政 治
一、下列各题~各有一个最符合题意的答案~请把所选答案的字母填在题后的括号内。 ,每小题2分~共50分,
A、住宿需求大幅度上升 B、住宿供给大幅度上升
C、人们收入水平上升 D、该地风景在春节期间特别美 【 】
A、消费者价格指数 B、货币发行数量
C、沪市综合指数 D、银行利率
【 】
A、0.5石 B、1石 C、2石 D、4石
【 】
4、改革开放以来~中国国民经济持续快速稳定发展~人均GDP从1978年的400美元上升到2008年3600多美元。随着经济的发展~人们精神文化活动也极大丰富起来~其中体育产业也得到了长足发展~从三次产业角度来 ~体育产业属于
A、第一产业 B、第二产业
C、第三产业 D、特殊产业
【 】
A、财政部 B、中国银行业监督管理
C、国家发展和改革委员会 D、中国人民银行 【 】
A、外贸政策发挥作用 B、国外市场需求强劲
C、中国国民收入大幅度提高 D、国际贸易利润巨大
【 】
A、增值税 B、营业税
C、消费税 D、资源税
【 】
A、市场分析与营销 B、行业自律与服务
C、市场管理与监督 D、政策引导与帮助
【 】
A、扩大内需的作用 B、具有稳定利率的作用
C、再分配的作用 D、具有稳定物价的作用
【 】
A、股份多寡上 B、自主产权上
C、龙头企业上 D、控制力上
【 】
A、理论对实践的依赖关系 B、理论对实践的先导作用
C、理论对实践的基础作用 C、理论对实践的检验作用
【 】
D、主观能动性对于个人际遇改变的不受条件制约的决定作用 【 】
【 】
A、会当凌绝顶~一览众山小 B、秀才不出门~全知天下事
C、只要工夫深~铁杆磨成针 D、纸上得来浅~绝知要躬行
【 】
【 】
D、任何时代的谬误在以往的时代都曾经被认为是真理 【 】
【 】
【 】
A、社情民意反映制度 B、舆论监督制度
C、社会听证制度 D、信访举报制度
【 】
【 】
A、人民当家作主 B、党的领导
C、充分自由 D、依法治国
【 】
A、扩大基层民主 B、党的领导
C、充分自由 D、依法治国
【 】
A、依法行政原则 B、少数服从多数的原则
C、民主集中制原则 D、对人民负责原则 【 】
A、自冶机关依法行使自治权 B、民族平等
C、民族团结 C、各民族共同繁荣
【 】
A、霸权主义和强权政治 B、世界多极化
C、南北发展不平衡 D、环境污染、生态破坏
【 】
A、价值尺度 B、支付手段
C、流通手段 D、贮藏手段
【 】
【 】
【 】
A、增强政府工作的透明度 B、维护和实现公民的知情权
C、扩大政府公共服务职能 D、发挥社会舆论的监督作用 【 】
30、 2010年2月18日~美方无视中方多次严正交涉~执意安排美国总统奥巴马在白宫地图室会见达赖。美方的行为严重
【 】
31、2009年9月15日至18日。中国十七届四中全会在北京举行~审议通过了《中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下 若干重大问题的决定》。
32、2009年7月5日20时左右~ 市发生打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件~造成197人死亡~1700余人受伤~严重破坏了当地正常秩序和社会稳定~受到全国各族人民的强烈遗责。
33、2009年10月1日上午10时~首都各界庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行~20万军民以盛大的 和群众游行欢庆节日。
气候变化会议领导人会议。 35、2009年11月25日~国务院常务会议决定:到2020年我国单位GDP二氧化碳排放比2005年下降~作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展中长期规划~并制订相应的国内统计、监测~考核办法。
均分配到全市各初中和九年制学校。经过几年的努力~基本消除了择校现象~教育资源浪费和教育不公的问题初步得到了解决~学校满意~家长满意。 联系上述材料~从政治生活的角度分析市政府为什么要解决择校问题。
1、A 2、A 3、B 4、C 5、D
6、A 7、B 8、A 9、A 10、D
11、A 12、C 13、A 14、D 15、C
16、B 17、C 18、B 19、D 20、D
21、A 22、C 23、D 24、A 25、C
26、AC 27、AB 28、BD 29、ABD 30、BCD
,5,直接向人民法院提起诉讼。经营者对于违反法律规定的提供商品或服务的行为。 要承担民事责任,构成犯罪的~要承担刑事责任。
荐政治学教案 (精选) 荐初二政治下册教案全册 荐政治教学设计方案 荐人教版初三政治教案全册 (2000字) 荐人教版九年级政治教案[全一册] (精选范文)
一、词汇和语法知识题(每小时1分, 共30分)
A. a B. the C. / D. any
20 girls from abroad.
A. included B. are including C. are included D. including
A. come on B. come across C. come into D. come out
A. as good as B. as well as C. so good as D. as careful as
th .
A. in; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on
until it disappeared completely.
A. small B. smaller and smaller C. the smallest D. smallest and smallest
7. This message was left by Herb, A. that B. who C whom D. whose
8. It was raining hard last Sunday; we had to stay at home.
A. for B. but C. so D. and
A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting
10. My bike was broken. I didn?t know.
A. what should do B. what to do C. how to do D. that I should do
11. A. Who B. What C. Whom D. Of whom
he could catch the first bus.
A. so that B. so as to C. such that D. in order to
A. not to see B. to not see C. to see not D. see to not
polite to go the dinner party so early?
A. its B. it C. it has D. that
very interesting.
A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. listens to
16. Tom when he said he didn?t break the glass.
A. lied B. laid C. lies D. lay
17. You say he works hard, A. so do you; so he does B. so does he; so you do
C. so he does; so do you D. so he does; you do so
A. were B. is C. was D. has been
19. --Can you understand what I mean? A. always B. almost C. nearly D. hardly
20. I can?t find my watch, but it must bein this room.
A. everywhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. somewhere
21. It?s too late to go out now. , it?s beginning to rain.
A. But B. And C. Besides D. However
A. like B. that C. as D. which
A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped
--Ok, I will. Thank you.
A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known
too much.
A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay
in front, the small village looks very beautiful.
A. lying B. lain C. laid D. lay
27. Don?t pu.
A. above all B. after all C. in all D. at all
28. Don?t eatA. much too; too much B. too much; too much
C. much too; much too D. too much; much too
A. much more B. many more C. much D. plenty
you bought last year?
A. which B. that C. the one D. where
Monty Robert?s father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty Robert often went from one farm to his father. Sometimes they didn?t have enough money toMonty still kept farm.
what he wanted to be and page was a large “F” with some words “See me after class.”“Why did I get an F?” the teacher said, “TA horse farm needs a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could ever do it.” Then the teacher said, “If you write the paper again with aI will give you a good grade.”
. At last, he decided to hand in the same paper, making changes at all. He wrote, “You can keep the F and I will keep my
Many years later, Monty had his own 200 acres horse farm. His dream came true.
So don?t lettake away your dream. Follow your dreams, no matter what they are.
31. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others
32. A. look for B. pay for C. wait for D. ask for
33. A. horse B. chicken C. pig D. flower
34. A. in B. at C. about D. off
35. A. talking about B. talking with C. talking to D. talking over
36. A. ever B. even C. never D. over
37. A. them B. farm C. it D. picture
38. A. Or B. So C. But D. And
39. A. come back B. come from C. come true D. come down
40. A. Owing B. Drawing C. Asking D. Writing
41. A. difficult B. high C. bad D. simple
42. A. easily B. hard C. heavily D. hardly
43. A. any B. some C. all D. no
44. A. horse B. land C. dream D. paper
45. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. none
My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would able to walk, was eight, you wouldn?t know he has a problem when you saw him.
play, . We never told him that he probably wouldn?t behe didn?t know.
any of the others, . We didn?t tell him he probably would never make a team, so he didn?t know.
He ran four to five miles every day —even when he has a fever. I , so I went
were out. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had team. He was in seventh grade —the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn?t do it…so he didn?t know. He justit.
46. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid
47. A. talk B. act C. study D. walk
48. A. after B. before C. during D. till
49. A. either B. too C. though D. yet
50. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid
51. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth
52. A. so B. if C. then D. because
53. A. neighborhood B. family C. school D. grade
54. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. worried
55. A. thing about B. hear from C. agree with D. look for
56. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already
57. A. riding B. walking C. playing D. running
58. A. jumping B. runners C. doctors D. teachers
59. A. got B. kept C. made D. found
60. A. did B. had C. left D. took
One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thorn (荆棘) bush. The young girl carefully released the Butterfly. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.
“For your wonderful kindness,” the good fairy said to the girl, “I will give you any wish you would like.” The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, “I want to be happy.”
The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the fairy disappeared.
As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her secret of happiness .She would only smile and answer , “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”
When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, that her unbelievable secret of happiness would die with her. “Tell us, please,” they begged, “Tell us what the good fairy said.” The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.”
61. ______ the girl felt sad and lonely.
A. There were many friends but B. There was nobody to love her so
C. There was nothing to do D. Seeing the butterfly was caught
62. Noticing the butterfly was caught by the thorn,
A. helped the butterfly escaped from the thorn
B. felt sorrow,but she didn?t go up to help it
C. fell down on it too
D. failed to help it release from the thorn
63. The butterfly ______ after was saved by the little girl.
A. flied away B. still died C. changed into a fairy D. was more beautiful than before
64. The only thing that the little girl wanted was________.
A. to be rich B. to have her own parents C. to have a lot of friends D. happiness
65. The neighbors all gathered around the old happy woman when she was dying, because ______.
A. they loved this woman deeply and they didn?t wanted her to die
B. the woman had lots of money to be shared as soon as she died
C. they wanted to know the secret of her lifetime happiness
D. they wanted to pray for her after her death
The most important holiday in spring, especially for Christians (基督徒), is Easter. between March 22 and April 25. Many people celebrate Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by hunting for colored eggs that their parents have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies to one another to celebrate the day.
, many people go to church to celebrate Jesus' resurrection (复活) from the dead.
Most people color them. Some people hide them. Others just eat them. But no matter what one does with Easter eggs, they are an important Easter tradition throughout the Western world.
People from many different cultures celebrate Easter. In both America and Belgium, children look for Easter eggs hidden on lawns and in bushes. In America, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny (复活节兔子). But in Belgium, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from church bells. In Bulgaria, red Easter eggs are lucky in churches; Bulgarian families also hit these Easter eggs together to see whose is the strongest. The winner looks forward to good fortune that year. Still dozens of other Easter traditions exist. In parts of Austria, for example, children sing from door to door and are rewarded with colorful eggs.
66. Easter comes _______.
A. on the same date every year B. on Sunday on March 22
C. on Sunday on April 25 D. on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25
67. To celebrate Easter, people ___________.
A. go shopping, hide colored eggs and children hunt for them
B. give Easter baskets filled candy and goodies to one another
C. buy new clothes, hide colored eggs and children look for them around the house
D. both B and C
68. For Christians the more important thing to do on Easter is________.
A. buying new clothes B. going to church to celebrate Jesus? resurrection
C. eating delicious food and paint color eggs D. exchange beautiful gifts each other
69. People from different cultures have different ideas about Easter egg, _________.
A. In both American and Belgium, children hunt for Easter eggs hidden in rooms and in bushes
B. In American, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny
C. In Belgium, the hidden eggs are thought to have fallen from doorbells
D. In America, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from doorbells
70. In some places of Austria, children sing from door to door for_______.
A. blesses B. Easter eggs C. candy and goodies D. Easter bunny
saying studies showed a clear link. “Our suggestion is for people to increase their intake, through diet or a vitamin supplement,” Dr. Cedric Garland said in a telephone interview.
Garland's research team reviewed 63 studies, including several large long-term ones, on the relationship between vitamin D and certain types of cancer worldwide between 1966 and 2004. “There's nothing that has this ability to prevent cancer,” he said, urging governments and public health officials to do more to fortify foods with vitamin D. Garland is part of a University of California at San Diego Moores Cancer Center team that published its findings this week online in the American Journal of Public Health. Vitamin D is found in milk, as well as in some fortified orange juice, yogurt and cheeses, usually at around 100 international units (IU ) a serving. People might want to consider a vitamin supplement to raise their intake to 1000 IUs per day, Garland said, adding that it was well within the safety guidelines established by the National Academy of Sciences.
African Americans, who don't produce as much of the vitamin because of their skin color, could also benefit significantly from a higher intake, the authors said.
71. According to the passage, people are advised to take more Vitamin D because_________.
A. it is nutritious B. it can?t harm people?s health
C. it can lower cancer risk D. it is not taken enough every day
72. Which of the following can not help people get more Vitamin D?
A. Have some sunshine B. Have more meat
C. Have more fortified cheese D. Have a vitamin supplement
73. Who can Garland probably be?
A. A health researcher B. A doctor C. A scientist D. A public health official
74. Which of the following food can lower people?s chance of getting cancer?
A. Milk B. Fortified orange juice C. Fortified yogurt D. All of the above
75. People from which area should take more Vitamin D according to the passage?
B. African people C. American people D. European people
77. This Christian holiday is not on the same date every year, but it's always on a Sunday.
78. But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat.
79. Cancer researchers urged people on Wednesday to take more vitamin D to lower risk of cancer.
80. The authors said that taking more vitamin D could be especially important for people living in northern areas, which receive less vitamin D from sunshine.
