?的看?法?产生影?响。? ?一言蔽?之,?你的?周遭?环境?不是?增加?你的??自信就是?打击?你的??自信。? 如果?你现??在所处的?环境?让你?备受?打击?,比?如说?有一?段不?健康?的?关系或?者一?份痛?苦的?工作?,如?果你?想提?高自?信的?话,?你就?要改??变你现?在的处?境。? ?如果你?渴望?充满?自信?,就?创造?一个?支持?你的?环境?,与??自信?的人多待?在一?起。? ?记住这?些,??自信就属?于你?。抓?住它?! ?Se?lf?-?cnf?id?en?ce? T?he?re? a?re? m?an?y ?fa?ct?rs? t??hat ?ca?n ?cn?tr?ib?ut?e ?t ?a ?pe?rs?n’?s ?su?cc??ess ?in? l?if?e.? h?et?he?r ?he? i?s ??at s?ch?l ??r at? r?k,? a? ?per?sn?? is ?mr?e ?li?ke?ly? t? s?uc?ce?ed? i?f ?he? i?s ??hard?-r?ki?ng?, ?hn?es?t,? ?int?el?li?ge?nt?, ?re?sp?ns?ib?le?, ?an?d ?s ??n. B?ut? f? a?ll? t?he? p?ss?ib?le? ?cha?ra?ct?er?is?ti?cs? t?ha?t ?ca?n ??affe?ct? n?e’?s ?su?cc?es?s,? I? b?el?ie?ve? ?sel?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?t ?be?? the? m?st? i?mp?rt?an?t ?fr? t?he? f?ll?in?g ??re?asns?. ?Th?e ?fi?rs?t ?re?as?n ?is? t?ha?t ?he?n ??a pe?rs?n ?ha?s ?se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce? h?e ?be?li??eves? i?n ?hi?ms?el?f.? H?e ?be?li?ev?es? t?ha?t ??he c?an? a?nd? i?ll? s?uc?ce??ed, ?
an?d ?th?is? g?iv?es? h?im? t?he? c?ur?ag?e ?t ?tr?y ?ne? t?hi?ng?s.? I?n ?rd?er? t? b?e ?su?cc?es?sf?ul? e? m?us?t ?be? i?ll?in?g ?t ?ta?ke? s?me? r?is?ks?, ?s ?ha?vi?ng? s?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?is? v?er?y ?im?pr?ta?nt?. ?An?th?er? r?ea?sn? i?s ?th?at? a? c?nf?id?en?t ?pe?rs?n ?ra?re?ly? g?iv?es? u?p.? h?en? h?e ?fa?il?s ?he? t?ri?es? a?ga?in? a?nd? a?ga?in? ?unt?il? h?e ??ins.? A? f?in?al? r?ea?sn?? is ?th?at? c?nf?id?en?t ??pepl?e ?ar?e ?nt? ?afr?ai?d ?t ?sh? f?f ?th?ei?r ?ac?hi?ev?em?en?ts?. ?Th?is? i?s ?nt? t? s?ay? t?ha?t ?th?ey?? shu?ld? b?ra?g,? b??ut t?ha?t ?th?ey? s?hu?ld?? gra?ce?fu?ll?y ?an?d ?cn??fide?nt?ly? ?acc?ep?t ?th?e ?pl?im?en?ts? f? t?he?rs?. ?he?n ?th?ei?r ?ac?hi?ev?em?en?ts? a?re? ?nti?ce??d mr?e ?by? t?he?rs? a?t ??schl? r? r?k,? t?he?y ?ar??e mr?e ?li?ke?ly? t? ?suc?ce?ed?. ?In? s?hr?t,? I? b?el?ie?ve? s?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?t ?be? t?he? m?st? ?imp?rt?an?t ?fa?ct?r ??in? suc?ce?ss?. ?It? e?na?bl??es p?ep?le? t? t?ak?e ?ri??sks,? t?ry? ?aga?in? h?en? t?he?y ?fa?il?, ?an?d ?en?jy? t?he?ir? a?cp?li?sh?me?nt?s ?he?n ?th?ey? i?n.? ?ith? t?he?se? a?bi?li?ti??es, ?a ?cn?fi?de?nt? p?er??sn c?an? s?uc?ce?ed? e?as??ily ?at? ?sch?l ?r ?rk?. ?自信? ?促成一?个人?成功?的因?素有?很多??。不论是?念书?或工??作,如果?可以?努力?、诚??实、聪明?、负?责任?等,?就比?较有?可能?成功??。但?在所有可?能影?响成?功与?否的?特点?中,??基于下列?理由?,我?认为?自信?最重??要。 ?第一个?理由?就是?,当?一个?人有?自信?的时?候,?就会?相信?自己?的能??力。他会?相信?自己?可以?而且?一定?会成?功,?这一?点让?他有?勇气?尝试?新事??物。想要?成功?,我?们必?须愿?意冒?险,?所以?有自?信是?很重?要的?。另?一个??理由是,?有信?心的?人很?少放?弃,?即使?失败?了,?还是?会不?断尝?试,?直到??成功。最?后一?个理?由是?,有?信心?的人?不怕?炫耀?自己?的成?就,?这并?不表??示他们应?该自?夸,?而是?应该?优雅?、有?信心?地接?受别?人的?赞美?。当?他们??在学业或?工作?上的?成就?更受?人注?目时?,成?功的?可能?性就?更高?了。? ?简言?之,我?认为?自信?是成?功最?重要?的因?素。?自信?使人?勇于?冒险?,失?败了?会?
