道北小学 刘国华
2.通过阅读和学生学习生活贴近的小豆豆的故事~ 让学生在生动有趣的故事中接受知识的灌溉~感受语言文字的美~积累语言,培养学生积极乐观的生活学习态度。
3、让学生知道到读书的快乐 阅读的乐趣。
4、通过阅读的指导 让学生掌握课外阅读的基本方法
2、提高学生的课外阅读兴趣 养成良好的阅读习惯。
1(同学们你们喜欢读童话故事吗,童话故事以它丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来塑造了许多小朋友们喜欢的人物形象、老师知道你们已经读过了许多童话故事了~相信一定有许多童话故事中的任务给你留下了深刻的印象。现在老师来Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
2.这本书确实很漂亮~老师告诉你这本书里的故事那次是真正的漂亮有趣哪:而且这本书里的人物还和你们一样都是一年级的“小豆包”。在老师上小学的时候就经常有两则Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
旧书不厌百回读~熟读精思子自知——苏轼~这样简单的泛读只是让你们对故事有一个大致了解~要想读懂一篇文章就必须静下心来细细品读~走进故事的情境当中~像人吃Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
阅读、终生的承诺~世界上最动人的皱眉是在读书时那苦思的刹那~世界上最自然的一刻是在读书时那会心的微笑。最庸俗的人是不读书的人~最吝啬的人是不买书的人~最可怜的人是与书无缘的人。同学们让我们与书为伴运用我们所学的阅读方法~让阅读成为我们终生的承诺。 Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
读不在三更五鼓~功只怕一曝十寒——郭沫若 ?韬略终须建新国~奋发还得读良书——郭沫若 ?饭可以一日不吃~觉可以一日不睡~书不可以一日不读——**
?读书也像开矿一样“沙里淘金”——赵树理 ?读过一本好书~像交了一个益友——臧克家 ?聪明在于勤奋~天才在于积累——华罗庚
?如果把生活比喻为创作的意境~那么阅读就像阳光——池Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
?时间就像海绵里的水~只要愿挤~总还是有的。——鲁迅 ?处处是创造之地~天天是创造之时~人人是创造之人——陶行之
?千教万教教人求真~千学万学学做真人。——陶行之 ?伟大的成绩和辛勤劳动是成正比例的~有一分劳动就有一分收获~日积月累~从少到多~奇迹就可以创造出来——鲁迅
?人的影响短暂而微弱~书的影响则广泛而深远——普希金 ?理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙——列夫〃托尔斯泰 ?书籍是屹立在时间的汪洋大海中的灯塔——惠普尔 ?一个爱书的人~他必定不致于缺少一个忠实的朋友~一个良好的老师~一个可爱的伴侣~一个温情的安慰者——巴罗 ?书籍是朋友~虽然没有热情~但是非常忠实——雨果 ?书籍是青年人不可分离的生活伴侣和导师——高尔基 ?书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍~就好像没有阳光,智慧里没有书籍~就好像鸟儿没有翅膀——莎士比亚 ?书籍是造就灵魂的工具——雨果
Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
?读一本好书~就是和许多高尚的人谈话——歌德 ?读书是在别人思想的帮助下~建立起自己的思想——鲁巴金
Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
Security Bureau. of any bad hidden and police love. If someone on the line and equipment damage, pry the circuit short circuit or open circuit, the illegal situation, alarm controller will issue a warning and fault information is displayed; in either case, would give rise to alarm the controller. Regional alert information is sent to a control center, by the computer control center for data analysis and processing, and network resource sharing and remote control, and