害unmercifully persecuted,他从自己的很多果中出了著名的实实实实实实实实实实实实distingushed重力定律Law of gravity。引了实实实实initiated实实实实代科学和中世宗教medieval religions之的争,他来了实实实实实实实实实实科学史上的最高誉实实实实实实实实securing his esteemed reputation in scientific history.
(2)、Socrate培了成就大于他本人的实实实实实实实实实实实实Plato,Plato又通他自己的雅典学院实实实实实实实实实The school of Athens(Or Plato's Academy in Athens)培出实实Aristotle,他的点是相互集成的,实实实实实实实实实实实
(3)、Plato,Kant and Augustingus,
(4)、域实实实实Bach,Beethoven and Brahms,
实实实文Renaissance光的史其就是个人的助所致的,美第奇家族实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实Medici family,实助商Patrons,
Actor's Studio 自由作基地,内在价实实实实实实实实实intrinsic value,
辨系:实实实实The relationship between ... and ... is dialectical.
三英里和且的核事故实实实实实实实实实实the nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl
原油泄漏oil spills
臭氧空洞实实实the disintegration of the ozone layer over the poles of the earth
大模性武器实实实实实实实mass distruction weapons
可持展实实实sustainable development
Wight 兄弟通践行的原理,将人入了天上实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实
Adam Smith的《The Wealth of Nations》
Monstequiew的《The Spirit of Law》
实美的愉悦Aesthetic Enjoyment
理性的启迪Rational Enlighrment
Without art,a society can survive but can never thrive.
虚居实实实Virtual neighbors
MIT的放式程实实实实实Open Resource Course
大众媒体mass media
实实实比式可Accepted Pairing
情感求实实emotional request
理性求实实rational request
实实实实子通tele-communication tools, such as telephone,fax and Internet
内部因素和外部条件internal qualities and external conditions印度姓制度实实实实Schedled Class
安然事件Enron Fails
国家信息公路National Information Infrastructure高速磁浮列实实实实High-speed magnetic levitation trainTycho Brahe泰寿.布拉赫
Eskime、皮衣服实实实实fell clothes和服
卓林的《淘金》实实实实实实实实The Gold Rush of Chaplin
1930年美国禁酒令the Prohibition experiment in the U.S during the 1930sPicasso、Mozart
Austin "The Pride and Prejudice"
Mdeival Britain
大部分人都落在两者之实实实实实Most people probably fall some where between the two extrems在阿比斯山上滑雪实实实实实实实snow skiting in the Alps
实实实实格高地Scottish Highlands
Albert Einstein的Theory of Relativity in 1905
Abraham Lincoln led the Union during the civil war
网物实实实online shoping
实实实会conference call
京都定实实实1997年Tokyo Protocal To The United Nations Framework on climate change实束各国的
二氧化碳排放carbon doxide emission
GRE作文素材(二)(2007-10-30 09:53:06)
实实 :HYPERLINK "http://uni.sina.com.cn/c.php?t=blog&k=%D6%AA%CA%B6%2F%CC%BD%CB%F7&ts=bpost&stype=tag" \t "_blank" μ知实/探索? 一、争与实实实o solve the deteriorating
problems of resources, ecology and population.
核能研究nuclear research、美国火星探划实实实Mars Exploration Program of U.S.、米技实实实实
Nanometer Technology
迫在眉睫的实实pressing and immediate problems如工实实strike、族主实实实实racism,实实实境environmental
As Beecher has once said:'We should so and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go
into the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This
is what we mean by progress."
短期利益与期利益不是不可共存,实实实实实实实实实实实the long-term interest and short-term interest are not mutually exclusive.政府通宏机制两者之的实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实矛盾,it is our governments duties to conciliate the contradiction of them by using macro mechanism.
Reap the benefit of sth. 从某事当中益。实实实
降低了原来很高的工实实实实率。Coordination of the short-term interests of workers with the government’s long-term planning made by ACAS of England in 1925, which greatly reduced the once high
striking rate.
司法公正Juristic Justice
客实实实公正Objective Justice
Agnewism要求社会个公每民极力法律的实实实实实实实尊,he requires that everyone should maintenance the juristic dignity of that society.
Law Commission 英国立法委实实—会an England independent, government-founded organization that reviews laws which need updating, reforming or developing.