46. Edison was a great _______(科学家) in the world.
47. We are all _________(惊奇) at the news that they lost the game unexpectedly.
48. He was _________(疲劳) and fell asleep soon.
49. The Young Pioneers got to the top of the mountain ______ (安全)and sound.
50. Grandpa often told us some _________(有趣的) stories after supper.
51. Please read the __________ (说明)before you operate the machine.
52. Tom has a poor eyesight to see anything ________(清晰的).
53. Have you any ________(困难) in doing this work?
54. The doctor insisted that he need an _________(手术)at once.
55. It?s hard to(想象) how they can improve English so quickly.
1~5 CDBBD 6~10 BBCBB 11~15 AAABC 16~20 ACADD
21~25 CCBCC 26~30 ABDBC
31~35 DBACA 36~40 BCBCA 41~45 DBDCA
46~50 ADCBA 51~55 BDCDD 56~60 ADBCA
61~63 BAC
64~67 DDBB
68~72 CBDDB
Scientist, surprised, tired, safely, interesting, instruction, clearly, difficulties, operation, imagine
2011 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业
一、下列各题,各有一个最符合题意的答案。请把所选答案的字母填在题后的括号内。 (每小题 2分,共 50分) 1. 现代经济学认为,消费品价格的决定在短期内受到多种因素的影响.但就长期而言,影响同种商品价格的最重 要的因素是 【 】
A. 市场供给与市场需求 B. 消费者的收人与偏好
C. 生产成本与企业利润 D. 商品功能与使用价值
2. 市 场 经 济 条 件 下 , 商 品 间 的 交 换 往 往 是 以 货 币 为 媒 介 的 , 这 个 过 程 在 理 论 上 被 称 为 【 】
A. 商品分配 B. 商品流通
C. 商品实现 D. 商品周转
3.2010年中国房价大幅度瓤升.政府出台了多项措施进行调控,如“国十条” , “ 9.29新政”等。政府干预市场 经济运行是因为 【 】
A. 中国是社会主义国家 B. 中国实行全民富裕政策
C .政府是国民经济的管理者 C. 政府是国民经济的所有者
4. 银行不仅是金融市场的重要组成部分. 也与人们的日常生活密切相关. 如居民购买商品房往往需要按揭 (贷款) , 提供按揭的银行一般是 【 】
A. 中央银行 B. 商业银行 C .政策银行 D. 投资银行
5. 劳 动 价 值 论 认 为 . 商 品 价 值 的 增 佰 过 程 只 在 下 列 某 一 环 节 中 产 生 . 这 个 环 节 是 【 】
A. 生产环节 B. 分配环节 C. 交换环节 D. 消费环节
6. 现在国家对虚假广告的查处越来越严厉,这不仅是因为虚假广告误导了消费者.而目虚假广告还剥夺了消费者 的 【 】
A .公平交易权 B. 知情权 C. 选择权 D .求偿权
7.2010年 12月,财政部下发通知,明确将教育部等各部委所属的 600 多家企业纳入上缴红利的范围,并将央企 上 缴 红 利 的 比 例 调 高 至 15%。 从 财 政 收 人 的 角 度 来 看 . 上 述 两 项 措 施 扩大财政中的【 】
A. 税收收人 B. 债务收人 C. 利润收人 D. 其他收人
8.2010年我国汽车的产销量位于世界第一,年销售量达到 1200万辆,并推动了相关产业的发展,如橡胶产品、 机 电 产 品 等 。 汽 车 工 业 的 大 发 展 , 说 明 我 国 在 “ 用 机 器 生 产 机 器”方面有了长足的发展,这从一个侧面反映出我国进人了【 】
A. 工业化时代 B. 信息化时代 C. 发达国家行列 D. 全面小康的时代
9. 近几年来,中国对外经济依存度(进出 121/GDP)逐年上升,如 2010 年 , 石油的进口量占到了中国石油市场的 50%以上。依存度的上升说明 【 】
A. 中国外贸越来越依赖外资企业 B. 中国经济发展越来越快
C. 中国外汇储备越来越多 D. 中国经济越来越开放
10. 一般而言.企业在年底都会给员工或股东发放年终奖或者进行分红。从分配角度看,奖金和分红获得分别属 于 【 】
A. 劳动所得、资本所得 B. 技术所得、资本所得
C. 知识所得、技术所得 D. 劳动所得、技术所得
11. “人们是自己的观念、思想等等的生产者。但这里说的人们是现实的、从事活动的人们,他们受着自己的生 产 力 的 一 定 发 展 以 及 与 这 种 发 展 相 适 应 的 交 往 的 制 约 ” 马 克 思 这 句 话 表 明 观点是 【 】
A. 观念和思想虽然受生产力水平和交往程度制约,但却是人们主观自生的
B. 不是人们的意识决定人们的存在,而是人们的社会存在决定人们的意识
C. 虽然人们受现实生产力和交往的制约,但观念和思想的生产却是自由的
D. 观念和思想因其在产生上的局限.不能对现实生活、生产和交往起任何作用
12. **早年著有《体育之研究》一文,文章把体育之兴衰与国家的强弱联系起来 , 把“体不坚实”看作是国弱 的 原 因 之 一 , 认 为 对 于 个 人 而 言 ,“ 坚 实 在 于 锻 炼 , 锻 炼 在 于 自 觉 ”。“ 自 觉锻炼”的思想强调的是 【 】
A. 人的主观先导性 B. 人的主观决定性
C. 人的主观自主性 D. 人的主观能动性
13. 鲁迅在评论《三国演义》时说:“至于写人,亦颇有失.以致欲显刘备之长厚而似伪.状诸葛之多智而近妖。 ” 从哲学上看.鲁迅认为《三国演义》 “写人有失”在于 【 】
A. 没有写出人们心日中的刘备和诸葛亮 B. 没有刻画出鲁迅心中的刘备和诸葛亮 C. 没有掌握适当的度 而导致适得其反 D. 没有掌握人物特质而导致画蛇添足
14. 英国作家萨克雷说 :“生活就是一面镜子,你笑,它也笑;你哭.它也哭 . ”这句名言所蕴含的正确的哲理是 【 】
A. 不是意识反映生活, 而是生活反映意识 B. 不是生活反映意识, 而是意识反映生活 C. 参与生活的价值 观极大地影响着自己的生活 D. 我们看待世界的观点决定着我们这个世界的性质
15. 《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》指出:“新世纪新阶段,我们面临的发展机遇前 所未有,面对的挑战也前所未有。 ”挑战和机遇的关系可以理解为【 】
A. 在一定条件下构成对立统一的关系 B. 挑战就是机遇,二者是同一的事物
C. 挑战和机遇在任何条件下都不具有同一性 D. 在任何条件下挑战越大机遇也就越大
16. 适 应 场 地 和 模 拟 比 赛 环 境 . 是 许 多 运 动 队 在 重 大 比 赛 练 习 训 练 的 科 目 , 其 哲 学 依 据 是 【 】
A. 事物总是运动变化发展的 B. 事物的联系是多样和具体的
C. 规律是客观和具有必然性的 D. 木质总是通过现象表现的
17. 2010年 5月 2日,美国科学家宣布世界首例人造生命完全由人造基因控制的单细胞细菌诞生。这项具有里程 碑意义的实验表明 【 】
A .生命按照自然规律进化、发展的论断被打破
B. 生命是造物主的创造而不是自然进化的产物
C. 人类认识自然改造自然的能力有了新的飞跃
D. 人造生命因其人工属性而不具有自然物质性
18. 知 识 经 济 的发展不断证明“科学技术是第一生产力” , 这表明 【 】
A. 人类知识的增长成为推动社会发展的根本动力
B. 作为社会发展动力的物质生产发生了新的变革
C. 科学技术本身已成为直接的现实的物质生产力
D. 社会存在与社会意识的关系已发生了根本转变
19. 全国人民代表大会是国家最高权力机关,宪法是国家的根木大法,推进我国社会主义民主法制的建设,中国 共产党必须坚持依法执政,这是因为 【 】
A. 中国共产党是社会主义现代化建设的领导核心 B. 宪法和法律是在党的领导下制定的 C. 宪法和法律是党 的主张和人民意志相统的体现 D. 任何组织和个人都不允许有超越宪法和法律的特权
20. 我 国 宪 法 规 定 :“ 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 的 一 切 权 力 属 于 人 民 ” 代 表 人 民 行 使 权 力 的 最 高 国 家 机 构 是 【 】
A. 国务院 B. 中共中央政治局 C. 全国人民代表大会 D. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会
21. 工商管理部门在许多农贸市场设置“公平秤” ,以维护消费者权益,促进公平交易。从政府职能看.这种设置 “公平秤”的做法属于 【 】
A. 维护国家的长治久安 B. 组织社会主义经济建设
C. 组织社会主义文化建设 D. 提供社会公共服务
22. 在我国 , 每个公民都享有宪法赋予的神圣权利。小张向“市长信箱”写信,尖锐地批评了垃圾运输车在清运垃
圾 过 程 中 不 遵 守 交 通 规 则 、 沿 途 撒 漏 垃 圾 等 问 题 . 并 提 出 了 相 应 的 对 策和建议,小张这里所行使的权利是 【 】
A. 参与公共决策 B. 参与民主管理 C. 进行民主监督 D. 言沦自由
23. 《中共中央关于深化行政管理体制改革的意见》 提出,要加强依法行政和制度建设,健全对行政权力的监督 制度。在国家机关中,对行政权力具有内部监督功能的是【 】
A. 人民代表大会及其常委会 B. 各级人民法院和人民检察院
C. 报纸、广播电视以及互联网 D. 国家监察部和地方监察机关
24. 我 国 宪 法 规 定 :“ 宗 教 团 体 和 宗 教 事 务 不 受 外 国 势 力 支 配 , ” 与 这 一 规 定 相 应 的 宗 教 政 策 主 要 是 【 】
A. 实行宗教信仰自由 B. 坚持独立自主自办原则
C. 引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应 D. 依法管理宗教
25. 根据联合国安理会有关决议,自 2008年 12 月 20日起 , 中国政府已五次派军舰到海盗活动猖獗的亚丁湾和索 马里海域参加对过往商船的护航。我国参加护航行动 【 】
A .是我国作为联合国安理会常任理事国应尽的职责
B. 是巩固我国同联合国其他成员国战略联盟的需要
C. 是为了检验和提高我国海军远洋行动的能力
D. 是我国作为负责任大国承担国际义务的具体体现
二、在下列各题的 4个选项中,至少有 2个是符合题意的。请把所选答案的字母填在题后括号内。错选、多选、 漏选的,该题不给分。 (每小题 5分,共 25分)
26. 虽然市场是配置资源的一种有效手段.但市场本身也存在不足.存在市场失灵的现象市场失灵的主要表现是 【 】
A. 滞后性 B. 自发性 C. 盲目性 D. 不对称性
