范文一:语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同!-(韦博分享)
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同!-,韦博分享,
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同!-,韦博分享,
Intonation and Meaning in English 语调不语义
? 语调影响词义:
project: /pr?'d?ekt/ - 动词;/'pr?d?ekt/ - 名词
record: /r?'k?:d/ - 动词;/'rek?:d/ - 名词
? 语调影响句义:
例:You're hungry.
如果用falling intonation,降调,:表示make a statement 如果用rising intonation,升调,:表示ask a question
? 语调影响说话人的意思:
In England, people don't mean what they say, and they don't say what they mean.
降调:no and that's the end of it
升调:a question or go on
先降后升:no, but...
-Are you doing anything tonight?
-No. ( / )
Means: No, I'm not doing anything tongiht. Go on. Would you like to invite me to
-Can you lend me a pound?
-No. ( \ )
Means: No, definitely not. And it's the end of the conversation.
-Are you using the car?
-No. ( \/ )
Means: No, I'm not using the car, but neither will you. or You can't borrow it. or But
I might need it later on.
-Can I borrow the car?
-No. ( — )
Means: 这个场景可能是十几岁的儿子问父亲,而父亲显然已经无数次听到这样的问题,都有点懒得回答no了。于是就用了一个平调的no告诉儿子:上次不行,这次不行,下次再问还是不行。
通过上面这3方面的讲解,大家应该已经了解到为什么语调那么重要:If you get the intonation wrong, you may find the people you're talking to don't understand your
meaning. 如果对方没有理解你的意思,再向你进行确认,这算是运气好的了;可是如果他直接会错了意呢?那你只能后果自负了。
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同!-,韦博分享,
范文二:语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同!-(韦博分享)
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同! -(韦博分享)
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同! -(韦博分享)
Intonation and Meaning in English 语调与语义
① 语调影响词义:
project: /pr?'d ?ekt/ - 动词; /'pr?d ?ekt/ - 名词
record: /r?'k ?:d/ - 动词; /'rek?:d/ - 名词
② 语调影响句义:
例:You're hungry.
如果用 falling intonation(降调) :表示 make a statement
如果用 rising intonation(升调) :表示 ask a question
③ 语调影响说话人的意思:
In England, people don't mean what they say, and they don't say what they mean. 有时,一句话的表面意思并不是说话人真正表达的想法,所以我们需要依靠语调去判断。
降调:no and that's the end of it
升调:a question or go on
先降后升:no, but...
-Are you doing anything tonight?
-No. ( / )
Means: No, I'm not doing anything tongiht. Go on. Would you like to invite me to dinner?
-Can you lend me a pound?
-No. ( \ )
Means: No, definitely not. And it's the end of the conversation.
-Are you using the car?
-No. ( \/ )
Means: No, I'm not using the car, but neither will you. or You can't borrow it. or But I might need it later on.
-Can I borrow the car?
-No. ( — )
Means: 这个场景可能是十几岁的儿子问父亲, 而父亲显然已经无数次听到这样的问题, 都 有点懒得回答 no 了。于是就用了一个平调的 no 告诉儿子:上次不行,这次不行,下次再 问还是不行。
通过上面这 3方面的讲解,大家应该已经了解到为什么语调那么重要:If you get the intonation wrong, you may find the people you're talking to don't understand your meaning. 如果对方没有理解你的意思, 再向你进行确认, 这算是运气好的了; 可是如果他 直接会错了意呢?那你只能后果自负了。
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同! -(韦博分享)
范文三:语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同!
语调的魔力:不同语调说同一句话 意思大不同~---方法论,改变你的学习
Intonation and Meaning in English 语调与语义? 语调影响词义:project:
/prə'dʒekt/ - 动词;/'prɒdʒekt/ - 名词record:
/rɪ'kɔ:d/ - 动词;/'rekɔ:d/ - 名词? 语调影响句义:例:You're hungry.
如果用falling intonation(降调):表示make a statement如果用rising intonation(升
调):表示ask a question? 语调影响说话人的意思:In England, people don't mean what
they say, and they don't say what they mean.有时,一句话的表面意思并不是说话人真
正表达的想法,所以我们需要依靠语调去判断。例:No.降调:no and that's the end of it
升调:a question or go on先降后升:no, but...平调:一般是家长回答孩子-Are you doing
anything tonight?-No. ( / )Means: No, I'm not doing anything tongiht. Go on. Would you like to invite me to dinner?-Can you lend me a pound?-No. ( \ )Means: No, definitely not. And it's the end of the conversation.-Are you using the car?-No. ( \/ )Means: No, I'm not using the car, but neither will you. or You can't borrow it. or But I might need it later on.-Can I borrow the car?-No. ( — )Means: 这个场景可能
通过上面这3方面的讲解,大家应该已经了解到为什么语调那么重要:If you get the
intonation wrong, you may find the people you're talking to don't understand your meaning. 如果对方没有理解你的意思,再向你进行确认,这算是运气好的了;可是如果他直
语调的魔力?:不同语调说?同一句话 意思大不同?!-,韦博分享, 语调的魔力?:不同语调说?同一句话 意思大不同?!-,韦博分享,
Inton?ation? and Meani?ng in Engli?sh 语调不语义?
? 语调影响词?义:
proje?ct: /pr?'d?ekt?/ - 动词;/'pr?d??ekt/ - 名词
recor?d: /r?'k?:d/ - 动词;/'rek?:d/ - 名词
? 语调影响句?义:
例:You're hungr?y.
