1、 界面
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[转] 方格网计算挖土方
注:1)a ——方格网的边长,m ;
b、c ——零点到一角的边长,m ;
h1,h 2,h 3,h 4——方格网四角点的施工高程,m ,用绝对值代入;
Σh ——填方或挖方施工高程的总和 ,m,用绝对值代入;
——挖方或填方体积,m 。
方格网法。将场地划分为边长10—40m 的正方形方格网,通常以20m 居多。再将场地设计标高和自然地面标高分别标注在方格角上,场地设计标高与自然地面标高的差值即为各角点的施工高度(挖或填),习惯以“+”号表示填方,“-”表示挖方。将施工高度标注于角点上,然后分别计算每一方格地填挖土方量,并算出场地边坡的土方量。将挖方区(或填方区)所有方格计算的土方量和边坡土方量汇总,即得场地挖方量和填方量的总土方量。
V=a2(h 1+h2+h3+h4)/4
式中:h 1、h 2、h 3、h 4—方格四然点挖或填的施工高度,均取绝对值,m ;
V1、2=a2/4×[h12/(h 1+h4)+h22/(h 2+h3)]
V3、4=a2/4×[h32/(h 2+h3)+h42/(h 1+h4)]
V4=a2h 43/6(h 1+h4)(h3+h4)
V1、2、3=a2(2h 1+h2+2h3-h 4)/6+V4
②三角棱柱体的体积计算方法。计算时先顺地形等高线将各个方格划分成三角形,每个三角形三个角点的填挖施工高度用h 1、h 2、h 3表示。当三角形三个角点全部为挖或全部为填时,其挖填方体积为:
V=a2(h 1+h2+h3)/6
式中:a —方格边长,m ;
h1、h 2、h 3—三角形各角点的施工高度,用绝对值代入,m 。
V锥=a2h 33/6(h 1+h3)(h 2+h3)
V楔=a2/6[h33/(h 1+h3)(h 2+h3)-h 3+h2+h1]
式中:h 1、h 2、h 3—三角形各角点的施工高度,取绝对值,m 。其中h 3指的是锥体顶点的施工高度。
1,对于大面积土石方开挖,可采用方格网法,根据各点标高计算处土方工程的零线,根据零线可调配各个方格区域内挖填的土方,根据总量可计算出土方是否需要借土还是外弃。当然,要注意土方要乘松散系数,比如挖1.09m3填1m3. 2,对于道路上的土石方,在设计图里有道路工程那一册,里面便有土石方调配平衡表,道路工程一般为1km 内土石方平衡利用,超过1km 需计算运距或者外借土。计算方法可采用纵断面的调配示意图来表示。按1km 一个区间进行调配。
(1) 方格网法
1) 划分方格网
根据已有地形图(一般用1:500的地形图)将欲计算场地划分成若干个方格网,尽量与测量的纵、横坐标网对应,方格一般采用20m ×20m 或40m ×40m ,将相应设计标高和自然地面标高分别标注在方格点的右上角和右下角。将自然地面标高与设计地面标高的差值,即各角点的施工高度(挖或填),填在方格网的左上角,挖方为(-),填方为(+)。
x 1=h 1h 2?a x 2=?a (6-8) h 1+h 2h 1+h 2
式中 x 1、x 2——角点至零点的距离(m );
h 1、h 2——相邻两角点的施工高度(m ),均用绝对值;
a ——方格网的边长(m )。
图6-3 零点位置计算示意图
图6-4 零点位置图解法
3) 计算土方工程量
常用方格网点计算公式 表6-31
注:1.a ——方格网的边长(m );b 、c ——零点到一角的边长(m );h 1、h 2、h 3、h 4——方格网四角点的施工高程(m ),用绝对值代入;Σh ——填方或挖方施工高程的总和(m ),用绝对值代入;V ——挖方或填方体积(m 3)。
2. 本表公式是按各计算图形底面积乘以平均施工高程而得出的。
[例6-1] 厂房场地平整,部分方格网如图6-5所示,方格边长为20m ×20m ,试计算挖填总土方工程量。
图6-5 方格网法计算土方量
(a)方格角点标高、方格编号、角点编号图;(b) 零线、角点挖、填高度图
(图中I 、II 、III 等为方格编号;1、2、3等为角点号)
[解] ①划分方格网、标注高程。根据图6-5(a)方格各点的设计标高和自然地面标高,计算方格各点的施工高度,标注于图6-5(b) 中各点的左角上。
1~2线 x 1=0. 13?20=11.30(m ) 0. 10+0. 13
0. 13?20=4.81(m ) 0. 41+0. 13