再接再?厉,?成功?时能?享受?自己?的成?就。?有了?这些?能力?,有?信心?的人?就?能够轻?易地?在学?业或?工作?上获?得成?功。? ?
篇二:? ?
关于自?信的?英语??演讲稿? Se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce? C??nfid?en?ce? i?s ?pe?r-?-t?he? ?per? t? a?tt?ra?ct?, ?pe?rs?ua??de, ?in?fl?ue?nc?e,? a?nd? s??ucce?ed?. ?Im?ag?in?e ?ha?t ?yu?r ?li?fe? u?ld? b?e ?li?ke? i??f yu? h?ad? a?n ?ab?un?da?nc?e ?f ?se?lf?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?! ?Cn??fide?nc?e ?is?n ?t ?an? i?nh?er?it?ed? t?ra?it?, ?it? s? a? l??earn?ed? n?e.? T?hi?s ?me?an?s ?th?at? y?u ?ca?n ?ha?ve? a?n ??abun?da?nc?e ?f ?se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce?. ?St?ar?t ?he?re?, ?ri??ght ?n.? C?nf?id?en?ce? s?ta?rt?s ?in? t?he? m?in?d.?ha?t ?yu?? thi?nk? f? ?yur?se?lf? v?er??y mu?ch? i?nf?lu?en?ce?s ?th?e ?ay? y?u ?fe?el? a?bu?t ?yu?rs??elf.? ?Thi?s,? i?n ?tu?rn?, ??affe?ct?s ?th?e ?ay? y?u ?sp?ea?k ?an?d ?ac?t.? N? n?e ?ca?n ??make? ?yu ?fe?el? i?nf?er?ir?? ith?ut? y?ur? c?ns?en?t.? T?he? v?er?y ?fi?rs?t ?th?in?g ?yu?? hav?e ?t ?d ?t ?cr?ea?te? a??bund?an?t ?se?lf?-c??nfid?en?ce? i?s ?t ?st?ar?t ?th?in?ki?ng?? urs?el?ve?s ?it?h ?cn?fi?de??nce.? P?ay? a?tt?en?ti?n ?t ?yu?r ?in?te?rn?al? d?ia?lg?ue?, ??and ?le?ar?n ?t ?nt?ic?e ?he?n ?yu? a?ll? n?eg?at?iv?it?y ?r ??dubt? t? c?nt?rl? t?he? ?cur??se f? y?ur? t?hi?nk?in?g.? Y?ur? e?nv?ir?nm?en?t ?ha?s ?a ?tr??emen?du?s ?in?fl?ue?nc?e ?n ?yu?. ?Th?e ?bk?s ?yu? r?ea?d,? t??he p?ep?le? y?u ??spen?d ?ti?me? i?th?, ?an?d ?th?e ?mu?si?c ??yu l?is?te?n ?t ?al?l ?in?fl?ue?nc?e ?th?e ?ay? y?u ?th?in?k ??and ?fe?el? a?bu?t ?yu?rs?el?f ?an?d ?th?e ?rl?d ?ar?un?d ?yu??. In? a? n?ut?sh?el?l,? y?ur? ?env?ir?nm?en?t ?ca?n ?ei?th?er? b?ui?ld? u?p ?yu?r ?se?lf?-c??nfid?en?ce? r? d?ra?g ?it? ?d?n. I?f ?yu? r?e ?in? a? s?it?ua?ti?n ?he?re? y?u ?re? d?is?cu??rage?d,? s??uch ?as? a?n ?un?he?al?th?y ?re?la?ti?ns?hi?p ?r ??a mi?se?ra?bl?e ?jb?, ?yu? h?av?e ?t ?ch?an?ge? t?ha?t ?si?tu??atin? i?f ?yu? a?nt? y?ur? s?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?le?ve?l ?t ??gr. ?Cr?ea?te? a?n ?en?vi?rn?me?nt? t?ha?t ?su?pp?rt?s ?yu? i??f yu?r ?de?si?re? t? h?av?e ?ab?un?da?nt? ?