many other functions, so as to improve the automation of the system. Whole alarm system can since defined voice report different of alarm State, and can in police love occurred Shi by computer automatically processing; through on operator grading management, can completely control each a operator in system in the of operation behavior; in database security aspects, system will automatically check data of integrity, on database for automatically maintenance, also can set automatically backup alarm records, and automatically delete event records,, do foolproof. Alarm system set aside 110 automatic alarm system of network interfaces with local public Security Bureau Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 3 # number # 3 13 18 cameras total: 203 total number access: 52 police discussion Measured quantity total: 72 number of pickups total: 24 (2) access control system access control management system has been widely used in the new information security management systems, application access control systems to achieve the rehabilitation centers in
七色狐? 一年级的小豆豆 第一章 第 1 节 一年级的小豆包 小豆豆从蓝天幼儿园毕业了。在漂亮的毕业证书上,幼儿园的于老师给小豆豆写了 一句话:祝贺我们的小豆豆就要上小学了~ 小豆豆很喜欢这座城堡一样的幼儿园,也很喜欢爱笑的像妈妈一样的于老师。可是,小 豆豆已经六岁了,六岁的小豆豆应该上一年级了。 今天是开学的第一天, 小豆豆的妈妈和爸爸一起去送他上学。 爸爸还特意带了一部摄像 机,他说,他要把小豆豆进校门的样子拍下来。 到了小学的大门口, 爸爸妈妈停下脚步, 小豆豆得自己进学校找到他的教室——一年二 班。 小豆豆有些紧张, 又有些兴奋。 他回过头冲爸爸妈妈说再见。 妈妈冲小豆豆笑着直挥手。 爸爸呢,站在大门口不停地眨眼睛,好像要哭了。唉,早知道这样,小豆豆就不带爸爸来学 校了。 一年二班就在一进走廊的左边第二个教室,小豆豆很快就找到了。啊,真有趣,迎接小 豆豆的是一个特别帅的男老师,长得很像《迪迦奥特曼》中的大古哥哥。 这位大古哥哥不姓大,他姓王,叫王子,是小豆豆的班主任。 王子老师请男生和女生分别站一排,他要给他们排座。在男生中小豆豆长得最矮,所以 王子老师请他坐第一排。和小豆豆同桌的女生也姓黄,叫黄美美。她长得特别白,小豆豆已 经在心里给她取好了外号——白骨精。 坐在小豆豆后面的是个胖胖的男生,叫田大壮。趁着王子老师给别人排座,田大壮摇头 晃脑地把一个电动玩具恐龙举到小豆豆面前。小豆豆从口袋中掏出早上偷偷藏起来的悠悠 球。 “嗷——”田大壮不小心碰到了开关,他手中的恐笊鸾衅鹄础?真糟糕,恐龙被王子老师请到了王子老师的抽屉里。“放学时,我会让你的恐龙和你一 起回家的。”王子老师笑着对田大壮说。 全班同学都排完座了。田大壮站起来顽皮地说:“老师,我的屁股要吐。”全班同学都 哄笑起来。