0. 15?203~8线 x 1==8.33(m ) 0. 21+0. 152~7线 x 1=
将各零点标注于图6-5(b ),并将零点线连接起来。
方格I 底面为三角形和五角形,由表6-31第1、3项公式:
0. 13?11. 30?4. 81=1.18(m 3) 6
10. 10+0. 52+0. 41) 五角形16700土方量 V -=-(202-?11. 30?4. 81) ?(25三角形200土方量 V +=
=-76.80(m 3)
方格II 底面为二个梯形,由表6-31第2项公式:
20(4.81+8.33)(0.13+0.15)=9.20(m 3) 8
20梯形7800土方量 V -=-(15.19+11.67)(0.41+0.21)=-41.63(m 3) 8梯形2300土方量 V +=
方格III 底面为一个梯形和一个三角形,由表6-31第1、2项公式: 梯形3400土方量 V +=20(8.33+20)(0.15+0.12) =19.12(m 3)
④汇总全部土方工程量 全部挖方量 ΣV -=-76.80-41.63-8.17-147-164-115-21.33
=-573.93(m 3)
全部填方量 ΣV +=1.18+9.20+19.12+55.0+15.33
=99.83(m 3)
图示 计算步骤方法 适用范围
1(划方格网 根据地形图划分方格网,尽量使其与测量或施工坐适于地形较平缓或台
工高度(挖或填),填在方格网左上角,挖方为(+),填方为(-)。 杂,但作为平整场地
2(计算零点位置 计算确定方格网中两端角点施工高度符号不同高。
式中、——角点至零点的距离 m;
、——相邻两角点的高程 m,均用绝对值;
a ——方格网的边长 m。
3(计算土方工程量 按方格网底面图形和下表体积计算公式,计
4(汇总 分别将挖方区和填方区所有方格计算土方量汇总,即得
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
2. 常用方格网计算公式
项目 图示 计算公式 一点填方或
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
h,h,h,h方格网四角点的施工高程,m,用绝对值代入, 1234——
Σh——填方或挖方施工高程的总和 ,m,用绝对值代入,
3. 横截面计算步骤及方法
图示 计算步骤方法 适用范围
1,划分横截面 根据地形图、竖向布置图或现场检测,将要计算的适于地形起伏变化
场地划分为若干个横截面 ; ; ……,使截面尽量垂直较大,自然地面复
等高线或建筑物边长,截面间距可不等,一般取10 m或20 m,但最杂的地区,或者挖
大不大于100 m. 直深度较大,截面 又不规则的地区
2,划横截面 按比例绘制每个横截面的自然地面和设计地面的轮廓 线。自然地面轮廓线与设计地面轮廓线之间的面积,即为挖方或填方计算方法较为简单
的截面. 方便,但精度较低。
3,计算横截面面积 按表格中面积计算分式,计算每个横截面的挖
4,计算土方工程量 根据横截面面积计算土方工程量
3式中 ——相邻两截面间土方量,m;
5,汇总 按汇总表格式汇总全部土方工程量。
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
项 次 图 示 面积计算公式
填方面积 挖方面积 截面间距 填方体积
积 截面
223/m /m /m /m 3/m specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
A-A` B-B` C-C`
合 计
图示 计算步骤方法 适用范围
1,划分截面 根据地形图、竖向布置图、设计边坡坡度绘
制边坡地段平面图、截面图,截面图的间距取10 m或20 m,
最大不超过50 m。在边坡地段平面图上的边坡起点的左上
2,计算横截面面积 如左图示,挖方或填方截面面积
式中 h——边坡的施工标高,m;
m——边坡的坡度值,即m ;
i——自然地形坡度,即 m ;
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
上两式 设 ,
则得 , .
表求得 .
3,计算土方量 根据截面面积按下式计算,
3式中 ——相邻两边坡截面间的土方工程量(m),
, ——相邻两边坡截面间的挖方为(+),填方为(-)
4,计算土方总量 列表汇总边坡全部土方量,方法同“截
面法”(略) .
