第 1页
图 2 x 0 x 1 2018年北京市高中会考
物 理 试 卷 2018.1
第一部分 选择题 (共 54分)
一、本题共 15小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个 ....
选项是符合题意的。 (每 小题 3分,共 45分)
A .时间 B .质量 C .电阻 D .磁感应强度
A .库仑 B .牛顿 C .伏特 D .焦耳
3. 如图 1所示, 一个物体受 F 1和 F 2两个互相垂直的共点力作用, 其 F 1 =3N, F 2=4N。这两个力的合力大小为
A . 1N B . 5 N C . 7N D . 12N
的电荷量都变为原来的 3倍,则两电荷间库仑力的大小将变为原来的
A . 3倍 B . 6倍 C . 9倍 D . 12倍
5.中国古代科技取得了辉煌的成就,在很多方面走在世界前列。例如春秋战国时期, 墨家的代表人物墨翟在《墨经》中,就已对力做了比较
科学的阐述:“力,刑 (形 ) 之所以奋也
A .力是维持物体运动的原因
B .力是物体位移变化的原因
C .力是物体位置变化的原因
D .力是物体运动状态改变的原因
6. 利用弹簧可以测量物体的重力。 将劲度系数为 k
的弹簧上端固定在铁架台的横梁上。 弹簧下端不挂物体时, 测得弹簧的长度为 x 0。 将待测物 图 1
第 2页 体挂在弹簧下端, 如图 2所示。 待物体静止时测得弹簧的长度为 x 1, 测量中弹簧始终在弹性 限度内,则待测物体的重力大小为
A . k x 0 B . k x 1 C . k (x 1- x0) D . k (x 1+ x0)
7.如图 3所示,一通电直导线位于匀强磁场中,导线与磁场方向垂直。
磁场的磁感应强度 B=0.1T,导线长度 L=0.2m。当导线中的电流 I=1A时,该
A . 0.01N B . 0.02N C . 0.03N D . 0.04N
8. 如图 4所示, 一个箱子放置在水平地面上, 某同学用水平向右的力 F
A .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向水平向右
B .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向水平向左
C .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向竖直向上
D .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向竖直向下
请阅读下述文字,完成第 9、第 10、第 11题
踢毽子是我国一项大众喜欢的传统健身运动。毽子被人们誉为“生命的蝴煤” ,通常由 羽毛和毽托构成,如图 5所示。 在某次踢毽子的过程中, 毽子离开脚后,恰好沿竖直方向向 上运动,到达最高羽毛点后又向下落回。毽子在运动过程中受到的空气
A .毽子对脚的作用力大于脚对毽子的作用力
B .毽子对脚的作用力小于脚对毽子的作用力
C .毽子对脚的作用力与脚对毽子的作用力方向相同
D .毽子对脚的作用力与脚对毽子的作用力方向相反
A .变小 B .不变 C .变大 D .先变大后变小
A .一直减小 B .一直增大 C .先减小后增大 D .先增大后减小反
12.如图 6所示,在匀速转动的水平圆盘上有两个质量相同的物块 P 和 Q (两物块均可视为质点 ) , 它们随圆盘一起做匀速圆周运动, 线速度大小分
别为 v p 和 v Q ,向心力大小分别为 F p 和 F Q 。下列说法中正确的是
A . v p >v Q B . v p =v Q C . F p
13.一物体沿直线运动,其速度 v 随时间 t 变化的图像如图 7所示。
由图像可知,在 0-2s 内
A .物体的速度一直变大 B .物体的加速度一直变大
C .物体速度的方向发生了改变 D .物体加速度的方向发生了改变
图 7 图 3
图 5 羽毛 毽托 图
4 图 6
第 3页 请考生注意:在下面 14、 15两题中,每题有①、②两个小题。其中第①小题供选学物 理 1-1的考生做;第②小题供选学物理 3-1的考生做。每位考生在每题的①、②小题中只做 一个小题。
14.① (供选学物理 1-1的考生做)
型号为 JY/T0390的单频率电火花计时器正常工作时,接在电压为 u 的交流电源上,电 压 u 随时间 t 的变化关系如图 8所示。该电火花计时器正常工作时
A .每隔 0.01s 打一次点
B .每隔 0.02s 打一次点
C .使用的是频率为 100Hz 的交流电
D .使用的是频率为 200Hz 的交流电
② (供选学物理 3-1的考生做) 在如图 9所示的电路中,电源的电动势 E =3.0V,内阻 r=1.0Ω, R 为滑动变阻器。当闭 合开关 S 后, 电流表示数为 0.30A 。忽略电流表的内阻, 则滑动变阻
A . 8.0Ω B . 9.0Ω
C . 10.0Ω D . 11.0Ω
15.① (供选学物理 1-1的考生做)
中国是全球最大的家用电器生产和消费国。 家用电器拥
有量的迅速增长带来了巨大的能源消耗, 同时也加重了对环
图 10是某型号空调的能效标识。其中,能效等级是依
据能效比来划分的, 目前中国的能效等级根据能效比由高到
低依次分为 1、 2、 3三个等级。能效比是指空调在额定工作
A .在制冷量相同的情况下,能效比大的空调输入功率
B .在能效比相等的情况下,制冷量大的空调输入功率小
C .在输入功率相同的情况下,能效比大的空调制冷量大
D .在输入功率相同的情况下,制冷量大的空调能效比小
图 8 图 7
图 10 3.49
第 4页
② (供选学物理 3-1的考生做)
如图 11所示,一对平行金属板水平放置,板间电压为 U 1,一个电
子沿 MN 以初速度 v 1从两板的左侧射人, MN 经过时间 t 1从右侧射出。 若板间电压变为 U 2, 另一个电子也沿 MN 以初速度 v 2从两板的左侧射
入,经过时间 t 2从右侧射出。不计电子的重力, MN 平行于金属板。
若要使 t 2<>
A . U 2>U1 B . U 2 二、本题共 3小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,至少有一个 ..... 选项是符合题意的。 (每 小题 3分, 共 9分。 每小题全选对的得 3分, 选对但不全的得 2分,只要有选错的该小题不 得分) 请阅读下述文字,完成第 16、第 17题 如图 12所示, M 、 a 、 b 是同一条直线上的三个点,将电荷量为 +Q的点电荷放置在 M 点。 点电荷 +Q在 a 点产生的电场强度为 E a ,一个电荷量为 +q的点电荷 P 放在点受到的电场力大 小为 F 。若将点电荷 P 从 a 点移动到 b 点,电场力做功为 W 。 16.关于 E 的大小和方向,下列说法中正确的是 A. E a 的大小为 F/Q B. E a 的大小为 F/q C. E a 的方向由 a 指向 b D. E a 的方向由 b 指向 a 17. 下列关系式正确的是 A . E a >Eb B . E a 18. 2016年 9月落成起用的“中国天眼”是我国自主研制的、世界最大最灵敏的单口 径射电望远镜, 如图 13所示。 射电望远镜是观测和研究来 自天体的射电波的基本设备,脉冲星、宇宙微背景辐射等 天文学的重大发现都与射电望远镜有关。脉冲星是一种高 速自转的中子星,它的密度极高,每立方厘米质量达上亿 吨。脉冲星在计时、引力波探测、广义相对论检验等领域 具有重要应用。 到目前为止, “中国天眼” 已探测到数十个优质脉冲星 候选体。其中脉冲星 FPl 的自转周期为 1.83 s ,距离地球 约 1.6万光年;脉冲星 FP2的自转周期为 0.59s ,距离地球约 4100光年。 根据以上资料可以判断,下列说法中正确的是 A .脉冲星 FP1的自转周期小于地球的自转周期 B .脉冲星 FP1到地球的距离小于太阳到地球的距离 C .脉冲星 FP1的自转角速度大于脉冲星 FP2的自转角速度 D .脉冲量 FP1的自转角速度小于脉冲星 FP2的自转角速度 图 13 +Q b 图 12 图 11 第 5页 第二部分 非选择题 (共 46分) 三、填空题 (每小题 4分,共 16分) 19. 如图 14所示, 放置在水平面上的一个物体, 在 F=5.0N的水平拉 力作用下,沿力的方向移动了 x =2.0m,则在该过程中,拉力 F 做的功 W =______J。 若上述过程经历的时间 t =20s, 则拉力 F 在 该过程中做功的平均功率 P =______W。 20. 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》明确规定:机动车载物应当符合核定的载质量,严 禁超载。这个规定的实施是保障交通安全的有效措施之一。请你根据所学的物理知识, 写出制定这一规定的两条科学依据:____________________________________________ ________________________________; _________________________________________。 21. 如图 15所示, 在探究平抛运动规律的实验中, 用小锤打击弹性金属 片, A 球沿水平方向抛出,同时 B 球由静止自由下落,可观察到两 小球同时落地;改变小球距地面的高度和打击的力度,多次实验, 都能观察到两小球同时落地。 根据实验 _____ (选填 “能” 或 “不能” ) 判断出 A 球在竖直方向做自由落体运动; _____ (选填“能”或“不 能” ) 判断出 A 球在水平方向做匀速直线运动。 22.利用图 16所示的装置,可以验证机械能守恒定律。实验中, 质量为 m 的重物自由下落, 打点计时器在纸带上打出一系列 点迹, 如图 17所示。 已知相邻两点之间打点的时间间隔为 T 。 测得 A 、 B 两点间的距离为 h 1, B 、 C 两点间的距离为 h 2。 则在打点計时器打下 B 点时,重物物的动能为 __________。 为了减小实验误差, 要尽量选择质量大些、 体积小些的重物, 请说明这样选择的理由 。 图 14 图 15 图 16 图 17 第 6页 二、论述、计算题 (共 30分) 解题要求:写出必要的文字说明、方程式、演算步骤和答案。有数值计算的题,答案 必须明确写出数值和单位。 23. (7分)如图 18所示,质量 m =5.0 kg的物体放在光滑水平面上。 t=0时刻,物体在水平 拉力 F 作用下由静止开始运动。已知 F=10N。求 (1)物体加速度 a 的大小; (2) t=2.0s时物体的速度大小 24. (7分) 如图 19所示的电场中, A 点的电场强度 E=1.0×104N/C。 将电荷量 q=+1.0×10-9C 的点电荷放在电场中的 A 点。 (1)求该点电荷在 A 点所受电场力 F 的大小; (2)在图中画出该点电荷在 A 点所受电场力 F 的方向。 25. 请考生注意:本题有①、②两个小题。其中第①小题供选学物理 1-1的考生做;第 ②小题供选学物理 3-1的考生做。每位考生只做其中一个小题。 ①(供选学物理 1-1的考生做) (8分) 2017年 4月入轨的中星 16号是中国第一颗高轨道高通量通信卫星。中星 16号是同步 星,定点于东经 115.5°,其轨道可近似为圆形轨道,示意图 如图 20所示。 已知卫星离地面高为 h , 地球半径为 R , 地球自 转周期为 T ,引力常量为 G 。 (1)求中星 16号在同步轨道上运行时的线速度大小图 v ; (2)求地球的质量 M ; (3)与我国已发射的其他通讯卫星相比,中星 16号的通信 容量大幅增加。 预计在三年内, 在中国的民航客机、高速列车和轮船上,人们可随时随 地实现高速上网,大大提高交流效率。请你展开想象的翅膀,再举一个例子说明中星 16号可能给人们的交流带来的变化。 图 18 图 19 第 7页 ②(供选学物理 3-1的考生做) (8分) 26.图 21是质谱仪工作原理的示意图。一个质量为 m 、电荷量为 +q的带电粒子,从小孔 S 飘入电势差为 U 的加速电场, 其初速度可视为 0, 然后通过小孔乙照相底 片 M 沿着与磁场垂直的方向进入匀强磁场中,经历半个 圆周后打在照相底片上的 N 点。已知匀强磁场的磁感应 强度为 B 。不计带电粒子的重力。 (1)求粒子从小孔 M 射入磁场压时的速度大小 v ; (2)求小孔 M 与 N 点之间的距离 d ; (3)现有两种电荷量相同、质量不同的带电粒子,请判断用质谱仪能否将这两种粒子区 分开,并简要说明理由。 27. (8分)图 22所示的蹦极运动是一种非常刺激的娱乐项目。为了研究蹦极过程,做 以下简化:将游客视为质点,他的运动沿竖直方向,忽略弹性绳的质量和空气阻力。如图 23所示,某次蹦极时,游客从蹦极平台由静止开始下落,到 P 点时弹性绳恰好伸直,游客 继续向下运动,能到达的最低位置为 Q 点,整个过程中弹性绳始终在弹性限度内,且游客 从蹦极平台第一次到 Q 点的过程中,机械能损失可忽略。已知弹性绳的原长 l 0=10m,弹性 绳的弹力大小 F=k Δx ,其中 k =100N/m, Δx 为弹性绳的伸长量。取重力加速度 g=10m/s2。 (1)求游客从蹦极平台第一次到 P 点所用的时间 t ; (2)游客从蹦极平台第一次到 Q 点的运动过程中,取竖直向下为正方向,在图 24中 定性画出弹性绳对游客的弹力 F 随游客位移 x 变化关系的图线; (3)按照安全标准,该弹性绳允许的最大拉力 F m =3.0×103N ,请结合你画出的 F-x 关 系的图线,运用所学的物理知识,求允许蹦极游客的最大质量。 蹦极平台 图 23图 24 F t 0 图 22 1 2018年北京市春季普通高中会考 物 理 试 卷 第一部分 选择题 (共 54分) 一、单项选择题 (本题共 15小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个 .... 选项是符合题意 的。每小题 3分,共 45分) 1.下列物理量中,属于矢量的是 A .时间 B .质量 C .电阻 D .磁感应强度 2.在国际单位制中,电荷量的单位是 A .库仑 B .牛顿 C .伏特 D .焦耳 3.如图 1所示,一个物体受 F 1和 F 2两个互相垂直的共点力作用,其中 F 1=3N, F 2=4N。这两个力的合力大小为 A . 1NB . 5NC . 7ND . 12N 4.真空中有两个静止的点电荷,若保持它们之间的距离不变,而把它们 的电荷量都变为原来的 3倍,则两电荷间库仑力的大小将变为原来的 A . 3倍 B . 6倍 C . 9倍 D . 12倍 5.中国古代科技取得了辉煌的成就,在很多方面走在世界前列。