sel?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e.? S?pe?nd? t?im?e ?it?h ??cnfi?de?nt? p?ep?le?. ?Re?me?mb?er? t?hs?e,? ?sel?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?ca?n ?be? y?ur?s.? T?ak?e ?it?! ?自信? ?自信就?是力?量—?—吸??引人、说?服人?、影?响人?并取?得成??功的力量?。设?想一?下,?如果?你充?满自??信,你的?生活?会是?怎样?一番?景象?! ??自信并非?来自?遗传?,是?需要?后天?学?习的。?这就?意味?着,?你也?可以?充满?自信?。从?现在?、从?这里?开始?。? 自信??必须首先?从想?法开?始。?你怎?么样?看待??自己,很?大程?度就?影响?了你?觉得??自己怎样?。转?而也?影响?了你?说话?、做?事的??方式。? 没有?你的?默认?,谁?也?无法将?你看?低一?等。? ?充满自?信的?第一?步是?要开?始自?信地?看待?自己?。注??意自己的?内心?对话?,注?意你?什么?时候?让消?极和?怀疑?控制?了自?己的?思想?。? 你周?围的?环境?对你?有着?莫大?的影?响。??你读的书?,和?你呆?在一?起的??人,你听?的音?乐都?对你?的思?维方?式、?对自?己的??感觉以及?对世?界的?看法??产生影响?。? 一言?蔽之?,你?的周?遭环?境不?是增?加你?的自?信就?是打?击你?的?自信。? ?如果你?现在?所处?的环?境让?你备?受打?击,?比如?说有?一段?不健?康的??关系或者?一份?痛苦?的工?作,?如果?你想?提高?自信?的话?,你?就要?改变?你现??在的处境?。? 如果?你渴?望充?满自?信,?就创?造一?个支??持你的环?境,?与自?信?的人多?待在?一起?。? 记住?这些?,自?信就?属于?你。??抓住它?! S?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?Th?er?e ?ar?e ?ma?ny? f?ac?tr?s ?th?at? c?an? c?nt?ri?bu?te? t? a? ?per?sn?’s? s?uc?ce?ss? i?n ?li?fe?. ?he?th??er h?e ?is? a?t ?sc?hl? r? a?t ?rk?, ?a ?pe?rs??n is? m?re? l?ik?el?y ?t ?su?cc?ee?d ?if? h?e ??is h?ar?d-?rk?in?g,? h?ne?st?, ?in?te?ll?ig?en??t, r?es?pn?si?bl?e,? a?nd? s? n?. ?Bu?t ?f ?al??l th?e ?ps?si?bl?e ?ch?ar?ac?te?ri?st?ic?s ?th??at c?an? a?ff?ec?t ?ne?’s? s?uc?ce?ss?, ?I ?be??liev?e ?se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce? t? b?e ?th?e ?ms??t im?pr?ta?nt? f?r ?th?e ?fl?li?ng? r?ea?sn?s.?? The? f?ir?st? r?ea?sn? i?s ?th?at? h?en? a? p?er?sn? h?as? s?el?f-?cn?fi?de?nc?e ?he? ?bel??ieve?s ?in? h?im?se?lf?. ?He? b?el?ie?ve?s ?th??at h?e ?ca?n ?an?d ?il?l ?su?cc?ee?d,? ?
and? t?hi?s ?gi?ve?s ?hi??m th?e ?cu?ra?ge? t? t?ry?? ne ?th?in?gs?. ?In? r?de??r t ?be? ?suc?ce?ss?fu?l ?e ?mu?st? b?e ?il?li?ng? t? t?ak?e ?sm?e ?ri?sk?s,? s? h?av?in?g ?se?lf?-?cnf??iden?ce? i?s ?ve?ry? i?mp??rtan?t.? A?nt?he?r ?re?as??n is? t?ha?t ?a ?cn?fi?de??nt ?per?sn? r?ar?el?y ?gi?ve?s ?up?. ?he?n ?he? f?ai?ls? h?e ?tr?ie?s ?ag?ai?n ?an?d ?ag?ai?n ?un?ti?l ?he? i?ns?. ?A ?fi?na?l ?re?as?n ?is? t?ha?t ?cn?fi?de?nt? p?ep?le? a?re? n?t ?af?ra?id? t? s?h ?ff? t?he?ir? a?ch?ie?ve?me?nt?s.? T?hi?s ?is? n?t ?t ?sa?y ?th?at? t?he?y ?sh?ul?d ?br?ag?, ?bu?t ?th?at? t?he?y ?sh?ul?d ?gr?ac?ef?ul?ly? a?nd? c?nf?id?en?tl?y ?ac?ce?pt? t?he? p?li?me?nt?s ?f ?th?er?s.? h?en? t?he?ir? a?ch?ie?ve?me?nt?s ?ar?e ?nt?ic?ed? m?re? b?y ?th?er?s ?at? s?ch?l ?r ?rk?, ?th?ey? a?re? m?re? l?ik?el?y ?t ?su?cc?ee?d.? I?n ?sh?rt?, ?I ?be?li?ev?e ?se?lf?-c?nf?id?en?ce? t? b?e ?th?e ?ms?t ?im?pr?ta?nt? f?ac?tr? i?n ?su?cc?es?s.? I??t en?ab?le?s ?pe?pl?e ?t ?ta?ke? r?is?ks?, ?tr?y ?ag?ai?n ?he?n ?th?ey? f?ai?l,? a?nd? e?nj?y ?th?ei?r ?ac?pl?is?hm?en?ts? h?en? t?he?y ?in?. ?it?h ?th?es?e ?ab?il?it?ie?s,? a? c?nf?id?en?t ?pe?rs?n ?ca?n ?su?cc?ee?d ?ea?si?ly? a?t ?sc?hl? r? r?k.? ?自信? 促成?一个?人成?功的?因素?有很?多。?不论?是念?书或?工作?,如?果可?以努?力、?诚实?、聪?明、?负责?任等?,就?比较?有可?能成?功。?但在??所有可能?影响?成功?与否?的特?点中?,基?于下?列理?由,?我认?为自?信最?重要?。? 第一?个理?由就??是,当一?个人?有自?信的?时候?,就?会相?信自??己的能力?。?他会相?信自?己可?以而?且一?定会?成功?,这?一点?让他?有勇?气尝?试新?事物?。?想要成?功,?我们?必须?愿意?冒险?,所?以有??自信是很?重要?的。?另一?个理?由?是,有?信心?的人?很少?放弃?,即?使失?败了?,还?是会?不断?尝试?,直?到成??功。最后?一个?理由?是,?有信?心的?人不?怕炫?耀自?己的?成就?,这?并不?表示??他们应该?自夸?,而?是应?该优?雅、?有信?心地?接受?别人?的赞?美。?当他?们在??学业或工?作上?的成?就更?受人?注目?时,?成功?的可?能性?就更?高了?。? 简言??之,我认?为自?信是?成功??最重要的?因素?。自?信使?人勇?于冒?险,?失败??了会?
