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作者:暗器之梅花针 只看楼主时间:2012-03-04 23:29:00
下面我就来驳倒这个可笑的理论。首先它肯定不可能是自然法则,无机界就不受这一法则的控制。其次,它也不可能是自然界的生存法则。自然界中强者未必都以弱者为食,不以弱者为食的动物未必不能生存。任举一个反例就可以驳倒这种可笑的理论。大象相比起狮子来说那个更强大呢?很明显,是大象,可是大象以狮子为食了吗?有人可能会说一群狮子比大象更强大,可是一群大象比起狮群来说那个更强大呢?象群以狮子为食了吗?或者以其它弱小生物为食了吗?蚊子和人那个更强大呢?很明显,不用说了罢,你不一样一到夏天照样被咬被吸血吗?蚊子不正以你为食吗?另外生物圈中的生物具有多种生存方式,以其它弱小生物为食只是其中的一种而已。这世界上几乎所有的植物都是靠光合作用为生的,不符合弱肉强食这条所谓的生存法则罢,可它们不一样生存着吗?有人可能会说植物不算动物,不适合这一条法则。井底之蛙,你没听说过以阳光为食的动物吗?还有人可能会说这种动物介于动物与植物之间,可是那种动物是完全的动物呢? 植物不一样在动吗?植物不一样也能吃肉吗(猪笼草)?海底靠吃矿物质为生的深海动物听说过吗?
海洋中存在着几种巨蛤生物,其中包括“Tridacna maxima”,它们更多地依赖光合作用获取能量,而不是过滤进食。它们通常张开外壳,扩展其内膜组织,尽可能地接触阳光,在其内膜组织中包含着共生藻类的触管,实际上这种触管是巨蛤消化系统的延伸。巨蛤不仅是进行光合作用的贝类生物,一些较小的双壳巨蛤也是海藻共生体。
绿叶海蛤蝓的体型十分娇小。成年个体体长从1到3厘米不等,没有贝壳,看上去活像一片绿色叶子,翡翠般鲜绿,与藏身处的海藻天衣无缝地打成一片。它的这种美丽色泽在动物界并不多见,这其实要归功于它身体内部大量的叶绿体,就是那些通常只有植物才拥有的充满叶绿素的光合作用。在成长过程中,它们喜欢吃一种名叫Vaucheria litorea的藻类,身体的颜色逐渐变为浓绿,并保持终生。与此同时,出现了另一种更为奇特的现象:饱餐一顿后,它们可以接连几个礼拜甚至几个月不再进食。原来,这种海蜗牛不但能够把吃下的绿藻中所含的叶绿体贮存下来,还对其加以利用,使之成为持久的食物来源。
在驳斥了强肉弱食是生存法则与自然法则的谬论之后,谈到了这里就不得不来谈一谈在这个社会中被广泛宣传的社会达尔文主义。社会达尔主义者这类人在社会中总不乏其人,最著名的有英国的斯宾塞和白哲特(Walter Bagehot)、美国的索姆奈(William Graham Sumner)——他们认为影响人口变异的自然选择过程,将导致最强竞争者的生存和人口的不断改进。事实上这些理论本身就有歧意,自然能选择吗?说人能够选择是有意义的,说自然选择是什么意思呢?注意自然与环境本身不是主体,它无法选择生物,所以自然选择的真正意思应该是说生物主动适应了环境,而不是不断变化的环境选择了被动的生物。人类虽然也是生物,但毕竟与其它生物还是有很大的不同,人能改变环境,人类改变自然环境的能力有目共睹;这样他似乎就不再需要被动适应环境了,那自然还怎么选择人类呢?不需要适应自然环境的人类为什么还要受强肉弱食——动物世界的生物之间存在的某种特殊生存关系——的支配呢?特别是在人类彼此之间的关系上?
50张图片,让你知道自然界的生存法则 这个社会以强者为尊,弱肉强食是这个世界生活的准则,这一点在自然界体现的尤为明显。这个社会,不进则退~
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
范文四:向自然界学沟通法则 自然界 法则
向自然界学沟通法则 自然界 法则
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Yin and yang, which come from ancient Chinese philosophy, are a general term for two opposites of interrelated things or phenomena in the natural world. At first, their connotations were quite simple, referring to the two opposite sides of an object. The side facing the sun is yang and the reverse side is yin in the course of long practice and observation, the ancient Chinese people came to understand that the opposition and wax-wane of yin and yang are inherent in all things. Yi Zhuan says, "Yin and yang are what is called Dao", (Dao means the basic law of the unity of opposites in the universe). In other words, "Everything in the universe contains yin and yang." And they further believed that yin and yang can not only represent two opposite objects but also be used to analyze two opposite aspects existing in a single entity. Generally speaking, things or phenomena which are dynamic, bright, hot, functional, etc..., pertain to the category of yang, while those that are static, dark, cold, substantial, etc. , pertain to that of yin. The yin-yang theory holds that the development and changes of everything in the universe result from the unity of opposites be tween yin and yang. Su Wen says: "yin and yang are the law of heaven and earth, the principles of all things, the parents of all changes, the origin of life and death... " The yin-yang theory is an important constituent of the theoretical system of TCM and runs through every aspect of the system. It is used to explain physiology and pathology of the body and to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment. The basic content of yin-yang theory can be summarized as follows.
