范文一:社会工作 名词解释
1Concept:social security:the International Labour Organization (ILO) as: - "The protection measures which society provides for its members, through a series of public measures against economic and social distress that would otherwise be caused by the stoppages or substantial reduction of earnings resulting from sickness, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, disability, old age, death, the provision of medical care subsidies for families with children.”社会保障:社会通
2Social insurance—Concept:Cover ment provision for unemployed,injured,or aged people;financed by contributions from employers and employees as well as by government revence 以国家立法强制征集社会保险税(费),并形成社会保险基金,当劳动
3social assistance—Concept:Benefits paid to bring incomesup tominimun levels establishedby law社会救助是当公民难以维持最低生活需求时,由国家和社会按照法定的
4social welfare—the highest benefit level Concept:The various social services provided by
a state for the benefit of its citizens 社会福利:国家或政府为立法或政策范围内所
5Social Security Benefits levelConcept:社保水平是指一定时期内一国或地区社会成员
6Indicators of social security benefits level concept:为衡量、表现社保水平而选
7social insurance fund:Concept:social insurance fund is set up according to laws, regulations and rules specially for guaranteeing the basic livelihood for the working people in case of old age, sickness, childbirth, unemployment, disability, death etc, total or partial loss of working capability. 社会保险基金是为保障那些因年老,疾病,
8Social security fund management :Concept:social insurance fund management refers to the actions and process including fund collection,payment delivery, fund value maintain and improvement to guarantee the basic livelihood of working people, in line with the economic affordability of the government as well as the individuals. 9pay-as-you-go model concept:现收现付制Pension fund accouting method in which an
employer charges the actually contributed amounts to the firm`s aernings an they occur,instead of making an advance provision for the estimated contributions该模
需要。 principle:以支定收,略有节余。
10Full accumulated model完全积累制 concept:The contributions of current workers
are uesd to purchase assets ,and the rutures on these assets---that is ,their principal and interest are uesd to pay the future social security benefits of the workers who made the contributions在任何始点累积的社保费总和连同其投资收益,能够
11Defined benefit plans确定给付制:是根据职工参加养老保险制度的年数和工资收入水
式都可。Defined contribution确定缴费制先经过预测,确定缴费水平,退休时,以其相应
12Old Age Insurance:The old-age insurance is a social insurance program in which
kind benefits and social services workers are provided with economic compensation, in-
when they reach statutory retirement ages and retire from work养老保险:它是为达
13Necessity:1The beneficiaries are determined, common, complete;受益人群确定性,
普遍性,完整性Balance the pension burden on different enterprises;平衡不同企业
之间的养老负担It will be conducive to resolving the problem of family planning in rural areas.解决农村计划生育问题;Reduce the pressure of family support.减轻家庭
要老负担It will be conducive to establishing a unified labor market.;有利于建立
一个统一的劳动力市场 Reduce the pressure of ageing of population缓解人口老龄化
15Medical Insurance:Medical insurance is a compulsory social insurance system implemented by the state, under which funds are pooled through contribution or tax and used to provide economic compensation to the insured for their medical expenditure. :16
16Individual Accounts-- -- Social Pooling
The individual accounts are managed by people self. pool funds are managed by government.The individual accounts are supposed to pay medical fees of outpatient treatments and small diseases while the pool funds for costs of hospitalization and catastrophic illness.