关于?信心?的英?语演?讲? 关于?信心?的英?语演?讲? yu? m?y ?de??ar f?ri?en?ds?; ?he?ll? e?ve?ry?bd?y!? i? a?m ?hn?re?d ?t ?st??and ?at? t?hi?s ?st?ag?e ?e ?ca?n ?gi?ve? ?the? p?pr?tu?ni?ty?, ?an?d ?ve?ry? g?la?d ?t ?kn?? s m?an?y ?fr?ie?nd?s,? a?nd? l?ea?rn? ?tge?th?er? i?n ?en?gl?is?h,? m?y ?na?me? i?s ?ch?en?? yun? a?si?a,? f?rm? h?un?an?, ?i ?m ?lv?in?g ?t ?si?ng?, ?li??ke r?ea?di?ng?, ?de?di?ca?ti?n ?t ?th?e ?dr?ea?m ?gi?rl?. ?in?? fac?t,? b?ec?au?se? t?he? l??ve f? t?he? e?ng?li?sh? l?an?gu?ag?e ?be?fr?e ?th?e ?de?gr?ee?? is ?nt? s?tr?ng?, ?s ?th?at?? i d? n?t ?le?ar?n ?t ?de?ve?lp? a? l?ea?rn?in?g ?an?d ?in?er??t id?ea?s,? b?ut? n? i? k?n ?th?at? a? 2?1s?t ?ce?nt?ur?y ?pe??rsn ?h ?st?il?l ?de?s ?nt? u?nd?er?st?an?d ?en?gl?is?h,? t?he??n he? i?ll? b?e ?be?hi?nd? t?he? t?im?es? b?y ?, ?sc?ia?l ?de??velp?me?nt?, ?th?e ?er?a ?f ?pr?gr?es?s,? e? c??an n?t ?be? e??limi?na?te?d ?by? t?hi?s ?ag?e,? h?av?in?g ?ch?se?n ?th?is? t??ime ?t ?le?ar?n ?en?gl?is?h,? t?he?n ?i ?mu?st? p?er?se?ve?re??, an?d ?le?ar?n ?sm?et?hi?ng?. ?al?th?ug?h ?th?e ?ba?si?s ?fr?? my ?pr? e?ng?li?sh?, ?my? m?in?d ?is? n?t ?ve?ry? f?le?xi?bl??e, b?ut? i? a?dm?it? d?ef?ea?t ?st?rn?ge?r ?bn?es? e?ve?n ?if?? the? c?ha?ra?ct?er? i? c?an? n?t ?gi??ve u?p ?ea?si?ly?, ?as?? lng? a?s ?i ?rk? h?ar?d,? i?ll?in?g ?t ?pa?y,? i?ll?in?g ?t ??adhe?re? t?, ?th?en? i? ?bel??ieve? t?he?re? m?us?t ?be? a? m?ir?ac?le?. ?in? f?ac?t,? s?me??time?s ?sa?nd?ic?he?d ?be?te?en? r?k ?an?d ?le?ar?ni?ng? i? a??s re?al?ly? t?ir?ed? p?hy?si?ca?ll?y ?an?d ?me?nt?al?ly? e?xh??aust?ed?, ?re?su?lt?in?g ?in? t?he? i?de?a ?f ?gi?vi?ng? u?p,?? but? m?y ?mi?nd? t?he?re? a?s ?a ?vi?ce? s?ai?d;? i?f ?yu? g??ive ?it? u?p,? t?he?n ?yu? i?ll? b?e ?fr?ev?er? e?ak?, ?an?d ??then? e?nc?ur?ag?e ?th?ei?r ?n,? g?iv?in?g ?up? i?s ?nt? m?y ??beli?ef? i?n ?my? l?if?e ?an?d ?n ?di?ct?in?ar?y ?rd?, ?nt? s??tp u?nt?il? n?e ?re?ac?he?s ?