社会大恐慌great social panic
分配机制distribution mechanism、制度实实实实economic system、政治制度political system、外交政策
foreign policy
W. Artheer Lewis, an America most famous economist who receives Nobel Prize in 1979, had once
said:" I have never dreamed to be an economist, but it is my mother"s effects that lead me the way
to be economist."
在社会中立足establish oneself firmly in the society
影响,我实实实实实实实实实实实就像漂泊在大海之中。Without the effects of the value of that society as a whole, we will
truly be isolated from the rest; similarly, without the effect of other individuals, our own family
members and small groups, we will just likely to drift in the sea.
自由女神像Statue of liberty
雅典实Athenian Temple
建筑是刻在石实实实实实实上的史Architecture is a history textbook recorded in stone,是一段或化了的史实实
实据one of the most cogent living testimonies of history,他揭示了我实实实实实实实实本土文化的精they convey
the essence of our native culture,是一个国家或城市的路实they serves as landmarks for a city or nation.
瓦特watt实明蒸汽机steam engine、第一次工实实实革命The First Industrial Revolution、Pasteur实消毒
阿波实实实划Apollo Project、人基因工程实实实实实实实实Human Genome Project、外太空探索exploration of outer space、核研究nuclear research会致实实atomic weapon、生物化学研究biochemical research、
人克实实实隆human clone、Star Wars、
哥白尼Copernicus、布实实Bruno、麦克.实丹Mike Jordan NBA 6次冠实实实实实实实、伽利略Galileo、双刃实
double-edged sword、流水实实实技assembly line manufacturing、臭氧空洞the depletion of Ozone layer
Max Welch实克思.ciples of satyagraha and non-violence
Winston Churchill 温斯实.丘吉实实实实实实实实实实实实的演与整个国家勇气speech gave courage to an entire nation.曼德拉Mandela承担社会实—实生任感追求和平peace、民主democracy,实实实实得大众populace的尊重,
戴安娜Diana英国王妃British Princess,一生没有放弃社实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实会任感的追求和公共事的注
concerning of public utilities (or affairs),实实实实实实实实实实实她得的极好的声誉reputation。
实实实实实实实实实实实人是得到大众的注目Leaders always get a huge share of the limelight.民众populace
Soviet Union的Stalin独裁实实1922至1953工人取得了利又自实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实破坏利,美国国父盛George
留实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实了美国一个民主、共和、自由的体制保障leaving a guarantee to the United States institutional with democracy, republic and liberty。Kmart实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实明繁的更当者会引起不定。美国商家
是哲学家和画家致了文。实实实实实实实实It was the philosopher and painters that caused the renaissance.
艾米莉.勃朗特Emily Bronte and her works were despised by her contemporary critics、
梵.高Van Gogh suffered from non-recognition of his art and the subsequent poverty and mental
米实实实实朗琪Michelangelo、达.芬奇Leonardo Da Vinci
Beethoven's unseemly, sometimes even rude, appearance and manner impaired his contemporaries’
and acceptance of his music and himself。多实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实芬的不体面的、有甚至是粗暴
雨果实Hugo Award,美国世界文学大,实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实极大地了美国科幻影的展。
Because anybody want to be recognized according to the Maslow's analysis of five human basic
看似矛盾的属性seemingly contradictory attributes
双重属性dual attributes
相实实实实实实实实独立的个人元relative independent individual
原将会实实实实实实实实实实实实实实置社会秩序于危之中。Admittedly, under certain circumstance a society should give exceptions toward some occasionally absence of individual responsibility. However, over extensive
forgiveness would endanger the whole society order.
社会实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实任是由外部条件予的而不是主的。Responsibility is imposed by external forces rather than subjective designed.
实实实实实实实实实实是一个极其又以的例子。Here is a simple but easy to understand example.实实实实实实实实实实实实实实与我的常和社会相抵触。It contradicts with our common sense and human everyday experiences.
在政治实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实域,社会任感是一于大众的、透明的、合理的体制和制度的划。In political realm,
social responsibility refers to the planning of a transparent, reasonable structure and system toward
商域,实实实实Merk公司放弃巨实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实实利,免放物非洲以及第三世界国家。Merk gives up huge
profits and distributes free drugs to Africa and The Third Would Countries.