l. The Unity of Opposition Between Yin and Yang
By the opposition between yin and yang is meant that all things or phenomena in nature have two opposite aspects-yin and yang, such as heaven and earth, motion and quiescence, ascending and descending, exiting and entering, day and night, heat and coldness and so on. The former being yang and the latter yin(P29) in every pair
above. The unity is the outcome of mutual opposition and restriction between yin and yang. Without opposition, there would be no unity; Without mutual opposition, there would be no mutual complement. It is only through this kind of opposition and restriction that the dynamic equilibrium can be established. For instance, in the nature world, the motions of celestial bodies, the variations of the four seasons, the alternations of days and nights, as well as sprouting in spring, growing in summer, reaping in autunm and storing in winter, are all the concrete manifestations of the unity of opposites between yin and yang. 阴阳对立指的是自然界中所有的事
TCM believes that the normal physiological functions of the human body result from the opposite and unified relationship between yin and yang. Both of them are always in a state of dynamic balance. Even under normal physiological conditions of the human body, yin and yang can not be in a state of absolute balance, but in a state of relative balance. If, for any reason, the relative balance is destroyed, there is bound to
be excess or deficiency of yin or yang, and then a disease will arise. As is stated in Su Wen , "Yin in excess causing yang disease, while yang in excess leading to yin disease." It is precisely due to the unity of opposites between yin and yang that all things can develop and change ceaselessly and the natural world is perpetually full of life.
2. Interdependence between yin and yang
Yin and yang are opposed to and yet, at the same time, depend on each other. Neither can exist in isolation without its Opponent's existence. In other words, without yin there would be no yang, and it's the same the other way round. So either yin or yang is the prerequisite for the other's existence. And this kind of coexistent relationship is stated in TCM, "solitary yin or yang failing to live." This interdependence is also reflected in the relationship between substances and functions. The substance corresponds to yin and the function, to yang. The function is the result of material motion, and nothing in the world is not in a state of motion. Thereby, there is not any substance which can't produce its function and there is also not any function which doesn't originate from the motion of its substance. Therefore, Neijing says: "Yin in the interior is the basis for yang; while yang in the exterior is the activity for yin." "Yin" refers to the material,basis of functional activity of yang and "yang"
refers to functional activity. The substance and function are interdependent and inseparable. Here is just an imaginable and vivid figure of speech. However, when the interdependent relationships between substances, between functions as well as between substances and functions are abnormal, life activities will be broken, thus bringing about dissociation of yin and yang, depletion of essence-qi. and even an end
of one's life.
3. Waning and waxing of yin and yang
Yin and yang always coexist in a dynamic eqilibrium in which one waxes while the other wanes. In other words, waning of yin will lead to(因果关系的词:causing,
inducing,leading to,bring on, give rise to, produce,make,generating) waxing
of yang and vice versa. Take the seasonal and climatic variations for example, it gets warm from winter to spring, and hot from spring to sumner. This is the process of "yang waxing and yin waning," Conversely, it gets cool from summer to autumn, and cold from autumn to winter-the process known as "yin waxing and yang waning". Under normnl conditions, the waning-waxing relation of yin and yang is in a state of relative balance.If this relation goes beyond normal limits, the relativc balance of yin and yang will not be maintained, thus resulting in either excess or deficiency of yin or yang and the occurrence of diseasc, so far as to endanger one's life. 阴阳总是共存于此消彼长的动态平衡中。换言之,阴消会导致阳长,反之亦然。
4. Transformation of yin and yang
In given conditions, either yin or yang may transform into its opposite, i. e. yin may be transformed into yang and yang into yin. If the waning-waxing of yin and yang is said to be a process of quantitative change, then that of their inter-transformation pertains to a qualitative change based on the quantitative chang. Such a process is mostly a gradual one from quantitative to qualitative change. Su Wen states: "Extreme yin gives rise to yang, while extreme yang gives rise to yin." "Extreme cold brings on heat, while extreme heat brings on cold". This is termed"Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme." Pathologically, the yin syndromes can be transformmed into yang syndromes, and vice versa. It must be pointed out that the decisive factor of the mutual transformation is the conditions, including internal and external conditions, without which such transformation will be by no means likely to occur.
The above statement is the basic content of yin-yang theory, which is also illustrated by "Taijitu" (Yin-Yang Diagram) below. In the diagram the white part indicates yang, and the black part yin. The relationships between the two are both opposite and complementary to each other. The white spot within yin shows the yang within yin, while the black spot does yin within yang. Meanwhile, they contain the potential for Intertransformation and inter-wane-wax between yin and yang. 以上所述为阴阳理论的基本内容,它也可以用以下的太极图来说明。在图中,白
色部分代表阳 ,黑色代表阴。他们之间存在相互对立、相互补充的关系。阴中
From the above, we can see that the content of yin-yang theory is composed of four aspects, among which the opposition and waxing-waning contain the opposite of contradiction; the interdependence and transformation contain the unity of contradiction; waxing-waning and transformation contain quantitative change and qualitative change. The former is the precondition for the latter, the latter is the outcome of the former. 从以上我们可以知道阴阳理论的内容由四部分组成。
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