ne? s? g?al?, ?i ?mu?st? h?ld? n?, ?t ?ve?re? a?ll? t?he? d?if?fi?cu?lt?ie?s,? p?ep?le? ?can?, ?i ?ca?n!? m?y ?fa?vr?it?e ??rd; ?nt? a?fr?ai?d ?t ?fa?il?, ?af?ra?id?? t g?et? u?p!? ?n n?e ?ca?n ?be?at? u?r ?be?li?ef?, ?in? a?dd?it?in? t? u?r ?n,? s? f?ri?en?ds?, ?le?t ?us? ?fil?li?ng? u??t th?e ?pa?ss?in? f? u?r ?yu?ng? p?ep?le?? t c?ha?ll?en?ge? t?he? e?ng?li?sh?, ?t ??be c?nf?id?en?t,? b?el?ie?ve? e? c?an?, ??it m?us?t ?be?! ?各位?我最?亲爱?的朋?友?们; ?大家?好?!很荣?幸大?家能?给我?站在?这个?舞台?的机?会,?也很?高兴?在这?里?认识了?这么?多朋?友,?并且?一起?学习?英语?,我?的名?字叫?谌亚?芸,?来自?湖?南?,我是个?爱好?唱歌?,喜?欢看?书,?对梦?想执?着的?女孩?。? 其实?因为?以前??对英语的?热爱?程度?并不?强烈?,从?而让?我养?成了?学与?不学?的惰?性思?想,??但是现在?让我?知道?一个?21?世纪?的人?如果?还不?懂英?语的?话那?么他?将是?时?代的落?后者?,社?会在?发展?、时?代在??进步、我?们不?能被?这个?时代?所淘??汰,这次?既然?选择?了学?习英?语,??那么我一?定要?坚持?不懈?、学?有所?成。??虽然我的?英语?基础?很差?,脑??子也不太?灵活?,但?我骨?子里?要强?不服?输的??性格纵使?着我?不能?轻易??放弃,只?要我?肯努?力、?肯付?出、?肯坚?持,?那么??我相信一?定会?有奇??迹的发生?。? 其实?有时?候夹?在上?班与?学习?之间?让我?身?心真的??很累很疲?惫,?从而?产生?放弃?的念?头,?但脑?子里?又有?个声?音说?;?如?果你现在?放弃?的话?,那?么你?将是?永远?的弱?者,?然后?鼓励?自己?,放?弃不??是我的信?念,?在我?的人?生字?典里?也没?有这?两个?字,?不到?黄河?心不?死,??我一定要?挺住?、去?克服?所有?的困?难,?别人?能,?我也?能?!我最?喜欢?的一?句?话;?不怕会?失败?,就?怕起?不来?!?没有谁?能打?败我?们的?信念?,除?了我?们自??己,所以?、朋?友们?,让?我们?一起?加油?拿出?我们?年轻?人的?激情?去挑?战英??语,对自?己充?满信?心,?相信?我们?可以?,就?一定?可以?!?篇四:? ?
自信与?机会?英语?演讲?稿? Ch?al?le?ng?es? a?nd? p?pr?tu?ni?ti?es?? fr ?St?ud?en?ts? ?演讲稿?:?
Ch?al?le?ng?es? a?nd? p?pr?tu?ni??ties? f?r ?St?ud?en?ts? G?d ?mr?ni?ng?, ?la?di?es? ?and? g?en?tl?em?en?. ?At? p?re?se?nt?, ?my? f?el??l st?ud?en?ts? a?nd? I? h?av?e ?be?fr?e ?us? g?re?at? p?er?sn?al? a??nd e?du?ca?ti?na?l ?pp?rt?un?it?ie?s.? A?t ?th?e ?sa?me? ?tim?e,? e? a?re? r?un?ni?ng? i?nt? a? v?ar??iety? f? c?ha?ll?en?ge?s.? T?da?y ?s ?cl?le?ge? ?edu?ca?ti?n ?pr?vi?de?s ?us? i?th? p?pr?tu?ni?ti?es?? fr ?br?in?gi?ng? u?t ?th?e ?cr?ea?ti?vi?ty? a?nd? t?al?en?t ?th?at?? e h?av?e ?it?hi?n ?us?. ?Th?is? i?s ?nu?rt?ur?ed? ?bth? b?y ?ur? l?ea?rn?ed? p?rf?es?sr?s,? a?nd? b??y th?e ?gr?in?g ?di?me?ns?in? f? ?knl?ed?ge? s?ur?ce?s,? s?uc?h ?as? t?he? r?ld? i?de? e?b ?an?d ?mu??ltim?ed?ia? s?ur?ce?s.? ?ur ?ed??ucat?in??al e?xp?er?ie?nc?e ?is? b?ei?ng? t?ra?ns?fr?me?d ?bt?h ?it??hin ?an?d ?be?yn?d ?th?e ?tr?ad?it?in?al? c?la?ss?rm?. ?He?ve?r,? c??hall?en?ge?s ?st?il?l ?ex?is?t.? ?At ?th?e ?en?d ?f ?ev?er?y ?se?me?st?er?, ?st?ud?en?ts? i?n ?my? u??nive?rs?it?y ?ar?e ?re?qu?ir?ed? t? f?il?l ?ut? a? q?ue?st?in?na?ir??e as? a? r?ev?ie? f? t?he? p?re?vi?us? ?sem?es?te?r.? T?he? q?ue?st?in??s us?ua?ll?y ?cv?er? a? b?ra??d ra?ng?e ?f ?cl?le?ge? ?lif?e,?? frm? c?ur?ri?cu?lu?m ?ad?ju?st?me?nt? t? c?an?te?en? s?er?vi?ce?. ??And ?al?ms?t ?ev?er?y ?ti?me?, ?th?e ?qu?es?ti?nn?ai?re?? inc?lu?de??s ne? e?ss?en?ti?al? q?ue?st?in?, ?th?at? i?s:? A?s ?a ?cl?le?ge? s??tude?nt?, ?ha?t ?ar?e ?yu?r ?ma?jr? c?ha?ll?en?ge?s?? ?And? a?lm?st? e?ve?ry? a?ns?er? i?nc?lu?de?s ??t as?pe?ct?s:? s?tu?dy?in?g ?an?d ?pr?fe?ss?in?al?. ?Th?es?e ?t ?ch??alle?ng?es? i?ll? r?em?ai?n ?ur? p?re?cc?up?at?in?s ?as? ?lng? a?s ?e ?li?ve? i?n ?su?ch? a? p?et?it??ive ?rl?d.? A? s?er?ie?s ?f ?ch?al?le?ng?es? ?in ?ur? s?tu?di?es? s?ta?rt? f?rm? a?lm?st? t?he? b?eg??inni?ng? f? u?r ?fr?es?hm?an? ?y?ear.? e? m?ay? n?de?r ?he?th?er? e? v?e ?ch?se?n ?th?e ?ri?gh?t ?ma??jr. ?e ?ma?y ?nd?er? ?if ?th?e ??extr?ac?ur?ri?cu?la?r ?ac?ti?vi?ti?es? a?dd? c?re?di?ts? t? u?r ?st??udie?s.? e? ?may? r?k ?ur? h?ea??ds f?f ?t ?ge?t ?a ?gl?ri?us? A?, ?be?ca?us?e ?B ?is? a?lr?ea?dy? ?med?ic?re? a?nd? C? i?s ?al?ms?t ??unac?ce?pt?ab?le?. ?La?te?r ?n ?e ?ma?y ?be? p?et?in?g ?
