1(三;时间;手绢;冬梅精心绣?制出漂亮的?手绢,终于受到老?师的关注和?表扬 2(心理描写
)母亲对儿子?学业有成、能帮衬家庭?的欣慰。 (2
4.理解:母亲不仅养?育了我,同时影响到?我的习惯、个性、精神,影响了我一?生 感悟:【示例】父母是我们?生活中的第?一任老师,当我们遇到?困难、意志消沉的?时候,总是教导我?们鼓起勇气?,战胜困难,走向未来。
(2)使苞谷粥更?可口(或“为苞谷的降?临帮衬一臂?之力”,意思对即可?)。 (共4分。每个要点2?分)
3(答案示例:第?段中“红薯亢奋于?泥土之中,胖大结实的?块头硬是将?沉重的黄土?层拱起一个?龟背”, “就从土缝里?朝外窥视,透过地上半?歪的绿髻儿?窥视蓝天白?云,窥视日月星?辰”,作者运用了?拟人的修辞?方法,不仅生动形?象地写出了?红薯生命力?旺盛,而且生动形?象地写出了?红薯调皮、可爱的情态?,表达了作者?对红薯的赞?美与喜爱之?情
2.?因为老师已?经巧妙地提?醒了走神的?学生,若无其事,正是为了保?护学生的自?尊,不想让学生?尴尬,体现出老师?对学生的关?爱和巧妙的?交流艺术。评分:共2分。意思对即可?。 ?看到老师的?病情,伤心,难过之情难?以控制,体现了“我”对老师深深?的爱怜、痛惜。评分:共2分。答案应含有?“对老师的深?情”“情感难以控?制”两点内容,每点1分,意思对即可?。 3.示例一:第?句,运用比喻,生动形象地?写出了学生?头发的美,字里行间流?露出赞美之?情。从而表现了?老师高超的?语言艺术,也表现了老?师的细心、爱心,对学生的观?察细致入微?。 示例二:第?句,运用比喻,生动形象地?写出了老师?的亲切温和?,表现了学生?在老师的引?领下,对学习内容?的领悟,也表现了学?生对老师的?关爱心领神?会。等等
评分:共2分。也可任选其?他角度,如联想和想?象、词语的赏析?等,表达合理即?可。 4.第一个“好”表现的是一?个善于鼓励?学生的老师?;第二个“好”表现的是一?个热爱本职?工作的老师?。评分:共2分。每点1分,可有不同角?度,合理即可。
范文二:渔夫阅读七年级答案 新编渔夫阅读七年级《峭壁上的树》
1. 选文前四段从哪两个方面写了酸枣树生存条件的恶劣,用简洁的语言概括出来。
答. 酸枣树生长在峭崖壁缝上的一捧贫脊的泥土中;受到风雨、云雾、霜雪、雷电的欺压。
2、 从第五段中找出具体体现
3、 文中
答. 酸枣树的种子;故乡峭壁上的酸枣树;小酸枣。
4、 写出本文的行文线索。
3((3分0)引5出下v文2,激发阅读兴趣,明确讨论话题。(各1分8,意思对即可) 4((7分1)动摇(犹豫) 否定(反2对)(各3分1,意思对即可) 80((7分0)很多人e年轻时有着远大j理想,但随着岁月2流逝,放弃了l对理想的追求,庸庸碌碌,最终一n事无w成,徒留感伤慨叹。(意思对即可) 64((8分4)因为6在作者看来,渔夫z的幸福是一u种随遇而安的消极的生活态度,只有在经历d了y艰苦奋斗6后获得的充实与p从7容才w是真正的幸福、最大t的快慰。(1分7)用“更”突出强调了u自己i的观点(0分7)。(意思对即可) 30((1分6)示2例:人h生中4难免会遇到挫折;悲伤失望时不t妨用“渔夫c的思想”自我安慰,调整身心8。但暂时
It's Monday today. The young couple (夫妻 ) are at work and their children are at school but their parents are retired at home.