例如春秋战国时期,墨家 的代表人物墨翟在《墨经》中,就已对力做了比较科学的阐述 :“ 力,刑(形)之所以奋也 ” 。 这句话的意思是 :力能使物体由静止开始运动,或使运动的物体运动得越来越快。下列说法 中,与墨翟对力的阐述最接近的是 A .力是维持物体运动的原因 B .力是物体位移变化的原因 C .力是物体位置变化的原因 D .力是物体运动状态改变的原因 6.利用弹簧可以测量物体的重力。将劲度系数为 k 的弹簧上端固定在铁架台的 横梁上。弹簧下端不挂物体时,测得弹簧的长度为 x 0。将待测物体挂在弹簧下 端,如图 2所示。待物体静止时测得弹簧的长度为 x1测量中弹簧始终在弹性限 度内,则待测物体的重力大小为 A . kx 0B . kx 1 C . k (x 1-x 0) D . k (x 1+x0) 2 7.如图 3所示,一通电直导线位于匀强磁场中,导线与磁场方向垂直。 磁场的磁感应强度 B =0. 1T ,导线长度 L =0. 2m 。当导线中的电流 Ⅰ =1A 时,该导线所受安培力的大小为 A . 0. 01NB . 0. 02NC . 0. 03ND . 0. 04N 8.如图 4所示,一个箱子放置在水平地面上,某同学用水平向右的力 F 推箱子,箱子与地 面仍保持相对静止。下列说法中正确的是 A .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向水平向右 B .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向水平向左 C .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向竖直向上 D .地面对箱子的摩擦力方向竖直向下 请阅读下述文字,完成第 9、第 10、第 11题 踢毽子是我国一项大众喜欢的传统健身运动。毽子被人们誉为 “生命的蝴 蝶”,通常由羽毛和毽托构成,如图 5所示。在某次踢毽子的过程中,毽子离开 脚后, 恰好沿竖直方向向上运动, 到达最高点后又向下落回。 毽子在运动过程中 受到的空气阻力不可忽略。 9.在毽子与脚相互作用的过程中,关于毽子和脚之间的相互作用 力,下列说法中正确的是 A .毽子对脚的作用力大于脚对毽子的作用力 B .毽子对脚的作用力小于脚对毽子的作用力 C .毽子对脚的作用力与脚对毽子的作用力方向相同 D .毽子对脚的作用力与脚对毽子的作用力方向相反 10.毽子离开脚后,在向上运动的过程中,它的速度 A .变小 B .不变 C .变大 D .先变大后变小 11.毽子从最高点下落的过程中,它的机械能 A .一直减小 B .一直增大 C .先减小后增大 D .先增大后减小 12. 如图 6所示, 在匀速转动的水平圆盘上有两个质量相同的物块 P 和 Q (两物块均可视为质点) ,它们随圆盘一起做匀速圆周运动,线 速度大小分别为 v p 和 v Q , 向心力大小分别为 F P 和 F Q 。下列说法中 正确的是 A . v p >vQ B . v p =vQ C . F p 13.一物体沿直线运动,其速度 v 随时间 t 变化的图像如图 7 所示。由图像可知,在 0~2s内 A .物体的速度一直变大 B .物体的加速度一直变大 C .物体速度的方向发生了改变 D .物体加速度的方向发生了改变 图 3 B 图 4 3 请考生注意:在下面 14、 15两题中,每题有①、②两道小题。其中①小题供选学物理 1-1的考生做; ②小题供选学物理 3-1的考生做。 每位考生在每题的①、 ②小题中只做一道 小题。 14. ① (供选学物理 1-1的考生做) 型号为 JY/T0390的单频率电火花计时器正常工作时,接在电压为 u 的交流电源上,电 压 u 随时间 t 的变化关系如图 8所示。该电火花计时器正常工作时 A .每隔 0. 0ls 打一次点 B .每隔 0. 02s 打一次点 C .使用的是频率为 100Hz 的交流电 D .使用的是频率为 200Hz 的交流电 ② (供选学物理 3-1的考生做) 在如图 9所示的电路中, 电源的电动势 E=3. 0V , 内阻 r=1. 0Ω, R 为滑动变阻器。当闭合开关 S 后,电流表 R 示数为 0. 30A 。忽略 电流表的内阻,则滑动变阻器接入电路的阻值为 A . 8. 0ΩB . 9. 0ΩC . 10ΩD . 11Ω 15. ① (供选学物理 1-1的考生做) 中国是全球最大的家用电器生产和消费国。家用电器拥有 量的迅速增长带来了巨大的能源消耗,同时也加重了对环境的 污染。因此,我国通过制定和实施能效标准、推广能效标识制 度来提高用能产品的能源效率,促进节能减排,减少对环境的 污染。 图 10是某型号空调的能效标识。 其中, 能效等级是依据能 效比来划分的,目前中国的能效等级根据能效比由高到低依次 分为 1、 2、 3三个等级。能效比是指空调在额定工作条件下制 冷时,制冷量与输入功率之比。制冷量是指空调制冷时,单位 时间内从密闭空间内去除的热量总和。 若空调在额定工作条件下制冷,根据以上资料可以判断, 下列说法中正确的是 A .在制冷量相同的情况下,能效比大的空调输入功率大 B .在能效比相等的情况下,制冷量大的空调输入功率小 C .在输入功率相同的情况下,能效比大的空调制冷量大 D .在输入功率相同的情况下,制冷量大的空调能效比小 4 ② (供选学物理 3-1的考生做) 如图 11所示,一对平行金属板水平放置,板间电压为 U 1, 一个电子沿 MN 以初速度 v 1从两板的左侧射入, 经过时 间 t 1从右侧射出。若板间电压变为 U 2,另一个电子也沿 MN 以初速度 v 2从两板的左侧射入,经过时间 t 2从右侧射 出。不计电子的重力, MN 平行于金属板。若要使 t 2<> 则必须满足的条件是 A . U 2>U1B . U 2 二、 多项选择题 (本题共 3小题, 在每小题给出的四个选项中,至少有一个 ..... 选项是符合题意 的。每小题 3分,共 9分。每小题全选对的得 3分,选对但不全的得 2分,只要有选错 的该小题不得分) 请阅读下述文字,完成第 16、第 17题 如图 12所示, M 、 a 、 b 是同一条直线上的三个点,将电荷量 为 +Q的点电荷放置在 M 点。点电荷 +Q 在 a 点产生的电场强度为 E a ,在 b 点产生的电场强度为 E b 。一个电荷量为 +q 的点电荷 P 放 在 a 点,受到的电场力大小为 F 。若将点电荷 P 从 a 点移动到 b 点,电场力做功为 W 。 16.关于 E 的大小和方向,下列说法中正确的是 A . E 的大小为 F Q B . E 的大小为 F q C . E a 的方向由 a 指向 b D . E b 的方向由 b 指向 a 17.下列关系式中正确的是 A . E a >E b B . E a 18. 2016年 9月落成起用的 “ 中国天眼 ” 是我国自主研制的、 世界最大最灵敏的单口径射电望远镜,如图 13所示。射 电望远镜是观测和研究来自天体的射电波的基本设备, 脉 冲星、 宇宙微波背景辐射等天文学的重大发现都与射电望 远镜有关。 脉冲星是一种高速自转的中子星, 它的密度极 高,每立方厘米质量达上亿吨。脉冲星在计时、引力波探 测、广义相对论检验等领域具有重要应用。 到目前为止, “ 中国天眼 ” 已探测到数十个优质脉冲星候选体。其中脉冲星 FP1的自转 周期为 1.83s ,距离地球约 1.6万光年;脉冲星 FP2的自转周期为 0.59s ,距离地球约 4100光年。 根据以上资料可以判断,下列说法中正确的是 A .脉冲星 FP1的自转周期小于地球的自转周期 B .脉冲星 FP1到地球的距离小于太阳到地球的距离 C .脉冲星 FP1的自转角速度大于脉冲星 FP2的自转角速度 D .脉冲星 FP1的自转角速度小于脉冲星 FP2的自转角速度 5 第二部分 非选择题 (共 46分) 三、填空题 (本题共 4小题。每小题 4分,共 16分) 19. 如图 14所示, 放置在水平面上的一个物体, 在 F =5. 0N 的水平拉力作用下, 沿力的方向移动了 x =2. 0m , 则在该 过程中, 拉力 F 做的功 W =J 。 若上述过程经历的时间 t =2.0s , 则拉力 F 在该过程中做功的平均功率 P =W 。 20. 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》明确规定 :机动车载物应当符合核定的载质量,严禁 超载。这个规定的实施是保障交通安全的有效措施之一。请你根据所学的物理知识,写 出制定这一规定的两条科学依据; 21.如图 15所示,在探究平抛运动规律的实验中,用小锤打击弹性金 属片, A 球沿水平方向抛出,同时 B 球由静止自由下落,可观察到 两小球同时落地; 改变小球距地面的高度和打击的力度, 多次实验, 都能观察到两小球同时落地。 根据实验 (选填 “ 能 ” 或 “ 不能 ” ) 判断出 A 球在竖直方向做自由落体运动; (选填 “ 能 ” 或 “ 不能 ” )判断出 A 球 在水平方向做匀速直线运动。 22. 利用图 16所示的装置, 可以验证机械能守恒定律。 实验中, 质量为 m 的重物自由下落, 打点计时器在纸带上打出一系列点迹,如图 17所示。已知相邻 两点之间的时间间隔为 T 。测得 A 、 B 两点间的距离为 h 1, B 、 C 两点间的距离为 h 2。则在打点计时器打下 B 点时,重物的动 能为。为了减小实验误差,要尽量选择质量大些、体积小些的 重物,请说明这样选择的理由 : 6 四、论述计算题 解题要求:写出必要的文字说明、方程式、演算步骤和答案。有数值计算的题,答案 必须明确写出数值和单位。 23. (7分)如图 18所示,质量 m =5.0kg 的物体放在光滑水平面上。 t =0时刻,物体在水平 拉力 F 作用下由静止开始运动。已知 F =10N 。求 (1)物体的加速度大小 a ; (2) t =2.0s 时物体的速度大小 v 。 24. (7分) 如图 19所示的电场中, A 点的电场强度 E =1. 0×104N/C。 将电荷量 q =+1.0×10-8C 的点电荷放在电场中的 A 点。 (1)求该点电荷在 A 点所受电场力 F 的大小; (2)在图中画出该点电荷在 A 点所受电场力 F 的方向。 7 25. 请考生注意:本题有①、②两个小题。其中①小题供选学物理 1-1的考生做;②小题 供选学物理 3-1的考生做。每位考生只做其中一个小题。 2017年 4月入轨的中星 16号是中国第一颗高轨道高通 量通信卫星。 中星 16号是同步卫星, 定点于东经 115. 5°, 其轨道可近似为圆形轨道, 示意图如图 20所示。 已知卫星 离地面高为 h ,地球半径为 R ,地球自转周期为 T ,引力常 量为 G (1)求中星 16号在同步轨道上运行时的线速度大小 v ; (2)求地球的质量 M ; (3)与我国已发射的其他通讯卫星相比,中星 16号的通信容量大幅增加。预计在三年内, 在中国的民航客机、高速列车和轮船上,人们可随时随地实现高速上网,大大提高交 流效率。 请你展开想象的翅膀, 再举一个例子说明中星 16号可能给人们的交流带来的 变化。 8 ②(供选学物理 3-1的考生做) (8分) 图 21是质谱仪工作原理的示意图。 一个质量 为 m 、电荷量为 +q 的带电粒子,从小孔 S 飘入电 势差为 U 的加速电场,其初速度可视为 0,然后 通过小孔 M 沿着与磁场垂直的方向进入匀强磁场 中,经历半个圆周后打在照相底片上的 N 点。已 知匀强磁场的磁感应强度为 B 。不计带电粒子的 重力。 (1)求粒子从小孔 M 射入磁场时的速度大小 v (2)求小孔 M 与 N 点之间的距离 d (3)现有两种电荷量相同、质量不同的带电粒子,请判断用质谱仪能否将这两种粒子区分 开,并简要说明理由。 26. (8分)图 22所示的蹦极运动是一种非常刺激的娱乐项目。为了研究蹦极过程,做以下 简化 :将游客视为质点, 他的运动沿竖直方向, 忽略弹性绳的质量和空气阻力。 如图 23所示, 某次蹦极时, 游客从蹦极平台由静止开始下落, 到 P 点时弹性绳恰好伸直, 游客继续向下运 动,能到达的最低位置为 Q 点,整个过程中弹性绳始终在弹性限度内,且游客从蹦极平台 第一次到 Q 点的过程中,机械能损失可忽略。 已知弹性绳的原长 l 0=10m ,弹性绳的弹力大小 F =k △ x ,其中 k =100N/m, △ x 为弹性绳 的伸长量。取重力加速度 g=10m/s2。 (1)求游客从蹦极平台第一次到 P 点所用的时间 t ; (2)游客从蹦极平台第一次到 Q 点的运动过程中,取竖直向下为正方向,在图 24中定性 画出弹性绳对游客的弹力 F 随游客位移 x 变化关系的图线; (3) 按照安全标准, 该弹性绳允许的最大拉力 F m =3.0×103N , 请结合你画出的 F-x 关系的图 线,运用所学的物理知识,求允许蹦极游客的最大质量。 9 2014 年北京市春季普通 高中 会考 英语试卷 一、听力理解 (共 20 小题, 20 分。每小题 1 分) 第一节:听下面八段对话或独白,从各题 A 、 B 、 C 三个选项中 , 选出能回答问题的最佳答案。 每段对话 或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 1 题。 1.What will the man put on each desk? 听下面一段对话,回答第 2 题。 2. How will the boy go to his piano lesson? A. By bus B. By taxi. C. On foot. 听下面一段对话,回答第 3 题。 3. Where's the woman going on holiday this year? A. France. B. Canada. C. Italy 听下面一段对话,回答第 4 题至第 5 题。 4. What was the woman's grandfather's job ? A. A doctor B. A driver C. A fireman. 5. What does the man want to do? A. Visit the woman. B. Work in a children's hospital . C. Meet the woman's grandfather. 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 题至第 7 题。 6. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. At a bus stop. B. In a train station. C. At an airport 7. What's the woman doing? A. Making a telephone call. B. Asking the way. C. Shopping. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 题至第 10 题。 8. What part-time job does the woman do? A. A shop assistant. B. A bicycle trainer. C. A manager 9. Why does the woman need the job? A. To get more clothes B. To buy a new bike C. To support her family. 10. What does the woman think of her part-time job ? A. Boring. B. Difficult. C. Enjoyable. 听下面一段对话,回答第 11 题至第 13 题。 11. Why was the man absent from school? A. He was ill. B. He moved house. C. He was on holiday. 12. What will the woman do this Saturday? A. See a doctor. B. Go swimming. C. Have a lesson 13. When will the woman visit the man? A. This evening. B. Tomorrow evening. C. During the school holiday. 听下面一段独白,回答第 14 题至第 16 题。 14. What's the main purpose of this announcement? A. To collect litter. B. To ask for donations. C. To help homeless people. 15. What's the special need this winter? A. Small children's toys B. Warm hats and gloves. C. TV sets and computers. 16. When will the truck be in the area? A. On the 2nd. B. On the 7th. C. On the 11th. 第二节:听下面一段独白,根据题目要求在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下第 17 题至第 20 二、单项填空 (共 15 小题, 15 分。每小题 1 分) 21. Of the two coats, I'd choose the ______ one to spare some money for something else. A. cheaper B. cheapest . C. more expensive D. most expensive 22. ---Have you shown him around the museum yet? ---Yes. We ______ a great time there. A. had had B. have C. have had D. had 23. Mrs. Miles is not rich enough, _______ she has donated much to help the needy. A. so B. yet C. or D. for 24. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite ______ to perform skillfully yourself. A. other B. another C. some D. any 25. When ______ about his new job , Philip said he was crazy about it. A. having asked B. asking C. to be asked D. asked 26. ---Let's organize ____ surprise party for grandma's 70th birthday. ---That's _____ good idea. We can invite several of her friends. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填 27. Susan rides her bicycle to work every day. This is _____ she keeps fit. A. what B. which C. how D. when 28. ---It's a difficult decision. ---Yes. It requires a lot of thinking, so let's go and talk about it _____ a drink. A. for B. from C. over D. to 29. ---Oh, would you like to attend a concert or see a film this evening? ---I can't go anywhere because I _____ a very important phone call. A. expect B. am expecting C. expected D. was expecting 30. ---Remember: the first one _____ the top of the mountain wins the prize. ---Got it. A. to have reached B. to reach C. reached D. reach 31. Before the sales start, my mum usually makes a list of _____ we need for the coming season. A. why B. which C. how D. what 32. ---Will you go to Lily's birthday party? ---Of course. Everyone in our class ______. A. has been invited B. has invited C. had been invited D. had invited 33. Several songs of the band become major hits. No matter ______ they go, they are sure to receive a warm welcome. A. where B. why C. whom D. what 34. ---Here're the ten tickets you've booked. ---Only ten tickets? There _____ be twelve. A. can B. would C. should D. must 35. She remembers several moments in the past ______ she experienced a similar feeling. A. which B. where C. that D. when 三、完形填空 (共 15 小题, 15 分。每小题 1 分) Service Area Sweets This past holiday season, I drove with my parents to Boston to visit my distant cousin. On my way back home, we stopped at a service area for food. As we stopped there,there ws this old lady who__36__all the tables and chairs as people were leaving ,making sure everthing was with five dollars and a chocolate in my pocket on a paper napkin(纸巾 ): I had to want to leave it there for her ___39__decided to walk up to her and give her . She asked me ,” Is it a gift?” Only __40___will I take it. I nodded,” yes” at her . “ Thank you “ she replied ,and I left to buy some from the store inside.On my way to the car, the woman stopped me.I___43___a lot of cookies and candies on Christmas for people ,” she explained .” Would you like to have some?” A bit taken aback, I replied. She asked me to chocolates! My first expression was a big smile. friends and others. I had no words or thoughts in my brain. Finally, I asked if I could hug her. We hugged, wishing each other a happy and healthy holiday seasonThen ,as we the gift a smile and some happiness to the joy of giving and receiving. From either __49___ both the giver and the receiver are always _50____. 36. A. lending B. cleaning C. fixing D. painting 37. A. neat B. quiet C. simple D. free 38. A. explained B. marked C. wrote D. noticed 39. A. or B. and C. but D. so 40. A. here B. there C. now D. then 41. A. shouted B. smiled C. waved D. stared 42. A. food B. oil C. paper D. cloth 43. A. wanted B. bought C. collected D. made 44. A. wait B. eat C. choose D. pay 45. A. return B. gift C. sell D. show 46. A. concluded B. communicated C. realized D. parted 47. A. exchanged B. shared C. compared D. presented 48. A. attitude B. limit C. depth D. belief 49. A. level B. end C. step D. point 50. A. generous B. caring C. thoughtful D. happy 四、阅读理解 (共 15 小题, 30 分。每小题 2 分) 第一节:阅读下面短文,从各题 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A 51. Which country can you go to with HEALTHCARE? A.Malaysia. B. Canada. C. Australia. D. Egypt. 52. If David wants to visit America, which number can he call? A. 0190 055 9621. B. 0195 256 7553. C. 0600 382 9450. D. 0181 990 0005. 53. Which advertisement aims for children? A. AMAZING TIME. B. Holiday Homes. C. Freedom Line. D. DISCOVER. 54. What are these four advertisements mainly about? A. Exciting job s. B. After-school courses. C. Fun journeys. D. Interesting clubs. B Adopt-a-Highway Hello. I'm Jan from Mrs. Lake's class. My class wants to work together to help the public. We think we have found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways near our town. We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all students in our school to join the program and adopt a highway. Adopting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every week to keep its part of the highway clean. Each group gets its own sign that has the name of the group printed on it. The sign is put up at the side of the road. This sign lets drivers know who is keeping that area of the road clean. The Adopt-a-Highway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, the government does not have to send out as many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clean if they see people, especially teenagers like us, cleaning them up. We will need helpers to care for our adopted highway. If you want to feel great and keep our roads clean, please come with your parents to the meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lake’s room on Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. At the meeting, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of people's unkind acts. Then we’ll try to pick an area to adopt and clean up. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads clean! 55. What is the Adopt-a-Highway Program about? A. Giving names to the highways. B. Drawing pictures of highways. C. Picking up litter along the roads. D. Putting up signs near the roads. 56. The Adopt-a-Highway Program can help____. A. provide job s B. build highways C. control traffic D. save money 57. What should the students do first if they want to join the program? A. Go to a meeting next Wednesday. B. Call Mrs. Lake next week. C. Write a letter to their parents. . Pick a spot to care for. 58. What is the purpose of this speech? A. To introduce the traffic system. B. To tell a story about adopting a pet. C. To show drivers how to drive safely. D. To encourage students to join the program. C Like detectives, archaeologists use evidence to solve mysteries. Detectives look for clues to solve crimes. Archaeologists seek clues to help them understand how people lived long ago. In fact, the word Pottery is made by first adding water to a kind of soil called clay. When wet, clay can be formed into shapes. It is then heated, which hardens the clay and allows it to keep its shape. There are various kinds of clay soil. Many types of clay contain iron. Iron gives the heated clay a reddish color. Some ancient potters tried to change this color by adding other materials, such as charcoal and oil to make their pottery black. Others made pot surfaces blue by adding copper. To make clay easier to shape and heat potters use something called Some of the earliest pots were made quite simply. A lump of clay was hollowed (挖空) out and shaped into a bowl. It was then heated at a low temperature. The finished pot was rough, and often undecorated. This type of pot may have been used for cooking. Later, coiled pots were made. These were made by first rolling the clay into a long snake shape. The coil was then wound in circles, around and upward to form a pot. The lines of the coils were smoothed out with pieces of cloth or leather and shaped into many different objects, like pitchers and drinking vessels. They were often decorated in various ways. These pots were heated at high temperatures. The higher the temperature, the harder and longer-lasting the pot. Further improvements in pottery-making developed at different times and places. These included wheels, fancier decorations, and better kilns(窑) . A pot's shape and decoration can provide clues about the past. Painted pictures might show events from daily life. Archaeologists know certain shapes and styles that were common in different times and places. Archaeologists study the differences in types of pottery closely. Because of their work, these everyday objects can reveal some of the mysteries of the past. 59. Archaeologists study pottery to find ________. A. the original way of making pottery B. how decoration styles changed C. the development of pottery D. what early life was like 60. This passage gives us the information about pottery EXCEPT its ________. A. value B technique C. design D. material 61. Which of the following is the order of steps for making coiled pots? a. add temper b. heat the pot in a kiln c. add water to the clay d. shape the clay into a pot e. hollow out a lump of clay f. roll the clay into a long piece A. c. a, b, d B. c, f, d. b C. e, a. b, d D. a, e, f, b 62. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Important Evidences B. Digging up the Past C. Dating back in History D. Historians and Ancient Pots 第二节:阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容和每小题后的具体要求,在答题卡相应题号后的 横线上写 下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整。 Last month I got the chance to take part in an underwater research project in an area of the Gulfof Mexico called the Flower Gardens. A team of professional researchers, led by the scientist Dr. Matt Phillips, was trying to learn more about the fish and other creatures that live in this part of the sea. The Flower Gardens are a long way from the shore and we spent three days on a boat. The team used a piece of underwater equipment called a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to collect information. The ROV could measure water depth and temperature and it also had a camera that sent live film back to the boat. The ROV was great fun. It was controlled by a computer on the boat, and I was allowed to operate it a few times. However, the thing I enjoyed most was diving into the water. At first, I was quite frightened -mainly because I couldn't see land in any direction. But as soon as I jumped into the water, I wasn't afraid anymore. It was amazing to see the colourful fish swimming around and I could see all the way to the Flower Gardens, which are almost 30 metres down. I will never forget the Flower Gardens. The trip was like a holiday but I also learnt new things about science and research projects. The team were very friendly and everyone was happy to explain what they knew about the sea. It was a great opportunity and it has made me think about my goals in life. The experience will definitely encourage me to work harder to become a scientist. 63. What were the researchers trying to learn about in the Flower Gardens?(不多于 5 个词) 64. What did the writer enjoy most in the project?(不多于 4 个词) 65. What is the passage mainly about?(不多于 7 个词) 五、书面表达 (共 1 小题, 20 分) 根据题目所提出的具体要求, 在答题卡上写出一篇连贯完整的短文。 词数不少于 60。 假如你是李华, 本学期你选修了外教 Mr. Brown 开设的英语口语课。 元旦后, Mr. Brown 要求大家在课上介绍各自家庭的 新年活动, 并谈谈感想。 请根据下面提供的信息准备你的发言 稿。 go to grandparent’s home have a family dinner watch TV/play games send regards to friends … I’m very glad to tell you how my family spent New Year ’s Day this year. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Thank for your listening! 