27. 哲学上把未经人类改造的自然称为“自在自然” ,把经过人类改造的自然称为“人化自然” .关于二者的正确 的哲学判断是 【 】
A. 自在自然是物质的,人化自然部分是物质的,部分是意识的
B. 自在自然是脱离人的物质世界,人化自然是人的意识的产物
C. 二者都是物质自然,人化自然是人类实践创造的物质新形态
D. 二者都是物质自然,是人类在实践基础上认识和改造的对象
28.从“效率优先兼顾公平”到“更加注重公平止义” ,这一提法上的转变体现了党和政府对效率与公平这对矛 盾的认识的发展,其哲学依据是 【 】
A. 效率始终是矛盾的主要方面.但不能忽视公平这个次要方面
B. 效率和公平作为矛盾双方.其地位是可以发生转化的
C. 效率和公平作为一对矛盾具有矛盾的统一性
D. 效率和公平作为一对矛盾具有不可调和的性质
29.2010年,十一届全国人大三次会议通过的新修改的选举法规定,人大代表名额按照每一代表所代表的人口数 相 同 的 原 则 分 配 , 将 农 村 与 城 市 每 一 代 表 所 代 表 的 人 口 数 比 例 , 由 原 来 的 4:l 改为 1:1。这一修改的意义在于 【 】
A. 缩小城乡差别 B. 完善人民代表大会制度
C. 保护公民的选举权 D. 加快城市化进程
30. 2010年,美国联合韩国频繁举行不同方式、不同规模的军事演习,引起世界的广泛关注。这种突然强化的军 事活动 【 】
A. 破坏了东北亚地区的政治均衡 B. 维护了东北亚地区的安全
C. 显示了美国主导东北亚的决心 D. 改变了多极化发展的世界格局
三、在下列各题的横线上填入恰当的内容(每空 3 分,共 15 分)
31.2010 年 1月 1日 自由贸易区正式启动,这是世界上人口最多的自由贸易区.也是由发展中国家组 成的最大自由贸易区。
32.2010 年 1月 11 日 , 青海省 地区发生里氏 7 . 1 级地震, 中共中央****和国务院总理**
33.2010年 4月 30 至 10 月 31 日上海举办了举世瞩目的世界博览会.木届世博会的主题是 。 34.2010年 10月 1 日 18时 59分 57秒 , “长征三号丙”火箭在我国西昌卫星发射中自点火发射。把 卫 星成功送人太空,标志着我国探月工程二期任务迈出了成功的第一步。
35.2010 年 10月 15 日至 18 口, 在北京举行,会议审议通过了、 《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会 发展第十二个五年规划的建议》
四、问答题(每小题 20 分,共 60 分)
36 .企业作为市场经济最重要的主体之一需要在一定的宏观经济背景、面对市场状况独立地做出决策。从企业 管理者的角度来看.你认为.企业在节能减排的大背景下应该如何挖掘企业的潜力?
37.在广州市筹办 2010 年亚运会的过程中,市民就交通、环境、财政预算等方面的问题向政府提出了许多意见 和建议。面对这种情况,广州市的政府官员不是反感、压制和打击.而是抱着有则改之.无则加勉的态度.主动 通过各种渠道去听取市民的批评建议,积极地去解决问题,改进工作。政府的这种态度.换回了市民不断攀升的 满意度,最终为广州亚运会的成功举办提供了有力的保证
38. 2010年国务院办公厅转发体育总局等部门 《关于进一步加强运动员文化教育和运动员保障工作的指导意见》 , 强调加强运动员文化教育的重要性,请运用所学哲学知识.论述运动员加强文化学习的意义。
(1)第一、二题为选择题.解题要求和评分标准,均在题目的指导语中作了说明,务需按照要求和标准进行评 分。
(3)第四题为问答题;重在考核考生运用基本原理分析问题的能力。要求观点正确.紧扣题意,联系买际,分 析恰当。考生答卷如与参考答案不完全一致.但只要观点正确,言之成理;
酌情给分.凡政治观点有严重错误的。 :“本学科考试不及格,但须报请学科评卷负责人审核判定。
一、选择题(每小题 2 分,共 50 分)
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A
6.B 7.C 8. A. 9.D 10.A
11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A
16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C
21.D 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.D
1. 影响商品价格的因素一是供求.二是价值。 A 出现价值, BCD 都是在短期内通过供求影响价格.故选 A 。
2. 考察商品流通的含义,即以货币为媒介的商品交换,故答案:B
3. . 市场经济由于存在弊端和局限性也需要政府的宏观调控,题干说明了政府的宏观调控政策干预经济运行,说 明了政府在履行管理者的职能。 A 项错误,资本主义国家也有政府干预市场经济 ,B 项错误.我国实行的是共同 富裕而不是全民富裕; D 项说法错误,政府只是经济的管理者而不是所有者。答案:C
4. 考察银行的分类,在我国银行分几类.中央银行,商业银行.政策性银行。其中只有商业银行有针对个人的存 贷款业务答案:B
5. 社会再生产包括四个过程:生产、分配、交换、消费。其中生产时产生价值的环节,分配和交换是联系生产和 消费的纽带,消费时最终目的。故答案为 A
6. 考察消费者的基本权利。材料中的“虚假广告”用欺骗的方式剥夺了消费者的知情权。答案:B
7. 本题考察财政收入的来源, 从题干可知, 央企上缴的红利属于国有企业上缴的利润收人, 其他选项排除。 答案: C
8. 考察工业的相关知识,抓住材料中“用机器生产机器”的关键词句,不难选出正确答案。 B 项未体现, C 项说 法错误,当前我国正在进行全面小康建设,排除 D 。答案:A
9. 材料从我国石油的依存度越来越高出发, 说明我国对外经济联系进一步扩大, 开放程度加深。 可选 D 项 ABC 末 体现。答案:D
10. 考察了我国的分配制度奖金是对劳动者额外劳动的补偿, 分红是对投资者企业利润的分配。 BCD 不符合题意。 答案:A
11. 马克思这句话表明人的意识是由社会存在决定的.故应选择 B 。 A 、 C 错误人的思想观念有其客观根源,不 是主观自生的; D 错误.思想观念对人们对活动具有反作用。
12. 自觉锻炼即有意识有目的的进行锻炼.体现人的主观能动性。故答案选 D 。
13. 显刘备之长厚而似伪.状诸葛之多智而近妖,说明言过其辞,违背了适度原则。故选择 C 。
14. 你笑.生活也会笑;你哭,生活也会哭,强调了你的生活态度影响着你的生活,故应选择 C 。 A 表述错误. B 强调的是生活对意识的决定作用.没有体现, D 是唯心主义.是错误的答案:C
15. 机遇与挑战是矛盾双方.机遇指良好的外部条件.挑战指外部的不利影响.当前机遇与挑战并存,挑战带来 外在的压力,也可以成为事物发展的动力,体现了对立统一的关系。答案选:A
16. 场地是影响运动员发挥的重要因素.比赛环境中天气、观众、裁判等因索也会影响到运动员的发挥,因此在 重大比赛前,必须适应场地和模拟比赛环境,这体现了联系的多样性和具体性。故选择 B
17. 人造生命体现了人类能够掌握和利用基因规律.认识自然改造自然的能力有了新的飞跃。故应选择 C 。人造 生命没有违背规律,恰恰是以尊重自然物的客观属性及其运动规律为前提
18. 从题目论述可知.知识经济和以前社会经济发展方式的不同在于其推动力发生了变化. A 项欠妥; CD 项未 体现:故选 B 。
19. 宪法是国家的根本大法.任何组织和个人都不允许有超越宪法和法律的特权,因此中国共产党必须坚持依法 执政.做到领导立法、带头守法。答案:D
20. 我国宪法规定:“中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。 ”代表人民行使权力的国家机构是全国人民代表大会 和地方各级人民代表大会,代表人民行使权力的最高国家机构是全国人大。答案:C
21. 设置“公平秤”的做法是为了减少短斤缺两的现象.更好维护消费者的合法权利和市场秩序.培育讲求诚信 的市场意识.为市场经济的发展创造良好的社会环境.故选择 D 。
22. 小张向“市长信箱”写信.批评了垃圾运输中存在的问题.行使了自己的监督权,故应选择进行民主监督。 答案:C
23.A 、 B 为政系统外部的监督, C 不是国家机关的监督.故选择 D 。
24. 我国宗教事务坚持独立自主自办原则.以保证宗教团体和宗教事务不受外国势力支配。故应选择 B 。
25. 我国参加护航行动,保护通过索马里海湾的各国商船的利益,体现了我国是维护世界和平,促进世界发展的 中坚力量,在维护世界和平促进共同发展中发挥着建设性作用,是负责任
大国。故应选 D 。安理会常任理事国没有护航的义务,故 A 不选。我国不和任何国家结盟,故 B 不选。我国护 航也不是为了检验和提高我国海军远洋行动的能力,故 C 不选。
二、选择题(每小题 5 分,共 25 分)
26 .ABC 27. CD 28. BC 29. AB 30. AC
26. 本题考察市场经济的弊端.市场经济有甲个弊端:自发性、肖日性、滞后性 D 项不对排除。答案:ABC 27. 自在自然是人类未经改造的自然.人化自然是人类改造过的自然.无论自在自然还是人化自然,其存在与发 展都是客观的.都是不以人的意志为转移的.故 AB 错误故选择 CD 答案:CD
28. 效率强调的是要合理的拉开收人差距,公平指的是要缩小收人差距.二者是矛盾的双方.存在着对立,又存 在着统一,在一定条件下相互转化。 A 表述错误。效率与公平其地位是会发生变化的。 D 表述错误,矛盾双方 有对立又有统一答案:BC
29. 农村和城市选民按相同人口比例选举人大代表.有利于实现公民在法律面前一律平等.缩小城乡差距;有利 于完善人大代表的选举.更好的代表农民的利益.完善人民代表大会制度。故选入 B 材料井没有体现出保护公 民的选举权.与加快城镇化无关.故 CD 不选。
3. 美国联合韩国进行军事演习炫耀武力,是对北朝鲜进行武力威胁,是霸权主义强权政治行为,这一行为既显示 了美国称霸东北亚的野心, 也威胁到了东北亚的和平与发展, 破坏了东北亚地区的政治均衡. 却改变不了世界发 展的多极化发展趋势。故应选择 AC 。
三、填空题(每空 3 分,共 15分)
31. 中国一东盟 32. 玉树 33. 城市.让生活更美好 34. 嫦娥二号 35. 十七届五中全会 四、问答题(每小题 20分,共 60分)
36. 参考答案:
考察企业经营成功的因素.但是要从钧能减排出发思考。故应体现科技方面的因素。可从以下儿个要点考虑:经 营战略.科技水平.管理水平.劳动者积极险
答案:制定正确的经营战略; (5 分)依靠科技节能降耗:(5 分)提高管理水平; (5 分)动员员工积极参与。 (5 分)
37. 参考答案:
问号包含了两个问题一是如何认识民众对政府的批评; 二是如何认识政府对这种批评应当采取的态度。 第一个问 题,我国是人民当家做主的国家,人民享有监督权,因此有权批评政府,民众在批评政府时必须负责的行使监督 权。第二个问题.我国的政府是人民的政府.坚持对人民负责的原则和为人民服务的宗旨,所以要自觉接受人民 的监督.积极听取民众的批评意见.改进政府工作,只有这样才能提高政府权威。
答案:民众:积极行使自己的政治权利,以主人翁和建设者的态度提出自己看到的问题及对策建议,而不能一味 地发泄怨气。 (10 分)
威信和工作水平;相反,以强硬的态度拒绝民众的一切批评,则会造成政府与民众的隔阂。 (10 分)
38. 参考答案:
运动员的文化修养与运动员素质的提高紧密联系, 故应该用联系观点分析本题。 提高运动员的文化修养, 有利于 提高运动员的体育技能;有利于提高运动员的文化素质,促进运动员的全面发展 .
答案:文化学习的加强和体育技能的提高是相辅相成、辩证统一的.文化学习有助于更好地掌握体育科技.有效 提高体育技能,促进体育事业的发展; ( 10 分)文化学习可以提高人的综合素质.促进运动员的全面发展.体现 了以人为木、全面发展的价值追求(10 分)
2017年陕西交通职业技术学院高职单招考试模拟试题三 英语
第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45分)
第一节:单项填空 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分) 1. Give me a chance, ________ I’ ll give you a wonderful surprise. A. if B. or C. and D. while
2. ---Ok, I ’ ll fix your computer right now. ---Oh, take your time. __________.
A. I can’ t stand it B. I’ m in no hurry C. That’ s a great idea D. It’ s not my cup of tea
3. Wind is now the world’ s fastest growing ________ of power.
A. source B. sense C. result D. root
4. _______ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.
A. unless B. Although C. Before D. Once
5. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _________ id didn’ t fit
A. to find B. found C. finding D. having found
6. _______ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.
A. In reply to B. In addition to C. In charge of D. In place of
7. Clearly and thoughtfully________, the book inspires confidence in
students who wish to seek their own answers.
A. writing B. to write C. written D. being written
8. Life the like ________ ocean; Only ________strong-willed can reach the other shore.
A. an; the B. the; a C. the ;/ D. / ; a
9. My parents always _______ great importance to my getting a good education.
A. have B. attach C. accept D. pay
10. ---How long have you been learning English? ----_________! Your English is so good.
A. You can’ t be serious B. You got it C. I couldn’ t agree more D. I’ m stuck
11. We won’ t start the work until all the preparations __________. A. are being made B. will be made C. have been made D. had been made
12. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, _________ uses it differently.
A. all of which B. each of which C. all of them D. each of them 13. The two countries are going to meet to _______ some barriers to trade between them.
A. make up B. use up C. turn down D. break down
14. I think _______ impresses me about his painting is the colours he
A. what B. that C. which D. who
15. ________ the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting.
A. Did he catch B. should be catch C. has he caught D. Had he caught
第二节:完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 16-35各题所给 A,B,C,D 的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
One night, when I was eight , my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. “ Sweetie, my company wants to me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling that you’ ve done and allowing you to skip a grade(跳级 ), but you’ ll have to your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?” She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. The question kept me for the rest of the night I had said “ yes ” but for the first time, I
For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening I ’ d 21 wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.
During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her.
Looking at her large apartment, I became how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself. It was I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on family and work. ’ t know whether you make the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a attitude.
Back home , I myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she 30 to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be . I
My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the has really taught me. Sacrifices in the end. The separation between us has proved to be for me.
16. A. attract B. promote C. surprise D. praise
17. A. little B. much C. well D. wrong
18. A. leave B. refuse C. contact D. forgive
19. A. explaining B. sleeping C. wondering D. regretting
20. A. poor B. timely C. final D. tough
21. A. eagerly B. politely C. nervously D. curiously
22. A. patience B. presence C. intelligence D. Influence
23. A. Comfortable B. Expensive C. Empty D. Modern
24. A. Interested in B. aware of C. doubtful D. satisfied with 25. A. when B. where C. which D. that
26. A. abandoning B. balancing C. comparing D. mixing
27. A. Depending on B. supplied with C. Faced with D. Insisting on 28. A. different B. friendly C. positive D. general
29. A. criticized B. informed C. warned D. reminded
30. A. managed B. offered C. attempted D. expected
31. A. grateful B. energetic C. independent D. practical
32. A. examples B. limits C. rules D. goals
33. A. question B. experience C. history D. occasion
34. A. pay off B. come back C. run out D. turn up
35. A. blessing B. gathering C. failure D. pleasure
第二部分:阅读理解(共 20小题, 每小题 2.5分, 满分 50分) A
A Guide to the University
The TWU Cafeteria is open 7am to 8pm. It serves snacks(), drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay with cash or your ID cards. You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings and to study.