17. Unemploymen Insurance:Unemployment insurance is a compulsory system under which goverments set up funds and provide material help and re-employment services to those who are involuntarily unemployed and thus lose their wages失业保险:.政府设立基
20Work Injury Insurance:Work injury insurance is a social insurance program to provide medical services and economic compensation to employees and their family members in case that they are injured at work, suffered from occupational diseases, disabled or dead as a result of injuries at work or occupational diseases工伤保
21Maternity Insurance:Maternity Insurance is a legal social program aimed at providing material support,maternity leave and medical services for the childbearing employees: 生育保险是一种旨在为生育期间的职工提供生育补助,产假及生育服务的法制社
22Poverty:Poverty is the shortage of common things such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, all of which determine the quality of life.: 贫穷是短缺
22The narrow sense sosial welfare China:In China,Social Welfare development is
called a “project of benevolent governance” or a “project of winning people’s hearts”, as it caters to the general public’s need for better welfare services and provides basic subsistence guarantee for the extremely needy social groups. 在中
1Conc?ept:s?ocial? secu?rity:?the I?ntern?ation?al La?bour ?Organ?izati?on (I?LO) a?s: - ? "Th?e pro?tecti?on me?asure?s whi?ch so?ciety? prov?ides ?for i?ts me?mbers?, thr?ough ?a ser?ies o?f pu?blic ?measu?res a?gains?t eco?nomic? and ?socia?l dis?tress? that? woul?d oth?erwis?e be ?cause?d by ?the s?toppa?ges o?r sub?stant?ial r?educt?ion o?f ear?nings? resu?lting? from? sick?ness,? mate?rnity?, emp?loyme?nt in?jury,? unem?ploym?ent, ?disab?ility?, old? age,? deat?h, th?e pro?visio?n of ?medic?al ca?re su?bsidi?es fo?r fam?ilies? with? chil?dren.?”社会保障?:社会通过?采取一系列?的公共措施?向其成员提?保护,以便?其摆脱由于?疾病,生育?,失业,工?伤,伤残,?老年,死亡?等原因造成?的停薪和收?入大幅度减?少而引起的?经济和社会?困难,并为?与有子女的?家庭提供津?贴,医疗。?
2Soc?ial i?nsura?nce—C?oncep?t:Cov?er me?nt pr?ovisi?on fo?r une?mploy?ed,in?jured?,or a?ged p?eople?;fina?nced ?by co?ntrib?ution?s fro?m emp?loyer?s and? empl?oyees? as w?ell a?s by ?gover?nment? reve?nce 以?国家立法强?制征集社会?保险税(费?),并形成?社会保险基?金,当劳动?者及其亲属?因劳动者年?老、疾病、?工伤、残疾?、生育、死?亡、失业等?风险引起经?济损失或收?入中断时,?以社会保险?给付支付给?受益人,保?证其基本生?活需求的社?会保障制度?。
3so?cial ?assis?tance?—Conc?ept:B?enefi?ts pa?id to? brin?g inc?omesu?p tom?inimu?n lev?els e?stabl?ished?by la?w社会救助?是当公民难?以维持最低?生活需求时?,由国家和?社会按照法?定的程序和?标准向其提?供保证最低?生活需求的?物质援助的?社会保障制?度。
4s?ocial? welf?are—t?he hi?ghest? bene?fit l?evel ? Conc?ept:T?he va?rious? soci?al se?rvice?s pro?vided? by
stat?e for? the ?benef?it of? its ?citiz?ens 社?会福利:国?家或政府为?立法或政策?范围内所有?a?
5?Socia?l Sec?urity? Bene?fits ?level?Conce?pt:社保?水平是指一?定时期内一?国或地区社?会成员享受?社会保障的?高低程度。?
6Ind?icato?rs of? soci?al se?curit?y ben?efits? leve?l co?ncept?:为衡量、?表现社保水?平而选取的?变量。
7?socia?l ins?uranc?e fun?d:Con?cept:?socia?l ins?uranc?e fun?d is ?set u?p acc?ordin?g to ?laws,? regu?latio?ns an?d rul?es sp?ecial?ly fo?r gua?rante?eing ?the b?asic ?livel?ihood? for ?the w?orkin?g peo?ple i?n cas?e of ?old a?ge, s?ickne?ss, c?hildb?irth,? unem?ploym?ent, ?disab?ility?, dea?th et?c, to?tal o?r par?tial ?loss ?of wo?rking? capa?bilit?y. 社会?保险基金是?为保障那些?因年老,疾?病,生育,?失业,残疾?,死亡等原?因部分或全?部丧失工作?能力的人的?基本生活而?依据专门法?律,法规,?规章设立的?一种基金。?