2 014 年北京市春季普通高中会考 英语试卷答案及评分参考 一、听力理解 第一节 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C14. B 15. B 16. C 第二节 17. Trista/TRISTA 18. 1539 19. Art/art 20. Friday 二、单项填空 21. A 22. D 23.B 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. D 三、完形填空 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. D 41. B 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. B 46. D 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D 四、阅读理解 第一节 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. C55. C 56. D 57. A 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. B 62. B 第二节 63. The fish and other creatures. 64. Diving into the water. 65. The author’s experience in a science project. 范文: I 'm very glad to tell you how my family spent New Year’s Day this year. Early in the morning, my parents and I went to grandparents' home. When grandma opened the door, I hugged her tightly and told her how much I missed her. Then grandma started to tell me about some interesting happenings in her life. When we were talking, Mom and my aunt were busy preparing the New Year family dinner. Around twelve, everybody sat down to enjoy all the delicious food. What a wonderful time we had! Over the dinner table, we exchanged New Year's good wishes. I wished everyone a healthy and happy 2014. After dinner, while the adults were watching TV, I sent the New Year regards to my friends. One friend sent me the regards, Thanks for your listening! 2017年北京市春季普通高中会考 英 语 试 卷 一、听力理解(共20小题,20分。每小题1分) 第一节:听下面八段对话或独白,从各题A 、B 、C 三个选项中, 选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第1题。 1.What ’s the woman going to do this Saturday? A. Stay at home. B. Visit her uncle.C. Go ice-skating. 听下面一段对话,回答第2题。 2. When will the speakers probably have a meeting? A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday.C. On Friday. 听下面一段对话,回答第3题。 3. What is the man’s hobby? A. Reading books. B. Collecting coins. C. Listening to music. 听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第5题。 4. How does the woman go to work now? A. By underground. B. By bus. C. By car. 5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A .Neighbours.B .Colleagues.C .Husband and wife. 听下面一段对话,回答第6题至第7题。 6. What does the man want the woman to do? A. Pick him up on Thursday. B. Buy his mother a gift. C. Take care of his cat. 7. How many days will the man be away? A. 2 days.B. 5 days.C. 7days. 听下面一段对话,回答第8题至第10题。 8. Where did the woman stay during the holiday? A. In a hotel. B. In a guesthouse. C.at a camp site. 9. What did the woman do? A. She went camping. B. She went swimming. C. She went walking. 10. How does the woman feel about the holiday? A. Tiring. B. Relaxing. C. Surprising. 听下面一段独自,回答第11题至第13题。 11. What are the speakers talking about? A. A class. B. A party. C. A game. 12. What is the woman’s suggestion? A. Practicing every day. B. wearing comfortable shoes. C. Preparing money for the drink. 13. What time will the two speakers meet tomorrow evening? A. At 6:15. B. at 6:30. C. At 7:30. 听下面一段对话,回答第14题至第16题。 14. What’s the announcement mainly about? A. after-school programs. B. weather conditions. C. Schedule changes. 15. From which place will the special-activity bus leave? A. Outside the main office. B. The east parking lot. C. The snow bus stop. 16. Whatshould a parent do if he picks up his child? A. Sign out his child. B. Phone the teacher. C. Wait at the activity center. 第二节:听下面一段对话,根据题目要求在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下第17题至第20题的关键信息。此段对话你将听两遍。 二、单项填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分) 从各题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. You can ask for help if you need.Here is willing to lend you a hand. A. One B. No oneC. Everyone D. Someone 22. If you don’t like _______ drink, just leave it and try ______ different one. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. a;不填 23. In the last few years, Chinagreat achievement in the space industry. A. has made B. had made C. was making D. will make 24. You’d better write down her phone number before youit. A. forget B. had forgotten C. forgot D. will forget 25. In most online classes students can learntheir own pace. A. by B. to C. from D. at 26. I’m calling about the apartment you _______ last week. Could you tell me more about it? A. advertised B. had advertised C . are advertising D. will advertise 27. It’s not easy to change habits, _______with awareness and self -control, it’s possible. A. for B. but C. or D. so 28. More expressways ________in his province soon to promote the local economy. A. will build B. will be built C. have built D. have been built 29. The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination. A. that B. which C.what D. whose 30. __________ more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course. A. Learn B. Learned C. To learn D. To be learning 31._______ we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel. A. Where B. How C. Why D. When 32. All the books _____by the students have been sent to the children in the countryside. A. having offered B. to be offered C. offering D. offered 33. -------Can’t you stay a little longer? -------Sorry. I really ________ go now. My daughter is home alone. A. may B. must C. can D. dare 34. ---Mr. Ride, can I continue with the training? --- Sorry, you can’t _______ you haven’t recovered from the knee injury. A. although B. before C. as D. unless 35. During the weekend, the health club is usually full of people __________ to get in shape. A. try B. tried C. trying D. having tried 三、完形填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,从各题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 A New Friend and Perspective (视角) I picked up the phone, slowly dialing the number to herhouse. All I could think was what we could possibly have a conversation about, have anything in common with someone who is 50 years older than me. “Your grandmother won’t be around forever,” my mom said, I just did what she told me and painfully my grandmother. What I didn’t know was that the phone call would change my perspective on life and my grandmother. When she answered the I planned to have a small conversation. Instead, she invited me to lunch. Hesitantly, I replied with a “ When I hung up the phone, I immediately regretted to the lunch date. How was I going to fit my busy