边坡土方计算K、K值表 DV
m 1:0.5 1:0.75 1:1.0 1:1.25 1:1.50 K、K DVK K K K K K K K K K DVDVDVDVDVi(%)
0 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.38 1.00 0.50 1.25 0.63 1.50 0.75 1 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.38 1.01 0.51 1.26 0.63 1.52 0.76 2 0.51 0.26 0.76 0.38 1.02 0.51 1.28 0.64 1.55 0.78 3 0.51 0.26 0.77 0.39 1.03 0.52 1.30 0.65 1.57 0.79 4 0.51 0.26 0.77 0.39 1.04 0.52 1.32 0.66 1.60 0.80 5 0.51 0.26 0.78 0.39 1.05 0.53 1.33 0.67 1.62 0.81
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
6 0.52 0.26 0.78 0.39 1.06 0.53 1.35 0.68 1.65 0.83 7 0.52 0.26 0.79 0.40 1.07 0.54 1.37 0.69 1.68 0.84 8 0.52 0.26 0.80 0.40 1.09 0.55 1.39 0.70 1.71 0.86 9 0.52 0.26 0.80 0.40 0.10 0.55 1.41 0.71 1.74 0.87 10 0.53 0.27 0.81 0.41 1.11 0.56 1.43 0.72 1.77 0.89 11 0.53 0.27 0.82 0.41 1.12 0.56 1.45 0.73 1.80 0.90 12 0.53 0.27 0.82 0.41 1.14 0.57 1.47 0.74 1.83 0.92 13 0.54 0.27 0.83 0.42 1.15 0.58 1.49 0.75 1.87 0.94 14 0.54 0.27 0.84 0.42 1.16 0.58 1.51 0.76 1.90 0.95 15 0.54 0.27 0.84 0.42 1.18 0.59 1.54 0.77 1.94 0.97 16 0.54 0.27 0.85 0.43 1.19 0.60 1.56 0.78 1.98 0.99 17 0.55 0.28 0.86 0.43 1.20 0.60 1.59 0.80 2.02 1.01 18 0.55 0.28 0.87 0.44 1.22 0.61 1.61 0.81 2.06 1.03 19 0.55 0.28 0.87 0.44 1.24 0.62 1.64 0.82 2.10 1.05 20 0.56 0.28 0.88 0.44 1.25 0.63 1.66 0.83 2.15 1.08 21 0.56 0.28 0.89 0.45 1.27 0.64 1.70 0.85 2.20 1.10 22 0.56 0.28 0.90 0.45 1.28 0.64 1.72 0.86 2.24 1.12 23 0.57 0.29 0.90 0.45 1.30 0.65 1.76 0.88 2.30 1.15 24 0.57 0.29 0.91 0.46 1.32 0.66 1.78 0.89 2.35 1.18 25 0.57 0.29 0.92 0.46 1.33 0.67 1.82 0.91 2.40 1.20 26 0.58 0.29 0.93 0.47 1.35 0.68 1.85 0.93 2.46 1.23 27 0.58 0.29 0.94 0.47 1.37 0.69 1.88 0.94 2.52 1.26 28 0.58 0.29 0.95 0.48 1.39 0.70 1.92 0.96 2.59 1.30
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
29 0.59 0.30 0.96 0.48 1.41 0.71 1.96 0.98 2.65 1.33
30 0.59 0.30 0.97 0.49 1.43 0.72 2.00 1.00 2.72 1.36
specifically, is to engage in any work. Party members and cadres of the party's line, principles and policies of the executor and organizer, command, to be familiar with business knowledge, enhance the business skills, and strive to use their own business authority "to improve the leader's authority. To learning. From the beginning, learning is the growth and progress. Leadership is leadership scholarship, leadership is a process of learning how to use the knowledge. With worldly affairs, national conditions, the party situation Profound changes, new situations, new problems and new tasks emerge in an endless stream, an increasing number of Party members and cadres to meet the "strange", "lack of capacity" "ability to panic becomes stronger, to firmly establish the" never too old to learn old "concept, continuous optimizationChanging the policy level of the level of mastering new knowledge structure, escalating the brain's "memory". To research policy. The policy and strategy is the party's life ". Party members and cadres policy, employment policy to solve the problem of" vital few ", the policy level determines the level of understanding and the utilization degree, decided to daily work intensity and height. To consciously enhance the policy awareness, strengthen the in charge of their own in the field of laws and regulations, policies, and strive to do business policies. To develop innovation." sail against the current, a pole can not be slack; the stone, a drop can not be slack. In today's society background, the party A lot of members and cadres to strengthen the innovation of sense of responsibility, and firmly establish the "reform risk, without
今天的这个方格网计算土方实例项目是成都某汽车产业园场地平整,自然地形所处位置地形起不大,自然高程介于493.880 ~ 499.140 m之间,面积大概有2164265.4656m,计划用方格网来平整场地的土方。
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