8Soc?ial s?ecuri?ty fu?nd ma?nagem?ent :?Conce?pt:so?cial ?insur?ance ?fund ?manag?ement? refe?rs to? the ?actio?ns an?d pro?cess ?inclu?ding ?fund ?colle?ction?,paym?ent d?elive?ry, f?und v?alue ?maint?ain a?nd im?prove?ment ?to gu?arant?ee th?e bas?ic li?velih?ood o?f wor?king ?peopl?e, in? line? with? the ?econo?mic a?fford?abili?ty of? the ?gover?nment? as w?ell a?s the? indi?vidua?ls. 9?pay-a?s-you?-go m?odel ?conce?pt:现收?现付制Pe?nsion? fund? acco?uting? meth?od in? whic?h an ?emplo?yer c?harge?s the? actu?ally ?contr?ibute?d amo?unts ?to th?e fir?m`s a?ernin?gs an? they? occu?r,ins?tead ?of ma?king ?an ad?vance? prov?ision? for ?the e?stima?ted c?ontri?butio?ns该模式?是按一个较?短时期内(?一年),收?支平衡的原?则确定费率?筹集基金,?以满足这个?时期基金的?需要。 p?rinci?ple:以?支定收,略?有节余。 ?
10Fu?ll a?ccumu?lated? mode?l完全积累?制 co?ncept?:The ?contr?ibuti?ons o?f cur?rent ?worke?rs ar?e ues?d to ?purch?ase a?ssets? ,and? the ?rutur?es on? thes?e ass?ets--?-that? is ,?their? prin?cipal? and ?inter?est a?re ue?sd to? pay ?the f?uture? soci?al se?curit?y ben?efits? of t?he wo?rkers? who ?made ?the c?ontri?butio?ns在任何?始点累积的?社保费总和?连同其投资?收益,能够?以现值清偿?未来的基金?支付需要。?
11De?fined? bene?fit p?lans确?定给付制:?是根据职工?参加养老保?险制度的年?数和工资收?入水平,预?先确定其退?休的养老水?平,再依照?精算原理其?缴费水平,?它的筹资模?式可采取三?种模式都可?。Defi?ned c?ontri?butio?n确定缴费?制先经过预?测,确定缴?费水平,退?休时,以其?相应的缴费?和投资收益?形成的积累?额为基础发?放的养老金?。
12O?ld Ag?e Ins?uranc?e:The? old-?age i?nsura?nce i?s a s?ocial? insu?rance? prog?ram i?n whi?ch wo?rkers? are ?provi?ded w?ith e?conom?ic co?mpens?ation?, in-?kind ?benef?its a?nd so?cial ?servi?ces w?hen t?hey r?each ?statu?tory ?retir?ement? ages? and ?retir?e fro?m wor?k养老保险?:它是为达?到国家法定?退休年龄且?退休的人提?供经济补偿?,物质帮助?,社会服务?的一种社会?保
1?3Nece?ssity?:1The? bene?ficia?ries ? are ?deter?mined?, com?mon, ?compl?ete;受?益人群确定?性,普遍性?,完整性B?alanc?e the? pens?ion b?urden? on d?iffer?ent e?nterp?rises?;平衡不同?企业之间的?养老负担I?t wil?l be ?condu?cive ?to re?solvi?ng th?e pro?blem ?of fa?mily ?plann?ing i?n rur?al ar?eas.解?决农村计划?生育问题;?Reduc?e the? pres?sure ?of fa?mily ?suppo?rt.减轻?家庭要老负?担It w?ill b?e con?duciv?e to ?estab?lishi?ng a ?unifi?ed la?bor m?arket?.;有利于?建立一个统?一的劳动力?市场 Re?duce ?the p?ressu?re of? agei?ng of? popu?latio?n缓解人口?老龄化
1?5Medi?cal I?nsura?nce:M?edica?l ins?uranc?e is ?a com?pulso?ry so?cial ?insur?ance ?syste?m imp?lemen?ted b?y the? stat?e, un?der w?hich ?funds? are ?poole?d thr?ough ?contr?ibuti?on or? tax ?and u?sed t?o pro?vide ?econo?mic c?ompen?satio?n to ?the i?nsure?d for? thei?r med?ical ?expen?ditur?e. :1?6 16?Indiv?idual? Acco?unts-?- -- ?Socia?l Poo?ling
?The i?ndivi?dual ?accou?nts a?re ma?naged? by p?eople? self?. poo?l fun?ds ar?e man?aged ?by go?vernm?ent.T?he in?divid?ual a?ccoun?ts ar?e sup?posed? to p?ay me?dical? fees? of o?utpat?ient ?treat?ments? and ?small? dise?ases ?while? the ?pool ?funds? for ?costs? of h?ospit?aliza?tion ?and c?atast?rophi?c ill?ness.?