schedule of homework, games, and my grandmother… nothing to talk about. , my Saturday morning wasn’t painful. I was interested in listening about her recent trip to Europe and how she saw the famous Eiffel Tower. She told me stories about her sewing class and her friends. I wasn’t aware that 60-year-old people had a social life. It turned out that her life wasn’t as as I thought. For once, I friends and without my cell phone. We planned to meet again at her house. This time, my mom didn’t have tome. During the next visit, we sorted through three shoeboxes of photographs. There was an interesting story for each one. I learned that as humans, we share human experiences, no matter what age. I made the first phone call to my grandmother, we have talked at least . Her advice has taught me things that can’t be learned in a textbook.She taught me to be open to new things, to enjoy the simple things, and to appreciate what life has given me. I have a friend, a mentor (导师) , and a new perspective. You know, it doesn’t much to help someone else. 36. A. NothingB. SomethingC. Everything D. Anything 37. A. for B. but C.so D. or 38. A. left B. called C. visited D. helped 39. A. phone B. door C. letter D. question 40. A. I’m busy B. Never mind C. That sounds great D. I’m afraid not 41. A. agreeing B. stickingC. keeping D . objecting 42. A. up B. on C. with D. into 43. A. stopped B. waited C. went D. returned 44. A. Hopelessly B. Surprisingly C. Funnily D. Naturally 45. A. hard B. busy C. rich D. boring 46. A. curious B. content C. active D. proud 47. A. beg B. follow C. thank D. understand 48. A. Even if B. Ever since C. As long as D. As far as 49. A. later B. more often C. earlier D. less often 50. A. remembered B. broughtC. changedD. gained 四、阅读理解(共15小题,30分。每小题2分) 第一节:阅读下面短文,从各题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Chicago High School There are many different high schools in Chicago. They all have the same courses, such as English, math, science, and social studies. In addition to academics, every student should do service learning, which means that each students helps the school and neighborhood with projects. Some students tutor after school. Some work in soup kitchens, helping people get food. Others work to improve the environment. When students do service learning, they feel better about themselves and learn more skills. Some high schools are specialized. Students choose to go there because they want a certain career or want to study a special subject. For example, you can go to a high school that specializes in arts if you are interested in arts. If you dream about flying, you can go to an air force school in Chicago. Besides the usual subjects, you also learn about flying there. You can also find special programs at regular high schools. Language program is popular and many schools offer language courses, such as Chinese and Spanish. Students from a wide range of backgrounds have joined them. Even culinary (烹饪) arts are available at some schools. One student who went to Richards High School in Chicago got a $10,000 scholarship to go to culinary college. He achieved his success at Richards High School where he took culinary arts classes as well as the regular courses. He is on his way to a great career. When you choose a high school, you should think about many things. Whatever high school you go to, how much it helps you is up to you. Succeeding in high school requires determination, concentration, and a commitment to be the best that you can be. 51. High school students in Chicago need to ________. A. do service work B. learn cooking C. have a personal tutor D. take environmental courses 52. Specialized high schools are suitable for students who have _______. A. a scholarship B. volunteer experience C. a plan on a career or a subject D. excellent performances in school 53.What do we learn about Richards High School? A. It offers some culinary courses. B. It has Chinese language courses. C. It provides students with free lunch. D. It is famous for its academic subjects. 54. The passage is intended for ________ . A. parents B. teachers C. headmasters D. students B V olunteer Day What better way is there to enjoy your own hobbies while helping others at the same time? Come to Volunteer Day and choose which activity you’d like to join for the day. See below for a schedule of events on Volunteer Day. V olunteer Day schedule: 7:30a.m.: Meet at the Community (社区) Center for juice and bagels. 8:00—8:30 a.m.: Choose which activity you’d like to help with for the day. 8:30 a.m.: Board the bus to your activity site. 9:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m.: Work as a volunteer. 3:30 p.m.: Board the bus that will take you back to the Community Center. See below for a list of volunteer opportunities for V olunteer Day so you can begin thinking about which activity you might want to join. A list of volunteer activities: Paint houses: Do you enjoy making art? If so, this volunteer opportunity might be just right for you! Happy Homes is a local organization that provides home repairs for needy people in the form of painting. For elderly or physically disabled people who cannot do repairs to their homes, Happy Homes provides volunteer painters to repaint old homes; outside or in. Happy Homes also provides painters to create beautiful wall paintings inside schools or community centers. Plant flowers: Do you enjoy being outside in nature? City Parks Association has many great opportunities for people who love to be outdoors. Help plant flowers and bushes in city parks; help lay paths at Cave Springs Park, or help pick up rubbish around the river banks. These activities are very active, so remember to be prepared with plenty of drinking water! Read to children: Do you enjoy working with young children? Do you like books? Love and Learning is an organization that provides volunteers to help children with learning disabilities. Read books out loud to groups of children four to six years old, or read one-on-one with struggling readers seven to eight years old. Play with animals: Do you love animals? Lovely Friends is an organization that visits local animal shelters and provides volunteers to spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned. Play with puppies, snuggle with cats, or hand-feed rabbits. 