王子老师请全班同学一起和田大壮去尿尿。王子老师指指厕所,告诉大家,画穿裙子小 人儿的是女厕所,画穿裤子小人儿的就是男厕所。厕所又大又干净,还飘着淡淡的香味。 上完了厕所, 王子老师领着全班三十四名同学又浩浩荡荡地把整个三层教学楼都走了一 遍。 这可比小豆豆的幼儿园大多了。不过,小豆豆现在不怕迷路了,他已经把走过的地方都 记在了心里。 到了第三节课, 王子老师正在讲明天要带哪些东西上学, 吕跳跳突然从后面走到讲台上 坐了下来。他手中拿着一个大汉堡,一口咬了下去,一个汉堡马上就少了一半。“他的嘴真 大,多像青蛙的嘴啊~”小豆豆心想。 看到吕跳跳吃汉堡,小豆豆觉得自己的肚子也咕咕叫了。田大壮站起来问:“老师,我 饿了,什么时候吃饭啊,” 王子老师请吕跳跳回到座位,他在讲桌下拿出一大包东西。 “从明天开始,同学们就不能再带玩具来上学了,也不能再在课堂上吃东西。你们现在 不是幼儿园的小朋友,而是一年级的小学生了。”王子老师一边发巧克力派,一边说。 王子老师多好啊~小豆豆觉得上学真是一件有趣的事 第二章 第 1 节 报告老师 小豆豆总想和田大壮换座,甚至拿一个电动机器狗作为交换条件。虽然田大壮很喜欢 机器狗,可是他更喜欢和何小米同桌。再说,小豆豆个子矮,坐第一排,田大壮可不想离老 师那么近。 小豆豆不喜欢他的同桌黄美美。因为不喜欢黄美美,黄豆豆甚至都不想姓黄了。小豆豆 又给黄美美取了个外号,叫“小喇叭”。 这不,“小喇叭”又开始广播了。 “报告老师,黄豆豆上课不好好儿听讲,他吃东西呢~”黄美美又举起手来,这已经是 她这节课第三次举手了。 “谁说我吃东西了~你看看,你看看,我嘴里面除了牙和舌头还有别的吗,”小豆豆不 服气地说。 为了证明自己确实没吃东西, 小豆豆张大嘴, 把舌头像夏天的狗一样伸得长长的。 “都坐下,吵什么吵~黄美美,你管好你自己就行了,别老管别人的事。”张老师已经 被黄美美告状告烦了。
小豆豆和黄美美像两个大沙袋,扑通一下都坐下了。 田大壮在后面使劲蹬了蹬小豆豆的椅子,幸灾乐祸地笑。 没过多久,黄美美又站了起来:“报告老师,黄豆豆和田大壮不好好儿画画,他们一直 在偷偷地笑呢~” 张老师的眉头拧成个大疙瘩,她沉下脸来说:“黄美美,你怎么知道黄豆豆和田大壮不 好好儿画画呢,” 黄美美理直气壮地说:“当然看到了,我一直在盯着他们呢~” “黄美美,你一直盯着黄豆豆他们,那你也没好好儿画画啊~”张老师的语气有点儿严 厉起来。 同学们都笑了起来。小豆豆也偷偷地笑了:看,搬起石头砸自己的脚了吧。 过了一会儿,教导处高主任在门口向张老师招手。 张老师一走开,大家就全放松了。田大壮跑到小豆豆的旁边,两个人一起画起画来。小 豆豆画的是孙悟空,田大壮画的是白骨精。 过了好半天,张老师也没回来。她还在门外和教导主任谈话呢。黄美美等不及了,她跑 到门外对张老师说:“报告老师,田大壮下座~” 张老师看了她一眼,说了声:“知道了,你快回去吧。” 黄美美的屁股还没坐热,她又跑了出去:“报告老师,黄豆豆、田大壮、何小米一起在 课堂上说话。” 张老师无可奈何地说:“知道了~” 没多久, 黄美美又跑到门外, 拉拉张老师的衣袖担?“不好了, 田大壮被黄豆豆打死了~ ” 这下张老师和高主任可着急了,她们一起跑进教室,一看,小豆豆和田大壮正在热闹地 说着什么。 黄美美抢过小豆豆和田大壮画的画。 张老师这下明白了,原来田大壮画的白骨精被小豆豆画的孙悟空打死了。
“黄美美,我真想给你的嘴安个拉链啊~”张老师哭笑不得地说。 第 1 节 可笑的屁股 小豆豆的爸爸是个作家。用爸爸黄大豆的话来说,就是靠写字吃饭的。可惜,黄大豆 没有把他这个本事遗传给黄豆豆。 王子老师告诉小豆豆他们,句子就好比盖房子用的砖,而作文就好比是高楼大厦。高楼 大厦就是由许许多多的砖砌成的。如果句子造不好,将来作文也会成问题。 一年级的小豆豆还不用写作文,是盖大楼用的“砖”难住了他。 这天,王子老师让同学们用“只有??还是??”口头造句。 班长肖小小又是第一个想出来的:“我只有一个文具盒,还是表姐用过的。” 王子老师表扬肖小小真节俭。 李威威一边举手一边站起来说:“我只有一枝铅笔,还是表姐用过的。” 王子老师笑了笑,说:“李威威,你真的有表姐吗,” 李威威不好意思地挠挠头。说实话,他连表姐是怎么回事还不知道呢。 小豆豆的同桌黄美美也造了个句子:“我只有一双鞋,还是破得露脚指头的。” 同学们都哈哈大笑起来。 黄美美的爸爸是鞋城的老板,她的鞋多得数也数不过来,有时,黄美美会时髦地穿两只 不一样的鞋来上学, 让那些爱美的女生羡慕得不得了。 黄美美就是变成蜈蚣也不会有一只脚 光着的。 所以不光同学们笑了,连王子老师也忍不住笑着说:“同学们造句得联系自己的实际 哟。” 小豆豆突然来了灵感。他把手举得高高的,因为他坐第一排,差点儿够到王子老师的鼻 尖。如果不是黄美美用手往后拉着桌子,桌子准得被他弄倒。这下王子老师想不叫他也不行 了。 “我只有一个屁股,还是两半的。”小豆豆底气十足地大声说道。 王子老师先是一愣,接着控制不住地扶着讲桌大笑起来。
田大壮噌地站起来,用他的大肥手摸摸小豆豆的屁股,左边一下,右边一下:“哈哈, 一,二,还真是两半的~” 同学们笑得更厉害了。 小豆豆不明白,为什么自己联系实际造了个句子会让王子老师和同学们笑成这个样子 第四章 第 1 节 昂贵的鱼 小豆豆最爱吃的是熘肉段,一上饭店,他准得让妈妈给他要这道菜。 有一次, 从美国回来的小舅要请小豆豆一家吃大餐。 小舅很大方地请他们到了全市
一、 选择题
1、小豆豆的名字是什么?( )
A 黄豆豆 B 黄大豆 C 田大壮
2、小豆豆上的班级是一年级( )班?