The old woman thinks he's right and they come in. There's nobody but a girl.
Half an hour later, the girl brings all their dishes to them and Mrs. Morison says,
The girl comes over and feels strange (奇怪的 ) and asks,
1. Mr. and Mrs. Morison are at home because
A. It's Monday today
B. It's very cold today
C. They have some housework to do
D. They are old and don't go to work
2. Mr. and Mrs. Morison go shopping .
A. to have dinner in the restaurant
B. to make a birthday dinner at home
C. to cook lunch for their children
D. to wait for their friends
A. 除了
B. 但是
C. 仅仅
D. 然而
4. The old woman asks her husband to eat first because .
A. he leaves his money at home
B. she's afraid of (害怕 ) him
C. it's his birthday today
D. she isn't hungry
A. better dishes
B. some dishes
C. her false teeth
D. her children
前言 阅读分精读和泛读。 一、精读。
顾名思义,就是精细地阅读。对于精读内容,不但要知道汉语意思,还要弄明白每一个句子的结构,最好能达到熟练背诵的程度。老师一般都会对精读内容做详细的知识点讲解和句子结构的分析。课本上的课文和《新概念》上的课文都属于精读内容。 二、泛读。
目前适合初一学生阅读的英语文章很少。太简单,达不到学习提高的目的;太难,又会使学生失去阅读的兴趣。该《英语阅读系列》的难度适中,每篇大约有3个左右的生词,文章内容生动有趣,是七年级学生泛读的好教材。希望同学们能够坚持每天阅读一篇。 具体方法: 一、先把文章浏览一遍,在不认识的单词下面划一横线,然后查字典,把汉语意思和音标记下来。
Passage 1
My Friend
I have a good friend in my class. His name is Sam. He is from England. He is in China with his parents. He likes China. He likes Chinese food, too. He has breakfast at home. He eats an egg, bread and porridge for breakfast. He doesn’t like milk. He has no time to go home for lunch, so he has it at school. The lunch in his school is delicious. He can have different kinds of food for lunch. He eats rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes he has noodles and dumplings. He has supper at home with his parents. Sometimes he goes out to eat with his friends. He has fish, meat, vegetables and fruit.
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Passage 2
Kate, Jack and Sam are good friends. They are in the same school. Kate and Jack are classmates. But Sam is in a different grade — Grade Three. They often play games or do sports after school.
This evening Jack is going to Sam’s birthday party and he is going to give him a new book for his birthday because Sam likes reading very much. Kate wants to go to the party, too. But she has to stay at home because her mother isn’t feeling well. She asks Jack to take a present to Sam for his birthday. She wants to give Sam a different present, so she gives him a very nice new pen. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Passage 3
Mike, Kate and Mingming are doing their homework together. Mike’s spelling of “Monday” is wrong. Kate tells him about it. Mingming doesn’t have her eraser in her pencil-box. She wants to borrow one from Mike or Kate. Mike says he has one and gives it to Mingming.
The three children are students in Class 3, Grade one of No. 11 Middle School in Beijing. Mike is from the U. S. A. Kate is from the U. K. Mingming is a Chinese girl. The three students are good friends.They often do homework together and play together. They often help each other.
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Passage 4
Mr Li works in a big factory. He is nearsighted, but he doesn’t like wearing glasses when he has meals. Mr Li has a son.He likes talking at table very much. Mr Li is very angry.” Don’t talk when you have meals.” Mr Li says to him, “Be a good boy.”
One day, when they are having supper, the son sees a fly in his father’s bowl. He wants to tell his father about it.. “Das, there is ...” His father looks at him and says, “Don’t talk!” After supper, his father asks him, “Well, my boy, what is it?” “There is a fly in your bowl. And you eat it.”
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Passage 5
Why children like watching TV?
Many children like watching TV. It’s very interesting and they can see a lot and know many things about other people. They can learn from the radio, too. But they can learn easily with TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can’t watch anything from the radio.