55.At what time do volunteers leave for their activity sites? A. 7:30 a.m.. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m. D. 9:00 a.m. 56. An outdoor lover probably takes part in ______. A. Plant flowers B. Paint houses C. Read to children D. Play with animals 57. What do Lovely Friends volunteers do? A. Read books to children. B. Spend time with animals. C. Help plant bushes in parks.D. Pick up garbage along the river. 58. The purpose of the passage is to _________. A. educate children B. attract volunteers C. comfort the elderly D. encourage the disabled C When Ruth Redding, a bank manager, was sent on a management training course to improve her relationships with her colleagues, instead of being asked to address her boss or her peers, she found herself talking to a horse. In fact, during the course, Redding was standing in a pen whispering to an animal and communicating in a non-aggressive way. This form of communication, which is the subject of the best selling novel The Horse Whisper, later filmed with Robert Redford in the starring role, might appear strange on a farm, let alone in a management training course. But horse whispering is among a number of unusual activities increasingly being used to teach staff about every aspect of working life, from self-confidence to communication. In the 1980s and 1990s, it became fashionable to put managers on a remote mountainside and leave them to survive a weekend in order to promote leadership skills and build team spirit. An alternative to the classic “chalk and talk” format, it all seemed wild and rather outlandish. Today, by comparison, it looks increasingly dull. A new generation of management training consultants are adopting a different approach. In America , salespeople are farming cattle, while in Britain, one supermarket reportedly put its managers in Native American teepees for a weekend to develop a spirit of cooperation. Naturally, the originators claim to have respectable psychological theories to back them up. Tuder Richards, a professor at Manchester, showed great interest in when he heard about the work done by the famous horse whisperer, Monty Roberts. “The idea is that instead of “breaking ” the horse, you cooperate with it. Traditionally, you would get a horse into a box and then reward it by alarming the door shut. Monty leads the horse in and o ut of the box and offers it a reward,’’ explains professor Richards. “Monty’s approach is founded on the recognition of a horse’s natural desire to be part of herd,” He matched this with research from the Industrial Society, which showed that often the difference between the successful and unsuccessful leader is trust. “As they observe the way horses react to different management styles.” explains Professor Richards. The murder mystery days is considered a good team building activity. Actors mix together with participants and play out a scene until someone is “murdered”. Clues, such as photographs and personal items, are arranged around the room, and small teams will work to solve the mystery under the gaze of the trained observers. Working in teams, they’ll interview suspects and witnesses and sort truth from lies. Only after an interesting day’s work can the team hope to solve the murder. “There are lots of unusual features in training and and attractive courses at the moment, but what they deliver is ofte n variable,” says Nick Isles of the Industrial Society. “People often say afterwards that they enjoyed the event, but it’s very difficult to measure how much they’ve actually learned from it.” He argues that ongoing training in the work place, or courses that lasts months, are a better way of improving aspects of business such as productivity and customer service. The Horse Whisperer is a novel by Nicholas Evans. It is about a trainer with a remarkable gift for understanding horses who helps an injured teenager and her horse back to health following a tragic accident. The novel was later made into a film starring Robert Redford. A teepee is a round tent with a pointed top, used by some Native Americans. 59. The technique that Redding practiced is ____________. A.Widely used on a farm B. First displayed in a film C. Being tested for its reliability D. Getting popular though unusual 66.The main purpose of horse whispering is to have the participants _______. A.distinguish different styles of communication B. Improve their non-verbal communication skills C. Realize the power of leadership over employees D. Think about the way they act and its effect on others 61.What is Nick’s opinion of the training activities at the moment? A.Their effectiveness is noticeable. B. Their quality is quite satisfactory. C. Alternative courses can be more successful. 62.What is the best title for the passage? A. Horses for New Purpose B.New-style Training Courses C.Ongoing Training for Managements D.Fresh Approach to Communication 第二节:阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容和每小题后的具体要求,在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整。 Collector’s Corner People collect a wide variety of things, from the obvious ones like stamps or coins, to the less common ones, such as beer bottles. Some collector’s spend hours looking through junk shops and build a collection for a few pence per object, while other collectors might spend thousands of pounds on antiques, fine china or rare paintings. Some people collect for money, but most people do it for fun. Collecting is basically illogical. If you simply want to listen to Elvis Presley’s first record, you can get a copy at most record shops. A collector, however, will want to own an original 1955 disc, and will be willing to pay for it. What makes an item valuable? Rarity and conditions are the most important factors,. A coin or stamp which is worth hundreds in perfect condition might be worth only pence in average or poor conditions. What should you collect? Most collectors begin acquiring things which interest them, and as the collection grows, knowledge of the subject grows. If you want your collection to grow in value, it is probably best to avoid things which are sold especially for collectors. Nearly everybody who buys a set of new coins or stamps will keep them in perfect condition, so that the new coins or stamps will never become rare. The most valuable items are often things which were widely available, but which were usually thrown away after use, such as Coca-Cola bottles or toy cars. An interesting collection can be started very cheaply. One collector has started a collection of 1950s and 1960s ball-point pens. At the moment it’s worth nothing, but she predicts it will one day be valuable. Ball-points were widely available, and were made in a large range of colors and styles. They were often designed to be thrown away when they were empty. Many people aren’t willing to throw away used pens, and put them in a drawer or box, perhaps hoping they might work again one day. So it is possibly to find unusual examples, made thirty years ago or more, for nothing. Elvis Presley(January 8,1933---- August 16,1977) was an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural symbols of the 20th century, he is often referred to as “The King of Rock and Roll”. 