If you are on campus in the evening or lat at night, you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Café located in the bottom level of the Gouglas Centre. This area is often used for entertainment such as
concerts, games or TV watching.
The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying , cooking, and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hours are 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Sundays.
Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Centre is committed to physical, emotional and social health. A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is included in your medical insurance. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to noon and 1;00 to 4;30pm. Academic Support
All students have access to the Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. Here, qualified volunteers will work with you on written work, grammar, vocabulary, and other academic skills. You can sign up for an appointment on the sign-up sheet outside the door two 30 – minute appointments per week maximum. This service is free. Transportation
The TWU Express is a shuttle() service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre, leaving from the Mattson Centre. Operation hours are between 8am and 3pm. Saturdays only.
Round trip fare is $1.
36. What can you do in the TWU Cafeteria?
A. Do homework and watch TV
B. Buy drinks and enjoy concerts
C. have meals and meet with friends
D. Add money to your ID and play chess
37. Where and when can you cook your own food?
A. The Globe, Friday
B. The Lower Café, Sunday
C. The TWU Cafeteria , Friday
D. The McMillan Hall , Sunday.
38. The Guide tells us that the Wellness Centre _________.
A. is open six days a week
B. offers services free of charge
C. trains students in medical care
D. gives advice on mental health
39. How can you seek help from the Writing Centre?
A. By applying online
B. By calling the centre
C. By filling in a sign-up form
D. By going to the centre directly
40. What is the function of TWU Express?
A. To carry students to the lecture halls.
B. To provide students with campus tours
C. To take students to the Mattson Centre.
D. To transport students to and from the stores.
A world-famous Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, has created the world ’ s first long-distance signing device(装置 ), the LongPen.
After many tiring…… from city to city, Atwood thought there must be a better way to do them . She hired some technical experts and started her own company in 2004. Together they designed the LongPen. Here’ s how it works: The author writes a personal message and signature on a computer tablet(手写板 ) using a special pen. On the receiving end, in another city, a robotic arm fitted with a regular pen signs the book. The author and fan can talk with each other via webcams(网络摄像机 ) and computer screens。
Work on the LongPen began in Atwood ’ s basement(地下室 ). At first, they had no idea it would be as hard as it turned out to be. The device went through several versions, including one that actually had smoke coming out of it. The investing finally completed, teat runs w ere made in Ottawa, and the LongPen was officially launched at the 2006 London Book Fair. From here , Atwood conducted two transatlantic book signings of her latest book for fans in Toronto and New York City.
The LongPen produces a unique signature each time because it copies the movement of the author in real time. It has several other potential applications. It could increase credit card security and allow people to sign contracts from another province. The video exchange between signer and receiver can be recorded on DVD for proof when legal documents are used.
“ It ’ s really fun ” , said the owner of a bookstore, who was present for one of the test runs. “ Obviously you can’ t shake hands with the author but there are chances for a connection that you don’ t get from a regular book signing..
The response to the invention has not been all favorable. Atwood has received criticism from authors who think she is trying to end book tours. But she said, “ It will be possible to go to places that you never got sent to before because the publishers couldn’t afford it.”
41. Why did Atwood decide to invent the LongPen?
A. To set up her own company
B. To win herself greater popularity
C. To write her books in a new way
C. To make book signings less tiring
42. How does the LongPen work?
A. I copies the author’ s signature and prints it on a book.
B. It signs a book while receiving the author’ s signature.
C. The webcam sends the author’ s signature to another city.
D. The fan uses it to copy the author’ s signature himself.
43. What do we know about the invention of the LongPen?
A. It has been completed but not put into use.
B. The basement caught fire by accident.
C. Some versions failed before its test run.
D. The designers were well-prepared for the difficulty.
44. How could the LongPen be used in the future?
A. To draft legal documents.
B. To improve credit card security
C. To keep a record of the author’ s ideas.
D. To allow author and fan to exchange videos
45. What could be inferred from Paragraphs 5 and 6?
A. Atwood doesn’ t mean to end book tours.
B. Critics think the LongPen is of little use
C. Bookstore owners do not support the LongPen
D. Publishers dislike the LongPen for its high cost
“ Dad, ” I say one day … ..take a trip. Why don’ t you fly and meet me?” My father had just reired……… .. His job filled his day, his thought, his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I screamed under a freezing waterfall Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss
watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.
My father sees me drfting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find an adventure.
He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.
“ What is our first stop?” asks my father.
“ What time is it?”
“ Still don’ t have a watch?”
Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite(), his mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of little boy.
“ Unbelievable, ” he says, “ How was this done?”
A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Borglum devoted 14 years to the sculpture and then left the final touches to his son.
We stare up and I ask myself, Would I ever devote my life to anything? No directions, …… I always used to hear those words in my father ’ s voice. Now I hear them in my own.
The next day we ’ re at Yellowstone National Park, where we have a picnic.
“ Did you ever travel with your dad? I ask.
“ Only once,” he says. “ I never spoke much with my father. We loved each other---but never said it. Whatever he could give me, he gave.” >
In Glacier National Park, my father says, “ I ’ ve never seen water so blue. ” I have, in several places of the world, I can keep traveling, I realize--- and maybe a regular job won’ t be as dull as I feared.
Weeks after our trip, I call my father.
“ The photos from the trip are wonderful, ” he says. ” We have got to take another trip like that sometime.
I tell him I’ ve learn decided to settle down, and I’ m wearing a watch. 46. We can learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3 that the father _________.
A. followed the fashion
B. got bored with his job
C. was unhappy with……
D. liked the author’ s collection of stamps
47. What does the author realize at Mount Rushmore?
A. His father is interested in sculpture
B. His father is as innocent as a little boy
C. He should learn sculpture in the future
D. He should pursue a specific aim in life.
48. From the underlined paragraph, we can see that the
A. wants his children to learn from their grandfather
B. comes to understand what parental love means
C. learns how to communicate with his father
D. hopes to give whatever he can to his father
49. What could be inferred about the author and his father from the end of the story?
A. The call solves their disagreements
B. The Swiss watch has drawn them closer
C. They decide to learn photography together.
D. They begin to change their attitudes to life
50. What could be the best title for the passage?
A. Love Nature, Love Life
B. A Son Lost in Adventure
C. A Journey with Dad
The Art of Travel
People aren’ t walking any more---if they can figure out a way to avoid it.
I felt superior about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel. The journey is a matter of 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasn ’ t in ay hurry, either, I had merely become one more
victim of a national sickness: motorosis.
It is an illness to which I had thought myself immune(), for I was bred in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs. At that time, we regarded 25 miles as good day ’ s walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as sign of strength and skill. It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship. And the effect was lasting. When I was 45 years old I raced – and beat— a teenage football player the 168 steps up the Stature of Liberty.
Such enterprises today are regarded by many middle-aged persons as bad for the heart. But a well-known British physician, Sir Adolphe Abrhams, pointed out recently that hearts and bodies need proper…… is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly. And wlaking is an ideal form of exercise--- the most familiar and natural of all. It was Henry Thoreau who showed mankind the richness of going on foot. The man walking can learn the trees, flower, insects, birds and animals, the significance of seasons, the very feel of himself as a living creature in a living world, He cannot learn in a car.
The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life. Many people don ’ t dare to approach Nature any more; to them the world they were born to enjoy is all threat. To them security is
takes place while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
I say that the green of forests is the mind’ s best light. And none but the man on foot can evaluate what is basic and everlasting.