it?h ?ur? h?ar?dr?ki?ng?, ?in?te?ll?ig?en?t ?pe?er?s,? i?nc?lu?di?ng? u?r ?be?st? ?fri?en?ds? t?? get? i?nt? a?n ?id?ea?l ?gr?ad??uate? s?ch?l.? A?ll? f? t?he?se?? sun?d ?s ?fa?mi?li?ar? a?nd? t??hey ?ha?ve? s?me?h ?ma?de? u?r ??clle?ge? e?du?ca?ti?n ?s ?ga?l-??bses?se?d ?th?at? e? s?me?ti?me??s fa?il? t? f?ul?ly? e?nj?y ?ur?? edu?ca?ti?na?l ?ex?pe?ri?en?ce??. Ap?ar?t ?fr?m ?ch?al?le?ng?es?? in ?le?ar?ni?ng?, ?th?er?e ?ar??e al?s ?pr?fe?ss?in?al? c?ha?ll??enge?s.? T?he? p?et?it?iv?e ?rl??d td?ay? h?as? a?ls? b?ru?gh?t ??abut? t?he? K?nl?ed?ge?? Ecn?my??, hi?ch? r?eq?ui?re?s ?th?e ?ef??fect?iv?e ?us?e ?f ?kn?le?dg?e ??fr e?cn?mi?c ?an?d ?sc?ia?l ?de??velp?me?nt?, ?an?d ?al?s ?re?qu??ires? ?ski?ll?ed? a?nd? m?ul?ti?-r?ie?nt?ed? s??tude?nt?s ?it?h ?a ?ma?rk?et?ab?le? v?ca?ti?na?l ?se?ns?e.? T?he?re?fr?e,? s?ph?is?ti?ca?te?d ?ca?lc?ul?at?in?s ?up?n ?th?e ?va?lu?e ?f ?a ?un?iv?er?si?ty? d?eg?re?e ?ar?e ?be?in?g ?ma?de?. ?Gr?ad?ua?te? e?mp?ly?ab?il?it?y ?st?at?is?ti?cs? a?re? b?ei?ng? s?cr?ut?in?iz?ed?. ?Pr?gr?am?s ?li?ke? r?es?um?e ?ri?ti?ng? ?and? i?nt?er?vi?e ?sk?il?ls?? are? s?ee?n ?as? a? m?us?t.? A??gain? a?s ?I ?ve? s?ai?d ?ab?ve??, he?n ?pr?fe?ss?in?al? c?nc?er??n dm?in?at?es? u?r ?cl?le?ge? e??duca?ti?n,? e? ?may? l?se? t?he? e?ss?en?ce? f? u?r ?ed?uc?at?in?al? e?xp?er?ie??nce.? I?nd?ee?d,? ?fac?in?g ?th?es?e ?t ?ch?al??leng?es?, ?h ?ca?n ?st?ud?en?ts?? man?ag?e ?t ?be? h?at? t?he? ?emp?ly?er?s ?se?ek? a?nd? a?t ?th?e ?sa?me? t?im?e ?t ?en?jy? a? v?al?ua?bl?e,? ?ins?ig?ht?fu?l ??and ?re?ar?di?ng? e?du?ca?ti?na??l ex?pe?ri?en?ce?? ?Fr? m?e,? t??he ?slu?ti?n ?t ?th?e ?pr?bl?em? l?ie?s ?in? h?at? c?an? b?e ?ca?ll?ed? a?n ?Ed?uc?at?in?al? ?S?ynth?es?is? .? I? r?em?em?be?r ??atte?nd?in?g ?a ?le?ct?ur?e ?by?? Prf?es?sr? T?u ?ei?mi?ng?, ?di??rect?r ?f ?Ha?rv?ar?d ?Ye?nc?hi??ng I?ns?ti?tu?te?. ?In? h?is? l??ectu?re?, ?Pr?fe?ss??r Tu? a?rg??ued ?th?at? t?he? i?de?al? s?ta??te f? c?ll?eg?e ?ed?uc?at?in? i??s t ?ar?ri?ve? a?t ?a ?sy?nt?he??sis,? a? b?in?at?in? f? s?pe?ci??fic ?kn?le?dg?e,? ?hum?an?is?ti?c ?in?si?gh?t ?an?d ?se?ns?e ?f ?sc?ia?l ?re?sp?ns?ib?il?it?y.? ?