63.For what do most people collect things? (不多于2个单词) 64.What makes a collection valuable? (不多于3个单词) 65. What does the example in the last paragraph show? (不多于6个单词) 五、书面表达 (共1小题,20分) 根据题目所提出的具体要求,在答题卡上写出一篇连贯完整的短文。词数不少于60. 假如你是李华,你们学校为了传承和发扬中国优秀传统文化,上个月举办了“京剧进校园”系列活动。请根据下面提供的信息,给小看英语板块投稿,介绍活动情况,并谈谈自己的收获和感受。 短文的题目和开头已为你写好。不计入总词数。 Activities: * attend a lecture on Pecking Opera * learn to draw Peking Opera masks * watch Peking operas ... Peking Opera Enters Middle Schools Last month, our school organized a series of activities focusing on “Peking Opera Enters Middle Schools” to help us students approach Peking opera and understand Chinese culture better. _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. 2016年北京市春季普通高中会考 英语试卷答案及评分参考 一、听力理解(共20小题,20分。每小题1分) 第一节 1.A 2. C 3.C 4.A 5. B 6.C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12.B 13. C 14.C 15. B 16. A 第二节 17. Boyle 18. Black 19. name 20. 25 二、单项填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分) 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. A 27.B. 28. B 29.D 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. C 三、完形填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分) 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. C 41. A 42. D 43.C 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. A 48.B 49.C 50.D 四、阅读理解(共15小题,30分。每小题2分) 第一节 51.A 52.C 53.A 54.D 55.C 56.A 57.B 58.B 59.D 60.D 61.C 62.B 第二节 63.For fun. 64.Rarity and condition. 65.Collections can be started cheaply. 五、书面表达 (共1小题,20分) Possible version Last month, our school organized a series of activities focusing on “Peking Opera Enters Middle Schools” to help us students approach Peking opera and understand Chinese culture better. There were various activities and the students showed great interest. First, all the students attended a lecture on Peking Opera in the science hall. Two experts introduced the history, the four major roles, and facial painting of Peking Opera. Then the students enjoyed a live performance by some professional actors. Students were greatly impressed by their singing, dancing and martial arts. In addition, Opera training classes were also offered to students who are interested in singing Peking Opera or drawing Peking Opera masks. Thanks to the activities, I learned how to appreciate Peking opera. But more importantly, I take pride in Chinese traditional culture more than ever before. It’s our duty to preserve and promote Peking Opera and other traditional arts at home and abroad. 书面表达评分参考: 1.第一档: (20~18分) (很好) 完全完成试题规定的任务。运用了多样的句式和丰富的词汇,语法或用词方面有个别错误,但为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致;体现了较强的语言运用能力。全文结构紧凑,逻辑清楚、合理。 2.第二档: (17~15分) (好) 完成试题规定的任务。运用的句式和词汇能满足任务要求,语法和用词基本准确,少许错误主要为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致。使用了简单的语句间连接成分,内容连贯,逻辑清楚、合理。 3.第三档: (14~12分) (及格) 基本完成试题规定的任务。运用的句式和词汇基本满足任务要求,语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。内容基本连贯,逻辑清楚、合理。 4.第四档: (11~6分) (较差) 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。所用句式和词汇有限,语法或用词方面的错误影响了对所写内容的理解。信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 5.第五档: (5~1分) (差) 未完成试题规定的任务。句式单调,词汇贫乏,语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了对所写内容的理解。信息未能传达给读者。 6.0分 未能传达任何信息;写的内容与要求无关。 7.书写或标点符号不规范在4处以上(含4处),或字迹潦草,在得分中再扣除1分(第四、五档文不扣此项分数)。重复错误只扣一次分数。 2013北京市春季高中会考英语完型填空 Tina was a seventeen-year-old girl who always wore a bright smile. She suffered from a disease and had to use a walker most of the time. People didn ’ t speak to her very often. Maybe it was because she looked__36___ and people didn’ t know how to __37____ her. Tina usually broke the ice with people she met with a big “ _38___.” In one class, I gave the students an assignment(作业 ) to __39__ a poem. I only made the assignment worth a very small part of their total grade since I knew most of my __40__ wouldn ’ t do it anyway. In the class, one by one each student__41___ to correctly recite the poem. Finally, annoyed and half kidding, I said that the next student who__42____ recite the poem had to do three push-up(俯卧撑 ). To my __43____, Tina was next. She used her walker to move to the front of the class .__44____ she recited, she made a mistake. Before I could say a word, she __45___ her walker and started doing push-ups. I wanted to say, “ Tina, I was just __46____! “ Because I want to be like you guys! To be___47____.” Tina said. Silence fell on the whole room when another student cried out, “ Tina, we ’ re not normal! We are teenagers! We get in __48_____ all the time. ” “ I know, ” Tina said as a big smile spread across her face. The rest of the students laughed, too. Tina got only a few _49___ that day, but she got the love and respect of her classmates. To __50____, that was worth a lot more than a grade. 36. A. different B.strong C.short D.young 37. A.please B.introduce C.approach D.judge 38. A.Sorry B.Bye C.Hi D.Thanks 39. A.recite B.copy C.find D.read 40. A.friends B.students C.teachers D.parents 41. A.started B.planned C. continued D.failed 42. A.shouldn ’ t B.couldn ’ t C.needn ’ t D.wouldn ’ t 43. A.surprise B.joy C.excitement D.satisfac 44. A.Because B.When C.After D.Though 45. A.raised B.changed C .threw D.checked 46. A.wondering B.cheating C.apologizing D.kidding 47. A.happy B.social C.normal D.fair 48. A.attention B.thought C.touch D.trouble 49. A.points B.chances C.mistakes D.comments 50. A.me B.her C.us D.them 答案:36— 40 ACCAB 41-45 DBABC 46-50 DCDAB 转载请注明出处范文大全网 » 2018年北京市春季高中会考范文二:2018年北京春季高中会考物理真题