51. What is the national sickness?
A. Walking too much
B. Traveling too much
C. Driving cars too much
D. Climbing stairs too much.
52. What was life like when the author was young?
A. People usually went around on foot.
B. people often walked 25 miles a day
C. People used to climb the Statue of Liberty.
D. people considered a ten-j\hour walk as a hardship.
53. The author mentions Henry Thoreau to prove that
A. middle-aged people like getting back to nature
B. walking in nature helps enrich one’ s mind
C. people need regular exercise to keep fit
D. going on foot prevents heart disease
54. What is compared to “ a steel river” in Paragraph6?
A. A queue of cars
B. A ray of traffic light
C. A flash of lightning
D. A stream of people
55. What is the author’ s intention of writing this passage?
A. To tell people to reflect more non life.
B. To recommend people to give up driving
C. To advise people to do outdoor activities
D. To encourage people to return to walking
第 II 卷
第一节:阅读表达(共 5小题; 每小题 2分, 满分 10分) 阅读短文, 按照题目要求用英语回答问题。
Last December, Doris Low turned 90. Once a week she still drives to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) in Toronto, where she helps transform literature into Braille() to bring the power of story and knowledge to the hears and minds of blind readers. She has been volunteering her time and talents to such enterprises foe more than 40 years.
After working in the business world for a while, Low got fed up. So she turned to teaching at a technical school and later moved into the library. Low ’ s mother liked reading. As her eyes began to fail, low read to her. Then “ hearing an advertisement encouraging people to learn Braille, I decided to give it a try.” In 1973, she was certified as a braille transcriber (转译者 ) and began transcribing books as a volunteer for the CNIB library.
The job ---she could get to the end of a page, make a mistake on the last line, and have to do the whole thing again. For a number of years, low also worked in the CNIB sound studio reading books onto tape. Three years ago, she took up proofreading (校对 ) at the CNIB ’ s word factory.
In April, during Volunteer Week, the CNIB recognized Low for her great contributions. Thanks to volunteers like Low, the CNIB library has got more than 80,000 accessible materials for people unable to read traditional print. “ I can ’ t imagine how many readers of all ages have benefited from
Doris ’ s contribution as a skilled volunteer through her rich voice and her high degree of accuracy in the hundreds of books she has brailled and proofread over the years--- and she is still doing so,” said a CNIB official. “ For me, ” said Low, “ the CNIB is more than just a place to volunteer. Three thins matter most in my life: a little play, a little work, a little love. I ’ ve found them all here.”
56. What does Low still do at the age of 90 at the CNIB? ( no more than 10 words)
57. why did Low learn Braille? ( no more than 15 words)
58. what does the underlined word “ strenuous ” most probably mean?(1 word)
59. What are Low’ s contributions to the CNIB? ( no more than 10 words)
60. What do you think of Low? Give your reasons. ( no more than 20 words)
第二节:书面表达(满分 25分)
假设你是晨光中学高二 (1)班的班长李津, 得知美国学生 Chris 作为 交换生, 下学期将到你班学习。 请你根据以下提示, 给他写封邮 件:
(1) 表 示欢迎
(2) 介 绍与本地生活相关的信息(如天气, 饮食等)
(3) 介 绍本班情况
(4) 希 望 Chris 做哪些事情, 以增进中美学生之间的了解和友谊 注意:
(1) 请 勿提及与考生相关的真实信息。
(2) 可 适当加入细节, 使内容充实,行文连贯。
(3) 词 数不少于 100; 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。
(4) 参 考词汇:
交换生 exchange student
Dear Chris,
I ’ m Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven.
1.-5 CBADA 6-10 BCABA 11-15 CBDAD 16-20 BCACD
21-25 ABCBD 26-30 BCCDA
31-35 CDBAA 36-40 CADCD 41-45 DBCBA 46-50 CDBDC 51-56 CABAD
56. She helps transform literature into Braille ( for blind readers / the blind)
57. (Because ) her mother ’ s eyes began to fail ans she heard an/ the advertisement.
58. … . Hard/ tiring ? Tough
59. she has brailled and proofread hundreds of books, and read books onto tape.
60 Low is kind and helpful because she has devoted much time to transcribing books into Braille as a volunteer.
Or Low is a kin-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes delight in helping others.
2017年陕西铁路职业技术学院高职单招考试模拟试卷二 英语
Ⅰ . Phonetics (10 points)
In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
1.A. mark B. warm C. ward D. war
2.A. three B. those C. thank D. theatre
3.A. wind B. kind C. find D. mind
4.A. plant B. craft C. grasp D. at
5.A. now B. knowledge C. bow D. allow
6.A. says B. plays C. stays D. days
7.A. leave B. scream C. head D. lead
8.A. resemble B. resist C. resolve D. respect
9.A. fault B. daughter C. cause D. laugh
10.A. crew B. new C. few D. dew
Ⅱ . Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)
There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
11. Which is ______ country, the United States or Canada?
A. a larger B. larger C. the larger D. the largest
12. The silk feels ________.
A. soft B. softly C. softness D. softy
13. Two nuclear power stations _______ in the past ten years. A. are built B. have been built C. would be built D. are building 14. They kept on ______ till they got to the foot of the hill. A. to run B. running C. runing D. run
15. There is much work to do, _______?
A. isn’ t it B. is there C. isn’ t there D. is it
16. _______ as he is, he can’ t understand the English film. A. A student of English B. Though a student of English
C. Student of English D. Being a student of English
17. The old in the country _______ taken good care of.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
18. Not a single mistake _______ in the test.
A. he made B. did he make C. he has made D. made he
19. ______ my surprise, I got a high grade in this test.
A. For B. To C. To be D. On
20. She never agree _______ you, did she?
A. to B. with C. in D. at
21. Would you mind _______ a photo of you?
A. me take B. to take C. my taking D. me to take
22. The lady treats the boy well as if he ______ her own son.
A. is B. was C. were D. would be
23. _______ round the city, we were impressed by the city’ s new look. A. Taken B. Taking C. To be taken D. Being taken
24. He had a pain _______ his back.
A. on B. with C. in D. onto
25. The city _______ I was born is on the new railway line.
A. which B. that C. on which D. where
26. I had _______ that I would always remember it.
A. so a good experience B. such a good experience
C. so good an experience D. such good an experience
27. ______ give us help is welcome.
A. Who ever B. Whoever C. No matter who D. Those who
28. After running for nearly half an hour, I was ________.
A. out of place B. out of control C. out of breath D. out of practice 29. The mother told the little boy to do all the things _______. A. on himself B. on his own C. to himself D. by own
30. You had better _______ a jacket, because it is cold outside. A. take on B. to take on C. put on D. to put on
31. If you will do that, please take me into ________.
A. think B. thinking C. thought D. account
32. My pen has _______ ink.
A. run out of B. a few C. run away D. no little
33. There are, of course, bad teachers as well as ________.
A. good one B. some good C. good ones D. those good
34. “ ______ haste, the less speed” is good advice he often gives us. A. More B. The more C. The morer D. Morer
35. You do look _______. You are not at all like a person who has been ill in bed for years.
A. good B. well C. sad D. disappointed
36. Some people like to eat apples. But some prefer bananas _______ apples. A. to B. for C. with D. against
37. I _______ here two years ago.
A. moved to B. have moved C. have moved to D. moved
38. He is _______ strong a man ________ he can lift ten stones like this one. A. such? so B. so? that C. such a ? that D. so a ? for
39. It _______ they who lent me the television.
A. was B. is C. were D. are
40. A famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying, “ ______ man is really happy without a hobby.”
A. Not B. Without C. No D. None
41. Television broadcasts are ________ to an area that is within sight of the sending station of its relay.
A. prohibited B. bounded C. limited D. restricted
42. Many things ________ impossible in the past are common today.
A. to consider B. being considered C. considering D. considered
43. My parents wanted _______ me.
A. make a scientist B. to make a scientist
C. make a scientist of D. to make a scientist of
44. He has a bad habit of ________ others when they are speaking.
A. involving B. investigating C. interfering D. interrupting
45. I like that new watch very much, but I can’ t ________it.
A. cost B. offer C. pay D. spend
46. Tom arrived at the office and discovered that he had _______ his door key. A. lent B. borrowed C. lost D. no
47. The beautiful scene left a deep _______ on the foreign visitors.
A. thought B. idea C. thinking D. impression
48. The room is a little small; _______ it is so hot.
A. in addition B. in addition to C. additional D. adding
49. I wish I ______ her address yesterday.
A. know B. had known C. would known D. knew
50. It ______ yesterday. The ground is still wet now.
A. must have rained B. was raining C. rained D. had rained
Ⅲ . Cloze (20 points)
For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money. Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services. But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危 机 ) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident. Such crises usually _54_ great expense. Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses. Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects
money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis. An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis. There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and fire. Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kind. Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ need.