如果用fa?lling? inton?ation?,降调,:表示mak?e a state?ment 如果用ri?sing inton?ation?,升调,:表示ask? a quest?ion
? 语调影响说?话人的意思?:
In Engla?nd, peopl?e don't mean what they say, and they don't say what they
降调:no and that's the end of it 升调:a quest?ion or go on
先降后升:no, but...
-Are you doing? anyth?ing tonig?ht?
-No. ( / )
Means?: No, I'm not doing? anyth?ing tongi?ht. Go on. Would? you like to invit?e me to dinne?r?
-Can you lend me a pound??
-No. ( \ )
Means?: No, defin?itely? not. And it's the end of the conve?rsati?on.
-Are you using? the car?
-No. ( \/ )
Means?: No, I'm not using? the car, but neith?er will you. or You can't borro?w it. or But I might? need it later? on.
-Can I borro?w the car?
-No. ( — )
Means?: 这个场景可?能是十几岁?的儿子问父?亲,而父亲显然?已经无数次?听到这样的?问题,都有点懒得?回答no了?。于是就用了?一个平调的?no告诉儿?子:上次不行,这次不行,下次再问还?是不行。
通过上面这?3方面的讲?解,大家应该已?经了解到为?什么语调那?么重要:If you get the inton?ation? wrong?, you may find the peopl?e you're talki?ng to don't under?stand? your meani?ng. 如果对方没?有理解你的?意思,再向你进行?确认,这算是运气?好的了;可是如果他?直接会错了?意呢?那你只能后?果自负了。
语调的魔力?:不同语调说?同一句话 意思大不同?!-,韦博分享,
我记得有一次在电视上看一场足球比赛,裁判员明显偏袒甲队,结果乙队大败。由于中国足协有规定,不允许教练员公开评论裁判员的工作,因此在赛后的新闻发布会上,乙队教练员只说了一句话:我们是在非常恶劣的条件下进行比赛的。比赛那天,风和日丽,不冷不热,因此这里的“非常恶劣”肯定不是指天气,而是指黑哨。这句话,表面上有一个意思,同时隐含着另外一个(或多个)意思,在语言学上,有一个专门分支来研究这种现象,这就是语用学(pragmatics)。 我为什么要说这个话题呢,这是因为网友coconut昨天给我发邮件,说他们的英语老师在课堂上给他们简单介绍了一下语用学,并给他们留了一个课外作业,内容是Lucy问Mary:你继母怎样啊,Mary答:她以前是个美人,嫁给我父亲了(原文在下面)。老师说,在Mary的那句话中,隐含了多个意思,请他们课后认真分析一下,把这些隐含意思找出来。coconut网友说他看了好半天,也没有找出来,想让我帮他找找。于是我把Mary这句话仔细琢磨了一会儿,发现它至少包含六个意思,下面我依次给您说说。 Lucy: What's your stepmom like? Mary: She was a
blonde and she married my dad. 一、最明显的一个隐含意思是,Mary的生母已经去世或者离婚,否则不会有继母。 二、按照西方人的习惯,对于Lucy这样的问题,Mary应当回答:她对我很好啊,我很喜欢她啊,等等,而Mary却采用了这种中性的说法,这表明Mary并不喜欢这位继母。 三、Mary说这位继母was a blonde(以前是个美人),而没有说is a blonde(现在是个美人),这实际上是间接承认,这位继母过去和现在都很漂亮,Mary作为女人,对此充满嫉妒。 四、按照一般的逻辑,一个美人嫁给一个离异、年老的男人,通常不是为了爱,而是为了钱,因此Mary影射这位继母是一个“傍大款”的贪婪女人。 五、在英语中,blonde有时可以表示“漂亮但愚蠢的女人”,比如在西方,人们经常编写各种blonde joke(美人笑话),来讽刺这种女人,所以Mary是在暗示这位继母是个“花瓶”。 六、我甚至还有一种预感,Mary并未见过这位继母,Mary说她是个blonde(美人),很可能是引述她父亲的原话。 总之,语用学确实是一门很有趣的学科,遗憾的是,在我们中国的英语教学中,并不教授这门课程,因而造成许多学生不能准确理解外国人讲话的真正含义。比如我记得有一次在谈判中,外方人员说:这张桌子需要加固了,而中方人员竟然以为是桌子的螺丝松了,需要紧一紧,其实这句话的隐含意思,是批评中方人员喜欢用手指头敲击桌子,而在外国人看来,这样做很不礼貌。 ?这个帖子发表之后不久,网友wing1978根据blonde这个单词的本意(金发),又补充了两个隐含意思:(1)她以前染过金发,(2)她现在又把金发染成了另外一种颜色。(笑) ?网友Delphinus补充了一个更精辟的解释:I am sorry but I think you have missed the single most important message Mary
wants to get over to Lucy: I don't want to carry on this talk about
my stepmother - let's change a topic. This is suggested by "she
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married my dad" – useless information Lucy certainly knows and Mary certainly knows that she knows. By this, Mary wants Lucy to understand that "even if we are to continue this topic, I am not going to give you any information more useful than this". To give a hopelessly commonsense answer to a question is a very common device to suggest the answerer's reluctance to reply and to propose a change in topic in a polite, implicit, and somewhat humorous way. A usual occasion to find this trick in use is in press conferences, where spokespersons turn to giving nonsense answers to sharp, embarrassing questions instead of using "no comment" to divert reporters' attention, while trying to give the impression of being humorous, witty and charmful at the same time. 作者:张宏
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