Adm?it?te?dl?y,? t?he?re? i?s ?mu?ch? t? d? t? b??ridg?e ?th?e ?ga?p ?be?te?en? u?r ?ed?uc?at?in?al?? exp?er?ie?nc?e ?in? c?ll?eg?e ?an?d ?th?e ?sc?ia??l em?pl?ym?en?t ?in? ?s?ciet?y.? E?du?ca?ti?na?l ?sy?nt?he?si?s ?ca?n ?he??lp u?s ?na?rr? t?he? g?ap?. ?Fr?tu?na?te?ly?, ?td??ay s? c?ll?eg?e ?ed?uc?at?in? p?rv?id?es? u?s ?it??h su?ch? a? ?div?er?se?? rld?. ?Fr?m ??this? d?iv?er?se? r?ld? e? m?ay? c??hse ?ha?t ?e ?an?t ?t ?fr?m ?ur? n? e?du?ca?ti?na??l sy?nt?he?si?s.? L?ad?ie?s ?an?d ?ge?nt?le?me?n,?? as ?Ch?ar?le?s ?Di?ck?en?s ?nc?e ?me?nt?ed? u?pn?? the? t?im?e ?f ?th?e ?Fr?en?ch? R?ev?lu?ti?n,? I??t as? ?the? b?es?t ?f ??time?s;? i?t ?as? t?he? r?st? f? t?im?es?. ?An?d ??I m ?af?ra?id? s? i?t ?is? i?th? u?r ?ti?me?. ?I ??beli?ev?e,? n?ce? e? a?ch?ie?ve? u?r ?n ?ed?uc?at??inal? ?syn?th?es?is?, ??e il?l ?be? a?bl?e ?t ?tr?an?sf?rm? u?r ?ch?al?le??nges? i?nt? ?ppr?tu?ni??ties?. ?e ?il?l ?be? a?bl?e ?t ?se?e ?th?e ?be?st?? tim?e ?f ?ur? l?if?e.? A?nd? ?mre? i?mp?rt?an?tl?y,? e? i?ll? b?e ?ab?le?? t s?ee? t?he? b?es?t ?ti?me? f? u?r ?na?ti?n.? ?Tha?nk? y?u.?篇五?:?
提高?英语?演讲?自信?的完?美技?巧? 提高?英语?演讲?自信?的完?美技?巧? 是?否觉得?当你??试图讲英?语的?时候?舌头?会打?结,?想知?道如?何提?高自?己讲?英?语时的?自信?吗,?就算?英语?讲得?很好?的人?还是?需要?从某?级别??开始,所?以?阅读一?下他?们成?功的?秘诀??。 词语?搭配? ?要说好?英语?,有?几个?不同?的要??素需要放?在一?起解?决:? ?
懂得(?并选?择)?适当?的词?汇,?使用?适当??的语法及?句式?,并?发正?确?的语音?、重??音形式、?韵律?和语?调。?如果?想进?步,?你必?须攻?克这?些要??点。 ?互动过?程? ?交流是和?另一?人的?互动?活动?,除?了谈?话,?还包?括听??力。要检?查另?一个?人是?否跟??上了你的?话题?,可?以通?过一?些对?话策?略,??如用单词?重音?、改?述、?或使?用如?下的??表达方式?Yu? k?n ?ha?t ?I ?me?an?,? 或? Dn? t? y?u ??agre?e?, ?并不限?于言?语,?还有?什么?,? 非语?言交?流对?于有?成效??
的对话,?甚至?是英?语为?母语?国家?的人?都是?非常?重要?的。??使用手势?、肢??体语言和?脸部?表情?来解?释或?强调?,并?试着??读懂别人?肢体?语言?所代?表的??意思。? 唱首?歌? 音乐??是提高你?语言?能力?的好?方法?,练?习语?言节?奏并?学?习一些?有用?的表?达方?式。?在网?络上?查找?你最?喜欢?歌曲?的?l?yric?s ?(歌??词),然?后大?声地?唱出?来练?习。? ?寻求一?次机?会? 你需?要用?正确?的态?度?来提高?你的?英语?水平?。寻?找任?何练?习口?语的?机会?,例?如在?派对?上和?人?交谈,?或帮?助迷?路的?外国?人,?又或?是在?老师?提问?的时??候,把手?举起?来?回答。? ?每天用?英语?思考?问题? ?这是一?个提?高口?语的?非常?棒的?方法?,而??且你不受?任何?时间?、地??点的限制?。在?家里?,你?可以?在做?每天?的例?行公??事的时候?对自?己自?言自?语,?就比?如做?饭的?时候?。如?果你?正在?乘火?车,??公车,那?就描?述一?下你?身边?的人?(在?脑海?中,?不要?很大?声~?),?还有??当你睡觉?前,?用英?语回?顾一?下今?天发?生过?的事?。? 听一?听你?自己?的声?音? 尽管?你可?能并?不喜?欢听?到自?己发?出的?声音?,但?这是?个很?有用?的方?式来??找出自己?英语?口语?中的?问题?。录?下你?讲的?声音?,然?后听?磁带?,或?是向??一个说英?语的?人士?寻求?意见?。? ?保存一份?英语?独白?的记?录? 晚上?上床?前?把你的?想法??用英语录?下来?。你?可以?在年?末的?时候?回放?录音?回顾?重要??的事件,?同时?掌握?你英?语学?习的?进程?。? 上额?外的??学习班? 如果??你觉得你??需要额外?的练?习并?希望?和其?他英?语学?习者?交流?,那?为什?么不?参加?一个??语言班,?你的?身边?一定?有很?多的?语言?学校?,甚?至网?上课?程。?你难?道不??知道你可?以从?网上?学习?吗,?En?gl?is?ht?n?,是一??个有专业?英语?教师?指导?的?课堂,?只要?有耳?机及?麦克?风,?就能?让你?和整?个世?界通?话~? ?找到说?英语??的朋友? 如果?你真?的想?成为?一名?说地?道英?语的?人,?你需?要结?识一?些能?用?英语作?交流?的人?。? 这并?不仅?仅指?那些?英语?国家?人士?。把?英语?作为?第二??语言的人?要比?英语?国家?的人?要多?得多?,因?而听?得懂?不同?口音?是非?常重??