51.A. for B. from C. against D. with
52.A. such as B. for example C. that D. the same as
53.A. predict B. ahead C. in advance D. earlier
54.A. result from B. make C. take D. result in
55.A. cover B. pay back C. fill D. make full
56.A. that B. by which C. what D. where
57. A. said B. agree C. make sure D. states
58.A. include B. including C. as well as D. also
59.A. which B. that C. as D. like
60.A. never B. ever C. sometimes D. often
Ⅳ . Reading Comprehension (60 points)
There are four reading passages in this part Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
Researchers have found that REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is important to human beings. This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during one night of sleep lasting five minutes to forty minutes for each occurrence. The deeper a person ’ s sleep becomes, the longer the periods of rapid eye movement.
There are physical charges in the body to show that a person has changed from NREM (non-rapid eye movement) to REM sleep. Breathing becomes faster, the heart rate increases, and, as the name implies, the eyes begin to move quickly.
Accompanying these physical changes in the body is a very important characteristic of REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that a person dreams.
61. According to the passage, how often does REM sleep occur in one night? A. Once B. Twice C. Four of five times D. Forty times
62. The word “ deeper ” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. heavier. B. louder. C. stronger. D. happier.
63. Which of the following shows that a person is NOT dreaming in his sleep? A. His eyes begin to move. B. His breathing becomes faster.
C. His heart rate increases. D. His eyes stop moving.
64. The subject of this passage is ________.
A. why people sleep B. the human need for REM sleep
C. the characteristic of REM sleep D. physical changes in the human body 65. Which of the following is the best title of the article?
A. REM Sleep B. Two Types of Sleep C. Sleepers D. What Happens to Sleepers Passage Two
The Mother Goose Stories, so well known to children all over the word, are commonly said to have been written by a little old woman for her grandchildren. According to some people, she lived in Boston, and her real name was Elizabeth Vergoose. Her son-in-law, a printer named Thomas Fleet, was supposed to have published the famous stories and poems for small children in 1719. However, no copy of this book has ever been found, and most scholars doubt the truth of this story— and doubt, moreover, that Mother Goose was ever a real person. They point out that the name is a direct translation of the French “ Mere I ’ Oye.” In 1697 the Frenchman Charles Perrault published the first book in which this name was used. The collection
contains eight tales, including “ Sleeping Beauty, ” “ Cinderella, ” and “ Puss in Boots. ” But Perrault did not originate these stories; they were already quite popular in his day, and he only collected them.
66. What is suppssed to have happened in 1719?
Elizabeth Vergoose wrote the first Mother Goose Stories.
Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose Stories.
The Mother Goose Stories were translated into French.
Charles Perrault published the first Mother Goose Stories.
67. Most scholars consider Mother Goose to be _________.
A. a real person B. a book written by a little old woman
C. a collection by Elizabeth Vergoose D. a translation from French
68. When Perrault published the first book in 1679, _______.
no story of the book had been known to people
some stories of the book were already well known
few people were interested in the stories of the book
stories like “ Sleeping Beauty” and “ Cinderella ” became popular
69. The name used in the first book published in 1679 is supposed to have been _______.
A. Mother Goose B. Mere I’ Oye C. Elizabeth Vergoose D. Charles Perrault
70. On the basis of this passage, what may be concluded about the real origin of stories “ Sleeping Beauty” and “ Cinderella ” ?
They were invented by Elizabeth Vergoose.
They were invented by Thomas Fleet.
They were invented by Charles Perrault.
Their writers are unknown.
Passage Three
Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts; they rely on depositors (储户 ) not to demand payment all at the same time. If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not safe, that it cannot pay off all its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day. If they did, the bank could not pay all accounts. However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be enough money to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it. Mrs. Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced. One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs. Vaught lived. The other banks expected a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs Vaught worked as a teller had enough money on hand to pay off their depositors. The officers simply told the tellers to pay on demand. The next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside. The length of the line made many think that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone. People began to push and then to fight for places near the tellers’ windows, The power of the panic atmosphere was such that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was quite all right and could pay all depositors, drew their own money from the bank. Mrs Vaught says that she had difficulty keeping herself from doing the same.
71. A bank run happens when _______.
a bank is closed for one or more days
too many depositors try to draw out their money at one time
there is not enough money to pay all its depositors at one time
tellers of a bank take their own money from the bank
72. The tellers in Mrs. Vaught’ s bank were told to ________.
explain why they could not pay out all accounts
pay out accounts as requested
make the depositors believe that the bank was stand
pay out money as slowly as possible
73. The main cause of a bank run is _______.
A. loss of confidence B. lack of money
C. crowds of people D. inexperienced tellers
74. Which of the following did Mrs. Vaught say?
She know that the bank was not sound.
She feared that too many depositors drawing their money would close the bank. She was not able to draw out her money.
She was tempted to draw out her money.
75. According to the passage, the actions of the depositors of Mrs. Vaught’ s bank were affected mainly by the _______.
ease with which they could get their money
confidence that Mrs. Vaught showed
failure of several other banks to open
confidence shown by other depositors of the bank
Passage Four
One of the greatest problems for those settlers in Nebraska in the last quarter of the previous century was fuel. Little of the state was forested when the first settlers arrived and it is probable that by 1880, only about one-third of the originally forested area remained, down to a mere 1 percent of the state’ s 77,000 square miles. With wood and coal out of the question, and with fuel needed year-round for cooking, and during the harsh winter months for heating, some solution had to be found.
Somewhat improbably, the buffalo provided the answer. Buffalo chips (干粪块 ) were found to burn evenly, hotly, and cleanly, with little smoke and interestingly, no odor, Soon, collecting them became a way of life for the settlers ’ children who would pick them up on their way to and from school, or take part in competitions designed to counteract their natural reluctance. Even a young man, seeking to impress the girl he wanted to marry, would arrive with a large bag of chips rather than with a box of candy or a bunch of flowers.
76. What is the main topic of this passage?
The solution to the Nebraska settlers’ fuel problem.
Life in Nebraska in the late ninteenth century.
The imporance of the American buffalo.
Deforestation in Nebraska in the late nineteenth century.
77. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
Nebraska was not a densely-forested state even before the settlers arrived. The children enjoyed collecting the buffalo chips.
The children spent a lot of time collecting the chips.
Buffalo chips were satisfactory as a fuel.
78. The passage implies that buffalo chips were needed _______.
A. in greater amounts in summer B. in greater amounts in winter
C. only in summer D. only in winter
79. Which of the following does the author not express surprise at?
The children needed competitions to them.
The buffalo chips gave off no smell.
Buffalo chips were the answer to the settlers’ fuel problem.
Young men took bags of buffalo chips to their girl friends.
80. What’ s the best title of the passage?
A. Early Settlers B. One Use of the Buffalo Chips
C. Nebraska’ s Problems D. How Young Men Express Their Love for Girls Ⅴ . Writing (20 points)
For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 80 words according to the following situation.
你叫李平, 是英语系学生会主席。 写一封信给王教授, 请他做一个有关中国历史的报告。 注意信中要包括目的、时间、日期和地点。
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