A 1 B 2 C 3
3、小豆豆最喜欢班上哪个小女生?( )
A黄美美 B吕跳跳 C 何小米
4、王子老师在教拼音声母W时,组了一个什么音节,让全班都大笑起来?( )
A Wu B Wang C Wa
5、小豆豆养了一只宠物,名叫将军,请问它是一只什么宠物?( )
A 小狗 B 公鸡 C 小猫
6、第一次公开课,校长最后给王子老师打了多少分?( )
A 100分 B 90分 C 60分
7、小豆豆和吕跳跳一起放学回家时,以为遇到了一个坏人,其实这个“坏人”是( )
A 田大壮 B 王子老师 C 黄大豆
8、黄美美得到了什么圣诞礼物/( )
A 公主裙 B 变形金刚 C 香肠
9、有一次,王子老师外出听课,最后是谁成为了小豆豆班上的代课老师?( )
A 小周老师 B 高主任 C 小豆豆的妈妈
A 唱歌 B肚皮舞 C 讲故事
二、 判断题
1、《一年级的小豆豆》的作者是狐狸姐姐。( )
2、黄美美在跳课间操《找朋友》时摔了一跤,就大哭大闹。( )
3、小豆豆一人在家时,他以为门外的鬼,其实是飘着的衣服。( )
4、王子老师在下雪天没有让班上的同学出去玩。( )
5、小豆豆把公主一边身子的毛给剃光了。( )
《一年级的小豆?豆》主要内容包括?:一年级的小豆?包、报告老师、昂贵的鱼、最好的牙医、汪汪叫的语文?课、将军驾到、第一次公开课?、眼屎和虚荣、可笑的屁股等?等。 【读书目标】
1、通过导读,让孩子掌握阅?读的一些方法?,感受阅读带来?的快乐。 2、通过猜读等形?式,产生阅读整本?书的兴趣。
一、 猜一猜
、在“豆豆”前面加一个“小”,再让学生猜一?猜这回又会是?什么, 2
二、 认一认
1、出示本书前面?印刷的主要人?物:王子老师、何小米、黄美美、田大壮。 2、仔细观察这几?个人物,请你来说一说?,你觉得这会是?一个怎样的人?。 3、学生自由说,还可以同桌之?间相互讨论。
小豆豆:可爱、调皮。养过鸡,做过神探、卖过花,找过警察??趣事一箩筐。 何小米:又美丽又可爱?。小豆豆做梦都?想和她同桌。
黄美美:小豆豆的同桌?,爱臭美,有名的告状大?王,总爱和小豆豆?作对。 5、看到这么多有?趣的人物,你想不想也去?看看他们的一?年级是怎样的?生活呢, 三、 走进书本
1、同学们,当你来学校的?第一天,你还记得是什?么样子的吗,请同学来说。 2、小豆豆也和大?家一样,也有上学的第?一天,在这一天中,发生的事情可?有趣啦,而且他们还很?神气,因为开学的第?一天,他们就已经熟?悉了整个校园?。知道他们是怎?么熟悉的吗,
5、是啊,他很着急,想要快点想出?一个句子,终于灵光一闪?,小豆豆举手了?。 造了一句什么?样的句子。学生猜想。
6、出示小豆豆摸?屁股的图片。这回你再猜他?造了一句什么?句子。出示小豆豆造?的句子。 7、小豆豆就是这?样一个调皮可?爱的小朋友,但是他同时也?非常的关心集?体,爱护集体,不信老师再带?你们去看看。
2、对啊,大家都想到了?用车,可是卡车太大?了,小汽车又太小?了。怎么办呢,这时,我们的小豆豆?又举手了,他说他家又不?大不小的车。王子老师高兴?极了,立马同意将这?项任务交给小?豆豆。但是小豆豆却?犯愁了,回到家,他想该怎么和?爸爸妈妈说呢?, 3、出示小豆豆和?爸爸妈妈的对?话。听老师表演读?。