1987年的金融危机the Financial Crash 以及1998年的实实实实实实洲金融危机the Asia Economic Crisis都实
一瞬实实实实实实实实实实实实实实就会很快波及世界其它地方。The Financial Crash in 1987 and the Asia Economic Crisis in 1998 demonstrate that the world’s capital markets are more closely integrated than ever
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--------------------------------------------精品文档 Word可编辑 值得收藏------------------------------------------------
1.massage chairs are popular gifts for father’s day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。
2.father, we love you. happy father’s day. 爸爸,我们爱您。父亲节快乐。
3. father’s day is the third sunday in june. 父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。
4. have the best father’s day ever. 祝您能度过一个最棒的父亲节.
5. happy father’s day to all the daddys in the world!! 向全世界所有的好爸爸道一声:父亲节快乐!父亲节英文作文素材
6. father’s day has became a day to not only honor your father, but allmen who act as a father figure. 父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演
7. the 3rd sunday of june is father’s day. 6月的第三个周日是父亲节。
1 ----------------------------------------------------精品文档 值得收藏-----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------精品文档 Word可编辑 值得收藏------------------------------------------------
8. in 1972, president nixon signed a law to establish father’s day.
9. i’ve got to get dad a father’s day gift. 我得去买父亲节的礼物给老爸。
10. it’s father’s day tomorrow. are you going to buy a father’s day card for your dad? 明天是父亲节,你准备给你老爸买父亲节贺卡吗?父亲
2 ----------------------------------------------------精品文档 值得收藏-----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------精品文档 Word可编辑 值得收藏------------------------------------------------
3 ----------------------------------------------------精品文档 值得收藏-----------------------------------------------------------
1.massage chairs are popular gifts for father's day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。
2.father, we love you. happy father's day. 爸爸,我们爱您。父亲节快乐。
3. father's day is the third sunday in june. 父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。
4. have the best father's day ever. 祝您能度过一个最棒的父亲节 .
5. happy father's day to all the daddys in the world!! 向全世界所有的好爸爸道一声:父亲节快乐 !
6. father's day has became a day to not only honor your father, but allmen who act as a father figure. 父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日。
7. the 3rd sunday of june is father's day. 6月的第三个周日是父亲节。
8. in 1972, president nixon signed a law to establish father's day. 1972年,尼克 松总统正式签署了建立父亲节的议案。
9. i've got to get dad a father's day gift. 我得去买父亲节的礼物给老爸。
10. it's father's day tomorrow. are you going to buy a father's day card for your dad? 明天是父亲节,你准备给你老爸买父亲节贺卡吗 ?
范文四:父亲节英文作文 父亲节英文作文素材
1.massage chairs are popular gifts for father’s day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。
2.father, we love you. happy father’s day. 爸爸,我们爱您。父亲节快乐。
3. father’s day is the third sunday in june. 父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。
4. have the best father’s day ever. 祝您能度过一个最棒的父亲节.
5. happy father’s day to all the daddys in the world!! 向全世界所有的好爸爸道一声:父亲节快乐!
6. father’s day has became a day to not only honor your
father, but allmen who act as a father figure. 父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日。
7. the 3rd sunday of june is father’s day. 6月的第三个周日是父亲节。
8. in 1972, president nixon signed a law to establish
father’s day. 1972年,尼克松总统正式签署了建立父亲节的议案。
9. i’ve got to get dad a father’s day gift. 我得去买父亲节的礼物给老爸。
10. it’s father’s day tomorrow. are you going to buy a
father’s day card for your dad? 明天是父亲节,你准备给你老爸买父亲节贺卡吗?
1. fathers day has became a day to not only honor your father,
but all men who act as a father figure. 父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日。
2. the 3rd sunday of june is fathers day. 6月的第三个周日是父亲节。
3. fathers day is the third sunday in june. 父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。
4. have the best fathers day ever. 祝您能度过一个最棒的父亲节.
5. happy fathers day to all the daddys in the world!! 向全世界所有的好爸爸道一声,父亲节快乐!
6.massage chairs are popular gifts for fathers day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。
7.father, we love you. happy fathers day. 爸爸,我们爱您。父亲节快乐。
查 字 典作文 网http://zuowEn.chazIdiaN.coM
8. in 1972, president nixon signed a law to establish fathers
day. 1972年,尼克松总统正式签署了建立父亲节的议案。
9. ive got to get dad a fathers day gift. 我得去买父亲节的礼物给老爸。
10. its fathers day tomorrow. are you going to buy a fathers
day card for your dad? 明天是父亲节,你准备给你老爸买父亲节贺