TV helps to open children’s mind. They can find better way to do things. Many children watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday evenings. They are very busy. But some children watch TV every night. They go to bed late. It’s not good for their eyes and health.
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Passage 6
I’m going to buy a ball for you!
James likes sports, so he’s tall and strong in his middle school. Now his father and mother work in London. So he begins to study in a middle school there. He’s a member of the school rugby team. He likes the game very much and plays it on Saturday and Sunday.
His grandma lives in a village and one day she comes to see him. It’s Saturday and she doesn’t see the boy at home. So she goes to look for him in the school. She sees thirty boys are playing only one ball. The old woman asks James to go home with her.
“But, Grandma, I...”
“Don’t play with them, my dear!” Says the old woman. “I’m going to buy a ball for you!”
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Passage 7
I’m going to have baseball shoes
The boys are playing basketball. They play games every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Some of the boys are playing basketball. They play other games, too. The girls play on the field every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. They play volleyball and other games.
Now the bell is ringing. Time is up. The boys go into the school. They go to their lockers and change clothes. Every boy has a locker. He keeps his clothes and books there.
Bruce and Jimmy are walking home together.
“My brother is going to give me his basketball shoes,” says Jimmy. “My father is going to buy him a new pair.” “Oh, that’s fine. What size are they?”
“Size seven. That’s my size. They’re too small for my brother, come over after supper and see them.”
“OK. See you then.” “Goodbye!”
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Passage 8
Mr. Brown works in a company. His wife stays at home every day. But Mrs. Brown is very terrible. She asks her husband to give her all the money every month. So Mr. Brown’s pocket is often empty.
One day Mr. Brown is on a bus. There are many people on it. Then suddenly he feels someone touch him. A man wants to put his hand into Mr. Brown’s pocket. He wants to find Mr. Brown’s wallet. Mr. Brown finds this. He says to the man with a smile, “Brother, you are late. All the money is in my wife’s hand now. She is earlier than you.”
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Passage 9
Australia is a large country. It is big, but the population there is only the same as the population in Shanghai, a city of China. Australians are very friendly. They speak English. When it is summer in our country, it is winter in Australia. In Australia, there are many, many sheep. After a short drive from any city, you will see a lot of sheep. And you can find a lot of kangaroos. A kangaroo has a “bag”. The mother kangaroos put their babies in the “bag”.
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Passage 10
My Hometown
My name is Zhang Jing. I’m a girl. My hometown is Gulangyu. Do you know Gulangyu? It’s a small place near the sea in Xiamen, and it is very nice and clean. There are no cars, no buses and no bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet.
Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu. Behind our house is a big tree. My grandfather tells me the tree is very old. There’re many birds in it. We call it a “bird tree”. Our house is near the sea. The sea is very blue. There are a lot of fish in the sea. After school I go there and catch fish with my friends. It’s very interesting. I like my hometown very much.
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Passage 11
In New York, London, Paris and other big cities, there are many interesting things to see and many funny things to do. You can also buy things from all over the world.
But there are some problems in big cities, too. It’s expensive to live there, and there are too many people. Sometimes people can’t find work or good places to live in. And it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean.
Some people like to live in big cities, but some people do not. Before you move to a big city, you should think about the problems.
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Passage 12
Whose house is this? It’s the Dawsons’ new house in a small village. The name of this village is Belmont. It’s a little village near a big city. There are two small lakes in Belmont, and they live near one of them. They like their new house very much.
Mrs Dawsons is usually busy because she does her housework, she cooks the meals, she cleans the house, she washes the clothes, and she does the shopping for the family. Her daughter Ann and her son Jack go to a school in the village and every day, they help their mother do some housework. Mr Dawsons goes to work in the city and he sometimes helps his wife, too.
Many people are now moving from cities to villages. A village is a little town. It’s usually more quiet and friendly.
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Passage 13
Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for you. It’s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.
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Passage 14
Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.
Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.
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Passage 15
Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. you can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.
I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one .you can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.
I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Passage 16
Schools in the U.S.A are a little different from schools in China. Usually, there is no school uniform. In many Chinese schools, students have school uniforms. Classes start at 8:30 each morning and the school day ends at 3:30 or 4 o’clock in the U.S.A. And in China, classes usually start at 8:00 in the morning and the school day ends at 5:30 in the afternoon. Students have one hour for lunch and two 20-minute breaks each day in U.S.A. One break is in the morning, and the other is in the afternoon. In China, students have two hours’ break during lunchtime and ten minutes break for each class period. In U.S.A, students often go to the school cafeteria at lunchtime or at break. They buy snacks and drinks there. The most popular after-school activities are baseball, football and basketball.
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Passage 17
In almost every big university in the USA, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it, If they move it to the end of the filed, they receive six points. This is called a touch down.
It is hard to move the ball. Eleven men in the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.
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Passage 18
Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They dance and jump while they yell.
Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.
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Passage 19
I have many friends, and they have different favorite subjects. John’s favorite subject is computer because he thinks computer can help him a lot in his study. He is a computer fan. He likes playing computer games very much, and he is good at playing it. Jack likes art best because he likes drawing pictures a lot. Mary likes Chinese because her father is Chinese. Her father teaches her Chinese at home. She loves China very much, and she wants to know more about China. Bob think math is very interesting, so he likes math best. David likes P. E. because he likes doing sports. He is good at playing basketball and soccer.
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Passage 20
It is a fine Sunday morning. There are two cats on the road. They are walking with fishing rods and baskets in their hands. The little cat’s name is Mimi. The old one’s name is Mike. They are going fishing.
After some minutes, they are coming to the big river. They are sitting under the big tree and beginning to fish.
At this time, a bird is flying to them. Mimi throws away his fishing rod and runs after the bird. He wants to catch it. But he can’t catch the bird. When he comes back, Mike gets a big fish.
After a while, a butterfly is flying to them. Mimi throws away his fishing rod again. He runs after the butterfly. He wants to catch the butterfly, but he can’t.
Mimi comes back and has a look at Mike’s basket. He has a basketball full of fish. Mimi has nothing.
It’s time for supper. They must go home. Mike is very happy, but Mimi is very sad.
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七年级英语阅读(一) Passage 1
It was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is warm but not hot. Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella in his hand.
Mr. Black said to him , “Do you think we are going to have rain today?’ “No,” said
the old man, “I don’t think so.” “Then are you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot?’ “No, the sun is not very hot in spring.” Mr. Black looked at the big umbrella
again, and then the man said “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong(强壮).
I must have a walking-stick(拐杖). But people will say, ‘Look! That man is so old!’ I
don’t like that, so I carry an umbrella every day.”
( )1. This story happened .
A. on a spring morning B. on a cold day
C. on a summer evening D. on a bus
( )2. What was the weather like that day?
A. It was raining. B. The sun was too hot.
C. It was sunny and the sun was warm but not too hot.
D. It was cloudy.
( )3. The old man had in his hand.
A. a book B. a walking-stick C. nothing D. an umbrella
( )4. The old man carried an umbrella because .
A. it was going to rain B. he must have it as a walking-stick
B. the sun was too hot B. he thought it was going to rain
( )5. From the passage we know that .
A. the weather was bad that day B. the old man was stupid
C. the umbrella was not strong
D. the old man didn’t want other people to say he was old
Passage 2
In England, people often talk about the weather because they can have four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later, clouds come out and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, and it will be summer.
In England, you can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter you can swim sometimes, and in summer you should(应该,将要) sometimes take
warm clothes.
When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an
umbrella or a raincoat with them on the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at,嘲
笑, them. When it rains later, you will laugh yourself. Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. What do people in England often do?