17. ?Unemp?loyme?n In?suran?ce:Un?emplo?yment? insu?rance? is a? comp?ulsor?y sys?tem u?nder ?which? gove?rment?s set? up f?unds ?and p?rovid?e mat?erial? help? and ?re-em?ploym?ent s?ervic?es to? thos?e who? are ?invol?untar?ily u?nempl?oyed ?and t?hus l?ose t?heir ?wages?失业保险:?.政府设立?基金,为那?些非自愿失?业而导致收?入中断的人?提供物质帮?助和再就业?服务的一种?综合的保险?制度。
2?0Work? Inju?ry In?suran?ce:Wo?rk in?jury ?insur?ance ?is a ?socia?l ins?uranc?e pro?gram ?to pr?ovide? medi?cal s?ervic?es an?d eco?nomic? comp?ensat?ion t?o emp?loyee?s and? thei?r fam?ily m?ember?s in ?case ?that ?they ?are i?njure?d at ?work,? suff?ered ?from ?occup?ation?al di?sease?s, di?sable?d or ?dead ?as a ?resul?t of ?injur?ies a?t wor?k or ?occup?ation?al di?sease?s工伤保险?:.对在工?作中遭遇伤?害,职业病?,因工伤或?职业病而失?去工作能力?或生命的工?伤者及其家?属提供医疗?服务,经济?补偿的一种?社会保险。?
21Ma?terni?ty In?suran?ce:Ma?terni?ty In?suran?ce is? a le?gal s?ocial? prog?ram a?imed ?at pr?ovidi?ng ma?teria?l sup?port,?mater?nity ?leave? and ?medic?al se?rvice?s for? the ?child?beari?ng em?ploye?es: 生?育保险是一?种旨在为生?育期间的职?工提供生育?补助,产假?及生育服务?的法制社会?保险。
2?2Pove?rty:P?overt?y is ?the s?horta?ge of? comm?on th?ings ?such ?as fo?od, c?lothi?ng, s?helte?r and? safe? drin?king ?water?, all? of w?hich ?deter?mine ?the q?ualit?y of ?life.?: 贫穷是?短缺的常见?的东西,比?如衣、食、?住、安全的?饮用水,不?能保证生活?质量。它也?可能包括缺?乏诸如教育?和就业机会?,帮助摆脱?贫困和/或?让人享受的?同胞们的尊?敬。
22?The n?arrow? sens?e sos?ial w?elfar?e Ch?ina:I?n Chi?na,So?cial ?Welfa?re de?velop?ment ?is ca?lled ?a “pr?oject? of b?enevo?lent ?gover?nance?” or ?a “pr?oject? of w?innin?g peo?ple’s? hear?ts”, ?as it? cate?rs to? the ?gener?al pu?blic’?s nee?d for? bett?er we?lfare? serv?ices ?and p?rovid?es ba?sic s?ubsis?tence? guar?antee? for ?the e?xtrem?ely n?eedy ?socia?l gro?ups. ?在中国,社?会福利发展?项目是一种?被称为“仁?政”或“项?目赢得人民?的心”,因?为它迎合公?众的需要为?特困家庭社?
“十类人群”。 青少年人群、妇女儿童人群、老年人群、新市民人群(主要指流动人口和进城务工人员)、司法矫治及服刑解教人群、心理需助人群、缺乏管护智障或精神病人群、流浪乞讨人群、目标人群(指感染艾滋病高危风险的一部分人)、贫困宗教教职人员。
“456”工程。即:“四个落实”:抓好《关于推进政府购买公共服务的意见》、《关于进一步推进和谐社区建设的意见》、《关于进一步加强社会组织建设的意见》、《关于加强社会工作者队伍建设的意见》的落实。“五个突破”:实现群众工作站、社会领域党建、地企共建、协作交流、自身管理工作新突破。“六个创新”:创新流动人口管理模式、边缘群体帮扶机制、社情民意表达机制、社会工作考评机制、社会工作协同管理机制、社会工作科研培训机制。 “十类人群”。 青少年人群、妇女儿童人群、老年人群、新市民人群,主要指流动人口和进城务工人员,、司法矫治及服刑解教人群、心理需助人群、缺乏管护智障或精神病人群、流浪乞讨人群、目标人群,指感染艾滋病高危风险的一部分人,、贫困宗教教职人员。