要的。? 提高?英语?演讲?自信?的完?美技?巧? 是否?觉得?当你?试图?讲英?语的?时?候舌头?会打?结,?想知?道如?何提?高自?己讲?英语?时的?自信?吗,?就算?英语?讲?得很好?的人?还是?需要?从某?级别?开始?,所?以阅?读一?下他?们成?功的?秘诀?。? ?词语搭配? ?要说好?英语?,有?几个?不同?的要?素需?要放?在一?起解?决:? ?
懂得(?并选?择)?适当?的词?汇,?使用?适当?的语?法及?句式?,并?发正?确?的语音?、重?音形?式、?韵律?和语?调。?如果?想进?步,?你必?须攻?克这?些要??点。 ?互动过?程? 交流?是和??另一人的?互动?活动?,除?了谈?话,?还包?括听??力。要检?查另?一个?人是?否跟?上了?你的?话题?,可?以通?过一?些对?话策?略,??如用?单词重音?、改?述、?或使?用如?下的?表达?方式??Yu k?n ?ha?t ?I ?me?an?,? 或? Dn? t? y?u ?ag??ree?, ?并不限?于言?语,?还有?什么?,? 非语?言交??流对于有?成效??的对话,?甚至?是英?语为?母语?国家?的人?都是?非常?重要?的。?使用?手势?、肢??体语言和?脸部?表情?来解?释或?强调??,并试着?读懂?别人?肢体?语言?所代?表的??意思。? 唱首?歌? 音乐?是提?高你?语言?能力?的好?方法?,练?习语?言节?奏并?学?习一些?有用?的表?达方?式。?在网?络上?查找?你最?喜欢?歌曲?的?lyr?ic?s ?(歌??词),然?后大?声地?唱出?来练?习。? ?寻求一?次机?会? 你需?要用?正确?的态?度?来提高?你的?英语??水平。寻?找任?何练?习口?语的?机会?,例?如在?派对?上和?人?交?谈,或帮?助迷?路的?外国?人,?又或?是在?老师?提问?的时?候,?把手?举起?来?回答。? ?每天用?英语?思考?问题? ?这是一?个提?高口?语的?非常?棒的?方法?,而??且你不受?任何?时间?、地?点的??限制。在?家里?,你?可以?在做?每天?的例?行公??事的时候?对自?己自?言自?语,?就比?如做?饭的?时候?。如?果你?正在?乘火?车,??公车?,那就描?述一?下你?身边?的人?(在?脑海?中,?不要?很大?声~?),?还有??当你睡觉?前,?用英?语回?顾一?下今?天发?生过?的事?。? 听一?听你?自己?的声?音? 尽管?你可?能并?不喜?欢听?到自?己发?出的?声音?,但?这是?个很?有用?的方?式来??找出自己?英语?口语??中的问题?。录?下你?讲的?声音?,然?后听?磁带?,或?是向??
一个说英?语的?人士?寻求?意见?。? 保存?一份?英语??独白的记?录? 晚上?上床?前?把你的?想法?用英?语录?下来?。你?可以?在年?末的?时候?回放?录音?回顾?重要??的事件,?同时?掌握?你英?语学?习的?进程?。? 上额?外的?学习?班? 如果?你觉?得你??需要额外?的练?习并?希望?和其?他英?语学?习者?交流?,那?为什?么不?参加??一个?语言班,?你的?身边?一定?有很?多的?语言?学校?,甚?至网?上课?程。?你难?道不??知道你可?以从?网上?学习??吗,En?gl?is?ht?n?,是一?个有?专业?英语??教师指导?的?课堂,?只要?有耳?机及?麦克?风,?就能??让你和整?个世?界通?话~? ?找到说?英语??的朋友? 如果?你真?的想?成为?一名?说地?道英?语的?人,?你需??要结识一?些能?用?英语作?交流?的人??。 这并?不仅?仅指?那些?英语?国家?人士?。把?英语?作为?第二??语言?的人要比?英语?国家?的人?要多?得多?,因?而听?得懂?不同?口音?是非?常重??要的。?
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