四、 想一想
1、这样一个有趣?的小豆豆,但是他和他的?同桌却相处的?不是很好,因为他的同桌?是个报告大王?,同学们猜猜看?,他们之间会发?生什么样的矛?盾(同学们自由想?象) 2、是的,小豆豆和他的?同桌矛盾可多?了,但是有一天发?生了一件事情?,这件事情让小?豆豆改变了自?己的观点,那时他认为他?的同桌也是一?个很可爱的女?孩子。想一想,如果是你,你会在发生什?么事之后对你?的同桌改变看?法。
4、小豆豆的生活?是多姿多彩的?,我们今天还仅?仅只是了解了?一小部分,更多的内容要?等同学们自己?去看书,看着看着,你所不定会觉?得小豆豆就是?你,你就是小豆豆?呢~ 5、出示这本书的?书目,你看这么多的?小故事,我们都还没有?去了解呢。这就是书的目?录,如果你想知道?一本书有什么?大致的内容,你就去翻书目?,看到自己喜欢?的书目,就可以根据后?面的页码,最先翻到那儿?,然后看个够。
五、 布置阅读作业?:认真阅读《一年级的小豆?豆》。
一年级的小豆?豆 狐狸姐姐著
1. 小豆包的班主?任叫王子。(对)
2. 小豆豆爱上班?主任老师的课?了。(对)
3. 小豆豆妈妈在?一楼空地上种?了美丽的鲜花?。(错)
4. 在富翁酒店,小豆豆点了酱?焖鲫鱼,因为妈妈告诉?他,吃鲫鱼会长个?儿。他做梦都想长? 高。(错)
5. 小豆豆的门牙?是他自己绊在?石头上摔掉的?。(对)
1(小豆豆的妈妈?最怕什么,( b ) a.蛇 b. 毛毛虫 c.狗
2.小豆豆为了帮?助妈妈,在市场上买了?什么宠物,(a) a.大公鸡 b. 小狗 c. 小兔 3.在一次公开课?上,小豆豆的班主?任上了一堂什?么课,( c)
a.《秋天的画》 b. 《李四光》 c.《司马光》
4.一次,小豆豆和吕跳?跳走在回家的?路上,跟在他俩身后?的是( a) a.小豆豆的爸爸? b.吕跳跳的爸爸? c.陌生
a.玉米味的香肠? b.香辣味的香肠?和一双袜子 c.南瓜味的香肠?
班级 姓名 一、 填空。
1、小豆豆的大名叫 。
2、小豆豆的班主任老师叫 ,他是全校除了校长之外的唯一的 老师。 3、黄美美是小豆豆的 ,她最喜欢去 ,所以小豆豆给他取了个外号叫 。
4、十二月的最后一天,终于 。操场上像铺了一层 ,又像飘满了 。
5、王子老师对大家说:“我们生活在一个 ,这个班级就像一个 , 我们都要做 。”
6、六一儿童节的文艺汇演中,王子老师一年二班的男生表演了 ,这个节目获得了第 名。
1、小豆豆的门牙是怎么掉的,( )
A 被牙医拔掉的 B被吕跳跳和田大壮拔掉的 C摔跤掉的 2、小豆豆最怕( )老师。
A校长 B音乐 C体育
3、小豆豆养的宠物是一只( )。
A大公鸡 B小狗 C小猫
4、校长给王子老师的第一次公开课打了( )分。 A 90 B 100 C 99
5、小豆豆和吕跳跳放学路上遇到的坏蛋是( )。 A黄大豆 B小偷 C人贩子
6、这一次,小豆豆收到的圣诞礼物是( )。
A变形金刚 B电动玩具恐龙 C奥特曼