2. How many seasons can they have in England in one day?
3. What do people need to take when they go out?
4. Can you swim in winter in England? Why or why not?
5. What’s the weather like in England?
A rich man and a poor tailor,裁缝, lived in the same house. The rich man lived upstairs and the poor tailor lived downstairs. The tailor liked to sing when he made,制
作,clothes. But the rich man liked to sleep,睡觉,a lot.
One day, the rich man said, “Tailor, I will give you a big bag of money if(如果) you
stop,停止, singing.” Fine.” Said the tailor. And so the tailor stropped singing and became rich. But after a few days, he became(变成) unhappy, because he wanted very much to sing again.
Then he gave all the money back to the rich man. He said, “Take your money, I can’
t be happy if I can’t sing.” He went away singing. He sang and sang and he was happier than,比, before.
Answer the questions:
1. What were the differences(不同) between the rich man and tailor?
2. Why didn’t the rich man like the tailor’s singing?
3. What did the rich man do to the tailor from singing?
4. Why did the tailor give all the money back to the rich man?
5. How could the tailor take the money and go on singing at the same time?
Mr. Brown is an old man . Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he
comes home at twelve thirty for his lunch in the middle(中间) of the day.
But today a car stops at his house at twelve o’clock. Two policemen(警察) help him
get out. One of them says to Mr. Brown’s daughter, “He can’t find his way home in the park and ask us to take him home in the car.”
The daughter thanks the policemen and they leave(离开). Then she asks her father, “Dad, you go to the park every day. But today you can’t find the way. What’s wrong?”
The old man smiles(微笑) like a child and says, “I can find my way home. But I don’
t want to walk home.”
Choose the best answer.
1. The old man every day.
A. goes for a walk in the morning B. has lunch in the park
C. asks the policemen to take him home D. gets ill 2. Two policemen take him home in the car, because they think
A. he can’t find his way home B. he is too old
C. he likes their car D. he can’t walk
3. The old man asks the policemen to take him home in the car, because .
A. something is wrong with him B. he wants to have lunch at 12:00
B. he doesn’t want to walk home D. his daughter asks him to do that. 4. Which is right?
A. The daughter will not let her father go to the park again.
B. The old man is not happy when the policemen take him in the car.
C. The policemen know the old man.
D. The old man comes home earlier today.
5. What do you think of the old man?
A. He is foolish. B. He is helpless.
C. he is like a child. D. He is forgetful.
Passage 5
There isn’t an easy(容易) way(方法) to learn English, but there are several(一些) good
ways: speak, listen to, read and write English as much as you can.
Speak English with your teachers and your classmates in class and out of class.
Listen to your teachers, your classmates and anyone when they speak English. Don’t
just read the textbooks(教科书). Go to a bookshop and find some easy English books to read. Write short passages(短文) if you can.
These things are not hard(困难). If you do them well, with the help of your teachers, you will learn English well.
1. You can speak English well if you .
A. are a good student B. speak only with your teachers
C. speak English with anyone D. speak only in class 2. Listen to when they speak English.
A. your classmates B. your teachers
C. Americans D. all the people
3. Don’t just read your textbooks because .
A. they are too hard B. they are easy to learn C. they are not useful
D. you need to read some other books in English 4. You can learn English well if you .
A. speak English B. listen to English
C. read and write English D. A, B and C 5. The passage tells us .
A. how to find some easy English books to read
B. how to write short passage
C. how to study English well
D. how to find an easy way to learn English well Tom’s Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00-8:45 French Biology Physics Geography French
8:00-9:40 English French Maths English French
9:50-10:35 History Maths English Chemistry English
10:45-11:30 Maths Art History P.E Physics
11:30-1:00 Noon Break
1:00-1:45 P.E English Social Biology Music
1:55-2:40 Social Geography French Maths Self-study
Read the timetable and answer the questions: 1. What lesson does Tom have each weekday?
2. What time are his morning classes over?
3. How many geography lessons does he have in a week?
4. What can he do on Friday afternoon?
5. What do you think of Tom’s lessons at school?
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